Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 36 - 36 - Valentine Brothers Aftermath.

Right after Luke speaks he disappears and reappears on top of Alucard's throne holding a gun to his face. He smiles in victory when he feels a gun being pointed at his ċhėst. Just when he looks down, he shoots his gun at the same time as Alucard. They both topple over backwards away from each other, covered in their own blood.

"Hehehe....." Alucard starts laughing.

"Hahaha...." Luke starts laughing as well.

after his voice sounds out, Luke lifts up both of his legs and contorts them in a way that lets him steady his shot with his gun. When he gets done doing that, he notices that Alucard doesn't move and shoots five times.

After all 5 bullets hit him, he gets up and starts to dodge the oncoming bullets from Alucard's gun.

"You've never seen anything like me before. I was designed to surpass you in every way. I was born to be your death." Luke exclaims arrogantly while dodging the bullets.

After his statement ends, he stops and notices that the bullet that just passed him creates a very large hole in the wall and gets surprised.

"A handgun....did that?.....Jesus...."Luke says with surprise.

"Your reflexes are amazing." Alucard Exclaims with glee while standing up from his throne.

"I told you. I'm completely different than any creature you have ever faced before."

"I have the sum total of all your vampiric power and more. Compared to you, I am a demigod." Luke continues while aiming the gun at Alucard.

"Really?"Alucard whistles while getting his gun ready.

"Really!" Like replies and shoots his gun.

While Alucard and Luke have started fighting, Seras is on the second floor clearing the ghouls that come to her. Most of them are ones that the Valentine Brothers brought but a few are hellsing soldiers. She recognizes most of them as people who cursed her or whispered things about how they could fuċk her.

'Shit, somebody survived? I have to save them or Integra would get mad.'

Seras walks over to the source of the noise and sees a surprising sight.

'Arthur?' She asks herself before she smiles again.

She immediately runs over and deals with the ghouls. Arthur gets surprised and points his gun at the source before realizing who it is.

"Seras! I'm so happy to see you." He climbs up the wall to hug her when he falls down mid sentence.

"Arthur are you-?" She doesn't finish when she notices him missing a leg and a huge wound on his abdomen which is leaking huge amounts of blood.

"Heh, Looks like I'm dead. At least I got to see you before I died." He chuckles weakly before stating.

"Oh Arthur. Why couldn't you just hide until the ghouls were dead?" Seras asks sadly while cradling him as he was he only one to treat her nicely.

"Hehe, I'm a soldier of hellsing. I couldn't just hide, I was trained to fight for this exact reason. Plus it doesn't hurt to impress such a beautiful lady." He starts to lose consciousness.


"Damn it....I did it again. Why am I...such an.....idiot?" He says slowly before closing his eyes.

"You're not an idiot." She smiles gently before whispering in his ear.

Seras gives a sad look and sheds a tear before wiping it away. She then grabs the horse talisman from her inventory and places it in his hands. The horse talisman glows brightly signifying that it's working.

"You'll prove that by surviving and continuing to work here." She whispers again before putting his head on the floor as gently as she could.

She stands up and notices that most of his leg is regenerated and walks off to finish off the ghouls.

While Seras is clearing the rest of the second floor. Alucard and Luke are still shooting at each other. Luke is dodging and shooting while Alucard is just standing there taking every hit.

'He's not even trying to dodge the bullets. Does he think he's indestructable? No, everything has a breaking point.' Luke thinks to himself as he continues to dodge.

'He may act like he's not injured but he's taking far more damage than I am.' Luke continues as Alucard stops shooting.

'I can beat him!' He encourages himself as he stops moving.

"Hahahaha, Yes! Excellent! I haven't had this much fun in ages. Hahaha, What did you say your name was again?" Alucard laughs and asks while his wounds close.

"Ugh! It's Luke! Luke Valentine!" Luke replies while being freaked out from Alucard's healing.

