Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 8 - 8 - First Training Session.
The next day at 8 AM, Walter walks into Seras and Alucard's room to wake her up for her first day of training. He notices that the hound of Baskerville is sleeping with her in the bed and Alucard is not in the room at the moment. After a few seconds of deliberation, he decides to wake Seras up without waking up the hound first.
"Seras? Ms. Victoria? Please get up, it's time for you to get ready for training." Walter says as he shakes her body.
After a few seconds Seras starts waking up.
"Mmmmm....Walter? What time is it?" She asks while groaning.
"It's 8 AM, Seras. You have to wake up."
"It's way too early, I only fell asleep a couple hours ago. Why do I have to train during the day?" Seras complains.
"Because, the people who are training you, are humans who work during the daylight hours. So stop complaining and get up. We can't have an agent of Hellsing being late on her first day!" Walter says while roughly tearing the blanket away.
After what he did, he realizes that he just made a major mistake waking up the Hound of Baskerville. As soon as the blanket gets torn off, the Hound jumps up and goes to bite Walter's head clean off.
"Basky! Get back here!" Seras yells.
As soon as she does, the Hound stops midair and then turns back into its cute form while rubbing its head against Seras' leg. Almost like it's begging for her forgiveness.
"Don't bite him! That is Walter, he is nice!" She says as she rubs the hound's head lovingly.
"I'm sorry Walter, it's just in his nature you know?"
"That's quite alright Seras, thank you for stopping it." Walter says with a sigh.
"You're welcome Walter, it's won't happen again, I promise."
When Walter leaves, Alucard come sour from the wall and sits on his throne and starts to drink in silence.
"Master, why did you hide from Walter?"
"Hm? Well I hate being disturbed by the way you wake up Police Girl. It is definitely not a pretty sight." He chuckles.
"What!? That's so mean! I can't believe you said that!"
"Well, I am kind of pissed at you Police Girl."
"After I told you to tell me everything, you still held something back. I'm very disappointed."
"Oh.....well it's hard to say and I don't really believe it myself....." Seras manages to say after a few moments of silence.
"Whatever it is Police Girl, I'm sure I could handle it. After all I've been alive for 500 years. I've seen everything."
"It's just, I don't even know how to explain it." She timidly answers.
"This isn't like you. I could read your mind if that makes it easier."
"I thought you have been?"
"Well yes and no, without contact I can only read surface thoughts, not memories. Like now, I can feel how you're feeling but not the reason why." He explains slowly.
"Well, I just don't want you to hate me when you find out." She starts tearing up.
"You're my fledgling, Police Girl. No matter what it is, I won't hate you for it. I'm a monster who has killed millions of humans and I'm sure I can deal with anything you throw at me."
After a few more minutes of deliberation, Seras makes a decision.
"Fine, but when you see it, please don't treat me differently. It's hard enough dealing with it by myself."
Alucard chuckles and gestures for her to come closer. Seras walks closer when she is swooped up and onto Alucard's ŀȧp. She blushes immediately when Alucard places his hand on her head and closes his eyes.
"Close your eyes Police Girl and relax. I need you to think of nothing while I do this." He says gently.
A few minutes go by and Alucard takes his hand off of her head and slowly opens his eyes.
"Well this is peculiar, you're memories are definitely the weirdest I have come across Police Girl. It seems like a week ago somebody or something implanted memories in your brain and they are slowly mending with yours."
"That sounds about right, you see I have 2 sets of memories. One from me, Seras Victoria and one from a man called Michael Smith. It seems like he died and met a god and he was reborn in my body. It's weird but it's not bad or anything. That ability I showed you came from him."
"Hmm. Reincarnation into another body? Why would I hate you for this Police Girl?"
"Well, I have memories of being a man, isn't that disgusting?"
"Not at all! These memories make you who you are and I have chosen that person to be my fledgling."
"Thank you, my master!" She says while crying tears of joy that are made of blood.
