Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 12 - 12 - Badrick, Ireland

A couple days after Seras' first mission, on the night of the 14th of August. Seras is in bed playing with Basky while Alucard is just sitting on his throne drinking wine.


"What is it Police Girl?"

"Are you drinking wine? I thought you said we couldn't eat human food?" She asks slightly peeved that he might have lied to her.

"Haha. Yes, I said we can't eat human food, but we could drink their drinks. After all, every drink is just the blood of something else."


"Well think about it. Wine is just the liquid version of grapes. So technically it's the blood of grapes. Orange juice as well and even water is the blood of ice. It's weird, but it's true."

"Are you serious? So wait, can't I eat soup then?"

"No, unfortunately liquids such as those don't work. Believe me, in my centuries after death I have tasted every food and nothing works. Just drinks."

"At least there is something. Wait! would I be able to get drunk!?" She says almost bored before asking with glee.

"Hahaha, yes you can get drunk, but it requires blood to do so. That's why I'm never drunk, I just drink wine when I'm relaxing."

"Really? Can I have some?"

"No Police Girl. You won't have any until you drink blood." He shoots down her request immediately which makes her droop her head down in defeat.

A few hours go by in silence until Seras speaks up again.

"Master, what do you do when you have no missions? I'm super bored."

"Bored? What happened to your nightly visits to your very special lane?"

"I've been going there every night for the past month, there is nothing new in there that makes me want to go back. If the range was longer, I would just go back and reuse all of the weapons again, but extending it any longer is impossible."

"What would you like to do?"

"That is mean master! You still haven't answered my question!"

"There is no answer to the question, I normally don't do anything."

"You just sit here and drink? That sounds boring!"

"Again, what would you like to do? Who knows? If it is any fun, I might come along as well."

"Quick question before I answer. Do we get paid at all? I mean like what happens if I want to buy something?"

"That is a good question Police Girl. I don't know, you have to ask Walter when you can." Alucard says while holding his chin in thought.

"I'll ask him tomorrow, after we get back from the next mission!"

"Next mission?"

"Damn it!" Seras yells while covering her mouth from the slip up before continuing with a pleading tone.

"Master can you pretend you didn't hear that?"

"Would you be able to?"

"Well no. but if it was you, you would never tell me even if I begged right?"

"True, but that's because I'm the master here." He smirks evilly while staring at her.

"I don't have a choice here, do I?"

"What do you think?"

"Fine, I'm going to be vague though."

"By all means." He gestures for her to continue as if he was a king.

'Acting like some kind of king. Well, I guess he was at one point. Wait, he still is isn't he. King of Vampires.' Seras complains before realization dawns on her.

"That I am Police Girl, that I am." He chuckles slowly after reading her mind.

"Now tell me about tomorrow." He continues immediately after his small laughter.

"Fine, something is going to happen in a building that's inside a different country. We will be sent there by sir Integra to deal with it. Unfortunately we aren't the only ones there and I get injured."

"Is that it?" He asks dumbfounded at how vague the statement was.


"You practically told me nothing." He growls in anger about being deceived.

"I said I was going to be vague. Heck, I think I said too much."

"Oh really?" he continues aggressively while staring down at her.

"Trust me. You'll find out tomorrow how much I actually told you." She smiles mysteriously despite the fear she's feeling.

"I better, or else you'll find how cruel I can really be to people that lie and deceive me!" He huffs angrily before disappearing in his black tendrils.

'Wow, I really angered him. I guess it doesn't take much.' She thinks while laying back down in bed.

'Now What should I do about my other abilities? It's hard not thinking about them with master around but I need to have a plan for when I need to use them.'

'I don't want master to disappear for 30 years but I don't want to take away too much of the war. So I need to figure out the teleportation ability as fast as possible so I can use it when possible.'

Seras thinks for a while more before reaching a dead end and sighing to herself.

"Whatever, I'm going to the range again, come along Basky!" Seras speaks while jumping from the bed before talking to the hound.


