Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 38 - 38 - Kidnapping
it only took a half a day for the Mansion to have been thoroughly cleansed of any blood that has stained it. All of the funerals were held the day after the attack, planned and paid for by the organization. Most of the soldiers didn't have families, but some of them had wives and children that will be looked after by Hellsing. Anonymously, of course.
As it was a sunny day, seras and Alucard didn't attend the funerals. Not that either of them wanted to. After the last funeral was held at dusk, Integra locked herself in her bedroom and hasn't come out since.
Fortunately, there were no vampire attacks on that day. Some good news during this shit parade as Integra called it, is that a whole unit of 25 soldiers survived the attack because they were out on a mission.
That feeling didn't last however when Integra got a formal notice stating that the Queen has decided to use the force the other knight members have trained as a temporary stop gap until hellsing rebuilds itself. This made her even angrier as it makes it seem like she is incompetent.
After Integra went inside her bedroom on the night of the 4th, Seras woke up to see her master sitting on his throne like the situation upstairs is not happening. She smiles a little at the situation.
"What is making you so happy Police Girl?" He asks.
"Nothing, just observing how nonchalant you're being despite the situation with sir Integra." She answers while holding Basky.
"Of course, human problems worry humans. Why should I be disturbed over their frivolities."
"I can't imagine Sir Integra would be happy if she heard that."
"She'll get over it. Give it a couple weeks and I'm sure she won't even remember anything about this." He takes a sip of wine from a glass.
"Haha, I don't think that would be true."
"Well, just give it a few days and I'm sure she won't ever forget about this." Seras waves it off and proceeds to phase through her bed.
She reappears on the first floor at the main entrance where the most damage was done.
'They did a great job in cleaning the place, but that smell of bleach is just awful.' She pinches her nose in disgust.
"Seras, it's good that I caught you. I was just about to look for you." A voice disrupts her and seras turns to see Walter walking to her.
"Walter, you look like you haven't slept in days."
"That's because I haven't Ms. Victoria." He answers curtly showing an embarrassed look.
"Oh. What were you looking me for?"
"Yes, It was about the information you've given about the attackers. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing besides the word 'Millennium'?"
"Well I didn't give him much time to talk, as His face was buried. The only time he could was when I was crushing his skull."
"I see. So there is absolutely nothing else?"
"No, why?"
"it's just for the past 24 hours MI-5 and hellsing's information retrieval department have found absolutely nothing of interest about this word."
"I see. There was nothing else, Sorry." Seras apologizes before Walter walks away in a hurry.
Just as he is out of sight, the doors to the mansion open, at least what's left of them and a bunch of soldiers walk inside with depressed looks. They notice seras and give her angry glares like she was the one that killed their buddies.
'Though technically I did.' She smirks at the memory of slicing through the ghouls.
"What's so funny vampire?" One of the men ask with a shout.
"Oh nothing. Just thinking about my next mission, It's been boring." Seras puts her hands behind her head and says with a smile.
This angers the group even more and they start to yell at her again. It begins to become irritating and seras' eyes go red.
"Shut up! I didn't turn them into ghouls! Would you have rathered I left them like that!?" She yells which silenced them.
"....but your kind did it." A weak voice States from thevback of the group.
"What!?" She asks, this time even angrier.
"You heard me! Vampires killed our friends and turned them into ghouls!" The same voice yells back finding confidence.
"I can't believe you compared me to low class filth like those guys. Let me set this straight." Seras walks forward knocking over the men in her way until she reaches the guy who spoke.
The man, who is actually a little shorter than seras cowers in fear at the sight. His legs actually starts to tremble when she gets a couple inches into his face.
"Those things, were mere low grade copies of a vampire. I crushed the head of one of them with such ease it was like stepping on a bug. Now, will you tell me that they're the same as me?" Seras finds a bug on the ground and steps on it with what looks to be a light step, but causes cracks to form into the floor.
