Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 26 - 26 - Day 4
"That is a question for another time. Right now we are focusing on you."
"Ok. So what does our origin have to do with my training."
"I've already given you the information."
Seras tilts her head down in thought before raising it and showing an expression of realization.
"You understand? Although matters of the soul are precarious."
"So how exactly are you going to train me to change my bod?"
"That's simple, I'm going to alter your appearance until you get the feeling. I'm going to really enjoy this." He smiles widely at her as he says so.
Seras spends the next 8 hours having her clothing changed into all sorts of ridiculous styles. There were clothes that only prȯstɨtutės would wear, clothes fit for a queen, and everything in between as well.
'How on earth does master know about bunny suits!? I understand the maid uniform, but a bunny suit!?' She yells internally as her body was literally morphed into different forms.
"We will continue this form of training until you get it Police Girl. I'm sad that when you do I'll no longer be able to have fun like this." He goes into his coffin while saying so.
"Stupid master!" She shouts at him tiredly.
"What was that?" His voice sounds out.
"Nothing!" She covers her head with her blanket and closes her eyes.
Dawn comes and the vampires go to bed. While the Iscariot members wake up and start to search the first floor for anything that mentions the seals.
"Why on god's green earth is it so difficult to find anything!? We have been through 2 libraries and still haven't found anything useful!" Maxwell shouts in frustration while looking through another library.
"Calm down Maxwell. I'm sure the basement will have what we're looking for." Renaldo says.
"Then why haven't we searched there first? This charade has been going on long enough!"
"Appearances. We can't just go straight to the main course without eating the appetizer!"
"He's right Maxwell. What's the fun in killing a vampire without tormenting them first?" Anderson States his views on the matter.
"I've never been one to play with my food Anderson. You should know."
"Yeah, Enrico has never played with his food before!" Yumie has childishly.
"Be quiet! Bishop Maxwell is our boss and he deserves respect. Even if we grew up in the same orphanage." Heinkel yells at her.
"It's ok Heinkel. You know that I don't like it when you are so professional with me."
"That's not the point." She huffs.
As they're all searching the first floor. Walter and Integra are in her office speaking to each other.
"Sir, shouldn't you mention to them about not entering Alucard's room?"
"I was actually just thinking about that, but if I say that wouldn't they just do the exact opposite?" She sighs tiredly.
"That's true. But if you don't say anything then the situation will end in disaster much faster."
"God Walter. What can I do?"
"Just tell them straight up not to enter alucards room. Any situation as a result of that will be on them. Oh, and make sure to get a recording of you saying so."
"Ok Walter, will you get them for me when they're done searching the first floor?"
"Of course sir." Walter bows and leaves the room.
A few hours later, the Iscariots are heading to the stairs that lead to the basement.
"Finally, we're getting somewhere."
Before Maxwell can finalize that feeling, he notices Walter walking to them.
"Bishop Maxwell, my master would like to have a word with you before you search the basement."
"What could she want with me? She's not allowed to directly involve herself with this investigation."
"Please." He says ignoring that statement.
"Very well. I shall go."
They arrive at her office soon after.
"Bishop Maxwell. I just wanted to inform you to not enter my servant's chamber. When he and I officially started our contract he made it very clear that no one shall enter his chamber without permission."
"Part of this investigation is to search the whole of Hellsing. I can't I good conscience ignore such a prime hiding place."
"You will heed my warning Bishop. If you set a single foot inside, I will not be responsible for what happens." She warns him with a grim face.
"You're serious?"
"Very well, I will take this under advisement. Anything else you wish to inform me of?"
"Nothing at the moment."
"Then I shall take my leave." Maxwell leaves hurriedly to blow off some steam.
'First it's the harassment from the blonde bitch and now I'm taking orders from the ice queen herself? Hell no, I'm going into that room whether she likes it or not.'
"Anderson were going to the basement and nothing is going to stop us. Maxwell passed them before commanding.
"Now that's more like it!" Anderson smiles for the first time since getting there.
"What happened Maxwell?" Renaldo asks.
