Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 27 - 27 - Day 5
Yumie is struggling to get out of Seras' grips.
"Sh- up! Die!" She struggles to say that before her eyes are about to go backwards.
"Enough!" Maxwell yells at them.
Nobody pays him heed except Heinkel And Yumie.
"Did somebody say something? I didn't quite understand, how about you master?"
"I believe some pile of shit spoke. The wonders of life are still surprising me to this day." He goes along with her joke.
"I said-" before he can speak a bayonet was parried by Renaldo that was aiming straight to his forehead.
"Shut up and stay out of this you pompous, arrogant, perverted, excuse of a man." Seras yells at him.
"How dare-"
"I said shut up!" She yells again releasing two more bayonets, this time they're much faster.
'Oh no, I won't be able to parry them this time!' Renaldo thinks to himself and uses his body to take the hits.
When he feels nothing, he looks up and sees Anderson standing front of him. He grabbed the two bayonets single handed and glares at seras.
"Alex, you're arm!" Renaldo yells out notice the missing limb.
"It's fine old friend. It will grow back later." Anderson replies with a smile.
"How touching. I wonder if Yumie will think so as well." Seras speaks before turning to the girl being choked.
When she notices that Yumie has stopped struggling, she lets go and her body topples to the ground.
"Yumie!" Heinkel yells and runs to grab her.
"Get back here Heinkel!" Anderson orders to which she ignores.
When she reaches Yumie, a hand grabs at the back of her head.
'Shit! How could I be so stupid!?' Heinkel thinks to herself as she feels more pressure being added.
"I wonder if you two are more than colleagues. After all, it takes more than just friends to forget the situation and go forward." Seras suggests something outlandish.
"Shut up monster! I have no such feelings for her!" Heinkel defends herself a little too much.
"Hoho! Well that's interesting!" Alucard laughs weirdly before continuing on with a smile.
"When did you figure it out seras?"
"It's obvious when you look at them. They're always together side by side and talking to each other in whispers."
"I see. How interesting that members of Iscariots breaking a very crucial rule for being a Christian."
"What do you mean?" Anderson asks genuinely confused.
"And they have no idea!? This just keeps getting better!" Alucard exclaims to seras ignoring the question completely.
They're all in a stalemate when Alucard, seras, and Anderson hear light footsteps in the hallway. The other people begin to hear it as well when it gets to the door.
Two figures appear and they're of course Walter and Integra.
"I told you this would happen Walter. Seras looks to be especially eager to join."
"I lost this time sir. Please get back to the matter at hand though."
"You're right." Integra gives a light smile before she walks to Maxwell who is staring at her.
"What is happening here Mr. Maxwell?"
"Your pets have attacked us. What do you think is happening?"
"I see. What makes you think I'll believe you?"
"The seals make it impossible for Alucard to have attacked first. As for seras, did she attack first, my servant?"
"No she hasn't, my master." Alucard answers.
"And He is not allowed to lie to me. So, it seems like you have attacked first, papist."
Maxwell is stunned at the information he has received. He composes himself after a few seconds.
"Then, What will happen now?"
"If the conditions are right, nothing will happen." She answers mysteriously.
"What do you want?"
"Oh no. Maxwell, it's not what I want. It's what you can give me." She says the first ostentatiously before leaning closer and whispering the last part into his ear.
Maxwell feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up before stuttering to no one.
"You May finish your search of the basement but this room is off limits, like I have stated before."
A few minutes later, the Vatican members have left to tend to Yumie leaving seras and Alucard alone.
"That was very anticlimactic." Sera speaks out to no one.
"Yes it was, let's change that." Alucard agrees before continuing with a weird tone.
"How so?" She asks before she feels something on her body.
When she looks down, she notices that her clothes changed into a furry dog suit that covers her whole body.
"MASTER!" She yells loudly.
Hours of mental torture later, seras thinks she finally has the feeling down.
"Master, I think I've got it." She stops him from doing anymore more embarrassing changes.
'How does he know so many female outfits?'
"Pay more attention Police girl or the next time I'll get dirtier."
