Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 18 - 18 - Suspicions and Anger
The next night after their Talk, Seras wakes up to Walter shaking her body like usual.
"Seras, Sir Integra is sending you on a mission with the troops."
"Seriously Walter? Even after yesterday I'm going on a mission with humans?"
"Yes, Alucard says that you'll be fine since you drank Sir Integra's blood."
"Really? Well, ok. What's the mission?"
"Apparently there has been a female vampire stalking humans coming out of nightclubs. She waits for them to leave and lures them into an alley before attacking."
"Ok, Where am I meeting them?" Seras asks while getting out of the bed.
"In the courtyard, they'll provide you with the weapons."
"Thank you Walter."
"Good Hunting Seras." Walter says before leaving.
"Why didn't you say anything Master?"
"What Police Girl?"
"Can you call out Basky? I miss him." She asks.
"You haven't even been separated for a full day." He sighs before Basky pops out of the ground in his small pug form.
"BASKY! Ooh, I missed you so much." Seras yells while a Basky jumps into her arms and she starts petting him roughly.
"You missed me too huh?" She laughs a little before picking him up and bringing him with her to get changed.
A few minutes go by before she walks out of the bathroom ready for her mission.
"Are you sure I'll be fine master? I'm worried about troubling Walter again."
"You drank pure vɨrġɨn blood Police Girl. You'll be fine, in fact you'll feel so much better for a while." He smirks.
"Is that why I'm not as tired or lethargic?"
"Yes, 1 ounce of vɨrġɨn blood is the same as 100 ounces of normal blood. Plus it gives you a high like no other. I have to admit, you were in a league of your own though, Police Girl." He chuckles in remembrance.
"Really!? I tasted that good to you?"
"Yes, I haven't enjoyed a meal like yours in centuries."
"I'm glad!" Seras says before leaving to go on the mission.
She is skipping happily until she reaches the front door which is open. She sees that a lot of the soldiers are giving her a hateful glare.
Seras soon recognizes one of the men and grimaces in disgust.
'Is that the Captain Steadler from the Hellsing Anime? So it's not just Ultimate and Abridged. Fuck me, this is going to be annoying.' Seras' face shows countless emotions while walking toward the vehicle.
"Well well well, if it isn't the little vampire slave. How are you feeling? All hot and bothered?" Steadler asks while looking at Seras' Voluptuous body.
'Oh my fuċkɨnġ god, did he just call me a slave while leering at me? I can't wait to fuċkɨnġ kill him.' Seras shows her cold smile which scares the man for a second before regaining his cool.
"Enough Captain Steadler. This is your first mission with Hellsing, bring your A game." Fargason comes up and interrupts the soon to be fight.
"Yes sir, everybody. Roll out." Steadler salutes before showing a soldiers expression.
The ride to the location of the suspected vampire attack is a long and awkward one stewing in silence. This goes on until Steadler starts whistling and looking at Seras' body again.
After about a half an hour, the vehicle stops and Steadler opens the door before shopping out and yelling.
"Ok people...and monster." He says before pausing and addressing Seras directly.
"We have intel that the club across the street is the next target for our vampire. I want everyone to split up into twos and surround the building discretely." He says and then everyone follows the command except Seras.
"Officer Victoria."
"You're with me. We're going to the roof." He says before pointing to the roof across the street from the pub.
'I know he's an ȧsshole, but he's not bad at giving orders effectively.' Seras admits to herself silently while climbing an alley ladder.
Just as she gets done positioning herself the captain begins to speak to her.
"So, is it true that you have to be a vɨrġɨn in order to become a vampire?" He asks.
She hears the question and thinks that Steadler might not be the same ȧsshole from the anime.
"So I guess that means you were a vɨrġɨn?"
"I was? I still am."
"Oh? That's right. I'm sorry about that." He chuckles for a bit while Seras is not hating him so much anymore before he continues.
"I don't usually consider pets having vɨrġɨnities. I mean you don't consider a dog having one. Right?" He laces sarcasm in that statement.