"Nothing at all."
"Finally, we found it."
"What is this Sir?" Heinkel asks while shivering from the cold feeling emanating from the doors.
"This, my dear sister, is the room to Alucard." he puts his hand on the door and ċȧrėsses it.
"Please don't touch my door. I don't want to clean the filth that you bring with you, off of it." Alucard's voice sounds out.
"How much filthier can it get when a demon like you lives in it?" Anderson asks sarcastically.
"Cleaner than when a perverted boy loving priest touches it. Speaking of, hows little Timmy? I'm sure he misses your daily rituals."
"Shut up and die foul beast!" Anderson kicks open the door weapons in hand.
"Make me, Judas Priest!" Alucard gets out his hand gun as well.
They all walk in and find Alucard sitting on his throne holding out his gun ready to fire. They look around and find that his room is very big but has little to no furniture being housed inside of it.
"I didn't invite you lot inside my chambers. Now leave before I make you."
"I'm afraid not vampire, I've been tasked by the Vatican to search this organization from top to bottom. Your room is included in that." Maxwell speaks confidently.
"Oh?" Alucard's voice gets lower and his shadows start to extend outward in his rage.
"Master!" Seras speaks out for the first time during the standoff.
Everybody turns to her and finds her in bed still sleeping. How she spoke that loud while unconscious is beyond them but it calms Alucard down.
His shadows recede and Maxwell clicks his tongue in annoyance.
"She is still getting in my way even while she sleeps."
"Then you shouldn't have come while we were sleeping you little man."
"Some might say that that is the perfect time to come."
"Who? Little Timmy?" He jokes again.
Anderson's last shred of patience snapped And he throws his bayonets at Alucard.
Before anyone even knows what happened, they reach their target and puncture Alucard's brain and heart.
"Anderson! Why did you attack?" Maxwell yells out.
"He has spoken for too long." He spits angrily.
"So that's it?" Heinkel asks in disappointment at the lackluster ending.
"What makes you say that?"
"He's dead, right?"
"Hahahahaha! This is Alucard we're dealing with Heinkel. I beheaded him and he still lives."
As soon as Anderson voice sounds out, Alucard's body picked itself up like it was on a string and he chuckles a little.
"Why did you have to ruin the surprise priest. This is the only fun I get." He pulls out both of the bayonets and drops them onto the ground.
Seras hears the noise and opens her eyes to find Anderson and Alucard are fighting. She sees the blood on the ground and her eyes go red in delight.
"Finally! FINALLY! I'm so happy!" She yells and jumps out of bed.
She brings two guns out of her space and points it at the rest of the Iscariots.
After she says this, Heinkel pulls out her own guns and Yumie unsheathes her sword.
"Master I don't know what you did, but I'm glad you have done so. This is going to be amazing." Seras goes by her master and speaks to him happily.
"I believe it will be Police Girl. I'll have Anderson and you'll take the rest."
"I wouldn't have it any other way, my master."
They're all staring at each other until Anderson throws more bayonets at Alucard.
Heinkel shoots at seras while Yumie runs to her dodging the bullets that appear behind her. Seras takes out a bayonet from her inventory and intercepts the blade that is coming down from above at her head.
When the two blades hit, the bullets are right on target and hit all of seras' limbs.
Heinkel breathes in relief until she notices seras healing herself similar to her master from before.
"You're a monster!"
"Aw, that's not very nice." Seras smiles as the last wound closes.
Yumie is still trying to contest in strength by bringing her sword down on top of Seras' head. Seras is easily holding out with one hand so Yumie decides to retreat back to her position.
As they were doing this, Anderson reaches Alucard at a very fast speed and goes to punch him in the face. When Alucard dodges, the bayonets he threw earlier reach their destination.
They hit Alucard where he dodged right in his torso stopping him from moving.
"Not so tough with blessed blades in your gut." He smiles madly and yells.
"Oh I'm still tough, just getting impatient." Alucard replies as Anderson brings more bayonets out.
Maxwell is being guarded by Renaldo in the background while the two groups fight.
