Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 6 - 6 - Working at Hellsing.
As Seras was carrying Basky to Alucard's room, the monster himself arrives in front of her with a curious gaze.
The reason why he is so curious is because the way she is carrying the Hound of Baskerville. It shrunk itself down to the size of a pug and is being carried against Seras' ċhėst. Seras' arms are underneath its two front arms.
"Why are you carrying it like that?"
"What? Oh you mean Basky! Well, I figured he is cute enough to hug, so I might as well do it while searching for your room Master."
"Basky? You named it, Basky?"
"Yeah? Wait, does it have a different name already?" Seras asks in both sadness and confusion.
"Well yes and no, I just call it the Hound of Baskerville."
"Isn't Basky just a nickname for that? saying the Hound of Baskerville each time would be annoying."
As she is saying that the hound roars to reaffirm her claim.
"Hmm. Not that I mind any. Do you want to stay with her?" Alucard asks the Hound.
To which, it nods back and then snuggles into her ċhėst for more comfort.
"Anyway, follow me, we're close to my room now." He says as he walks away.
While they're walking, Seras is going through her plans in her mind. What people may know from the show and manga in her past life is that the story takes place on earth in 1999.
The reason she is thinking about this is that she might want to make her own money for if and when the Hellsing Organization can no longer take care of her. Maybe she can try to use the Simulator to look for buried treasure that hasn't been discovered yet.
"Hey master?"
"Can we eat human food?"
"Why? Do you want to?"
"Not really. I was just asking if I get tired of just drinking blood over and over again."
"How nonchalant. The answer is no."
"Really? So what does blood taste like?"
"It's very hard to describe, especially since it's been centuries since the last time I ate human food. Plus I don't want to ruin it for you, your first feeding is a memorable one. I don't want to taint your experience with mine."
"Hmph! How uninformative."
As she says that with a pout they arrive at a double door. The doors have many inscriptions on them surrounding a big one that looks exactly like the one on her master's glove. The doors stand at about 8 feet tall and are completely black. After they arrive Alucard opens them and Seras looks inside.
'Wow, how grand. Just like I've seen before.'
The room is completely made out of stone and there are only 2 pieces of furniture in it. A chair that looks more like a throne and a circular table by its side holding 2 glasses and a bottle of wine.
"Master, this is where you sleep?"
"Yes, why do you ask such a stupid question?"
"Well, there is nowhere to actually sleep, don't tell me you sleep while sitting down? Is that a vampire thing?"
"No it's not, I don't usually sleep at all."
"Oh, where am I going to sleep?" Seras says trying to change the topic.
"Anywhere is fine, you can choose."
"Ok! Then I choose here." She says as she points directly next to the throne.
"Really? Why are you so attached to me, Police girl?"
"You're my master, Master!" She says with a smile.
As they're talking, somewhere in the Vatican, a man is sitting in a very expensive looking chair which is sat behind an expensive looking antique desk. He is going through files when an older gentleman comes in disrupting him.
"Father Maxwell, there is something you should see!"
"What is it, Father Renaldo? I'm busy at the moment." He says slightly irked.
"It's very important, you know that pet vampire housed by Hellsing?"
"Hm? Alucard? Yes I'm aware of that Protestant whore's pet vampire dog." He says nonchalantly despite the scathing insult.
"Well, Apparently he has sired another vampire. This is what we know about her." Father Renaldo says as he hands the file to Enrico Maxwell.
As Maxwell starts to read the file his facial expression turns from uninterested to wholeheartedly consumed as soon as he sees her picture.
"Hmmmm. Are those real? How can a teenager have such massive knockers?" Maxwell says while studying Seras' form intently.
"Please Maxwell, read the file seriously." Renaldo sighs tiredly before speaking.
A few minutes later, Maxwell has a sad expression before coughing and turning back to his normal uninterested look.