"Well, Luke Valentine.....It's obvious that your powers are beyond even the highest category of vampire. Releasing control art restriction systems 3...2...1.... Approval of situation A recognized.....Commencing the Cromwell Invocation." Alucard states while slowly moving his hands in front of his face.

As soon as Alucard starts lifting his restrictions, Seras upstairs can feel it and becomes washed in a state of excitement.

"Ah.....he's releasing the restriction! I'm so happy!" She exclaims with a blush to her face as she is holding a ghoul's head.

"I need to pick up the pace. I still have most of the first floor to do." She exclaims throwing the head away and starts to get serious about killing the remaining ghouls as she now uses her dark portal ability to travel the mansion.

After she left you can see massive amounts of blood on the surroundings. There is blood everywhere, even on the ceiling that is dripping down onto the carpet.

"Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent." Alucard continues slowly as he stretches out his hands and makes a rectangle shape using both of his thumbs and forefingers. His eye is opened wide in the middle of the rectangle.

As soon as his voice ends, hundreds of eyes pour out of him and start surrounding Luke Valentine within. While trembling he looks to his left and right, but all he can see are eyes, bloody red eyes.

"Now! Luke Valentine. It's time to educate you on how a real vampire does battle." Alucard exclaims as multiple dog-like monsters start pouring out of his body that now looks like an amalgamation of centipedes.

"Aaaah....ah." Luke whimpers out while looking at this sight.

After he whimpers, a two-headed creature comes at him and starts trying to bite him. He dodges backwards while screaming a little louder. When he lands, he looks back and sees a mass that is crawling torward him.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" He screams like he just saw the most horrific thing ever and starts dashing torward the entrance.

As soon as he does though, one of the dogs mouth starts protruding a gun and with it, an arm dressed in Alucard's clothes. It aims and shoots which results in one of Luke's legs being blown off.

Luke grunts in pain and steadies himself by relying on the wall and hopping to the door. A few seconds later, just as he is about to reach the staircase, his other leg gets shot and he falls over.

'Gotta get to the stairs. Gotta get to the stairs. If I can just-Fuuuuuuck.....'He looks up seeing the very long staircase and shows an expression of dread. He then turns around and sees the most terrifying thing ever.

"What are you!? What in the hell are you!?" Luke screams at the mass of blackness in front of him.

"Haha! Come on! Get up! Attack me! You've only suffered the loss of your legs! Summon up your familiars. Transform your body. Heal your severed legs and STAND! The evening is still so young." Alucard's voice sounds as the mass starts producing his figure as he is talking.

By the end of his speech, Alucard has fully formed with Luke's severed leg and crushes it into pulp.

"Come on! Hurry! HURry! HURRY!! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! The fun has just begun!" Alucard happily yells while a giant eye forms on his ċhėst with bloody tendrils protrude from it.

"COME ON! HURRY!!" Alucard exclaims once again.

"MONSTER!!" Luke yells in fear.

As soon as he yells, Alucard gets stunned and after a few seconds the black mass of eyes and centipedes start receding back into him.

"So.....I see you for what you really are! You're pathetic! Nothing but a useless sniveling lump of meat!" Alucard yells back in anger.

"Shut up! You're nothing but the Hellsing Family toy! A dog for the Church of England! Not even fit to call himself a vampire-"Luke yells in retaliation.

"Silence!" Alucard exclaims in annoyance which does silence him.

"You dare call me a dog? What does that make you, who is whimpering in fear while cowering in your own piss?" He asks in as much disgust he can muster.

Alucard's right shoulder forms a dog shaped mass of black centipedes and eyes. It growls in delight as it looks at Luke like a tasty treat. Unfortunately it won't be fed today.

"Wouldn't that make him dog food?" A female voice asks from behind valentine.

Before he can turn to look at the source, two hands wrap around his face, forcing his view forward. The strength used make it so it's crushing his facial bones.

One of the hands release his face and grabs at his glasses. They are taken and his view becomes blurred. This makes him grit his teeth as the vampirization process didn't fix his sight.

