Right after the first soldier stepped back, the other one pointed his gun at the figures. He gives a serious look and goes to speak when he is yanked by his ankle up into the air.

"W-What is this?" The soldier asks while dangling upside down.

"It's not nice to point a gun at a lady." The hooded figure states.

The soldier notices a black tendril that is coming out of her shadow. It extends to behind the soldier and he ȧssumes that's what's holding him.

After the taller figure speaks, the shorter one extends her hand and the soldiers gets dropped onto the ground.

"We didn't come here to fight." A young voice sounds out but the tone implies an old age.

"Speaking of why we came, Are you sure about this? It seems very far fetched."

"I'm sure, although I do understand your skepticism."

"Fair enough, but I guess the rumors are true."

"Rumors?" The other tall one asks speaking out for the first time.

"Yes, Alucard is a very strong vampire that works for the hellsing family."

"Hmph! Just a slave to humans. How strong could he be." She says with clear disdain.

"Enough! I don't wish for your comments to anger them."

"They can't hear me, they probably don't even know we're here."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Another voice interrupts them and they turn to its origin.

Seras is leaning against one of the columns that holds up the gate leading to the grounds of the manor. She is holding Basky in her arms while smiling at them.

"Welcome to hellsing ladies. How may I be of service to you?" Seras makes a bow but it shows clearly that she is mocking them.

"A mere fledgling dares to act arrogantly in front of me!?" The lady who used hypnosis on the guard runs up to seras and goes to punch her in the face.

'Wow! That's really fast.' Seras thinks to herself as she tilts her head to the left bȧrėly dodging the fist.

'Didn't think true vampires would be so strong.' She feels slight pain on her cheek and a cold liquid rolling down it.

The wound heals almost instantly and seras licks the blood that came out of it. She then takes her left hand and punches the woman's stomach which makes her stagger backwards while a groan leaks out.

"That wasn't a very nice welcome. Even after I was so courteous." She states as Basky hops out of her hold and starts to growl at the trio in front.

"I've come to accept the deal, seras." The child states and takes off the hood.

"Helena! I was getting worried that you might not co-." Seras smiles in delight and goes to hug her when she is stopped by someone getting in her way.

"Don't get too close." The figure says.

"Oh, well let me get permission before letting you guys come in. I don't wish for Sir Integra to get mad." Seras Steps back and starts phasing into the ground while saying this.

After she left, the arrogant tall one grunts in annoyance.

"Asking a human to allow us entry. These vampires really have no pride."

After seras left, she reappears inside the hallway in front of Integra's office. She then knocks and Integra immediately allows her inside.

"What do you want seras? I'm very busy." She doesn't look up.

"Well, I need permission for something."

"Permission? For what?"

"Uh...how to say, there are three vampires outside and they wish to come in."

"What!?" She stands up and slams her desk while yelling.

"They're good vampires....well at least one of them is. I kind of told her I would do something for her and she has accepted my offer."

"Seras....I don't even know where to begin with this. We can't let them inside."

"Please...they've been very patient so far-"

"What did you offer them?"

"If I tell you will you allow them in?"

"I could just get Alucard to make you tell me."

"You could, But You wouldn't do that. I believe in you."

"....fine. If you answer me I'll let them inside and you can finish your business with them."

"Thanks!" Seras hugs Integra Who wasn't ready for it and pushes her away soon after.

"Answer the question and don't do that again."

"Ok. Well you know how I can teleport?"


"I can teleport to other universes."

".....what?" She gives a dumb look and asks after a solid 5 seconds.

"I can teleport to other universes."

"I heard you! I meant what does that even mean!?" She slams the desk in frustration.

"Oh, do you know about parallel universes?"


"Well there are an infinite number of universes and each of them differ than the others. Some only slightly and others have major differences."

"Go on."

"For instance, there is a universe with no Christianity and there is a universe where there is only Catholicism."

"That second one sounds like hell to me."