"It's sad. Her life has been one bad thing after another. If only she arrived at a Catholic Orphanage. She might have been a magnificent Iscariot member."
"Sir, let's not focus on what could have been and decide on our course of action."
"We do nothing, for now." Maxwell says while throwing the file on top of the desk.
"At this moment, she is but a fledgling who hasn't even been turned for 8 hours. We have loads of people who can deal with her."
"But sir, she is a potential threat that we have to eliminate."
"Don't worry, Father Renaldo. We can deal with her whenever we want."
"I understand, Father Maxwell." Renaldo takes the file and then leaves the room with an unwilling face.
'Ah Enrico. You're still but a child. Alucard has never sired a fledgling before, this 'girl' as you call her is able to be the next Alucard.' He thinks as he looks back down at her picture sticking out of the file.
'Such a shame, she had so much to live for. Despite being a Protestant.'
As soon as seras made that exclamation, Walter comes in with four others dragging her bed along. As she sees that there are other humans with him, she shows an annoyed expression and turns to speak to Alucard who just vanished.
'Damn master! Leaving me behind!'
"Oh! Thanks Walter! I'm super tired after everything that has happened today, would you like me to give a hand?" Seras asks.
"Please, Ms. Victoria. This bed is too heavy for any normal men to handle." Walter says while telling the four men to put it down.
"Mr. Dolnez? She's just a little girl, how can she be able to lift this up by herself?" One of the men ask in confusion.
"That's right! I forgot we had some new recruits today! Anyway just watch, she is not just a little girl." Walter says while hitting his fist on top of his other hand out in front of him.
"Just watch, lad. You'll be in for a treat. Not many people get to see a vampire's super strength in action without the threat of death." One of the other men say with a knowing smile.
"Sir? Vampire?"
As the man asks this, Seras is walking over to the bed and picks it up with both hands. She is even hopping around with joy.
"Wow! This bed is so big! I never had one this size before. It also looks incredibly comfortable. Thank you Walter!" Seras says with a beaming smile as she hops right next to the throne and puts the bed down before getting on top of it.
"You're welcome, Seras." Walter says with a slightly happy smile.
'Seras? Did something happen that I don't know of?'
"Yay! Basky, come up here!" She says while patting the spot right next to her.
After she says that, a dog comes out of a black hole on the floor and then jumps on to put of the bed. After getting on the bed, it rubs its face against Seras' hand and licks it as well.
"What the fuċk just happened!?" The new recruit yells and backs away in fear.
"Did you really think we were fighting against normal humans? What was the point of those classes you took if we were just fighting normal men?" Walter asks with despise.
"Sorry, Mr. Dolnez. This guy hasn't taken any of the classes yet. He is literally fresh meat, just got here 5 minutes before you asked us to move the bed." The second of the three soldiers says.
"Then I imagine the surprise is a little warranted. But that is no excuse for yelling. You're a British gentleman! Act like it." Walter says as he turns to the wall shaking his head and continues.
"Recruits are getting worse every year, right Alucard?"
As he is saying this, Alucard starts coming out of the wall slowly, grinning insanely as he turns to the recruit who fell trying to back away with haste.
"I think the maggot just pissed himself, I don't think he is Hellsing material. What do you think, Seras?"
Alucard asks with an interested expression.
"Did he really?" She stops playing with Basky as she looks over.
"Hahaha, that's pretty gross. No real man would piss just from this little bit of fear. Hell I was almost rȧpėd and turned into a ghoul by a vampire, and even I didn't piss myself." Seras laughs with derision before showing a disgusted expression.
"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Alucard laughs madly for a solid 10 seconds.
"What? It's true though. I mean, what kind of man gets scared of this? If I saw a man come out of the wall, I would be more impressed than scared." Seras continues while petting Basky.
As she says that the rest of the people start laughing a little as well, including Walter. As they all start laughing, the man shows an angry expression and gets up.
