Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 28 - 28 - Day 6 (Part 1)

After seras searches the temple for what seems like days, she gets fed up and almost starts to destroy everything.

"Oh my god! Where is that stupid Horse Talisman!?" She yells to no one while looking upward.

"I have searched all 6 floors, behind every wall, inside every column, yet I found nothing." She falls onto the floor facing upward and sprawls out her limbs.

"Why is it this difficult? Why couldn't Jackie Chan show where he found it?" She mutters to herself.

A few minutes later seras jumps up with a shocked expression.

"I'm so stupid. How could I forget about the simulator?" She smacks her forehead.

She thinks about the simulator and a search box comes up. There is writing at the top.

*Please Enter Search Criteria For Simulation*

"What does that even mean?"

She tries to think of what to do when she decides to start with something easy.

She types in:

| When did I arrive in the Jackie Chan Adventures Universe?|

When she pushes enter the search box disappears and a rainbow circle appears in its place turning.

"Is that the beach ball of death from MAC? That's so weird."

A few seconds later the spinning stops and she feels something being shown to her. Almost like a vision being shown into her memories.

She looks into it and sees herself from on Omniscient view arriving in front of the temple. When the vision ends, the screen shows more words.

*You arrived in The Jackie Chan Adventures Universe 4 Days 13 Hours 23 Minutes and 42 Seconds ago. Simulation lasted 3 Seconds. Would you like to ask something else?*

"That was trippy. If I ever did drugs in my past life I could relate it to something."

"So, now I have to ask where the horse talisman is."

She types in the question and gets an answer soon after. This time the vision shows her an old man discovering the talisman many years ago right where the temple is.

The vision goes on like a time ŀȧpse showing multiple people building the temple and praying to the talisman while wearing the horse clothing. The people who were sick or had limbs missing healed instantly.

After a few more time ŀȧpses she sees that another man fighting off what looks to be hundreds of invaders, the man should definitely lose to the invaders. However since he was holding the talisman, his injuries healed while fighting.

He fights all of them off and by the end, he was the only one left standing. His clothes ripped in multiple places and soaked in his blood.

A few minutes after the fight ended, the man cries to himself at the loss of his fellow members who have died protecting it. He looks upwards and shows a determined expression.

Seras watches the man start to dig into the basement of the temple and after a very long time, the man who is now an old man places the talisman inside the hole. He leaves and pulls a lever which causes multiple doors to seal the talisman beneath the temple.

After doing all of this, the man leaves the temple and walks away into a blizzard. The vision ends after that.

"Wow, that man fought really well. I wonder why the simulator showed me the whole story though?"

Seras thinks about why the simulator acted that way as she goes to the basement and uncovers the door hidden by a large shelf.

The show presents the talisman as a grey stone with a blue silhouette of a horse. But she sees a bright silver octagon that radiates light and the silhouette is sky blue and has its own shine.

"So pretty." She mumbles and grabs the talisman.

When she grabs it the talisman glows brightly and seras feels all of her tiredness disappearing form her body.

"Wow, that felt nice. It's good to know that it works well." She stretches while saying this.

"Now when Walter gets that operation, I can give him the horse talisman and that should stop him from getting any younger."

"Then again, should I stop him from getting the operation? But then he won't be able to fight master."

She thinks about this before she decides to let Walter have the operation.

"Worst case scenario, he lives forever in his prime as a vampire."

Seras says this to herself and sets the ability to teleport herself 5 minutes after she left her universe.

After Alucard said seras would be back soon, silence reigned inside the room housing Walter and the vampire.

Just when Walter was about to say something, a light shines out blinding him for a second.

"I'm back master!"

"Welcome back Police Girl. Why do you insist on not telling me things?"

"What's the fun if you know everything? I just want to spice up your life."

"Well you've definitely been doing that."

Walter is shocked at how nonchalant they're both being and seras notices that.



"Are you ok?"

