Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 46 - 46 - Dreams
The morning of the next day, which is the 7th, Integra wakes up later than usual.
"God, it's already 6? This is going to be an awful day." She gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom.
About 10 minutes later, a knock sounds out.
"Come in Walter."
"Sir." He opens the door and is surprised that she is not fully ready yet.
"Shall I pick out some clothes for you?" He walks to the closet without receiving an answer.
"That's fine Walter. Did we receive any reports last night?"
"A few, but they turned out to be false sightings. There is one thing though."
"When we went there, we were told that we were the second such people to arrive."
"It seems that the new task force is playing with us. My family reduced to such things." She clutches her hand into a fist.
"It's not all bad sir. At least you have gotten some rest." Walter chuckles.
"That's true, but the cost was too high." She frowns.
"True. Shall I send your breakfast to your office?" He puts the clothes on the bed and walks to the door.
"Yes, give me ten minutes."
"Of course. Anything else I can do for you?"
"No walter. You may leave."
"As you wish." He bows and leaves.
Integra gets dressed and starts walking to her office at 6:20. She passes by some soldiers who are going back to their rooms after guarding the mansion gates for the night. They salute her as she walks by.
She arrived at her office and sits down in her chair when Walter comes in with a cart holding her breakfast.
"It smells amazing Walter. Always the best." She gives him a smile.
"Anything for you Integra. Would you like the details about the false reports while you eat?"
"No, that won't be necessary. In fact, just throw them away."
"Will you tell me about the mercenaries' training for today? Also tell me about what seras taught them."
"Seras told them about the strengths and weaknesses of the vampires. She also brought them to her special range and had a contest with them."
"A contest? Why is she playing around?" She asks angrily.
"It wasn't playing Sir. In fact it was a great teaching method for such rough soldiers.
"That contest was threefold. First, it taught them that vampires have amazing reflexes and can use weapons much more effectively than trained humans. Two, she used her own weapon, which shows how much stronger vampires are. And three, it made them respect her abilities."
"...I see. Maybe we should have her train more soldiers later."
"That might work, if they don't anger her too much."
"You're right about that." She heaves a big sigh.
"As for their training today, Lieutenant Foxx and Captain Farguson will be showing them the ropes. They will also be teaching them about the tools of the trade."
"Very good. They should be ready by tonight or tomorrow the latest. They have a terrific track record, so they just needed some knowledge for fighting the undead. Any news about the enemy organization?"
As Walter was explaining the failure to procure more info, seras was in her own dreams once again torturing the men who killed her parents.
Seras is inside her old house, with two men tied to some chairs. Some of their limbs are missing, but they're still groaning showing that they're alive. The wounds were cauterized to prevent more blood from leaking out which would allow death to take them earlier.
Seras is panting excitedly from doing these actions while two ghostly figures are behind her speaking to one another.
"Why? Why are you doing this!?" A female voice asks in frustration.
"They killed our parents." The male answers.
"No! They killed my parents. But I never wanted this! I became a cop to bring them to justice!"
"Justice!?" The male scoffs.
"Did justice protect our parents!? Did it help catch them!? No! Justice is not involved in this. It never was." He continues.
"But....daddy wouldn't have wanted me to do this..." she mumbles with tears rolling down her face.
"It doesn't matter what he would have wanted! He's dead! And this bastard took him and mom away from us!" The ghost kicks one of the burglars But his foot goes through.
"B-But-" She keeps crying.
"....remember the real reason you became a police officer. It wasn't for something so vague as justice, it was for revenge. You wanted to hurt them, but the only way you could was to become an officer of the law." The man kneels down and speaks after sighing.
"I did want to hurt them.....badly. But I grew and I wasn't as angry anymore.." she mumbles clearer.
"You're wrong!"
"You became complacent. Your anger which were your claws was dulled by the years of ȧduŀts punishing you for your actions. Years of them telling you that anger doesn't lead anywhere."
Seras bows her head as she remembers the many orphanage directors punishing her and yelling at her for fighting.
"Those words are just lies that placate the ones who can't do anything about their anger or need for revenge. You know it to be true, that's why you always felt incomplete."
"What do I do now?" She asks with renewed confidence.
Tears no longer fall as her face shows a neutral expression.
"If you were human, I would say to stop. The Police will catch you and you'll spend the rest of your life in prison despite that others would agree with your actions. But you're not human, are you?" The man whispers into her ear at the last sentence.
"You are so much more than that. What are you?"
"a vampire." She mumbles.
"What are you!?" The man yells.
"A Vampire!" She answers louder.