"You won't have to." She replies seriously while wearing a ridiculously ŀėwd bathing suit.
Seras closes her eyes and imagines her body wearing pajamas. She tries to control her connection to the shadows and she feels a wriggling sensation.
When the feeling ends, she opens her eyes and sees that she succeeded. She hears clapping from behind her.
"Congratulations seras. You always exceed my expectations. I'm sad that I can't have more fun though."
"Thank you master, I'm sure you'll find another way."
"You're one step closer to becoming a Nosferatu."
"Even if I do, I won't leave your side."
"We shall see when the time comes." Alucard disappears into his coffin after saying so.
'I didn't even realize it was dawn. That damn fight made me lose a lot of blood. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can drink again.' Seras thinks to herself as she falls asleep.
The Vatican members wake up, well everyone except Yumie who is still sleeping.
Heinkel was by her side all night worried sick.
"How is she doing, Heinkel?" Anderson's worries voice sounds out from behind her.
"Thankfully her throat wasn't crushed thoroughly. Though it will still be a few days until she can speak again."
"I'm sorry, lass." Anderson apologizes.
"For What Father? That bitch was the one who hurt Yumie."
"Aye, that be true. But I'm the one who started that fight."
"We're used to that Father. I don't blame you for what happened and I'm sure Yumie feels the same."
Anderson only shakes his head in guilt before walking out of the room. He closes the door behind him and sees Maxwell and Renaldo in the hallway.
"How is she Father?" Maxwell asks worriedly.
"She will be fine Maxwell. She won't be able to speak for a few days but she will be fine." He says it twice.
"I see, that's good." He sighs in relief.
They stand in silence until Maxwell speaks up.
"We have to finish what we started. you, Renaldo, and I will finish the search."
"But Maxwell!"
"I know Anderson. I know." he replies back.
They spend the whole day searching the rest of the basement, mainly because there are only 3 of them and Anderson is not really participating.
When it's night time, seras wakes up later than usual due to her blood loss. She gets out of bed and notices that there is a blood pack waiting for her at the table.
She mȯȧns in delight despite not having drunk any yet.
"You've really taken to blood, haven't you Police Girl?"
"Have I? It's like nothing I ever had when I was a human."
"Of course. Humans are such simple creatures, but vampires are more complex."
"You'll understand in time."
After they drink the blood, Alucard gets summoned by Integra and seras has to go too.
"Seras, snap out of your daze. Integra is calling us." Alucard states looking at seras' dazed expression.
"Oh! I'm sorry master."
"It's fine, now come along." He says before portaling to Integra's office.
"Yes master." She affirms before doing the same.
Just as seras is about to come out of the portal, she senses multiple people in Integra's office.
'I guess everybody's here. Even that Yumie chick.'
They portal out of the wall that is to the left of the desk if you were to look at it. Integra and Walter are by the desk, while the Iscariots are at the wall on the right side of the room.
When they appear all of the Iscariots glare at them, well mostly at seras.
"Ooh, the tension in here is very high. Why is that?" She asks knowing the answer.
Before any of the Vatican members can yell back, Integra speaks.
"Please stop taunting them seras. After yesterday we're lucky they didn't declare war on us." She rubs her head showing that she is getting a headache.
"Yes sir."
After their exchange, Maxwell speaks.
"If you're through with training your pets, I would like to get the interrogations underway."
"That's fine by me." Integra gets up and follows after the Iscariots.
They all convene in front of a set of doors inside the basement. Integra recognizes it as the family library that houses all of the Hellsing organizations knowledge.
"What are we doing here?"
"This, is where you'll be staying until we come and get you to start the process."
"What? Why couldn't you just get us from our rooms?" Seras asks.
"....."Maxwell doesn't even give her any attention.
'Is he hoping to anger me by ignoring me? How childish.' She chuckles to herself.
{After many days of being antagonized by you, I believe this is his only option.}
{True, but what will he do when he has to interrogate me? This is going to be fun.}
{remember Police Girl, no harming them physically or mentally without cause.}
{I know.}
As they're talking telepathically, the Iscariots are also talking to each other.
"What's with the wait, I don't want to be in this hellspawn infested hole a second longer." Anderson complains.