Seras brings out a second bayonet and throws them both at the girls. She portals into the ground after doing so.
Heinkel and Yumie dodge them but they realize that they're both in proximity of the other. When they're about to separate, seras comes out of the portal between them and grabs their heads from behind.
She picks them up and slams them to the ground creating a fissure where their heads landed.
"I hope you two were enhanced like Anderson or that might have killed you."
When she doesn't receive a reply she gets worried that she might have killed them and goes to check their pulse.
As she reaches Heinkel's neck a sword cuts to where her arm is. Seras dodges just in time but blood is now flowing out of her wrist.
"Playing dead? I would have thought the Vatican would be above such tactics." Seras hisses at the wound as it's burning her flesh before saying so.
"This is life or death. Anything goes, right?" Yumie smiles wickedly like she is a different person.
"I see." Seras replies with a smile before ripping up her clothes and tying it around her wound to stop the blood from flowing out.
Heinkel gets up slowly and grabs her head.
"That hurts."
"Well duh."
Anderson threw around ten bayonets at Alucard when he notices that Heinkel and Yumie were getting pummeled into the ground.
He turns around and before he can go help them, bullets get fired at his position.
"You're not getting in the way of her fun, are you Judas Priest?" Alucard smiles while pulling out the 12 bayonets that have pierced his body.
"Shut up and die already vampire!" Anderson yells when he notices all of his bayonets are not doing anything.
"It's going to take a lot more than some blessed blades to keep me down." He points his gun at Anderson again.
Maxwell is appalled at how ineffective their fighting strength is against the Hellsing trump cards.
'At least none of them are injured, so it seems like a tie.'
Just as he thinks so, seras begins to speak.
"Master, can I use it?"
"No you can't Police Girl. You're life isn't in danger."
As their dialogue is going on Maxwell is surprised before realization strikes him.
'She hasn't been using that strange teleportation. If she has.....' his thoughts end as seras begins her attack again.
"Well that's fine, this way is more fun anyway." She runs up to her opponents with guns in hand and begins firing at them.
Yumie cuts the bullets apart while Heinkel dodges them and shoots back. Bullets hit seras but just as before they're ineffective.
"This is ridiculous. The only thing that can hurt her is your sword." Heinkel whispers to Yumie mid fight.
"True, you make a distraction and I'll cut her up."
"Good." Heinkel replies before looking back at seras with full concentration.
As seras fought with them again, Alucard started shooting at Anderson causing him to fall back.
The bullets are not hurting him as he is regenerating after every hit.
"This is getting me nowhere. I'll just have to do this the old fashioned way then." Alucard puts away his gun and puts his arms at his sides.
"What are you doing? Fighting bȧrė handed against blades?"
"That's right, my hands are much stronger than any bullet will ever be."
When Alucard says this he runs up to Anderson and makes a piercing motion at his heart.
Anderson replies to this gesture by cutting off alucards arm and piercing him with a few of his own blades.
Alucard laughs gleefully before noticing more bayonets being thrown his way.
"This is so much fun! You're really making my day with this fight."
Alucard's body hasn't stopped bleeding from the amount of cuts he has received. He stands straight up and motions with his hands.
"You're about to see what I can really do."
"How does it feel being the slave of another slave?" Heinkel speaks out to get seras' attention.
"I'm not his slave." She replies seriously.
"Oh really? Can't he make you do anything with but a thought? If that's not a slave then I don't know what is."
"Shut up! Did you really think that whispering would make me all of a sudden not hear you? It's painfully obvious that Yumie is coming from behind to stab me." Seras replies to her angrily before suddenly turning around 180 degrees and grabbing at Yumies neck and dodging the blade about to pierce her heart. She then continues the statement while holding the girls neck.
"How sad, maybe next time you should have code words or some hand gestures. Fighting vampires is an occupational hazard for you, right?" Seras tightens her grip before she notices Alucard about to release his seals.
"Oh, you're going to have excuse my grip. Some bitch was about to pierce my heart and kill me." Seras turns to Yumie and speak to her.