Seras is actually speechless at the difference between what he said and how his expression is. He looks to still be smiling happily.
"Haha, I can't believe he actually said that."
"I know right, the bet was only a pound."
"I think he only wanted an excuse."
Seras is taking this all in while holding the rifle.
"So...that's how it's going to be, is it?" She says darkly while looking in the scope.
"Huh?" The captain says before he feels a pain in his wrist.
He looks down and sees a hand gripping his wrist so hard the bone actually snapped. Before he can even process the pain and scream another hand covers his mouth.
"Shhhhhhhh. We don't want anyone to get in the way of our fun time. Do we Captain?" Seras hushes and whispers in the captains ear while turning off both of their comms and putting them in her pocket.
While she is doing this, the other members are oblivious and focusing on the mission.
"Now, were going to be playing a fun game. If you can scream for help, you win. If you can't I win. And after that nice comment about dogs, you should know that once they latch onto something, it's VERY difficult to get it away from them. Are you ready?" Seras says this very slowly while still covering his mouth.
When he doesn't answer, she starts to get pissed and crushes a finger on the hand with the broken wrist.
"MMMMPH!!" He groans painfully while trembling in fear.
"You know, even after crushing your wrist. You can still feel pain in your hand. Now nod for yes and shake for no. Also if there is no answer in 5 seconds I WILL kill you and get rid of your body. Trust me, there will be nothing left when I'm through with you."
As she is about to say 4 Steadler nods his head yes rapidly.
She notices this and grins evilly.
"That wasn't so hard now. Let me reiterate this for you, the only way you get out of this alive is if you can draw attention to yourself. Please make this fun for me, I would hate for it to end so soon." She says this while slowly uncovering his mouth.
Just as she gets done, Steadler tries to scream. But just when he opens his mouth Seras punches his jaw and it shatters. He doesn't even register this pain until she stomps on his foot and he tumbles down.
"Now, How will you yell without your jaw? Cmon, we're just getting started." She smiles again and starts to crack her knuckles.
Ten minutes later a couple comes out of the club and a vampire lunges out after them. Before it can hurt them though, a bullet pierced the heart and dust covers the couple.
"AAAAAAAH!" The woman screams as blood and dust cover her.
Seras stands up from the roof and turns over to Steadler. The man is shivering while his body is just laying face down. If any doctor was here, they would notice that his legs and arms are broken in various places making it impossible for him to move.
"Now, our mission is done and I have to deal with you." Seras says while flipping the captain over.
Just as he is flipped, Seras can see the tears and snot covering his face making him look pathetic.
"You know Steadler, the last time somebody called me a Bitch, I broke his whole body and let him go." She explains slowly and sees a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"Buuuuut. That was because Walter was there. Do you really think I'll let you go back alive after what I've done?"
"Uugh!" He groans in pain and fear as his hope is now shattered.
Seras leans closer to his ear and speaks again.
"Good answer." She then twist his neck backwards and then stores his body in her inventory.
She dusts her uniform and jumps from the roof landing near the vehicle she arrived in. She opens the door and sits in the back.
A few seconds later the squad meets up and see she is in the vehicle waiting for them.
"Where is Captain Steadler? Didn't he go with you?" One of them ask.
"Hmm? Oh yes, he went with me but a few minutes later he walked back to the ladder and left soon after. I just ȧssumed he was with you. Was he not?" Sears asks innocently.
"That doesn't sound like him."
"Maybe he went to take a leak.?"
"He would have showed up by now with the gunshots."
As they're all giving opinions, Seras gives her own.
"Maybe the vampire got him before they went for the couple?"
They all pale visibly and immediately radio for Steadler. When no answer comes back, the next ranking officer explains the situation to HQ.
A few minutes later, they get ordered to return to Helsing and let the Investigation division deal with Steadler.
As they're traveling back to the mansion Seras realizes what she has just done.
