Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 29 - 29 - Day 6 (Part 2)
The Iscariots are still in defensive stances as Maxwell yelled. Walter just smiles and the sound of wires can be heard once more.
Anderson and Renaldo put their weapons away at the sound of it. Heinkel and Yumie are still brandishing theirs though.
"It's ok now Heinkel, Yumie." Renaldo speaks to them.
"Yes, let's get back to the interview." Walter agrees.
"It's an interrogation!" Maxwell yells angrily.
"Sure. Whatever you say, boy." Walter agrees with him sarcastically.
Maxwell grinds his teeth for what seems like the thousandth time since he arrived at Hellsing.
The interrogation goes on for a few more hours, until Maxwell has had enough and decides to let Walter go.
"You May go back Mr. Dolnez. Your interrogation is done."
"Did I get the job?" He asks jokingly.
"Just leave! Before I allow Anderson to do what he does best!"
"I see. Then I'll give you just one thing to remember. The things a leader needs most are Patience and Confidence. I know you have the second one, but it seems the first still eludes you." He chuckles before closing the door.
"Damn it!" He yells again feeling insulted.
Walter walks back to the family library alone. When he arrives, he can hear yelling.
He opens the door and gets shocked similar to how Integra was earlier. Seras is now wearing a ŀėwd bathing suit, Alucard is still in his girly form but is now wearing full ballerina costume that is completely pink. All the while Integra is wearing a maid uniform, but not just any maid uniform a sėxy version of it.
Alucard turns around and sees Walter at the door with his mouth ajar.
"Walter! My good man. Is your interrogation done?" He asks with his normal voice making a very big contrast to how he looks.
"Yes it is." He says after a long pause to calm himself down.
"Walter?" Integra asks noticing him for the first time since he got back.
"How was it!?" Seras asks happily before walking up to him.
"Please cover yourself Seras." He asks.
"Hmm?" She sounds out before looking down."
"Kyaa! Master! How could you!?" She covers herself before asking Alucard with a glare.
"You lost Police Girl. I was just giving you your punishment."
"It was to wear a teddy bear costume, not this ŀėwd swim suit." She retorts as she changes her clothes herself.
When the clothes morph, Walter Finally looks down and now looks like he normally does.
"Sir, aren't you worried at what they're trying to find?" Walter asks Integra.
"Of course not Walter. The only being who would know anything is Alucard and I highly doubt he will say anything."
"Say what?" Alucard asks.
"About your seals master. The Iscariots are trying to find out how the seals work, so they can control you." Seras replies.
"How did you know about that seras?" Integra asks surprised.
"Oh, I found out when they first arrived. When they all went to their rooms. I was surprised at how loud they were about it."
"And you didn't think to tell anyone!?"
"Of course not! What would be the fun in that?"
"F-Fun?" Integra stutters at the ridiculous statement.
"You truly know how to play games Police Girl." Alucard laughs before stating.
When they're talking about this, the door opens harshly silencing them.
"You're next, you disgusting creature." Anderson states.
"Didn't you hear me!?"
"Walter, Who is he talking to?" Seras asks.
"I don't know seras. To the Vatican, we're all disgusting creatures." He shrugs.
"I mean you, you bloody heathen!" Anderson points to Seras.
"Me? Shouldn't you start with my master?" She asks back.
"Just shut up and follow me." He turns away while saying so.
Seras follows him while giving a shrug in resignation.
"Sooooo. What made get into the vampire killing business?"
"I see. I completely understand. That's a very good reason to want to kill them." She nods obnoxiously.
"You think I'm beautiful even if I'm a vampire? That's so sweet of you to say."
"....." he growls a little at that comment.
"You're not bad yourself, I mean you remind me a lot of my master."
"SHUT UP! How am I similar to such a thing!?" He slams the wall forming cracks around his fist.
"Why call him like that?" She asks with an indifferent voice.
"What?" He asks back still annoyed.
"Why call my master like that? He is someone who is much nicer than any humans I have met."
"Impossible. You're just saying that because he is your master." He denies her statement curtly.
"Oh really? Why do you think my master and I are so evil?"
"Because you're vampires. You eat humans and dance over their graves while drinking their blood."
"I haven't done any of those things. Am I still so evil?"
