Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 32 - 32 - Seras' New Guns
Schrodinger gives a blank look at Saint Peter and replies a few seconds later.
"Yes please! It's torture having to live not knowing what I actually want!" He tears up while saying this.
Saint Peter smiles and puts his hand on the boy's head.
"That's the correct answer." As soon as the last word is said a golden glow comes out from his palm.
Schrodinger screams for a solid ten seconds before Peter takes his hand away. He falls to the ground unconscious.
"Will he be ok?"
"Of course, But it will take a while for the drug effects to wear off."
"I see. Thank you for doing this Saint Peter."
"Oh please, call me Peter. Anyway, Re was just about to tell me your demonstration of the creator."
"Oh really? Do you want to hear it from the person herself?" Seras smiles.
"Of course!" Peter smiles back.
A couple hours later, Schrodinger wakes up to a full counter of people with seras speaking to them all.
There is a three headed dog chained to a man with blue fire as hair. Another that is wearing a white toga and has lightning coming out of his body.
"And then he started impaling me with blessed silver. You know, I'm all for torture but I was going to answer the questions. I was so ready to mess with him the whole time."
"Yeah! You know how to have a good time girlie." The blue fire haired man yells out while holding a cup of liquid.
"Yeah I do. But he just had to cut my time short. He started asking about my parents while being a dɨċk."
"I'm glad you hung him upside down like that, it's poetic justice." One of the heads of the 3-headed dog speaks.
"I know, right?" She chuckles before noticing Schrodinger woke up.
"Look who's awake. Did you enjoy your nap?"
Everybody turns to Schrodinger as she asks that. He can feel a tremendous pressure when they all look at him and he flinches.
"Now now everyone, Mr. Schrodinger here is very sėnsɨtɨvė to our auras so I suggest we all leave until seras and him leave." Saint Peter suggests.
"Aw, but I was hoping to hear the end of the story." A cherub says with its squeaky voice.
"Well, you can come she seras returns. I'm sure she'll be back very soon." Peter pats the baby's head while smiling.
"Bah! Stop treating me like a baby! I'm thousands of years old." The baby says before disappearing in a puff of clouds.
All of them eventually agree and leave until Re, Peter, Seras, and Schrodinger are the only ones left.
"Well it was fun while it lasted. Some of them are very different than I thought." Seras sighs before chuckling.
"Yeah they don't get to hear many stories about the worlds below and you presented them quite well." Re informs her with a smile.
"Yeah it was interesting how people interact with one another when it isn't fictional." St. Peter states.
"You're not angry about how I treated the Bishop?" Seras asks surprised.
"Of course not. He is an arrogant man who thinks he's above everyone else."
"I see. Then I better get Schrodinger back to our universe."
"Yeah, He looks to be confused."
"It was fun Re. I might do this again, soon."
Seras goes over to The blank Schrodinger and picks him up by the collar. She then disappears back to the mirror space they were in.
Seras drops him and he lands on his feet looking back at her. he can feel his power coming back and is majorly confused at the situation.
"What was all of that?"
"That was the place people goto when they die. You see, there are many heavens and hells.
"Whatever, do you still want to know how I know the Major?"
"Oh yeah." Schrodinger says with a wide eyed expression.
"You forgot didn't you?"
"Whatever, the answer is because I know the future. That's why I don't want to kill you."
"What do you mean?"
"No more questions. Leave this place and don't talk about what you've seen. You're allowed to inform the Major that a new vampire has been sired by Alucard and you think it is the one that can teleport."
"How did you know that was why I was sent?"
"You talk while you sleep." She looks him dead in the eyes with a serious face before smiling.
Schrodinger blushes before disappearing from seras' view.
She looks at the mirror and notices more cracks forming. She can see the time at the bar with those god figures.
"It was fun talking to them." She sighs before leaving the space as well.
After seras left the memory space, Schrodinger arrived in his room on the Zeppelin. He looks around and doesn't see any personal belongings.
He is frustrated because he is no longer brainwashed to not think about things like that.
