Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 31 - 31 - Meeting Schrodinger.

August 30, A few days after Seras' Torture session with Maxwell. She is in her and Alucard's room playing with Basky. She has taught him to shake, sit, lay down, and roll over. Now she is trying to teach him to fetch, which is apparently difficult for a Hound from hell to learn. As she is doing this Alucard speaks up.

"Why must you teach it these things, Police girl? Despite how it looks, it is still eats humans alive."

"So? Just because his diet is unique, doesn't make him any less adorable and teachable." Seras says while rubbing the hound's head.

"If I was still human, I would find that slightly disturbing."

"Why? It's not like you were a saint when you were alive." She tilts her head in confusion before mumbling.


"Nothing! Anyway I have a question."

"What is it?"

"I know that when you and I drink blood from humans we get their memories, but why doesn't it happen when we drink from the blood packs?"

"What a stupid question."

"How rude!"

"Do you know the saying 'life flashing before your eyes'?"

"Yes, it's pretty common."

"Well, what if I told you that it's true?"

"Wait, so when I saw my parents dying in front of me again, that was actually happening before me?"


"So, let me guess. When somebody is dying, if you drink they're blood while this phenomenon is happening, you take in their memories?"

"You are correct, Police girl. You're very smart."

"Thanks. So I won't accidentally gain memories from someone who rȧpėd before. That's good."

"You can choose whether or not to keep such things."

"Really? How!?"

"It's for a time when you're a full fledged vampire. I keep all the souls I've eaten because it makes me stronger."

"I see." She says sadly.

"That doesn't mean a more select approach isn't good, in fact I might start purging some of them as well."


"Because, when you drink from someone, they will be inside you as a separate entity. So if you ŀȧpse in concentration you can hear them."

"Seriously? So does that mean when you're sleeping you can hear all the people you have consumed?"

"I used to. But as I got older the voices have died down some. They probably just got tired though."

"Ok. I understand master, thank you for telling me."

"It's Nothing Police Girl. I'm your master and that's what I'm here for."

"I'm so glad you're my master." She smiles while saying so.

After saying that she leaves the room to goto Integra's office. She knocks on the door and waits for an answer.

"Come in, Seras."

"How did you know, sir?" She sticks her head in and looks around as she asks.

'Phew! Walter isn't in, thank god.'

"What do you want?"

"I have a request."

"Request? What is it?"

"Can I come with you to the meeting in a few days?"

"How did you hear about that?"

"Master told me, he is very talkative with me around." She says mysteriously.

"Really? Anyway, the answer is no. We're not allowed to bring outside personnel in the meeting room with us." Integra huffs.

"Really? Then I'll stand outside."

"Why do you even want to come? It's boring and long winded conversations with old men."

"I'm worried something might happen." She says after a long pause.

"What do you mean?" Integra rises from her seat.

"Well, when I went out with master a couple weeks ago, I saw this weird man who seemed insane. He kept yelling about invading something and killing a lot of important people. At the time I thought it was just drunken yelling. When I found out about the conference just now, it occurred to me that he could have been talking about it." She says while fidgeting.

"Really? So you're worried someone is going to invade this manor and kill the Royal Knights?"

"Oh, I don't care about them, just you! I mean what if it's true, it can't hurt having me stand outside." She says with a pleading tone.

After a few minutes of digesting what she heard, Integra thinks.

'That's true, with a vampire's senses they would be able to hear things normal people wouldn't. Even if Alucard was there he wouldn't remember something that far back to even care. Plus she is right, what could happen if she is just standing outside the door? If something does happen, she is extra protection.'

"Fine! I'll allow it. It's fitting, when Walter is just about done with your custom weapons." Integra says.

"Really! 'My' customized weapons?" Seras asks with stars in her eyes.

"Yes Seras. He designed them just for you." She smiles gently.

"Yay! Finally, no more generic weapons that anyone could use. My own weapons! Yay yay!" She jumps and cheers happily.

"How would I introduce you though?"

"Wouldn't it be funny if when they arrive, I pretend to be your ȧssistant?" She asks with a wicked smile.

