Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 5 - 5 - Arriving at Hellsing Manor
After a few hours ridden in silence since the conversation, they arrive at Hellsing manor. As Integra is getting off the helicopter, she turns around and begins to speak.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, I am the head of the Hellsing family which runs the Hellsing Organization. As you might have guessed, both me and my family are very possessive of what we own." She says while chuckling and then continues.
"You will be staying in Hellsing manor until you're trained and ready to be deployed as one of our soldiers, is that understood!"
"Yes, sir!" Seras replies.
"Good, Walter."
"Ma'am?" He steps out and inquires.
"I want you to show Ms. Victoria to her lodgings for the foreseeable future. It is almost dawn and I imagine she must be very tired." Integra says with a little bit of care in her voice.
"Yes ma'am." Walter replies and then continues to say while looking at Seras.
"Come along Ms. Victoria, I'll show you to where you'll be sleeping."
After both Seras and Walter leave, Alucard shows up behind Integra and begins to speak.
"Isn't she just interesting?" He says with that beguiling smile.
"Yes she is, isn't she? I have never been yelled at, not even by my parents. Yet when she did it, it almost seemed like a child's tantrum."
"Trust me, she only acts like that on the surface, beneath that childish exterior lies a fearsome being just waiting to be released." He says like he can see the future and enjoys what he is looking at.
"Really? I guess only time will tell."
As Integra and Alucard were talking, Walter is having a hard time showing Seras to her room.
"Ooh! Look at all the paintings, they look so nice and expensive. Hey Walter? Can you show me around before you bring me to my room?"
"Sorry Ms. Victoria, I only follow my master's orders. I never disobey." Walter says with a grim smile.
"Silly Walter! I never said to not show me to my room, but can't you just take the long way around while doing it? That doesn't disobey orders, does it?" Seras says with puppy dog eyes.
After a few seconds of silence, Walter gets surprised and replies.
"I guess so. Master never told me how long it should take. plus we can go from the third floor down to the basement where you'll be staying." He says with a smile.
"See! Now, please show me where everything is. Before I goto bed, I want to know everything there is to know. This is my first time in a building of this size! I can't wait!"
"Walter why can you call sir Integra Ma'am? She nearly chewed my head off when I did." Seras asks.
"Well that's because I practically raised her. I have a report with her so to speak." Walter answers.
"Ok...oooh! What's that painting? It looks so cute!" Seras agreed before being distracted.
'What a weird girl. All she cares about is exploring and why I'm allowed to call Integra ma'am. How could Alucard turn such an innocent girl into a vampire?' Walter thinks to himself as he opens the first of many rooms in the Hellsing mansion.
"What is making you so giddy, my Major?" A creepy German voice sounds out in a very dark room.
"Come now Dok, don't you know already?" The fat man answers while the room seems to be getting lit up slowly.
"I believe, it's because of the upcoming war? Seeing your plans come to fruition?"
"Yes! Everything is set like an perfect line of dominoes and now all I have to do is tip the first one to put the whole thing in motion. I am positively reeling from excitement."
"Nice analogy, Major!" A childlike voice sounds out that can be either boyish or girlish.
"Ah Schrodinger, I am riveted with pŀėȧsurė imagining the screams of agony we will inflict to our enemies. I can almost hear them now." The Major speaks to one of the figures behind him.
"How long mein Major? I'm running out of patience for this war." A manly female voice sounds out.
"Soon lieutenant Blitz, it should be in the next couple months. Are the Valentine Brothers here?" The Major calms his lieutenant down before asking for another.
"Yes!" "yeah." An enthusiastic reply affirms at the same time as a bored one does.
"Good, I want you two to goto London and start amassing an army."
"An army sir?" The enthusiastic one questions.
"Yes, an undying and bloodthirsty one." The Major grins madly not saying anything more.
"Ah! Of course sir. It shall be done perfectly." He says as they both leave the still dark room.
A few seconds after the door closes the boy-girl voice sounds out again.
"Hahahaha, what idiots!"