'So it really did happen.' He thinks as he remembers that place he can no longer reach.
"What the hell am I going to do now?" He mumbles to himself.
He thinks for a while when he hears a knock on the door. Before he can open it, the door swings open and Schrodinger notices the captain standing there.
"Mph." He grunts.
"I see." Schrodinger stands up and disappears from sight.
He reappears in front of the Major with his silly smile on his face.
"You called for me?"
"Yes warrant officer, I was wondering why you haven't reported to me despite arriving minutes ago."
"Oh, I was just going to change my clothes in my room. I've been working nonstop for a few days."
"You can do that after reporting."
"Yes sir." Schrodinger salutes playfully.
He describes how a new vampire was created by Alucard and how she is most likely the one that has the ability to teleport.
"I see, that explains why the Bishop was tortured that way. But why didn't you try to read her memories?"
"Well she had incredible mental defenses like Her master and Integra, so I couldn't read any of her memories."
"Hmmm." The Major hums in thought while scratching his chin.
The Major notices a slight change in his warrant officer's demeanor but doesn't say anything.
As soon as Schrodinger leaves, the Major turns to the doctor.
"I believe you must check to see if your favorite project is working as he should."
"Please Doctor, don't tell me you didn't noticed?"
"I noticed that he was a little different, but he has been working for days straight." He mumbles.
"It would be fine if he was tired, but he was acting too normal."
"Too normal?"
"Right. Even you who so enjoys doing what you do, if you worked for days on end, you would be different. But Schrodinger was normal."
"What shall I do?"
"Nothing.....for now." The Major smiles.
Seras wakes up after her escapade with Schrodinger to Alucard talking with Integra on the phone.
"I need to talk to you about some important guests coming tomorrow."
"Are they hookers?"
"No." she says in frustration.
"And like that you've lost me."
"They're our financial suppliers."
"Oh man they have to hate us." Alucard says with delight.
"They do. That's why they cancelled our budget."
"Ooh. That's bad. We need that, right? Walter, we need that, right?" He clicks his tongue before asking.
"Yes, very important." Walter bows while saying so.
"Thank you Walter."
"Of course sir." He stands straight again.
"Over the last couple of years we've had some.....expensive claims." She says the last two words slowly.
"Like what?"
"First off, property damage." Integra states remembering a mission a year ago that destroyed tens of buildings.
"Good times." He says remembering the same incident.
"Killing at least a dozen innocent people."
"Oh please, if they didn't want to die then they shouldn't have been there in the first place." he says trying to justify his actions.
"They were police officers!"
"Listen I know this is asking a lot but."
"I want you to keep yourself locked in the basement until all of them are gone."
".....I get the impression that you're embarrassed of me." Alucard states with mock sadness.
"I'm going to go with nooooo..."
"This is important, I don't need you making another scene."
"I don't have to take this, I'm going for a walk."
"Oh no you don't!" Integra slams the table in anger.
"Oh. What are you going to do? Grab that guy who can stop me? What was his name, Michael McDoesntExist?" He asks back sarcastically.
"What do you want?" She sighs loudly before asking.
"What.....do I need to give you....to keep you down there for the evening?"
"A 70 inch plasma wide screen tv."
"With a DVD player."
The conversation ends with Integra agreeing.
Seras spends the next night thinking about tomorrow and tries to sleep before sunset as she has to get up early.
Around 11AM seras starts to feel a nudge and slaps it away before realizing it could be Walter. She jumps up and sees a broken metal rod floating.
"it's a good thing I prepared that pipe. It wouldn't have been good if I was there." Walter chuckles.
"Good thinking Walter." She smiles and yawns while saying so.
"Quite, I have your clothes for today and I believe Sir Integra is waiting for you in her office." Walter hands her a bundle of cloth before walking out of the door.
Seras puts on the outfit and realizes it's not a gaudy mess like her normal uniform.
"I don't know if I should be happy or sad at this situation." She sighs before phasing to the hallway of Integra's office.
