The Vatican is the central hub for Catholicism. The young people who learn from here go on to be Bishops or higher.

Right now a rising star who is currently a Deacon that works for the head of the secret division of the Vatican. Section 13, the Iscariot Organization.

'I can't believe vampires exist and I'm working with the man who deals with them.' Deacon Baxter thinks to himself.

'Although he can be a bit demanding, Bishop Maxwell is a great man and he will help me become the youngest Bishop to ever walk these halls.'

Jamie Baxter is the youngest Deacon and is on track to breaking many records in the Vatican. He has been ȧssisting Bishop Enrico Maxwell for about 6 months and is almost ready to take the test to become a priest.

'Just a few more days and I'll be the youngest priest ever.' Jamie thinks this as he gets to Maxwell's office.

Jamie has been doing his job dutifully despite the week long absence of his boss. He gets to work at 7:00AM sharp and immediately heads to Maxwell's office to sort out the paperwork.

The past 6 days have been well until he opens the doors the seventh. He noticed something immediately wrong as the door was left open a little.

'I know I closed it before I left.'

Jamie doesn't think anything of it until he hears a groan coming out of the room. He walks inside and sees something that will scar himself forever.

A Gigantic blood soaked Cross is hung upside down on the wall behind Maxwell's desk. A man who is covered in blood and gore is groaning while impaled on said cross similar to Christ. this is true except each foot is impaled desperately on it.

'Who could do such a thing?' Jamie asks himself before he notices the man who is impaled.

"Bishop? Is that you Bishop Maxwell?" Jamie runs closer while asking but all he received is more groaning.

"SOMEBODY HELP! BISHOP MAXWELL NEEDS A DOCTOR!!!" Jamie yells hoping someone can hear him.

Before help arrives he notices the amount of wounds that Maxwell has suffered.

All his fingers broken in multiple places, and cuts placed all over his body that amount to the hundreds. He's nȧkėd except for the undėrwėȧr that is almost torn to shreds.

'What has happened?' He thinks this as many people come in and start to get Maxwell off the cross and onto a stretcher.

As he is laid upon the stretcher Maxwell starts moving his lips. Jamie leans closer hoping to hear the words.

"G-God....For-Forgive Me.....please." He passes out again afterwards.

'He's asking for forgiveness? Why' the young man thinks to himself as the men start to leave with Maxwell.

When they leave Jamie notices a piece of paper on the desk with a bloody smile.

He trembles before opening the letter and reading it.

You may be wondering why Maxwell has arrived in the condition he is in. I'm not going to say as it's not my place, but if you're wondering why I have staged him in such a way, it's to instill as much fear as I can. Like basting a turkey. Which I'll proceed to fuċk. That's right, I'm going to fuċk the fear turkey.

Follow me at theCrimsonFuckr.

Sincerely the Crimson Fucker.-

"My God." Jamie mutters not noticing he just took the Lords name in vain.

After seras took out all of her frustration on Maxwell she goes back to the room her master is in and phases through the door.

She sees Integra is sleeping while Walter and Alucard are playing another game of war.

"How did it go Police Girl? Did they harm you?"

"They did But It was a lot of fun." She smiles at him before walking closer.

"Fun?" He asks and turns to her.

"What did they do to you?"

"Oh nothing I couldn't handle master. Although I am extremely tired." She yawns while saying so.

"I'm sorry Walter but I'm going to goto bed, do you mind releasing Heinkel and Yumie from the dingeons?"

"The What?" He asks when she disappears.

When Walter doesn't receive an answer he turns to his war buddy in confusion.

"Don't look at me Walter, when seras went into the old library I lost all connection with her. I believe it was a spell that can hinder communication from the outside."

"So we have absolutely no idea what occurred? I have to go and find out." Walter leaves Alucard alone with the sleeping Integra.

He chuckles as he carries her in a princess carry before phasing other bedroom and laying her on top of her bed.