The next day around 3-4 O'Clock in the afternoon, Integra gets a report stating that in the town of Badrick, which is in Northern Ireland, is having a major ghoul infestation in an old estate. She immediately sends for Walter and tells him to go get Alucard and Seras.

As Walter is walking downstairs he hears Alucard's voice which has a sense of astonishment in it.

"So, Walter. Where am I and the Police girl going now?"

"Badrick, Ireland." Walter replies as he gets to the door.

He opens the door to a shocked Alucard and a sleeping Seras. Walter sighs as he thinks to himself while cleaning up Seras' mess.

'Every night she makes less and less of a mess. I hope this doesn't mean that she is going to be like Alucard, doing nothing all day and night.'

"That wasn't very nice, Walter!" Alucard says.

"But its true isn't it, vampire?"

After he replies to Alucard he goes to the bed and starts to wake Seras up.

"Seras? We have a mission for you and Alucard. If you don't get up now, we might not let you go." Walter sighs as he sees her waking up very unwillingly.

"Seriously? No wait just give me a couple minutes. I'll be done really quickly Walter!" Seras gets up immediately and then runs out of the room in haste while speaking quickly.

"Hmm?" Walter says as he shows some surprise and then continues a few seconds later.

"She gets slower every day, why doesn't she just drink the blood?" Walter sighs as he starts walking away.

"Don't worry, Walter. All in good time, she will drink. Yes, she'll drink when she is ready. It won't be long now. Kukukuku." He says slowly before chuckling like a madman.

"I hope so, for her sake." Walter says as he fully walks out of the door.

A couple minutes later, Seras walks into sir Integra's office. The last one again, Not late though.

"Seras you made it, I was beginning to worry that you were going to be late again." Integra sighs as she exhales a bunch of smoke.

"I'm never going to be late again, sir Integra!" Seras almost yells in defense.

"Then how come you're always later than Alucard, he came here 2-3 minutes ago." Integra almost laughs.

"That's because master never does anything before teleporting up here, I have to get changed, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. I'm already very fast for doing it in almost 2 minutes!" Seras complains as she looks at her master.

"No excuses, Police girl! You're the last one here, which means you do not get excuses." Integra yells.

"Fine." Seras weakly sighs as she bows her head in shame.

"Moving on! There has been an incident in Northern Ireland. It is in a town called Badrick. It seems that they're having a bit of a ghoul infestation." Integra says and pauses almost chuckling to herself before continuing.

"*Cough* anyway. I'm sending the both of you to take care of this swiftly and without problem. Is that understood!?"

""Yes"" "Sir!" "My Master." Seras and Alucard say to the same time.

After that both Seras and Alucard's leave the office while Walter and Integra are left in it by themselves.

Outside, as Seras and Alucard get in the helicopter, it leaves immediately. As they're inside Seras realizes that the 1 of the 2 soldiers who are in it with them is giving her looks of fear and dread.

{Master, why is he giving me this look?}

{I imagine it's because of the way you looked after your last mission a few days ago. Even I have to admit that you looked beautiful covered in all of that blood and brain matter.}


{Yes. Why else would these humans show fear to a little girl.}

After a few minutes of not getting a reply. Alucard disdainfully tilits his head in her direction, wondering if she is regretting doing that wonderful spectacle. After he sees her face though, he gives a slight chuckle.

'He called me beautiful! Oh my gosh oh my gosh! Ooh! I wonder if I do something this time would he like it more, then? ' Seras thinks as she is blushing like a little girl.

As Seras is lost in her delusions, they soon arrive at the little town.

"Officer Victoria. These are your weapons." One of the soldiers says before leaving quickly out of freight.

'Hmm. They gave me two handguns this time. Fortunately they're both Glock 17's. They also gave me 6 already loaded magazines, that would make it easy for defeating ghouls.' Seras thinks as she smiles.

"Let's go Police girl! I don't want to be late in finding out the truth!" Alucard says as he picks her up and they both shift to the location.