She knocks and waits a few seconds before Integra allows her inside.
"Seras, it's good to see you bright and early." Integra smiles at the sleepy vampire trudging inside the room.
"Yes sir."
"So to get started I need you to fetch me some tea."
"Then you can stay with me until the knights arrive for the meeting." She says matter of factly.
"That's it?"
"I woke up early for that!?"
"Who was it that called me Inty?" She fiercely asks Seras.
"I'm sorry." She says in a low voice while bowing her head in sorrow.
At around 5:30 Integra stops working and prepares for the arrival of the old men.
"Now remember Seras, these people are stuffy old fossils who follow old doctrines. This means that as a servant, you're not allowed to speak unless spoken to and you have to do everything with perfection. Is that clear?"
"Don't worry sir Integra. If they actually try, they won't succeed." She says as her eyes flash red for a split second.
"You also have to keep that under control as well. Even if you're pissed, ok?"
"I understand. Thank you for letting me do this, sir Integra. I just have a bad feeling about tonight." Seras says with a worried look.
"Don't worry Seras! Nothing is going to happen." Integra says confidently.
"I hope so."
'Ahhh. If only she knew.' She thinks to herself.
As they were talking they arrive at the front doors ready to meet the other Knights before the conference begins. At 6 exactly, the clock rings six times. the clock rings it's last bell, when the doors open to Walter guiding the old men into the mansion.
"Welcome everyone, did you have a safe drive here?" Integra greets.
"Yes we did, sir Integra. How is your hunting going these days?"
"Its been going smoothly, Sir Hugh."
"Really? That's strange. Because to me, it seems like it's been a disaster." He leaves the scathing comment as he follows Walter to the meeting room.
As he is walking by, he notices Seras that is standing behind Integra with her eyes closed.
'My eyes are so freaking red, I can't show them.'
"Who is this lovely young lady?" He asks as he takes his hat off to show some gentlemanly decorum.
"She is a new ȧssistant I hired, her name is Seras Victoria."
"Hello, Ms. Victoria. How would you like to come and work for me? Working here must make you scared, with that crazy vampire running amok." Sir Hugh says with a gentle smile, like a grandfather looking at his granddaughter.
"It's a tempting offer, sir. But I have already promised sir Integra to be here all her life." Seras says gently while clutching her hands behind her back.
'Did he just call master a crazy vampire? I mean he is, but he is also my master! God if only I could let loose on his saggy, wrinkly...' a bunch of adjectives later Seras calms down before smiling back at him.
"That's a pity. If you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to call." He says as he gives her a card.
A couple minutes later Walter comes out of the conference room in which the rest of the members are sitting at a table. He closes the door before walking next to Seras.
"Seras, how would you like to see your new guns?"
"You have them with you, now?"
"Yes." He says while going to the table next to her and taking out a briefcase with a combination lock on it. He opens it quickly and takes out the first gun. As soon as it fully comes out Seras is staring at it with wide eyes.
'How beautiful, it looks like an angel!' She thinks to herself.
the gun is a smaller version of Alucard's, with a completely white color. On both sides of the barrel has angel wings engraved. There is also an inscription with sky-blue colored cursive <Grace of the Angel> On the left side directly above the wings.
As he puts that gun down, he takes out the next one. the next one is a dark red color, like blood and has devil wings on both sides. There is another inscription on the right side that reads <Malice of the Devil> in black colored writing.
As Seras sees these two weapons Walter starts explaining their specifications.
"The Angel is an anti-freak combat pistol that fires 11mm rounds and weighs 12Kg. It has a length of 30 cm and each magazine can hold 17 bullets plus one in the chamber. Now, the Devil is the same in its specs, except I have added something a little extra that you might like." Walter says mysteriously.
"They're perfect Walter. I love them." Seras hugs the old man.
"I'm glad, now I have to go meet Alucard in the basement. I'm counting on you to keep Integra safe." Walter states before bringing another suitcase with him.
