Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 3 - 3 - Attack in Cheddar.

After twenty minutes, the squad car arrives at the surroundings around the church. As Seras and Simon along with Eddie who is also apart of her squad, get out of the car, she notices the tent that Integra and Walter arrive at to talk down to the chief. Seras smiles a little knowing that the pudgy man will get a nice talking down to from another woman while waiting for said commanding officer to arrive.

'Did I just think another woman? God I really combined with the bumbling Seras Victoria. Hmmm....I wonder who the main personality is?' She sighs as she thinks of her decreasing intelligence.

'Hopefully I'm able to be as ruthless as I wanted in my previous life when I'm a vampire.' She gets snapped out of her thoughts by an obnoxious yell.

"Squads, Are you ready?"

'Of course we are you fat ȧsshole. We Waited 30 minutes for you to show up when you said it would only take 5. I really wish I could kill you where you stand, but that would change too much. Oh? Wait.....couldn't I just kill him and then transport myself back in time with my ability?' She thinks while a delightful smile graces her face.

"""""Yes sir!"""""

'SHIT! I don't know how it works....Fucking hell, you get off this time fatso.' She angrily grits her teeth while he speaks again.

"Ok it is now 1900, this means that dusk is approaching. This can help that fake priest in escaping, so we're going to be dividing the squads into 2 seperate forces. One is going to lead the attack into the church and the other is going to be setting up a perimeter. We have a total of 16 squads here, so squads 1-8 will be attacking, and squads 9-16 will be setting up the perimeter, is this understood!?"


"Damn it, why did we have to be in squad 8? Just bȧrėly having to actually do some work!" Eddie complains.

"Shut up Eddie! Do you know what this man has done? He deserves to die for his sins."

"No! You shut up Simon! Do you know how many people are going to be attacking a lone man, 8 squads, that's 40 people! Why is the chief worried about this?" Eddie replies.

"Well, it could be that there is not just one man in the church, what if he has helpers with weapons?" Seras asks with a knowing smile which replaces her earlier frown.

"What? Why would you think that?" Simon asks.

"Well on our way here, didn't you notice that the town seemed a little desolate? I mean there wasn't even a single person walking around."

"Yeah, that's true, but couldn't that just be because there's a homicidal maniac of a priest lurking about? Wait...You don't think that the whole town is in on it, do you? That's insanity!" Eddie inquires after a lengthy bit of babbling nonsense.

"No, I don't think they're willingly helping him out."

"Then what do you...."

"Simon, Eddie, Seras! Go with your squad, what the hell do you think you're doing!?" The leader of Squad 9 yells at them.

"""Yes sir!"""

As the sun is setting, all 8 squads are surrounding the church, the chief sends an order that 2 squads are to enter the church, until the man is caught. While the others are to stay sharp and make sure he doesn't escape.

"Squad 1! Squad 2! What happened!? sitrep!" All the man got was static in return.

"Squads 3 and 4 enter!"

"Hahahahahaha" a maniacal laughter sounds out and then the same thing happen again for squads 5 and 6.

"What the fuċk is happening. Did all 6 squads just die? How is that even possible!?" Eddie yells in disbelief.

"Hey man, don't be stuck in a stupor for long, we're next!" Simon says with a smile.

"How can you still be smiling, we're going to die!" Eddie yells.

"Then we'll die doing the right thing. That's all I can ask for."

"Fine, fuċk! Let's do this." He yells to psych himself up.

As soon as Eddie says that, All three of them goto the entrance and await for the others.

"Where the fuċk are they!? Did the abandon us?"

"Probably, not everyone has iron balls like us. Even Seras has bigger ones than them."

As Simon says that Seras blushes and yells shut up.

"So it's 3 of us against a man that can take down 6 squads by himself. Doesn't look to good for us, does it?" Eddie says with a forced grin to his otherwise horrified face.

"Oh god Eddie, what is that face!? Hahahaha! You look so funny!" Seras laughs happily despite the situation.

"Shut up! I'm the only normal one here, why is the teenage girl doing better than me?" Eddies wales angrily to no one in particular.

"We will just have to suck it up and do it. Dying is not so scary when you expect it."

As Simon says this he goes to kick the door down. After that, all three of them walk in and see the back of a man holding what seems to be a very pale woman. The smell in the church is almost unbearable as it smells like multiple rotting corpses along with a thick stench of blood. It makes Seras almost vomit. As the man turns around, you can see that he has short black hair and wearing the normal priest attire, the woman's neck starts bleeding profusely. He drops the woman and gestures to the empty hall grandiosely.

After the gesture multiple corpses rise out from behind the benches and start groaning. They have orange looking eyes and sharp teeth, showing that they are no longer human. they start shambling toward the three police officers. Simon, Eddie, and Seras get into a stance and start shooting at them, when they realize that some of the corpses are the men from the squads that just went in.

"Bastards." Simon yells.

"What!? Are you really serious? I'm sorry, but could you perhaps repeat yourself one more time? Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, is it?"

The woman then begins to speak in an extremely annoyed fashion. Almost like she is angry she has to repeat herself.

"Very well. I'll start again."

She says as she turns around and shows her perfectly crystal blue eyes underneath glasses.

"They're ghouls and the village of Cheddar has become a den of ghouls. Ghouls are the term we use, but you could call them zombie servants." She pauses and then explains herself further.

"A ghoul is what happens to deflowered humans when they're bitten by a vampire. They're much like zombies under the control of the vampire. And that means there is a vampire somewhere in Cheddar." She says as she lifts her hand.

The butler then take some out a silver box and opens it, revealing a bunch of well made, expensive looking cigars.