"Should vampires be worried about human prisons?"
"Should they be worried about human morals?"
"So, what will you do?"
"I WILL KILL AND TORTURE THEM! I will do anything I want!" As seras screams, the male apparition starts dissolving and merging with the female one.
"Yes! THATS MORE LIKE IT!" The male yells back.
"Ever since two months ago, you and I have combined. it was a selfish wish on my part, but I believe we are both better for it." The man continues.
"You are me." Seras states after a few seconds.
"You are me." The man repeats.
"I am you."
"I am you." The man smiles at her.
""We are one."" They both state at the same time.
Right after, the male image disappears leaving the apparition of seras by herself with a single clear tear coming out of her eye.
Seras wakes up in her bed with streaks of blood coming out of her eyes and landing on the pillow beneath her head. She slowly brings her hand to her face and wipes them away.
"Good evening Police Girl." A low voice sound out from next to her.
Seras turns around to find Alucard sitting on his throne flipping through a very old book with no title. In fact it looks handmade with a bunch of papers sticking out of its sides.
She notices two letters on its spine. 'A.H.'
"Good evening master." She gives him a relaxed smile.
"It seems you've finally merged. Took you long enough." Alucard smirks.
"It was the first thing I told you when we started your training. 'Matters of the soul are often precarious', remember?."
"The soul?" She mumbles.
"Yes. Whatever happened that made you combine souls, wasn't complete. They were fighting for dominance and in some cases the other took over. Haven't you felt it?" When he asks, seras remembers the odd feeling from meeting the captain.
"Is that why I have felt so..."
"Weird? Yes, that would do it." He chuckles.
"....I feel great." She stretches.
"Good for you." He goes back to reading the book.
Seras stares as he flips through the pages and his face shows minute changes in expression. She notices that it's 6:00PM.
'I only have two hours until Pip shows up." She leaves the room.
Alucard notices her leaving and heaves a big sigh. That single exhale had so many emotions it would confuse any human.
'It's been 100 years, why did I have to dream of that memory now of all times?' He looks at his glove which has a bloody stain on its thumb.
It was raining, that day Abraham Van Hellsing defeated the mighty Dracula. They were the only ones left and Abraham followed the count to an abandoned graveyard.
The vampire was struggling to move while the human walked steadily to him. If anyone else was there they would notice a large wooden pole sticking out of the caped man's ċhėst.
Blood leaking out of his mouth and wound. He finally falls against a tombstone and turns his body around to look at the sky. His eyes show so many emotions, but regret is at the front of them. He gives a large sigh as the human finally reaches him.
"What now Hellsing? I'm dying from the stake you impaled me with, and you have followed me all this way...." He chuckles weakly.
"Vampire king....You lay upon the blood soaked dirt of your ruined land." He begins to speak.
"Your castles plundered, dominions in ruin, servants destroyed. All to end the hellfire with which you sought to cover the world." Alucard smiles at the human who defeated him.
"A bloody conquest having consumed hundreds of thousands, countless villages razed to the ground, and twenty thousand impaled and prostrated by you and you alone to strike horror into the hearts of mortal men." He grabs Alucard by his collar and lifts him toward his face.
"What say you? Monster, demon, devil conceived by the bleakest wȯmb. What say you now!?"
After asking the question he truly wishes to know, he sees the vampire's eyes clear up. The defeated count stares at the human, his worthy opponent who defeated him and smiles. This smile is not insane nor bloodthirsty. It was a true smile that made the human almost gasp.
"I am a product of all the evil things done by humans. Betrayed by my family, imprisoned and rȧpėd by my enemies, almost killed by the family I thought that wanted me again, betrayed by the one thing I thought I could count on. Every single thing led me to becoming this monster you see before you." He tries to laugh once again but the pain is becoming unbearable.
"You are just a child blaming others for your wrongdoings." The human scoffs and drops the count to the ground.
"When one has seen such darkness at my young age, it is only a matter of time before they succumb to that same shade. Everything I have done, is my own doing. That I won't deny."
"But to say I was born this way is to scoff at my inherit goodness." He weakly replies to the human.
"Goodness? What part of what you've done is good!?" The man stomps on the vampire's legs.
"Everything I have done personally was just. The twenty thousand innocent humans you spoke of were anything but."
"What do you mean?"
"They were all scum who have committed atrocious acts in the name of their lord. Paltry pieces of human waste who were so corrupt and evil, even I couldn't bȧrė to let them live."
"You're lying!"
"Am I? Hehe, am I really?" He says this confidently making the human confused.
"But all those innocents from before..."
