Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 35 - 35 - Alucard -VS- Luke Valentine

Right after Seras leaves the meeting room. Luke Valentine is walking around a hallway on the first floor. He is leisurely looking at paintings when he stops and gets closer to one of a royal woman sitting down. Just as he leans in, a bunch of spears shoot out from behind the painting and pin him to the wall.

A few seconds later, a bunch of soldiers come into the hallway and go torward here Luke Valentine was pinned. When they get there, they see that only his outer white coat is embedded and they all start looking around.

"Really?" A sigh is released with the question.

"Where!?" A soldier yells before hearing a squelching sound come from behind him.

The soldier turns to see 4 of his comrades sliced apart and body parts on the ground.

"Die!" He says before he starts shooting.

After he does, the rest of them start shooting as well.

Right after they finish their bullets. All of the rest of them die in the same manner as his 4 comrades.

"Damn you monster!" He says as he glares at the tall blonde man who looks to be bored.

"Monster? I guess I am." Luke states he slices up the last remaining soldier.

As he starts to clean his knife, he gets a phone call and answers it.

"Yeah?" He asks into the phone.

"Hey bro! This is the leader of the undead, Jan Valentine speaking. I'm just informing you that floors 1 and 2 are completely taken over and I'm on my way to the 3rd floor to tear that English ċunt to shreds."

"Very Good Jan."

"When I get that bitch, I'm going to make her wish she was never born. I'm going to **** her, kill her, turn her into a ghoul, and then fuċk her again."

"Just stick to the plan and all will be fine." He says as he turns to a mirror and prys it open.

"I think I'm heading to the basement."

"God I'm getting so hard right now." He hears as he hangs up the phone.

"It's true what they say. You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family." Luke sighs as he starts walking down the stairs.

As he gets to the bottom layer, he senses a bloodlust that sends chills down his spine. He walks torward the source and the feeling gets stronger.

'What a magnificent energy, so dreadful and horrifying.' Luke thinks to himself as he arrives at double doors with mysterious symbols on them. He gets out his gun and points it to the door before pulling the trigger. The doors explode into thousands of pieces and he walks into the dark room.

Right when Luke started walking in the halls, Alucard was still in the middle of watching the movie that was about him. The beginning was ok as they were giving backstory on him during his time as a human.

He didn't mind because it was all more or less accurate. But when they showed his character he almost tore apart his throne in fury as he looked so awful. His hair line was receding and his body looked like he was hundreds of years old. He is but his body doesn't look like that.

He is also wearing some awful clothes that actually make him remember his time as prince. Alucard grits his teeth getting angrier with the memories before he closes his eyes and grunts.

He calms down and tries to watch the rest with an open mind and notices the man that plays the part of the human that enslaved him.

'Now why did hey make him look so great!? I'm the Fucking king of vampires and I get a shoddy old man and Abraham gets a thirty year old muscular guy? I will definitely be meeting the man who made this.'

His anger simmers as the movie gets to its climactic finish when the door explodes and some of the bigger parts puncture the 70 inch Plasm flat screen. Alucard is still wide eyed at the situation before he clenches his teeth.

'Hmmm....he's hiding in here? Why would he hide unless he's scared of us?' Luke asks himself and then makes his own realization.

"I know you're here. Even when you're hiding 'I' can still feel you." He says condescendingly before his eyes adjust to the darkness in the room.

As his voice stops he sees a throne with a table nearby to it carrying a wine bottle and a couple of wine glasses.

"That was a 70 inch plasma screen tv." Alucard says in frustration before taking a deep breath.

"So, How can I help you?" He asks while posturing himself.

As he says that Luke starts walking in. He starts speaking in a monologue while describing Alucard's nicknames over the years.

"Will you get on with it!? Jesus fuċkɨnġ Christ!" Alucard finally snaps and yells in anger.

"E-Excuse me?"

"I was sitting here minding my own business when some blonde little shit strolls in destroying my centuries old oak door and ruins my movie at its climax! Do you know what I do to people that ruin my climax!?"