'That's probably Master's new weapon, the Jackal. I'm so glad I didn't get that cannon.'
"Yes please! It's torture having to live not knowing what I actually want!" He tears up while saying this.
Saint Peter smiles and puts his hand on the boy's head.
"That's the correct answer." As soon as the last word is said a golden glow comes out from his palm.
Schrodinger screams for a solid ten seconds before Peter takes his hand away. He falls to the ground unconscious.
"Will he be ok?"
"Of course, But it will take a while for the drug effects to wear off."
"I see. Thank you for doing this Saint Peter."
"Oh please, call me Peter. Anyway, Re was just about to tell me your demonstration of the creator."
"Oh really? Do you want to hear it from the person herself?" Seras smiles.
"Of course!" Peter smiles back.
A couple hours later, Schrodinger wakes up to a full counter of people with seras speaking to them all.
There is a three headed dog chained to a man with blue fire as hair. Another that is wearing a white toga and has lightning coming out of his body.
"And then he started impaling me with blessed silver. You know, I'm all for torture but I was going to answer the questions. I was so ready to mess with him the whole time."
"Yeah! You know how to have a good time girlie." The blue fire haired man yells out while holding a cup of liquid.
"Yeah I do. But he just had to cut my time short. He started asking about my parents while being a dɨċk."
"I'm glad you hung him upside down like that, it's poetic justice." One of the heads of the 3-headed dog speaks.
"I know, right?" She chuckles before noticing Schrodinger woke up.
"Look who's awake. Did you enjoy your nap?"
Everybody turns to Schrodinger as she asks that. He can feel a tremendous pressure when they all look at him and he flinches.
"Now now everyone, Mr. Schrodinger here is very sėnsɨtɨvė to our auras so I suggest we all leave until seras and him leave." Saint Peter suggests.
"Aw, but I was hoping to hear the end of the story." A cherub says with its squeaky voice.
"Well, you can come she seras returns. I'm sure she'll be back very soon." Peter pats the baby's head while smiling.
"Bah! Stop treating me like a baby! I'm thousands of years old." The baby says before disappearing in a puff of clouds.
All of them eventually agree and leave until Re, Peter, Seras, and Schrodinger are the only ones left.
"Well it was fun while it lasted. Some of them are very different than I thought." Seras sighs before chuckling.
"Yeah they don't get to hear many stories about the worlds below and you presented them quite well." Re informs her with a smile.
"Yeah it was interesting how people interact with one another when it isn't fictional." St. Peter states.
"You're not angry about how I treated the Bishop?" Seras asks surprised.
"Of course not. He is an arrogant man who thinks he's above everyone else."
"I see. Then I better get Schrodinger back to our universe."
"Yeah, He looks to be confused."
"It was fun Re. I might do this again, soon."
Seras goes over to The blank Schrodinger and picks him up by the collar. She then disappears back to the mirror space they were in.
Seras drops him and he lands on his feet looking back at her. he can feel his power coming back and is majorly confused at the situation.
"What was all of that?"
"That was the place people goto when they die. You see, there are many heavens and hells.
"Whatever, do you still want to know how I know the Major?"
"Oh yeah." Schrodinger says with a wide eyed expression.
"You forgot didn't you?"
"Whatever, the answer is because I know the future. That's why I don't want to kill you."
"What do you mean?"
"No more questions. Leave this place and don't talk about what you've seen. You're allowed to inform the Major that a new vampire has been sired by Alucard and you think it is the one that can teleport."
"How did you know that was why I was sent?"
"You talk while you sleep." She looks him dead in the eyes with a serious face before smiling.
Schrodinger blushes before disappearing from seras' view.
She looks at the mirror and notices more cracks forming. She can see the time at the bar with those god figures.
"It was fun talking to them." She sighs before leaving the space as well.
After seras left the memory space, Schrodinger arrived in his room on the Zeppelin. He looks around and doesn't see any personal belongings.
He is frustrated because he is no longer brainwashed to not think about things like that.