After they leave, the soldier who wasn't scared asks the other one a question.

"Hey John, why are you so scared, the guy didn't look that freaky." Stephen asks in confusion.

"I wasn't scared of him, you idiot." John replies.

"So wait! You were scared of that pretty girl?" Stephen asks in surprise.

"You weren't there Stephen! She may look like a little girl, but on the inside, she is a monster!" John says almost trembling.

"Jesus man! You look like you're about to piss yourself silly!" Stephen almost laughs.

"Let's see what you think when she gets back!? You'll see what I mean soon enough." John says while stuttering.

Right after Alucard and Seras shifted, they arrive in front of the mansion that has wailing and groaning coming out of it. As Seras lands on her buŧŧ, she complains to Alucard.

"This is so unfair master! When do I get to shift around like this!? If I'm able to, sir Integra won't yell at me for being late anymore."

"It comes with time and power, Police girl. You have to drink blood in order to get stronger, so before you do, you won't be able to do the same things as me."

"Ugh! You know I can't drink the blood yet! Can't you just tell me how?" Seras yells while walking inside.

"If everything you said last night turns out to be true, I'll think about it." Alucard says while following her.

"You'll see soon, master! Anyway do you want to partake in this killfest?" Seras says while getting both of her guns out.

"I'll wait! Show me some of that marksmanship you keep training every night, Police girl."

"Yes, my master!" Seras says right before she closes her eyes and inhales deeply.

After a few seconds she exhales and then opens her eyes which show red pupils. A few seconds later a bunch of slowly moving corpses come out of the rooms on the first floor.

'Seems like there are a lot more than I thought. On the first floor alone, there are 38 ghouls.' Seras thinks to herself while ȧssessing the issue.

"Just watch master, the first floor will be done in less than 10 seconds." She says as she turns around to Alucard.

"I will, Seras. Would you like me to time you?" Alucard offers while smirking.

"If it makes it more fun for you!" She replies.

As soon as she replies to him, she turns around and immediately holds the guns in front of her. She shoots both guns simultaneously and hits 2 ghouls in the head. As they are dissolving the bullet from her right gun passes through and hits another ghoul right in the heart.


After she shouts them she turns to her right and hits another 2 ghouls who are shambling torward her. One hits the head and another hits the ċhėst where the heart is located on both ghouls. Then she immediately runs forward while shooting more bullets and hits all of the zombies that were shambling torward her earlier. As there are 17 bullets in a magazine plus 1 in the chamber for a Glock 17, she hit 37 ghouls with 36 bullets.


'Damn it! I could have done this in under 5 seconds if I didn't have to reload the stupid gun.' Seras thinks to herself while looking at the last ghoul and is surrounded by ghouls who are in the middle of dissolving into dust. As soon as she is done reloading she hears Alucard's voice again.


"Damn! Stupid reloading time!" Seras yells at the ceiling as she shoots the last ghoul in the head with her right gun.

"It took you seven seconds to kill 38 ghouls Seras, that's impressive." Alucard says while clapping his hands right behind her.

"Do you really think so, Master?" Seras says with a pout.

"What's the matter? You seem disappointed?"

"I know I said in under 10 seconds, but I was really trying to go for 5. I hate that I missed it by 2 whole seconds." Seras says with great disappointment in her tone and tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey hey. It's ok, you're currently weak Seras. I'm sure that once you drink some blood it would be easy for you to do this in under 3 seconds, let alone 5." Alucard says trying to comfort his servant.

"You really think so!?" She asks with hopefulness.

"I know so. Now let's get onto the second floor, and this time don't use your guns. I want you to use your bȧrė hands. There is nothing like ripping apart ghouls with your bȧrė hands." He says with an insane smile.


On the third floor there is a large shadowy figure sitting on a bed reading what looks to be a very old bible. He has a thin yet strong body while his glasses reflect the moon light coming through the window .

"Bunch of freaks!" The man complains as he heard the vampires' conversation.

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