Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 9 - 9 - First Training Session Aftermath.
As Seras is walking in the mansion to goto her bed Alucard starts speaking to her from the wall and fully appears by the time he is done.
"I must say Police girl, that was some impressive shooting. "
"Master! Do you really think so? I'm glad you liked it!" She says as she tries to jump onto his back.
As he dodges Seras falls to the ground and complains.
"Why did you dodge, Master? I need some comforting after what happened today." She says cutely.
"Oh please, police girl! With what you've been through I'm sure that doesn't even count as bothersome." Alucard says in a knowing tone.
After that Seras shows a shocked expression and grabs her skirt while looking down at the ground.
"They know?"
"They do?" Alucard affirms in a questioning tone.
"Is that why Walter was so nice to me? Calling my first name, a gesture shown in sympathy?" Seras says in an angry tone.
"Most likely, is that such a bad thing?"
"Yes, I wanted to get to know them and show them what I can do before they find that out. Why did they find out so soon?"
"Probably cause I asked them to?"
A few seconds go by before Seras asks a question.
"Master, how much of my memories did you read?"
"I really did not read any, I just went into your mindscape and saw, what I guess could be called glass fragments showing your memories."
"Really? Well I think I should ask you to not read them, at least not the ones from me being a man."
"Why is that, Police Girl?"
"Well.....how do I put this?" She fidgets while trying to say it.
'Oh god! How can I say that everything here is from a fictional show I saw in my past life? I know what is going to happen for the next 4 months.'
{My, you forget things so easily, Police Girl.} Alucard says and then chuckles in her head.
{Damn, I forgot about this! I only found out about this like a day ago. I'm still new.}
{Fine, I'll allow that. So, why should I not read those memories?}
{You really want to know?}
{Because, it might ruin it for you. You seemed to have so much fun.} she answers truthfully.
{Yes. You looked so gloriously brilliant when you acted. I felt your happiness even when it was just a show.}
{Well Fine. I don't want to ruin any fun I might have.}
"Would then knowing your past change anything?"
"No, not really. It just hurts to remember what happened." She says while fake sobbing.
"Stop showing those ridiculous crocodile tears!"
"Fine! I'm tired, I want to goto bed!" Seras says while dashing away to the basement.
"What a silly girl!" Alucard says before shifting away.
'Oh my god, now he knows everything. It feels both relaxing and frustrating. Why couldn't I have that protection like the other reincarnators do that prevent beings from reading their past memories?'
'I guess now I don't have to worry about acting around him anymore. Now, what should I do about drinking blood?' Seras thinks while still walking toward the basement.
'When Master drank his blood pack this morning it smelled so appetizing. No human food can describe it.' She starts drooling.
The drool keeps flowing while walking in the halls when Walter passes her.
"Seras? Seras, can you hear me?" He asks in worry.
When she doesn't even look his way, Walter yells.
"Ms Victoria!" This snaps Victoria out of her trance like state and she looks confused.
"Hm? Walter? Do you need something?" She asks in confusion.
"Is everything ok? You seemed weird."
"I'm alright Walter. I was just thinking about my situation and I guess my mind wandered by itself." She laughs a little while scratching her head.
"I guess it has been just a few days when your whole life got turned upside down." He chuckles along with her.
"Would it be weird if I said that I feel right? Being with master just feels comforting." Seras says and leaves.
Walter gets shocked when she says this and think she back to the first time he met Alucard. The true Alucard.
It was the end of WWII and I was sent by Arthur to destroy the Nazi Research Center for Vampires. I dropped in from an airplane with his coffin. He starts to laugh to himself when he remembers his reaction when a little girl comes out of the coffin dressed immaculately. He never met such a vampire before and never has since.
As Walter was reminiscing, Captain Fargason arrives at Integra's office to report how the training went.
"Sir Integra, I'm here to report on how todays training went."
"Very good captain, how was Officer Victoria's first day?"