"Come now Schrodinger, the world needs ditch diggers for great men to build upon. They're just a distraction until we actually begin our plans."
"Does that mean.....?" The dok trembles with excitement.
"Yessssss, everything is ready and now all we need to do is wait. We have done 50 years of it, we can do a little more." The Major speaks again as the room lights up completely showing multiple figures behind him.
About a half an hour later, when Seras hasn't even seen a tenth of the mansion, Walter can be seen carrying her on his back. She is sleeping and snoring while drool is coming out of her mouth.
"Geez! If she was this tired, why did she want to look around!? She is making this old man carry her." He complains while wincing from his back pain.
"Having fun, Walter?" An echoey voice sounds out as Walter is carrying Seras to a mirror.
"Ah, Alucard. Can you take Ms. Victoria from me, my back is killing me." Walter says while bending down to put her on the ground.
"Mommy...Daddy..." Seras murmurs and one of her eyes lets out a tear of blood as she is being released.
"Hmm? A vampire, crying? Never thought I would see the day." Walter says with a little shock.
"Investigate what happened to her parents and tell me when you find out." Alucard says with a little anger.
"You must care about your little pet more than I thought Alucard. Hmmm?" Walter says with a Cheshire grin.
"Shut up, we can't have a vampire who cries, especially one I sired!" Alucard says while summoning his Baskerville to carry Seras to her bedroom.
"Alucard being nice? That shouldn't be it, unless it has something to do with the girl herself?"
As Seras and Alucard descend the stairs she wakes up a little and mumbles something.
"Is this your pet dog? He is so cute!" Seras says while hugging the hound.
"Cute? Hahahahahaha cute!? You think the hound of Baskerville is cute!?" Alucard laughs to the point he is clutching his stomach and the surroundings shake.
"Well, yeah? Isn't he adorable?" Seras says while petting underneath the hound's chin.
As she is doing this, the Hound closes all six of its eyes and growls in contentment. Then after a few seconds it rolls over onto its back and lets Seras rub its stomach.
"Ooh, aren't you just the cutest thing!? Who is the cutest? You are!" Seras says as she rubs his stomach fiercely.
The hound howls in happiness and then licks Seras' hand.
'Did the hound really just lick someone's hand like a normal dog? This girl really is full of surprises.' Alucard thinks to himself in surprise.
"Master?" Seras asks with a tremble.
"Hm?" Alucard replies.
'What could make this girl, who just rubbed the stomach of a being that even hell doesn't want, to tremble? It must be something important.'
"Is it.....is it ok if I..."
"Out with it! Police girl!"
"OK! Is it ok if I sleep in your room tonight?" She says and then puffs he ċhėst out with pride, like she just did the most courageous thing in her life.
"Well, I just feel safer around you, master. Is it ok? I will sleep in my own bed, I just want to be near you!"
"Hahaha, fine! I'll allow it. Let's see how long you last, police girl!" Alucard says while disappearing from Seras' view.
In Integra's office, Walter is reporting to her about Alucard's weird behavior.
"It was the strangest thing ma'am, he actually seemed genuinely angry about what happened to Ms. Victoria." Walter says in confusion.
"Is it that weird Walter, Alucard was once human as well, you know?"
"Well ma'am, in the half a century I have known Alucard there has never been a time where he has shown mercy, let alone compassion."
"Then it just means, that when you're a vampire he sired, he shows a little bit more of his human side, despite the irony."
As water is about to reply, Alucard's voice interrupts.
"Are you two really talking about me having a human side? How adorable."
"Well, are we wrong?" Integra asks with some curiosity while looking at the wall.
After a second, a moving black hole appears and a figure walks out of it. As the figure fully comes out, the hole disappears, as if it was never there to begin with.
"Of course not, all traces of my humanity were wiped out about 500 years ago. What you see now is 100% monster."
"Then what was with that rare show of compassion earlier, when you asked Walter to investigate what happened with her parents?" Integra asks.