"That was not my doing, not my wish. My subordinates were doing those things out of their own will when I told them not to."
"Otherwise how would I be so weak as for you to kill me? I've been fighting the whole day without blood or rest. I was practically dead when you pierced my ċhėst."
"Heh, It seems I'm not such a great king after all."
"Abraham....my nemesis....kill me now. I've killed those monsters, both human and vampire alike. My life on this earth is done." He looks up at the sky after saying this.
Abraham walks slowly and kneels at the vampires body. He stares into the face of this creature he condemned as evil.
'Yes....do it. I've started this out of greed for a companion. That need was increasing over the decades of loneliness, But I at least finished it like I wanted to.' The count thinks to himself as his vision starts getting blurry.
Abraham takes out a knife and does something unusual. He puts it to his palm and cuts it. The vampire's eyes go crimson, but the body is too weak for the instinct to act.
"A monster who isn't a monster....." he mumbles to himself as he raises the fist of the cut hand.
He slams it down on the stake and blood fishes out which signifies the heart was pierced. Abraham shows a serious face as he takes out the wood and places his cut hand inside the ċhėst cavity.
"Honesty and truth do not come from confirmation of facts. It comes from the confirmation of the soul." He states as he feels a lot of blood being suċkėd into the hole of the heart.
"You were completely honest with me and I believe together, we can rid this world of even more evil, than I can do alone." He feels the heart beating once more and he takes his hand out.
Abraham then takes the gloves off the count and takes out his knife once more.
"You will serve my family, not as a slave, but as a helper. A servant." He starts to carve runes into the back of the vampire's hand.
"Only the family head who has my blood will be able to order you, and you will have the ability to deny them if they become too enraptured with your power." He keeps talking as he starts working on the other hand.
"The only way for you to be free of these markings is for my family to die out. My blood to disappear."
"A new life means your old one is gone. which requires you to have a new name..." abraham starts to sway as he feels the effects of the blood loss.
His body falls forward with his head near the vampire's. He stares at the sleeping creature and shows a small smirk. The seals were completed and he starts closing his eyes to fall asleep.
"Alucard, that is the name I have chosen for you. I name you this in the hopes that you be able to lighten your world which has become so dark." The seals start to glow red.
"I must be going senile to have done such a thing. Do not let me down.....Alucard." Abraham stops talking as he goes into a deep slumber.
"God, it's already 6? This is going to be an awful day." She gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom.
About 10 minutes later, a knock sounds out.
"Come in Walter."
"Sir." He opens the door and is surprised that she is not fully ready yet.
"Shall I pick out some clothes for you?" He walks to the closet without receiving an answer.
"That's fine Walter. Did we receive any reports last night?"
"A few, but they turned out to be false sightings. There is one thing though."
"When we went there, we were told that we were the second such people to arrive."
"It seems that the new task force is playing with us. My family reduced to such things." She clutches her hand into a fist.
"It's not all bad sir. At least you have gotten some rest." Walter chuckles.
"That's true, but the cost was too high." She frowns.
"True. Shall I send your breakfast to your office?" He puts the clothes on the bed and walks to the door.
"Yes, give me ten minutes."
"Of course. Anything else I can do for you?"
"No walter. You may leave."
"As you wish." He bows and leaves.
Integra gets dressed and starts walking to her office at 6:20. She passes by some soldiers who are going back to their rooms after guarding the mansion gates for the night. They salute her as she walks by.
She arrived at her office and sits down in her chair when Walter comes in with a cart holding her breakfast.
"It smells amazing Walter. Always the best." She gives him a smile.
"Anything for you Integra. Would you like the details about the false reports while you eat?"
"No, that won't be necessary. In fact, just throw them away."
"Will you tell me about the mercenaries' training for today? Also tell me about what seras taught them."
"Seras told them about the strengths and weaknesses of the vampires. She also brought them to her special range and had a contest with them."
"A contest? Why is she playing around?" She asks angrily.
"It wasn't playing Sir. In fact it was a great teaching method for such rough soldiers.
"That contest was threefold. First, it taught them that vampires have amazing reflexes and can use weapons much more effectively than trained humans. Two, she used her own weapon, which shows how much stronger vampires are. And three, it made them respect her abilities."
"...I see. Maybe we should have her train more soldiers later."
"That might work, if they don't anger her too much."
"You're right about that." She heaves a big sigh.
"As for their training today, Lieutenant Foxx and Captain Farguson will be showing them the ropes. They will also be teaching them about the tools of the trade."