"Shut up, you bitch! You're just a freak! A monster!" He says while spewing a little phlegm and pointing at her with his right hand.
As he says that, the room quiets down and both Alucard and Walter turn to Seras who stopped in the middle of petting Basky. As their looking, they can see Seras trembling.
'Is this all she amounts to? Someone calls her a bitch and she lets them get away with it?' Alucard thinks while showing great disappointment.
After a couple seconds, Seras puts her head up and shows a smile, a very creepy smile.
"I was wrong, you are indeed a real man. Calling me a freak and a monster means you know what I am, correct?" She says as the man nods slowly while Alucard and Walter's expressions falter.
"Only a real man would call a monster like me, a bitch." After she says that her smile widens and she appears right behind the new recruit grabbing the back of his neck with her right hand.
As she is doing this action, Alucard smiles with delight and Walter shows an understanding expression along with the other three soldiers.
"What to do. What. To. do." She says slowly while tightening her grip with every word and putting her other hand on her chin.
As the man is about to pass out, Seras lets go of him and does the same action Walter did earlier.
"Oh! I know! Walter, can I punish him? I promise he will still be able to physically work as a soldier, but I can't gaurantee he will want to stay." She grins while turning to the butler who is also smiling.
"Whatever you like, Seras." Walter says while telling the other three soldier to leave the room.
"Wait, what? Aren't you going to help me out here?" The recruit begs while holding his neck that produces a raspy voice as he sees the other men leaving.
"Dude, you called her something a normal human woman despises to be called. She is a bonafide true vampire, a monster as you called it. Be happy she is not killing you and accept it." The last soldier who hasn't spoken says with a slight glare while closing both of the doors.
"Now that that's out of the way, shall we begin, you self proclaimed man? Walter?" She says as she turns to the recruit.
"What sort of training has this guy gone through?"
"Lets see, judging by his uniform, he's special forces. So he is probably an expert in hand-to-hand combat along with having knowledge on fighting with multiple weapons. Why?"
"Well, what could be better than beating him up during a fight? But it won't be fun thrashing him without a handicap of sort." She says while thinking.
"Lets see...I got it! If you can move me from this spot, I'll let you go and we'll pretend this never happened. If you can't, I'm allowed to beat you up until I'm satisfied. To make it interesting, both of my feet will be planted here, is this ok with you?"
"Fine, I'm allowed to use any weapon?"
"Haha, yes as long as it's on your person right now, any weapon is fine." Seras says with the same creepy smile.
{Seras, why are you doing this charade?}
{Well Master, it hasn't even been a day since I have been turned into a vampire. I want to see how much I have changed. What better way than fighting against a human who knows how to fight?}
{Fine, but it's a lot more boring than I thought.}
{I promised Walter he would still be able to fight as a soldier, so I can't do many of the things I would like to. So this is going to have to suffice for now.} Seras telepathically says while sighing in front of the recruit.
"I will officiate this duel, are you both ready?"
They both nod.
As soon as Walter throws down his hand, the recruit lunges forward trying to grapple with Seras. As he is getting near, he notices that she is truly not moving like she said she would.
'This is going to be a lot easier than I thought' the recruit thinks as he bends down to tackle her at her waist.
After a second of not hitting anything, he feels a hand grabbing his head which stops him in his tracks. He tries to retreat and realized he can't move, so he starts lifting his head. When his movement is successful he notices that the girl's eyes have turned red.
"What a stupid move, didn't you see that I picked up that gigantic, soft, expensive bed, with relative ease? Who in there right mind would try to tackle me after that?"Seras ridicules with disappointment clear in her tone.
"Wha?" As the recruit tries to question he feels an uplifting force as he is picked up by his head and thrown against the wall of the chamber at speeds too fast to even realize what happened when he feels pain.
"Walter? Is he truly special forces? That seemed incredibly stupid on his part, I mean he has a gun and multiple knives. Why didn't he use those?" Seras asks poutingly.
