A few minutes after Walter left, nobody spoke as the three vampires didn't drink from the blood packs. Seras is feeling fidgety from boredom.

[Seems like something fun is going on.]


[I can't believe you would deny me the pŀėȧsurė of witnessing something so interesting.]

[It's not that I didn't want to tell you, I just couldn't find you.]

[I see. I think I know what I should train you for next.]

[What's that?]

[I'll tell you later, I wish to meet an old.....acquaintance.]

After their telepathic chat, Alucard appears out of the ground and sits on the couch beside seras. He grabs a blood pack and proceeds to drink from it while the three vampires look on in awe at his aura.

He smiles at the hooded figure who attacked seras and still has an arrogant look on her face.

"It's been a long time, Elizabeth Báthory."

"Do I know you?"

"Oh right. You don't know this form. But You couldn't have grown much if you can't recognize me, even from this distance." He chuckles with a mocking tone.

"You dare-!"

"You really should learn more about human riddles, Báthory. It would help you recognize him." Helena says with a semi-shocked tone.

"Riddles? What do you mean?" Báthory asks back while Carmilla's eyes go wide.

She looks at Helena like she's asking if she is correct in her ȧssumptions when Helena nods back.

"I'm very sorry for my discourteous manners. Please accept my humblest apologies." Camilla performs a bow like she is talking to a king and states.

"It's fine. I'm but a servant to humans, for now." He waves her off and smiles.

"Thank you." Carmilla sits back down with her back straighter.

"What is this about Carmilla? Why would you bow to him?"

"It must be frustrating being in a group with her." Alucard laughs while looking at Helena.

"It has been tiring." She replies.

"How dare y-!"

Before she can continue, Carmilla takes her and starts to whisper into her ears. A few seconds later, Bathory's eyes go wide and she looks at Alucard with fear. He chuckles darkly and takes off his sunglasses to look directly at her. This makes her shiver as she remembers those eyes that have ruled over her for centuries.

"I can't believe you're alive, your majesty." She tries to smile and bow with courtesy but she is shaking violently.

"It took you a while to recognize me, be glad that I can't kill you without provocation."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Master....you really are the king of vampires?"

"Of course."

"I always thought it was just a title given by humans."

"No, it's my rightful title. Unless someone defeats me in a duel, I'll always be king."

"I see.....so, can we get on with the arrangement?" Seras says and then asks looking at Helena.

"You say that, but I don't know what exactly you want us to do."

"Well there are a lot of universes out there so your job is to choose which one you wish to goto."

"Such as?"

"Just give me some criteria and I'll take you to one that matches it."

"I see. This might take some time."

"Take all the time you want, we have a lot of it after all." She laughs at her statement when nobody else does.

After the embarrassing statement, she phases away to her bed and Basky jumps out of his own portal giving her a look of hurt.

"I'm sorry Basky, it just felt so stifling in there." She pets the hound while saying so.

"Haha, why so embarrassed Police Girl? I can't believe it took you this long to make a joke about being a vampire. You shouldn't be down on yourself."

"But nobody laughed, not even you master."

"Oh please, laughing from humor died centuries ago within me. You'll realize as well that in a few decades, jokes aren't that funny anymore."

"By the way Police Girl. I believe I need to teach you how to sense other vampires presence. If you can't even sense me than you'll be a failure no matter what."

"Hey! That's uncalled for. How can you expect me to do something when I never learned how to do it?"

"Instinct! You think too much and it dulls your instinct."

"I can't deny that." She mumbles to herself in defeat.

"What I'm about to teach you requires instinct and I believe it will be very difficult for you to grasp."

"Won't know until I try." She regains confidence and gets into a battle stance.

"Good. Now your training is to.....find me." He says the last two words before rapidly disappearing into the ground.


[You have to sense where I am and try to capture me. I will constantly run away from you until you touch me. Good luck.]

'.....THIS IS JUST HIDE AND SEEK!' She yells to herself before smiling.