The man who is now crying shakes his head and falls backwards unconscious.
"Pathetic." She states before walking away.
However, before she is fully gone, she stops and remembers something. Seras turns back around and walks up to the leader of the unit.
"Where is Arthur?"
"W-who?" The leader stutters.
"Arthur. About 6 feet tall, blonde hair, green eyes. Personality of a naive child?" Seras describes him as accurately as she could.
"Oh! Him.....shit." The man thinks for a couple seconds before realizing who she was talking and pales soon after.
"What does that mean?" She gets closer to the man.
"He....uh..he came with us but after the mission, we couldn't find him." He stutters.
"What!? What do you mean you couldn't find him!? Did you look for him?" She grabs the soldier by the neck and lifts him up.
"Ugh...." the man groans in pain while trying to speak.
"We did look for him but we still couldn't find him." One of the unit members says with trepidation.
"What happened? Tell me everything." She unconsciously uses hypnosis and the man's eyes go red while his expression slackens.
"We...." he describes their whole mission from beginning to end and seras finally lets the leader go.
The man who went limp five minutes before the member finished his story falls to the ground with a thud.
"So you went to the location and found no sign of any vampire?" She asks making sure she heard everything correctly.
"Yes. There wasn't any sign of struggle or anything to indicate a vampire was there."
"I see. You're a bunch of idiots." She says this and turns away.
[Hmm?] he answers in an annoyed way.
[I need permission to use my teleportation ability.]
[You won't like it.]
[Would you rather I forcefully read your mind?] he asks back.
[I believe Arthur has been kidnapped by the organization behind the attack. I need to get him.]
[Why are you so attached to that boy?] he doesn't agree or disagree.
[I don't know. He is the only human that has ever owned up to what he did and apologized for it. I've lived for a total of 45 years if you count both lives and he's the only one.] she sighs while looking to the ceiling but seeing something else entirely.
[I see. It's true that finding such a genuine human is difficult. Even I've only ever met 3.....You may go. But don't do anything too drastic.]
[Of course not master. I don't want to ruin anything for you.] seras gives a smile before accessing her omniscient system.
'Cmon buddy, don't fail me now.' She opens it.
*Welcome to the Omniscient System. Please enter search criteria for simulation:*
*What happened to Arthur and where is he now?* she inputs hoping just his first name would work as she hasn't been told his last name.
Almost immediately a memory is being Implanted which begins to show from when they entered an abandoned building.
Arthur was forced to go along by the leader of the unit which led to him being pushed to the front when they enter. The entire unit surveys the whole building but They come up empty.
Everyone except Arthur begins to funnel out leaving him behind. He notices something odd about the building but he can't place his finger on it. He keeps looking around when he is grabbed by a long gray arm that looks like something out of an old scary movie.
He goes to yell not out of fear but out of loyalty to his comrades. His expression shows no fear, which interests the being who grabbed him. The tall gray man knocks Arthur out with some kind of gas he released from his mouth and proceeds back into the shadows before disappearing.
The scene ends there but then another appears which shows herself standing inside the hellsing manor at her exact position. Seras' view was rapidly taken from there and brought half way across the planet to a forest in Brazil, which happens to be the headquarters of millennium.
The scene ends there and seras opens her eyes again.
*Simulation lasted 22 seconds. Would you like to ask something else?* she clicks no before the atmosphere around her body distorts.
Alucard can feel his childe's rising anger and chuckles on delight at her progress.
'Good. Get angrier, you'll need it for what's coming. You've been far too relaxed since you got here.' He thinks to himself with a smile as he feels her presence disappear.
after the soldiers left the abandoned building. A tall gray man who is nȧkėd appears in the shadows of the building blending perfectly with it so no human would see him. He is carrying another man, who is knocked out and hanging on his shoulder.
A few seconds later, the man hears a sound from behind and turns back to see a small boy with cat ears.
