Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 11 - 11 - First Mission (Part 2)
After about a half an hour, the helicopter arrives at the command center as Integra who is with Walter gets ready to give more orders.
"I've already dealt with the normal police, so Hellsing has taken over now. We know where they are located, so Seras and Alucard! I want you to go there and kill them quickly! I want to know that in an hour they're not breathing the same air as me anymore. Understood!?"
"Yes!" Seras replies happily.
"Actually master, I'm thinking of letting Seras do this by herself, she was begging me the whole ride over here."
"You truly think so, Alucard? Even though she hasn't drank any blood since she got turned?"
"These filth aren't even worth a normal vampire fighting them. So to say the Police girl would have trouble is an impossibility. Even the weakest of true vampires is more than enough for the likes of this trash." Alucard says like he is hurt she even asked.
"Ugh! Fine, Seras I'll allow it. The same order still stands kill them within the hour. Or I'll make you sleep in another room. Do you understand?" Integra's says threateningly.
"What!? Yes! Where are they? I need to go now." Seras quickly asks.
"They're about 2 miles north in the house that has blood soaked windows, you can't miss it."
"Ok! Walter, could you find me a cardboard box?"
"Cardboard box? Yes I think so. Why?" Walter asks while picking up a box by the tent.
"I want to show Master something that might liven up his night, after all I did take his fun away!" Seras says happily.
"Really Police girl? You know me so well." Alucard laughs as Walter gives Seras the empty box.
"Ok, I'm off!" She yells as she starts to run.
About 10 seconds later, Seras arrives at the front door of the house.
"Aw man! I'm really slow. Without blood I feel very weak!" Seras complains as she walks to the door with silent footsteps.
She rings the doorbell and the cackling she heard inside stops abruptly.
"Hello? I have a package here for a Mr. Smith? Hello?" She says as she keeps ringing the doorbell obnoxiously.
After a few seconds Seras hears the man take out his gun at the front door and is about to shoot. She kicks the door in which makes it fly off the hinges and hit the man. As it hits him the force makes him fly away with the door and is slammed against the wall at the back of the house. As the woman sees this she runs directly torward Seras trying to stab her in the head with her nails.
'Wow! These trash are faster than normal humans' Seras thinks as she lifts the cardboard box which is penetrated by the woman vampire's hand. She then twists it downward and throws her against the ground. While still holding the box which is constricting her movements, Seras stomps on the woman's stomach with all her force, which actually penetrates her body and directly through the floor as well.
"What? I didn't think her body would be this weak!" Seras yells as she takes her foot out and then she lifts the woman back up by her throat. She takes the cardboard box back and tosses her against the man who is still pinned against the wall. When she lands, the wall directly breaks and they fall in a bedroom.
"Man! This is seriously underwhelming. Can't you guys at least try to fight back, my Master is getting bored here." Seras complains.
As Seras is complaining, both of the vampires get up, albeit wobbly and start talking to each other.
"Leif, Baby! There is a hole in my stomach! Help me. Please!"
"Shut up Jessica! This bitch will die and then I can heal you." The man says before holding up his gun to fire it.
"Now it's getting interesting! Try it! you trash who call yourselves vampires!" Seras says while just standing there holding a mangled cardboard box .
"Aaaaaahhhhhh!" The man screams as he starts shooting.
As the bullets are getting near, Seras' eyes turn red and then the bullets slow down dramatically.
"Too slow! Far too slow! You maggots who use man made weapons. Do you really think that this is enough to kill me!?" Seras yells as she dodges each bullet while slowly walking closer to them.
As the bullets stop, the man tries to keep shooting and the woman is still screaming in pain.
"Is this really it? This is the best you got? Pathetic! You dare to kill families just to satisfy some freak appetite and THIS is what you have to show for it!?" Seras yells again with a derisive tone.
"Shut up, you bitch!" The man yells.
"Bitch Am I? The. What does that make you who is grovelling pathetically in front of me? Scum? Less than that?" She yells while showing a smile that can rival her master.
After a pause.
"Ooh! I just had a great idea! Since you like drinking blood so much, I think you'll enjoy this." Seras says as she disappears and then reappears in the middle of the 2 hurt vampires.
As she reappears, Seras grabs the arm that is holding the gun of the man and then twists it clean off and throws it on the ground. The man topples over in pain and holds his empty shoulder with is other arm. Seras stomps on his left leg, practically destroying the bone completely. After she does this she grabs the woman by the head and then forces her mouth open by squeezing her jaw with her other hand. She squeezes until the jaw loosens permanently and then throws her on the ground as well.
