Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 10 - 10 - First Mission.

On August 12th in Integra's office, Integra is looking at a few folders that hold pictures of a living room. The room is covered in blood and on the walls there is writing that looks to be made of the same stuff. It is a bunch of nonsense that directly insults Her Majesty and the Catholic Religion. As she is looking at the photos, she clenches both of her hands and teeth before calling for Walter.

"Ma'am?" Walter comes in a few minutes later ready to be told his orders.

"Go and wake up Alucard, he has a job to do." She orders.

"Yes Sir!" Walter bows and goes to leave.

Before he reaches the door, Integra speaks up again.

"And tell him to bring Seras as well, I think this is a very fitting first mission for her." She smirks while thinking how Seras will be.

"Yes ma'am!" Walter says with a grin that shows happiness.

After a few minutes Walter gets to the door leading into Alucard's room with a tray that has an iron bucket on top of it. Inside the bucket lay 3 blood packs and a whole bunch of ice. He puts the very heavy tray on one of his hand and knocks the door with the other.

"Come in" Alucard's voice is heard like he is right next to him.

After he walks in he shows a wry smile seeing the mess of clothes and towels on the floor.

'How does she keep making a mess like this every single night, I'll never understand how she is so different from master Integra.' Walter thinks to himself as he puts the tray on the bedside table and starts picking up the stuff off of the floor.

"How is it living with Seras, Alucard?" Walter asks as he keeps cleaning up the mess.

"It's actually not that bad, Walter. She keeps to herself unless it is an important question. Also she is not here the whole night, she is usually just at the range shooting. She was very glad to see that you made her that lane that can go up to 300 meters." Alucard says with a grin.

"Ah, it was not much trouble at all. Sir Integra asked for it as well, since she was annoyed every night as Seras is shooting her weapons." Walter replies as he is just about done cleaning up.

He goes over to the bed and starts to wake her up, as usual. He tries not to be too rough like the first time, for fear of waking up the Hound as well.

"Seras. Seras? You have to wake up. Sir Integra has a job for you."

"Walter? Wait! Did you says that she has a job for me? Really?" She asks drowsily and then starts yelling in excitement as she fully wakes up.

"Yes, before I brief you, you should eat something." Walter says while handing her a blood pack.

Seras recieves it and just stares before her fangs elongate and her throat gets dry. Her tongue slowly protrudes out while her face shows a need not unlike sėxuȧŀ arousal. She quickly stops herself before putting the pack to her side and looks back at Walter.

'Oh god, why can't I just drink the blood? Is my old personality preventing me?'

'No, it's nothing like that. It almost feels like if I do I'll be missing something I can never get back. My instincts have never been wrong, even when I was a human.' She thinks before answering Walter.

"Thank you Walter. What's the mission?"

"It's going to be both you and Alucard going out to kill a couple of vampires who are killing families."

"They're killing the whole family, even the children?" Seras asks with a tone Walter has never heard before.

"Uh. Yes *cough* yes they are." Walter says while coughing to hide his discomfort.

"Ok, Walter I'm going to get changed, where would you like me to meet you when I'm done?" She asks with her normal expression and tone.

"In sir Integra's office, if you don't mind."

"Ok, I'll be done in a jiffy, see you soon." Seras says while waving bye and skipping out of the room.

a few seconds later.....


"Hmm?" He affirms with his usual grin.

"Did I just see what I think I saw?"

"Can you blame her Walter? It is very similar to the thing she has been through."

"I'm not blaming her of course. I'm just worried her anger might cloud her judgement."

"Don't worry Walter, I think that I'm going to have a very fun time tonight with my little protege." Alucard grins as he disappears from the room.

"Why were you late, Police girl!?"

"Hiiii! I'm sorry! I've just never been shown or told where your office was, it took me a while to find it. This will not happen again, sir Integra." Seras screams and then says in apologetically.

"Oh? That's true, this is the first time you have been here without Alucard to teleport you. I'm sorry for yelling, Seras." Integra says with an understanding tone.

As soon as she does, the captain who is also in the room shows a surprised expression and then thinks to himself.

'Did I just hear sir Integra apologize? My god! She has never apologized to anyone, not even the queen herself. At least not a true apology.'

"Moving on! Captain Fargason."


"As you know, there have been two vampires driving north on the highway. They have been randomly killing and we have finally found them. I am sending Alucard and Seras there to clean this mess up! You are to follow and set up a perimeter stopping anyone who tries to get close. Is that understood!?"

"Ma'am!" He salutes and then leaves the office.

"Alucard, you know my orders? Right?"

"Same as always correct, my master?" Alucard bows.

"That is correct, I want you to leave and let Seras and I speak alone. This goes for you to Walter."

"Fine." "Ma'am." They both say and then leave.

After they leave, Seras and Integra are just in the office suffused with silence. After a minute or so, Seras begins to speak.

"Um..." before she can continue, Integra interrupts her while blowing out smoke from her mouth.


"Yes!?" She yells from nervousness, to which Integra chuckles.

"Seras, as you know this is going to be your first mission working for Hellsing. I want you to realize on this mission that vampires don't deserve to live. Murder and destruction is all that they cause."

As she is saying this she is about to give her rousing speech of 'Search and Destroy' when Seras interrupts her.

"I'm sorry sir, but when you say that vampires don't deserve to live, do you also mean master and me?" Seras says sadly.

"Uh? I'm sorry Seras, I forget that you're a vampire sometimes." Integra chuckles awkwardly.

"How rude!"

"I was giving the mandatory speech for humans, I'm sorry about that. Let me tell you how I really feel." She pauses when the moon gets covered by clouds.

A few seconds later as she is about to speak the moon comes out and shines through the window behind her.