"Very good. They should be ready by tonight or tomorrow the latest. They have a terrific track record, so they just needed some knowledge for fighting the undead. Any news about the enemy organization?"
As Walter was explaining the failure to procure more info, seras was in her own dreams once again torturing the men who killed her parents.
Seras is inside her old house, with two men tied to some chairs. Some of their limbs are missing, but they're still groaning showing that they're alive. The wounds were cauterized to prevent more blood from leaking out which would allow death to take them earlier.
Seras is panting excitedly from doing these actions while two ghostly figures are behind her speaking to one another.
"Why? Why are you doing this!?" A female voice asks in frustration.
"They killed our parents." The male answers.
"No! They killed my parents. But I never wanted this! I became a cop to bring them to justice!"
"Justice!?" The male scoffs.
"Did justice protect our parents!? Did it help catch them!? No! Justice is not involved in this. It never was." He continues.
"But....daddy wouldn't have wanted me to do this..." she mumbles with tears rolling down her face.
"It doesn't matter what he would have wanted! He's dead! And this bastard took him and mom away from us!" The ghost kicks one of the burglars But his foot goes through.
"B-But-" She keeps crying.
"....remember the real reason you became a police officer. It wasn't for something so vague as justice, it was for revenge. You wanted to hurt them, but the only way you could was to become an officer of the law." The man kneels down and speaks after sighing.
"I did want to hurt them.....badly. But I grew and I wasn't as angry anymore.." she mumbles clearer.
"You're wrong!"
"You became complacent. Your anger which were your claws was dulled by the years of ȧduŀts punishing you for your actions. Years of them telling you that anger doesn't lead anywhere."
Seras bows her head as she remembers the many orphanage directors punishing her and yelling at her for fighting.
"Those words are just lies that placate the ones who can't do anything about their anger or need for revenge. You know it to be true, that's why you always felt incomplete."
"What do I do now?" She asks with renewed confidence.
Tears no longer fall as her face shows a neutral expression.
"If you were human, I would say to stop. The Police will catch you and you'll spend the rest of your life in prison despite that others would agree with your actions. But you're not human, are you?" The man whispers into her ear at the last sentence.
"You are so much more than that. What are you?"
"a vampire." She mumbles.
"What are you!?" The man yells.
"A Vampire!" She answers louder.
"Should vampires be worried about human prisons?"
"Should they be worried about human morals?"
"So, what will you do?"
"I WILL KILL AND TORTURE THEM! I will do anything I want!" As seras screams, the male apparition starts dissolving and merging with the female one.
"Yes! THATS MORE LIKE IT!" The male yells back.
"Ever since two months ago, you and I have combined. it was a selfish wish on my part, but I believe we are both better for it." The man continues.
"You are me." Seras states after a few seconds.
"You are me." The man repeats.
"I am you."
"I am you." The man smiles at her.
""We are one."" They both state at the same time.
Right after, the male image disappears leaving the apparition of seras by herself with a single clear tear coming out of her eye.
Seras wakes up in her bed with streaks of blood coming out of her eyes and landing on the pillow beneath her head. She slowly brings her hand to her face and wipes them away.
"Good evening Police Girl." A low voice sound out from next to her.
Seras turns around to find Alucard sitting on his throne flipping through a very old book with no title. In fact it looks handmade with a bunch of papers sticking out of its sides.
She notices two letters on its spine. 'A.H.'
"Good evening master." She gives him a relaxed smile.
"It seems you've finally merged. Took you long enough." Alucard smirks.
"It was the first thing I told you when we started your training. 'Matters of the soul are often precarious', remember?."
"The soul?" She mumbles.
"Yes. Whatever happened that made you combine souls, wasn't complete. They were fighting for dominance and in some cases the other took over. Haven't you felt it?" When he asks, seras remembers the odd feeling from meeting the captain.
"Is that why I have felt so..."
"Weird? Yes, that would do it." He chuckles.
"....I feel great." She stretches.
"Good for you." He goes back to reading the book.
Seras stares as he flips through the pages and his face shows minute changes in expression. She notices that it's 6:00PM.
'I only have two hours until Pip shows up." She leaves the room.
Alucard notices her leaving and heaves a big sigh. That single exhale had so many emotions it would confuse any human.
'It's been 100 years, why did I have to dream of that memory now of all times?' He looks at his glove which has a bloody stain on its thumb.
It was raining, that day Abraham Van Hellsing defeated the mighty Dracula. They were the only ones left and Abraham followed the count to an abandoned graveyard.
The vampire was struggling to move while the human walked steadily to him. If anyone else was there they would notice a large wooden pole sticking out of the caped man's ċhėst.
