Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 39 - 39 - Rescue and Guests
Arthur is still in a state of disbelief with his situation and doesn't register the question the fat man is asking him.
'It's like I'm stuck inside a B-Rated movie with terrible actors. German accents, the insane looks and the child wearing a kids hitler uniform.' He almost laughs at the situation when the major notices he isn't listening.
"Dok, It seems our prisoner isn't cooperating." He states childishly.
"Of course. One cooperation serum coming up." The dok goes along with the running joke and picks up a needle with a greenish liquid inside it.
"I'll talk. I was just trying to understand the situation. It's not everyday I get kidnapped and interrogated while a boy with cat ears is laughing in the background." Arthur states while not wanting whatever is in That needle.
"That's true, answer me or I will let dok have his way. And you don't want that." The major gestures for the Doktor to stop and points to the wall full of organs.
Arthur finally shows traces of fear which delights the major greatly.
"There it is. The situation has finally settled into that thick skull of yours. I always love seeing the bravado of men crumble away into a teary eyed mess of begging. It's truly my favorite thing to witness." The major insanely smiles which sends a shiver down Arthur's spine.
"Now, What can you tell me about seras Victoria? I'm very interested in her you see and I don't think I can wait any longer." The major's face is flushed in excitement which makes Arthur cringe.
"What do you want to know?" He asks back.
"Let's get started...."
The major asks multiple questions which makes Arthur confused because most of them seemed very stupid. Like what her favorite color is, or her favorite hobby. Arthur didn't know most of them and answered the ones he did because they seemed useless.
It goes on for a couple hours and just when he is thinking it's done, the Major asks an important question which makes Arthur quiet.
"What is her weakness?"
"I know you heard me. You were being so cooperative before."
"I don't know. If she had one, she hasn't shown it."
"...I see. Then I believe you're useless to me now." The major frowns in disappointment and dusts his jacket off making it no cleaner than it was before.
"What is going to happen now?" Arthur asks back.
"Now? Now it's time for the Dok's favorite hobby." Major states succinctly while walking out the door.
"Hobby? What do you-"
"It's.....DISSECTION TIME!!" The dok yells in excitement as it's been a very long time since he can enjoy dissecting something just for fun.
Arthur is so scared that he forgets to scream because the tool The dok brought out looked like something even torturers wouldn't use.
"This is my favorite instrument. It allows me to cut you open with precision and it causes great pain in the process. It took me a very long time to make it." He rubs the tool delicately like it's his child.
"Don't be like that. You don't know how long it's been since I've had a live dissection to play with. It's always been experimenting and work. So stressful." The dok laments in his own monologue.
As he is speaking to himself seras appears behind Arthur in silence. She notices that she is inside the lab and smells death everywhere. It even makes her almost throw up in disgust.
She looks around and notices the body hanging on the wall wrapped up like a deformed mummy. She walks forward to it which escapes the notice of both Arthur and the dok.
'Mina Harker. What did master see in you that made him change you. I still don't know why he chose me....' She thinks to herself while rubbing the glass case.
"Y-You..How did-"
"You should know better than to ask. I'll leave you to your experiments." Seras puts a finger to her lips.
"It's been interesting, but I really have to take Arthur back with me. See you later, Dok." Seras snaps the restraints with ease and picks Arthur up in a princess carry.
"Don't carry me like this. I can stand by myself." Arthur squirms in embarrassment.
"No! This is the least you deserve for making me rescue you in the enemies headquarters." Seras states before her body disappears from the Dok's eyes.
Soon after, the captain barges in destroying the door in the process before looking around for an enemy.
"She's already gone captain. It seems that she doesn't just have the ability to teleport." The major says in a carefree way.
Hans Just grunts in reply before standing behind the major.
"Major I-"
"It's fine Doktor. This just makes the game more interesting." The major waves him off before smiling.