"Ok. So what does our origin have to do with my training."
"I've already given you the information."
Seras tilts her head down in thought before raising it and showing an expression of realization.
"You understand? Although matters of the soul are precarious."
"So how exactly are you going to train me to change my bod?"
"That's simple, I'm going to alter your appearance until you get the feeling. I'm going to really enjoy this." He smiles widely at her as he says so.
Seras spends the next 8 hours having her clothing changed into all sorts of ridiculous styles. There were clothes that only prȯstɨtutės would wear, clothes fit for a queen, and everything in between as well.
'How on earth does master know about bunny suits!? I understand the maid uniform, but a bunny suit!?' She yells internally as her body was literally morphed into different forms.
"We will continue this form of training until you get it Police Girl. I'm sad that when you do I'll no longer be able to have fun like this." He goes into his coffin while saying so.
"Stupid master!" She shouts at him tiredly.
"What was that?" His voice sounds out.
"Nothing!" She covers her head with her blanket and closes her eyes.
Dawn comes and the vampires go to bed. While the Iscariot members wake up and start to search the first floor for anything that mentions the seals.
"Why on god's green earth is it so difficult to find anything!? We have been through 2 libraries and still haven't found anything useful!" Maxwell shouts in frustration while looking through another library.
"Calm down Maxwell. I'm sure the basement will have what we're looking for." Renaldo says.
"Then why haven't we searched there first? This charade has been going on long enough!"
"Appearances. We can't just go straight to the main course without eating the appetizer!"
"He's right Maxwell. What's the fun in killing a vampire without tormenting them first?" Anderson States his views on the matter.
"I've never been one to play with my food Anderson. You should know."
"Yeah, Enrico has never played with his food before!" Yumie has childishly.
"Be quiet! Bishop Maxwell is our boss and he deserves respect. Even if we grew up in the same orphanage." Heinkel yells at her.
"It's ok Heinkel. You know that I don't like it when you are so professional with me."
"That's not the point." She huffs.
As they're all searching the first floor. Walter and Integra are in her office speaking to each other.
"Sir, shouldn't you mention to them about not entering Alucard's room?"
"I was actually just thinking about that, but if I say that wouldn't they just do the exact opposite?" She sighs tiredly.
"That's true. But if you don't say anything then the situation will end in disaster much faster."
"God Walter. What can I do?"
"Just tell them straight up not to enter alucards room. Any situation as a result of that will be on them. Oh, and make sure to get a recording of you saying so."
"Ok Walter, will you get them for me when they're done searching the first floor?"
"Of course sir." Walter bows and leaves the room.
A few hours later, the Iscariots are heading to the stairs that lead to the basement.
"Finally, we're getting somewhere."
Before Maxwell can finalize that feeling, he notices Walter walking to them.
"Bishop Maxwell, my master would like to have a word with you before you search the basement."
"What could she want with me? She's not allowed to directly involve herself with this investigation."
"Please." He says ignoring that statement.
"Very well. I shall go."
They arrive at her office soon after.
"Bishop Maxwell. I just wanted to inform you to not enter my servant's chamber. When he and I officially started our contract he made it very clear that no one shall enter his chamber without permission."
"Part of this investigation is to search the whole of Hellsing. I can't I good conscience ignore such a prime hiding place."
"You will heed my warning Bishop. If you set a single foot inside, I will not be responsible for what happens." She warns him with a grim face.
"You're serious?"
"Very well, I will take this under advisement. Anything else you wish to inform me of?"
"Nothing at the moment."
"Then I shall take my leave." Maxwell leaves hurriedly to blow off some steam.
'First it's the harassment from the blonde bitch and now I'm taking orders from the ice queen herself? Hell no, I'm going into that room whether she likes it or not.'
"Anderson were going to the basement and nothing is going to stop us. Maxwell passed them before commanding.
"Now that's more like it!" Anderson smiles for the first time since getting there.
"What happened Maxwell?" Renaldo asks.
"Nothing at all."