"I imagine it's because he forgot what he was fighting, Seras." Walter says with a wry smile.
The reason why he is so curious is because the way she is carrying the Hound of Baskerville. It shrunk itself down to the size of a pug and is being carried against Seras' ċhėst. Seras' arms are underneath its two front arms.
"Why are you carrying it like that?"
"What? Oh you mean Basky! Well, I figured he is cute enough to hug, so I might as well do it while searching for your room Master."
"Basky? You named it, Basky?"
"Yeah? Wait, does it have a different name already?" Seras asks in both sadness and confusion.
"Well yes and no, I just call it the Hound of Baskerville."
"Isn't Basky just a nickname for that? saying the Hound of Baskerville each time would be annoying."
As she is saying that the hound roars to reaffirm her claim.
"Hmm. Not that I mind any. Do you want to stay with her?" Alucard asks the Hound.
To which, it nods back and then snuggles into her ċhėst for more comfort.
"Anyway, follow me, we're close to my room now." He says as he walks away.
While they're walking, Seras is going through her plans in her mind. What people may know from the show and manga in her past life is that the story takes place on earth in 1999.
The reason she is thinking about this is that she might want to make her own money for if and when the Hellsing Organization can no longer take care of her. Maybe she can try to use the Simulator to look for buried treasure that hasn't been discovered yet.
"Hey master?"
"Can we eat human food?"
"Why? Do you want to?"
"Not really. I was just asking if I get tired of just drinking blood over and over again."
"How nonchalant. The answer is no."
"Really? So what does blood taste like?"
"It's very hard to describe, especially since it's been centuries since the last time I ate human food. Plus I don't want to ruin it for you, your first feeding is a memorable one. I don't want to taint your experience with mine."
"Hmph! How uninformative."
As she says that with a pout they arrive at a double door. The doors have many inscriptions on them surrounding a big one that looks exactly like the one on her master's glove. The doors stand at about 8 feet tall and are completely black. After they arrive Alucard opens them and Seras looks inside.
'Wow, how grand. Just like I've seen before.'
The room is completely made out of stone and there are only 2 pieces of furniture in it. A chair that looks more like a throne and a circular table by its side holding 2 glasses and a bottle of wine.
"Master, this is where you sleep?"
"Yes, why do you ask such a stupid question?"
"Well, there is nowhere to actually sleep, don't tell me you sleep while sitting down? Is that a vampire thing?"
"No it's not, I don't usually sleep at all."
"Oh, where am I going to sleep?" Seras says trying to change the topic.
"Anywhere is fine, you can choose."
"Ok! Then I choose here." She says as she points directly next to the throne.
"Really? Why are you so attached to me, Police girl?"
"You're my master, Master!" She says with a smile.
As they're talking, somewhere in the Vatican, a man is sitting in a very expensive looking chair which is sat behind an expensive looking antique desk. He is going through files when an older gentleman comes in disrupting him.
"Father Maxwell, there is something you should see!"
"What is it, Father Renaldo? I'm busy at the moment." He says slightly irked.
"It's very important, you know that pet vampire housed by Hellsing?"
"Hm? Alucard? Yes I'm aware of that Protestant whore's pet vampire dog." He says nonchalantly despite the scathing insult.
"Well, Apparently he has sired another vampire. This is what we know about her." Father Renaldo says as he hands the file to Enrico Maxwell.
As Maxwell starts to read the file his facial expression turns from uninterested to wholeheartedly consumed as soon as he sees her picture.
"Hmmmm. Are those real? How can a teenager have such massive knockers?" Maxwell says while studying Seras' form intently.
"Please Maxwell, read the file seriously." Renaldo sighs tiredly before speaking.
A few minutes later, Maxwell has a sad expression before coughing and turning back to his normal uninterested look.
"It's sad. Her life has been one bad thing after another. If only she arrived at a Catholic Orphanage. She might have been a magnificent Iscariot member."