"How ignorant. It's so sad." Seras just sighs sadly.
"What was that?"
"It's so sad seeing a strong human like you being reduced to such a mindless doll."
"I am not!"
"Oh really? Then what reason do you have for killing Protestants?"
"They aren't Catholic!"
"And that's not mindless? Oh that's right, I'm just talking to some doll the Vatican personally crafted." She scoffs.
"Shut up!"
"See? You can't even defend yourself without yelling. Truly a waste of the human potential."
After seras says this, they arrive at the door leading to the interrogation room. She ignores the still raging Anderson and opens the door herself.
When Maxwell sees the girl being followed by a very angry looking Anderson he is surprised.
Anderson slams the door behind him causing the hinges to creak. After he does that seras takes a look around the completely dark room.
'Are they seriously interrogating me in complete darkness? There has to be something I'm missing.' She thinks as she sees Renaldo, Heinkel, and Yumie forming a semi circle around Maxwell in that order from left to right.
Seras sits down on the now aluminum looking chair and feels a burning sensation. When she tries to get up she feels strong hands on her shoulders preventing her.
"An' where do ye think yer going Wee lass?" Anderson's voice sounds out behind her.
As she is restrained, Renaldo and Yumie our hand cuffs on seras wrists and attach them to the chair.
"Aaaagh!" Seras screams out in pain.
"How do the blessed silver handcuffs feel? We brought them here especially for you." Maxwell sneers at her pain.
"You bastard!" She screams out making Maxwell lower his face angrily.
"Anderson, I want you to get the engraved silver stakes as well. This bitch deserves it for the past week."
"But Maxwell...."
"Shut up and do as I say! I'm your boss." He yells out.
"Fine." Anderson goes to the side of the room and gets 4 silver stakes out of a big suitcase.
As he does that, Renaldo puts his sword by her throat and Yumie puts more handcuffs around her ankles and also attaching them to the chair.
Seras feels even more of a burning sensation and cries out again. As they get done cuffing her left leg, Anderson comes over with the stakes. He grits his teeth before plunging the first into her right thɨġh.
"AAAAAAAGGGGHHHH! Why the hell are you doing this!?"
"Because, this is procedure for interrogating vampires." Maxwell answers her indifferently.
Anderson then impales her left thɨġh resulting in another scream. He stabs the other two into her forearms but this time she doesn't scream even a little.
"So now that you're nice and comfortable May I ask a question?" Maxwell asks while grinning at her predicament.
All he received is a glare from her.
"Very well, then what is your name?"
"Seras Victoria."
"Mmhmm. And age?"
"236 months."
"Do the math ȧsshole." She smiles at him in an obvious sneer.
"You can't speak to me like that!"
"Well I just did. now question me again, pig."
"I'm waiting....."
"Very well. What are your parents names?" He acquiesces after a few seconds in silence.
"Can't you read? Their names are in your file."
"James Victoria And Melanie Victoria."
"Yes. And you were nine when they were killed?" This makes Anderson flinch.
"How did they die?"
Seras doesn't answer for a few minutes and Maxwell gets angry.
"How. Did. They. Die!?" He asks enunciating each word.
She still doesn't answer and just when he is about to order Anderson to stab her a few times she says something.
"Hey." Seras says softly.
"Do you realize how angry you're making me?" She asks as the room gets even darker.
"Yes I do." He smiles.
"You do, do you?" She asks back as the room is about to get pitch black.
"Very well." She smiles as the room goes back to normal.
Everybody shivers at the smile, even Anderson.
'What have you done Maxwell?' Anderson thinks to himself.
"My parents were killed in a home invasion. My father went downstairs to defend us but he was shot multiple times killing him instantly. My mother put me inside a closet and went to attack the intruders."
"I heard more gunshots and peeked out of the closet. I saw my mother looking at me with blood coming out of her orifices and the men who killed her were raping her."
"Would you like me to continue?"
Silence answers her as even Maxwell didn't know exactly what happened.
"No? That's too bad. I was almost at the part where I stabbed one of the men in the eye with a fork. He shot me in the stomach after that." She smiles at the memory of her stabbing him.
Silence prevails for minutes after that and Maxwell gets himself together again.