"It's procedure Anderson. I'm not going to be breaking it just because we're angry."
"I know Maxwell."
"Good, then let's go outside and let them stew."
When they all leave, seras brings out a deck of cards from her inventory.
"So, what's your poison?" She shuffles them professionally while asking.
"I'm good with any." Walter chuckles confidently.
"I prefer rummy, but I could play 5 card as well." Integra states.
"I'm with Walter."
"Great, then we'll play some old fashioned Rummy. What should the penalty be for the loser?"
"Penalty? Nobody said anything about that!" Integra denies this.
"Aw come one Sir Integra, what's the point of playing cards if the loser gets away scot free?"
"She's right sir, competitions have losers and they should be punished for losing." Walter brings out his inner teacher.
"Or, are you afraid that you'll be the one to lose?" Alucard suggests tauntingly.
"Ridiculous. In fact, let's make it official. The loser will have to wear a frilly pink tutu for a week."
"Then let's get it on." Seras starts to deal out seven cards to everyone.
A few hours go by and it's around 11:00 PM, Maxwell is finally done completing the preparations for the first interrogation. He commands Anderson to get the first victim.
When Anderson gets to the room he hears yelling and opens the door roughly silencing the people inside.
He storms in right after and gets frozen at the sight in front of him.
'Alucard is wearing a pink tutu?'
"What the hell is happening!" He yells out.
Alucard gets angry that he was seen like this before his body is covered in black shadows. When they get released, a young girl wearing a white suit is in his place.
"Master, you look nice like this." Seras jumps at him and catches him off guard for the first time.
She gives a quick hug while trying to pick him up. Before she can though, her master punches her into the ground causing a crack to form.
"Are you going to talk or are you going to continue to gawk like an idiot Judas Priest?" Alucard asks with his normal voice making the contrast striking.
"You're Alucard?"
"Yes? Oh, would you rather to fight me in this form from now on?" He twirls a couple times showing himself off.
"Shut up! You heathen!" He yells and goes to leave before remembering why he is there.
"Sir Hellsing, you will be the first one. So follow me." He leaves hurriedly after saying so.
Integra stops laughing and gets up from her seat to follow Anderson.
"I wonder how it will be? Not as bad as I'm thinking probably." She mutters to herself.
"It will be fine Master. They don't have the balls to do anything anyway."
"That's true."
"We'll be here waiting for your triumphant return, Sir Integra." Seras says while pumping up her fist.
As soon as they leave and the doors closed seras stops it with the act and gives a serious face for the first time in a while.
As she is facing toward the door in front of the other two roommates, they don't notice her drastic change. She puts her face back to normal and turns p her master.
"Master, is it ok if I go somewhere?"
"Go? Where?" He asks twice.
{It has to do with the future. Will you let me use my powers?}
{it's not life threatening is it?}
{not to me, but to someone I care about.}
{I see, then I'll allow it. Don't be too long.}
{Don't worry master. I don't just have the ability to teleport anywhere, I can also make it so it's anytime as well.} She says this telepathically and gets her ability ready to go.
{What?} he tries to ask when she leaves.
"Damn her. Always keeping these secrets from me!"
"What secrets? And where did seras go?"
"She went somewhere far away. Don't worry though, she'll be back soon."
Seras reappears in the cold tundra. She lands in front of a temple that was somehow built in the North Pole. She is surprised that she doesn't feel the effects of the in sub zero temperatures despite wearing a mini skirt and short sleeved shirt.
"The things I do for people I care about. If Walter gives me any shit about what I'm doing for him, I swear I'll kill him myself." She speaks to no one while walking to the front doors.
'Hmm. This wood somehow looks new yet I know for a fact it's ancient.' She thinks to herself as she touches The wooden doors.
Seras phases through them and enters the main area of the temple.
'Well that's pretty creepy.'
There are horses everywhere inside this temple. Statues, paintings, carvings, drawings, everything about horses.
'Oh my god, there are even horse clothes!' She sees a bunch of horse masks and hoof gloves and shoes.