"I see. So the vampirization process doesn't fix previous health problems. That's a serious flaw." Seras states as she looks through the glasses and finds out that they're prescription issue.

"How do you-ugh!"before he can asks the force of her hand tightens making him shut up.

"Shut up you piece of filth. Be grateful my master has let you live this long after being such a disappointment. You really should have put up a better fight before dying like the miserable sack of shit you are." Seras states angrily.

"What are you doing here Police Girl? You're supposed to be protecting Integra." Alucard states angrily while his form goes back to normal.

"I just wanted to witness you killing Mr. valentine here. I've already taken care of every ghoul here. It was fun killing those people that said such awful things."

"I'm sure it was. So, what shall we do with our prisoner?"

"Well, He is of no use for information as he is just a disposable piece of trash to the organization behind him. I mean why else would they say that he has enough power kill you?"

"That's true. It's ridiculous that such a weak thing could even try to." Alucard agrees.

"Then there is no use in keeping him. His brother would have been more useful as a stress reliever."

"Really? Then I probably should have fought him."

"No, he was extremely weak. He was just so vulgar it was almost funny."

"Well that's too bad. My anger is still here and now I won't be able to watch the rest of the movie."

"What movie?"

"Nothing you should concern yourself with."

Before seras can continue her inquiry Luke gets out of her grip and stumbles away. He then coughs before his throat begins to heal.

"Wow! you have regeneration powers. I'm impressed!" Seras claps in delight.

"sh-Shut up! Who are you?" He yells with a hoarse voice

"I don't have to answer you. But I am curious as to how you have regeneration powers when your brother didn't."

"I won't answer you."

"I was never going to ask." Seras smiles insanely before rapidly going forward and grabbing his right arm.

She twists it making the bone break and then drops it.

"Agh! What the hell did you do that for?" He screams in pain before asking with a yell.

"I want to know about your healing abilities. You won't tell me so I have to see for myself." Seras explains as the bone heals slowly.

It takes a couple minutes for the bone to heal and the man screamed as the pain of it healing hurts him.

"I see. So it's a low class version of ours. That's ridiculous. I was expecting more." Seras frowns in disappointment before ripping the other arm off.

Luke screams agin as he now only has one limb left.

"Basky! I have a treat for you!" Seras yells in a sing songy tone.

A dark figure appears beneath seras from her shadow and comes out in the form of a small dog. It roars in delight while wagging its tail.

"Basky! Who's a good boy?" She asks while picking him up and petting him.

Luke is confused at the sight and cringes every now and then from the pain. He then sees seras give the small dog his arm like a treat and is horrified when the dog eats it in seconds.

"Good boy! Now I have more where that came from." She picks him up and points him to Luke.

Seras gives him a few commands to follow like sit and roll over. Basky does all of them and then seras grabs Luke by his head. She picks him up and before she throws him, she yells fetch.

Luke screams as he is thrown when he is caught by Basky inside his mouth. He is scared about being eaten when he is dragged back to her position.

"Good dog! I'm so proud of you! Now what do we do with toys that are no longer useful?" She pets him roughly while asking.

"N-no! I'll do whatever you want! Don't let-" before like can continue Basky closed his mouth and kills him instantly . His remaining hand And some parts of his hair fall out of the mouth.

"Clean up the rest. Don't want to waste food." Seras pets him while saying so.

"It seems you finally taught him how to fetch. I'm proud of you Police Girl." Alucard pats seras' head before walking backing to his throne.

"Thank you master. I'll go back upstairs and inform Sir Integra of the situation."

"Very well. Also tell her that I want a new tv. This time make it 80 inches."

"Ok master. I'll be back as soon as I'm done." Seras phases into the ground after saying so.

As Luke was about to be eaten by the dog formed of alucard's body, the people in the room looking at it were getting riled up when he is about to die.

"DO IT! You look so beautiful my nemesis! KILL HIM!" The major is yelling at the top of his voice and everyone else is silent.

Just as he is about to get his wish, the screen tries to move but it's forced forward.

"What's happening?" The major asks.

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