After a half an hour, Seras comes out dressed and ready to go.
'Gosh, I never realized how low the skirt was until I put it on, why is it this short!?'
"Walter? Why is my uniform's skirt so short?"
"I'm sorry Seras, sir Integra's orders. Have to follow them you know."
"Do you think she'll let me have a uniform with a longer one?" Seras asks with hope.
"Most likely not! She was very adamant about the length of the skirt during its alteration. Anyway let's go meet your instructor for the foreseeable future."
"Ugh! Why me!?" she yells with indignation.
After a few minutes, both Walter and Seras arrive at the training ground that is next to Hellsing manor. As they're walking, all of the soldiers are turning to look at them. Well, look at Seras as they whisper to each other.
"Isn't that the girl..."
"Yeah? She killed one of the new recruits right?"
"What? I heard she tortured him to death!"
"Shut up! You know I can hear you, right?"
After that they all become silent and give her dirty looks.
"Look, I didn't kill him. sure I beat him up a bit, but that's what he gets for calling me a bitch!" She continues after a pause.
"Enough! Officer Seras Victoria!" A mans voice yells out.
"Yes sir!" She salutes.
"This is going to be our new member, her name is Seras Victoria." The man introduces her.
"Captain, how can you expect us to work with the person who almost killed John!?" One of the soldiers asks.
"I expect it, cause you're soldiers. Is that understood!"
"""""Yes sir!"""""
"I'm sorry about that Ms. Victoria."
"It's all right! I know where they're coming from, plus it was kind of my fault. I got irritated cause I have had no sleep. I'm sorry."
"Anyway, my name is Peter Fargason, you can call me captain, though."
"Ok, Captain!"
"So Officer, we are going to be training you with weapons and tactics. Understood?"
"Yes Sir"
"I see that you have prior experience with weapons training, Can you explain what exactly you were trained in?"
"Well, sir. I know how to use all of the guns in the normal police force. Plus I knew how to use them perfectly."
"Let's See, shall we?"
"Arthur! Give Officer Victoria a Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Pistol."
"Yes Sir" Arthur says while taking the gun off of his waste and tossing it to Seras with clear disrespect.
"Thank you, Arthur." Seras says with the same creepy smile she used on John.
"Uh? You're Welcome?" He says with nervousness.
"OK! now I want you to shoot at that target!" the captain says while pointing to his right.
After he says it though, all of the soldiers look to their right and can't see any target anywhere.
As the soldiers are whispering to each other in confusion, Seras begins to speak.
"Are you talking about the one underneath that tree?"
"That seems easy, I mean it's pretty close by, Right?"
After she says so all of the soldiers start talking down to her.
"What do you mean pretty close, We can't even see it" Says one of the soldiers.
"What? Seriously? you can't see it?" Seras says with clear confusion.
"well duh! its about 1000 feet away. Your gun can't even shoot that far without the bullet dipping."
As soon as the soldier says that the captain hits him across the face.
"Stop showing so much undiscipline, just shut up and watch!"
"Sorry, Sir!"
"OK, Officer Victoria, I want you to shoot the whole magazine into the target. I do not want Any misses. Is this understood?"
"Yes Sir!" Seras says while getting into the typical stance while some of the soldiers get out binoculars in order to see how she fails.
When she fires the first shot, Seras feels like she is doing something wrong, But does not know what. She sees that the bullet went down before it even hit the target.
'Hmmm, what could it be?'
After a couple seconds of thought she figures it out.
'I see! this stance is used so that the recoil doesn't affect the shooter's shot. Since I am a vampire I don't need to worry about something like that, so the bullet went lower than I thought.'
After she figures it out Seras gets out of her stance and then uses 1 hand to hold the pistol before shooting again. This time she got closer, hitting the bottom part of the paper.
'Anything else I am missing, it still feels wrong somehow.'
After a couple minutes, everyone is complaining that she gave up. The captain sees something stir in her that makes him think otherwise.