"Warrant Officer Schrodinger, Why are you Here?" The man asks with a thick African accent.
"The major wanted to know your progress."
"I've actually just captured one of the soldiers." He presents Arthur to the boy.
"I see. What makes him so interesting?"
"According to the other insects he showed up with, he is very close to the new vampire that Alucard has sired. I remember Master wanting to know anything and everything about her."
"I see. I'll bring him back." Schrödinger grabs Arthur but doesn't realize how heavy he is and falls backward.
"Hahaha, he's heavier than I thought." Schrödinger laughs in embarrassment before disappearing from view.
Arthur disappeared with him.
"Stupid cat-boy And his owners. How dare they enslave me while I slept. They'll die miserably." The man clenches his teeth before muttering to himself.
Schrödinger reappeared inside the main headquarters with Arthur on his back and trudges him to Dok's lab. He opens the door and finds the Major is in there with Dok.
"Ah, warrant officer. I see you've brought me a present." the Major says with his typical mad smile.
"Yep, the new guy just caught him when I arrived. Apparently he has all sorts of info about the new vampire." Schrödinger throws Arthur off his back and hops to the Major.
"I see. Such great timing." He exclaims happily.
"Oh? Why is that major?" Dok asks.
"That because we just found out the name of the new vampire Alucard has Sired. I must admit I didn't expect such a person when I heard that voice." He chuckles a little in remembrance.
"Who is she?"
The Major goes to an empty terminal in the lab and inputs a few keys before the screen lights up with seras' picture and her name along with paragraphs telling her life story.
"I give you, Seras Victoria. Newest member of the Hellsing Organization."
"My god! Are those real?" The dok asks loudly.
"Of course you would notice those first Herr Doktor. Still a pervert like in the old days." The major sighs tiredly before continuing.
"Not those! I meant the scars from her medical history!" He goes pink and yells before continuing to point at the many pictures of seras' body with multiple scars.
"Yes. She has had a very depressing childhood even by our standards. I can't imagine her even living normally after all that. Yet she became a police officer, Or a Police Girl which Alucard so quaintly stated." The major chuckles in delight while saying so.
Arthur soon begins to awaken albeit in a drugged out sort of way. He can hear voices but they're muffled and his vision is extremely blurred.
'Bloody hell? Did I get massively drunk? Or did the guys drug me? My head feels like ten tons of bricks being crushed together.' He thinks to himself as he tries to grab his head.
He soon realizes however that he can't move his arm and his hearing becomes clearer.
"I see that you're awake. Very good! I have many questions for you." The Doktor states with his creepy smile.
"Who are you!? Where am I?" Arthur asks immediately noting the blood stained surroundings with many drawings of humans being dissected in multiple areas.
He also sees an impossible number of organs suspended in jars like something out of a movie. He then notices on the wall a figure wrapped up like a mummy and displayed in a glass case which is covered in red silk. The figure is contorted in an impossible way and restrained by leather straps.
'What the fuċk is that? Ok think Arthur! I was on a mission with those ȧssholes when I was grabbed by this freak show. Then....nothing.' He is taken out of this state when he feels a tremendous pain coming from his pinky finger.
"Listen. If there is one thing I hate more than any other, it's being ignored." The Dok says while ripping his finger nail off.
"Agh....ah..ha..hahaha." Arthur grunts painfully before laughing.
"Oh dear, I've broken him already. Hellsing really needs to toughen up its soldiers." The creepy man sighs before stating.
"No, I'm good. You just remind me of this kid I knew in school." Arthur chuckles a little before stating.
"Oh really? Who?"
"This little creepy kid. Always had interest in dead things, so he was bullied. You really remind me of him." He laughs again at the end.
"The insolence!" Dok gets a knife and goes to cut him up when a voice stops him.
"That's Enough dok. I believe this young man here was just being funny." The voice comes from behind Arthur but can't look because his head is restrained.