"Hmph, that's ridiculous, haha. Vampires? Do you really expect me to believe this occult nonsense?" The chief asks in ridicule.

While the butler comes over with the open box the man continues to speak obnoxiously.

"If you didn't have that symbol on your ċhėst I would throw you out of here with this bullshit."

Integra picks one up and lifts it to her mouth as she replies.

"Why on earth would a cheap beaurocrat like yourself, know anything on the matter? Speaking of which, I bet you couldn't even lift me up with your limp noodle arms. I mean cmon! About 90% of the leaders I deal with are obese! Is England really that far gone?" She asks in even more ridicule.

"How dare you, you Cunt!" He begins to yell in defense.

NO! How dare you question my credentials! You inbreeded sack cow of dung! The Hellsing organization has been defending the British empire from such monsters for generations!"

"I don't care about...." he begins to say when he is interrupted again.

"Let me make it easy enough so that even simpletons such as yourselves will understand." She says as she sees the wave of confusion and anger on their faces.

"The Hellsing organization is a special operations agency charged by her majesty with the duty of finding and eradicating all supernatural and satanic threats to the church and crown."

As she is saying this the butler holds up a lighter and lights it so that she can light her cigar. After she does, she continues.

"There is a vampire in Cheddar that is controlling the ghouls. A monster from the pits of hell! Send in all the troops you wish, send every last man under your command. They'll end up little more."

"Or, they may suffer a worse fate, when a vampire drinks from a vɨrġɨn of the opposite sėx, a new vampire is made. Otherwise, your people become food and join the vampire's unholy legion of ghouls."

After she says that, the radio monitor mentions that he has lost contact with squads 2 & 3. As one of the subordinates is trying to figure out what's happening, Integra blows out smoke from her mouth.

The men in the room have a cold sweat rolling down their backs as their listening to the comms from the men they sent to the church.

"If you are to stop the Ghouls from further multiplying, you're going to have terminate that vampire at the source. And this is where Hellsing comes in. We will take care of your vampire."

"That's insane!"

"I can ȧssure you gentleman, that one of our finest anti-vampire field agents is already on route to Cheddar. This will be settle in a matter of hours."

"What sort of agent would handle this?"

"When dealing with monsters, vampires especially. I promise that there is no greater expert walking this earth."

As Integra is saying this a man is walking through the forest with a smug grin. The man is very tall standing at almost 7 feet, he has black hair and red tinted sunglasses, that prevent anyone from seeing his eyes. He is wearing a black suit covered in a red trench coat. His hands have white gloves on them. With the red hat that has a wide brim, he looks a bit comical, almost funny. He stops and looks up at the moon that seems to be covered in a red hue and begins to speak.

"How beautiful. Nights like this make me want to have a bite to drink." The man pauses and continues with his very wispy yet eery voice before he pauses and looks in a certain direction.

'My oh my, there must be some obnoxious man over there to have Integra so riled up."he chuckles and then continues walking in the direction he was taking earlier.

"Yes, I couldn't imagine a more perfect evening."

In another part of the forest, Seras is running away while holding her gun in her hand. She is panting hard, almost like she has been running for her life.

She stops to take a breathe while she takes out an extra clip for her gun from her space and replaces it with the empty one. As she starts to run again, she thinks back to what happened after they went into the church.

Simon was shooting all of his bullets into the priest but he wasn't even budging. The priest roars like a beast and lunges at him and bites him on the neck.

As she was thinking about it, she hears a short groan and stops to turn around. When she does she sees the priest surrounded by those monsters who is smiling creepily and he begins to speak.

"There is no use running! Hahahahahaha!"

Seras points the gun at him and begins shooting.

'I know this isn't going to do anything but, I need to make sure everything is exactly the same.' She thinks to herself.

As this happens the vampire priest disappears and appears in front of her in a split second. He grabs her hand that is not holding the guns and speaks again.

"Guns won't help you either." He says and touches her right brėȧst.

'God! I didn't think it would feel this gross! I just have to do my part.'

After he grabs her she hears another groan and looks to her left. She sees that both Eddie and Simon have turned into ghouls.

"Eddie? Simon?"

'Damn it! I didn't think it would hurt me this much. I'm so sorry, Eddie. I'm sorry Simon.'

She thinks with horror and has tears cascading down her face.

"That's right. Your little boyfriends belong to me now and soon you'll belong to me as well."

After he says that Seras shoots him in the forehead and he laughs madly while continuing.

"I look for loyalty in my servants, I wouldn't want a vampire with free will running around." He says as he takes her arm and puts it behind her back and starts to sėxuȧŀly ȧssault her while speaking.

"Pity I can't find a vɨrġɨn as lovely as you. I'm going to violate you, and drain your blood slowly. Then you will join the rest of my ghouls. Trust me, you'll love every second of it and then you'll be 'MY' slave for eternity." As he is saying this he start saying fondling her brėȧsts and begins to rub her genitalia as well.

'What a fuċkɨnġ creep, thank god it will be just a few more seconds until Alucard gets here.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" a girlish screams resounds out in the forest.

"Now now, that's no way to pick up a lady. Especially not one as beautiful as this young lass. You should really try to take some classes on manners when you goto hell." An echoey voice sounds out.

After the voice sounds out, the vampire and ghouls all stop and turn to one direction. The noises that once filled the are stop immediately as the air begins to have a stillness to it.

'Thank God, I don't know how much more I could have taken.'

As she thinks this, she turns around and sees Alucard for the first time in real life. He looks abnormally tall, yet is well proportioned. His face is covered by the shadow from the brim of his hat. He grins as he surveys his target for the night.


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