"I guess, anyway, my deal is that I will send them to a difference universe so they can enjoy themselves there."

"What do you get out of this?"

"Well, Nothing really. It's just that when I met one of them she seemed very bored. Like nothing in this world interest her anymore. So I had an idea."

"That you'd send them to a different one?"


".....my god. Of all the ridiculous things you could have said...." she slumps into her chair in defeat.


"Yes! Fine, you can bring them in. But only into the lounge on the first floor. Nowhere else."

"Thank you Sir Integra!" Seras States and phases away soon after.

Integra shakes her head to get rid of the distracting thoughts when she calls Walter.

"Sir?" He answers.

"Walter, I wish for you to bring a few blood packs along with seras' to the first floor lounge. She will be entertaining some.....guests." She says the last word with a little spite which confuses the elderly man.

".....Of course. I will get right on it. Anything else sir?"

"Yes. Come to my office afterwards. I wish to know about any leads to find out who attacked us and any solution to our employment situation."

"Yes sir. I'll be up in 5 minutes." Walter hangs up after saying so.

Integra leans back into her chair and sighs in relief that Walter didn't ask any questions.

'He is a fantastic butler....' she thinks and then gets back to work.

After Seras left Integra's office, she reappears behind the gates of the manor and they begin to open. she walks forward and bows again, this time with more seriousness.

"The head of Hellsing has allowed you entry and we can talk about our deal in the lounge. Please follow me." Seras gives Helena a smile before walking to the mansion.

"....Are we sure about this Helena? This seems too easy." the non-arrogant tall figure asks.

"I'm sure. But I never expected you to be so nervous, Carmilla."

"You got me there, Its just.....you can feel that as well, right?" Carmilla smiles in embarrassment before looking back at the mansion and asking.

"Yes, its very suffocating. I believe everyone has underestimated this vampire called Alucard." Helena states with a rare chuckle escaping her lips.

They walk inside the manor and show frowns because of the feeling of being tied down hits them. Apparently the Hellsing Manor has protection against vampires raiding their home. True vampires of course, not the copies that millennium uses.

They see that seras is not at all affected by these spells and get surprised before thinking it's because she works here.

Seras leads them to the lounge which is where Integra met maxwell during that whole interview situation. They all sit down and Walter comes in right after with some blood packs.

The two ladies show disgust at it and Helena Just has her usual indifferent face.

"Walter, thanks for bringing my breakfast here. Do you wish to stay for this?" Seras asks as she takes a blood pack and starts to drink from it.

"I really would seras, but I have so much work to do. It's the first time in my many years that I wish to procrastinate in my duties." He chuckles at the last sentence before leaving.

About 5 minutes after Integra got off the phone with Walter, She is disrupted by a knock on the door. When she allows them inside, it reveals Walter who has a few more papers with him.

"Walter you always have impeccable timing. How goes our search for the people responsible for the attack?"

"Well sir, we don't have much to go on except the term 'Milennium'. This has made it rather difficult to find anything noteworthy. Other than a few cults and organizations in America, nothing has been found."

"America?" She looks up from her paperwork in confusion.

"Yes, more specifically a Star Wars club in Oregon."

"Star Wars?"

"Yes sir, Han Solo's ship is called the Milennium Falcon." Walter states awkwardly.

"Damn, so we have nothing?" She slams her fist on top of her desk in frustration.

"Well other than the definition, yes."

"How can an organization with skills like these go unnoticed? They're popping out vampires like a factory and yet we only have a single word?" Integra grunts in frustration before continuing.

"Whoever is behind these vampire attacks has to be a large organized group." She mumbles to herself.

"Like the Nazis?" An echoing voice asks from beneath the floor.

"That would be retarded." Integra immediately says.

Alucard comes out of the floor with his typical smile.

"Good evening Alucard. How is your new tv?" Integra asks while blowing out smoke.

"It's been great. The Police Girl says that I should get something called a PlayStation? I have no idea what it is but she said it would be fun."