"Get some sleep Integra. I believe you're going to need as much as you can get for what's about to come our way tomorrow." He smiles at her before going to his room.

'My god! It's already 5 in the afternoon?' She jumps out of bed and yells for Walter.

"Sir?" Walter knocks on the door.

"Walter, why haven't you woken me up!? It's well past time for the Iscariots to leave my home."

Walter just chuckles and Integra notices this.

"What is it Walter? Did something happen?"

"No, did Alucard do something? Even when I explicitly ordered him not to." She continues quickly in realization.

"No sir. Alucard hasn't touched any of them."

"Then tell me what happened!" She yells out angrily.

"I believe you'll find out when seras wakes up tonight."

"Seras? What did she do?"

"Let's just say that the members of the Iscariots have experienced what an angry vampire would do when you torture them."


"Please sir, let's wait for seras. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes Walter. Tea sounds lovely right now." She sighs in defeat before saying so.

The night comes quickly for seras as she wakes up groggily and very sore.

'Why does it hurt so much?' She complains to herself.

"That's because you still have 4 new holes in your body. It will take time for them to heal Police Girl."


"Yes and get ready quickly, Integra has some questions for you."

"Fine." She says while still laying down.

Seras morphs her pajamas into her Hellsing uniform without getting up. She then phases out of the bed and appears in Integra's office.

Integra notices her and shows a happy expression.

"Finally. Will you tell me what happened seras? I got word that Maxwell was found at the Vatican in a very dangerous state." She says this quickly without noticing seras' injuries.

"Did they like my present?"

"Present? You almost killed him seras!" She yells back and turns to see seras finally seeing the holes on her body.

"Why are you injured? Don't tell me..."

"Yeah, they tortured me before conducting the interrogation. I waited to see what would happen but Maxwell put a gun to my face and shot at me. So I retaliated."

"Please tell me what you did. I need all the information so I can protect you."

Seras spends a half hour telling Integra what she did and it was mostly about her torturing Maxwell.

"After listening to what you've done, I only have one thing to say." Integra puts her head on her interlocked hands giving a serious look.

"What is that Sir?"

"I wish you video taped it. It's not every day you get to see the torture of such a pompous guy."

"Pfft. Next time, I'll video tape it for you." Seras laughs while saying so.

"Yes. But in all seriousness, I'll need to do something about your actions against the Iscariots."

"The two women that Walter freed from the cells have a very deep anger to you and it took many strong words and all of Walters wires to stop them from stabbing your heart in your sleep."

"That would've been very cowardly of them."

"The Vatican doesn't care about honor, especially section 13, the do the dirtiest of the dirty for them."

"That won't be necessary sir. I'm sure Maxwell will not be giving you any trouble any more."


"I've mentally scarred that man for life. I'm sure that when his grandkids see me they'll also shiver in freight."

"I see. Then that will be all seras. I'm glad you weren't killed." Integra says while going back to her paperwork.

Seras notices a slight pink tinge on her cheeks as she said so.

"Thank you Sir. I hope you have a good night." Seras leaves the office like a human after saying so.

As seras walks back to her room, she thinks about the story from here on out.

'The valentine brothers still have to attack, but is that before or after Incognito? Incognito should be a servant to the Major, but it's not guaranteed.' She pauses as she notices human soldiers walking the halls.

"So I said....huh?" The man stops mid conversation as he notices seras in front.

He gives a quick look until the other man nudges his shoulders.

"Oh right. Miss victoria. I wanted to apologize for my actions a few weeks ago. It was uncalled for." The man bows a little while saying so.

"I as well. We were very stupid insulting you without even talking to you."

Seras has her mouth agape at these actions and before she can say anything They walk away.

'What was that about? Whatever. I need to focus.'

Seras thinks about all of the events that could come and how some or most might change. She gets a headache and stops thinking about it after deciding on her course of action for the next week.