'So it really did happen.' He thinks as he remembers that place he can no longer reach.
"What the hell am I going to do now?" He mumbles to himself.
He thinks for a while when he hears a knock on the door. Before he can open it, the door swings open and Schrodinger notices the captain standing there.
"Mph." He grunts.
"I see." Schrodinger stands up and disappears from sight.
He reappears in front of the Major with his silly smile on his face.
"You called for me?"
"Yes warrant officer, I was wondering why you haven't reported to me despite arriving minutes ago."
"Oh, I was just going to change my clothes in my room. I've been working nonstop for a few days."
"You can do that after reporting."
"Yes sir." Schrodinger salutes playfully.
He describes how a new vampire was created by Alucard and how she is most likely the one that has the ability to teleport.
"I see, that explains why the Bishop was tortured that way. But why didn't you try to read her memories?"
"Well she had incredible mental defenses like Her master and Integra, so I couldn't read any of her memories."
"Hmmm." The Major hums in thought while scratching his chin.
The Major notices a slight change in his warrant officer's demeanor but doesn't say anything.
As soon as Schrodinger leaves, the Major turns to the doctor.
"I believe you must check to see if your favorite project is working as he should."
"Please Doctor, don't tell me you didn't noticed?"
"I noticed that he was a little different, but he has been working for days straight." He mumbles.
"It would be fine if he was tired, but he was acting too normal."
"Too normal?"
"Right. Even you who so enjoys doing what you do, if you worked for days on end, you would be different. But Schrodinger was normal."
"What shall I do?"
"Nothing.....for now." The Major smiles.
Seras wakes up after her escapade with Schrodinger to Alucard talking with Integra on the phone.
"I need to talk to you about some important guests coming tomorrow."
"Are they hookers?"
"No." she says in frustration.
"And like that you've lost me."
"They're our financial suppliers."
"Oh man they have to hate us." Alucard says with delight.
"They do. That's why they cancelled our budget."
"Ooh. That's bad. We need that, right? Walter, we need that, right?" He clicks his tongue before asking.
"Yes, very important." Walter bows while saying so.
"Thank you Walter."
"Of course sir." He stands straight again.
"Over the last couple of years we've had some.....expensive claims." She says the last two words slowly.
"Like what?"
"First off, property damage." Integra states remembering a mission a year ago that destroyed tens of buildings.
"Good times." He says remembering the same incident.
"Killing at least a dozen innocent people."
"Oh please, if they didn't want to die then they shouldn't have been there in the first place." he says trying to justify his actions.
"They were police officers!"
"Listen I know this is asking a lot but."
"I want you to keep yourself locked in the basement until all of them are gone."
".....I get the impression that you're embarrassed of me." Alucard states with mock sadness.
"I'm going to go with nooooo..."
"This is important, I don't need you making another scene."
"I don't have to take this, I'm going for a walk."
"Oh no you don't!" Integra slams the table in anger.
"Oh. What are you going to do? Grab that guy who can stop me? What was his name, Michael McDoesntExist?" He asks back sarcastically.
"What do you want?" She sighs loudly before asking.
"What.....do I need to give you....to keep you down there for the evening?"
"A 70 inch plasma wide screen tv."
"With a DVD player."
The conversation ends with Integra agreeing.
Seras spends the next night thinking about tomorrow and tries to sleep before sunset as she has to get up early.
Around 11AM seras starts to feel a nudge and slaps it away before realizing it could be Walter. She jumps up and sees a broken metal rod floating.
"it's a good thing I prepared that pipe. It wouldn't have been good if I was there." Walter chuckles.
"Good thinking Walter." She smiles and yawns while saying so.
"Quite, I have your clothes for today and I believe Sir Integra is waiting for you in her office." Walter hands her a bundle of cloth before walking out of the door.
Seras puts on the outfit and realizes it's not a gaudy mess like her normal uniform.
"I don't know if I should be happy or sad at this situation." She sighs before phasing to the hallway of Integra's office.
She knocks and waits a few seconds before Integra allows her inside.