"Well, to put it plainly sir, I don't really know." the captain says after a pause.
"You don't know? What has happened?"
"Well, I dismissed her today around 10 minutes after Walter brought her to the training grounds. She was disrupting the men's cohesion." The captain says with a reightous voice like he could do no wrong.
"So let me get this right, you dismissed her on her first day while the men were throwing a temper tantrum. Is this correct captain?"
"To put it simply, yes." The captain's expression falters as he stutters in reply.
"Let me guess what really happened, you found out that she is a vampire, so you gave her trouble on the first day and then dismissed her without any reason? What a great show of manly pride, captain."
"Uh.....sir?" The captain weakly asks in response to Integra's angry expression.
"You're dismissed captain, Seras won't be coming back for training." Integra waves her hand angrily without even looking at the captain anymore.
"Yes sir."
After the captain leaves, Integra is going through the reports on her desk when she hears something and looks up.
"ALUCARD!" She yells in freight as the vampire is directly in the middle of her desk with his head right behind the report she was reading.
"Hahahahaha, haven't scared you in a while and I was bored after the Police girl was done training. That was fun."
"Shut up, you vampire! Anyway what do you mean after she was done training, I heard she was done hours ago?" Integra asks confused.
"As Walter would probably tell you later, I'm not going to ruin the surprise, have fun, my master." Alucard says before leaving through the door.
After he leaves, Integra calls Walter to ask him about what happened with the Police girl today.
a half an hour later, Walter arrives at the office and reports what he found out.
"Ma'am, after I left Seras with the captain, he proposed an impossible challenge for any human to do. After she succeeded, the captain said he was disappointed in her performance and then berated her before dismissing her for the rest of the day." Walter says with a wry smile.
"And? What happened after that?" Integra asks.
"Well ma'am, after that she goes to the gun range for about 4 hours before the men get there and then she leaves when they start antagonizing her. The thing to note though is that after she left, the men found her targets. I honestly can't believe it happened myself ma'am."
"What?" Integra asks with more curiosity in her voice.
"Well apparently she shot thousands of bullets at target at the maximum range of 100 meters, every single target was shot around the edge of the sillouhette, with almost perfect accuracy. She did this for a total of 36 targets and then the last one was hanging by it's last remaining piece when the soldiers came and disrupted her."
"What kind of gun did she use, a rifle?" Integra asks unimpressed.
"No ma'am. She used the Heckler & Koch Mark 23 pistol. The same gun the captain asked her to shoot during that stunt he pulled. I bet even Alucard can't do what she did!" Walter says with an impressed tone.
"A pistol? She did all that with a pistol at 100 meters?" Integra asks obviously not believing it.
"Yes ma'am."
After a few minutes Integra speaks again.
"I think I'm going to let Alucard train Seras From now on. The men dislike her too much to train her and apparently she is too good to be taught by normal humans. What do you think?"
"I'm merely your butler ma'am, I only do as I'm told." Walter says with a smile before bowing and leaving the office.
After Integra and Walter's talk, he goes to the basement to tell Alucard about what happened and about his master's new order. As he is about to open the door he hears Alucard and Seras speaking to each other.
"Master, what do you do to vent your frustrations?"
"Well, I take delight in killing things without mercy and showing cruelty. It gets my blood boiling to the point that I forget about everything else."
"Why do you ask, Police girl?"
"Cause after I went to the range, I shot those targets trying to pretend it was them. It worked after a couple hours, but as soon as they came in and disrupted me, that frustration came back and now I'm still kind of pissed." Seras says with a slightly annoyed tone at the end.
"Just go over there and kill them, it shouldn't be too much trouble." Alucard suggests immediately.
"I can't do that Master!"
"Why?" He asks obviously annoyed.
"I don't want to say, at least not right now. You can come in Walter." Seras says while looking at the doors.
"Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop. Old habits die hard, you know?" Walter says with an awkward face as he opens the door.
