Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 4 - 4 - Alucard Arrives

"Who the hell are you?" The uncouth vampire asks.

"Your death." The tall figure answers with a whisper.

"My death? God, this is pathetic." He replies with a sneer and snaps his fingers.

As soon as he does this all of the ghouls produce guns and start firing immediately.

'This is so much cooler than when it happened in the anime! '

"Ah!" Seras sounds out.

'Oh my god, he's just standing there and taking it!' She grins in anticipation which the tall figure sees and is confused.

'Why is this girl smiling? Are human girls like this now a days?' He wonders while he is still being shot to bits.

After the gunfire ends, Alucard topples backwards with his body practically in pieces.

"Is that the best you've got? Hahaha...Hahahahahaha!!" The priest sneers and laughs with contempt.

After a few seconds, a creepy laughter like it's coming from the pits of hell sounds out. The blood that was scattered on the ground flows to Alucard and he rises up like he is being pulled on a string. A black smoke comes out and forms into a tornado surrounding him. Every now and then you can see him forming back together from the smoke, like he was never shot to begin with. He smiles with an insane expression and takes out a gigantic silver handgun from who knows where. He sets it on top of his other arm and starts firing rapidly at the ghouls.

With every shot, a ghoul just dissolves into dust and the vampire priest is surprised.

"No! How can he be killing them?" he questions intensely before figuring it out.

"It's those bullets!"

As he says that in realization all of the ghouls are dead.

'So many ghouls just died in a matter of a few seconds, having vampire reflexes is amazing!'

"The silver cross at Lanchester Cathedral was melted down to make these 13mm exploding shells. Nothing 'I' shoot ever gets back up again." Alucard says with a most happy smile showing off his Kanines that prove he is a vampire.

"But why? Tell me! Why fight to save these pathetic humans!"

After the priest says this he disappears and reappears behind Seras holding her neck with his elbow and continues to speak.

'Fuck me! Can you not keep touching me!?' She yells in her mind.

"Don't take another step. The girl's the last survivor. Don't you want to save her? " he pleads before alucard interrupts him.

"Hahahahahahaha! My, you are a feisty one, girl." He laughs maniacally before continuing with glee.

"What? Are you even listening to me!? I'm a vampire and I deserve the respect that I'm due!" The vampire yells angrily while he tightens his grip on Seras.

"Will you shut up you whimpering pile of dog shit!? I'm trying to have a conversation here." Alucard yells back.

As he is saying this, Alucard smiles, almost like a sudden and sadistic thought went across his mind.

"Are you a vɨrġɨn, my dear?" He asks with a mischevious tone.

Seras gasps when the priest questions.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm asking if you're a vɨrġɨn!" He asks again with impatience laced within.

"I...." she tries to say when the vampire starts to crush her neck to silence her.

"You bastard!"

"Answer me!" Alucard yells while pointing his gun.

"Yes, I am."

As soon as she yells this in pain, a gunfire sounds out.

'Fucking hell that hurt! You bastard! I'm going to shoot you in the ċhėst and see how you like it.'

As Seras is thinking this she spews out blood while falling to the ground and alucard takes his right arm and pierces the vampire priest through the heart.

He walks to Seras who is staring at him with defiance while clutching her gun.

"I had to shoot through you to pierce his heart, I'm sorry but you're dying and there isn't time left. The choice is yours, what do you want to do?"

when he finished Seras shoots him through his ċhėst 3 times before the gun falls out of her grip.

"Hahaha, I knew you were feisty but that's no way to treat your savior. Now, I'll ask again, what is your choice?"

As he is asking, Seras thinks of the night her parents died. She lifts and reaches out with her hand that was holding the gun almost begging to be saved by Alucard.


"Police Girl...tonight is truly.....a beautiful night." He grins and opens his mouth with all of his teeth sharpened to a point. He bites her neck with a gentleness that she didn't know he had. He takes a few gulps and then stops when he feels that she doesn't have much blood left. He starts to get up and continues to look at her.