'I finally killed someone. Oh my god,IT FELT AMAZING! I can't wait until the valentine incident. There's the problem of the plot though. Without Steadler how will that reporter women do the viral videos?' She first chuckles happily until thinking at the change this might cause.
Seras arrives at the mansion to an angry faced Integra giving her a death glare. She keeps glaring at Seras until she walks up to her and coldly asks.
"So, what happened Police Girl?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean!?" She yells out which silences the soldiers.
"Are you blaming me for doing something?"
"I'm only going to ask this once and if you lie to me I'll be very, VERY angry." She says before pausing.
"Did you kill Captain Steadler?"
"No, I didn't." She states straight into Integra's eyes showing how truthful she is.
A few seconds go by before Integra huffs our in defeat and leaves the courtyard.
Seras is left by herself as the soldiers are scrambling around her.
'I don't think she believed me. Oh well, I wonder if master is here.' Seras thinks to herself while walking inside the mansion.
She walks to the basement and opens the door to Basky running into her body.
"Hahaha. I'm happy to see you too Basky." Seras laughs while petting the monster.
"So, Police Girl. Integra wants me to interrogate you on what happened on the mission." Alucard interrupts them.
"So she didn't actually believe me." Seras sighs sadly before releasing Steadlers body into the room.
The body appears midair before toppling over onto the ground.
"Well, that's something. What did he do that made you do this?" Alucard glances at the body before ignoring it altogether.
"I would prefer not to say. If you need to know, You could drink my blood." Seras pouts angrily before offering her neck.
"You're serious?"
"Why? Do you not want to drink my blood? It's fresh, well as fresh as a corpses blood could be." She says jokingly.
"I'm not amused Police Girl. You do realize what could happen if Integra gets angry, right?"
"I know master. I really didn't want to do it, but there is only so much I can take from a guy like this." She kicks his dead body as she says this.
"You didn't even drink from him. That's such a waste."
"I didn't want him inside of me." She spits on the body.
"Not every person you drink from gets transferred into you. You can choose who does." Alucard drops this bomb with little interest.
"Wait! Seriously!? Then what about the blood packs?"
"Oh please, there is no soul in that blood. With the amount of machines and testing they've been through, you're lucky if it can satiate your hunger." Alucard dismisses that thought.
"Seriously? I could have been drinking blood this whole time?" She mumbles in disbelief.
"Why didn't you tell me!?"
"You never asked!" He laughs at her before disappearing from view.
In Sir Integra's office, Walter and her are talking before Alucard interrupts them.
"What seems to be the problem, my master?"
"You know what it is, my servant. The police girl is out of control."
"I don't know what yo-"
"I ORDER you to tell me the truth, Vampire." She demands with anger.
"...Fine. Yes, she killed that human, he is currently on the floor of my room." He sighs before answering.
"I knew it. She needs to be controlled Alucard. I can't have my soldiers disappear each time she is on a mission."
"She has a very good reason. That human was sėxuȧŀly harassing and touching her."
"Really? Why on earth would he do something like that?" Integra asks confused.
"Are you serious Integra? Have you seen the police girl?"
"Yes, but no English man would do that."
"You're living in denial Integra. Do you really believe that any man could deny their ŀust for her especially with the way they think of her?" Alucard asks sarcastically.
"What do you mean?"
"Walter would you care to explain to our master, she wouldn't believe me."
"Sir, they think that Seras is a slave and she can't fight back whatever they do to her." Walter explains after a few seconds of thought.
"Yes, they see the way you treat me and the Police Girl and they believe that they have the right to do that as well." Alucard says with mirth in his tone.
"That is ridiculous."
"I have an idea." Walter interjects in their conversation.
"What is it Walter?" Integra asks.
"It's simple, we should just treat her like Alucard."
"What do you mean?"
"Send her on missions solo, She is strong enough."
"...." Integra thinks to herself in silence at the thought.
A few seconds go by before she makes her decision.
"Fine, but this is her LAST chance. Also you need to train her to use that portal ability you use. I don't want her letting a vampire escape."
