Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 44 - 44 - Meeting The Wild Geese

After seras throws the man, the rest of the soldiers finally realize who they messed with.

"You can't be done already...I'm only just getting started. We still have all night to enjoy ourselves." Seras keeps talking with an insane tone not dissimilar to the Major or Alucard.

"S-Stay back! I'm warning you..."

"Oh? Please do make this more fun for me." Her smile gets wider.

"Aaah...ah..AH!" He screams out loud and proceeds to run away while crying.

"Oh nonono, that won't do. You have to stay with your unit and finish the mission, remember?" Seras just teleports in front of the running man which stops him cold.

She continues to whisper into his ears.

"I hope you know that you're not getting out of this alive and I'll be making it very painful for you before you go."

The man finally breaks down into uncontrollable sobbing before passing out from pure fear.

".....Oh. I broke him....what a mood killer." She stares at the unconscious body with a bored expression for a full ten seconds before returning back to her normal tone of voice.

"Let's go. I'm bored and they have a job to do." She lazily stretches before closing her eyes.

None of the hellsing soldiers say anything and proceed to climb into their respective vehicles. The pilot of seras' chopper is shaking even more than before they arrived.

Meanwhile seras is thinking about the story from now on.

'In the original anime, incognito attacks Helena the day of the main attack. But since I changed the story a little, he attacked early. That means, the Tower of London incident should be tomorrow or the next day. But when is the wild geese getting here?'

Her thoughts stop when they land at hellsing and she phases to Alucards's room. After doing so, she notices that her master is still annoyed that she almost got herself killed.



"I'm sorry about before. I didn't mean to anger you." She bows her head in apology.

"Police Girl..." He says the name with the most amount of worry she has heard from him.

"I am your master, that means I must take care of you. Never, ever do anything like that again. Do you understand?"

"Yes...I will not."

"Good. Then I believe it's time we resume your training. You still suck at sensing other vampires." He phases away after saying so.

"That's mean master!" She follows after him while yelling.

While the two vampires are playing hide and seek while calling it training, 5 black vans have rolled up at the estate. A man opens the passenger door and walks out while whistling at the size of the mansion.

"Wow, look at the size of this place. I don't think we have to worry about our paycheck from these folks." The copper haired man exclaims.

"Are you sure about this captain? The job listed a mortality rate of 95%. That's insanity!"

"Are you complaining about dying on the job Willingham? We're mercenaries! You should care more about the paycheck than your life." He chuckles at the last statement.

The rest of the group get out of the vans, and the captain begins to count them.

"22, 23, and 24. We're all here." He points to himself at the last number.

"....I seriously wonder how you ever became our leader." Willingham states.

"What do you mean became? I am the leader because I ȧssembled all of you into a mercenary group. Who else would do it?" He waves off the second-in-command and walks to the door.

Just as he is about to knock, the door opens revealing an elderly man giving an amicable smile.

"Hello there. We are-"

"Ah Yes, the Wild Geese. We've been expecting you. Please, come in." Walter bows at the last statement and opens the way for them to walk inside.

"....oh yes. Thank you." The captain speaks out after about 5 seconds of staring at the man.

'Mon dieu! I just felt like he could kill all of us in a heartbeat. That can't be...'

They all walk inside following the old man that looks like a butler.

"Holy shit, this place looks like it can feed three African countries with some left over!" A mercenary comments.

"Shut up, you fuċktard! These are our employers. Don't fuċk it up Jeffie!" Another man punches the back of his head and whispers Loudly to him.

"Don't worry gentlemen. Trust me when I say, your help is invaluable to us at the moment." Walter states giving them a chuckle.

"Is that so? I'm still confused about the job we're doing though." The captain states.

"We will clear that up when my master comes out. It shouldn't be long. Oh, here we are." Walter states as he opens up double doors leading to a big lounge with multiple seating areas.

"Whoa! Very swanky." The men run inside and start messing around after Bernadotte speaks.

"....sorry about that." The captain continues awkwardly while looking at his men acting like children.