'Are they seriously not healing? Wow, I guess these chipped freaks are nothing but crappy copies.' Seras thinks while commuting this massacre.
After a few seconds, Seras grabs the left leg of the woman and then tears it off by twisting it. She then goes to her face and then starts pouring the blood that is coming out of the leg into her mouth. As she is doing this she is looking straight into her eyes. The woman then sees that Seras' eyes have turned red. As she is gagging, the woman starts profusely crying while showing an expression of 'how could you' to Seras.
"You must really hate me, think I'm a monster? These families you have butchered felt so much worse. I'm a monster? No, you are the true monsters!" Seras says as she then takes her fist and plows it straight through the woman's heart, thus turning her into ash.
Right after she looks at the man who is still whimpering in pain.
"Are you still not healed? God! What a sorry excuse of a vampire, you're not even worthy to be called anything but scum at this point. Can't heal, can't summon familiars, can't turn into mist, can't even turn into a bat. All you are is a shit stain on the bottom of my shoe. I'm done, I'm bored of this."
After Seras this she stands right above the man with him in between her two legs. She lifts him up with both of her hands on the side of his head. After he is face to face with her, she starts slowly crushing his skull as he flails about yelling in pain. After a few minutes right before the man stops moving Seras speaks again.
"Bye-bye you shit stain!" She says condescending while smiling.
Then almost immediately, his head pops spewing blood everywhere. Seras then drops him on the ground as he slowly turns to dust.
"Aw man! I'm covered in this ȧssholes blood! This is disgusting!" Seras yells.
As she is yelling, Alucard comes through the front door, with an impressed expression.
"I have to say Police girl, that was really entertaining. Hahahahahaha! I especially liked the part where you squeezed his head until it burst open like a watermelon." He howls with laughter again shortly after.
"Did you enjoy it master? I thought it would have been more fun, but they were just so weak! It actually kind of ruined it for me as my first mission." Seras complains.
"That's true, I mean there weren't even any ghouls to fight before you get there. They were a very boring bunch. Thank you for making it very entertaining, Seras!"
"I'm just glad you enjoyed it, my master!" Seras says while jumping happily near him.
"Lets go report this to Integra, I'm sure she wants to know that it has been handled." Alucard says.
"Ok, but can we go slowly? This only took 5 minutes and I'm still not ready to be around humans. I'm afraid of what I'll do to them." Seras begs pitifully while grabbing her Master's arm.
"Fine. Since you did such a wonderful job at showing me something fun."
"Thank you master!" She hugs him closer before letting go.
As they're walking Seras stops and looks up at the moon and feels so free and powerful underneath it.
Alucard sees thinks and smirks at what she is feeling as he can feel it from her.
"All vampires feel this way underneath the moon Police Girl. You'll especially love it when the moon is full."
"Really? I never knew about that."
"Yes, it's often like when a human is underneath the suns rays and they feel joy and happiness. Vampires feel even more when they're under the moon. It causes them excitement, in more ways than one." He smirks while also looking at the moon.
"Is that why I feel drunk, the excitement of what happened?"
"Yes, it was the same when I made my first kill as a vampire."
"What was that like Master?" She snuggles close to him as he begins to tell his story.
Alucard takes a long pause before he pats her head and speaks.
"I was once a Prince Of Wallachia as you already know. I have been through many terrible things even before I turned 12, some done to me and some I did to others." He sighs sadly.
"After I reclaimed my homeland I went to war and defeated many foes while fighting for my faith. Yes, I believed in god and I believed that he was helping me through those troubling times."
"Anyway, after years of conquest after conquest, I was finally defeated. The way I was treated after my defeat can't be compared to how I was when I was a child, but I felt more pain as I thought god abandoned me." He grows angry as the air twists around him.
"After I turned into a vampire, the very first thing I did was to slaughter the people who have just beheaded my body seconds prior to my transformation. I tortured and maimed their bodies before impaling them on whatever I could find around me. Spears, swords, and even tree branches. In that moment I truly felt free from all of my troubles, everything that held me back as a human no longer mattered." His anger slowly dissipated as he told of his first kills.
The conversation stopped there as they both walk again toward the command center.
After about ten minutes of waiting, Integra sees both Alucard and Seras walk back. She is surprised since it didn't take long at all. As she is about to go and greet them, she sees that Seras' uniform is covered in a massive amount of blood and what she thinks is a piece of brain matter. As they're walking by, the soldiers divide like the Red Sea avoiding them both.
"Seras, how did it go? Are the targets silenced?"
"Yes sir!" Seras smilingly says while giving the typical salute.
"Anything worth mentioning?" Integra asks again.