"Seras, you might not know this. After I became the head of the Hellsing family, my uncle tried to kill me. He thought my father would hand control over to him, because I was very young. He chased me down and tried to shoot me in cold blood. During my darkest hour, a vampire saved me. He killed all of them in front of me while laughing madly. When I was being chased by humans I felt safer in the hands of a monster. Ironic, right?" She says with a chuckle.

"Not really, Master is nice! He would never hurt people without reason." Seras says in defense of her master.

"That's true, isn't it. All the times he killed indiscriminately was in the service of someone else. When he makes the decisions, he truly is a nice monster. Isn't he?"

"Mhmm." Seras affirms happily.

"Anyway, if I get asked by others whether vampires should die, I would say of course, no questions about it. But, when it's asked by people whom I trust, I have to add a but to that sentence. The vampires this organization has been fighting are not true vampires, they're just monsters. Pale imitations of what true vampires are! So no, if you ask me if you deserve to die, the answer would be a resounding no. Do you understand, Seras?"

After a few seconds, Seras answers.

"Yes I do, sir Integra" she says as she is beginning to bow just like Alucard did all of those years ago. On her left leg with her right hand across the right knee that is bent and her left arm on the side with her fist touching the floor.

"You are my master's master, if it's for you and only you sir Integra, I would do anything you ask of me." She says after she completes the bow on her one knee and lifts up her head to show a very genuine smile.

"Did Alucard teach you that?" Integra smiles an starts laughing while reliving a nice memory.

"I guess he did in a way." Seras chuckles in the same way.

After a few seconds of girlish laughter, Integra gets serious again and Seras gets up from the floor.

"Now as you probably heard from Walter, there are a couple of vampires driving around killing whole families. It has been only 8 hours since they started and they have already killed 9 people. 6 ȧduŀts and 3 children." Integra pauses sand sighs deeply.

"We can't have these monsters roam this earth anymore. Seras you have one order and one order only. SEARCH AND DESTROY! No matter what, you must destroy these vile pieces of filth before they hurt somebody else in their twisted form of playing! Is this understood!" She yells after slamming her desk in excitement.

Right after she gives the order the clouds obstruct the moon again and Integra can't see Seras' expression.

"Yes, sir Integra." She says slowly before the clouds let the moon out again and Integra sees seras' normal gentle smile with a little something evil showing in her eyes as they have turned red before Integra even notices.

Seras then leaves to goto the front of the estate and ride the helicopter while Integra has Walter drive her to the command post that has been setup by the local authorities.

Just as Walter and Integra get in the car, it speeds away at very high speed.

"Walter, do you think Seras will be able to kill the vampires?"

"Hmm. Is there any doubt sir? She seemed very eager to do so when I told her."

"I understand that she seems very bloodthirsty and all. But, despite my many reasons not to, I still see her as a child." She sighs.

"I'm a way, she is. She is a very childish vampire who enjoys inflicting pain into others that have harmed her." He affirms her thoughts while giving his own.

"That's also true isn't it. So what do you say about making that wager?"she smirks.

"Again sir? After you lost the last time? I have to admit though, the wires you got me are absolutely fantastic." He smirks in an even more victorious way.

"Don't remind me Walter, do you have any idea how expensive those were? Anyway, do you agree?"

"Of course, what shall we wager on?"

While the two are making a mysterious bet, Seras and Alucard are riding in the helicopter with two of the soldiers that Seras has seen before. One of them is flying while the other is handing Seras weapons to her. The weapons as it turns out is just a single Glock 17, loaded of course with anti-vampire rounds. She has an extra 2 magazines that are equipped to her belt that is apart of the uniform. After the soldier hands Seras the gun and ammo, she begins to speak to her master telepathically.

{Master, I think sir Integra would be a great general during war times.}

{Why do you say that?}

{She made a rousing speech when ordering me to kill the filth tonight, even though I have seen it multiple times before, it was still very stimulating to experience it firsthand.}

{I know what you mean, when she gives an order after careful deliberation. It's like she becomes a completely different person. Even after a decade, I'm still not bored of it.} he says telepathically then chuckles.


"Hm?" He tilts his head forward to look at his childe.

"Do you mind if I try to do this by myself tonight? I know it would spoil your fun, but I just want to try it myself, is this okay?" She asks while pouting cutely.

"Are you sure you could handle it Police Girl?"

"What do you mean, master?"

"You haven't drank any blood since you got turned. You're very weak and no fledgling of mine is weak." He says with anger that has a touch of caring.

"I don't know what it is, I just feel like I should wait. There is this feeling that I should wait until something happens to drink." She says dispiritedly.

"Really? So it has nothing to do with retaining any humanity?"

"No, not really. It just feels like my first time drinking blood that comes from a blood pack is wrong."

"You do have a point, Police Girl. That is a very bad first time. Then, I just have one thing to say." He looks directly at her now that he knows the reason.


"You have to drink something before your 100th day as a vampire."

"Why is that master?"

"Don't question me Police Girl! Just do as I say!" Alucard yells angrily while growling which sends the pilot into agony and the helicopter starts getting out of control.

"Yes! I will definitely drink blood by then Master!" Seras affirms with trepidation in her tone.

"Good, now since this is your first mission and it seems like a completely boring one. I'll let you do it by yourself, just don't take too long in playing with the kill, ok?" he affectionately says while staring at her.

Thank you Master!" Seras says very happily and then starts humming to herself a happy tune.

As they heard this conversation, both of the other men in the helicopter look at each other in the eyes and seeing the same thought pass through their heads.

'Did this girl just ask to kill 2 vampires in a cutsie tone? What the hell!?'

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