Meanwhile seras reappeared back at hellsing manor with Arthur in her grasp. She then puts him on a bed inside the infirmary which makes him feel even more useless.
"It's fine Arthur. Besides, I should be the one apologizing."
"Apologizing? Why?" He asks when seras stretches out a finger and places it an inch in front of his face.
"What are you-"
"Shhh..... everything is fine." Seras voice distorts in a sort of hypnotic whisper and arthur's eyes turn reddish-orange.
"Ev-everything....is f-fine." Arthur struggles.
"Yes...everything is fine."
"Everything is Fine." He repeats back.
"You will forget everything that happened in the last 3 hours...."
"I will forget everything that happened in the last 3 hours...."
"You weren't kidnapped...."
"I wasn't kidnapped...."
"You were only knocked unconscious...."
"I was only knocked unconscious...."
As soon as Arthur repeats the last thing, he goes unconscious and begins to sleep on top of the bed. Seras then covers him with the blanket and phases through the ground soon after. She reappears inside Alucard's room with a smile that shows relief.
"How did it go Police Girl?"
"It went fine master, actually it was great."
"Yeah, I learned the hypnotic ability on accident when I questioned the soldiers earlier. I used it on Arthur when we returned."
"I see. You're learning very quickly. Soon, you'll be ready." He says the last statement with a seriousness seras hasn't seen on him since she arrived.
"It doesn't concern you for now. Why did you hypnotize the boy?"
"Because he knew things nobody should know yet. I can't have the future changing more than it already has."
"I see. But life is so much more interesting when you don't know what's going to happen next."
"I know, but I think it's even better when you know what's going to happen and nobody else does."
"I guess that too would be interesting."
"You See?"
Arthur soon wakes up on the morning of the next day which is the 5th. He has a major headache and groans in pain.
'What happened? That dream was so weird.' He thinks to himself as he remembers split up images of a fat man wearing a Nazi symbol on his ŀȧpel, a creepy doctor holding medical instruments, and a laughing cat-boy in the background.
"Arthur, are you well?" A man asks by his side.
"Hmm Yeah, I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember is that we went inside that abandoned building and someone knocked me out." He tells the man who was the leader of the unit.
"....I see." The leader states with a worried look.
"What happened leader? You look worried." Arthur laughs a little trying to ease the atmosphere.
"As long as you're fine then it's ok. Be careful from now on." The leader leaves while saying this.
"....what was that about?" Arthur mumbles to himself in confusion.
Later, the leader who's name is Mason Foxx, is called by Walter who he doesn't know how to handle. He feels that the elderly man is just a butler but every now and then he feels a chill that he only felt when his life was about to end. Now every time he meets the butler, he shivers for a split second before calming down.
Mason knocks on the double doors that always intimidates him. He then waits for permission to enter.
"Come in." A cold voice states.
"Sir." Mason says before opening the door and walking in.
After closing the door behind him, Mason looks up and sees his commander, who he still can't believe is a young woman.
'Gaze Like winter, hair like snow, and beauty like an ice sculpture. Everything screams cold and indifferent.' He thinks to himself when he saluted the woman.
"Yes lieutenant Foxx. I'm glad you came on such short notice." Integra says while looking through papers.
"Yes sir." He states nervously but not showing it.
"It's about the report you sent from the mission last night. You stated that one of the vampires interrogated you after returning?"
"Yes ma- Uh Sir. It was the female one."
"I see. What did she want?" Integra smiles a little which makes the lieutenant shocked.
"Uh...she wanted to know about what happened to a soldier on the mission."
"Which soldier?"
"It was Officer Arthur Wilson. As stated in the report when we discovered no sign of vampires, we left and he was missing. We searched for an hour but we couldn't find any sign of him."
"Yes?" She asks back with interest.
"Out with it lieutenant, I don't have all day."
"When the female vampire found out, she was very angry. She did something to one of my men that apparently made him tell her whatever she wanted." He states with embarrassment at the end.