"Hmmmmmm. The only thing is that they were incredibly weak. I mean they couldn't heal and weren't that strong. Frankly sir, they were just fast ghouls." Seras speaks after thinking for a while.
"Really? They didn't regenerate, at all?"
"Nope! I mean I put a hole in the woman's stomach and all that happened is that she screamed about it. Even when I ripped their limbs off, it didn't heal at all." Seras explains.
"You put a hole in the woman and then ripped their limbs off?" Integra tries to clarify.
"Yep! Master said he enjoyed every second of it, right?" She says as she turns to Alucard.
"Yes, it was very enjoyable Seras." Alucard confirms.
"Then, what was the box for?" Walter asks in place of Integra, because she is currently speechless.
"Just a little role playing as a delivery woman. Had to get one of them to the door before I began, this was the first thing that came to mind."
After a minute of Integra just standing there, Seras starts to get worried.
"Sir? Are you ok?"
"Oh....yes! I'm fine, good work Seras! Ok everyone, we're done here. Let's get going!" Integra yells to everybody.
After a few minutes, Walter and Integra get on the helicopter that Seras and Alucard are on.
As the helicopter starts to take off, Integra looks at Seras who is looking out of the window in wonderment.
'Even after doing what she did, she still acts like a kid? How strange.'
[There is nothing strange about it Master.]
[What do you mean, Alucard?]
[Well, from a young age the police girl has been dealing with the death of her parents, the abuse from all the families that adopted her and even the **** that almost happened as a result of that. By the time she could enjoy it, she was too old to even try, so she had to get a job to sustain her livelihood. She can't act like a child in the police force, so her inner child was still suppressed even then. Now that she is in safe place with people around her like Walter, you, and I. I think she is just showing a little bit of what she truly feels.]
[You're saying that she feels more safe around us, than other humans? Why do you think this?]
[Every day, while she is asleep, I look into her dreams and all I see is what I've told you. Lately there have been different ones, that I think she wouldn't like me to say, so I'm not going to.]
[Thank you for telling me this Alucard. I wouldn't have done something I would regret if you hadn't.]
[That is precisely why I told you. She doesn't need to be bound, just understood a bit better.]
[You sound almost like a father, Vampire.]
[She acts like a child round me, so I guess I got pushed into the role.]
After he says that, both Integra and him start chuckling loudly.
"What's so funny? Come on, tell me. Please?" Seras says like she is begging. after, they just continue to chuckle to each other.
"I've already dealt with the normal police, so Hellsing has taken over now. We know where they are located, so Seras and Alucard! I want you to go there and kill them quickly! I want to know that in an hour they're not breathing the same air as me anymore. Understood!?"
"Yes!" Seras replies happily.
"Actually master, I'm thinking of letting Seras do this by herself, she was begging me the whole ride over here."
"You truly think so, Alucard? Even though she hasn't drank any blood since she got turned?"
"These filth aren't even worth a normal vampire fighting them. So to say the Police girl would have trouble is an impossibility. Even the weakest of true vampires is more than enough for the likes of this trash." Alucard says like he is hurt she even asked.
"Ugh! Fine, Seras I'll allow it. The same order still stands kill them within the hour. Or I'll make you sleep in another room. Do you understand?" Integra's says threateningly.
"What!? Yes! Where are they? I need to go now." Seras quickly asks.
"They're about 2 miles north in the house that has blood soaked windows, you can't miss it."
"Ok! Walter, could you find me a cardboard box?"
"Cardboard box? Yes I think so. Why?" Walter asks while picking up a box by the tent.
"I want to show Master something that might liven up his night, after all I did take his fun away!" Seras says happily.
"Really Police girl? You know me so well." Alucard laughs as Walter gives Seras the empty box.
"Ok, I'm off!" She yells as she starts to run.
About 10 seconds later, Seras arrives at the front door of the house.
"Aw man! I'm really slow. Without blood I feel very weak!" Seras complains as she walks to the door with silent footsteps.
She rings the doorbell and the cackling she heard inside stops abruptly.
"Hello? I have a package here for a Mr. Smith? Hello?" She says as she keeps ringing the doorbell obnoxiously.
After a few seconds Seras hears the man take out his gun at the front door and is about to shoot. She kicks the door in which makes it fly off the hinges and hit the man. As it hits him the force makes him fly away with the door and is slammed against the wall at the back of the house. As the woman sees this she runs directly torward Seras trying to stab her in the head with her nails.
'Wow! These trash are faster than normal humans' Seras thinks as she lifts the cardboard box which is penetrated by the woman vampire's hand. She then twists it downward and throws her against the ground. While still holding the box which is constricting her movements, Seras stomps on the woman's stomach with all her force, which actually penetrates her body and directly through the floor as well.