"Hmmmmm. That would be interesting to see. Those old fogies aren't good with change." Integra agrees.

"You agree?"

"Yes, but pretending to be one will actually be hard, why don't you arrive at my office around noon to get the hang of it and then they'll arrive at 6pm and you could follow me to greet them with Walter."

"Ok! I'll try to goto sleep then, see you later, Inty." She says as she leaves.

"I told you not to call me that when we're in the mansion!" Integra yells very loudly before sighing and sitting back down in her seat.

As seras was getting taught by Alucard about the properties of blood, the skies of Brazil was hosting a blimp parade. As it was the middle of the night, nobody saw the three gigantic blimps with the Nazi logo on the side.

An obese looking man sitting in a big leather chair was talking to a creepy grinning skinny man wearing a shirt with his midriff showing.

"Dok, How is our special project coming along?"

"It is doing fantastic Major. The best sample by far."

"Good! I sent the captain to retrieve it when he was in Africa. We got lucky when we found it."

"Very lucky Major, thanks to it my research has increased by leaps and bounds."

"I'm glad you're happy, but is it ready?"

"Yes. It just passed all tests and it can be ready at any time."

"Very good. I want to send it on a mission after the valentine brothers. When Hellsing is crippled, is the best time to attack."

"Major, I have heard something disconcerting from one of the spies stationed in the Vatican." The creepy man says after a slight pause

"What is that Doctor?"

"Well the Iscariot members sent to the Hellsing organization encountered a problem."

"Hurry up doctor, I am a very busy man despite only sitting in the chair."

After the doctor summarized what happened, he is surprised at what the Major did next.

"Hahahaha Hahahaha! That's hilarious! Whoever did that to the bishop deserves a medal."


"Oh doctor, when was our last message from our spy in hellsing?" The Major wipes a tear coming out of his right eye before asking.

"I believe it was 3 months ago and everything was normal. Why?"

"You said it yourself, Anderson and Renaldo appeared in different countries while they were in hellsing. Plus Maxwell was found in his office in the middle of the Vatican without any warning. Only one power can do this."

"What is that?"

"Come now Doctor. You made the feline that can do it."

"Schrodinger? So you mean teleportation?" He asks after thinking for a few seconds."

"Correct. And since none of Alucard's powers allow him to do this, that means hellsing has acquired something or someone that can use this ability."

"I-I see."

"So I need information. When can our spy get in contact with us?"

"It should be in a couple weeks."

"That's not good enough. Schrodinger!" The major mumbles before yelling.

"Nyaha! You rang, mein Major?" A cat like laugh sounds out as Schrodinger appears behind the Doctor.

"Yes. I need you to gather intel for us at the hellsing organization."

"I see. What am I looking for?"

"Anything that has happened in The last few months that can explain the ability to teleport."

"Teleportation? Very well, should I go now?"

"Yes, I also want the information ASAP. Do you understand?"

"Yes! I'll see you in a few days Major." Schrodinger goes into a shadow while saying so before disappearing.

A few days go by and it's September 2nd at 11:54 AM. Seras and Alucard are currently sleeping in the dungeon.

Seras is having a dream about killing the men who killed her parents. She is in the middle of ripping their limbs apart when she feels something similar to a headache.

It doesn't hurt but it's more like something weighty was added to her brain. She snaps out of her delightful activity and realizes she's in a dream.

As soon as she comes to that realization, she gets transported to a completely black area holding what looks like a mirror with millions of cracks. She is surprised at this and notices that in the spaces without cracks holds images that are moving like a gif.

'What is this?' She asks herself when she hears something coming from the other side of the mirror.

"Nyahahahaha! This girl is hilarious!" A feline laughter sounds out.

Seras goes to the edge of the mirror and tilts her head past it to find a small blonde cat-eared boy wearing a hitler uniform.


"Nya?" He lets out a surprised sound.

"What are you doing here? Wait....are you reading my memories?" She asks before asking again with an angry tone.