'After he bit me, there is a burning sensation that is spreading from the neck and is going throughout my whole body. It burns like the flames from hell. My eyes are starting to go red and my view is becoming bloody. There is also a slight itchy feeling happening where he shot me.'

"Hahahahahaha, how does it feel, Police girl? To become a monster, a creature of the night? How does it feel becoming a draculina!?" He asks while flamboyantly extending his hands outward, almost like he is embracing the moon.

"It hurts, sir" Seras says while smiling up at him.

"Hm? I guess it would, your whole body is changing into something else on the cellular level. Frankly I'm surprised you're still conscious through the process after being shot through your lung."

After he says that, Seras starts getting up and tries to speak.

"Sir, what's yo....."

"Call me master, you stupid girl." He says in an angry voice.

"Sorry! Master, what's your name?" Seras says while flinching back.

"Master is good enough for the likes of you, for now." he glares while trying to read his new fledglings thoughts.

'Shit.....at least tell me your name. You may be tall dark and handsome, but that doesn't give you the right to be such a dɨċk.'

"That's no way to think about your master, Police Girl." Alucard says gruffly.

"What? Wait....you read my thoughts?" She blushes in shame.

"Yes and I could do so much more. Unfortunately you're injured and my master needs to be informed of the situation." He smiles.

"OK, master." Seras says while drooping her shoulders

"I must say.....you're accepting this rather easily." Alucard says with hint of suspicion.

"Well duh! I'm kind of still in shock from when that homicidal vampire was trying to **** me! Forgive me if My expression is not to your liking." She says sarcastically before she puts her hand on her mouth in surprise.

"I have to tell you police girl, you seem totally different than your exterior. I'm very interested in what else you have to say." Alucard grinned madly before tapping her forehead.

"What did you do that for? That hurt! Wait, why am I speaking my thoughts out loud!? What did you do to me!?" She says rapidly.

"I just made it so you're more honest!" He chuckles a little before crossing his arms.


"Because it seems like you're holding a lot back and I'm very curious."

"Fine, if I tell you, will you stop this?"

"Yes, I will."

"Well, I have a special kind of, let's say ability."

"Oh? What kind of ability?"

"Can I show you instead?" Seras says while sticking out her hand.

"What's that for?"

"Can't you read my mind, master?" She asks with a very thick amount of sarcasm.

He frowns to which Seras clutches her head in pain.

"FUCKING HELL!" She yells before Alucard stops and continues to glare at her.

"Fine....fine! I'll use my gun to show you instead." She says while picking up her gun from the ground.

She then turns around and shows the gun to her new master.

"As you can see, this is my gun. Nothing different about it. But here's what my ability does." She says as the gun disappears into black smoke.

"Hmm?" Alucard unimpressed expression changed as he witnessed this sight.

"This is my ability." She says as she takes the gun back out of her space.

"What was that? In all my years I have never seen you humans do a thing like this."

"Well I'm not human anymore, but I did have it when I was. I can store objects inside a separate dimension. That's the best way I can describe it."

"Really? You can store anything?"

"Well yes, everything that doesn't have a conscious. Like I can store plants, but not animals."

"This night just keeps getting better, I really picked an amazing fledgling." Alucard laughs happily as he smiles at Seras.

"Master?" Seras asks timidly.

"Hm?" He answers.

"Are you sure it's ok for me to come with you?" She moves her body awkwardly while asking.

"Of course it is. you're my fledgling, if anyone dares to take you away from me, I'll eviscerate them from existence in the most painful way possible."

"Thank you , thank you for everything master!" she smiles brightly.

"Haha, now then. We should get going. Integra hates it when I make her wait." He turns and starts walking away.

As he is leaving Seras is just standing in the same spot.

Huh? Aren't you coming, Police girl?" He inquires with his back turned.

"Yes! My master!" She says with a beaming smile.

'Hmmmmmm, this is the first time somebody is so happy to be with me. I wonder what changed to make her so? Whatever, not like she can do anything bad to me while under my wing.' Alucard thinks as Seras is walking behind him looking at him with adoration.

