Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 37 - 37 - Rebuilding
After seras walks out of the room she begins to climb the stairs and tries to think of a convincing story to tell Integra.
'I have to mention Milennium and I need to get the talisman back from Arthur before he wakes up.'
Seras walks up to the second floor where she left Arthur and sees that he is gone. He stomach drops and she immediately starts running through the mansion. Using her phasing ability to phase through walls when she meets them.
"Where are you? Why the hell did you move when you woke up? Where the fuċk are you?" She keeps mumbling to herself as she is running through the blood-stained mansion.
Eventually she reaches the infirmary where Arthur is sleeping in the bed with a face that shows he is having a nightmare. Seras walks up to the bed and sees the talisman on the table next to it. It has a note attached.
- Thank you for giving me this object that healed me. When I woke up I was so surprised that my leg was back and I was fully healed. I went to the infirmary because it was the only place I could think of to get some rest, for some reason I was extremely exhausted. I won't tell anyone about it.
PS - also please forget what I said before I passed out. So emabarassing....????.-
He actually drew a face that shows embarrassment at the end.
"What an idiot. But I guess he's not so bad." Seras comments and grabs the talisman before smiling at his words.
She stores the talisman back into her inventory and proceeds to the meeting room on the third floor. She admires the blood stains that are mostly the result of her shredding all of the ghouls.
She starts to skip to the meeting room and arrives in a couple minutes. When she gets there she notices that the doors are open and the men are yelling at Sir Integra about her incompetence.
"You have to take responsibility for your failure Sir Integra. It is inexcusable that you'd allow lowlifes like these into your home." A round table member states.
"That's right, what would you have done if one of us died!?" Sir Penwoo yells out.
"I would have gone to your funeral, then back home to continue protecting Queen and country from other supernatural threats." She exhales some spoke after saying so.
"What did-"
"That's Enough Penwood! Sir Integra is correct in her statement. Queen and country always come first."
"However, it is a serious problem that you've allowed this to happen." He glares at Integra while saying so.
Walter is at the side with his eyes closed and face expressionless, but seras can see him clutching his fist behind his back.
The first to notice seras' return is Sir Hugh who receives a cold feeling. He looks up to see seras giving him and the other round table members a hate filled glare.
Integra notices his slight expression of fear and turns back.
"Oh seras, What is the situation?" She stands up while asking.
"Yes sir. All of the ghouls have been destroyed, the ones that were brought here and the ones that were created. Also the two perpetrators have been killed."
"What Of survivors?" Penwood asks.
Seras doesn't answer him and he gets angry when he notices that she didn't even look at him.
"Are there any survivors seras?" Integra asks.
"There are a total of 7 survivors not including us on This floor and master."
"Who are they?"
"There is Captain Farguson and 5 men he grouped together to fight the ghouls on the first floor and Arthur who was fighting the ghouls on the second floor. He was near death when I got there."
"I see. So it was a massacre." Integra mumbles softly and sits down again.
This time nobody says a word for a minute and Integra sits back up with renewed confidence.
"Contact the cleaners and a company to rebuild my home. Also I need you to recruit more soldiers."
"That won't be possible Sir Integra." Sir Hugh States interrupting her next set of orders.
"We have serious doubts about how effective you are. Especially in light of recent events. We can't allow you to appropriate more men from the British military."
"You bas-!"
"Be careful of what you say, Sir Integra. Or you might find that your title as knight will be taken away." He continues harshly.
Integra is completely caught off guard at the statement and looks like her brain clicked off. Seras gets angrier at the situation especially since it never happened in the anime or manga.
'What the hell do you mean taking away her title!? you motherfuckers are so lucky that I killed those ghouls before they could come here.' She thinks to herself as she sees the smug grins on the other members.
"I think that is a bit harsh Sir Hugh. Hellsing will not be defeated because we lack soldiers. However it will be making our mission more difficult."
"That's true Walter. That's why we have a separate military force trained for this exact reason. We will be able to do your job while you get back on your feet."
"....I see. Then I shall escort you to your vehicles so you may be on your way." Walter bows before gesturing the members to follow him.
As they leave seras looks at Integra and sees that she has been gritting her teeth so hard that blood was drawn. Seras mind snaps and she teleports away to the back of the group of knight members.
She sees Sir Hugh laughing it off with a couple old men and that was the last straw. She runs forward and before he can make a noise she grabs his hand. She teleports them to one of the dungeons that she trapped Heinkel and Yumie in.
"What is this?" He asks after a few seconds of dizziness.