"Yes, of course. My Master." Alucard leaves this statement before disappearing.
"Seras, Sir Integra is sending you on a mission with the troops."
"Seriously Walter? Even after yesterday I'm going on a mission with humans?"
"Yes, Alucard says that you'll be fine since you drank Sir Integra's blood."
"Really? Well, ok. What's the mission?"
"Apparently there has been a female vampire stalking humans coming out of nightclubs. She waits for them to leave and lures them into an alley before attacking."
"Ok, Where am I meeting them?" Seras asks while getting out of the bed.
"In the courtyard, they'll provide you with the weapons."
"Thank you Walter."
"Good Hunting Seras." Walter says before leaving.
"Why didn't you say anything Master?"
"What Police Girl?"
"Can you call out Basky? I miss him." She asks.
"You haven't even been separated for a full day." He sighs before Basky pops out of the ground in his small pug form.
"BASKY! Ooh, I missed you so much." Seras yells while a Basky jumps into her arms and she starts petting him roughly.
"You missed me too huh?" She laughs a little before picking him up and bringing him with her to get changed.
A few minutes go by before she walks out of the bathroom ready for her mission.
"Are you sure I'll be fine master? I'm worried about troubling Walter again."
"You drank pure vɨrġɨn blood Police Girl. You'll be fine, in fact you'll feel so much better for a while." He smirks.
"Is that why I'm not as tired or lethargic?"
"Yes, 1 ounce of vɨrġɨn blood is the same as 100 ounces of normal blood. Plus it gives you a high like no other. I have to admit, you were in a league of your own though, Police Girl." He chuckles in remembrance.
"Really!? I tasted that good to you?"
"Yes, I haven't enjoyed a meal like yours in centuries."
"I'm glad!" Seras says before leaving to go on the mission.
She is skipping happily until she reaches the front door which is open. She sees that a lot of the soldiers are giving her a hateful glare.
Seras soon recognizes one of the men and grimaces in disgust.
'Is that the Captain Steadler from the Hellsing Anime? So it's not just Ultimate and Abridged. Fuck me, this is going to be annoying.' Seras' face shows countless emotions while walking toward the vehicle.
"Well well well, if it isn't the little vampire slave. How are you feeling? All hot and bothered?" Steadler asks while looking at Seras' Voluptuous body.
'Oh my fuċkɨnġ god, did he just call me a slave while leering at me? I can't wait to fuċkɨnġ kill him.' Seras shows her cold smile which scares the man for a second before regaining his cool.
"Enough Captain Steadler. This is your first mission with Hellsing, bring your A game." Fargason comes up and interrupts the soon to be fight.
"Yes sir, everybody. Roll out." Steadler salutes before showing a soldiers expression.
The ride to the location of the suspected vampire attack is a long and awkward one stewing in silence. This goes on until Steadler starts whistling and looking at Seras' body again.
After about a half an hour, the vehicle stops and Steadler opens the door before shopping out and yelling.
"Ok people...and monster." He says before pausing and addressing Seras directly.
"We have intel that the club across the street is the next target for our vampire. I want everyone to split up into twos and surround the building discretely." He says and then everyone follows the command except Seras.
"Officer Victoria."
"You're with me. We're going to the roof." He says before pointing to the roof across the street from the pub.
'I know he's an ȧsshole, but he's not bad at giving orders effectively.' Seras admits to herself silently while climbing an alley ladder.
Just as she gets done positioning herself the captain begins to speak to her.
"So, is it true that you have to be a vɨrġɨn in order to become a vampire?" He asks.
She hears the question and thinks that Steadler might not be the same ȧsshole from the anime.
"So I guess that means you were a vɨrġɨn?"
"I was? I still am."
"Oh? That's right. I'm sorry about that." He chuckles for a bit while Seras is not hating him so much anymore before he continues.
"I don't usually consider pets having vɨrġɨnities. I mean you don't consider a dog having one. Right?" He laces sarcasm in that statement.