"Am I ok? You just disappeared without saying anything to me and now you reappear effectively blinding me."

"I'm sorry Walter."

Walter just sighs.

"Anyway, wasn't to play some cards again?" He says.

"Yes!" Seras replies happily

"Very well, but this time I'm not losing."

When seras got back from her 5 minute vacation, Integra arrives at the door for the Iscariot interrogation.

'Did they have to take the long way around? These tactics at trying to unsettle me in my own home is ridiculous.'

"Come in."

Anderson opens the door and lets Integra go in first.

Integra's first impression of the room is dark.

Complete darkness except one light source on top of the table. She can see Maxwell's smug face looking at her.

'Let's see how the great Enrico Maxwell interrogates.' She smiles confidently before sitting down in the empty chair.

A few minutes of silence go on and just when she is about to say something, Maxwell goes first.

"Will you state your name for the record?"

"Really?" She asks back annoyed.

"It's standard procedure. Please?" He asks not in pleading but for her to continue.

"Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing." She sighs before staying.


"22 years old."

"You're a lot younger than you look." He States trying to get a reaction out of her.

He fails as she still looks at him with her cold gaze.

"What was your fathers name?"

These types of questions continue for what seems like forever and Integra is about fed up, Maxwell asks a serious question.

"When did you first meet the Vampire, Alucard?" He leans forward.

"About ten years ago now."

"I see, so you were but a child then?"


"Then why did you awaken him from his slumber?"

A few seconds go by and Integra gives him an annoyed look.

"Why have you been asking so many irrelevant questions? I thought you were supposed to be investigating why the Viral Video incident occurred?"

"I'm merely trying to establish some history. So that we can best gauge as to why you did the actions you have done." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"I see. That does make sense, but it seems like you're pining for something else." She gives him a knowing look.

"I am not. Now will you please answer the question?"

"Very well, what do you know of my uncle?"

"You mean Richard Traitorus Hellsing? The one who died also ten years ago?"


"We don't know much except that he was a devout Christian."

"That explains so much." She laughs little smiling for the first time since the interrogation began.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing. Except that I finally know where he got the idea to murder my father and try to murder me as well. Only Christians would think of doing these things."


"Oh? You're calling me a liar?"

"Yes! After all, that's what Protestants are known for."

"Very well, I guess that's fair. If you want the answer to your earlier question then its because my uncle was going to shoot me in the face and Alucard saved me."

"It was actually an accident waking him up. My uncle shot my shoulder and the blood got all over him."

"I see." Maxwell states before Writing something down.

"And how would you describe your relationship with your pet vampire."

Integra goes silent for a couple minutes.


"That's it?"

"There are no other words to describe it."

Maxwell clutched his hands hard enough to draw blood at the vague answer.

"That's ridiculous. Tell the truth or else I'll be forced to use physical means." He yells.

"That is the truth. But if you dare torture me in my own home I will let seras do all the things she has wanted to do the past week."

He shivers for a second.

"And let Me tell you Maxwell, even Alucard is hesitant to do the things she wants to do."

He trembles for a while longer until he grunts annoyed.

"The great Hellsing hiding behind the very thing she kills. How disgusting."

Maxwell spends the next few hours trying to get her to say anything that will give her trouble. He fails miserably and let's her go in defeat.

"That's all Miss Hellsing. You may go back to the room and be safe again in the arms of your pets." He spats out angrily.

"Very well. Thank you for such an unpleasant experience." Integra leaves after saying so leaving Maxwell to stew.

"Why are you so angry Maxwell?" Anderson asks.

"She hasn't given us anything useful! At this point the whole investigation is a bust." He slams the table again.

"Calm down Maxwell. It was a thin chance she knew anything about the seals to begin with. I'm sure Walter would know more." Renaldo speaks up trying to calm him down.

"You're right Renaldo. Ever since I've arrived here, I have been very angry."

"I believe that's the result of the vampires constantly angering you over the past 5 days."