"Sir, let's not focus on what could have been and decide on our course of action."
"We do nothing, for now." Maxwell says while throwing the file on top of the desk.
"At this moment, she is but a fledgling who hasn't even been turned for 8 hours. We have loads of people who can deal with her."
"But sir, she is a potential threat that we have to eliminate."
"Don't worry, Father Renaldo. We can deal with her whenever we want."
"I understand, Father Maxwell." Renaldo takes the file and then leaves the room with an unwilling face.
'Ah Enrico. You're still but a child. Alucard has never sired a fledgling before, this 'girl' as you call her is able to be the next Alucard.' He thinks as he looks back down at her picture sticking out of the file.
'Such a shame, she had so much to live for. Despite being a Protestant.'
As soon as seras made that exclamation, Walter comes in with four others dragging her bed along. As she sees that there are other humans with him, she shows an annoyed expression and turns to speak to Alucard who just vanished.
'Damn master! Leaving me behind!'
"Oh! Thanks Walter! I'm super tired after everything that has happened today, would you like me to give a hand?" Seras asks.
"Please, Ms. Victoria. This bed is too heavy for any normal men to handle." Walter says while telling the four men to put it down.
"Mr. Dolnez? She's just a little girl, how can she be able to lift this up by herself?" One of the men ask in confusion.
"That's right! I forgot we had some new recruits today! Anyway just watch, she is not just a little girl." Walter says while hitting his fist on top of his other hand out in front of him.
"Just watch, lad. You'll be in for a treat. Not many people get to see a vampire's super strength in action without the threat of death." One of the other men say with a knowing smile.
"Sir? Vampire?"
As the man asks this, Seras is walking over to the bed and picks it up with both hands. She is even hopping around with joy.
"Wow! This bed is so big! I never had one this size before. It also looks incredibly comfortable. Thank you Walter!" Seras says with a beaming smile as she hops right next to the throne and puts the bed down before getting on top of it.
"You're welcome, Seras." Walter says with a slightly happy smile.
'Seras? Did something happen that I don't know of?'
"Yay! Basky, come up here!" She says while patting the spot right next to her.
After she says that, a dog comes out of a black hole on the floor and then jumps on to put of the bed. After getting on the bed, it rubs its face against Seras' hand and licks it as well.
"What the fuċk just happened!?" The new recruit yells and backs away in fear.
"Did you really think we were fighting against normal humans? What was the point of those classes you took if we were just fighting normal men?" Walter asks with despise.
"Sorry, Mr. Dolnez. This guy hasn't taken any of the classes yet. He is literally fresh meat, just got here 5 minutes before you asked us to move the bed." The second of the three soldiers says.
"Then I imagine the surprise is a little warranted. But that is no excuse for yelling. You're a British gentleman! Act like it." Walter says as he turns to the wall shaking his head and continues.
"Recruits are getting worse every year, right Alucard?"
As he is saying this, Alucard starts coming out of the wall slowly, grinning insanely as he turns to the recruit who fell trying to back away with haste.
"I think the maggot just pissed himself, I don't think he is Hellsing material. What do you think, Seras?"
Alucard asks with an interested expression.
"Did he really?" She stops playing with Basky as she looks over.
"Hahaha, that's pretty gross. No real man would piss just from this little bit of fear. Hell I was almost rȧpėd and turned into a ghoul by a vampire, and even I didn't piss myself." Seras laughs with derision before showing a disgusted expression.
"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Alucard laughs madly for a solid 10 seconds.
"What? It's true though. I mean, what kind of man gets scared of this? If I saw a man come out of the wall, I would be more impressed than scared." Seras continues while petting Basky.
As she says that the rest of the people start laughing a little as well, including Walter. As they all start laughing, the man shows an angry expression and gets up.
"Shut up, you bitch! You're just a freak! A monster!" He says while spewing a little phlegm and pointing at her with his right hand.