"This, Sir Hugh is an inquiry." She states grabbing a dusty chair and sits on it.
"Inquiry? You can't do this to me, I will-" seras grabs his face with one hand, which effectively silenced him.
"Shut it you decrepit old fool. I want to know why you've just threatened to take away Integra's title and why you aren't allowing hellsing to recruit more British soldiers?" She puts force into her group making him grunt in pain.
"Like I've said, it's because we have doubts ab-" seras slaps him making him shut up.
"Don't give me that bureaucratic bullshit. You just happen to have a separate military force trained to hunt vampires on standby? Don't take me for a dumb blonde just because of my hair color." Her eyes turn crimson making him show fear for the first time.
"You-you're- vampire?" He stutters out the question.
"Yes, very good. Since I answered your question it's only polite to reciprocate the gesture." She claps and smiles at the old man which only makes him tremble even more.
"It's.....it's complicated." He says after a minute of silence.
This makes seras angry and she grabs his left pinky.
"Then un-complicate it!" She yells while breaking his finger.
"Aaaaagh!" He yells in pain.
"Feel that!? That's what men and woman feel when they fight to protect people like you. This is pain and I can deal out so much more if you keep not answering me!" She goes to the ring finger.
"Ok! Ok, I'll say it. Just please....don't hurt me anymore." He yells out before begging and then begins to cry.
"I'm waiting...." Her hand brushes slightly against his finger which scares him again.
"We wanted Hellsing out of the way for a while now. But since the organization has never failed, we had no reason to go to the Queen and request her to disband it."
"So let me get this straight. You want Hellsing out of the way so you could fight vampires?" She asks back in confusion.
"Yes And no, it's so we could get more power. Hellsing has always been behind the scenes and we're the ones who have to clean up after them." He whimpers out and stops his crying.
"I can't believe this. Do you even realize what you're saying? You want to fight against supernatural beings that could instantly kill you just for some power? Do you even know how ridiculous you sound?" Seras laughs out loud mockingly.
"W-whats so funny?" He asks.
"I can't believe England is run by people like you. Here I thought you were the smart one." She continues to laugh in his face.
"Stop laughing!" Sir Hugh yells.
It takes a while for her to stop and when she does she glares at the pitiful man before her.
"If this plan of yours succeeds, what will happen to Alucard?" she asks with a dangerous look in her eyes.
"He would be disposed of of course. We can't have a vampire in an organization that kills other vampires." He says this before realizing who he is speaking to.
"I see. so it is a lot worse than I thought." she mumbles to herself before continuing.
"You are such a fool." She grabs his arm again.
Seras teleports them to where Walter and the rest are back to his position in the rear.
"Let me just warn you now. Should you make any move against Sir Integra or Hellsing, It won't just be a finger that gets broken." She whispers this to the shaking man and phases into the ground soon after.
The men leave in their cars driven by chauffeurs. None of them noticed Sir high and his broken finger except Walter who approved of it.
He walks back inside and closes what's lefts of the front door before going to Sir Integra's office.
Seras reappears back in the meeting room and notices Integra still sitting in her chair seemingly to have not moved since she left.
"Sir?" Seras says with a soft tone.
Integra doesn't answer her which makes her even more worried. When she goes to say something else another voice interrupts.
"The Great Hellsing family reduced to rubble and but a few measly soldiers. How hilarious!" The voice states mockingly.
"Alucard?" Integra mumbles out in a whisper.
"Is this all it takes to make Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing despair? A few destroyed walls and a small amount of soldiers killed? How ridiculous!" He states as he phases out from the floor right in front of her.
Seras moves to the side keeping quiet.
"Shut it! You don't have any idea how I feel!" She finally yells back.
This makes Alucard smile for a split second before his face shows anger once more.
"I have no idea how you feel!? Do you even know how many thousands of men I lost in battles!? I have lost more men in a month than you'll ever see in your life!" He yells back.
"That's different! That was a war!" She tries to defend herself.
"You think you're not fighting a war right now? The enemy just stormed your castle and killed all of your soldiers. You need to stand and fight back!"
"How!? I can no longer appropriate soldiers from the military and I'm now set to lose my title. The Hellsing family will be ruined." She begins with a yell before it turns back into a whisper at the end.
"Life is a constant war! Everyday is a battle that may be your last! Just because you lose once doesn't give you the right to give up! Stand and fight back! Or is the great Integra Hellsing but a small sniveling child!?" Alucard says the last statement with the loudest voice he can muster.
this makes Integra twitch and Alucard smiles with the situation making sure she doesn't notice.