"What I see in that girl, is cruelty that is on par with my own. If properly guided, she has the makings to become a great vampire rivaling even me!" Alucard says with a menacing grin.
"Really? She seemed like a happy little girl when I met her." Integra says.
"Me as well." Walter replies.
"Are you sure you didn't see wrong, my servant?"
"Walter, have you gotten the results about what happened to her parents?"
"I just received it and was about to tell our master before you barged in." Walter says with an annoyed look.
"What happened to them Walter?" Integra asks with more curiosity than before.
"Let's see here." Walter says as he opens up the envelope.
As Walter reads it, his eyes bulge and then he starts to chuckle a little.
"I can see what you mean now, Alucard. She really does have the makings to be a great vampire." Walter gives Alucard a knowing grin.
"Hurry up and tell me Walter!"
"Ok ma'am. Her parents both worked in the government, her father was a police man with multiple arrests and medals for doing a great job. Her mother was a doctor that worked at a hospital near where's her father worked, apparently one day he got injured and her mother was the one that fixed him up. A couple years later they get married and about a year after that Ms. Victoria was born." Walter says to take a breath.
"And?" Integra asks losing her interest quickly.
"Just a little backstory ma'am, anyway, after Ms. Victoria turns 9 both of her parents were brutally murdered in front her. Her father was beaten up savagely while her mother was rȧpėd and murdered at the same time. Ms. Victoria saw the whole thing. As she was watching she lunged at one of them and stabbed him the eye. The man then shot her in the stomach, the police found her hours later almost dead from blood loss."
"My god!" Integra yells while sitting up.
"That's not all ma'am."
"How can that not be all, a 9 year old girl seeing all that!?"
"No in fact it gets worse, after her parents were murdered, she gets put into foster care where multiple families have adopted her, 4 to be exact. All four of them were found guilty of multiple crimes against her. The first three were put into jail for ȧssault and torture, then she was put into the system again after each time. When the last one was found out, the police came in and found Ms. Victoria almost rȧpėd as well as beaten up." Walter then takes a breath to signify that he is finished.
"Wha...? All of that happened to her? And she still acts like that!?" Integra asks with clear agitation in her tone.
"Wow, not even I can believe the cruelty she suffered, no wonder she was so spunky when that vampire was about to **** and kill her." Alucard says while laughing to himself.
"Walter, what happened to the people who killed her parents? Were they caught?" Integra asks.
"No ma'am, they are still out there to this day."
"Alucard, are you sure you can control her after she becomes a true Nosferatu?"
"Let's just say that even now, she wants to be by my side at all times. Speaking of which Walter."
"Can you move the Police girl's bed, to my room?"
""WHAT!?"" Both Integra and Walter yell.
"Why?" Integra continues to ask.
"What can I do Integra? She is the one that asked for it." Alucard says while shrugging his shoulders.
"You know about my Hound, right?"
"You mean the Hound of Baskerville?"
"Yep that one. Can you believe that she called it cute and began to pet it? It even liked it enough to let her touch its belly, to which she vigorously petted it and made a bunch of cute noises with it. She acted like it was normal dog. I think that you should understand now, that the Police girl has a bunch of screws loose."
After Alucard finishes he disappears from both Walter an Integra's point of view.
'I can't wait until my fledgling unleashes her inner self. She just seems so perfect. A beautiful, strong, stubborn, and sadistic vampire.' He chuckles darkly just imagining what she would do.
After a few seconds, Integra begins to speak.
"Walter! After you move the bed, I want you to tell everyone to keep their distance away from Seras, before we get to know her, I don't want any accidents." Integra commands with an authoritative tone not noticing that she called her Seras and not Police girl.
"Yes ma'am." Walter bows and then walks out of the office.
After Alucard left, Seras left alone with the hound.
"Hmmm, he just left me behind. What do you think I should do now, Basky?" Seras says while holding one of his paws.
After she asks, she chuckles and gets up while holding the Hound of Baskerville.
"Why don't we goto master's room while waiting for him? Hmm?"