"These people were insane." She says again not being quiet as it looks like nobody has lived in this place for decades.
"Sh- up! Die!" She struggles to say that before her eyes are about to go backwards.
"Enough!" Maxwell yells at them.
Nobody pays him heed except Heinkel And Yumie.
"Did somebody say something? I didn't quite understand, how about you master?"
"I believe some pile of shit spoke. The wonders of life are still surprising me to this day." He goes along with her joke.
"I said-" before he can speak a bayonet was parried by Renaldo that was aiming straight to his forehead.
"Shut up and stay out of this you pompous, arrogant, perverted, excuse of a man." Seras yells at him.
"How dare-"
"I said shut up!" She yells again releasing two more bayonets, this time they're much faster.
'Oh no, I won't be able to parry them this time!' Renaldo thinks to himself and uses his body to take the hits.
When he feels nothing, he looks up and sees Anderson standing front of him. He grabbed the two bayonets single handed and glares at seras.
"Alex, you're arm!" Renaldo yells out notice the missing limb.
"It's fine old friend. It will grow back later." Anderson replies with a smile.
"How touching. I wonder if Yumie will think so as well." Seras speaks before turning to the girl being choked.
When she notices that Yumie has stopped struggling, she lets go and her body topples to the ground.
"Yumie!" Heinkel yells and runs to grab her.
"Get back here Heinkel!" Anderson orders to which she ignores.
When she reaches Yumie, a hand grabs at the back of her head.
'Shit! How could I be so stupid!?' Heinkel thinks to herself as she feels more pressure being added.
"I wonder if you two are more than colleagues. After all, it takes more than just friends to forget the situation and go forward." Seras suggests something outlandish.
"Shut up monster! I have no such feelings for her!" Heinkel defends herself a little too much.
"Hoho! Well that's interesting!" Alucard laughs weirdly before continuing on with a smile.
"When did you figure it out seras?"
"It's obvious when you look at them. They're always together side by side and talking to each other in whispers."
"I see. How interesting that members of Iscariots breaking a very crucial rule for being a Christian."
"What do you mean?" Anderson asks genuinely confused.
"And they have no idea!? This just keeps getting better!" Alucard exclaims to seras ignoring the question completely.
They're all in a stalemate when Alucard, seras, and Anderson hear light footsteps in the hallway. The other people begin to hear it as well when it gets to the door.
Two figures appear and they're of course Walter and Integra.
"I told you this would happen Walter. Seras looks to be especially eager to join."
"I lost this time sir. Please get back to the matter at hand though."
"You're right." Integra gives a light smile before she walks to Maxwell who is staring at her.
"What is happening here Mr. Maxwell?"
"Your pets have attacked us. What do you think is happening?"
"I see. What makes you think I'll believe you?"
"The seals make it impossible for Alucard to have attacked first. As for seras, did she attack first, my servant?"
"No she hasn't, my master." Alucard answers.
"And He is not allowed to lie to me. So, it seems like you have attacked first, papist."
Maxwell is stunned at the information he has received. He composes himself after a few seconds.
"Then, What will happen now?"
"If the conditions are right, nothing will happen." She answers mysteriously.
"What do you want?"
"Oh no. Maxwell, it's not what I want. It's what you can give me." She says the first ostentatiously before leaning closer and whispering the last part into his ear.
Maxwell feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up before stuttering to no one.
"You May finish your search of the basement but this room is off limits, like I have stated before."
A few minutes later, the Vatican members have left to tend to Yumie leaving seras and Alucard alone.
"That was very anticlimactic." Sera speaks out to no one.
"Yes it was, let's change that." Alucard agrees before continuing with a weird tone.
"How so?" She asks before she feels something on her body.
When she looks down, she notices that her clothes changed into a furry dog suit that covers her whole body.
"MASTER!" She yells loudly.
Hours of mental torture later, seras thinks she finally has the feeling down.
"Master, I think I've got it." She stops him from doing anymore more embarrassing changes.
'How does he know so many female outfits?'
"Pay more attention Police girl or the next time I'll get dirtier."
"You won't have to." She replies seriously while wearing a ridiculously ŀėwd bathing suit.