'She must be trying to figure out what she is doing wrong, It's most likely nothing having to do with actual technique.'
'Ah! That's right, If I aim like a human, I'm going to miss like a human! Thank you Master!' Seras thinks in delight hoping her master can hear her telepathic message.
After another few seconds, when Arthur is about to yell for his gun back. He stops midway when Seras opens her eyes and he sees that they are bloody red, almost like looking into the deepest pits of hell. She shoots the rest of the bullets into the target and all 10 of them hit the head and heart, 5 in each area.
""""WHOA!""" All the soldiers yell and Seras' eyes go back to normal.
"Did I do well, Captain?" Seras asks with confidence.
"Well? You missed two shots and you still think you did well? I'm disappointed! You're dismissed for today, Officer Victoria!" The captain says before leaving.
As he is leaving, the soldiers agree with the captain and start taunting Seras.
"Yeah, she thinks she is the shit when she missed."
"I know right. What a complete idiot."
"The farce is over, she is not cut out to be one of us."
As they're whispering, all of the soldiers leave as well. Meanwhile Seras is just standing there gritting her teeth. As she is about to yell, Arthur comes up to her with an awkward expression.
"What do 'you' want?"
"Uh.....just wanted to say that was very good shooting and um.....I'm sorry." Arthur says while bowing.
"Sorry?" Seras asks with a head tilt.
"I realized that I was being a complete ȧsshole when I gave you the gun and after asking around I found out what really happened between you and john. I just wanted to say sorry, even though it won't really make up for it." Arthur says with a deep sigh.
"Hahahaha, its fine. You had the guts to apologize for something that you did. That's something not a lot of people can do. I accept your apology, Arthur." Seras says while looking directly into his eyes with a gentle smile.
"Really?" He asks with hope.
"Really! Now I would be grateful if you can tell me where the range is. I have some pent up aggression I need to take out on something." Seras says gently before the creepy smile comes out..
"Uh....OK. It's about 200 feet north, then you take a left and you should see a square building. That is the shooting range, all of the ammunition and weapons are free to use. So don't worry about anything and shoot to your hearts content. Goodbye, Officer Victoria." He says.
"Thanks and goodbye Arthur!" She says while walking away.
'Why was I so angry? I knew they weren't going to accept me after what happened to that maggot of a human, but still, this feeling sucks.'
As she is thinking this, she arrives at the gun range and opens the door to an empty room.
"I guess that it being empty is a good thing, for now." Seras sighs while walking forward the equipment and putting the goggles and earmuffs on before heading to the gun rack.
'What weapon should I choose? The Walther PPK? Ooh! How about the AK-47?'
As she is thinking this she sees the Heckler & Koch Mark 23 pistol laying there and her eyes show anger again.
"Damn it! So it's frustration in showing a mediocre performance, that's what I've been feeling.
After she thinks that she picks up that pistol and starts firing it madly at the targets at the max range of 100 Meters. After a few hours, all of the soldiers walk in to find Seras surrounded by thousands of casings on the ground.
As she hears the door open she sees that all of them are giving her a dirty look and so she leaves without even cleaning anything up while giving them an angry look back.
"Hey! Are you not even going to clean your mess up?" One of the soldiers yell at her. To which Seras just sticks up her middle finger and leaves.
"What a bitch!" Another for the soldiers says.
"Yep, that's all she amounts to. Look she didn't even hit the target despite all of the rounds here."
"Shut up and look again you idiots!" Arthur yells at them while pointing at the target.
As he says that they all look again and see that the sillouhette on the target looks weird. One of them pushes the buŧŧon and brings it closer. As it is all of the soldiers become wide eyed and have a look of fear on their faces.
As the target comes to the front, they see that the sillouhette is cut out by bullet holes. The holes are perfectly right next to each other and the sillouhette is hanging by its last piece which is the very top of the head.
As they're in wonder, Arthur yells again.