"....don't you dare speak to me like that." She says softly.
"What?" Alucard asks.
"I said don't you dare speak to me like that!! I am your master and you are my servant!" She yells out with an angry look on her face.
"Good! Very good! This is the Integra I know. This is the master whom I serve!" Alucard laughs gleefully while clapping.
"Shut up! Now get out of my sight! I have work to do." She yells before shoving him out of the way and walking to her office.
She lights a cigar before slamming the door close. She walks past the destroyed walls and the blood soaked carpets with a stoic face before arriving at her office's double doors. she opens them roughly and walks inside with a brisk pace. She then sits in her chair before exhaling some smoke.
Walter comes in soon after with a tray full of snacks and a pot of tea. Integra actually smiles at the sight noticing how Walter doesn't look any different even after such a devastating turn of events.
"I brewed some tea for you sir. It will help to keep you awake." he states while pouring a cup.
"Thank you Walter. You're always by my side helping me." Integra receives the cup and states.
Walter turns around and his hands start to tremble, his face is showing a look of despair. It takes him a few seconds before he goes back to normal and turns around showing a gentle smile.
"Of course sir. I was there for your father and I will be here for you. I, Walter C. Dolnez am the Hellsing Family Butler. Always, until death." He bows before standing to the side to receive orders.
Right after Integra left, Seras and Alucard are left standing in the meeting room which is the only room in the whole mansion without a drop of blood or bullet holes.
"Was all that necessary master?" Seras asks.
"Integra is a stubborn, intelligent, and confident woman. The only way to get her out of her depressed state is to make her angry."
"I see.....Master, may I ask you something?"
"Of course." He states in his good mood.
"Do you like serving the Hellsing family?" She asks with trepidation.
As soon as the question was asked the room's air stagnates which makes seras tremble. She can feel the rage emanating off of her master's body.
'Shit! I've done it now.' She thinks to herself as she gets prepared to be killed.
This continues for a minute when the air returns to normal and Seras opens her eyes in confusion.
"That was a very loaded question Police Girl." Alucard says in his normal tone.
"I only ask because of what the future will bring. I wouldn't if it wasn't important." She mumbles which doesn't stop him from hearing every word.
"I don't mind Integra. She makes this life interesting." He says this before phasing out of the room.
"Interesting huh?" She says to herself before following after him to their bedroom.
'I have to mention Milennium and I need to get the talisman back from Arthur before he wakes up.'
Seras walks up to the second floor where she left Arthur and sees that he is gone. He stomach drops and she immediately starts running through the mansion. Using her phasing ability to phase through walls when she meets them.
"Where are you? Why the hell did you move when you woke up? Where the fuċk are you?" She keeps mumbling to herself as she is running through the blood-stained mansion.
Eventually she reaches the infirmary where Arthur is sleeping in the bed with a face that shows he is having a nightmare. Seras walks up to the bed and sees the talisman on the table next to it. It has a note attached.
- Thank you for giving me this object that healed me. When I woke up I was so surprised that my leg was back and I was fully healed. I went to the infirmary because it was the only place I could think of to get some rest, for some reason I was extremely exhausted. I won't tell anyone about it.
PS - also please forget what I said before I passed out. So emabarassing....????.-
He actually drew a face that shows embarrassment at the end.
"What an idiot. But I guess he's not so bad." Seras comments and grabs the talisman before smiling at his words.
She stores the talisman back into her inventory and proceeds to the meeting room on the third floor. She admires the blood stains that are mostly the result of her shredding all of the ghouls.
She starts to skip to the meeting room and arrives in a couple minutes. When she gets there she notices that the doors are open and the men are yelling at Sir Integra about her incompetence.
"You have to take responsibility for your failure Sir Integra. It is inexcusable that you'd allow lowlifes like these into your home." A round table member states.
"That's right, what would you have done if one of us died!?" Sir Penwoo yells out.
"I would have gone to your funeral, then back home to continue protecting Queen and country from other supernatural threats." She exhales some spoke after saying so.
"What did-"
"That's Enough Penwood! Sir Integra is correct in her statement. Queen and country always come first."
"However, it is a serious problem that you've allowed this to happen." He glares at Integra while saying so.
Walter is at the side with his eyes closed and face expressionless, but seras can see him clutching his fist behind his back.
The first to notice seras' return is Sir Hugh who receives a cold feeling. He looks up to see seras giving him and the other round table members a hate filled glare.
Integra notices his slight expression of fear and turns back.
"Oh seras, What is the situation?" She stands up while asking.