"Finally, we found it."
"What is this Sir?" Heinkel asks while shivering from the cold feeling emanating from the doors.
"This, my dear sister, is the room to Alucard." he puts his hand on the door and ċȧrėsses it.
"Please don't touch my door. I don't want to clean the filth that you bring with you, off of it." Alucard's voice sounds out.
"How much filthier can it get when a demon like you lives in it?" Anderson asks sarcastically.
"Cleaner than when a perverted boy loving priest touches it. Speaking of, hows little Timmy? I'm sure he misses your daily rituals."
"Shut up and die foul beast!" Anderson kicks open the door weapons in hand.
"Make me, Judas Priest!" Alucard gets out his hand gun as well.
They all walk in and find Alucard sitting on his throne holding out his gun ready to fire. They look around and find that his room is very big but has little to no furniture being housed inside of it.
"I didn't invite you lot inside my chambers. Now leave before I make you."
"I'm afraid not vampire, I've been tasked by the Vatican to search this organization from top to bottom. Your room is included in that." Maxwell speaks confidently.
"Oh?" Alucard's voice gets lower and his shadows start to extend outward in his rage.
"Master!" Seras speaks out for the first time during the standoff.
Everybody turns to her and finds her in bed still sleeping. How she spoke that loud while unconscious is beyond them but it calms Alucard down.
His shadows recede and Maxwell clicks his tongue in annoyance.
"She is still getting in my way even while she sleeps."
"Then you shouldn't have come while we were sleeping you little man."
"Some might say that that is the perfect time to come."
"Who? Little Timmy?" He jokes again.
Anderson's last shred of patience snapped And he throws his bayonets at Alucard.
Before anyone even knows what happened, they reach their target and puncture Alucard's brain and heart.
"Anderson! Why did you attack?" Maxwell yells out.
"He has spoken for too long." He spits angrily.
"So that's it?" Heinkel asks in disappointment at the lackluster ending.
"What makes you say that?"
"He's dead, right?"
"Hahahahaha! This is Alucard we're dealing with Heinkel. I beheaded him and he still lives."
As soon as Anderson voice sounds out, Alucard's body picked itself up like it was on a string and he chuckles a little.
"Why did you have to ruin the surprise priest. This is the only fun I get." He pulls out both of the bayonets and drops them onto the ground.
Seras hears the noise and opens her eyes to find Anderson and Alucard are fighting. She sees the blood on the ground and her eyes go red in delight.
"Finally! FINALLY! I'm so happy!" She yells and jumps out of bed.
She brings two guns out of her space and points it at the rest of the Iscariots.
After she says this, Heinkel pulls out her own guns and Yumie unsheathes her sword.
"Master I don't know what you did, but I'm glad you have done so. This is going to be amazing." Seras goes by her master and speaks to him happily.
"I believe it will be Police Girl. I'll have Anderson and you'll take the rest."
"I wouldn't have it any other way, my master."
They're all staring at each other until Anderson throws more bayonets at Alucard.
Heinkel shoots at seras while Yumie runs to her dodging the bullets that appear behind her. Seras takes out a bayonet from her inventory and intercepts the blade that is coming down from above at her head.
When the two blades hit, the bullets are right on target and hit all of seras' limbs.
Heinkel breathes in relief until she notices seras healing herself similar to her master from before.
"You're a monster!"
"Aw, that's not very nice." Seras smiles as the last wound closes.
Yumie is still trying to contest in strength by bringing her sword down on top of Seras' head. Seras is easily holding out with one hand so Yumie decides to retreat back to her position.
As they were doing this, Anderson reaches Alucard at a very fast speed and goes to punch him in the face. When Alucard dodges, the bayonets he threw earlier reach their destination.
They hit Alucard where he dodged right in his torso stopping him from moving.
"Not so tough with blessed blades in your gut." He smiles madly and yells.
"Oh I'm still tough, just getting impatient." Alucard replies as Anderson brings more bayonets out.
Maxwell is being guarded by Renaldo in the background while the two groups fight.
