Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 43 - 43 - Confrontation
Just as seras started speaking, the phone rang. This sound made all the people in the room annoyed and Integra ignores it until it stops ringing.
"Continue seras. This is more important."
"Very we-" the phone rings again.
"WHAT!?" Integra answers.
"S-sorry Sir." An aged voice answers.
"What is it Farguson? I'm busy."
"Sorry, you ordered me to inform you of when we receive word of a mission." Farguson answers.
"We got a report? That's great, I want you to do your best and don't shame the organization." Integra goes to hang up when the old man interrupts her.
"There is one more thing Sir."
"What is it now?"
"According to the info, there is a chance that we might need extra help."
"....you want Alucard to go on the mission?"
"Him or his fledgling."
She turns to the two vampires and notices Alucard shaking his head in annoyance. Integra gives him a glare before answering.
"Very well, Officer Victoria shall tag along. Anything else captain?" She asks making sure he can get everything out of the way.
"None Sir, we will be leaving at 1900 hours." Farguson hangs up after that much to Integra's relief.
"Seras, you heard that right?"
"Yes sir!" She salutes.
"You will be going with Lieutenant Foxx's unit on this mission and I expect you to point your aggression at our enemies. Hellsing can not afford to lose more soldiers. Is that understood?"
"Of course sir." Seras states and goes to leave.
"Another thing seras."
"I hope you realize this is not over. I expect answers for when you return."
"I understand." Seras gives a mysterious smile and walks out of the office by phasing through the double doors.
"I hope everything goes ok." Integra gives a big sigh and exhales a bunch of smoke.
"It will be fine Integra. The Police Girl will keep your precious soldiers safe from harm." Alucard states with a whimsical tone.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Just as it sounds. She won't let any harm come to them on this mission. She doesn't want you any angrier with her, I can guarantee you that." He shrugs and phases into the floor while saying the last sentence.
"First it's the 600 year old child and now it's a 19 year old schemer. What's next?" She sighs once again making it seem like she is exhausted.
"I'm sure whatever seras knows, she has reason for not telling you." Walter says with his usual sage like advice.
"I know that Walter. I just can't stand not knowing everything about what's happening. It's frustrating." She waves Walter away which he follows.
After leaving Walter looks back at the door with a complicated expression.
'I'm sorry for not offering better advice Integra. But my ambition comes first and to do that I need you to grow up faster.' He silently walks away while thinking this.
After seras left, she immediately headed to the ȧssembly room which is the room units head to right before missions. When she arrived, everyone gave her dirty looks except one who turned out to be arthur.
"Seras! I never got to thank you for finding me." Arthur goes to hug her when seras dodges and he face plants into the wall.
"Ow! Why did you dodge? I was only trying to say thank you." Arthur rubs the bridge of his nose and complains.
"I'm not big on receiving hugs. I'm sorry." Seras replies after a few seconds.
"No big deal. Just....thank you." Arthur gives a big smile.
"No problem."
"ATTENTION!" A yell disrupts them and everybody stands straight in formation.
"As most of you know, we received a report about a vampire problem in an abandoned castle 20 clicks west. We will head there and do what we do best. Any questions!?"
""""NONE!"""" Everybody replies back.
"Good, then reconvene at the Helipad in 10 minutes. Dismissed!"
After saying that, all of the soldiers disperse to grab their weapons and supplies. This includes Arthur which leaves seras alone with nobody to talk to.
She just shrugs and phases to the Helipad outside of the manor. When she gets there, a man yells in fear.
Seras turns over and sees a familiar face but can't remember where from. The man shows an awkward smile and runs into the ċȯċkpit of one of the three helicopters.
Seras walks inside the one of the man she heard and sits right next to him. She notices that he keeps shivering which makes her smile a little.
'Now, I wonder what I did to make him this scared of me.' She tries to remember where she saw this man before when it hits her.
"You're one of the men that flew my master and I to my first mission. Why are you so scared of me?"
"I-I-i...." He can't finish and just keeps shaking.