"Roar!" The dog roars with an almost hellish sound.
"Fufu, how cute!" She says while skipping to where Alucard's room is.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, I am the head of the Hellsing family which runs the Hellsing Organization. As you might have guessed, both me and my family are very possessive of what we own." She says while chuckling and then continues.
"You will be staying in Hellsing manor until you're trained and ready to be deployed as one of our soldiers, is that understood!"
"Yes, sir!" Seras replies.
"Good, Walter."
"Ma'am?" He steps out and inquires.
"I want you to show Ms. Victoria to her lodgings for the foreseeable future. It is almost dawn and I imagine she must be very tired." Integra says with a little bit of care in her voice.
"Yes ma'am." Walter replies and then continues to say while looking at Seras.
"Come along Ms. Victoria, I'll show you to where you'll be sleeping."
After both Seras and Walter leave, Alucard shows up behind Integra and begins to speak.
"Isn't she just interesting?" He says with that beguiling smile.
"Yes she is, isn't she? I have never been yelled at, not even by my parents. Yet when she did it, it almost seemed like a child's tantrum."
"Trust me, she only acts like that on the surface, beneath that childish exterior lies a fearsome being just waiting to be released." He says like he can see the future and enjoys what he is looking at.
"Really? I guess only time will tell."
As Integra and Alucard were talking, Walter is having a hard time showing Seras to her room.
"Ooh! Look at all the paintings, they look so nice and expensive. Hey Walter? Can you show me around before you bring me to my room?"
"Sorry Ms. Victoria, I only follow my master's orders. I never disobey." Walter says with a grim smile.
"Silly Walter! I never said to not show me to my room, but can't you just take the long way around while doing it? That doesn't disobey orders, does it?" Seras says with puppy dog eyes.
After a few seconds of silence, Walter gets surprised and replies.
"I guess so. Master never told me how long it should take. plus we can go from the third floor down to the basement where you'll be staying." He says with a smile.
"See! Now, please show me where everything is. Before I goto bed, I want to know everything there is to know. This is my first time in a building of this size! I can't wait!"
"Walter why can you call sir Integra Ma'am? She nearly chewed my head off when I did." Seras asks.
"Well that's because I practically raised her. I have a report with her so to speak." Walter answers.
"Ok...oooh! What's that painting? It looks so cute!" Seras agreed before being distracted.
'What a weird girl. All she cares about is exploring and why I'm allowed to call Integra ma'am. How could Alucard turn such an innocent girl into a vampire?' Walter thinks to himself as he opens the first of many rooms in the Hellsing mansion.
"What is making you so giddy, my Major?" A creepy German voice sounds out in a very dark room.
"Come now Dok, don't you know already?" The fat man answers while the room seems to be getting lit up slowly.
"I believe, it's because of the upcoming war? Seeing your plans come to fruition?"
"Yes! Everything is set like an perfect line of dominoes and now all I have to do is tip the first one to put the whole thing in motion. I am positively reeling from excitement."
"Nice analogy, Major!" A childlike voice sounds out that can be either boyish or girlish.
"Ah Schrodinger, I am riveted with pŀėȧsurė imagining the screams of agony we will inflict to our enemies. I can almost hear them now." The Major speaks to one of the figures behind him.
"How long mein Major? I'm running out of patience for this war." A manly female voice sounds out.
"Soon lieutenant Blitz, it should be in the next couple months. Are the Valentine Brothers here?" The Major calms his lieutenant down before asking for another.
"Yes!" "yeah." An enthusiastic reply affirms at the same time as a bored one does.
"Good, I want you two to goto London and start amassing an army."
"An army sir?" The enthusiastic one questions.
"Yes, an undying and bloodthirsty one." The Major grins madly not saying anything more.
"Ah! Of course sir. It shall be done perfectly." He says as they both leave the still dark room.
A few seconds after the door closes the boy-girl voice sounds out again.
"Hahahaha, what idiots!"
"Come now Schrodinger, the world needs ditch diggers for great men to build upon. They're just a distraction until we actually begin our plans."