As he says that, the room quiets down and both Alucard and Walter turn to Seras who stopped in the middle of petting Basky. As their looking, they can see Seras trembling.
'Is this all she amounts to? Someone calls her a bitch and she lets them get away with it?' Alucard thinks while showing great disappointment.
After a couple seconds, Seras puts her head up and shows a smile, a very creepy smile.
"I was wrong, you are indeed a real man. Calling me a freak and a monster means you know what I am, correct?" She says as the man nods slowly while Alucard and Walter's expressions falter.
"Only a real man would call a monster like me, a bitch." After she says that her smile widens and she appears right behind the new recruit grabbing the back of his neck with her right hand.
As she is doing this action, Alucard smiles with delight and Walter shows an understanding expression along with the other three soldiers.
"What to do. What. To. do." She says slowly while tightening her grip with every word and putting her other hand on her chin.
As the man is about to pass out, Seras lets go of him and does the same action Walter did earlier.
"Oh! I know! Walter, can I punish him? I promise he will still be able to physically work as a soldier, but I can't gaurantee he will want to stay." She grins while turning to the butler who is also smiling.
"Whatever you like, Seras." Walter says while telling the other three soldier to leave the room.
"Wait, what? Aren't you going to help me out here?" The recruit begs while holding his neck that produces a raspy voice as he sees the other men leaving.
"Dude, you called her something a normal human woman despises to be called. She is a bonafide true vampire, a monster as you called it. Be happy she is not killing you and accept it." The last soldier who hasn't spoken says with a slight glare while closing both of the doors.
"Now that that's out of the way, shall we begin, you self proclaimed man? Walter?" She says as she turns to the recruit.
"What sort of training has this guy gone through?"
"Lets see, judging by his uniform, he's special forces. So he is probably an expert in hand-to-hand combat along with having knowledge on fighting with multiple weapons. Why?"
"Well, what could be better than beating him up during a fight? But it won't be fun thrashing him without a handicap of sort." She says while thinking.
"Lets see...I got it! If you can move me from this spot, I'll let you go and we'll pretend this never happened. If you can't, I'm allowed to beat you up until I'm satisfied. To make it interesting, both of my feet will be planted here, is this ok with you?"
"Fine, I'm allowed to use any weapon?"
"Haha, yes as long as it's on your person right now, any weapon is fine." Seras says with the same creepy smile.
{Seras, why are you doing this charade?}
{Well Master, it hasn't even been a day since I have been turned into a vampire. I want to see how much I have changed. What better way than fighting against a human who knows how to fight?}
{Fine, but it's a lot more boring than I thought.}
{I promised Walter he would still be able to fight as a soldier, so I can't do many of the things I would like to. So this is going to have to suffice for now.} Seras telepathically says while sighing in front of the recruit.
"I will officiate this duel, are you both ready?"
They both nod.
As soon as Walter throws down his hand, the recruit lunges forward trying to grapple with Seras. As he is getting near, he notices that she is truly not moving like she said she would.
'This is going to be a lot easier than I thought' the recruit thinks as he bends down to tackle her at her waist.
After a second of not hitting anything, he feels a hand grabbing his head which stops him in his tracks. He tries to retreat and realized he can't move, so he starts lifting his head. When his movement is successful he notices that the girl's eyes have turned red.
"What a stupid move, didn't you see that I picked up that gigantic, soft, expensive bed, with relative ease? Who in there right mind would try to tackle me after that?"Seras ridicules with disappointment clear in her tone.
"Wha?" As the recruit tries to question he feels an uplifting force as he is picked up by his head and thrown against the wall of the chamber at speeds too fast to even realize what happened when he feels pain.
"Walter? Is he truly special forces? That seemed incredibly stupid on his part, I mean he has a gun and multiple knives. Why didn't he use those?" Seras asks poutingly.
"I imagine it's because he forgot what he was fighting, Seras." Walter says with a wry smile.
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