"Seras, it's good to see you bright and early." Integra smiles at the sleepy vampire trudging inside the room.
"Yes sir."
"So to get started I need you to fetch me some tea."
"Then you can stay with me until the knights arrive for the meeting." She says matter of factly.
"That's it?"
"I woke up early for that!?"
"Who was it that called me Inty?" She fiercely asks Seras.
"I'm sorry." She says in a low voice while bowing her head in sorrow.
At around 5:30 Integra stops working and prepares for the arrival of the old men.
"Now remember Seras, these people are stuffy old fossils who follow old doctrines. This means that as a servant, you're not allowed to speak unless spoken to and you have to do everything with perfection. Is that clear?"
"Don't worry sir Integra. If they actually try, they won't succeed." She says as her eyes flash red for a split second.
"You also have to keep that under control as well. Even if you're pissed, ok?"
"I understand. Thank you for letting me do this, sir Integra. I just have a bad feeling about tonight." Seras says with a worried look.
"Don't worry Seras! Nothing is going to happen." Integra says confidently.
"I hope so."
'Ahhh. If only she knew.' She thinks to herself.
As they were talking they arrive at the front doors ready to meet the other Knights before the conference begins. At 6 exactly, the clock rings six times. the clock rings it's last bell, when the doors open to Walter guiding the old men into the mansion.
"Welcome everyone, did you have a safe drive here?" Integra greets.
"Yes we did, sir Integra. How is your hunting going these days?"
"Its been going smoothly, Sir Hugh."
"Really? That's strange. Because to me, it seems like it's been a disaster." He leaves the scathing comment as he follows Walter to the meeting room.
As he is walking by, he notices Seras that is standing behind Integra with her eyes closed.
'My eyes are so freaking red, I can't show them.'
"Who is this lovely young lady?" He asks as he takes his hat off to show some gentlemanly decorum.
"She is a new ȧssistant I hired, her name is Seras Victoria."
"Hello, Ms. Victoria. How would you like to come and work for me? Working here must make you scared, with that crazy vampire running amok." Sir Hugh says with a gentle smile, like a grandfather looking at his granddaughter.
"It's a tempting offer, sir. But I have already promised sir Integra to be here all her life." Seras says gently while clutching her hands behind her back.
'Did he just call master a crazy vampire? I mean he is, but he is also my master! God if only I could let loose on his saggy, wrinkly...' a bunch of adjectives later Seras calms down before smiling back at him.
"That's a pity. If you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to call." He says as he gives her a card.
A couple minutes later Walter comes out of the conference room in which the rest of the members are sitting at a table. He closes the door before walking next to Seras.
"Seras, how would you like to see your new guns?"
"You have them with you, now?"
"Yes." He says while going to the table next to her and taking out a briefcase with a combination lock on it. He opens it quickly and takes out the first gun. As soon as it fully comes out Seras is staring at it with wide eyes.
'How beautiful, it looks like an angel!' She thinks to herself.
the gun is a smaller version of Alucard's, with a completely white color. On both sides of the barrel has angel wings engraved. There is also an inscription with sky-blue colored cursive <Grace of the Angel> On the left side directly above the wings.
As he puts that gun down, he takes out the next one. the next one is a dark red color, like blood and has devil wings on both sides. There is another inscription on the right side that reads <Malice of the Devil> in black colored writing.
As Seras sees these two weapons Walter starts explaining their specifications.
"The Angel is an anti-freak combat pistol that fires 11mm rounds and weighs 12Kg. It has a length of 30 cm and each magazine can hold 17 bullets plus one in the chamber. Now, the Devil is the same in its specs, except I have added something a little extra that you might like." Walter says mysteriously.
"They're perfect Walter. I love them." Seras hugs the old man.
"I'm glad, now I have to go meet Alucard in the basement. I'm counting on you to keep Integra safe." Walter states before bringing another suitcase with him.
'That's probably Master's new weapon, the Jackal. I'm so glad I didn't get that cannon.'
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