"That's sad to hear about your parents."
"I knew you'd feel that way. They were Catholic."
"Too bad they're daughter turned out to be a blood suċkɨnġ heathen then."
"At least my parents wanted me."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Maxwell looks at her after getting choked at the statement.
"Exactly how it sounds. I don't expect someone like you to understand. Your father left you at the orphanage because you were a bastard." She chuckles after saying so.
"You bitch!" He stands up and gets out his gun and points it at her forehead.
"Oh is the little bastard getting angry? I only said the truth."
"Shut up!" He takes the safety off.
"A bishop inside the Vatican who was born a bastard. Isn't there some rule against such a thing?"
"I said SHUT UP!!" He puts his finger on the trigger.
"Will this kill me?" Seras asks.
"Of course." He States as he is about to pull the trigger.
"Then my life is in danger, isn't it?" She says matter of factly.
"Yes." Maxwell pulls the trigger releasing a single bullet.
Seras grins at the slow moving bullet and uses her teleportation to evade it.
Before anyone even knows what happened, seras appears behind Heinkel and grabs her neck. She then phases into a dungeon that houses handcuffs and locks her inside of it.
When Heinkel realizes this, seras is already gone.
Seras reappears underneath the library and grabs Yumie by her leg and phases her into the ground. She locked her up in the cell across from Heinkel's.
She teleports back to the library and sees that Anderson and Renaldo are defending Maxwell.
She walks to the front of them and rubs her forearms.
"What have you done with them, you monster!?" Anderson asks.
"Just put them in timeout. You'll see them again" She teleports to Renaldo and he reacts to this.
Seas dodges his sword and grabs his forearm before teleporting to China and leaving him there.
"Good luck getting back in time, old man." She goes back to Hellsing to confront Anderson.
When she reappears Anderson throws his bayonets at her location. Seras dodges most of them but gets stabbed by two.
"You're really something. Despite being a puppet." She puts them into her inventory while saying so.
"Shut up!"
"Very well." She phases into the floor and doesn't reappear for seconds.
Anderson hears something behind him and turns to find Maxwell hitting a bookshelf. He turns back to find a grinning seras an inch in front of his face.
"Boo." She says before hugging his torso and leaves him in the Sahara Desert.
"DEMON!" Anderson doesn't even realize what happens when she leaves him to get back to Maxwell.
She appears back inside the library, phasing slowly out of the floor right in front of him.
"Now you're all alone. Poor little Maxwell."
"What will you do without your bodyguards? What will you do, now that you have to face me with only a small gun?"
"Y-You!" He stutters
"You're all alone at your enemies headquarters and you have to face a seriously pissed off vampire who you angered. What will you do now?"
"W-What Ha-Have Y-You D-D-Done?"
"Come now Mr. Maxwell. How do you think I brought Sir Integra to the Vatican?" She grabs his arms as she asks.
"Ding ding ding! You win a prize." She claps Maxwell's hands for him.
He just stares into her eyes with his own full of fear and regret.
"If you think I'm letting you leave here without some form of retribution, You're sadly mistaken." She starts to drag him to the chair she was on.
"What will you do to me?" He asks not stuttering while she is taking out the stakes.
"Oh...that's a surprise." She sits him down and whispers into his ears as she starts to handcuff him to the chair.
"Stop it. Please, I'm begging you. Please." He starts to cry as she puts on the last handcuff.
"You know Maxwell, those are the exact words I used when those men killed my parents and rȧpėd my mother. Unfortunately you have no one who you love, so I'll have to settle with you." She gets out 2 bayonets from her inventory and starts to sharpen one with the other.
"Please. Let me go. I won't insult you or hurt you ever again. Just let me go and I'll pretend none of this happened."
"Shhhshhshsh." She puts a bayonet on his lips.
"Please." He pleads quietly.
"Did you know Maxwell, the human body can take so much more abuse then we think. With the right equipment I could torture you for days."
He goes to scream when she clutched his cheeks.
"Unfortunately I don't have this equipment on hand." He sighs in relief before she continues.
"So I'll have to settle for a few hours. It's good because that's how long an interrogation usually takes."
He tries to scream again and this time she breaks his jaw so it hangs open.
"I'm glad we have an understanding."
