Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 13 - 13 - Meeting Alexander Anderson

As the figure complains he starts to get up. If Seras was here she would notice that the man is almost as tall as her master, wearing a cross on his neck that reflect light. She would recognize him by height alone. He is Alexander Anderson!

"Hehe, they finally came! Those vampires that work for that Protestant whore!" Hey says while walking out of the room.

As he is leaving, the clothes that are full of dust can be seen from the bed.

After they walk up the stairs, Seras sees that there are over a hundred ghouls on the second floor who start shambling over to their position.

"Aw man! Why are there so many freaking ghouls!" Seras yells in anger.

"Come on, Police girl. It's not that bad. Who knows, you might be able to have some fun doing this bȧrė handed." Alucard says while grinning.

"Ugh, fine! I hope it is as much fun as you say." Seras says as she walks to the first ghoul.

As soon as she reaches it, the ghoul lunges trying to grab her head and opens its mouth baring fangs similar to a vampire. As soon as it lunged though Seras grabbed its lower jaw with her left hand and the grabbed the upper part of the mouth with her right hand. She pulls with all her might which rips off the jaw from the ghoul and then it toppled over. Then she stomps on the head releasing a massive amounts of blood before it turns to dust.

As she is standing there she thinks to herself trembling.

'Oh fuċk the hell YES!'

Her eyes turn a bloody red before she looks down the hallway and sees that all of the ghouls are still shambling torward her direction slowly. She gives a mad grin and then starts running torward them. When she meets the next ghoul, she punches its head clean off and then immediately kicks another ghouls head off as well. The heads then fly over and hit the other ghouls toppling some over.

"Hahahahahaha, this is so much fun! It's like playing a game!" Seras yells as she is still killing multiple ghouls along the way.

After she is done saying that, 27 ghouls have already been turned to dust in multiple ways, like punching, kicking, stomping, piercing, and many more that increases the amount of blood on Seras and her uniform.

She just keeps laughing as more blood dyes her uniform. Alucard looks on and smirks at her actions.

By the time all of the ghouls have been killed, Seras is panting while standing at the end of a hallway that is caked in blood and clothes. She herself is covered in so much that it makes her look like her master.


"Magnificent Police girl! I'm liking this new you that you're showing me." Alucard says while clapping and yelling with glee.

As she looks down at the blood on her gloves, she sends a message to her master.

{This is going to hurt so much, Master! This is how much your fun means to me, I hope you know.}

{What do you mean?}


Alucard gets surprised for a moment before he looks at the parchments.

'A barrier and blessed bayonets. How original.' He chuckles to himself before turning his body to look behind.

Huh? Suddenly it reeks of hypocrisy in here." Alucard sniffs the air before saying so.

"Oh if it isn't the Catholic Church and what's this? No little Timmy glued to your crotch, Progress!" He continues to say.

"Ah! And look at what we have here, a bloody heathen!"

"Excuse me, but I'm a fuċk mothering vampire. I killed a lot of people to get this title. I deserve to be called such."

Well then, mind if I ask for your name?"

"Only if you give yours first, Papist." He replies.

"Fine, I'll give you the courtesy. The names Alexander Anderson."

"You have been chosen, to reveal my existence to the world. You will witness what happened here today and you'll tell of it later." He wields the bayonets and forms a cross with them before continuing.

"Except you won't, cause I'll have killed ya. Hahahahahahaahahaha!"

"Oh my, brilliant speech and unoriginal. that's totally from boondocks saints." Alucard interjects the priests laughter.

"What!? No it isn't, I came up with it a week ago." Anderson tries to explain before he gets interrupted.

"Pffft! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" Seras laughs as loud as she can while being stabbed.

'I can't believe he just said that. did I not just get transported to Hellsing Ultimate but also Abridged? What about the regular anime? So many questions.' Seras wonders as she continues to laugh hysterically.

"Shut up you bloody heathen!" Father Anderson yells at Seras as she is actually still laughing.

"Oh my God! hehe. I'm sorry. Hehehe, but it's just so damn funny." Seras replies while still chuckling uncontrollably.