'I was the best at hide and seek in both lives. I don't think you'll be able to get away for long master.' She phases into the ground and begins the best game of her un-life.

About 6 hours later, which is around 2 am, Alucard and seras reappear back in his room. Alucard looks like nothing happened and seras is panting looking very tired.

"Is that all you had Police Girl? You only found me three times and even then, it was by accident. You also weren't even close to touching me."

"Y-you're just t-too quick Master."

"It's not about being fast, it's about you not being good enough." Alucard chuckles before flicking her forehead.

"You say I'm not good enough but you kept hiding your presence. How am I supposed to sense you if you intentionally hide yourself?" Seras complains to her master which receives a smack on to the back of her head.

"Ow! What's that for?"

"For whining. No fledgling of mine will be a whɨnėr. If you don't get better than it's your own fault." He explains unreasonably.

After he says that, a knock disrupts their conversation which annoys them. Seras goes outside and sees Helena.

"I believe we've made our decision. We have hours ago but we couldn't find either of you." She explains.

"I'm sorry, but Master was training me. I'll be upstairs in a second."

"Then I'll be going." She bows to Alucard and proceeds to leave.

Seras closes the door and looks at her master.

"What do you think master?"


"Want to goto a few different universes? I'm sure it will be fun." She asks.

"Very well."

They both arrive at the first floor lounge and seras notices that none of the vampires seemed to have moved. Even the blood packs haven't been touched.

'What a waste.'

[You're really starting to think like a vampire Police Girl. If this was my home, I would have killed them for leaving food that was given to them.]

[But It is your home. At least for now.]

[Yes, I live here. But I'm not the owner.]

[Thats True.]

They sit down and seras looks at the trio.

"So, what have you decided on?"

"I've decided on one where there is magic. After reading about it in human fiction, it seems very interesting."

"Very well."Seras thinks for a while before writing on a piece of paper.


Carmilla starts Speaking next.

"I wish to enter one with no supernatural creatures, but I do wish to return sometime. Is that possible?"

"Of course. How long do you wish to stay there?"

"Around a hundred years."

"Got it. In a hundred years I'll wait at the place I leave you. Is that ok?" She writes on a different piece of paper while asking.

"Yes." Carmilla accepts.

"And you Helena?"

"I wish to enter the one where we went before."

"Ok." She writes a lot more on a third paper which makes the two vampires worried for Helena.

"Hahaha, those are some very interesting universes Seras." Alucard laughs a little while stating.

"Thank you master. I believe they'll have loads of fun." She chuckles with a Similar tone while ignoring him using her name.

"Well then, do you wish to go as a group or individually?"

"A group should suffice. I still believe this is all nonsense."

"Oh? I see. Then You won't be needing this guide." Seras rips the paper to shreds and throws it away.

"Guide? For what?" Báthory asks back.

"For surviving."


"Enough. I'm tired and I wish to leave." Helena states while standing.

This shuts Báthory up and seras holds her hand out. Alucard stands behind her and grabs her shoulder. Helena And Carmilla both Take her outstretched hand. Báthory is struggling to find a spot to hold.

"You can hold one of their hands, they're connected to me so you'll be fine."

"Great, I didn't want to touch your hand." Báthory exclaims while grabbing Helena's hand.

Seras gives an evil smirk which her master does as well.

"Fantastic! Hold on tight!" She states happily before choosing her destination.

They disappear from the room with a whoosh. Which is surprising because they didn't make any movements when they left. That can only mean; the air around them went with, which created a sort of vacuum that the atmosphere had to fill.

They reappear in a forest that has humongous trees and plants that shouldn't exist. Everyone except seras and Alucard look in wonder when they hear a huge bang a couple hundred meters from them.

When the three decide to go check, seras gets in front of them.

"I wouldn't do that ladies. You see we're in a universe that I like to call Nanatsu no Taizai. Or The Seven Deadly Sins if you'd prefer it's English name."