Seras closes her eyes and imagines her body wearing pajamas. She tries to control her connection to the shadows and she feels a wriggling sensation.
When the feeling ends, she opens her eyes and sees that she succeeded. She hears clapping from behind her.
"Congratulations seras. You always exceed my expectations. I'm sad that I can't have more fun though."
"Thank you master, I'm sure you'll find another way."
"You're one step closer to becoming a Nosferatu."
"Even if I do, I won't leave your side."
"We shall see when the time comes." Alucard disappears into his coffin after saying so.
'I didn't even realize it was dawn. That damn fight made me lose a lot of blood. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can drink again.' Seras thinks to herself as she falls asleep.
The Vatican members wake up, well everyone except Yumie who is still sleeping.
Heinkel was by her side all night worried sick.
"How is she doing, Heinkel?" Anderson's worries voice sounds out from behind her.
"Thankfully her throat wasn't crushed thoroughly. Though it will still be a few days until she can speak again."
"I'm sorry, lass." Anderson apologizes.
"For What Father? That bitch was the one who hurt Yumie."
"Aye, that be true. But I'm the one who started that fight."
"We're used to that Father. I don't blame you for what happened and I'm sure Yumie feels the same."
Anderson only shakes his head in guilt before walking out of the room. He closes the door behind him and sees Maxwell and Renaldo in the hallway.
"How is she Father?" Maxwell asks worriedly.
"She will be fine Maxwell. She won't be able to speak for a few days but she will be fine." He says it twice.
"I see, that's good." He sighs in relief.
They stand in silence until Maxwell speaks up.
"We have to finish what we started. you, Renaldo, and I will finish the search."
"But Maxwell!"
"I know Anderson. I know." he replies back.
They spend the whole day searching the rest of the basement, mainly because there are only 3 of them and Anderson is not really participating.
When it's night time, seras wakes up later than usual due to her blood loss. She gets out of bed and notices that there is a blood pack waiting for her at the table.
She mȯȧns in delight despite not having drunk any yet.
"You've really taken to blood, haven't you Police Girl?"
"Have I? It's like nothing I ever had when I was a human."
"Of course. Humans are such simple creatures, but vampires are more complex."
"You'll understand in time."
After they drink the blood, Alucard gets summoned by Integra and seras has to go too.
"Seras, snap out of your daze. Integra is calling us." Alucard states looking at seras' dazed expression.
"Oh! I'm sorry master."
"It's fine, now come along." He says before portaling to Integra's office.
"Yes master." She affirms before doing the same.
Just as seras is about to come out of the portal, she senses multiple people in Integra's office.
'I guess everybody's here. Even that Yumie chick.'
They portal out of the wall that is to the left of the desk if you were to look at it. Integra and Walter are by the desk, while the Iscariots are at the wall on the right side of the room.
When they appear all of the Iscariots glare at them, well mostly at seras.
"Ooh, the tension in here is very high. Why is that?" She asks knowing the answer.
Before any of the Vatican members can yell back, Integra speaks.
"Please stop taunting them seras. After yesterday we're lucky they didn't declare war on us." She rubs her head showing that she is getting a headache.
"Yes sir."
After their exchange, Maxwell speaks.
"If you're through with training your pets, I would like to get the interrogations underway."
"That's fine by me." Integra gets up and follows after the Iscariots.
They all convene in front of a set of doors inside the basement. Integra recognizes it as the family library that houses all of the Hellsing organizations knowledge.
"What are we doing here?"
"This, is where you'll be staying until we come and get you to start the process."
"What? Why couldn't you just get us from our rooms?" Seras asks.
"....."Maxwell doesn't even give her any attention.
'Is he hoping to anger me by ignoring me? How childish.' She chuckles to herself.
{After many days of being antagonized by you, I believe this is his only option.}
{True, but what will he do when he has to interrogate me? This is going to be fun.}
{remember Police Girl, no harming them physically or mentally without cause.}
{I know.}
As they're talking telepathically, the Iscariots are also talking to each other.
"What's with the wait, I don't want to be in this hellspawn infested hole a second longer." Anderson complains.