"Way to ruin the moment Police Girl."

"What do you mean ruin the moment!? Next time you want to be serious don't be so funny." Seras tried to explain herself while she is pulling out the bayonets.

As she grabs the handle, she starts to pull them backwards out of her back and feels the agonizing burning pain that only a vampire that got stabbed by blessed silver would know.

She notices that holding the bayonet reveals no problems and decides to put it into her space. Which she does.

"What the hell have you done with my bayonet!?" Alexander yells as he sees one disappear from the fledgling's grip.

"Didn't you give it to her? I mean it was a kind of dɨċk way to it, but I've seen worse." Alucard says while smiling.

"Yeah, I'm keeping these. They might come in handy later." Seras says while getting another.

'I wonder if I can just imagine them going into my space without touching them with my hands?'

She thinks this and then immediately puts it into action. As soon as she does, all the rest of the bayonets disappear and Father Anderson yells again.

"What in God's name just happened!?"

"Who cares Papist. Is there a reason you stabbed my child in the back like a coward?" Alucard asks trying to get his attention away from her powers.

"That be true, vampire. It doesn't matter for I have come here to kill you anyway. I'll get her after I'm done."

"That's Fine by me." Alucard says before they both start staring at each other again.

"Alucard I ȧssume? A vampire working as part of a vile Protestant group killing his own kind?"

"And where is the vampire here?"

"Long gone, they were such a boring opponent, bȧrėly any fight in them."


As soon as he says that both Anderson and Alucard start stepping torward each other slowly. After a few seconds they pass each other as they're backs are almost touching. Immediately after, they both brandish they're weapons simultaneously and hit each other. Alucard is stabbed in the neck with 2 bayonets as he shoots anderson in the forehead which sends him flying backwards against the wall.

As he sees that the priest is dead, Alucard starts walking to Seras and pulls out the bayonets from his neck before throwing them on the ground.

"I must say, these actually hurt. Bayonets bathed in holy water, these would kill most trash of vampires. Even we won't come out unscathed."

As soon as he gets done saying this he feels a movement behind him.

"What?" Alucard says as he dodges to the side bȧrėly avoiding being cut by Anderson.

Alucard dodges and turns back shooting Anderson 3 time since in the torso. The priest starts falling backwards, his two hands land firmly on the floor and he pushes himself back up. He smirks and then dashes torward Alucard while dodging even more bullets.

He reaches Alucard's position instantly and pushes his arm against the wall. He then takes one of his bayonets and pierces Alucard's hand into the wall. He does the same to the other hand right after.

As the fight is paused due to the pinning, Alucard sees that Anderson has smoke rising from the gunshot wounds on his forehead and body. He becomes wide eyed and yells.

"A Regenerator!?"

"Correct! This incantation was engineered and perfected through extensive research to destroy you and your kind!"

As Anderson says this he pierces Alucard's torso with 15 more bayonets which covers the wall behind in him in massive amounts of blood. Anderson then starts laughing madly while bending backwards..

After a few seconds of laughter he stops and then puts both hands on Alucard's head and rips it clean off in one swift motion. As he is looking at his work, he speaks.

"This is the secret weapon of the Royal Protestant Knight? How pitiful!" He then turns around to see that Seras is gone.

"Hmm.....the girl still moves, even after such a devastating attack. I may have underestimated her." He says while fixing his glasses to their proper position.

In a different hallway on the second floor, Seras is slowlying dragging her body across the wall. She is leaving a long trail of blood.

'God Damn, this really hurts! why isn't it healing?' She thinks to herself as she starts hearing footsteps from the priest following her.

Immediately as she thinks that, a shadow gets thrown in front of her and gets embedded into the wall. After a second she gets a good look and it turns out to be Alucard's head stabbed into the wall by a bayonet.

"Mas...Master?" She says while holding in laughter.

'This dramatic death scene is so funny! then again, if he really died like this, he wouldn't deserve to be my master in the first place.'

"Running is useless, you vile creature." He pauses then continues.

"Dust to dust. For dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return."