Blood leaking out of his mouth and wound. He finally falls against a tombstone and turns his body around to look at the sky. His eyes show so many emotions, but regret is at the front of them. He gives a large sigh as the human finally reaches him.
"What now Hellsing? I'm dying from the stake you impaled me with, and you have followed me all this way...." He chuckles weakly.
"Vampire king....You lay upon the blood soaked dirt of your ruined land." He begins to speak.
"Your castles plundered, dominions in ruin, servants destroyed. All to end the hellfire with which you sought to cover the world." Alucard smiles at the human who defeated him.
"A bloody conquest having consumed hundreds of thousands, countless villages razed to the ground, and twenty thousand impaled and prostrated by you and you alone to strike horror into the hearts of mortal men." He grabs Alucard by his collar and lifts him toward his face.
"What say you? Monster, demon, devil conceived by the bleakest wȯmb. What say you now!?"
After asking the question he truly wishes to know, he sees the vampire's eyes clear up. The defeated count stares at the human, his worthy opponent who defeated him and smiles. This smile is not insane nor bloodthirsty. It was a true smile that made the human almost gasp.
"I am a product of all the evil things done by humans. Betrayed by my family, imprisoned and rȧpėd by my enemies, almost killed by the family I thought that wanted me again, betrayed by the one thing I thought I could count on. Every single thing led me to becoming this monster you see before you." He tries to laugh once again but the pain is becoming unbearable.
"You are just a child blaming others for your wrongdoings." The human scoffs and drops the count to the ground.
"When one has seen such darkness at my young age, it is only a matter of time before they succumb to that same shade. Everything I have done, is my own doing. That I won't deny."
"But to say I was born this way is to scoff at my inherit goodness." He weakly replies to the human.
"Goodness? What part of what you've done is good!?" The man stomps on the vampire's legs.
"Everything I have done personally was just. The twenty thousand innocent humans you spoke of were anything but."
"What do you mean?"
"They were all scum who have committed atrocious acts in the name of their lord. Paltry pieces of human waste who were so corrupt and evil, even I couldn't bȧrė to let them live."
"You're lying!"
"Am I? Hehe, am I really?" He says this confidently making the human confused.
"But all those innocents from before..."
"That was not my doing, not my wish. My subordinates were doing those things out of their own will when I told them not to."
"Otherwise how would I be so weak as for you to kill me? I've been fighting the whole day without blood or rest. I was practically dead when you pierced my ċhėst."
"Heh, It seems I'm not such a great king after all."
"Abraham....my nemesis....kill me now. I've killed those monsters, both human and vampire alike. My life on this earth is done." He looks up at the sky after saying this.
Abraham walks slowly and kneels at the vampires body. He stares into the face of this creature he condemned as evil.
'Yes....do it. I've started this out of greed for a companion. That need was increasing over the decades of loneliness, But I at least finished it like I wanted to.' The count thinks to himself as his vision starts getting blurry.
Abraham takes out a knife and does something unusual. He puts it to his palm and cuts it. The vampire's eyes go crimson, but the body is too weak for the instinct to act.
"A monster who isn't a monster....." he mumbles to himself as he raises the fist of the cut hand.
He slams it down on the stake and blood fishes out which signifies the heart was pierced. Abraham shows a serious face as he takes out the wood and places his cut hand inside the ċhėst cavity.
"Honesty and truth do not come from confirmation of facts. It comes from the confirmation of the soul." He states as he feels a lot of blood being suċkėd into the hole of the heart.
"You were completely honest with me and I believe together, we can rid this world of even more evil, than I can do alone." He feels the heart beating once more and he takes his hand out.
Abraham then takes the gloves off the count and takes out his knife once more.
"You will serve my family, not as a slave, but as a helper. A servant." He starts to carve runes into the back of the vampire's hand.
"Only the family head who has my blood will be able to order you, and you will have the ability to deny them if they become too enraptured with your power." He keeps talking as he starts working on the other hand.
"The only way for you to be free of these markings is for my family to die out. My blood to disappear."
"A new life means your old one is gone. which requires you to have a new name..." abraham starts to sway as he feels the effects of the blood loss.
His body falls forward with his head near the vampire's. He stares at the sleeping creature and shows a small smirk. The seals were completed and he starts closing his eyes to fall asleep.
"Alucard, that is the name I have chosen for you. I name you this in the hopes that you be able to lighten your world which has become so dark." The seals start to glow red.
"I must be going senile to have done such a thing. Do not let me down.....Alucard." Abraham stops talking as he goes into a deep slumber.
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