"Whatever, Just make sure to fly smoothly or I will be angry." She stretches lazily and places both hands behind her head before closing her eyes.
"Y-Yes Ma'am." He stutters in reply.
Exactly 9 minutes later, all three helicopters were loaded and begin to fly west to their destination. Seras just kept her eyes closed trying to prevent the loud sound of the rotors from hurting her ears.
Luckily, this trip was a lot shorter than the one in Ireland. Around 20 minutes later, they land on a grassy hill overlooking a stone castle that looks hundreds of years old. Seras gets out and looks in awe at the structure.
'This is the first time I have seen such a thing. It's a lot bigger in person.' She gives a smile when something touches her shoulder.
She glares to that direction which scares the person who did it.
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." Arthur says with some awkwardness.
"It's fine. It was just the first time I've seen a castle before. It's amazing that people could build such things hundreds of years ago." She shrugs it off.
"Your first time? I thought you would have seen a lot?"
"Why do you say that?" Seras asks back in confusion.
"With you being a vampire and all, I thought you lived through such times."
"Pfft! HahaHahahaha!"
"How old do you think I am?" She asks through uncontrollable laughter.
"I-I don't really know. About the same age as Alucard?" Arthur scratches his head.
"Not even close buddy." She slaps his shoulder making him fly forward and tumble over.
"Ow. That kind of hurt." Arthur laughs awkwardly.
"Sorry about that. I still can't believe you thought that though." She chuckles again.
"Then....how old are you?"
"Younger than you think." She smiles mysteriously and walks forward to the castle.
Arthur watched this and follows after her along with the rest of the unit. As he is doing so he gets surprised at how fast she is moving despite her just walking.
'It's like she is running but doing the same movement as walking. How is that possible?'
"Why are you so surprised Wilson? Is this the first time you're on a mission with a vampire?" A soldier asks.
"Uh..actually yes."
"Don't worry. You'll get used to it like I have. You would not believe some of the things I have seen Hellsing's vampire do during a mission." The man smiles roughly.
Just as they get to the doors and they're about to break in, they hear multiple helicopters come from behind. Everyone turns around and sees 10 of such vehicles and men hanging on the sides.
"Who the hell is that?" A soldier asks in annoyance.
"Don't they realize that they'll make the vampires run away!?" Another angrily states.
"Enough. We should head back." Mason says with some reluctance.
"But sir-?"
"Just do it. Those....are the soldiers in the task force directly under the Round table. They have jurisdiction over vampire attacks until hellsing rebuilds itself." He states angrily.
"....then what do we do?"
"We return to hellsing." Foxx says before looking behind him.
"Don't look down men. It's a great day when we can have a 0% casualty rate on a mission." This gets a few chuckles when they start walking back.
Right as they get about halfway to their transportation, a few men hop off of the landing helicopters and proceed to walk to their position. Seras notices the trait she hates most in any sentient being.
"Arrogant pieces of filth." She mutters which only Arthur hears.
"Well well well. If it isn't the soldiers of hellsing?" He says the name with as much disdain as possible.
"...."nobody answers him which makes the man sneer in contempt.
"It must be hard to be phased out in such a way. Then again, if anyone failed like you guys did, then I would be grateful for still having a job." This makes the men behind him laugh.
"You bastards!" Arthur yells.
"Hmm? At least somebody has some backbone. But I don't take kindly to someone insulting me." The man points a gun into Arthur's face.
Arthur doesn't flinch as he glares at the arrogant piece of shit.
"I'm impressed that you didn't even flinch. Although you should be scared, I'm not afraid to cause a little 'accident'." He waves the gun into his face along with the syllables of the last word.
"Hey." A voice comes from the arrogant man's left, along with a hand on his wrist.
He turns and sees seras giving him an angry look.
"Whoa, you are beautiful!" The man exclaims.
"Why thank you, But I would like for you to not speak to me with your disgusting face. Also can you stop pointing that at my friend?" She starts clenching his wrist at the last sentence.