After a few minutes, Alucard and Seras walk out of the forest and see multiple police cruisers and a woman with long blond hair who has a scowl on her otherwise gorgeous face. Standing next to her is an old gentleman wearing a suit and has his still black hair in a pony tail.

'That must be Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing.'

{You do seem to be informed, Police girl.}


{Don't be so surprised Police girl, this is telepathy. I can speak to you whenever and wherever you are.}


{Yeah yeah. Anyway, don't mention anything about your power in front of them, first of all, it won't do any good and secondly, most importantly, it would ruin my good mood.}

{Yes Master.}

"Alucard! Good job, anything to report?" Integra says while pointing her rough gaze at Seras.

"The vampire has been killed and all of the ghouls have been eradicated as well. There are no survivors. My Master!" Alucard says while taking off his hat and bringing it across his ċhėst in a salute.

"No survivors? What about the girl next to you?" She says as her expression scowls even further.

As she says this, Seras hides behind Alucard while whimpering in fear.

{You never told me she would be this angry!}

{Didn't I?}

After the telepathic communication, Seras sticks her head out from Alucard's back. Which shows Integra her red eyes.

"Um...Hello?" She awkwardly waves her hand with her fingers.

Integra snaps a look at Seras and then talks to Alucard again.

"Are you sure about this, Alucard?"

"Yes I am"

"Good then, girl!" Integra yells.

"Y...yes?" She stutters.

"Get on the helicopter and don't say anything." Integra says while pointing behind her.

After Integra says this, Seras shows a sad expression and start walking to the helicopter while dragging her feet.

'Did I do something wrong? Why do I feel like she hates me so much?'

As Seras walks away, Alucard laughs a little.

"Is something funny, you stupid vampire!?"

"Yes, something incredibly funny just happened, my Master."


"Do you really want to know?"

"I don't ask questions I don't want the answers to."

"Well, that girl you yelled at, wanted to be your friend. Considering everyone she cares about has been turned into a ghoul and killed, I figured you would give her the benefit of the doubt."

"Why would she want to be my friend, I don't even know her."

"Yes, 'you' don't know 'her'."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Alucard says while smiling mysteriously as he walks torward the helicopter that Seras is on.

"Master...did I do something wrong?" Seras asks with a pout.

"Don't act like that in front of me! If anything, you are not the problem, she just hates vampires and you are not a part of her organization."

"Really? So there is still a chance?" She asks with hope.

"Of course there is, you have all the time in the world now."


As there conversation ends Integra and Walter get on the helicopter and it leaves the village of Cheddar. As they're flying, Integra starts interrogating Seras.

"So, what's your name girl?" She says as she lights another cigar.

"Seras, Seras Victoria ma'am!"

"Don't call me ma'am, stupid girl!"

"I'm sorry! Sir?"

"Good, so what happened?"


"What happened in that village, You idiotic girl!?"

"Yes! We went in with 8 squads to attack the man we believed was the one responsible for the disappearances of 37 women."

"I meant after that, you dumb girl!" She yells again.

After Integra yells at her, Seras get very angry and then yells back.

"Look! I don't appreciate being talked down to like this! I don't know you, nor do I care. You know my name, so the next time you want something from me, ask me with my name, please!"

After her rant, Integra looks surprised and then chuckles after a few seconds.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Ms. Victoria, tell me what happened after you encountered the vampire."

"Ok, well when Simon, Eddie, and I went into the church, we were supposed to go in with 7 other people."

"Supposed to?"

"Well they ran way and left us behind. Did they survive?"

"Most likely not." Integra says with a sigh.

"Good! They deserved it." Seras says with glee.

After she says that, both Integra and Walter's expressions show surprise and they both chuckle to each other. After a second Alucard starts laughing as well.

"What? Did I say something funny?" Seras ask she I need confusion.

"No. No. It's just I think we can all agree that you will fit in well at Hellsing." Integra answers after catching her breath.


"Yes, I believe you'll call it home though, since you're going to be living there for a long time." Integra says with a genuine smile.


{What, Police girl?}

{What made Sir Integra treat me better? Did you say something?}

{No. this was all your doing, Police girl.}

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