"PlayStation? Never heard of it?" Integra says when she notices Walter trying to hold back a chuckle.

"What is it Walter?"

"Oh no ma'am. I shouldn't ruin the surprise for seras. I'm sure you will have fun as well." He says the first to Integra before looking at Alucard for the second statement.

"Hmm. I can hardly wait but I'm more interested in this organization that's attacking us. I haven't had this much fun in decades."

"You didn't discover anything when the hound ate the older brother?"

"No, he knew absolutely nothing about the organization or their future plans. Like the Police Girl said, he was nothing but a disposable pawn to throw away." He scoffs at the last sentence.

"I see. It seems like seras knows a lot about this enemy." Integra ponders.

Alucard doesn't say anything to that and leaves soon after.



"I'm worried."

"About?" He asks back confused.

"What I would do when my back is against the wall and I have a convenient source of information by my side. I might do something I would later deeply regret."

"Integra, a leaders job isn't just to command his or her men. It's also to trust them when it counts." Walter advises using her first name which he only uses when in his lecturing mode.

"That's true, but does that apply to vampires?"

"Vampires are just humans past their expiration date." Walter says with a semi serious tone.

"Pfft. That's a way of looking at it."

"That's how your father explained them to me when I found out about their existence. It's stuck with me since."

"My father huh?" She gives a distant look before snapping out of it.

"Anyway, what of our recruitment problem?" Integra continues right after.

"Yes, Sir Integra. In light of your orders to bolster our current Hellsing membership. I've taken the liberty of hiring professional mercenaries." Walter says returning to his usual tone.

"Mercenaries? Men motivated by a ŀust for money. Can we trust such soldiers?" Integra asks with a little despise in her voice.

"Normally I would worry, but these men are proper professionals. As long as they have a contract and get their money on time, the Wild Geese will never break their word." Walter says ȧssuringly.

As Walter and Integra are talking to each other, in another's part of the world. Buildings are being destroyed and missiles are being launched everywhere. Gunshots are abound on every street and blood is dying them red. The city itself looks to be middle eastern.

A bunch of men are seen in a rough formation weaving in and out of destroyed buildings while shooting in a single direction.

After a few seconds a man with long brown hair that looks to be more copper than anything else is smoking a cigarette while shooting torward men covered in masks. As he is doing this, one of the people dressed similarly as him walks to another guy and says something.

"Tell those ȧssholes they're supposed to bomb the other guys!" One of them yells.

"Inbred motherfuckers don't give a shit!" Another yells while shooting his gun.

"They got a dozen sisters at home to knock up." The man continues after he stops shooting his gun and hides behind a destroyed wall.

"That's not bad. It works out to like 2 a day if you don't count Sundays." A third man jokes.

"Shut up. Shape up and put your heads back in the game." An authoritative voice yells at them.

They all look over at the copper haired man who has an eyepatch.

"They dropped the bombs on us cause we don't matter. We mean nothing." The man continues as he is shooting at the enemy. After he gets done he hides behind concrete rubble and speaks again.

"They blow us up and buy new ones. I think we can all agree that there is no shortage of idiots willing to shoot guns for money." The man exclaims while smiling.

"Captain! We've just received word that the palace has surrendered." Another man yells to the copper haired one.

"That's just pathetic! Couldn't they at least try and put up a fight!" The Captain complains.

"I guess this civil war is over and we're out of the job." The second man says while shooting his gun.

The captain smiles mysteriously before opening his mouth to speak.

"I've been working on something." He states with a playful tone.

"Ugh! Please tell me it's not another sand trap!" The man pleads.

Right after he says that, the captain hears a sound come out from behind him and immediately turns around. Just as he completes that action, he throws a knife at the target and it pierces straight through its throat. When he gets a good look at it, it turns out to be another enemy. He is Covered in a turban and military garb.

"There'll be no sand where we're going. The next job is in a city of fog." The captain says while grabbing the brim of his hat.

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