Seras brings out a second bayonet and throws them both at the girls. She portals into the ground after doing so.
Heinkel and Yumie dodge them but they realize that they're both in proximity of the other. When they're about to separate, seras comes out of the portal between them and grabs their heads from behind.
She picks them up and slams them to the ground creating a fissure where their heads landed.
"I hope you two were enhanced like Anderson or that might have killed you."
When she doesn't receive a reply she gets worried that she might have killed them and goes to check their pulse.
As she reaches Heinkel's neck a sword cuts to where her arm is. Seras dodges just in time but blood is now flowing out of her wrist.
"Playing dead? I would have thought the Vatican would be above such tactics." Seras hisses at the wound as it's burning her flesh before saying so.
"This is life or death. Anything goes, right?" Yumie smiles wickedly like she is a different person.
"I see." Seras replies with a smile before ripping up her clothes and tying it around her wound to stop the blood from flowing out.
Heinkel gets up slowly and grabs her head.
"That hurts."
"Well duh."
Anderson threw around ten bayonets at Alucard when he notices that Heinkel and Yumie were getting pummeled into the ground.
He turns around and before he can go help them, bullets get fired at his position.
"You're not getting in the way of her fun, are you Judas Priest?" Alucard smiles while pulling out the 12 bayonets that have pierced his body.
"Shut up and die already vampire!" Anderson yells when he notices all of his bayonets are not doing anything.
"It's going to take a lot more than some blessed blades to keep me down." He points his gun at Anderson again.
Maxwell is appalled at how ineffective their fighting strength is against the Hellsing trump cards.
'At least none of them are injured, so it seems like a tie.'
Just as he thinks so, seras begins to speak.
"Master, can I use it?"
"No you can't Police Girl. You're life isn't in danger."
As their dialogue is going on Maxwell is surprised before realization strikes him.
'She hasn't been using that strange teleportation. If she has.....' his thoughts end as seras begins her attack again.
"Well that's fine, this way is more fun anyway." She runs up to her opponents with guns in hand and begins firing at them.
Yumie cuts the bullets apart while Heinkel dodges them and shoots back. Bullets hit seras but just as before they're ineffective.
"This is ridiculous. The only thing that can hurt her is your sword." Heinkel whispers to Yumie mid fight.
"True, you make a distraction and I'll cut her up."
"Good." Heinkel replies before looking back at seras with full concentration.
As seras fought with them again, Alucard started shooting at Anderson causing him to fall back.
The bullets are not hurting him as he is regenerating after every hit.
"This is getting me nowhere. I'll just have to do this the old fashioned way then." Alucard puts away his gun and puts his arms at his sides.
"What are you doing? Fighting bȧrė handed against blades?"
"That's right, my hands are much stronger than any bullet will ever be."
When Alucard says this he runs up to Anderson and makes a piercing motion at his heart.
Anderson replies to this gesture by cutting off alucards arm and piercing him with a few of his own blades.
Alucard laughs gleefully before noticing more bayonets being thrown his way.
"This is so much fun! You're really making my day with this fight."
Alucard's body hasn't stopped bleeding from the amount of cuts he has received. He stands straight up and motions with his hands.
"You're about to see what I can really do."
"How does it feel being the slave of another slave?" Heinkel speaks out to get seras' attention.
"I'm not his slave." She replies seriously.
"Oh really? Can't he make you do anything with but a thought? If that's not a slave then I don't know what is."
"Shut up! Did you really think that whispering would make me all of a sudden not hear you? It's painfully obvious that Yumie is coming from behind to stab me." Seras replies to her angrily before suddenly turning around 180 degrees and grabbing at Yumies neck and dodging the blade about to pierce her heart. She then continues the statement while holding the girls neck.
"How sad, maybe next time you should have code words or some hand gestures. Fighting vampires is an occupational hazard for you, right?" Seras tightens her grip before she notices Alucard about to release his seals.
"Oh, you're going to have excuse my grip. Some bitch was about to pierce my heart and kill me." Seras turns to Yumie and speak to her.
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