"Look over here you morons! That's not the only one!"
As they look over they see tens of sillouhette just laying in a pile like the one they examined, except their sillouhette are completely cut out.
"Seras? Ms. Victoria? Please get up, it's time for you to get ready for training." Walter says as he shakes her body.
After a few seconds Seras starts waking up.
"Mmmmm....Walter? What time is it?" She asks while groaning.
"It's 8 AM, Seras. You have to wake up."
"It's way too early, I only fell asleep a couple hours ago. Why do I have to train during the day?" Seras complains.
"Because, the people who are training you, are humans who work during the daylight hours. So stop complaining and get up. We can't have an agent of Hellsing being late on her first day!" Walter says while roughly tearing the blanket away.
After what he did, he realizes that he just made a major mistake waking up the Hound of Baskerville. As soon as the blanket gets torn off, the Hound jumps up and goes to bite Walter's head clean off.
"Basky! Get back here!" Seras yells.
As soon as she does, the Hound stops midair and then turns back into its cute form while rubbing its head against Seras' leg. Almost like it's begging for her forgiveness.
"Don't bite him! That is Walter, he is nice!" She says as she rubs the hound's head lovingly.
"I'm sorry Walter, it's just in his nature you know?"
"That's quite alright Seras, thank you for stopping it." Walter says with a sigh.
"You're welcome Walter, it's won't happen again, I promise."
When Walter leaves, Alucard come sour from the wall and sits on his throne and starts to drink in silence.
"Master, why did you hide from Walter?"
"Hm? Well I hate being disturbed by the way you wake up Police Girl. It is definitely not a pretty sight." He chuckles.
"What!? That's so mean! I can't believe you said that!"
"Well, I am kind of pissed at you Police Girl."
"After I told you to tell me everything, you still held something back. I'm very disappointed."
"Oh.....well it's hard to say and I don't really believe it myself....." Seras manages to say after a few moments of silence.
"Whatever it is Police Girl, I'm sure I could handle it. After all I've been alive for 500 years. I've seen everything."
"It's just, I don't even know how to explain it." She timidly answers.
"This isn't like you. I could read your mind if that makes it easier."
"I thought you have been?"
"Well yes and no, without contact I can only read surface thoughts, not memories. Like now, I can feel how you're feeling but not the reason why." He explains slowly.
"Well, I just don't want you to hate me when you find out." She starts tearing up.
"You're my fledgling, Police Girl. No matter what it is, I won't hate you for it. I'm a monster who has killed millions of humans and I'm sure I can deal with anything you throw at me."
After a few more minutes of deliberation, Seras makes a decision.
"Fine, but when you see it, please don't treat me differently. It's hard enough dealing with it by myself."
Alucard chuckles and gestures for her to come closer. Seras walks closer when she is swooped up and onto Alucard's ŀȧp. She blushes immediately when Alucard places his hand on her head and closes his eyes.
"Close your eyes Police Girl and relax. I need you to think of nothing while I do this." He says gently.
A few minutes go by and Alucard takes his hand off of her head and slowly opens his eyes.
"Well this is peculiar, you're memories are definitely the weirdest I have come across Police Girl. It seems like a week ago somebody or something implanted memories in your brain and they are slowly mending with yours."
"That sounds about right, you see I have 2 sets of memories. One from me, Seras Victoria and one from a man called Michael Smith. It seems like he died and met a god and he was reborn in my body. It's weird but it's not bad or anything. That ability I showed you came from him."
"Hmm. Reincarnation into another body? Why would I hate you for this Police Girl?"
"Well, I have memories of being a man, isn't that disgusting?"
"Not at all! These memories make you who you are and I have chosen that person to be my fledgling."
"Thank you, my master!" She says while crying tears of joy that are made of blood.
After a half an hour, Seras comes out dressed and ready to go.
'Gosh, I never realized how low the skirt was until I put it on, why is it this short!?'