"AMEN!" He yells while pulling out more bayonets from nowhere.

After a few seconds, Seras is just standing there looking at the priest with an expression he has never seen before.

"What is with the look, girly? Too scared to even try to run anymore?" He says condescendingly.

"Pfft! Kukukuku.....Hahahahahahaha! How hilarious!" Seras laughs hysterically.

"How sad. The vile thing has lost her mind." Anderson says with disappointment.

"Huhuhuhu.....hehe. Oh gosh, I'm sorry that was wrong of me...I just found it hilarious." Seras says while smiling widely after another few seconds of dying laughter.

"What?" Anderson asks confused.

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering how she would look if she saw you doing this in the name of her creator. I'm sure it would be one of the most hilarious things I would ever see." Seras says mysteriously while taking the bayonet out of her master's head And putting it into her space.

"Who are you talking about!?" Anderson yells.

"Oh! It's nobody important, you wouldn't know her." Seras continues smiling while she starts holding her master's head.

"Prepare to die, vampire!" He says while throwing his bayonets at her.

"Not today priest!" Seras replies as she takes out her handgun from the space and shoots the bayonets flying at her.

"What!?" Anderson screams.

"Sorry man! I'm not letting you stab me with those things again, they hurt way too much!" She replies while sticking her tongue out and then running away.

'She's not going to 'let' me stab her again? What does that mean?' Anderson asks himself as he looks dazed.

"You! Abomination! I'll skewer you and leave your corpse for the birds!" He says while running after her.

"Hahaha, are you running out of bible verses? That didn't sound very priestly."

"Shut up!" He yells as he is getting closer to her.

"Haha, can't even outtalk a girl less than half your age. Are you really that lost without your precious book? Pathetic!"

"Shut it, you Protestant whore!" He says as he grabs her arm and twists it so that she is facing him.

"Oooh! How original! Using insults when you can't speak properly. Who taught you that? The Vatican?" She says while giving him a despising look.

"It doesn't matter anymore. You're caught and soon you'll be dead just like you're precious master!" He says while he is getting ready to stab her.

"I don't think so, father." She whispers and smirks as she looks straight into his eyes.

Just as he is about to reply, he hears a click sound and immediately tuns around just in time for two bullets to hit his bayonets and destroy them.

"That girl is mine! Father Anderson." A feminine voice sounds out.

"Wow, never expected the general to fight on the front lines. Isn't that right, Master of the Royal Protestant Knights? Integra Van Hellsing?"

"Father Anderson! You have severely violated the agreement between our two organizations! Withdraw immediately before this gets any worse for you." Integra says using a commanding tone.

The priest laughs before running up to the trio.

It takes him seconds to slice their heads off before he tries to stab Integra. She takes out her sword and defends against his bayonets with impressive skill.

"I have no idea what you're on about. I'm just here doing my job. Killing vampires, werewolves, and leprechauns. I've never actually found one, but do you think if I cut one open with my knife it would spill out lucky charms?"

"Shut up. Where the he'll is Alucard?"

"How pathetic, I've already cut off your prized ȧssassin's head!"

"Oh! cut off his head? Well, that's step one. What about two through ten?" She smirks as she answers him.

"What?" Anderson yells.

As soon as his voice fades, a bunch of black bats storm the building through the windows and start creating a vortex in the hallway. It slowly starts forming into a humanoid shape that both Seras and Integra both hoped for.

"Don't think you're dealing with just any vampire, such techniques will never kill him. Much like yourself, he is the fruit of our research into battling the inhuman. We spent 100 years on his making." She pauses before continuing.

"The Vampire, Alucard!"

As soon as she is done, Alucard forms completely without his hat and glasses. As Anderson sees this he clenches his teeth before asking:

"How the blood suċkėd Protestant hell did you do that?"

"Fuck you that's how." he says while pointing his gun at Anderson.

"You know what, I've had enough of this. To hell with all you dirty heathens!" He yells before a bunch of parchment papers surround him and he disappears along with the tornado of paper.

"Well, that just happened." Seras says while walking forward Integra and Alucard.

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