Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 17 - 17 - Bored And Alone

The night after having fun with Integra, Seras wakes up naturally. She finds this weird because the whole time she has been at Hellsing, she has never once woken up like that. She gets up from the bed and realizes that Basky is missing and she gets sad. She looks at the throne next to the bed and notices that Alucard is gone as well.

'What happened? Master is always here when I wake up.' She thinks as she gets out of the bed.

As soon as she gets done getting dressed, Seras walls out of the room and goes upstairs. She gets out of the secret passage behind the mirror and notices that there is a lot less movement in the mansion than normal.

She gets confused about this before realization strikes her.

'Oh, there must have been another mission. But why didn't anybody wake me? Did I do something wrong?' She starts to get sad before going to Sir Integra's office.

She soon meets a soldier walking the hallway on the second floor and starts feeling a crazy hunger from deep within herself. her eyes turn a deep crimson and her teeth elongate. The soldier starts to get freaked out and holds his gun toward seras' head.

'What is this? Is this the hunger that Seras felt in the show? It's insane, I have to rip something apart. I NEED to feed.' She starts to think of nothing but her hunger and the man starts to speak.

"Look at the little vampire. Now that you're not around Sir Integra, you're showing your true colors? I should have known monsters like you have no conscience." He speaks condescendingly while getting ready to pull the trigger at her forehead.

"Get away from me, YOU MAGGOT! You have no idea what you're doing!" She growls out in anger and frustration at how stupid the man is.

"What? Scared I'm going to put you down like the animal you and your master are?"

'Now THAT did it' her thoughts stop as she goes unconscious and hopes that whatever happens doesn't affect her master too much.

The man shoots his gun into Seras from her head down to her body and she falls down full of blood. The gunshots sound throughout the mansion and soon after Walter and some other guards run toward them.

"What happened!? Are we being invaded?" Walter questions immediately before seeing that Seras has been shot to bits.

"What have you done!? Why did you shoot her?" He immediately asks after.

"It was going to attack me Mr. Dolnez. I had to put it down." He speaks slowly and confidently while putting his gun on his shoulder.

"YOU FOOL! You have no idea what you've done. EVERYBODY! Evacuate and don't come back until I give you the all clear!" Walter yells to everybody before he turns back to Seras' body due to a sound he heard.

"Grrrr." She makes a growling sound as her body slowly starts to get up and her wounds close at the same speed.

Most of the men start to whimper and run away while some point their guns at Seras.

"Are you all disobeying a direct order!? I told you to leave!" Walter yells once again just as Seras gets up and her eyes are fully red with no white showing.

"AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH" Seras howls and the whole mansion shakes with it and then she disappears.

"God damn it!" Walter yells and gets his wires out instantly.

"What the hell is this? I shot her with blessed bullets, that should take down any and all vampires." The man who started all of this panics and falls on his buŧŧ while muttering.

"You idiot, do you even know whose blood turned her? She is the fledgling of the strongest Vampire in the world, puny bullets can't put her down." Walter explains to the man and then hears a sharp whistling sound that he can only ȧssume is Seras moving at high speeds.

He turns to his left and faces the man on the ground before whipping his wires in that direction.

"What....what are you doing? Why are you attacking me!?" The man yells while trying to get up and run away.

"Shut up and stay down! I can't protect you from her if you keep moving. Making an old man protect you is highly disrespectful." Walter complains and notices that there is some blood on his wire.

'At least she isn't as strong as she could be. I just need to weaken her enough to capture her and feed her some blood to calm her down.' He thinks as he keeps whizzing his wires around drawing more blood.

A few seconds later Seras stops in place with blood dripping from multiple wounds all over her body. She glares at Walter before glaring at the man who shot her.

She walks toward Walter and Seras before examining the surroundings.

'Hmm, bullet holes, blood, and Seras is injured.' She notices her feral state and the fact that a lone soldier is being protected by Walter. Also Seras still has the bullet wounds that are being healed slowly.

"God, Captain Johnson. What have you done?" Sir Integra sighs while slowly walking toward Walter.

"Sir, she attacked me!"

"If that's true, why aren't you dead? Or at least injured? You are a disgrace to the uniform and this institution. You're going to be punished for what you did here today. Walter!"


"Get me one of Johnson's knives, I'm putting an end to this fiasco."

Walter gets surprised before he realizes what she is doing. He picks up one of the knives at Johnson's waist with his wires and he gives it to Sir Integra through the same method.

"Thank you, Walter." Integra says before she cuts her left palm with the knife and slowly turns her cut hand over so the blood starts to drop to the ground.

She slowly extends her tongues and gets a taste of the sweet liquid that she hasn't ever tasted. It hits her like a ton of bricks and she immediately tries to lunge froward to get more before Integra yells.


Seras immediately stops before looking up at the platinum haired women in recognization. Although she does recognize her it stirs no memories, only a feeling of ownership to her animal crazed mind.

Integra brings her cut hand to seras' mouth and lets her drink for a while before patting her head. Seras stops as soon as Integra does this and then falls down to the ground. She then curls up into a ball Like a cat and starts to purr in delight.

The soldier takes this all in and realizes how much trouble he is in.

"Are you all right Sir Integra?" Walter asks worried about her hand.

"Don't worry Walter. You know as well as I that vampires saliva can heal minor wounds like that. Now, let's figure out what happened for such a thing to happen." Sir Integra says with knowing smile before her cold face emerges while looking at the still sitting soldier.

A couple hours later Seras wakes with a major headache that reminds her of the first time Michael combined with her.

'Oh god, what happened?' She clutches her head in pain while thinking.