"Walter? Why is my uniform's skirt so short?"
"I'm sorry Seras, sir Integra's orders. Have to follow them you know."
"Do you think she'll let me have a uniform with a longer one?" Seras asks with hope.
"Most likely not! She was very adamant about the length of the skirt during its alteration. Anyway let's go meet your instructor for the foreseeable future."
"Ugh! Why me!?" she yells with indignation.
After a few minutes, both Walter and Seras arrive at the training ground that is next to Hellsing manor. As they're walking, all of the soldiers are turning to look at them. Well, look at Seras as they whisper to each other.
"Isn't that the girl..."
"Yeah? She killed one of the new recruits right?"
"What? I heard she tortured him to death!"
"Shut up! You know I can hear you, right?"
After that they all become silent and give her dirty looks.
"Look, I didn't kill him. sure I beat him up a bit, but that's what he gets for calling me a bitch!" She continues after a pause.
"Enough! Officer Seras Victoria!" A mans voice yells out.
"Yes sir!" She salutes.
"This is going to be our new member, her name is Seras Victoria." The man introduces her.
"Captain, how can you expect us to work with the person who almost killed John!?" One of the soldiers asks.
"I expect it, cause you're soldiers. Is that understood!"
"""""Yes sir!"""""
"I'm sorry about that Ms. Victoria."
"It's all right! I know where they're coming from, plus it was kind of my fault. I got irritated cause I have had no sleep. I'm sorry."
"Anyway, my name is Peter Fargason, you can call me captain, though."
"Ok, Captain!"
"So Officer, we are going to be training you with weapons and tactics. Understood?"
"Yes Sir"
"I see that you have prior experience with weapons training, Can you explain what exactly you were trained in?"
"Well, sir. I know how to use all of the guns in the normal police force. Plus I knew how to use them perfectly."
"Let's See, shall we?"
"Arthur! Give Officer Victoria a Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Pistol."
"Yes Sir" Arthur says while taking the gun off of his waste and tossing it to Seras with clear disrespect.
"Thank you, Arthur." Seras says with the same creepy smile she used on John.
"Uh? You're Welcome?" He says with nervousness.
"OK! now I want you to shoot at that target!" the captain says while pointing to his right.
After he says it though, all of the soldiers look to their right and can't see any target anywhere.
As the soldiers are whispering to each other in confusion, Seras begins to speak.
"Are you talking about the one underneath that tree?"
"That seems easy, I mean it's pretty close by, Right?"
After she says so all of the soldiers start talking down to her.
"What do you mean pretty close, We can't even see it" Says one of the soldiers.
"What? Seriously? you can't see it?" Seras says with clear confusion.
"well duh! its about 1000 feet away. Your gun can't even shoot that far without the bullet dipping."
As soon as the soldier says that the captain hits him across the face.
"Stop showing so much undiscipline, just shut up and watch!"
"Sorry, Sir!"
"OK, Officer Victoria, I want you to shoot the whole magazine into the target. I do not want Any misses. Is this understood?"
"Yes Sir!" Seras says while getting into the typical stance while some of the soldiers get out binoculars in order to see how she fails.
When she fires the first shot, Seras feels like she is doing something wrong, But does not know what. She sees that the bullet went down before it even hit the target.
'Hmmm, what could it be?'
After a couple seconds of thought she figures it out.
'I see! this stance is used so that the recoil doesn't affect the shooter's shot. Since I am a vampire I don't need to worry about something like that, so the bullet went lower than I thought.'
After she figures it out Seras gets out of her stance and then uses 1 hand to hold the pistol before shooting again. This time she got closer, hitting the bottom part of the paper.
'Anything else I am missing, it still feels wrong somehow.'
After a couple minutes, everyone is complaining that she gave up. The captain sees something stir in her that makes him think otherwise.
'She must be trying to figure out what she is doing wrong, It's most likely nothing having to do with actual technique.'