"So what?" Báthory pushes her.

Seras doesn't stop her this time but continues talking to the group.

"You see in this universe there are multiple races besides humans and vampires. There are the demons, the giants, the fairies, and the goddess race." Seras states which surprises the two vampires but she notices that Alucard grit his teeth at the mention of the last one.

"And right now they're having a war which I must tell you is very devastating." She says this with such a Light hearted tone you wouldn't think she is talking about such a touchy subject.

As soon as she says this, they hear Báthory scream in terror and run back toward them.

A second later, Báthory jumps out of the bush looking horrified.

"What was that!? I wanted to go somewhere with magic, not monsters!" She grabs seras shoulder which cracks under pressure.

"My dear Báthory, Don't you know?" Seras asks gently while grabbing the hand on her shoulder.

She twists it up and places it behind the owner's back before whispering into her ear.

"Magic and monsters go hand in hand. The terms of our agreement have been met, you should have been more careful."

"Now, as a complimentary service. I'll tell you the weaknesses of these soldiers."

"..." Báthory just sits there dumbstruck.

"The demons have different types of soldiers. There are two that are common and number in the thousands. They're commonly called the red demon and the grey demon."


"The only way to kill them is to destroy their hearts. Yes they have more than one and you can't tell how many they have. Although it will not be greater than 7." When she says this, a giant 10 meter tall red thing comes trudging from where Báthory did.

Seras takes out her gun and points it at the creature. She then shoots 3 times in different area of its torso. It coughs out some blood before falling backwards which creates a small tremor in the earth.

"This demon had 3 hearts. Since I destroyed all of them it died quickly. I should also mention that there are elite demons that are similar to humans in appearance but they're much stronger than these filth."

"...ah...Ah!" Báthory screams and tries to reach seras once again.

Seas dodges with ease and the countess falls over in a disgraceful way.

"Now, my summary, while small, should help you survive for a while. Oh and be warned, this war lasts many years and gets so much worse. Have fun."

Seras grabs the other people and teleports soon after while saying that.

They reappear back in her old world when she was Michael And Alucard starts laughing.

"What's so funny Master?"

"Oh my, that was positively evil of you to do that Police Girl. It made my day seeing her look so freightened." He laughs again after saying this.

"I'm glad you had so much fun."

"This is your stop Carmilla. Since you've been such a Nice guest there is nothing to worry about here. You're the only thing here that is stronger than a human. So have some fun with it."

"Thank you seras. I'll be seeing you in a hundred years I suppose."

"Yes, now make sure to come back here. I'll stay for a few days and if you don't show I'll have to return."

"Don't worry, I'll be there."

"Very well. Have fun." She grabs Helena and her master before disappearing.

The reappear back at hellsing which surprises both her master and Helena.

"Why are we back here seras I thought you were going to bring me to my choice of universe?"

"I wanted to give you something special."


"Yes. I can choose the time in which you can be sent to the universe you wish to go. So I wrote down a timeline and you can pick whenever you wish." She slides another paper she got from her inventory and Helena grabs it.

A few minutes later Helena slides the paper back and states.

"I would like to go when we went last time. Also will you come back in about....50 years?" She thinks of the amount after a few seconds.

"Sure, on top of that mountain ok?"


They disappear at her acceptance and reappear back on top of the mountain which has carved out faces of men. Alucard closes his eyes and feels the energy in the air.

"This....is very peculiar." He whispers to himself.

"That's Chakra Master. Now here is a paper for some rules to keep in mind. If you go against them than you might not survive." She states while turning to Helena and handing her the paper from earlier.

"I see...thank you for doing this seras."

"Of course. What's the point of living if you can't have fun?" She asks while showing the biggest smile she ever had.

Alucard who is disgruntled at not staying longer leaves with his blonde fledgling soon afterwards.

"Fun? I haven't had that in decades.....I wonder if I can feel such a thing again?" She asks herself with a whisper.

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