"Does that mean.....?" The dok trembles with excitement.
"Yessssss, everything is ready and now all we need to do is wait. We have done 50 years of it, we can do a little more." The Major speaks again as the room lights up completely showing multiple figures behind him.
About a half an hour later, when Seras hasn't even seen a tenth of the mansion, Walter can be seen carrying her on his back. She is sleeping and snoring while drool is coming out of her mouth.
"Geez! If she was this tired, why did she want to look around!? She is making this old man carry her." He complains while wincing from his back pain.
"Having fun, Walter?" An echoey voice sounds out as Walter is carrying Seras to a mirror.
"Ah, Alucard. Can you take Ms. Victoria from me, my back is killing me." Walter says while bending down to put her on the ground.
"Mommy...Daddy..." Seras murmurs and one of her eyes lets out a tear of blood as she is being released.
"Hmm? A vampire, crying? Never thought I would see the day." Walter says with a little shock.
"Investigate what happened to her parents and tell me when you find out." Alucard says with a little anger.
"You must care about your little pet more than I thought Alucard. Hmmm?" Walter says with a Cheshire grin.
"Shut up, we can't have a vampire who cries, especially one I sired!" Alucard says while summoning his Baskerville to carry Seras to her bedroom.
"Alucard being nice? That shouldn't be it, unless it has something to do with the girl herself?"
As Seras and Alucard descend the stairs she wakes up a little and mumbles something.
"Is this your pet dog? He is so cute!" Seras says while hugging the hound.
"Cute? Hahahahahaha cute!? You think the hound of Baskerville is cute!?" Alucard laughs to the point he is clutching his stomach and the surroundings shake.
"Well, yeah? Isn't he adorable?" Seras says while petting underneath the hound's chin.
As she is doing this, the Hound closes all six of its eyes and growls in contentment. Then after a few seconds it rolls over onto its back and lets Seras rub its stomach.
"Ooh, aren't you just the cutest thing!? Who is the cutest? You are!" Seras says as she rubs his stomach fiercely.
The hound howls in happiness and then licks Seras' hand.
'Did the hound really just lick someone's hand like a normal dog? This girl really is full of surprises.' Alucard thinks to himself in surprise.
"Master?" Seras asks with a tremble.
"Hm?" Alucard replies.
'What could make this girl, who just rubbed the stomach of a being that even hell doesn't want, to tremble? It must be something important.'
"Is it.....is it ok if I..."
"Out with it! Police girl!"
"OK! Is it ok if I sleep in your room tonight?" She says and then puffs he ċhėst out with pride, like she just did the most courageous thing in her life.
"Well, I just feel safer around you, master. Is it ok? I will sleep in my own bed, I just want to be near you!"
"Hahaha, fine! I'll allow it. Let's see how long you last, police girl!" Alucard says while disappearing from Seras' view.
In Integra's office, Walter is reporting to her about Alucard's weird behavior.
"It was the strangest thing ma'am, he actually seemed genuinely angry about what happened to Ms. Victoria." Walter says in confusion.
"Is it that weird Walter, Alucard was once human as well, you know?"
"Well ma'am, in the half a century I have known Alucard there has never been a time where he has shown mercy, let alone compassion."
"Then it just means, that when you're a vampire he sired, he shows a little bit more of his human side, despite the irony."
As water is about to reply, Alucard's voice interrupts.
"Are you two really talking about me having a human side? How adorable."
"Well, are we wrong?" Integra asks with some curiosity while looking at the wall.
After a second, a moving black hole appears and a figure walks out of it. As the figure fully comes out, the hole disappears, as if it was never there to begin with.
"Of course not, all traces of my humanity were wiped out about 500 years ago. What you see now is 100% monster."
"Then what was with that rare show of compassion earlier, when you asked Walter to investigate what happened with her parents?" Integra asks.
"What I see in that girl, is cruelty that is on par with my own. If properly guided, she has the makings to become a great vampire rivaling even me!" Alucard says with a menacing grin.