"Of...course....Major." The dok's head goes low in disappointment before putting the knife away.
"Now, What can you tell me about Seras Victoria. I'm very interested to know anything you can offer."
As it was a sunny day, seras and Alucard didn't attend the funerals. Not that either of them wanted to. After the last funeral was held at dusk, Integra locked herself in her bedroom and hasn't come out since.
Fortunately, there were no vampire attacks on that day. Some good news during this shit parade as Integra called it, is that a whole unit of 25 soldiers survived the attack because they were out on a mission.
That feeling didn't last however when Integra got a formal notice stating that the Queen has decided to use the force the other knight members have trained as a temporary stop gap until hellsing rebuilds itself. This made her even angrier as it makes it seem like she is incompetent.
After Integra went inside her bedroom on the night of the 4th, Seras woke up to see her master sitting on his throne like the situation upstairs is not happening. She smiles a little at the situation.
"What is making you so happy Police Girl?" He asks.
"Nothing, just observing how nonchalant you're being despite the situation with sir Integra." She answers while holding Basky.
"Of course, human problems worry humans. Why should I be disturbed over their frivolities."
"I can't imagine Sir Integra would be happy if she heard that."
"She'll get over it. Give it a couple weeks and I'm sure she won't even remember anything about this." He takes a sip of wine from a glass.
"Haha, I don't think that would be true."
"Well, just give it a few days and I'm sure she won't ever forget about this." Seras waves it off and proceeds to phase through her bed.
She reappears on the first floor at the main entrance where the most damage was done.
'They did a great job in cleaning the place, but that smell of bleach is just awful.' She pinches her nose in disgust.
"Seras, it's good that I caught you. I was just about to look for you." A voice disrupts her and seras turns to see Walter walking to her.
"Walter, you look like you haven't slept in days."
"That's because I haven't Ms. Victoria." He answers curtly showing an embarrassed look.
"Oh. What were you looking me for?"
"Yes, It was about the information you've given about the attackers. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing besides the word 'Millennium'?"
"Well I didn't give him much time to talk, as His face was buried. The only time he could was when I was crushing his skull."
"I see. So there is absolutely nothing else?"
"No, why?"
"it's just for the past 24 hours MI-5 and hellsing's information retrieval department have found absolutely nothing of interest about this word."
"I see. There was nothing else, Sorry." Seras apologizes before Walter walks away in a hurry.
Just as he is out of sight, the doors to the mansion open, at least what's left of them and a bunch of soldiers walk inside with depressed looks. They notice seras and give her angry glares like she was the one that killed their buddies.
'Though technically I did.' She smirks at the memory of slicing through the ghouls.
"What's so funny vampire?" One of the men ask with a shout.
"Oh nothing. Just thinking about my next mission, It's been boring." Seras puts her hands behind her head and says with a smile.
This angers the group even more and they start to yell at her again. It begins to become irritating and seras' eyes go red.
"Shut up! I didn't turn them into ghouls! Would you have rathered I left them like that!?" She yells which silenced them.
"....but your kind did it." A weak voice States from thevback of the group.
"What!?" She asks, this time even angrier.
"You heard me! Vampires killed our friends and turned them into ghouls!" The same voice yells back finding confidence.
"I can't believe you compared me to low class filth like those guys. Let me set this straight." Seras walks forward knocking over the men in her way until she reaches the guy who spoke.
The man, who is actually a little shorter than seras cowers in fear at the sight. His legs actually starts to tremble when she gets a couple inches into his face.
"Those things, were mere low grade copies of a vampire. I crushed the head of one of them with such ease it was like stepping on a bug. Now, will you tell me that they're the same as me?" Seras finds a bug on the ground and steps on it with what looks to be a light step, but causes cracks to form into the floor.
The man who is now crying shakes his head and falls backwards unconscious.
"Pathetic." She states before walking away.