{Master? Oh my! Did I get you in trouble? What happened? Did I kill him? What about....}She asks quickly before Alucard interrupts her.

{shut it Police Girl. Sometimes you annoy me when you're like this.} he growls in her head and out loud.

{I'm sorry Master. I don't know what happened.}

{I told you that not feeding would be a bad idea. I have been stalling your hunger with my presence, but when I'm gone it all comes back. Plus it's much worse than a normal fledgling due to my actions.}

{Really? I just thought vampires aren't as hungry as I thought.} She sighs in thought.

"Are we interrupting something or are you just going to sit in silence?" A female commanding voice interrupts them.

"Sir Integra! Please tell me I didn't cause any problems!" Seras asks in exclamation.

"if you're asking if you killed anyone. Then the answer is no. But you have caused some problems that we have to address."

"Like?" Her master asks in curiosity.

"Well, Seras has a few options. One, she can be sealed like you." Before she can continue, Alucard yells.

"NEVER! She is way too young to withstand such a ritual!" He growls afterwards.

"Calm down Vampire! It's just one of the options and it's by far the most extreme." Integra commands him with slight anger as well.

"Um....what are the others?" Seras asks while they're staring each other down.

"Two, you can start sleeping in another room to start getting control of your hunger pains. Three, you can sleep in a coffin. Or four, you can start to drink blood like a normal fuċkɨnġ vampire." She stares at Seras to prevent herself from looking at Alucard before saying the last option in frustration.

A few minutes go by before Seras makes up her mind.

'I can't drink blood yet, unless I go out and kill a few humans. I don't want to seperate from master and I DEFINITELY don't want to be sealed. So I guess that leaves one.'

"What kind of coffin are we talking about?" She sighs tiredly as her head is still aching.

"it will be a surprise." Integra says while exhaling smoke.

"If it's some crappy thing, I won't sleep in it." Seras says as she remembers the coffin Seras got given in the anime and manga.

"I don't think you have the choice of the matter, Police Girl. You're lucky I didn't have Alucard kill you." Integra glares at Seras.

"So you were going to give me a crappy coffin. Weren't you?" Seras exclaims knowingly.

After Seras says this, Integra shows a flustered expression. Both Alucard and Walter give her a slight despising look at that. When Integra sees this, she realizes that such a coffin would truly be horrible to sleep in for anyone, especially a vampire.

"Fine, it will be made appropriately, any requests?" She sighs in defeat from the three-prong Attack.

"I would like it if it was similar to Masters." She smiles in victory.

"How did I come down here to punish you and I end up giving you what you want?" Integra mumbles before leaving the room.

When Walter and Integra leave, Seras Thinks about what happened earlier and then gets angry at the soldier that attacked her. Most importantly she gets angry about what he said about her master.

"You are truly a child Seras." Alucard says suddenly to which she gets surprised.

"Master?" She asks in disbelief at the use of her name.

"Why must you be angry over what such a despicable human did? He deserved so much more for what he did to you." Alucard gets angry while reading his childe's mind.

"It's not what he did to me, it's what he said." She says slowly while looking at him.

"What did he say?"

"He said that we're animals, and referred to us as things. I don't mind the animal part as the way he referred to you and I as tools."

"I see. You must remember police girl. To the humans of this organization, they don't see us unless we're on missions. We get ordered to kill monsters and then disappear soon after. To them, we are things."

Seras starts to tear up and Alucard growls at her weakness before he realizes what she is crying about.

"It must have been lonely for you master."

"It wasn't so bad, I've lived for 5 centuries. I can deal with being alone at this point." He chuckles dryly before disappearing into the ground.

As Alucard left, Seras just lays down on the couch and thinks to herself.

'I see.....he's bored and alone. Well, now that I'm here, he won't be for long.' Seras smiles.

'It seems that I have to figure out a way to get blood without alarming anyone. I still cant drink the blood packs without it feeling, I guess the only way to describe it is unnatural.' She thinks while going back to Alucard's room.

As soon as she opens the door, she sees her master sitting on his throne with the same look in his eyes. The eyes of someone who is alone and misunderstood.

Seras saunters over to him and he doesn't notice her until she is right by his side.

"What is it Police Girl?" He asks while getting rid of the earlier look.

"Master, my darling Master. I will always be by your side."

"Oh Childe. You have no idea what forever can do to a person. 5 Centuries, 50 Decades, 500 Years, 6000 Months. You've only been a part of my life for 1/6000 of it. How can you possibly know what I feel like?" He gets slightly anger at her supposed ignorance.

"You're right, I don't understand the length you have lived. But I do understand the loneliness, I have been so alone for my whole life, both of them. In a way, I believe I was more alone than you." Seras chuckles for a while.

"That's what you believe?" Alucard gets angrier thinking that she doesn't understand.

"Have you read any of my memories master?"

"No, but I have seen some of your dreams. Nothing else."

"I see. Then do you know what happened when I was young?"

"Just that your parents were killed and your foster families put you through hell."

"Hahaha. You think those foster families were hell? Oh please, the orphanages were so much worse." Seras laughs at the misinterpretation.

"How do you mean? I read the file, they did horrible things to you."

"Yes, but the orphans were so much worse. My parents were killed right in front of me, my mother was rȧpėd after being killed right in front of me, I was bleeding from the shots that those ȧssholes plugged me with and I still wasn't as sad as I was at the orphanages I was sent to." Seras gets angry as her eyes turn red thinking of the past.

"What happened? What did they do?" Alucard asks in genuine concern.

Seras just stands in front of him for a while and a single bloody tear slides down her cheek before Seras walks away.

"Nothing, Nothing at all." she says weakly while trembling.

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