"What? I didn't think her body would be this weak!" Seras yells as she takes her foot out and then she lifts the woman back up by her throat. She takes the cardboard box back and tosses her against the man who is still pinned against the wall. When she lands, the wall directly breaks and they fall in a bedroom.
"Man! This is seriously underwhelming. Can't you guys at least try to fight back, my Master is getting bored here." Seras complains.
As Seras is complaining, both of the vampires get up, albeit wobbly and start talking to each other.
"Leif, Baby! There is a hole in my stomach! Help me. Please!"
"Shut up Jessica! This bitch will die and then I can heal you." The man says before holding up his gun to fire it.
"Now it's getting interesting! Try it! you trash who call yourselves vampires!" Seras says while just standing there holding a mangled cardboard box .
"Aaaaaahhhhhh!" The man screams as he starts shooting.
As the bullets are getting near, Seras' eyes turn red and then the bullets slow down dramatically.
"Too slow! Far too slow! You maggots who use man made weapons. Do you really think that this is enough to kill me!?" Seras yells as she dodges each bullet while slowly walking closer to them.
As the bullets stop, the man tries to keep shooting and the woman is still screaming in pain.
"Is this really it? This is the best you got? Pathetic! You dare to kill families just to satisfy some freak appetite and THIS is what you have to show for it!?" Seras yells again with a derisive tone.
"Shut up, you bitch!" The man yells.
"Bitch Am I? The. What does that make you who is grovelling pathetically in front of me? Scum? Less than that?" She yells while showing a smile that can rival her master.
After a pause.
"Ooh! I just had a great idea! Since you like drinking blood so much, I think you'll enjoy this." Seras says as she disappears and then reappears in the middle of the 2 hurt vampires.
As she reappears, Seras grabs the arm that is holding the gun of the man and then twists it clean off and throws it on the ground. The man topples over in pain and holds his empty shoulder with is other arm. Seras stomps on his left leg, practically destroying the bone completely. After she does this she grabs the woman by the head and then forces her mouth open by squeezing her jaw with her other hand. She squeezes until the jaw loosens permanently and then throws her on the ground as well.
'Are they seriously not healing? Wow, I guess these chipped freaks are nothing but crappy copies.' Seras thinks while commuting this massacre.
After a few seconds, Seras grabs the left leg of the woman and then tears it off by twisting it. She then goes to her face and then starts pouring the blood that is coming out of the leg into her mouth. As she is doing this she is looking straight into her eyes. The woman then sees that Seras' eyes have turned red. As she is gagging, the woman starts profusely crying while showing an expression of 'how could you' to Seras.
"You must really hate me, think I'm a monster? These families you have butchered felt so much worse. I'm a monster? No, you are the true monsters!" Seras says as she then takes her fist and plows it straight through the woman's heart, thus turning her into ash.
Right after she looks at the man who is still whimpering in pain.
"Are you still not healed? God! What a sorry excuse of a vampire, you're not even worthy to be called anything but scum at this point. Can't heal, can't summon familiars, can't turn into mist, can't even turn into a bat. All you are is a shit stain on the bottom of my shoe. I'm done, I'm bored of this."
After Seras this she stands right above the man with him in between her two legs. She lifts him up with both of her hands on the side of his head. After he is face to face with her, she starts slowly crushing his skull as he flails about yelling in pain. After a few minutes right before the man stops moving Seras speaks again.
"Bye-bye you shit stain!" She says condescending while smiling.
Then almost immediately, his head pops spewing blood everywhere. Seras then drops him on the ground as he slowly turns to dust.
"Aw man! I'm covered in this ȧssholes blood! This is disgusting!" Seras yells.
As she is yelling, Alucard comes through the front door, with an impressed expression.
"I have to say Police girl, that was really entertaining. Hahahahahaha! I especially liked the part where you squeezed his head until it burst open like a watermelon." He howls with laughter again shortly after.
"Did you enjoy it master? I thought it would have been more fun, but they were just so weak! It actually kind of ruined it for me as my first mission." Seras complains.
"That's true, I mean there weren't even any ghouls to fight before you get there. They were a very boring bunch. Thank you for making it very entertaining, Seras!"
"I'm just glad you enjoyed it, my master!" Seras says while jumping happily near him.
"Lets go report this to Integra, I'm sure she wants to know that it has been handled." Alucard says.
"Ok, but can we go slowly? This only took 5 minutes and I'm still not ready to be around humans. I'm afraid of what I'll do to them." Seras begs pitifully while grabbing her Master's arm.
"Fine. Since you did such a wonderful job at showing me something fun."