However, before she is fully gone, she stops and remembers something. Seras turns back around and walks up to the leader of the unit.
"Where is Arthur?"
"W-who?" The leader stutters.
"Arthur. About 6 feet tall, blonde hair, green eyes. Personality of a naive child?" Seras describes him as accurately as she could.
"Oh! Him.....shit." The man thinks for a couple seconds before realizing who she was talking and pales soon after.
"What does that mean?" She gets closer to the man.
"He....uh..he came with us but after the mission, we couldn't find him." He stutters.
"What!? What do you mean you couldn't find him!? Did you look for him?" She grabs the soldier by the neck and lifts him up.
"Ugh...." the man groans in pain while trying to speak.
"We did look for him but we still couldn't find him." One of the unit members says with trepidation.
"What happened? Tell me everything." She unconsciously uses hypnosis and the man's eyes go red while his expression slackens.
"We...." he describes their whole mission from beginning to end and seras finally lets the leader go.
The man who went limp five minutes before the member finished his story falls to the ground with a thud.
"So you went to the location and found no sign of any vampire?" She asks making sure she heard everything correctly.
"Yes. There wasn't any sign of struggle or anything to indicate a vampire was there."
"I see. You're a bunch of idiots." She says this and turns away.
[Hmm?] he answers in an annoyed way.
[I need permission to use my teleportation ability.]
[You won't like it.]
[Would you rather I forcefully read your mind?] he asks back.
[I believe Arthur has been kidnapped by the organization behind the attack. I need to get him.]
[Why are you so attached to that boy?] he doesn't agree or disagree.
[I don't know. He is the only human that has ever owned up to what he did and apologized for it. I've lived for a total of 45 years if you count both lives and he's the only one.] she sighs while looking to the ceiling but seeing something else entirely.
[I see. It's true that finding such a genuine human is difficult. Even I've only ever met 3.....You may go. But don't do anything too drastic.]
[Of course not master. I don't want to ruin anything for you.] seras gives a smile before accessing her omniscient system.
'Cmon buddy, don't fail me now.' She opens it.
*Welcome to the Omniscient System. Please enter search criteria for simulation:*
*What happened to Arthur and where is he now?* she inputs hoping just his first name would work as she hasn't been told his last name.
Almost immediately a memory is being Implanted which begins to show from when they entered an abandoned building.
Arthur was forced to go along by the leader of the unit which led to him being pushed to the front when they enter. The entire unit surveys the whole building but They come up empty.
Everyone except Arthur begins to funnel out leaving him behind. He notices something odd about the building but he can't place his finger on it. He keeps looking around when he is grabbed by a long gray arm that looks like something out of an old scary movie.
He goes to yell not out of fear but out of loyalty to his comrades. His expression shows no fear, which interests the being who grabbed him. The tall gray man knocks Arthur out with some kind of gas he released from his mouth and proceeds back into the shadows before disappearing.
The scene ends there but then another appears which shows herself standing inside the hellsing manor at her exact position. Seras' view was rapidly taken from there and brought half way across the planet to a forest in Brazil, which happens to be the headquarters of millennium.
The scene ends there and seras opens her eyes again.
*Simulation lasted 22 seconds. Would you like to ask something else?* she clicks no before the atmosphere around her body distorts.
Alucard can feel his childe's rising anger and chuckles on delight at her progress.
'Good. Get angrier, you'll need it for what's coming. You've been far too relaxed since you got here.' He thinks to himself with a smile as he feels her presence disappear.
after the soldiers left the abandoned building. A tall gray man who is nȧkėd appears in the shadows of the building blending perfectly with it so no human would see him. He is carrying another man, who is knocked out and hanging on his shoulder.
A few seconds later, the man hears a sound from behind and turns back to see a small boy with cat ears.
"Warrant Officer Schrodinger, Why are you Here?" The man asks with a thick African accent.
"The major wanted to know your progress."
"I've actually just captured one of the soldiers." He presents Arthur to the boy.