"Yes sir. All of the ghouls have been destroyed, the ones that were brought here and the ones that were created. Also the two perpetrators have been killed."
"What Of survivors?" Penwood asks.
Seras doesn't answer him and he gets angry when he notices that she didn't even look at him.
"Are there any survivors seras?" Integra asks.
"There are a total of 7 survivors not including us on This floor and master."
"Who are they?"
"There is Captain Farguson and 5 men he grouped together to fight the ghouls on the first floor and Arthur who was fighting the ghouls on the second floor. He was near death when I got there."
"I see. So it was a massacre." Integra mumbles softly and sits down again.
This time nobody says a word for a minute and Integra sits back up with renewed confidence.
"Contact the cleaners and a company to rebuild my home. Also I need you to recruit more soldiers."
"That won't be possible Sir Integra." Sir Hugh States interrupting her next set of orders.
"We have serious doubts about how effective you are. Especially in light of recent events. We can't allow you to appropriate more men from the British military."
"You bas-!"
"Be careful of what you say, Sir Integra. Or you might find that your title as knight will be taken away." He continues harshly.
Integra is completely caught off guard at the statement and looks like her brain clicked off. Seras gets angrier at the situation especially since it never happened in the anime or manga.
'What the hell do you mean taking away her title!? you motherfuckers are so lucky that I killed those ghouls before they could come here.' She thinks to herself as she sees the smug grins on the other members.
"I think that is a bit harsh Sir Hugh. Hellsing will not be defeated because we lack soldiers. However it will be making our mission more difficult."
"That's true Walter. That's why we have a separate military force trained for this exact reason. We will be able to do your job while you get back on your feet."
"....I see. Then I shall escort you to your vehicles so you may be on your way." Walter bows before gesturing the members to follow him.
As they leave seras looks at Integra and sees that she has been gritting her teeth so hard that blood was drawn. Seras mind snaps and she teleports away to the back of the group of knight members.
She sees Sir Hugh laughing it off with a couple old men and that was the last straw. She runs forward and before he can make a noise she grabs his hand. She teleports them to one of the dungeons that she trapped Heinkel and Yumie in.
"What is this?" He asks after a few seconds of dizziness.
"This, Sir Hugh is an inquiry." She states grabbing a dusty chair and sits on it.
"Inquiry? You can't do this to me, I will-" seras grabs his face with one hand, which effectively silenced him.
"Shut it you decrepit old fool. I want to know why you've just threatened to take away Integra's title and why you aren't allowing hellsing to recruit more British soldiers?" She puts force into her group making him grunt in pain.
"Like I've said, it's because we have doubts ab-" seras slaps him making him shut up.
"Don't give me that bureaucratic bullshit. You just happen to have a separate military force trained to hunt vampires on standby? Don't take me for a dumb blonde just because of my hair color." Her eyes turn crimson making him show fear for the first time.
"You-you're- vampire?" He stutters out the question.
"Yes, very good. Since I answered your question it's only polite to reciprocate the gesture." She claps and smiles at the old man which only makes him tremble even more.
"It's.....it's complicated." He says after a minute of silence.
This makes seras angry and she grabs his left pinky.
"Then un-complicate it!" She yells while breaking his finger.
"Aaaaagh!" He yells in pain.
"Feel that!? That's what men and woman feel when they fight to protect people like you. This is pain and I can deal out so much more if you keep not answering me!" She goes to the ring finger.
"Ok! Ok, I'll say it. Just please....don't hurt me anymore." He yells out before begging and then begins to cry.
"I'm waiting...." Her hand brushes slightly against his finger which scares him again.
"We wanted Hellsing out of the way for a while now. But since the organization has never failed, we had no reason to go to the Queen and request her to disband it."
"So let me get this straight. You want Hellsing out of the way so you could fight vampires?" She asks back in confusion.
"Yes And no, it's so we could get more power. Hellsing has always been behind the scenes and we're the ones who have to clean up after them." He whimpers out and stops his crying.
"I can't believe this. Do you even realize what you're saying? You want to fight against supernatural beings that could instantly kill you just for some power? Do you even know how ridiculous you sound?" Seras laughs out loud mockingly.
"W-whats so funny?" He asks.
"I can't believe England is run by people like you. Here I thought you were the smart one." She continues to laugh in his face.
"Stop laughing!" Sir Hugh yells.
It takes a while for her to stop and when she does she glares at the pitiful man before her.
"If this plan of yours succeeds, what will happen to Alucard?" she asks with a dangerous look in her eyes.