The man gets angry at her statement when he begins to feel pain in his wrist. He shows a painful expression and his wrist begins to make cracking sounds.
"Owow! What are you doin- Wait, you're a vampire aren't you?"
"Took you long enough."
"Men!" He screams which makes the soldiers behind him point their guns at seras.
At this point the ten helicopters landed and all of the soldiers inside them funneled out to the leading man's position.
Seras just smirks at the action which causes him to shiver for a split second.
'What am I scared for? We have killed tens of vampires and this one will be no different.' He jerks his wrist out of her hold.
Seras lets go making the man think he is in control.
'Oh yeah. This will be fun.' She licks her lips in delight showing off her fangs.
The hellsing soldiers backed off and retreat to a safe position away from her. Everyone except for Arthur that is. He is showing a brave expression and doesn't move.
"Can you move Arthur? I don't wish for you to get hurt." She asks without looking at him.
"It will be fine. These filth won't even be able to touch me. They've only been fighting the undead for 4 days and they think they're the shit. Just let me do what I do best and everything will be fine."
The last four words trigger something in Arthur which makes him comply to her words.
"I-ok. Just be careful."
"Are you done with that touching speech? I have a job to do." The man points his own gun at seras.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"My job is to kill vampires. There is one standing in front of me."
"I see. Then I believe turnabout is fair play. Don't you?" Her eyes go red in excitement at the prospect of dishing out a lot of pain.
"What do you mean?"
"If you try to kill me then I believe I should kill you. I will warn you though-" a bullet goes straight to her head.
Seras catches it mid-flight much to the surprise of the men. She looks at the bullet and notices it's not even silver, let alone blessed.
"I can't believe you tried to kill me mid-sentence. Talk about cowardly." She flicks the bullet back to the soldier it came from and it goes straight through his forehead.
Nobody notices a thing until he toppled backward and blood starts flowing out of his skull.
"Johnson! You bitch!" The leader yells after noticing this.
He gets surprised when he can't see the girl anymore and looks around. He feels a breeze come from behind and turns around to find the girl smiling at him.
Seras just gives him a wide smile and the man yells.
"Shoot! She's right here!" At his commands the men start pulling the triggers but no bullets fire.
They get confused and look at their guns. They noticed that the magazines are missing which freaks them out a little.
"What? Where did my magazine go?" A soldier asks while others mumble.
"What are yo doing!? I said fire!" The leader yells.
"You haven't been fighting vampires for long, have you?" Seras speaks out to the now flustered man.
"The first thing to remember when fighting the undead, is to bring blessed silver weapons. Whether they be knives, bullets, or even just a cross. The second rule is to keep your distance as they have super speed which can kill you instantly."
"So, by that criteria, you are huge failures." Seras takes out 5 magazines from her inventory and throws them to the ground.
The leader backs away with fear and whimpers.
"That's...that's not....possible."
"Sir Integra ordered me to not lay a hand on the soldiers...." seras mumbles to herself but the man catches it.
"I see, so you can't harm us. That makes this a lot easier." The man walks forward with renewed confidence and makes a grabbing motion to her brėȧsts.
"I have to admit that these are superb." He comments ŀėwdly when a hand grabs his wrist.
"You filthy, disgusting, shit spewing insect!!!" She breaks his wrist into fragments making him scream out.
He tumbled backward grabbing his shattered wrist.
"You bitc-!!" He stops mid sentence because a hand grabbed his throat.
"She ordered me to allow no harm to come to her own soldiers And to point my aggression at Hellsing's enemies. I guess that would mean you, right?" She smiles insanely at the last word which makes the man piss himself.
"I didn't want to do this as Integra would get mad, but you made me remember something I didn't want to." Her eyes go crimson making her terrifying.
The hellsing soldiers in the background start shivering in fear with even Arthur shaking uncontrollably.
'So this is seras when she is angry....scary....' he thinks to himself.
"So then. Let's have some fun!" She yells out and throws the man knocking him into the others.