She stands straight up and gives him a glare.
"Now, are you ready?" She smiles wickedly.
Anderson and Renaldo put their weapons away at the sound of it. Heinkel and Yumie are still brandishing theirs though.
"It's ok now Heinkel, Yumie." Renaldo speaks to them.
"Yes, let's get back to the interview." Walter agrees.
"It's an interrogation!" Maxwell yells angrily.
"Sure. Whatever you say, boy." Walter agrees with him sarcastically.
Maxwell grinds his teeth for what seems like the thousandth time since he arrived at Hellsing.
The interrogation goes on for a few more hours, until Maxwell has had enough and decides to let Walter go.
"You May go back Mr. Dolnez. Your interrogation is done."
"Did I get the job?" He asks jokingly.
"Just leave! Before I allow Anderson to do what he does best!"
"I see. Then I'll give you just one thing to remember. The things a leader needs most are Patience and Confidence. I know you have the second one, but it seems the first still eludes you." He chuckles before closing the door.
"Damn it!" He yells again feeling insulted.
Walter walks back to the family library alone. When he arrives, he can hear yelling.
He opens the door and gets shocked similar to how Integra was earlier. Seras is now wearing a ŀėwd bathing suit, Alucard is still in his girly form but is now wearing full ballerina costume that is completely pink. All the while Integra is wearing a maid uniform, but not just any maid uniform a sėxy version of it.
Alucard turns around and sees Walter at the door with his mouth ajar.
"Walter! My good man. Is your interrogation done?" He asks with his normal voice making a very big contrast to how he looks.
"Yes it is." He says after a long pause to calm himself down.
"Walter?" Integra asks noticing him for the first time since he got back.
"How was it!?" Seras asks happily before walking up to him.
"Please cover yourself Seras." He asks.
"Hmm?" She sounds out before looking down."
"Kyaa! Master! How could you!?" She covers herself before asking Alucard with a glare.
"You lost Police Girl. I was just giving you your punishment."
"It was to wear a teddy bear costume, not this ŀėwd swim suit." She retorts as she changes her clothes herself.
When the clothes morph, Walter Finally looks down and now looks like he normally does.
"Sir, aren't you worried at what they're trying to find?" Walter asks Integra.
"Of course not Walter. The only being who would know anything is Alucard and I highly doubt he will say anything."
"Say what?" Alucard asks.
"About your seals master. The Iscariots are trying to find out how the seals work, so they can control you." Seras replies.
"How did you know about that seras?" Integra asks surprised.
"Oh, I found out when they first arrived. When they all went to their rooms. I was surprised at how loud they were about it."
"And you didn't think to tell anyone!?"
"Of course not! What would be the fun in that?"
"F-Fun?" Integra stutters at the ridiculous statement.
"You truly know how to play games Police Girl." Alucard laughs before stating.
When they're talking about this, the door opens harshly silencing them.
"You're next, you disgusting creature." Anderson states.
"Didn't you hear me!?"
"Walter, Who is he talking to?" Seras asks.
"I don't know seras. To the Vatican, we're all disgusting creatures." He shrugs.
"I mean you, you bloody heathen!" Anderson points to Seras.
"Me? Shouldn't you start with my master?" She asks back.
"Just shut up and follow me." He turns away while saying so.
Seras follows him while giving a shrug in resignation.
"Sooooo. What made get into the vampire killing business?"
"I see. I completely understand. That's a very good reason to want to kill them." She nods obnoxiously.
"You think I'm beautiful even if I'm a vampire? That's so sweet of you to say."
"....." he growls a little at that comment.
"You're not bad yourself, I mean you remind me a lot of my master."
"SHUT UP! How am I similar to such a thing!?" He slams the wall forming cracks around his fist.
"Why call him like that?" She asks with an indifferent voice.
"What?" He asks back still annoyed.
"Why call my master like that? He is someone who is much nicer than any humans I have met."
"Impossible. You're just saying that because he is your master." He denies her statement curtly.
"Oh really? Why do you think my master and I are so evil?"
"Because you're vampires. You eat humans and dance over their graves while drinking their blood."
"I haven't done any of those things. Am I still so evil?"
"How ignorant. It's so sad." Seras just sighs sadly.