"He would be disposed of of course. We can't have a vampire in an organization that kills other vampires." He says this before realizing who he is speaking to.
"I see. so it is a lot worse than I thought." she mumbles to herself before continuing.
"You are such a fool." She grabs his arm again.
Seras teleports them to where Walter and the rest are back to his position in the rear.
"Let me just warn you now. Should you make any move against Sir Integra or Hellsing, It won't just be a finger that gets broken." She whispers this to the shaking man and phases into the ground soon after.
The men leave in their cars driven by chauffeurs. None of them noticed Sir high and his broken finger except Walter who approved of it.
He walks back inside and closes what's lefts of the front door before going to Sir Integra's office.
Seras reappears back in the meeting room and notices Integra still sitting in her chair seemingly to have not moved since she left.
"Sir?" Seras says with a soft tone.
Integra doesn't answer her which makes her even more worried. When she goes to say something else another voice interrupts.
"The Great Hellsing family reduced to rubble and but a few measly soldiers. How hilarious!" The voice states mockingly.
"Alucard?" Integra mumbles out in a whisper.
"Is this all it takes to make Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing despair? A few destroyed walls and a small amount of soldiers killed? How ridiculous!" He states as he phases out from the floor right in front of her.
Seras moves to the side keeping quiet.
"Shut it! You don't have any idea how I feel!" She finally yells back.
This makes Alucard smile for a split second before his face shows anger once more.
"I have no idea how you feel!? Do you even know how many thousands of men I lost in battles!? I have lost more men in a month than you'll ever see in your life!" He yells back.
"That's different! That was a war!" She tries to defend herself.
"You think you're not fighting a war right now? The enemy just stormed your castle and killed all of your soldiers. You need to stand and fight back!"
"How!? I can no longer appropriate soldiers from the military and I'm now set to lose my title. The Hellsing family will be ruined." She begins with a yell before it turns back into a whisper at the end.
"Life is a constant war! Everyday is a battle that may be your last! Just because you lose once doesn't give you the right to give up! Stand and fight back! Or is the great Integra Hellsing but a small sniveling child!?" Alucard says the last statement with the loudest voice he can muster.
this makes Integra twitch and Alucard smiles with the situation making sure she doesn't notice.
"....don't you dare speak to me like that." She says softly.
"What?" Alucard asks.
"I said don't you dare speak to me like that!! I am your master and you are my servant!" She yells out with an angry look on her face.
"Good! Very good! This is the Integra I know. This is the master whom I serve!" Alucard laughs gleefully while clapping.
"Shut up! Now get out of my sight! I have work to do." She yells before shoving him out of the way and walking to her office.
She lights a cigar before slamming the door close. She walks past the destroyed walls and the blood soaked carpets with a stoic face before arriving at her office's double doors. she opens them roughly and walks inside with a brisk pace. She then sits in her chair before exhaling some smoke.
Walter comes in soon after with a tray full of snacks and a pot of tea. Integra actually smiles at the sight noticing how Walter doesn't look any different even after such a devastating turn of events.
"I brewed some tea for you sir. It will help to keep you awake." he states while pouring a cup.
"Thank you Walter. You're always by my side helping me." Integra receives the cup and states.
Walter turns around and his hands start to tremble, his face is showing a look of despair. It takes him a few seconds before he goes back to normal and turns around showing a gentle smile.
"Of course sir. I was there for your father and I will be here for you. I, Walter C. Dolnez am the Hellsing Family Butler. Always, until death." He bows before standing to the side to receive orders.
Right after Integra left, Seras and Alucard are left standing in the meeting room which is the only room in the whole mansion without a drop of blood or bullet holes.
"Was all that necessary master?" Seras asks.
"Integra is a stubborn, intelligent, and confident woman. The only way to get her out of her depressed state is to make her angry."
"I see.....Master, may I ask you something?"
"Of course." He states in his good mood.
"Do you like serving the Hellsing family?" She asks with trepidation.
As soon as the question was asked the room's air stagnates which makes seras tremble. She can feel the rage emanating off of her master's body.
'Shit! I've done it now.' She thinks to herself as she gets prepared to be killed.
This continues for a minute when the air returns to normal and Seras opens her eyes in confusion.
"That was a very loaded question Police Girl." Alucard says in his normal tone.
"I only ask because of what the future will bring. I wouldn't if it wasn't important." She mumbles which doesn't stop him from hearing every word.
"I don't mind Integra. She makes this life interesting." He says this before phasing out of the room.
"Interesting huh?" She says to herself before following after him to their bedroom.
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