"It's quite alright, my master will be here soon. Make yourself at home." Walter bows and leaves soon after saying so.

It takes Walter a minute to return to the office which houses Integra who is looking at reports. He doesn't knock and proceeds right in.

"Ah Walter, how do they look? Strong enough to last more than a couple days?"

"I believe so sir, especially their captain. He has been through quite a lot to sense my abilities."

"Is that so? Then I believe I should meet with them."

{Yes, my master?}

{I would like you to send Seras up to my office.}

{....Very well.} he sighs in annoyance which ticks her off.

{Am I annoying you, My servant?}

{not at all, I was just training with the Police Girl and you disrupted us.}

{I see. Then make it quick, we have some guests that need an example of what they're about to fight.}

{Then I hardly think the Police Girl is up to the task. Despite how she is, her looks make her look no more dangerous than a kitten.}

{That's exactly why I need her. You would probably make them piss themselves in fright. Just send her here.} Integra cuts off the connection after saying so.

It takes about 10 seconds for Seras to phase out of the floor in her office.

"What can I do for you, Sir Integra?"

"We're going to be meeting the mercenaries I hired. I need an example for them."

"Oh, I understand. But why not master?"

"Why must both of you keep questioning me!? Just do as I say!" She yells and proceeds to walk away.

As they're on their way, Seras notices that Integra is very frustrated. Maybe her constant refusal to answer her questions is getting to her? She just silently sighs to herself thinking that she wont have time to question her anymore.

'At least the story will start picking up, plus I'll be going to Brazil soon.' she smiles at that thought.

"Captain Bernadotte, what the hell is this?" A voice asks annoyed.

"Huh?" The captain replies.

"Soooooo. What? Are we going to be fighting in London?" A third man asks.

"Since when do we work security jobs?" A 4th inquires.

"I didn't sign up to guard some rich ȧsshole!" A 5th yells out.

"My god you people! I can't really think of any other way to put this, so here it is. They are going to be paying us to kill monsters." Bernadette says while sitting in a chair backwards, resting his head on the back of it.

"They're going to be paying us to do what?" The second man asks.

The rest of the men laugh while looking at each other.

"Monsters? You gotta be kidding me." One of them say in ridicule.

As they're talking a female voice interrupts their laughing.

"It's true."

As they all look over, they see a woman dressed in a man's suit smoking a cigar. Her eyes are crystal blue and she has a smirk, like she knows everything they're thinking. As everyone is looking at the suit lady, Captain Bernadette is only looking at the girl behind her. She also has blond hair cut shorter than the suit lady. She is wearing a very provocative uniform that outlines her incredible ȧssets while her eyes are a blue that show an innocent mind. She is standing behind the suit lady like she is a servant ready to do anything for her.

"The enemies are immortal creatures who sustain themselves by drinking human blood. Your job gentlemen, is to fight these monsters with bullets, garlic, and holy water. Put a stake through its heart, cut off its head, burn the corpse, scatter the ashes at a crossroads. For further instructions, consult Bram Stoker." She continues with a smug grin.

While Integra gave that speech filled with condescension, seras was chatting with her master.

[Police Girl, we will continue the training while Integra speaks to the humans.]

[that sounds like loads of fun master.] she gives a smile and starts to walk along the walls trying to sense anything.

Her steps make no noise which helps with not disrupting Integra. A few seconds go by, and seras stops at the wall. She puts her hand on it and feels like something is there.

'What is this? It almost feels like I'm hearing a shadow? How is that possible?' She thinks to herself while trying to listen closer.

"That's just ridiculous." The voice disrupts her concentration which makes her lose that feeling.

'Shit.' she turns around and leans against the wall.

[You were very close Police Girl. You're the first vampire I have seen that has gained each ability so quickly.]

[I still couldn't get it right though. that Stupid human was so loud.]

[Hehe, you'll get it again. The first time is always the most difficult.] he cuts off communication there when Another man yells.

"Everybody knows there is no such thing as vampires."