"What was that?"
"It's so sad seeing a strong human like you being reduced to such a mindless doll."
"I am not!"
"Oh really? Then what reason do you have for killing Protestants?"
"They aren't Catholic!"
"And that's not mindless? Oh that's right, I'm just talking to some doll the Vatican personally crafted." She scoffs.
"Shut up!"
"See? You can't even defend yourself without yelling. Truly a waste of the human potential."
After seras says this, they arrive at the door leading to the interrogation room. She ignores the still raging Anderson and opens the door herself.
When Maxwell sees the girl being followed by a very angry looking Anderson he is surprised.
Anderson slams the door behind him causing the hinges to creak. After he does that seras takes a look around the completely dark room.
'Are they seriously interrogating me in complete darkness? There has to be something I'm missing.' She thinks as she sees Renaldo, Heinkel, and Yumie forming a semi circle around Maxwell in that order from left to right.
Seras sits down on the now aluminum looking chair and feels a burning sensation. When she tries to get up she feels strong hands on her shoulders preventing her.
"An' where do ye think yer going Wee lass?" Anderson's voice sounds out behind her.
As she is restrained, Renaldo and Yumie our hand cuffs on seras wrists and attach them to the chair.
"Aaaagh!" Seras screams out in pain.
"How do the blessed silver handcuffs feel? We brought them here especially for you." Maxwell sneers at her pain.
"You bastard!" She screams out making Maxwell lower his face angrily.
"Anderson, I want you to get the engraved silver stakes as well. This bitch deserves it for the past week."
"But Maxwell...."
"Shut up and do as I say! I'm your boss." He yells out.
"Fine." Anderson goes to the side of the room and gets 4 silver stakes out of a big suitcase.
As he does that, Renaldo puts his sword by her throat and Yumie puts more handcuffs around her ankles and also attaching them to the chair.
Seras feels even more of a burning sensation and cries out again. As they get done cuffing her left leg, Anderson comes over with the stakes. He grits his teeth before plunging the first into her right thɨġh.
"AAAAAAAGGGGHHHH! Why the hell are you doing this!?"
"Because, this is procedure for interrogating vampires." Maxwell answers her indifferently.
Anderson then impales her left thɨġh resulting in another scream. He stabs the other two into her forearms but this time she doesn't scream even a little.
"So now that you're nice and comfortable May I ask a question?" Maxwell asks while grinning at her predicament.
All he received is a glare from her.
"Very well, then what is your name?"
"Seras Victoria."
"Mmhmm. And age?"
"236 months."
"Do the math ȧsshole." She smiles at him in an obvious sneer.
"You can't speak to me like that!"
"Well I just did. now question me again, pig."
"I'm waiting....."
"Very well. What are your parents names?" He acquiesces after a few seconds in silence.
"Can't you read? Their names are in your file."
"James Victoria And Melanie Victoria."
"Yes. And you were nine when they were killed?" This makes Anderson flinch.
"How did they die?"
Seras doesn't answer for a few minutes and Maxwell gets angry.
"How. Did. They. Die!?" He asks enunciating each word.
She still doesn't answer and just when he is about to order Anderson to stab her a few times she says something.
"Hey." Seras says softly.
"Do you realize how angry you're making me?" She asks as the room gets even darker.
"Yes I do." He smiles.
"You do, do you?" She asks back as the room is about to get pitch black.
"Very well." She smiles as the room goes back to normal.
Everybody shivers at the smile, even Anderson.
'What have you done Maxwell?' Anderson thinks to himself.
"My parents were killed in a home invasion. My father went downstairs to defend us but he was shot multiple times killing him instantly. My mother put me inside a closet and went to attack the intruders."
"I heard more gunshots and peeked out of the closet. I saw my mother looking at me with blood coming out of her orifices and the men who killed her were raping her."
"Would you like me to continue?"
Silence answers her as even Maxwell didn't know exactly what happened.
"No? That's too bad. I was almost at the part where I stabbed one of the men in the eye with a fork. He shot me in the stomach after that." She smiles at the memory of her stabbing him.
Silence prevails for minutes after that and Maxwell gets himself together again.
"That's sad to hear about your parents."
"I knew you'd feel that way. They were Catholic."
