"It's fine Walter, I couldn't imagine you succeeding anyway." Integra sighs for what seems like the billionth time since she woke up.

Although Walter didn't show any outward signs about this, seras knew. She knew what his goal is, what he wants more than anything in his existence.

'Why can't Integra see what Walter wants? Has she never seen him fight?' The way he looks and acts during one allows seras to see what Walter truly is.

"A Vampire hunter, huh?" She mumbles as Alucard was being yelled at by Integra.

Nobody heard that except one. The only person paying attention to her during Integra's scolding.

'She looks so sad....' Bernadotte thinks to himself as he stares at seras.

"Anyway, seras!"


"Would you please escort the Wild Geese to their rooms after teaching them the basics. You may use the lounge."

"Why me?" She asks back in both confusion and frustration.

"Consider is punishment for not answering my questions."


"Just do it! Why do I have to keep repeating myself!?" She stomps away soon after leaving everyone else in the lounge with Walter following right after.

"....looks like someone is in trouble." Alucard states with an annoying tone.

"....She is really angry." Seras replies somberly.

"She is, but she'll get over it. She has before." Alucard pats seras head before phasing away.

Seras is now left alone with the wild geese. She turns around and sees that they're giving her an awkward expression.

"Ok, so you guys will be living in the rooms on the first floor. There are more than enough, so just pick whichever suits you. Any questions?" She walks to the door while saying so.

"....." nobody answers her so she turns around to find the faces of the mercs showing uncertain expressions.

"What?" She tilts her head.


"Go on Then, Spit it out." She walks up to the man.

"Well, you see....we're still having trouble about this and now we have to be taught by a Girl who looks like she is still a teenager." The man explains himself without voicing a complaint.

"...I see. I'll have to rectify this. Follow me." Seras turns around and begins to walk away.

She notices that nobody is following her and she hardens her expression.

"LET'S GO! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" She yells so loudly, that Integra who is back in her office had to cover her ears.

After that, the mercenaries immediately line up and follow behind Seras in an orderly fashion. A few seconds later, the fat blonde one named Jeffie speaks up.

"Uh, Miss Vampire?" He asks with trepidation.


"Where are we going?"

"The gun range."

"How come." Captain Bernadotte asks.

"It's a surprise, but I'm sure you'll all like it. Anyway, while we're walking, I'm going to explain to you the basics about this job."

"Seems simple enough. wear garlic, brandish stakes, and have a hammer ready." A man in the back scoffs and laughs after saying so.

Some of the others laugh with him. Just as Bernadotte turned around and was about to yell at them, he notices something moved behind them.

'Is that-?' He turns to the front and begins to think when he hears groaning.

He turns back to his men and notices that all of the ones who laughed are on the backs holding their stomachs. They're all showing painful expressions and Seras is just standing over them with her arms crossed.

"One, garlic doesn't work, it just smells awful. Two." She steps on the man who spoke's ċhėst and puts a little force into it.

"Agh!" He grunts.

"Stakes are a myth as well, anything can be used to pierce a vampire's heart. But blessed silver is the best. The stories passed around by the humans have many things wrong." She takes her foot off and the man coughs.

Seras walks to the front once again, and this time the men clear the way for her. Pip is just staring at her with a dazed look. She gets to the front and then turns around.

"The only weaknesses vampires have are sunlight, running water, and blessed silver. Everything else is false. Let's continue." She starts to walk to the gun range once again.

"I told you the weaknesses vampires have, can anyone tell me their strengths?"

"Super speed?" A man states uncertainly.

"Yes, very good. Anything else?"

"Super strength."


"Yep, there are quite a few more." Seras says with a smile.

A few seconds of silence later, she just sighs.

"Vampires have many strengths, super senses, super speed, super strength, regeneration, immortality, hypnosis, shadow control, and more. The rest are a surprise for later."

"The average vampire, will not have any extra abilities past the first 5. older ones will have these, Although there are exceptions." She smiles once again at the last sentence.

"So, I know we're not supposed to ask this of a lady. But how old are you?" Jeffie asks the question all of them have been wondering.