"I see. What makes him so interesting?"
"According to the other insects he showed up with, he is very close to the new vampire that Alucard has sired. I remember Master wanting to know anything and everything about her."
"I see. I'll bring him back." Schrödinger grabs Arthur but doesn't realize how heavy he is and falls backward.
"Hahaha, he's heavier than I thought." Schrödinger laughs in embarrassment before disappearing from view.
Arthur disappeared with him.
"Stupid cat-boy And his owners. How dare they enslave me while I slept. They'll die miserably." The man clenches his teeth before muttering to himself.
Schrödinger reappeared inside the main headquarters with Arthur on his back and trudges him to Dok's lab. He opens the door and finds the Major is in there with Dok.
"Ah, warrant officer. I see you've brought me a present." the Major says with his typical mad smile.
"Yep, the new guy just caught him when I arrived. Apparently he has all sorts of info about the new vampire." Schrödinger throws Arthur off his back and hops to the Major.
"I see. Such great timing." He exclaims happily.
"Oh? Why is that major?" Dok asks.
"That because we just found out the name of the new vampire Alucard has Sired. I must admit I didn't expect such a person when I heard that voice." He chuckles a little in remembrance.
"Who is she?"
The Major goes to an empty terminal in the lab and inputs a few keys before the screen lights up with seras' picture and her name along with paragraphs telling her life story.
"I give you, Seras Victoria. Newest member of the Hellsing Organization."
"My god! Are those real?" The dok asks loudly.
"Of course you would notice those first Herr Doktor. Still a pervert like in the old days." The major sighs tiredly before continuing.
"Not those! I meant the scars from her medical history!" He goes pink and yells before continuing to point at the many pictures of seras' body with multiple scars.
"Yes. She has had a very depressing childhood even by our standards. I can't imagine her even living normally after all that. Yet she became a police officer, Or a Police Girl which Alucard so quaintly stated." The major chuckles in delight while saying so.
Arthur soon begins to awaken albeit in a drugged out sort of way. He can hear voices but they're muffled and his vision is extremely blurred.
'Bloody hell? Did I get massively drunk? Or did the guys drug me? My head feels like ten tons of bricks being crushed together.' He thinks to himself as he tries to grab his head.
He soon realizes however that he can't move his arm and his hearing becomes clearer.
"I see that you're awake. Very good! I have many questions for you." The Doktor states with his creepy smile.
"Who are you!? Where am I?" Arthur asks immediately noting the blood stained surroundings with many drawings of humans being dissected in multiple areas.
He also sees an impossible number of organs suspended in jars like something out of a movie. He then notices on the wall a figure wrapped up like a mummy and displayed in a glass case which is covered in red silk. The figure is contorted in an impossible way and restrained by leather straps.
'What the fuċk is that? Ok think Arthur! I was on a mission with those ȧssholes when I was grabbed by this freak show. Then....nothing.' He is taken out of this state when he feels a tremendous pain coming from his pinky finger.
"Listen. If there is one thing I hate more than any other, it's being ignored." The Dok says while ripping his finger nail off.
"Agh....ah..ha..hahaha." Arthur grunts painfully before laughing.
"Oh dear, I've broken him already. Hellsing really needs to toughen up its soldiers." The creepy man sighs before stating.
"No, I'm good. You just remind me of this kid I knew in school." Arthur chuckles a little before stating.
"Oh really? Who?"
"This little creepy kid. Always had interest in dead things, so he was bullied. You really remind me of him." He laughs again at the end.
"The insolence!" Dok gets a knife and goes to cut him up when a voice stops him.
"That's Enough dok. I believe this young man here was just being funny." The voice comes from behind Arthur but can't look because his head is restrained.
"Of...course....Major." The dok's head goes low in disappointment before putting the knife away.
"Now, What can you tell me about Seras Victoria. I'm very interested to know anything you can offer."
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