"Oh? She hypnotized him?"
"I see. Then you may go."
"But Sir!" Mason walks forward in frustration.
"Won't you punish her? She hurt some of my men and hypnotized one as well!" He says with a loud voice.
"Are you questioning my decision?" Integra asks with a steely tone.
This makes Mason Shut up and step back.
"...of course not sir. It's just that my men and I feel very frustrated about what happened."
"I understand. But you have to remember that you made a mistake by losing one of your men and not being able to find anything about what happened. Also that vampire was the one who brought him back. In this case her transgression and your failure cancel each other out."
"....I....understand." He clenches his fist behind his back.
"I know you feel that I'm biased toward the girl-"
"That's an understatement." Mason mumbles cutting off Integra.
"Your frustration, while understandable doesn't excuse insubordination lieutenant."
"I'm sorry sir."
"You may go. I believe we will be busy from now on." Integra waves him away and gets back to her paperwork.
"Sir!" He salutes and leaves soon after.
After he left, Integra waits a few seconds and speaks out again despite nobody else beside her.
"And what do you think of the situation, my servant?" She says the last two words with a joking tone but with seriousness at the same time.
"You're getting better at detecting me. I'm impressed, my master." Alucard says with a impressed tone while walking out of the wall.
"After a decade, one would think I'm slow." Integra chuckles.
"Nonsense, that's only long in human terms. You're a very quick study in vampire time." Alucard sits in the chair across from her.
"I don't know if I should be glad or angry at the statement."
"Take it as you will." Alucard shrugs.
"Enough of the banter, I need to know where seras went and what she did to retrieve that soldier."
"Why not ask her yourself? I'm sure she would gladly answer you."
"Don't be coy vampire. I know she's been lying to me about certain things and I need to know what's going on. I ask you because you can't lie to me."
"I see. Unfortunately I know nothing. I didn't care enough to ask and even if I did she probably wouldn't tell me."
"Why? I thought your bond with her was better than this."
"It is, But she won't tell me because of exactly what you're doing now."
Integra scowls at the statement despite the rational thought that she isn't doing anything wrong. Alucard stands up from the chair and leans closer to her.
"I will tell you one thing, my master." He looks straight at her with his dark crimson eyes.
"What is that, my servant?" Integra uses her icy blue eyes to look straight back into his showing no fear.
"Whatever she does, she does with the intent to help you. She means no harm and will not endanger you."
"....I see." A few seconds later, Integra says with a light hearted tone.
"If that's it Integra, I would like to sleep." Alucard phases into the ground after saying so.
The day goes on with no other missions being sent to hellsing. But Integra is very annoyed as she was informed that the new task force was sent out 4 times during the day and hellsing was never asked.
"I will not be put on the back burner only to be Phased out later on." She angrily states to no one while the clouds cover the moon behind her darkening the office even more.
Seras awakens to an empty room which she ȧssumes means that Alucard is outside. She gets up and stretches lazily which wakes up Basky, Who is beside her. He stretches like a cat which makes seras laugh each time she sees it.
"I've realized we never went outside together, want to go for a walk?" She rubs his head and asks.
"Roar!" He answers before ŀɨċkɨnġ her hand.
"Ok, but some ground rules. no eating the humans, no biting the humans, and no scratching the humans. Do you understand?"
"Roar!" It nods at her with his tongue out.
"Good, then let's go." She stands up from the bed and her clothes morph into the hellsing uniform.
'I don't know why but I feel like today is going to be good.' She thinks to herself and skips down the hallway.
After she walked outside of the room, three hooded figures appeared at the gates of hellsing. Two look like ȧduŀts and one looks to be a child. Oddly enough the child one is in front of the other two.
"You three, stop there and state your business!" A soldier commands while holding a gun on them.
"...." none of the figures answer the soldier which makes him annoyed.