"I think so as well. Oh well, I'm tired of talking about this. Anderson, go and bring Walter Dolnez here."

Anderson nods and leaves the room after.

When Integra arrived at the old library, she witnesses something that shocks her.

Alucard is still wearing his pink tutu, but he is now wearing a pink tiara as well. He is petting what looks like a golden haired cat that is holding cards in its paws. Walter is half nȧkėd, while seras is nowhere to be seen.

She steps in and speaks up.

"What's going on and where is seras?" She yells out.

'What madness happened after I left?'

The cat jumps up and meows loudly before running to Integra. She flinches before looking at the cat's deep blue eyes.


The cat nods before rubbing its head against her leg.


"One of the many powers I possess over my little fledgling. It's her punishment for losing at go fish. It's fitting right?"

"Yeah....Wait! Then why is Walter half nȧkėd!?" She nods absentmindedly before yelling again.

"That is for losing at war. He chose what clothes to lose." Alucard explains again as Walter shows an uncharacteristic blush from embarrassment.

"And the tiara?" She asks again.

"That's for Alucard losing at slap jack." When Walter finishes saying the title, the table freaks and splits in half.

"Oh dear." He comments tiredly at the sight.

Integra just looks up at the ceiling and sighs loudly, so loud you could see her annoyance.

"Alucard, change Seras back. I also want you to put your clothes back on walter."

Just when they get done with the actions, Anderson slams open the door. He gives Integra a piercing glare before turning it to Walter.

"You're next Butler. Follow me." He leaves immediately after saying so.

"I guess they're going to be picking on an old man now." Walter complains as he gets up.

"You May be older, but you're definitely not an old man Walter." Alucard states with his usual smile.

"True, but they don't need to know that." He pulls his gloves before walking out of the room.

When the door closes, Integra turns to seras.

"So, what's war?" She shows an excited expression.

Walter is following Anderson on the same path as Integra from before. He is just smiling at the childish tactics.

They arrive at the room and Anderson knocks the door.

"Come in."

They both walk in and Walter just sits in the chair without making any noise. Maxwell doesn't do any of his silent treatments and gets to it immediately.


"Walter Cornelius Dolnez."


"69 years old."

"How long have you been employed by the Hellsing Organization?"

"Oh it's been about 57 years now. Now that I say that out loud it's been a long time." He chuckles while saying this.

"So you'll admit to spending your whole life serving the Hellsings?"

"Of course."

The hours of inept questions make even Walter almost yawn in boredom until Maxwell asks a serious question.

"So, When did you meet Alucard?"

"It was at the end of the war. Arthur needed a weapon to end it once and for all, add onto the fact that the nazis were making ghouls, he needed a big one."

"Were you there when he woke the vampire?"

"No, Arthur decided to have no one with him."

"I see. Then, do you know how the seals work?"

Walter goes silent as his gaze gets cold. The sound of wires being stretched taut sounds out.

Before Maxwell even realizes what happens, Renaldo and Anderson have their weapons out in front of him defending him.

"What's wrong? Anderson?"

"Are ya deaf Maxwell? Ye almost just got decapitated by this heathen!" Anderson yells at him.

"What?" He pales in freight.

"Maxwell, Walter uses very thin wires as his weapons. Nobody knows how he does it, but he can use them with such dexterity that piano masters are put to shame."

"Just earlier he released them and their all over the room waiting to cut something up." He continues to explain before posing in the typical Iai form.

Maxwell doesn't see the movement but he feels the wind after Renaldo cuts the wires in front of him.

After the wires get cut, Walter gives a weak looking smile and starts to rub his wrists.

"You really have aged Renaldo. If this was 20 years ago the whole room would have been cut."

"Like your one to talk. 20 years ago Maxwell's head would have been chopped up, no question."

They both laugh a little while reminiscing.

"Why are you just standing there!?" Maxwell yells getting angry again.

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