"How old do you think I am?" She replies.

"....um a couple hundred?" A mercenary answers.

"....pfft! Hahahahaha!"

"I'm actually only nineteen." Seras answers while they're at the side doors leading to the range.

This makes all of them open their mouths in surprise and stare at her.

'She's a teenager with that rack?' Pip thinks to himself.

As the mercs were all thinking similar things as their captain, they arrived at the range. Specifically, it was Seras' special range built by Walter. She walks to the front and turns back around to the group of humans, with some of them having ŀėwd expressions.

'Ugh, I feel for you Seras, or me. I cannot believe you just took this.' She sighs until they quiet down.

"So, who would like to try out my personal range?"

"Are you sure? If you can beat me, I'll do one thing for you. No matter what."

"Really!" The captain yells in excitement.

"Yep, but it will be reciprocated."

"What does that mean?" Jeffie asks.

"It means if we lose, we'll have to do one thing she wants, you idiot!" The vice captain slaps his head.

"Oh... then I'm out."

"Me too."

"Me three."

Eventually, all of them back up until Pip is the only one left.

"So, Ma Cherie, it's just you and me left." The captain smirks.

"So it is, would you like to go first?"

"Of course, but how will we determine the victor?" He pulls out a handgun and twirls it around his hand with expertise.

"I'm glad you asked. It will be a simple game of horse."

"Horse? You mean like that basketball game made by the Americans?"

"Yes. You'll shoot first at a spot from any distance, and I'll have to match it. If I miss, I get a letter. If I don't, the next shot goes to me, and so on and so forth. All the way until either one of us spells the word horse, Understand?"

"Yeah, sounds simple enough." He steps up to the bench and aims at the target from 12 meters.

His expression, serious. His hands, steady. His eyes, firm. Almost instantly, he shoots.

"How's that, Ma Belle Fille?" He twirls the gun back into its holster.

The target has a hole directly at the heart.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." She smirks back and then goes to her own lane

Seras puts the target at the same distance and looks back at Pip. She smirks, pulls out her gun, and shoots without even looking at the target. Pip gets shocked and then looks at the target. His expression shows surprise as the heart has a hole in it now.


"Now it's my turn." She goes to the machine and sets the distance at 100 meters.

"Whoa whoa whoa, ma Cherie, I thought we were only using hand guns?"

"We are captain." She does the same action as before and then makes the target move back.

The men crowd around and start gasping as the head of the target has a hole where the brain would be. Pip stares at Seras with both surprise and and what looks like fear.

'I guess he will give up now.' Seras thinks to herself.

"Hahaha, that's great. That was amazing." Pip laughs and says to nobody.

"I won't be able to win with conventional methods." He puts up a new target and sets the distance to 30 meters.

"You're going to keep going?" Seras asks in surprise.

"Of course, Belle. I can't waste such a great opportunity as this one." He turns around putting his back to the target.

He then takes his gun out and points it behind his head, but upside down. His elbow is touching his head, while the handle of the gun is pointing upward.

"Vampires have amazing reflexes and senses, but good old fashioned training can beat talent any day." Pip explains as he pulls the trigger.

The men bring the target back for him as he leans closer to Seras.

"In the game of horse, the challenger has to imitate the actions, correct?" He smirks as he notices Seras' surprise that the target has a hole in the head.

'....he has to get my target correct before he can do his own, but I'll let this slide.'

"Yes captain, that's true." She smiles and does the same action. Unfortunately, she hit the neck of the sillouhette and lost.

This makes pip surprised as he knew that nobody but him should be able to do it.

'I'll have to get serious then.'

About ten minutes later, the victor is decided.

"Looks like I win, captain." Seras smirks at the man who is on his hands and knees.

"Yes, Ma Cherie, you win. Do whatever you will with me and my body." He starts to undress while stating melodramatically.

"What? No! Ew!" She pushes him away, which makes him fly against the wall.

"I just need you to accompany me tomorrow night. Be ready at 8." She stomps away while her face is a shade redder than normal.

'What's happening to me? What is this feeling?' She grabs her ċhėst which isn't beating.