The soldiers get thrown backward along with the leader and ten men are on the ground groaning painfully. Seras walks forward making the rest part away like a goddess is gracing their presence.
"Continue seras. This is more important."
"Very we-" the phone rings again.
"WHAT!?" Integra answers.
"S-sorry Sir." An aged voice answers.
"What is it Farguson? I'm busy."
"Sorry, you ordered me to inform you of when we receive word of a mission." Farguson answers.
"We got a report? That's great, I want you to do your best and don't shame the organization." Integra goes to hang up when the old man interrupts her.
"There is one more thing Sir."
"What is it now?"
"According to the info, there is a chance that we might need extra help."
"....you want Alucard to go on the mission?"
"Him or his fledgling."
She turns to the two vampires and notices Alucard shaking his head in annoyance. Integra gives him a glare before answering.
"Very well, Officer Victoria shall tag along. Anything else captain?" She asks making sure he can get everything out of the way.
"None Sir, we will be leaving at 1900 hours." Farguson hangs up after that much to Integra's relief.
"Seras, you heard that right?"
"Yes sir!" She salutes.
"You will be going with Lieutenant Foxx's unit on this mission and I expect you to point your aggression at our enemies. Hellsing can not afford to lose more soldiers. Is that understood?"
"Of course sir." Seras states and goes to leave.
"Another thing seras."
"I hope you realize this is not over. I expect answers for when you return."
"I understand." Seras gives a mysterious smile and walks out of the office by phasing through the double doors.
"I hope everything goes ok." Integra gives a big sigh and exhales a bunch of smoke.
"It will be fine Integra. The Police Girl will keep your precious soldiers safe from harm." Alucard states with a whimsical tone.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Just as it sounds. She won't let any harm come to them on this mission. She doesn't want you any angrier with her, I can guarantee you that." He shrugs and phases into the floor while saying the last sentence.
"First it's the 600 year old child and now it's a 19 year old schemer. What's next?" She sighs once again making it seem like she is exhausted.
"I'm sure whatever seras knows, she has reason for not telling you." Walter says with his usual sage like advice.
"I know that Walter. I just can't stand not knowing everything about what's happening. It's frustrating." She waves Walter away which he follows.
After leaving Walter looks back at the door with a complicated expression.
'I'm sorry for not offering better advice Integra. But my ambition comes first and to do that I need you to grow up faster.' He silently walks away while thinking this.
After seras left, she immediately headed to the ȧssembly room which is the room units head to right before missions. When she arrived, everyone gave her dirty looks except one who turned out to be arthur.
"Seras! I never got to thank you for finding me." Arthur goes to hug her when seras dodges and he face plants into the wall.
"Ow! Why did you dodge? I was only trying to say thank you." Arthur rubs the bridge of his nose and complains.
"I'm not big on receiving hugs. I'm sorry." Seras replies after a few seconds.
"No big deal. Just....thank you." Arthur gives a big smile.
"No problem."
"ATTENTION!" A yell disrupts them and everybody stands straight in formation.
"As most of you know, we received a report about a vampire problem in an abandoned castle 20 clicks west. We will head there and do what we do best. Any questions!?"
""""NONE!"""" Everybody replies back.
"Good, then reconvene at the Helipad in 10 minutes. Dismissed!"
After saying that, all of the soldiers disperse to grab their weapons and supplies. This includes Arthur which leaves seras alone with nobody to talk to.
She just shrugs and phases to the Helipad outside of the manor. When she gets there, a man yells in fear.
Seras turns over and sees a familiar face but can't remember where from. The man shows an awkward smile and runs into the ċȯċkpit of one of the three helicopters.
Seras walks inside the one of the man she heard and sits right next to him. She notices that he keeps shivering which makes her smile a little.
'Now, I wonder what I did to make him this scared of me.' She tries to remember where she saw this man before when it hits her.
"You're one of the men that flew my master and I to my first mission. Why are you so scared of me?"
"I-I-i...." He can't finish and just keeps shaking.
"Whatever, Just make sure to fly smoothly or I will be angry." She stretches lazily and places both hands behind her head before closing her eyes.