"Really? She seemed like a happy little girl when I met her." Integra says.
"Me as well." Walter replies.
"Are you sure you didn't see wrong, my servant?"
"Walter, have you gotten the results about what happened to her parents?"
"I just received it and was about to tell our master before you barged in." Walter says with an annoyed look.
"What happened to them Walter?" Integra asks with more curiosity than before.
"Let's see here." Walter says as he opens up the envelope.
As Walter reads it, his eyes bulge and then he starts to chuckle a little.
"I can see what you mean now, Alucard. She really does have the makings to be a great vampire." Walter gives Alucard a knowing grin.
"Hurry up and tell me Walter!"
"Ok ma'am. Her parents both worked in the government, her father was a police man with multiple arrests and medals for doing a great job. Her mother was a doctor that worked at a hospital near where's her father worked, apparently one day he got injured and her mother was the one that fixed him up. A couple years later they get married and about a year after that Ms. Victoria was born." Walter says to take a breath.
"And?" Integra asks losing her interest quickly.
"Just a little backstory ma'am, anyway, after Ms. Victoria turns 9 both of her parents were brutally murdered in front her. Her father was beaten up savagely while her mother was rȧpėd and murdered at the same time. Ms. Victoria saw the whole thing. As she was watching she lunged at one of them and stabbed him the eye. The man then shot her in the stomach, the police found her hours later almost dead from blood loss."
"My god!" Integra yells while sitting up.
"That's not all ma'am."
"How can that not be all, a 9 year old girl seeing all that!?"
"No in fact it gets worse, after her parents were murdered, she gets put into foster care where multiple families have adopted her, 4 to be exact. All four of them were found guilty of multiple crimes against her. The first three were put into jail for ȧssault and torture, then she was put into the system again after each time. When the last one was found out, the police came in and found Ms. Victoria almost rȧpėd as well as beaten up." Walter then takes a breath to signify that he is finished.
"Wha...? All of that happened to her? And she still acts like that!?" Integra asks with clear agitation in her tone.
"Wow, not even I can believe the cruelty she suffered, no wonder she was so spunky when that vampire was about to **** and kill her." Alucard says while laughing to himself.
"Walter, what happened to the people who killed her parents? Were they caught?" Integra asks.
"No ma'am, they are still out there to this day."
"Alucard, are you sure you can control her after she becomes a true Nosferatu?"
"Let's just say that even now, she wants to be by my side at all times. Speaking of which Walter."
"Can you move the Police girl's bed, to my room?"
""WHAT!?"" Both Integra and Walter yell.
"Why?" Integra continues to ask.
"What can I do Integra? She is the one that asked for it." Alucard says while shrugging his shoulders.
"You know about my Hound, right?"
"You mean the Hound of Baskerville?"
"Yep that one. Can you believe that she called it cute and began to pet it? It even liked it enough to let her touch its belly, to which she vigorously petted it and made a bunch of cute noises with it. She acted like it was normal dog. I think that you should understand now, that the Police girl has a bunch of screws loose."
After Alucard finishes he disappears from both Walter an Integra's point of view.
'I can't wait until my fledgling unleashes her inner self. She just seems so perfect. A beautiful, strong, stubborn, and sadistic vampire.' He chuckles darkly just imagining what she would do.
After a few seconds, Integra begins to speak.
"Walter! After you move the bed, I want you to tell everyone to keep their distance away from Seras, before we get to know her, I don't want any accidents." Integra commands with an authoritative tone not noticing that she called her Seras and not Police girl.
"Yes ma'am." Walter bows and then walks out of the office.
After Alucard left, Seras left alone with the hound.
"Hmmm, he just left me behind. What do you think I should do now, Basky?" Seras says while holding one of his paws.
After she asks, she chuckles and gets up while holding the Hound of Baskerville.
"Why don't we goto master's room while waiting for him? Hmm?"
"Roar!" The dog roars with an almost hellish sound.
"Fufu, how cute!" She says while skipping to where Alucard's room is.
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