"It's fine Walter, I completely understand. I haven't even been here a few days and I'm causing so much trouble for you and sir Integra. I would want to know a few things as well." Seras says with a gentle smile.
"I'm glad you're so understanding, Seras. Can you please tell me why you don't want to follow Alucard's idea then? Please speak truthfully." Walter says with a smile and then asks hardening his expression.
"There are so many reasons, I don't even know where to begin." Seras says while laying down in tiredness at her bed. Then Basky comes along and licks her, like he is worried about her.
"Just start wherever you think is a good place, I'll listen until the end." Walter says sounding like he is genuinely trying to understand.
"First of all, me being a vampire is a big one. I don't care what they think about me, but obviously they care about what they think."
"What does that mean?" Walter asks sounding confused.
"Well I'm one of the very things they're trying to get rid of completely, a lot of their friends have been killed at the hands of vampires. So they probably hate us to their bones. This is completely understandable as how can you kill things like vampires not hate them? It would be weird if they were nice to me. Also, every time a new soldier comes along he gets bombarded with this hate that everyone has that he slowly starts believing it as well, so I can't change that. Why even bother trying?"
"I see, next?"
"Another big thing is that I majorly emasculated them by almost killing that stupid thing of a man, and then I outperformed them while shooting. Of corse they would be angry, a little girl who is also one of their most hated enemies just did something none of them will ever be able to do. Again another thing that is understandable."
"Anything else?"
"Yeah, the Captain doesn't like me, so the rest of the unit just follows his lead and uses his excuse to talk down to me. Another one is that a lot of them keep calling me bitch, whore, and sŀut under their breath. I mean I'm a vampire, I can still hear you. Since they know this I think they're doing it on purpose to get a rise out of me."
"What does any of this have to do with not following Alucard's suggestion?" Walter asks almost annoyed.
"Well, even if I kill them, what would happen? More would just replace them, hear about it and then the cycle would continue. Why even bother doing it in the first place, it just creates more work for you and sir Integra in the end anyway."
"Wait, so you're not doing it so you don't create more work for us? Nothing else?" Walter asks surprised.
"Yeah, it would be annoying as well. I mean think of the clean up afterwards! Bullet holes and blood everywhere, I don't want to clean that up!" Seras replies Immediately.
"Is that the truth, Seras? The complete and unvarnished truth?"
Before Seras can reply, Alucard interrupts.
"Yes, Walter. It completely is, she just didn't want to say it in front of you cause she was embarrassed about what you would think. So many human reasons to not kill someone and she chooses because it's bothersome for you and Integra. How funny." Alucard chuckles.
"It truly is, well onto the reason I'm here. According to sir Integra's orders, Seras no longer has to train with the humans and you will be the one to do it Alucard. Ok?"
"As long as it's an order, I will do it to the best of my ability." Alucard says mysteriously.
"Well, then good night you two." Walter says as he leaves.
"That is mean, master! What do you mean as long as it's an order, do yo not want to train me!?" Seras complains while holding Basky in her arms.
"You're not worthy to be trained Police girl!"
"Fine, I'm going to bed then!"
{Police girl, what is the real reason why you didn't take my suggestion?}
{Hmm? So you really want to know?}
{Enough to beg?}
{Out with it!}
{Sheesh! Fine, you don't have to yell! That hurt!}
After a few seconds she continues.
{It's because in about a month, they're not going to be here anyway, they will all be dead. So what is the point of creating more work for me, when it's going to happen by somebody else's hands anyway?}
{Really? No exact dates?}
{No, but I do know that is going to be after the Badrick incident in Ireland when I get stabbed a bunch of times in the back. Ah! It is also going to be when the round table conference is being held here.}
{Not sad that even Arthur is going to die as well?}
{hmmmm. Not really? I mean he was going to die anyway, what is the point of getting attached to dead people?}
"Hahahahahahaha, you are truly magnificent, Police girl!"