"Y-Yes Ma'am." He stutters in reply.
Exactly 9 minutes later, all three helicopters were loaded and begin to fly west to their destination. Seras just kept her eyes closed trying to prevent the loud sound of the rotors from hurting her ears.
Luckily, this trip was a lot shorter than the one in Ireland. Around 20 minutes later, they land on a grassy hill overlooking a stone castle that looks hundreds of years old. Seras gets out and looks in awe at the structure.
'This is the first time I have seen such a thing. It's a lot bigger in person.' She gives a smile when something touches her shoulder.
She glares to that direction which scares the person who did it.
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." Arthur says with some awkwardness.
"It's fine. It was just the first time I've seen a castle before. It's amazing that people could build such things hundreds of years ago." She shrugs it off.
"Your first time? I thought you would have seen a lot?"
"Why do you say that?" Seras asks back in confusion.
"With you being a vampire and all, I thought you lived through such times."
"Pfft! HahaHahahaha!"
"How old do you think I am?" She asks through uncontrollable laughter.
"I-I don't really know. About the same age as Alucard?" Arthur scratches his head.
"Not even close buddy." She slaps his shoulder making him fly forward and tumble over.
"Ow. That kind of hurt." Arthur laughs awkwardly.
"Sorry about that. I still can't believe you thought that though." She chuckles again.
"Then....how old are you?"
"Younger than you think." She smiles mysteriously and walks forward to the castle.
Arthur watched this and follows after her along with the rest of the unit. As he is doing so he gets surprised at how fast she is moving despite her just walking.
'It's like she is running but doing the same movement as walking. How is that possible?'
"Why are you so surprised Wilson? Is this the first time you're on a mission with a vampire?" A soldier asks.
"Uh..actually yes."
"Don't worry. You'll get used to it like I have. You would not believe some of the things I have seen Hellsing's vampire do during a mission." The man smiles roughly.
Just as they get to the doors and they're about to break in, they hear multiple helicopters come from behind. Everyone turns around and sees 10 of such vehicles and men hanging on the sides.
"Who the hell is that?" A soldier asks in annoyance.
"Don't they realize that they'll make the vampires run away!?" Another angrily states.
"Enough. We should head back." Mason says with some reluctance.
"But sir-?"
"Just do it. Those....are the soldiers in the task force directly under the Round table. They have jurisdiction over vampire attacks until hellsing rebuilds itself." He states angrily.
"....then what do we do?"
"We return to hellsing." Foxx says before looking behind him.
"Don't look down men. It's a great day when we can have a 0% casualty rate on a mission." This gets a few chuckles when they start walking back.
Right as they get about halfway to their transportation, a few men hop off of the landing helicopters and proceed to walk to their position. Seras notices the trait she hates most in any sentient being.
"Arrogant pieces of filth." She mutters which only Arthur hears.
"Well well well. If it isn't the soldiers of hellsing?" He says the name with as much disdain as possible.
"...."nobody answers him which makes the man sneer in contempt.
"It must be hard to be phased out in such a way. Then again, if anyone failed like you guys did, then I would be grateful for still having a job." This makes the men behind him laugh.
"You bastards!" Arthur yells.
"Hmm? At least somebody has some backbone. But I don't take kindly to someone insulting me." The man points a gun into Arthur's face.
Arthur doesn't flinch as he glares at the arrogant piece of shit.
"I'm impressed that you didn't even flinch. Although you should be scared, I'm not afraid to cause a little 'accident'." He waves the gun into his face along with the syllables of the last word.
"Hey." A voice comes from the arrogant man's left, along with a hand on his wrist.
He turns and sees seras giving him an angry look.
"Whoa, you are beautiful!" The man exclaims.
"Why thank you, But I would like for you to not speak to me with your disgusting face. Also can you stop pointing that at my friend?" She starts clenching his wrist at the last sentence.
The man gets angry at her statement when he begins to feel pain in his wrist. He shows a painful expression and his wrist begins to make cracking sounds.