"It's procedure Anderson. I'm not going to be breaking it just because we're angry."
"I know Maxwell."
"Good, then let's go outside and let them stew."
When they all leave, seras brings out a deck of cards from her inventory.
"So, what's your poison?" She shuffles them professionally while asking.
"I'm good with any." Walter chuckles confidently.
"I prefer rummy, but I could play 5 card as well." Integra states.
"I'm with Walter."
"Great, then we'll play some old fashioned Rummy. What should the penalty be for the loser?"
"Penalty? Nobody said anything about that!" Integra denies this.
"Aw come one Sir Integra, what's the point of playing cards if the loser gets away scot free?"
"She's right sir, competitions have losers and they should be punished for losing." Walter brings out his inner teacher.
"Or, are you afraid that you'll be the one to lose?" Alucard suggests tauntingly.
"Ridiculous. In fact, let's make it official. The loser will have to wear a frilly pink tutu for a week."
"Then let's get it on." Seras starts to deal out seven cards to everyone.
A few hours go by and it's around 11:00 PM, Maxwell is finally done completing the preparations for the first interrogation. He commands Anderson to get the first victim.
When Anderson gets to the room he hears yelling and opens the door roughly silencing the people inside.
He storms in right after and gets frozen at the sight in front of him.
'Alucard is wearing a pink tutu?'
"What the hell is happening!" He yells out.
Alucard gets angry that he was seen like this before his body is covered in black shadows. When they get released, a young girl wearing a white suit is in his place.
"Master, you look nice like this." Seras jumps at him and catches him off guard for the first time.
She gives a quick hug while trying to pick him up. Before she can though, her master punches her into the ground causing a crack to form.
"Are you going to talk or are you going to continue to gawk like an idiot Judas Priest?" Alucard asks with his normal voice making the contrast striking.
"You're Alucard?"
"Yes? Oh, would you rather to fight me in this form from now on?" He twirls a couple times showing himself off.
"Shut up! You heathen!" He yells and goes to leave before remembering why he is there.
"Sir Hellsing, you will be the first one. So follow me." He leaves hurriedly after saying so.
Integra stops laughing and gets up from her seat to follow Anderson.
"I wonder how it will be? Not as bad as I'm thinking probably." She mutters to herself.
"It will be fine Master. They don't have the balls to do anything anyway."
"That's true."
"We'll be here waiting for your triumphant return, Sir Integra." Seras says while pumping up her fist.
As soon as they leave and the doors closed seras stops it with the act and gives a serious face for the first time in a while.
As she is facing toward the door in front of the other two roommates, they don't notice her drastic change. She puts her face back to normal and turns p her master.
"Master, is it ok if I go somewhere?"
"Go? Where?" He asks twice.
{It has to do with the future. Will you let me use my powers?}
{it's not life threatening is it?}
{not to me, but to someone I care about.}
{I see, then I'll allow it. Don't be too long.}
{Don't worry master. I don't just have the ability to teleport anywhere, I can also make it so it's anytime as well.} She says this telepathically and gets her ability ready to go.
{What?} he tries to ask when she leaves.
"Damn her. Always keeping these secrets from me!"
"What secrets? And where did seras go?"
"She went somewhere far away. Don't worry though, she'll be back soon."
Seras reappears in the cold tundra. She lands in front of a temple that was somehow built in the North Pole. She is surprised that she doesn't feel the effects of the in sub zero temperatures despite wearing a mini skirt and short sleeved shirt.
"The things I do for people I care about. If Walter gives me any shit about what I'm doing for him, I swear I'll kill him myself." She speaks to no one while walking to the front doors.
'Hmm. This wood somehow looks new yet I know for a fact it's ancient.' She thinks to herself as she touches The wooden doors.
Seras phases through them and enters the main area of the temple.
'Well that's pretty creepy.'
There are horses everywhere inside this temple. Statues, paintings, carvings, drawings, everything about horses.
'Oh my god, there are even horse clothes!' She sees a bunch of horse masks and hoof gloves and shoes.
"These people were insane." She says again not being quiet as it looks like nobody has lived in this place for decades.
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