"Then everyone is quite mistaken. Or more accurately, we have helped them maintain a state of blissful ignorance. For over a century, the Hellsing organization has served the British empire fighting a secret war against the forces of darkness. The vampire in particular." She says then pauses and gauges their reactions.

"For those of you who still need convincing, I present you a genuine vampire." She points to the right.

They all turn and see Seras leaning against the wall.

'When did she get there?' Bernadotte thinks to himself in surprise as he didn't see her move at all.

"Wait. Are you telling me that this girl is a vampire?" Captain Bernadotte asks in confusion.

"Yes she is."

"Pfft! Hahahahahaha, if this girl is a vampire, then I'm Frankenstein's monster." Bernadotte laughs while shambling forward like the monster does.

"I have a feeling they're laughing at me." Seras says awkwardly to Integra.

"Then show them something to not laugh about, Police Girl." Integra replies.

"Right! Of course sir." She salutes Integra and looks at the captain.

"Come on then." She snaps her fingers.

"....Pfft! Haha Hahahahaha!" Bernadotte grabs his hat and laughs uncontrollably once more, but this time it's directed at the innocent girl.

Seras just smiles and grabs his arm.

"Oh?" He sounds out when he feels a dropping force.

Seras phases herself directly down to the basement form the second floor lounge which makes Bernadotte feel like he just jumped out of a third story window. His body freezes as his mind wanders.

They land safely in the basement corridors with seras giving a smug look at the captain who has a blank expression. He looks around and then looks directly at seras with a now shocked and confused face.


She doesn't answer as she grabs his arm again and this time starts running with him at a very fast speed. Pip's face starts to move backwards from the wind hitting it and his vision is like that Star Wars movie he saw years ago.

There was only one thing he could do in this situation.

"PUTAIN DE MERDE!!!!!" He yell at the top of his voice which makes seras stop.

"Pfft hahahahahaha!" This time she starts laughing which makes the captain show a dazed expression.

After a solid five seconds, seras notices his lack of reaction and stifles the rest. She then holds put her hand and gives him a smile. Pip just looks at to before realizing what she wants.

"You know, I don't give my hand out for anything less than top class beauties." He puts his hand out and reaches for hers.

"Oh? Then I must be very top class if you so willingly gave me it after what you've been through." She chuckles and grabs his hand.

She notices how rough it is and rubs it for a little longer than she should, which the Frenchman catches.

"Ma Chèrie, you are the most beautiful woman I have laid my eye upon." He winks at her.

"Smooth." she chuckles at the cheesy line.

"This time I'll go slow, so try not to scream like a little girl again." Seras continues.

"Hey! I didn't scream like a little girl. It was like a man!" He explains.

"Whatever you say, Romeo." She phases them upstairs after saying so.

When they reappear, the men show concerned expressions while Integra is giving seras a glare. Seras backs up in a somewhat fearful way, which makes the captain realize who the boss really is.

"I'm sorry about what happened captain. Trust me when I say it won't happen again." She gives seras another angry glare.

"It's no problem at all, better than being drunk from. Much better." He winks at seras again.

"....I see." Integra catches onto something which makes her cold expression falter.

She just looks between Seras and the captain who are looking at each other. Almost like they have a secret nobody else knows.

Alucard notices this and decides to do something about it. He phases himself to the wall that is connected to the entrance and quickly jumps out but stops when half of his body is showing.

"HEY KIDS WANNA SEE A DEAD BODY!?" He yells out which makes the whole group topple backward and scream in fear.


Even the captain does so, despite his recent experience.

"...."Integra just sighs at this and gives Alucard an annoyed look.

They continue screaming when Integra looks at them.

"STOP SCREAMING!" This makes them quiet and they're giving her a dazed look.

After silencing the herd, Integra goes to Alucard with a very angry look.

"Are you having fun Alucard?"

"Very much so." He replies happily.

After replying, everyone can hear footsteps coming from the hallway and soon the shadows reveal Walter giving a worried look.

"I'm terribly sorry Sir, but I couldn't stop him."

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