Seras leans against the wall and hears the mercenaries laughing uncontrollably at their captain. Her body soon returns to normal and she phases away.

In Brazil, the major is sitting in his giant leather chair and has his eyes closed. The soldiers around him are so quiet, that every breath they take can be heard by everyone. The captain, Dok, and Schrodinger are behind him also being quiet. About ten minutes later, the Major opens his eyes.


"Yes major?"

"Are all of the preperations ready for the attack in two days?"

"Yes. The True Vampire was fitted with the chip, Much to his hate. Also the boy survived the experiment. It's not stable yet, but he should be fine until the attack." He smiles creepily.

"Very good, Dok. Schrodinger?"

"Yes?" The boy answers without his usual gusto.

"You seem distracted. Everything ok?" He asks with worry.

"I'm fine major, just bored." He leans back against the wall.

"I see. It has been very slow as of late." He chuckles while looking at the doktor.

The lanky man slips behind Schrodinger while the captain leans closer.

"You know..." he leans back into his chair with a sigh.

"Ever since you've returned from that mission at Hellsing, you have been different. Distant even." He puts his hand up.

The captain grabs Schrodinger and the Doktor puts a device on his neck.

"Agh! What is this!?" Schrodinger screams in pain and asks while grabbing the device.

"This, my dear pet, is a SPD. Also known as a Schrodinger prevention device. It prevents you from using your powers. Dok made it before he created you."

"W-why? I-I haven't d-done anything w-wrong." He grunts out painfully as the machine inserts needles into his neck.

"That's just it, you haven't done anything wrong. But, I have been taught that trust doesn't come from loyalty. It comes from coercion, force, and, if need be, torture."

"Ugh!" The device starts releasing a liquid.

"You see Schrodinger, the Dok and I have a back up plan in case one of my soldiers, or one of his experiments somehow get rid of the influence we have placed upon them. Only he and I know about it." The major kneels down and starts to ruffle the boy's hair.

"...." Schrodinger is starting to lose consciousness.

"And he told me that you somehow got free. So, we need to fix that. I'll see you in a couple hours." He grins madly at the cat boy who is now sleeping.

The major stands up and looks at the Dok.

"Fix him and make sure he doesn't remember anything for the past week. I want my cat back to his former self."

"Of course major, what shall I implant?"

"Anything is fine, just make sure it doesn't raise any flags within his own consciousness."

"Yes." The captain picks up Schrodinger and follows the Dok out of the control center of the base.

As Schrodinger was caught, the Vatican is also having a lot of activity. After Maxwell was tortured at the hands of Seras, it took him a couple weeks to heal. Thanks to the Iscariot's technology, Nanobots were injected and he healed at an accelerated rate.

"So, The three vampires were dealt with?" Maxwell asks.

"Yes Bishop, they were garbage and we threw them away." Heinkel replies.

"Very good. You may take a rest." He waves her away and continues to write the report.

"Yes." Heinkel leaves, leaving Maxwell alone.

He continues to write, when he feels a sharp pain in his fingers.

"Agh!" He drops the pen and grabs his hand.

A few seconds later, the pain goes away and he is panting. Sweat is rolling down his face.

'Damn that bitch and the English whore!' He yells to himself internally.

He calls someone and a few minutes later, someone comes in wearing a white overcoat. He puts the duffel bag down and brings out some instruments. Later, the doctor is done examining Maxwell.


"You're physically heathy."

"Then why am I still feeling pain!?" He asks with a yell.

"Have you heard of Phantom Limb Pain?"


"Well I believe you have something similar."

"What? But I don't have any missing limbs." Maxwell scoffs at the diagnosis.

"Your body has suffered through torture and many serious injuries. Thanks to the nanobots, they healed quickly, but your mind hasn't caught up to that fact yet."

"I see. How long?"


"How long until it stops!?"

".....I don't know."


"PLP doesn't have a cure, let alone what you're suffering from. It may stop tomorrow or it may continue on forever." The doctor starts packing up.

"You can't be serious!"

"Unfortunately, I am." The doctor leaves the room leaving Maxwell deep in thought.

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