"Thank you master!" She says cutely while smiling.
"I must say Police girl, that was some impressive shooting. "
"Master! Do you really think so? I'm glad you liked it!" She says as she tries to jump onto his back.
As he dodges Seras falls to the ground and complains.
"Why did you dodge, Master? I need some comforting after what happened today." She says cutely.
"Oh please, police girl! With what you've been through I'm sure that doesn't even count as bothersome." Alucard says in a knowing tone.
After that Seras shows a shocked expression and grabs her skirt while looking down at the ground.
"They know?"
"They do?" Alucard affirms in a questioning tone.
"Is that why Walter was so nice to me? Calling my first name, a gesture shown in sympathy?" Seras says in an angry tone.
"Most likely, is that such a bad thing?"
"Yes, I wanted to get to know them and show them what I can do before they find that out. Why did they find out so soon?"
"Probably cause I asked them to?"
A few seconds go by before Seras asks a question.
"Master, how much of my memories did you read?"
"I really did not read any, I just went into your mindscape and saw, what I guess could be called glass fragments showing your memories."
"Really? Well I think I should ask you to not read them, at least not the ones from me being a man."
"Why is that, Police Girl?"
"Well.....how do I put this?" She fidgets while trying to say it.
'Oh god! How can I say that everything here is from a fictional show I saw in my past life? I know what is going to happen for the next 4 months.'
{My, you forget things so easily, Police Girl.} Alucard says and then chuckles in her head.
{Damn, I forgot about this! I only found out about this like a day ago. I'm still new.}
{Fine, I'll allow that. So, why should I not read those memories?}
{You really want to know?}
{Because, it might ruin it for you. You seemed to have so much fun.} she answers truthfully.
{Yes. You looked so gloriously brilliant when you acted. I felt your happiness even when it was just a show.}
{Well Fine. I don't want to ruin any fun I might have.}
"Would then knowing your past change anything?"
"No, not really. It just hurts to remember what happened." She says while fake sobbing.
"Stop showing those ridiculous crocodile tears!"
"Fine! I'm tired, I want to goto bed!" Seras says while dashing away to the basement.
"What a silly girl!" Alucard says before shifting away.
'Oh my god, now he knows everything. It feels both relaxing and frustrating. Why couldn't I have that protection like the other reincarnators do that prevent beings from reading their past memories?'
'I guess now I don't have to worry about acting around him anymore. Now, what should I do about drinking blood?' Seras thinks while still walking toward the basement.
'When Master drank his blood pack this morning it smelled so appetizing. No human food can describe it.' She starts drooling.
The drool keeps flowing while walking in the halls when Walter passes her.
"Seras? Seras, can you hear me?" He asks in worry.
When she doesn't even look his way, Walter yells.
"Ms Victoria!" This snaps Victoria out of her trance like state and she looks confused.
"Hm? Walter? Do you need something?" She asks in confusion.
"Is everything ok? You seemed weird."
"I'm alright Walter. I was just thinking about my situation and I guess my mind wandered by itself." She laughs a little while scratching her head.
"I guess it has been just a few days when your whole life got turned upside down." He chuckles along with her.
"Would it be weird if I said that I feel right? Being with master just feels comforting." Seras says and leaves.
Walter gets shocked when she says this and think she back to the first time he met Alucard. The true Alucard.
It was the end of WWII and I was sent by Arthur to destroy the Nazi Research Center for Vampires. I dropped in from an airplane with his coffin. He starts to laugh to himself when he remembers his reaction when a little girl comes out of the coffin dressed immaculately. He never met such a vampire before and never has since.
As Walter was reminiscing, Captain Fargason arrives at Integra's office to report how the training went.
"Sir Integra, I'm here to report on how todays training went."
"Very good captain, how was Officer Victoria's first day?"
"Well, to put it plainly sir, I don't really know." the captain says after a pause.