One of the bigger hooded figures looks up and stares at the soldier. The soldier is shocked for a split second when his expression slackens and steps back.
'It's like I'm stuck inside a B-Rated movie with terrible actors. German accents, the insane looks and the child wearing a kids hitler uniform.' He almost laughs at the situation when the major notices he isn't listening.
"Dok, It seems our prisoner isn't cooperating." He states childishly.
"Of course. One cooperation serum coming up." The dok goes along with the running joke and picks up a needle with a greenish liquid inside it.
"I'll talk. I was just trying to understand the situation. It's not everyday I get kidnapped and interrogated while a boy with cat ears is laughing in the background." Arthur states while not wanting whatever is in That needle.
"That's true, answer me or I will let dok have his way. And you don't want that." The major gestures for the Doktor to stop and points to the wall full of organs.
Arthur finally shows traces of fear which delights the major greatly.
"There it is. The situation has finally settled into that thick skull of yours. I always love seeing the bravado of men crumble away into a teary eyed mess of begging. It's truly my favorite thing to witness." The major insanely smiles which sends a shiver down Arthur's spine.
"Now, What can you tell me about seras Victoria? I'm very interested in her you see and I don't think I can wait any longer." The major's face is flushed in excitement which makes Arthur cringe.
"What do you want to know?" He asks back.
"Let's get started...."
The major asks multiple questions which makes Arthur confused because most of them seemed very stupid. Like what her favorite color is, or her favorite hobby. Arthur didn't know most of them and answered the ones he did because they seemed useless.
It goes on for a couple hours and just when he is thinking it's done, the Major asks an important question which makes Arthur quiet.
"What is her weakness?"
"I know you heard me. You were being so cooperative before."
"I don't know. If she had one, she hasn't shown it."
"...I see. Then I believe you're useless to me now." The major frowns in disappointment and dusts his jacket off making it no cleaner than it was before.
"What is going to happen now?" Arthur asks back.
"Now? Now it's time for the Dok's favorite hobby." Major states succinctly while walking out the door.
"Hobby? What do you-"
"It's.....DISSECTION TIME!!" The dok yells in excitement as it's been a very long time since he can enjoy dissecting something just for fun.
Arthur is so scared that he forgets to scream because the tool The dok brought out looked like something even torturers wouldn't use.
"This is my favorite instrument. It allows me to cut you open with precision and it causes great pain in the process. It took me a very long time to make it." He rubs the tool delicately like it's his child.
"Don't be like that. You don't know how long it's been since I've had a live dissection to play with. It's always been experimenting and work. So stressful." The dok laments in his own monologue.
As he is speaking to himself seras appears behind Arthur in silence. She notices that she is inside the lab and smells death everywhere. It even makes her almost throw up in disgust.
She looks around and notices the body hanging on the wall wrapped up like a deformed mummy. She walks forward to it which escapes the notice of both Arthur and the dok.
'Mina Harker. What did master see in you that made him change you. I still don't know why he chose me....' She thinks to herself while rubbing the glass case.
"Y-You..How did-"
"You should know better than to ask. I'll leave you to your experiments." Seras puts a finger to her lips.
"It's been interesting, but I really have to take Arthur back with me. See you later, Dok." Seras snaps the restraints with ease and picks Arthur up in a princess carry.
"Don't carry me like this. I can stand by myself." Arthur squirms in embarrassment.
"No! This is the least you deserve for making me rescue you in the enemies headquarters." Seras states before her body disappears from the Dok's eyes.
Soon after, the captain barges in destroying the door in the process before looking around for an enemy.
"She's already gone captain. It seems that she doesn't just have the ability to teleport." The major says in a carefree way.
Hans Just grunts in reply before standing behind the major.
"Major I-"
"It's fine Doktor. This just makes the game more interesting." The major waves him off before smiling.
Meanwhile seras reappeared back at hellsing manor with Arthur in her grasp. She then puts him on a bed inside the infirmary which makes him feel even more useless.