"Well you're about to find out!" Alucard states as he draws his gun.

Luke dodges the bullet and hits a big object. He trips and lands on top of it, hitting multiple plush objects. He grunts and grabs it before looking at it.

"A-a teddy bear?" He stutters our before looking at the rest of the bed and seeing more stuffed toys.

"Oh, I forgot about that. it's for my servant. For some reason she likes sleeping here, with me." Alucard says as he sees the look on Luke's face.

'A servant? Another Vampire? Shit! Jan!' Luke thinks as he gets worried about his brother.

"Wow! She was right. You guys don't know anything about her. the Police girl is really one of a kind." Alucard praises as he sees Luke's surprised expression.

"Police girl? She is a police girl while being your servant?" Luke asks.

"No, she was a police girl before becoming my servant. I'm not going to say her name because it would be too easy for the people watching."

"How did you know that?"

"My lovely servant told me."

"And you're just accepting that? What if she was wrong?"

"Wrong? Hahahahahahaha!" Alucard asks back and then starts laughs maniacally.

"What? Why is that so funny?" He asks while Alucard is laughing.

"It's funny, you idiot, because she knew you guys were coming tonight, she has known for months. She also knew about other attacks that have proven her information to me. We even went into town and saw your stupid brother picking out men for your ghoul army a couple weeks ago." Alucard says with glee and then continues.

"Wait, she knew we were coming and didn't think to stop us before we did? She must be stupid." Luke laughs as he says so.

"Stupid? No, in fact she is way more intelligent than a lot of people give her credit for." Alucard sighs as he continues.

"Did you know when she first got here, a lot of the soldiers working here gave her despising looks and muttered atrocious things under their breath when she was near them? She really wanted to kill them all but knew if she did, she would get killed by me. So she decided to go about killing them another way." Alucard explains before smiling to himself.

"Another way?" Luke asks quietly before his eyes go wide in realization.

"Did you figure it out? Yes, she let you guys come so they would all turn into ghouls and then she could kill them. My Police Girl is really one of a kind. Kukukuku Hahahahaha!" Alucard says before he laughs again.

"That's crazy! No normal person would let that happen, she's insane!" Luke yells.

"Yes she is. That's precisely why I enjoy her actions so much." Alucard smiles.

After a couple minutes of no longer speaking, Alucard's voice echoes in the chamber.

"Now, Come! Fight me! Strike me down! I really want to enjoy this fight." He yells after smiling.

"Fine. I came here to kill you anyway. That's why I was created after all." Luke says trying to forget about the insane girl.

"Do you really think she knows everything? She knew all of our names after all." Rip van winkle asks while trembling In fear.

"Shut up you bitch! She doesn't know anything! Just our names." Zorin Blitz yells while getting angry at her cowardice.

"I can't believe she dared to talk like that about my work. I know they're not perfect yet, but to dare belittle them. I can't take it!" The doc is biting his index finger and yelling to himself while standing beside the Major.

Meanwhile Schrodinger is just laughing, standing on the opposite side of the major and the captain is silent in the corner.

"Kukukuku, its great! Fantastic! I haven't felt this way in a long time! Not since our last war." The major laughs and says.

After he says that, the room goes silent and he continues.


"Yes sir!" A soldier replies.

"I want you to figure out whose voice that was. She is truly an intriguing being." The major orders while sipping his tea.

"Yes sir!" The soldier replies before getting back to his monitor.

"Everybody! I want you to pay attention to the other screen. Luke is about to meet our favorite enemy Alucard. This should be fun." The Major says.

"""""Yes Sir!""""" They all reply back except His upper members.

'I know you're in here. Even when you're hiding 'I' can still feel you.'

"The poor boy, he thinks Alucard is hiding. How idiotic." The Major says in schadenfreude.

'That was a 70 inch plasma screen tv.'

'So, How can I help you?'

"There it is! My favorite voice from my favorite enemy!" The major exclaims as he sits straight in his chair smiling from excitement.