"You don't know? What has happened?"
"Well, I dismissed her today around 10 minutes after Walter brought her to the training grounds. She was disrupting the men's cohesion." The captain says with a reightous voice like he could do no wrong.
"So let me get this right, you dismissed her on her first day while the men were throwing a temper tantrum. Is this correct captain?"
"To put it simply, yes." The captain's expression falters as he stutters in reply.
"Let me guess what really happened, you found out that she is a vampire, so you gave her trouble on the first day and then dismissed her without any reason? What a great show of manly pride, captain."
"Uh.....sir?" The captain weakly asks in response to Integra's angry expression.
"You're dismissed captain, Seras won't be coming back for training." Integra waves her hand angrily without even looking at the captain anymore.
"Yes sir."
After the captain leaves, Integra is going through the reports on her desk when she hears something and looks up.
"ALUCARD!" She yells in freight as the vampire is directly in the middle of her desk with his head right behind the report she was reading.
"Hahahahaha, haven't scared you in a while and I was bored after the Police girl was done training. That was fun."
"Shut up, you vampire! Anyway what do you mean after she was done training, I heard she was done hours ago?" Integra asks confused.
"As Walter would probably tell you later, I'm not going to ruin the surprise, have fun, my master." Alucard says before leaving through the door.
After he leaves, Integra calls Walter to ask him about what happened with the Police girl today.
a half an hour later, Walter arrives at the office and reports what he found out.
"Ma'am, after I left Seras with the captain, he proposed an impossible challenge for any human to do. After she succeeded, the captain said he was disappointed in her performance and then berated her before dismissing her for the rest of the day." Walter says with a wry smile.
"And? What happened after that?" Integra asks.
"Well ma'am, after that she goes to the gun range for about 4 hours before the men get there and then she leaves when they start antagonizing her. The thing to note though is that after she left, the men found her targets. I honestly can't believe it happened myself ma'am."
"What?" Integra asks with more curiosity in her voice.
"Well apparently she shot thousands of bullets at target at the maximum range of 100 meters, every single target was shot around the edge of the sillouhette, with almost perfect accuracy. She did this for a total of 36 targets and then the last one was hanging by it's last remaining piece when the soldiers came and disrupted her."
"What kind of gun did she use, a rifle?" Integra asks unimpressed.
"No ma'am. She used the Heckler & Koch Mark 23 pistol. The same gun the captain asked her to shoot during that stunt he pulled. I bet even Alucard can't do what she did!" Walter says with an impressed tone.
"A pistol? She did all that with a pistol at 100 meters?" Integra asks obviously not believing it.
"Yes ma'am."
After a few minutes Integra speaks again.
"I think I'm going to let Alucard train Seras From now on. The men dislike her too much to train her and apparently she is too good to be taught by normal humans. What do you think?"
"I'm merely your butler ma'am, I only do as I'm told." Walter says with a smile before bowing and leaving the office.
After Integra and Walter's talk, he goes to the basement to tell Alucard about what happened and about his master's new order. As he is about to open the door he hears Alucard and Seras speaking to each other.
"Master, what do you do to vent your frustrations?"
"Well, I take delight in killing things without mercy and showing cruelty. It gets my blood boiling to the point that I forget about everything else."
"Why do you ask, Police girl?"
"Cause after I went to the range, I shot those targets trying to pretend it was them. It worked after a couple hours, but as soon as they came in and disrupted me, that frustration came back and now I'm still kind of pissed." Seras says with a slightly annoyed tone at the end.
"Just go over there and kill them, it shouldn't be too much trouble." Alucard suggests immediately.
"I can't do that Master!"
"Why?" He asks obviously annoyed.
"I don't want to say, at least not right now. You can come in Walter." Seras says while looking at the doors.
"Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop. Old habits die hard, you know?" Walter says with an awkward face as he opens the door.