'Ah! That's right, If I aim like a human, I'm going to miss like a human! Thank you Master!' Seras thinks in delight hoping her master can hear her telepathic message.
After another few seconds, when Arthur is about to yell for his gun back. He stops midway when Seras opens her eyes and he sees that they are bloody red, almost like looking into the deepest pits of hell. She shoots the rest of the bullets into the target and all 10 of them hit the head and heart, 5 in each area.
""""WHOA!""" All the soldiers yell and Seras' eyes go back to normal.
"Did I do well, Captain?" Seras asks with confidence.
"Well? You missed two shots and you still think you did well? I'm disappointed! You're dismissed for today, Officer Victoria!" The captain says before leaving.
As he is leaving, the soldiers agree with the captain and start taunting Seras.
"Yeah, she thinks she is the shit when she missed."
"I know right. What a complete idiot."
"The farce is over, she is not cut out to be one of us."
As they're whispering, all of the soldiers leave as well. Meanwhile Seras is just standing there gritting her teeth. As she is about to yell, Arthur comes up to her with an awkward expression.
"What do 'you' want?"
"Uh.....just wanted to say that was very good shooting and um.....I'm sorry." Arthur says while bowing.
"Sorry?" Seras asks with a head tilt.
"I realized that I was being a complete ȧsshole when I gave you the gun and after asking around I found out what really happened between you and john. I just wanted to say sorry, even though it won't really make up for it." Arthur says with a deep sigh.
"Hahahaha, its fine. You had the guts to apologize for something that you did. That's something not a lot of people can do. I accept your apology, Arthur." Seras says while looking directly into his eyes with a gentle smile.
"Really?" He asks with hope.
"Really! Now I would be grateful if you can tell me where the range is. I have some pent up aggression I need to take out on something." Seras says gently before the creepy smile comes out..
"Uh....OK. It's about 200 feet north, then you take a left and you should see a square building. That is the shooting range, all of the ammunition and weapons are free to use. So don't worry about anything and shoot to your hearts content. Goodbye, Officer Victoria." He says.
"Thanks and goodbye Arthur!" She says while walking away.
'Why was I so angry? I knew they weren't going to accept me after what happened to that maggot of a human, but still, this feeling sucks.'
As she is thinking this, she arrives at the gun range and opens the door to an empty room.
"I guess that it being empty is a good thing, for now." Seras sighs while walking forward the equipment and putting the goggles and earmuffs on before heading to the gun rack.
'What weapon should I choose? The Walther PPK? Ooh! How about the AK-47?'
As she is thinking this she sees the Heckler & Koch Mark 23 pistol laying there and her eyes show anger again.
"Damn it! So it's frustration in showing a mediocre performance, that's what I've been feeling.
After she thinks that she picks up that pistol and starts firing it madly at the targets at the max range of 100 Meters. After a few hours, all of the soldiers walk in to find Seras surrounded by thousands of casings on the ground.
As she hears the door open she sees that all of them are giving her a dirty look and so she leaves without even cleaning anything up while giving them an angry look back.
"Hey! Are you not even going to clean your mess up?" One of the soldiers yell at her. To which Seras just sticks up her middle finger and leaves.
"What a bitch!" Another for the soldiers says.
"Yep, that's all she amounts to. Look she didn't even hit the target despite all of the rounds here."
"Shut up and look again you idiots!" Arthur yells at them while pointing at the target.
As he says that they all look again and see that the sillouhette on the target looks weird. One of them pushes the buŧŧon and brings it closer. As it is all of the soldiers become wide eyed and have a look of fear on their faces.
As the target comes to the front, they see that the sillouhette is cut out by bullet holes. The holes are perfectly right next to each other and the sillouhette is hanging by its last piece which is the very top of the head.
As they're in wonder, Arthur yells again.
"Look over here you morons! That's not the only one!"
As they look over they see tens of sillouhette just laying in a pile like the one they examined, except their sillouhette are completely cut out.
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