'It's the 26th So I still have 8 days until the valentine incident. Only a few things can happen during that time. Incognito could attack, but I highly doubt it as he attacked after the valentines in the anime adaptation.'

'So I have to prepare for the inevitable of Integra getting falsely imprisoned and incognito killing Helena. If she comes soon then that won't happen but she is after all centuries old.'

Seras arrives at the kitchen and finds Walter making Integra tea.

"Hi Walter."

"Hello seras. Would you like me to get you some blood?"

"No thanks I got it. But do you have any idea why some soldiers would apologize to me?" She says this while goin to the blood freezer.

"Oh really? I believe it has something to do with how you handled the Iscariots." Walter chuckles a little before saying so.

"The Iscariots? Why?"

"Vampires aren't Hellsing's only enemies, the Iscariots come up from time to time and they always act like....well...."


"Yes." He affirms while getting done with the tea set.

"I see. I guess when you're that arrogant, everybody hates you. Even your fellow humans."

"That's true. Although I'm glad you sent Renaldo to China. He really hates that country."


"I don't know. something to do with a previous war. It's ancient history from before he met me." Walter just shrugs before carrying the tray.

"I have to go now, but I hope you enjoy the blood." He leaves after saying that.

"Ok, bye Walter." She waves at him while he walks away and when he is gone from view seras sighs tiredly.

She sits at the counter for a few minutes when she feels a presence from behind her. She turns around and finds Arthur awkwardly hunched over and he begins to laugh when she sees him.

"Sorry 'bout that. I wanted to sneak up on ya and surprise you." He scratched the back of his head while saying so.

"That's fine Arthur. But I don't think it's a good idea to sneak up on a vampire. Especially my master."

"I don't sneak up on vampires. Just ones I find cute.....ah." His whole face goes red at the end of the statement and before seras can speak up he runs away.

Seras chuckles at the antics and phases into the floor. Arthur turns a corner and finds seras leaning against the wall.

"What took you so long?" She smiles at him.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. Please don't hate me."

"Oh Arthur, I don't hate you. In fact, that made me like you just a little bit more." She leans closer to him as she is saying this.

"R-Really?" He asks back.

"Yes, most men just call me beautiful, in the sėxuȧŀ way. I mean, I'm only 19, i find that disgusting." She fakes a shiver while saying this.

"Hahaha. I can see why they would." As soon as he says that he freezes.

'I'm such an idiot.' He mentally facepalms himself.

"You're so funny. I'm glad that we had this talk." Seras smiles at him and phases into the floor.

'She said I was funny. Score!' He punches the air in celebration.

Seras arrives at the old library where the interrogation took place and sits in one of the very ornate chairs.

'I've decided. I have to save a few men during the valentine attack. But I can't do it in a way that makes me suspicious. I also need Walter to give me my new gun earlier so I'm not in the basement when it happens.'

'That means I need to ask about them without drawing suspicion as well. I got it! I'll ask about my coffin and he'll bring up the guns.'

Seras smiles happily at her next course of action and phases into Alucard's room. She doesn't notice that her master is sitting on his throne looking at her silly expressions.

"And What makes you so happy Police girl?"

"All of the uncertainties I had about the future have been washed away and I'm feeling so light. The extra baggage is now off of my shoulders."

"Really? This has nothing to do with the humans who apologized?"

"Not at all. They only did so because there was a common enemy. If Maxwell wasn't such a piece of shit, they would still be indifferent to me."

"I see. I'm glad you're smart enough to see through such trivial emotions."

"Master?" She asks worriedly.


"I know you don't like talking about your past as a human. But I'm very curious at how much of the history books is true."

"It's a human emotion to be so curious. Curiosity killed the cat you know."

"Yes, but I'm already dead."

"Very well, what would you like to know?"

"Start from the beginning. I want to know all about you." She lays on her stomach on top of her bed and puts her head into her palms.

"Then let's start from when I was born...."

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