"How are YOU here? I've never seen someone able to do this other than me?" He asks back.

'I see. So the Major should have realized about the Iscariots and sent Schrodinger here to get info. That must mean Walter isn't sending information to them that quickly.'

"I see, so he couldn't just wait a little while longer. That doesn't seem like the Major I know." She mumbles.

"How do you know the Major?" He asks her obviously catching her mumble.

"How about I tell you that if you answer a question of my own?"

"That's fine with me." He holds the back his head with both hands while crossing his feet.

"Why are you working with him?"

"The Major? Well it's not like I have a reason. I don't have any memories other than when I was in the Dok's lab. I only know my life with them."

"I see. Do you know what you're going to do when the London attack begins?"

"You even know about the attack.....well he told me I'll end my life." He says so nonchalantly.

"And you'll do it? You want to die?"

"It's not that I want to. I just can't ignore his orders. I have learned to enjoy his orders even if I don't want to do them." He smiles again, this time with a hint of madness.

"I see, then one more thing before I answer your question."


"What would you do if I could make it so you didn't have to follow his orders?"

"You can't." He says with his smile faltering.

"What if I can?"

"But you can't!" He yells angrily.

"Very well, if you're not going to answer me without proof then I'll just have to do something drastic." She walks slowly toward the feline boy.

When Schrodinger goes to leave he realizes that he can't move and gets surprised. His body is frozen and he looks at seras walking toward him.

"You're in my soul and you think I'll let you leave? Not without my permission." She grabs his head and closes her eyes.

'I hope this works.'

She opens her eyes and sees the familiar sight of a bar. She smiles and looks to the counter to find Re behind it with a man sitting on a stool.

The man is wearing a blue and yellow robe. He also has grey hair showing his age. RE notices seras and she smiles happily despite talking to the man.

"Seras! I can't believe you're already here! Oh, why is Schrodinger here?" She exclaims happily before noticing the boy.

"Oh well he was reading my memories when I had an idea. By the way aren't you working right now?" Seras asks while glancing at the man.

The man turns around and she notices the long beard.

"Oh don't worry, Peter doesn't mind."

"You know, I can answer for myself." The man says before smiling at seras.

"Hello there, my name is Peter." The man introduces himself.

Seras notices golden keys hanging from his waist before everything clicks together.

"Saint Peter? The keeper of the keys to the kingdom?" She asks dumbly.

"Haha! I'm glad you've heard of me. I was waiting for you at the gates so I could thank you for curing cancer." Peter laughs while saying so.

"I'm sorry about that. By the way, what is heaven like? I've always wondered."

"Hmmm. That's a good question." Peter combs his beard with his hand as he thinks.

"Oh, the closest thing I can compare it to would be the sky island from one piece."

"One piece? You people must like anime." Seras gets surprised at the answer before continuing.

"Well humans make such interesting things and we have a day where we all watch shows from the human world."

"Seriously? Even hades?"

"Oh he's the one that likes it the most."

"Wow. That's amazing."

"WHAT IS THIS PLACE!?" A boyish voice yells out.

"Oh I'm sorry. I've brought you here to talk about your situation. Plus I wanted to meet Re again."

"Where is here? I can't use my ability."

"Of course you can't, we're in a place that isn't part of everywhere and also isn't nowhere." Seras tells Schrodinger matter of factly.

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Don't think too hard about it." Seras walks over to the counter and sits down.

"So What brings you to our neck of the woods?" Re asks.

"Well I wanted to see you again and I wanted to ask if you could make it so Schrodinger doesn't have to follow the majors orders?"

"Well I can't do anything but maybe Peter could."

"Hmmm." He hums as he touches The boy's head.

"I see. It looks like they installed a chip into his brain that secretes a chemical whenever he doesn't want to do an order. It's sort of like a brainwashing drug that will eventually make him unable to say no. He will even start to enjoy listening."

"I see. Can you remove the chip?"

"I could, but it requires him to agree."

"What do you want Schrodinger? It's all up to you." Peter looks straight into the Boy's eyes while asking.

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