"It's fine Arthur. Besides, I should be the one apologizing."
"Apologizing? Why?" He asks when seras stretches out a finger and places it an inch in front of his face.
"What are you-"
"Shhh..... everything is fine." Seras voice distorts in a sort of hypnotic whisper and arthur's eyes turn reddish-orange.
"Ev-everything....is f-fine." Arthur struggles.
"Yes...everything is fine."
"Everything is Fine." He repeats back.
"You will forget everything that happened in the last 3 hours...."
"I will forget everything that happened in the last 3 hours...."
"You weren't kidnapped...."
"I wasn't kidnapped...."
"You were only knocked unconscious...."
"I was only knocked unconscious...."
As soon as Arthur repeats the last thing, he goes unconscious and begins to sleep on top of the bed. Seras then covers him with the blanket and phases through the ground soon after. She reappears inside Alucard's room with a smile that shows relief.
"How did it go Police Girl?"
"It went fine master, actually it was great."
"Yeah, I learned the hypnotic ability on accident when I questioned the soldiers earlier. I used it on Arthur when we returned."
"I see. You're learning very quickly. Soon, you'll be ready." He says the last statement with a seriousness seras hasn't seen on him since she arrived.
"It doesn't concern you for now. Why did you hypnotize the boy?"
"Because he knew things nobody should know yet. I can't have the future changing more than it already has."
"I see. But life is so much more interesting when you don't know what's going to happen next."
"I know, but I think it's even better when you know what's going to happen and nobody else does."
"I guess that too would be interesting."
"You See?"
Arthur soon wakes up on the morning of the next day which is the 5th. He has a major headache and groans in pain.
'What happened? That dream was so weird.' He thinks to himself as he remembers split up images of a fat man wearing a Nazi symbol on his ŀȧpel, a creepy doctor holding medical instruments, and a laughing cat-boy in the background.
"Arthur, are you well?" A man asks by his side.
"Hmm Yeah, I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember is that we went inside that abandoned building and someone knocked me out." He tells the man who was the leader of the unit.
"....I see." The leader states with a worried look.
"What happened leader? You look worried." Arthur laughs a little trying to ease the atmosphere.
"As long as you're fine then it's ok. Be careful from now on." The leader leaves while saying this.
"....what was that about?" Arthur mumbles to himself in confusion.
Later, the leader who's name is Mason Foxx, is called by Walter who he doesn't know how to handle. He feels that the elderly man is just a butler but every now and then he feels a chill that he only felt when his life was about to end. Now every time he meets the butler, he shivers for a split second before calming down.
Mason knocks on the double doors that always intimidates him. He then waits for permission to enter.
"Come in." A cold voice states.
"Sir." Mason says before opening the door and walking in.
After closing the door behind him, Mason looks up and sees his commander, who he still can't believe is a young woman.
'Gaze Like winter, hair like snow, and beauty like an ice sculpture. Everything screams cold and indifferent.' He thinks to himself when he saluted the woman.
"Yes lieutenant Foxx. I'm glad you came on such short notice." Integra says while looking through papers.
"Yes sir." He states nervously but not showing it.
"It's about the report you sent from the mission last night. You stated that one of the vampires interrogated you after returning?"
"Yes ma- Uh Sir. It was the female one."
"I see. What did she want?" Integra smiles a little which makes the lieutenant shocked.
"Uh...she wanted to know about what happened to a soldier on the mission."
"Which soldier?"
"It was Officer Arthur Wilson. As stated in the report when we discovered no sign of vampires, we left and he was missing. We searched for an hour but we couldn't find any sign of him."
"Yes?" She asks back with interest.
"Out with it lieutenant, I don't have all day."
"When the female vampire found out, she was very angry. She did something to one of my men that apparently made him tell her whatever she wanted." He states with embarrassment at the end.
"Oh? She hypnotized him?"