"It's fine Walter, I completely understand. I haven't even been here a few days and I'm causing so much trouble for you and sir Integra. I would want to know a few things as well." Seras says with a gentle smile.
"I'm glad you're so understanding, Seras. Can you please tell me why you don't want to follow Alucard's idea then? Please speak truthfully." Walter says with a smile and then asks hardening his expression.
"There are so many reasons, I don't even know where to begin." Seras says while laying down in tiredness at her bed. Then Basky comes along and licks her, like he is worried about her.
"Just start wherever you think is a good place, I'll listen until the end." Walter says sounding like he is genuinely trying to understand.
"First of all, me being a vampire is a big one. I don't care what they think about me, but obviously they care about what they think."
"What does that mean?" Walter asks sounding confused.
"Well I'm one of the very things they're trying to get rid of completely, a lot of their friends have been killed at the hands of vampires. So they probably hate us to their bones. This is completely understandable as how can you kill things like vampires not hate them? It would be weird if they were nice to me. Also, every time a new soldier comes along he gets bombarded with this hate that everyone has that he slowly starts believing it as well, so I can't change that. Why even bother trying?"
"I see, next?"
"Another big thing is that I majorly emasculated them by almost killing that stupid thing of a man, and then I outperformed them while shooting. Of corse they would be angry, a little girl who is also one of their most hated enemies just did something none of them will ever be able to do. Again another thing that is understandable."
"Anything else?"
"Yeah, the Captain doesn't like me, so the rest of the unit just follows his lead and uses his excuse to talk down to me. Another one is that a lot of them keep calling me bitch, whore, and sŀut under their breath. I mean I'm a vampire, I can still hear you. Since they know this I think they're doing it on purpose to get a rise out of me."
"What does any of this have to do with not following Alucard's suggestion?" Walter asks almost annoyed.
"Well, even if I kill them, what would happen? More would just replace them, hear about it and then the cycle would continue. Why even bother doing it in the first place, it just creates more work for you and sir Integra in the end anyway."
"Wait, so you're not doing it so you don't create more work for us? Nothing else?" Walter asks surprised.
"Yeah, it would be annoying as well. I mean think of the clean up afterwards! Bullet holes and blood everywhere, I don't want to clean that up!" Seras replies Immediately.
"Is that the truth, Seras? The complete and unvarnished truth?"
Before Seras can reply, Alucard interrupts.
"Yes, Walter. It completely is, she just didn't want to say it in front of you cause she was embarrassed about what you would think. So many human reasons to not kill someone and she chooses because it's bothersome for you and Integra. How funny." Alucard chuckles.
"It truly is, well onto the reason I'm here. According to sir Integra's orders, Seras no longer has to train with the humans and you will be the one to do it Alucard. Ok?"
"As long as it's an order, I will do it to the best of my ability." Alucard says mysteriously.
"Well, then good night you two." Walter says as he leaves.
"That is mean, master! What do you mean as long as it's an order, do yo not want to train me!?" Seras complains while holding Basky in her arms.
"You're not worthy to be trained Police girl!"
"Fine, I'm going to bed then!"
{Police girl, what is the real reason why you didn't take my suggestion?}
{Hmm? So you really want to know?}
{Enough to beg?}
{Out with it!}
{Sheesh! Fine, you don't have to yell! That hurt!}
After a few seconds she continues.
{It's because in about a month, they're not going to be here anyway, they will all be dead. So what is the point of creating more work for me, when it's going to happen by somebody else's hands anyway?}
{Really? No exact dates?}
{No, but I do know that is going to be after the Badrick incident in Ireland when I get stabbed a bunch of times in the back. Ah! It is also going to be when the round table conference is being held here.}
{Not sad that even Arthur is going to die as well?}
{hmmmm. Not really? I mean he was going to die anyway, what is the point of getting attached to dead people?}
"Hahahahahahaha, you are truly magnificent, Police girl!"
"Thank you master!" She says cutely while smiling.
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