Seras is actually speechless at the difference between what he said and how his expression is. He looks to still be smiling happily.
"Haha, I can't believe he actually said that."
"I know right, the bet was only a pound."
"I think he only wanted an excuse."
Seras is taking this all in while holding the rifle.
"So...that's how it's going to be, is it?" She says darkly while looking in the scope.
"Huh?" The captain says before he feels a pain in his wrist.
He looks down and sees a hand gripping his wrist so hard the bone actually snapped. Before he can even process the pain and scream another hand covers his mouth.
"Shhhhhhhh. We don't want anyone to get in the way of our fun time. Do we Captain?" Seras hushes and whispers in the captains ear while turning off both of their comms and putting them in her pocket.
While she is doing this, the other members are oblivious and focusing on the mission.
"Now, were going to be playing a fun game. If you can scream for help, you win. If you can't I win. And after that nice comment about dogs, you should know that once they latch onto something, it's VERY difficult to get it away from them. Are you ready?" Seras says this very slowly while still covering his mouth.
When he doesn't answer, she starts to get pissed and crushes a finger on the hand with the broken wrist.
"MMMMPH!!" He groans painfully while trembling in fear.
"You know, even after crushing your wrist. You can still feel pain in your hand. Now nod for yes and shake for no. Also if there is no answer in 5 seconds I WILL kill you and get rid of your body. Trust me, there will be nothing left when I'm through with you."
As she is about to say 4 Steadler nods his head yes rapidly.
She notices this and grins evilly.
"That wasn't so hard now. Let me reiterate this for you, the only way you get out of this alive is if you can draw attention to yourself. Please make this fun for me, I would hate for it to end so soon." She says this while slowly uncovering his mouth.
Just as she gets done, Steadler tries to scream. But just when he opens his mouth Seras punches his jaw and it shatters. He doesn't even register this pain until she stomps on his foot and he tumbles down.
"Now, How will you yell without your jaw? Cmon, we're just getting started." She smiles again and starts to crack her knuckles.
Ten minutes later a couple comes out of the club and a vampire lunges out after them. Before it can hurt them though, a bullet pierced the heart and dust covers the couple.
"AAAAAAAH!" The woman screams as blood and dust cover her.
Seras stands up from the roof and turns over to Steadler. The man is shivering while his body is just laying face down. If any doctor was here, they would notice that his legs and arms are broken in various places making it impossible for him to move.
"Now, our mission is done and I have to deal with you." Seras says while flipping the captain over.
Just as he is flipped, Seras can see the tears and snot covering his face making him look pathetic.
"You know Steadler, the last time somebody called me a Bitch, I broke his whole body and let him go." She explains slowly and sees a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"Buuuuut. That was because Walter was there. Do you really think I'll let you go back alive after what I've done?"
"Uugh!" He groans in pain and fear as his hope is now shattered.
Seras leans closer to his ear and speaks again.
"Good answer." She then twist his neck backwards and then stores his body in her inventory.
She dusts her uniform and jumps from the roof landing near the vehicle she arrived in. She opens the door and sits in the back.
A few seconds later the squad meets up and see she is in the vehicle waiting for them.
"Where is Captain Steadler? Didn't he go with you?" One of them ask.
"Hmm? Oh yes, he went with me but a few minutes later he walked back to the ladder and left soon after. I just ȧssumed he was with you. Was he not?" Sears asks innocently.
"That doesn't sound like him."
"Maybe he went to take a leak.?"
"He would have showed up by now with the gunshots."
As they're all giving opinions, Seras gives her own.
"Maybe the vampire got him before they went for the couple?"
They all pale visibly and immediately radio for Steadler. When no answer comes back, the next ranking officer explains the situation to HQ.
A few minutes later, they get ordered to return to Helsing and let the Investigation division deal with Steadler.
As they're traveling back to the mansion Seras realizes what she has just done.
'I finally killed someone. Oh my god,IT FELT AMAZING! I can't wait until the valentine incident. There's the problem of the plot though. Without Steadler how will that reporter women do the viral videos?' She first chuckles happily until thinking at the change this might cause.