"Thank you master!" She hugs him closer before letting go.
As they're walking Seras stops and looks up at the moon and feels so free and powerful underneath it.
Alucard sees thinks and smirks at what she is feeling as he can feel it from her.
"All vampires feel this way underneath the moon Police Girl. You'll especially love it when the moon is full."
"Really? I never knew about that."
"Yes, it's often like when a human is underneath the suns rays and they feel joy and happiness. Vampires feel even more when they're under the moon. It causes them excitement, in more ways than one." He smirks while also looking at the moon.
"Is that why I feel drunk, the excitement of what happened?"
"Yes, it was the same when I made my first kill as a vampire."
"What was that like Master?" She snuggles close to him as he begins to tell his story.
Alucard takes a long pause before he pats her head and speaks.
"I was once a Prince Of Wallachia as you already know. I have been through many terrible things even before I turned 12, some done to me and some I did to others." He sighs sadly.
"After I reclaimed my homeland I went to war and defeated many foes while fighting for my faith. Yes, I believed in god and I believed that he was helping me through those troubling times."
"Anyway, after years of conquest after conquest, I was finally defeated. The way I was treated after my defeat can't be compared to how I was when I was a child, but I felt more pain as I thought god abandoned me." He grows angry as the air twists around him.
"After I turned into a vampire, the very first thing I did was to slaughter the people who have just beheaded my body seconds prior to my transformation. I tortured and maimed their bodies before impaling them on whatever I could find around me. Spears, swords, and even tree branches. In that moment I truly felt free from all of my troubles, everything that held me back as a human no longer mattered." His anger slowly dissipated as he told of his first kills.
The conversation stopped there as they both walk again toward the command center.
After about ten minutes of waiting, Integra sees both Alucard and Seras walk back. She is surprised since it didn't take long at all. As she is about to go and greet them, she sees that Seras' uniform is covered in a massive amount of blood and what she thinks is a piece of brain matter. As they're walking by, the soldiers divide like the Red Sea avoiding them both.
"Seras, how did it go? Are the targets silenced?"
"Yes sir!" Seras smilingly says while giving the typical salute.
"Anything worth mentioning?" Integra asks again.
"Hmmmmmm. The only thing is that they were incredibly weak. I mean they couldn't heal and weren't that strong. Frankly sir, they were just fast ghouls." Seras speaks after thinking for a while.
"Really? They didn't regenerate, at all?"
"Nope! I mean I put a hole in the woman's stomach and all that happened is that she screamed about it. Even when I ripped their limbs off, it didn't heal at all." Seras explains.
"You put a hole in the woman and then ripped their limbs off?" Integra tries to clarify.
"Yep! Master said he enjoyed every second of it, right?" She says as she turns to Alucard.
"Yes, it was very enjoyable Seras." Alucard confirms.
"Then, what was the box for?" Walter asks in place of Integra, because she is currently speechless.
"Just a little role playing as a delivery woman. Had to get one of them to the door before I began, this was the first thing that came to mind."
After a minute of Integra just standing there, Seras starts to get worried.
"Sir? Are you ok?"
"Oh....yes! I'm fine, good work Seras! Ok everyone, we're done here. Let's get going!" Integra yells to everybody.
After a few minutes, Walter and Integra get on the helicopter that Seras and Alucard are on.
As the helicopter starts to take off, Integra looks at Seras who is looking out of the window in wonderment.
'Even after doing what she did, she still acts like a kid? How strange.'
[There is nothing strange about it Master.]
[What do you mean, Alucard?]
[Well, from a young age the police girl has been dealing with the death of her parents, the abuse from all the families that adopted her and even the **** that almost happened as a result of that. By the time she could enjoy it, she was too old to even try, so she had to get a job to sustain her livelihood. She can't act like a child in the police force, so her inner child was still suppressed even then. Now that she is in safe place with people around her like Walter, you, and I. I think she is just showing a little bit of what she truly feels.]
[You're saying that she feels more safe around us, than other humans? Why do you think this?]
[Every day, while she is asleep, I look into her dreams and all I see is what I've told you. Lately there have been different ones, that I think she wouldn't like me to say, so I'm not going to.]
[Thank you for telling me this Alucard. I wouldn't have done something I would regret if you hadn't.]
[That is precisely why I told you. She doesn't need to be bound, just understood a bit better.]
[You sound almost like a father, Vampire.]
[She acts like a child round me, so I guess I got pushed into the role.]
After he says that, both Integra and him start chuckling loudly.
"What's so funny? Come on, tell me. Please?" Seras says like she is begging. after, they just continue to chuckle to each other.
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