'You must be the great Alucard.'


'I've heard quite a lot about you.'

'Oh really?'

'The night walker, Who glides through oceans of blood. A monster whose power radiates with a darkness that casts a shadow on darkness itself. The first great pioneer of immortality.'

'Will you get on with it!? Jesus fuċkɨnġ Christ!'

'E-Excuse me?'

'I was sitting here minding my own business when some blonde little shit strolls in destroying my centuries old oak door and ruins my movie at its climax! Do you know what I do to people that ruin my climax!?'


'Well, you're about to find out!'

"Yes! Watching Alucard fight always gets my blood boiling. I can't wait to see what he does with my little present." The major cackles in delight.

Just as he does though, he sees the girly bed that Luke tripped over and gets shocked before realizing what it is. All of the soldiers except his upper members laugh in disdain.

"Hahahaha! The great Alucard sleeps in a girly bed!" A soldier exclaims while laughing.

"That's funny yes? Such a girly vampire." Another agrees.

"Hahahahahahaha!" The rest are just laughing hysterically.

'Oh, I forgot about that. it's for my servant. For some reason she likes sleeping here, with me.'

'Wow! She was right. You guys don't know anything about her. the Police girl is really one of a kind.'

'Police girl? She is a police girl while being your servant?'

'No, she was a police girl before becoming my servant. I'm not going to say her name because it would be too easy for the people watching.'

"A police girl who was recently turned into a vampire?" The majors says under his breath.

'How did you know that?'

'My lovely Servant told me.'

'And you're just accepting that? What if she was wrong?'

'Wrong? Hahahahahahaha!'

'What? Why is that so funny?'

'It's funny, you idiot, because she knew you guys were coming tonight, she has known for months. She also knew about other attacks that have proven her information to me. We even went into town and saw your stupid brother picking out men for your ghoul army a couple weeks ago.'

"What!?" A soldier yells.

"Shut up." The Major says coldly as he snaps his fingers.

"Aaaah!" The soldier screams when he gets crushed into paste by the captain.

'Wait, she knew we were coming and didn't think to stop us before we did? she must be stupid.'

'Stupid? No, in fact she is way more intelligent than a lot of people give her credit for.'

'Did you know when she first got here, a lot of the soldiers working here gave her despising looks and muttered atrocious things under their breath when she was near them? She really wanted to kill them all but knew if she did, she would get killed by me. So she decided to go about killing them another way.'

'Another way?' As Luke asked that on the screen, the Major's eyes go wide in realization.

"Kukukuku. I've been used for another's agenda. How amusing!" The major chuckles insanely before exclaiming.

'Did you figure it out? Yes, she let you guys come so they would all turn into ghouls and then she could kill them. My Police Girl is really one of a kind. Kukukuku Hahahahaha!'

'That's crazy! No normal person would let that happen, she's insane!'

'Yes she is. That's precisely why I enjoy her actions so much.'

"Such intelligence and insanity breeds madness, yet she has a cool head on her shoulders by not revealing so much. I must know who she is! I must know her name!!ENSIGN!!!" The Major begins by mumbling before his voice grows louder and eventually turns into a yell.

"Sir!?" The man stands up in fear.

"Have you found out who she is yet?"

"Uh.....not yet sir. I only have a voice to go on so I can only approximate her age." The soldiers says while trembling.

"How useless. Can't even think for himself even with all of the info given." The major sighs while giving a disappointed look.

"It's sad, isn't it major?" The doctor says in amusement.


"Did you not hear him? She was a police girl who has recently turned into a vampire. Since our traitor has sent information to us 3 months ago, just search for any Police girls who have gone missing or killed in that time frame." The major says slightly annoyed.

"Yes sir!" The soldiers says while sitting back down at his terminal.

Right after he does, the two figures on the screen continue talking.

'Now, Luke Valentine! Come! Fight me! Strike me down! I really want to enjoy this fight.'

'Fine. I came here to kill you anyway. That's why I was created after all.'

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