"I see. Then you may go."
"But Sir!" Mason walks forward in frustration.
"Won't you punish her? She hurt some of my men and hypnotized one as well!" He says with a loud voice.
"Are you questioning my decision?" Integra asks with a steely tone.
This makes Mason Shut up and step back.
"...of course not sir. It's just that my men and I feel very frustrated about what happened."
"I understand. But you have to remember that you made a mistake by losing one of your men and not being able to find anything about what happened. Also that vampire was the one who brought him back. In this case her transgression and your failure cancel each other out."
"....I....understand." He clenches his fist behind his back.
"I know you feel that I'm biased toward the girl-"
"That's an understatement." Mason mumbles cutting off Integra.
"Your frustration, while understandable doesn't excuse insubordination lieutenant."
"I'm sorry sir."
"You may go. I believe we will be busy from now on." Integra waves him away and gets back to her paperwork.
"Sir!" He salutes and leaves soon after.
After he left, Integra waits a few seconds and speaks out again despite nobody else beside her.
"And what do you think of the situation, my servant?" She says the last two words with a joking tone but with seriousness at the same time.
"You're getting better at detecting me. I'm impressed, my master." Alucard says with a impressed tone while walking out of the wall.
"After a decade, one would think I'm slow." Integra chuckles.
"Nonsense, that's only long in human terms. You're a very quick study in vampire time." Alucard sits in the chair across from her.
"I don't know if I should be glad or angry at the statement."
"Take it as you will." Alucard shrugs.
"Enough of the banter, I need to know where seras went and what she did to retrieve that soldier."
"Why not ask her yourself? I'm sure she would gladly answer you."
"Don't be coy vampire. I know she's been lying to me about certain things and I need to know what's going on. I ask you because you can't lie to me."
"I see. Unfortunately I know nothing. I didn't care enough to ask and even if I did she probably wouldn't tell me."
"Why? I thought your bond with her was better than this."
"It is, But she won't tell me because of exactly what you're doing now."
Integra scowls at the statement despite the rational thought that she isn't doing anything wrong. Alucard stands up from the chair and leans closer to her.
"I will tell you one thing, my master." He looks straight at her with his dark crimson eyes.
"What is that, my servant?" Integra uses her icy blue eyes to look straight back into his showing no fear.
"Whatever she does, she does with the intent to help you. She means no harm and will not endanger you."
"....I see." A few seconds later, Integra says with a light hearted tone.
"If that's it Integra, I would like to sleep." Alucard phases into the ground after saying so.
The day goes on with no other missions being sent to hellsing. But Integra is very annoyed as she was informed that the new task force was sent out 4 times during the day and hellsing was never asked.
"I will not be put on the back burner only to be Phased out later on." She angrily states to no one while the clouds cover the moon behind her darkening the office even more.
Seras awakens to an empty room which she ȧssumes means that Alucard is outside. She gets up and stretches lazily which wakes up Basky, Who is beside her. He stretches like a cat which makes seras laugh each time she sees it.
"I've realized we never went outside together, want to go for a walk?" She rubs his head and asks.
"Roar!" He answers before ŀɨċkɨnġ her hand.
"Ok, but some ground rules. no eating the humans, no biting the humans, and no scratching the humans. Do you understand?"
"Roar!" It nods at her with his tongue out.
"Good, then let's go." She stands up from the bed and her clothes morph into the hellsing uniform.
'I don't know why but I feel like today is going to be good.' She thinks to herself and skips down the hallway.
After she walked outside of the room, three hooded figures appeared at the gates of hellsing. Two look like ȧduŀts and one looks to be a child. Oddly enough the child one is in front of the other two.
"You three, stop there and state your business!" A soldier commands while holding a gun on them.
"...." none of the figures answer the soldier which makes him annoyed.
One of the bigger hooded figures looks up and stares at the soldier. The soldier is shocked for a split second when his expression slackens and steps back.
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