"Too bad they're daughter turned out to be a blood suċkɨnġ heathen then."
"At least my parents wanted me."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Maxwell looks at her after getting choked at the statement.
"Exactly how it sounds. I don't expect someone like you to understand. Your father left you at the orphanage because you were a bastard." She chuckles after saying so.
"You bitch!" He stands up and gets out his gun and points it at her forehead.
"Oh is the little bastard getting angry? I only said the truth."
"Shut up!" He takes the safety off.
"A bishop inside the Vatican who was born a bastard. Isn't there some rule against such a thing?"
"I said SHUT UP!!" He puts his finger on the trigger.
"Will this kill me?" Seras asks.
"Of course." He States as he is about to pull the trigger.
"Then my life is in danger, isn't it?" She says matter of factly.
"Yes." Maxwell pulls the trigger releasing a single bullet.
Seras grins at the slow moving bullet and uses her teleportation to evade it.
Before anyone even knows what happened, seras appears behind Heinkel and grabs her neck. She then phases into a dungeon that houses handcuffs and locks her inside of it.
When Heinkel realizes this, seras is already gone.
Seras reappears underneath the library and grabs Yumie by her leg and phases her into the ground. She locked her up in the cell across from Heinkel's.
She teleports back to the library and sees that Anderson and Renaldo are defending Maxwell.
She walks to the front of them and rubs her forearms.
"What have you done with them, you monster!?" Anderson asks.
"Just put them in timeout. You'll see them again" She teleports to Renaldo and he reacts to this.
Seas dodges his sword and grabs his forearm before teleporting to China and leaving him there.
"Good luck getting back in time, old man." She goes back to Hellsing to confront Anderson.
When she reappears Anderson throws his bayonets at her location. Seras dodges most of them but gets stabbed by two.
"You're really something. Despite being a puppet." She puts them into her inventory while saying so.
"Shut up!"
"Very well." She phases into the floor and doesn't reappear for seconds.
Anderson hears something behind him and turns to find Maxwell hitting a bookshelf. He turns back to find a grinning seras an inch in front of his face.
"Boo." She says before hugging his torso and leaves him in the Sahara Desert.
"DEMON!" Anderson doesn't even realize what happens when she leaves him to get back to Maxwell.
She appears back inside the library, phasing slowly out of the floor right in front of him.
"Now you're all alone. Poor little Maxwell."
"What will you do without your bodyguards? What will you do, now that you have to face me with only a small gun?"
"Y-You!" He stutters
"You're all alone at your enemies headquarters and you have to face a seriously pissed off vampire who you angered. What will you do now?"
"W-What Ha-Have Y-You D-D-Done?"
"Come now Mr. Maxwell. How do you think I brought Sir Integra to the Vatican?" She grabs his arms as she asks.
"Ding ding ding! You win a prize." She claps Maxwell's hands for him.
He just stares into her eyes with his own full of fear and regret.
"If you think I'm letting you leave here without some form of retribution, You're sadly mistaken." She starts to drag him to the chair she was on.
"What will you do to me?" He asks not stuttering while she is taking out the stakes.
"Oh...that's a surprise." She sits him down and whispers into his ears as she starts to handcuff him to the chair.
"Stop it. Please, I'm begging you. Please." He starts to cry as she puts on the last handcuff.
"You know Maxwell, those are the exact words I used when those men killed my parents and rȧpėd my mother. Unfortunately you have no one who you love, so I'll have to settle with you." She gets out 2 bayonets from her inventory and starts to sharpen one with the other.
"Please. Let me go. I won't insult you or hurt you ever again. Just let me go and I'll pretend none of this happened."
"Shhhshhshsh." She puts a bayonet on his lips.
"Please." He pleads quietly.
"Did you know Maxwell, the human body can take so much more abuse then we think. With the right equipment I could torture you for days."
He goes to scream when she clutched his cheeks.
"Unfortunately I don't have this equipment on hand." He sighs in relief before she continues.
"So I'll have to settle for a few hours. It's good because that's how long an interrogation usually takes."
He tries to scream again and this time she breaks his jaw so it hangs open.
"I'm glad we have an understanding."
She stands straight up and gives him a glare.
"Now, are you ready?" She smiles wickedly.
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