Seras arrives at the mansion to an angry faced Integra giving her a death glare. She keeps glaring at Seras until she walks up to her and coldly asks.
"So, what happened Police Girl?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean!?" She yells out which silences the soldiers.
"Are you blaming me for doing something?"
"I'm only going to ask this once and if you lie to me I'll be very, VERY angry." She says before pausing.
"Did you kill Captain Steadler?"
"No, I didn't." She states straight into Integra's eyes showing how truthful she is.
A few seconds go by before Integra huffs our in defeat and leaves the courtyard.
Seras is left by herself as the soldiers are scrambling around her.
'I don't think she believed me. Oh well, I wonder if master is here.' Seras thinks to herself while walking inside the mansion.
She walks to the basement and opens the door to Basky running into her body.
"Hahaha. I'm happy to see you too Basky." Seras laughs while petting the monster.
"So, Police Girl. Integra wants me to interrogate you on what happened on the mission." Alucard interrupts them.
"So she didn't actually believe me." Seras sighs sadly before releasing Steadlers body into the room.
The body appears midair before toppling over onto the ground.
"Well, that's something. What did he do that made you do this?" Alucard glances at the body before ignoring it altogether.
"I would prefer not to say. If you need to know, You could drink my blood." Seras pouts angrily before offering her neck.
"You're serious?"
"Why? Do you not want to drink my blood? It's fresh, well as fresh as a corpses blood could be." She says jokingly.
"I'm not amused Police Girl. You do realize what could happen if Integra gets angry, right?"
"I know master. I really didn't want to do it, but there is only so much I can take from a guy like this." She kicks his dead body as she says this.
"You didn't even drink from him. That's such a waste."
"I didn't want him inside of me." She spits on the body.
"Not every person you drink from gets transferred into you. You can choose who does." Alucard drops this bomb with little interest.
"Wait! Seriously!? Then what about the blood packs?"
"Oh please, there is no soul in that blood. With the amount of machines and testing they've been through, you're lucky if it can satiate your hunger." Alucard dismisses that thought.
"Seriously? I could have been drinking blood this whole time?" She mumbles in disbelief.
"Why didn't you tell me!?"
"You never asked!" He laughs at her before disappearing from view.
In Sir Integra's office, Walter and her are talking before Alucard interrupts them.
"What seems to be the problem, my master?"
"You know what it is, my servant. The police girl is out of control."
"I don't know what yo-"
"I ORDER you to tell me the truth, Vampire." She demands with anger.
"...Fine. Yes, she killed that human, he is currently on the floor of my room." He sighs before answering.
"I knew it. She needs to be controlled Alucard. I can't have my soldiers disappear each time she is on a mission."
"She has a very good reason. That human was sėxuȧŀly harassing and touching her."
"Really? Why on earth would he do something like that?" Integra asks confused.
"Are you serious Integra? Have you seen the police girl?"
"Yes, but no English man would do that."
"You're living in denial Integra. Do you really believe that any man could deny their ŀust for her especially with the way they think of her?" Alucard asks sarcastically.
"What do you mean?"
"Walter would you care to explain to our master, she wouldn't believe me."
"Sir, they think that Seras is a slave and she can't fight back whatever they do to her." Walter explains after a few seconds of thought.
"Yes, they see the way you treat me and the Police Girl and they believe that they have the right to do that as well." Alucard says with mirth in his tone.
"That is ridiculous."
"I have an idea." Walter interjects in their conversation.
"What is it Walter?" Integra asks.
"It's simple, we should just treat her like Alucard."
"What do you mean?"
"Send her on missions solo, She is strong enough."
"...." Integra thinks to herself in silence at the thought.
A few seconds go by before she makes her decision.
"Fine, but this is her LAST chance. Also you need to train her to use that portal ability you use. I don't want her letting a vampire escape."
"Yes, of course. My Master." Alucard leaves this statement before disappearing.
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