"Owow! What are you doin- Wait, you're a vampire aren't you?"
"Took you long enough."
"Men!" He screams which makes the soldiers behind him point their guns at seras.
At this point the ten helicopters landed and all of the soldiers inside them funneled out to the leading man's position.
Seras just smirks at the action which causes him to shiver for a split second.
'What am I scared for? We have killed tens of vampires and this one will be no different.' He jerks his wrist out of her hold.
Seras lets go making the man think he is in control.
'Oh yeah. This will be fun.' She licks her lips in delight showing off her fangs.
The hellsing soldiers backed off and retreat to a safe position away from her. Everyone except for Arthur that is. He is showing a brave expression and doesn't move.
"Can you move Arthur? I don't wish for you to get hurt." She asks without looking at him.
"It will be fine. These filth won't even be able to touch me. They've only been fighting the undead for 4 days and they think they're the shit. Just let me do what I do best and everything will be fine."
The last four words trigger something in Arthur which makes him comply to her words.
"I-ok. Just be careful."
"Are you done with that touching speech? I have a job to do." The man points his own gun at seras.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"My job is to kill vampires. There is one standing in front of me."
"I see. Then I believe turnabout is fair play. Don't you?" Her eyes go red in excitement at the prospect of dishing out a lot of pain.
"What do you mean?"
"If you try to kill me then I believe I should kill you. I will warn you though-" a bullet goes straight to her head.
Seras catches it mid-flight much to the surprise of the men. She looks at the bullet and notices it's not even silver, let alone blessed.
"I can't believe you tried to kill me mid-sentence. Talk about cowardly." She flicks the bullet back to the soldier it came from and it goes straight through his forehead.
Nobody notices a thing until he toppled backward and blood starts flowing out of his skull.
"Johnson! You bitch!" The leader yells after noticing this.
He gets surprised when he can't see the girl anymore and looks around. He feels a breeze come from behind and turns around to find the girl smiling at him.
Seras just gives him a wide smile and the man yells.
"Shoot! She's right here!" At his commands the men start pulling the triggers but no bullets fire.
They get confused and look at their guns. They noticed that the magazines are missing which freaks them out a little.
"What? Where did my magazine go?" A soldier asks while others mumble.
"What are yo doing!? I said fire!" The leader yells.
"You haven't been fighting vampires for long, have you?" Seras speaks out to the now flustered man.
"The first thing to remember when fighting the undead, is to bring blessed silver weapons. Whether they be knives, bullets, or even just a cross. The second rule is to keep your distance as they have super speed which can kill you instantly."
"So, by that criteria, you are huge failures." Seras takes out 5 magazines from her inventory and throws them to the ground.
The leader backs away with fear and whimpers.
"That's...that's not....possible."
"Sir Integra ordered me to not lay a hand on the soldiers...." seras mumbles to herself but the man catches it.
"I see, so you can't harm us. That makes this a lot easier." The man walks forward with renewed confidence and makes a grabbing motion to her brėȧsts.
"I have to admit that these are superb." He comments ŀėwdly when a hand grabs his wrist.
"You filthy, disgusting, shit spewing insect!!!" She breaks his wrist into fragments making him scream out.
He tumbled backward grabbing his shattered wrist.
"You bitc-!!" He stops mid sentence because a hand grabbed his throat.
"She ordered me to allow no harm to come to her own soldiers And to point my aggression at Hellsing's enemies. I guess that would mean you, right?" She smiles insanely at the last word which makes the man piss himself.
"I didn't want to do this as Integra would get mad, but you made me remember something I didn't want to." Her eyes go crimson making her terrifying.
The hellsing soldiers in the background start shivering in fear with even Arthur shaking uncontrollably.
'So this is seras when she is angry....scary....' he thinks to himself.
"So then. Let's have some fun!" She yells out and throws the man knocking him into the others.
The soldiers get thrown backward along with the leader and ten men are on the ground groaning painfully. Seras walks forward making the rest part away like a goddess is gracing their presence.
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