Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 47 - 47 - Interlude 2

After seras left Alucard's room, she went to the kitchen to get a couple blood packs. She arrived in seconds and sits at the counter enjoying her breakfast.

Seras takes her time and gets done in 15 minutes. after cleaning up, she goes to leave when someone meets her in the hallway.

"Oh, it's the vampire girl." The man says.

"Hey, it's Willingham right?" Seras waves at him.

"Y-Yes. I'm surprised you know me." The man replies.

"Well it wasn't hard. I've heard the captain talking to you earlier."

"You heard us?"

"Yeah, when you were training."

"While training?....but we were outside."

"Vampire, remember?" She points to her ears while saying so.

"Oh yeah." He replies awkwardly.

"So why are you here for?"

"Just some water. We finally got done training."

"How was it?"

"It was like school. We just got taught by some old guy."

"Was it Captain Farguson?"


"I see...." she frowns.

"Anyways, can I ask you something?" The man asks while getting a glass from the cabinet.


"....Why don't the other soldiers like you? In fact, it seems like they hate you." Willingham asks after a few seconds in silence.

"Ooooh, that. I thought it was going to be something else." Seras chuckles a little.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but the way you looked and had this whole serious demeanor, made it seems so serious." She replies with a smile.

"I didn't know how you were going to react. I tried asking the Lieutenant guy but he yelled at me."

"Well, he probably doesn't want you guys to know how stupid he is."


"Ever since I've been here, the soldiers never liked me. It's like if a jewish person who lived through the holocaust all of a sudden has to work with a German soldier who participated in those atrocities." She explains without answering him.

"That bad?"

"Yeah, I imagine you lost quite a few friends in your time as a mercenary, right?"

"Yeah. Quite a few." His face goes dark and states with some sadness.

"So imagine now you have to work with someone who is similar to those that killed them."

"That must suck."

"It's nothing new." She shrugs.

"My whole life humans have been awful to me. Mentally, physically, and emotionally." She continues as her face forms a frown.

".....I'm not going to open that up. Way too weak to handle whatever happened there." The man scoots away in a joking manner.

"Yeah, I have issues. Any other questions?"

"What do you have planned for the captain tonight?"

"Oh.....I'm sure it will be a night he will never forget." She smiles happily but it makes the man shiver.

"Just....please don't hurt him...." he pleads.

"Don't worry Willingham. He won't get hurt.....much." She phases away after that leaving The man alone to pray for his captain.

'Cap, I'll lead the men after you're gone.' He puts his hands together and looks up.

After seras left, she reappears on the roof and gazes up at the now dusk sky.

"It's beautiful...."she mumbles.

"It is, isn't it, Police Girl?" An echoey voice sounds out behind her.

"Yes." She replies not looking at him.



"I think you're going to like tomorrow."

"Will I?"

"Yeah, a lot more than that shit-stain Valentine. More of a challenge, you know?" She smirks.

"I see. I can't wait then." He chuckles darkly and they both continue to stare at the sunset.



"Have I ever told you that I'm glad you turned me into a vampire?"

"No, you haven't."

"Well I am." She states after a few seconds in thought.

"I know." He replies immediately.

"You do?"

"Yes. You forget who I am Police Girl." He Flicks her head which makes it go downward.


"That's what you get for underestimating me." He laughs a little.

"No I don't. If anything I always overestimate you." She complains while rubbing the back of her head.


"Yeah, you're the strongest vampire. The king! I doubt anyone can hold a candle to your might!" She stands up while throwing her arms outward and exaggerates loudly.

"I'm glad that you understand." He nods along to her theatrics.

Seras stops and sits back down.

"Ever since I've been here, I'm not alone. I have people I can call my family again." She leans her head into his ċhėst.


"You, Walter, Integra. Although she has been mad at me as of late."

"The price of keeping secrets. She still trusts you though."

"I know. I wish I could tell her, but if I did, she would do something about it."

"Is that so bad?"

".....Yes and no." She states after a minute in deep thought.


"The enemy we're fighting is both everywhere and nowhere. They know everything we do and yet we know nothing about them. Except for me that is." She smiles a little at the last statement.

"Continue." He starts crushing her head at the annoying smile.

"Ow...ok. Their plans run deep and they're masterpieces in their own right. Plus, they're always changing to match our actions."

"And you're afraid that if our actions change too much then the results that you know will cease to exist?"

"Exactly. It's tiring." She puts her head into her hands and exhales loudly.

"I bet. It's probably worse since you need that same result to occur. If you knew nothing, then it would be a lot easier."

"Right? I just hope at the end of it, my whole family will still be here." She sighs once more.

"...."Alucard doesn't reply.

The sun soon sets completely and now it's night time.

"You should get going, or the captain might be hurt that you're late for your date." He pushes her head out of his embrace.

"Ew! It's not a date." She denies vehemently.


"It isn't!"

"Whatever you say." Alucard phases away.

"IT'S NOT!" She yells when he is fully gone.

"Stupid master...." She mumbles to herself and phases to the entrance right after.

When she reappears, she sees Pip waiting at the front door wearing some normal clothes she didn't know he had.

"Sup! Didn't know you had normal clothes." She waves at him and smiles.

"I didn't. This is Willingham's." He stretches the loose T-Shirt that says 'Green Lives Matter' at it's collar.

The shirt also has a picture of the earth covered in dollar signs as the land. He is also wearing some blue jeans and sneakers.

"Is that what you're wearing?" He points at her uniform.

"This? No, definitely not." She shakes her head and starts changing her clothes.

Pip stares in both freight and fascination when her uniform turns into a black shirt, with a red tank top and some skinny jeans. Her shoes are black converse with white laces.

"There. That should be comfortable." She states and looks back at the slack jawed mercenary.


"Captain?" She waves her hand in front of his face.

"I-Oh, I'm sorry. I've finally gone insane, I should have known vampires and the like don't really exist...." he looks at the wall in a serene way.


"I'm just joking Ma Cherie. But your change really did throw me for a loop. You never told us vampires could change their clothes like that." He chuckles wryly at his poorly executed joke.

"Normal vampires can't. It's one of those things that is so rare, nobody thought to tell you. From what I know, only my master and I can do this." She gestures to her new clothes.

"I see. It must make your life so easy. No need for luggage or anything, just imagine and go."

"That's right. Would you believe Sir Integra got so used to how fast my master answered her summons, she called me slow when I answered." Seras chuckles.

"Really? Well, I never would dare to comment on the time for you to get ready. Whatever it would be, it will be worth it." He states smoothly.

"Pfft. Stop it." She pushes his shoulder while laughing at his antics.

After that he tumbled to the ground with his hat placed in an awkward position covering his good eye.

"...sorry. I'm still not used to interacting with humans after I changed." She apologizes.

"It's all good. Now, will you tell me where we're going?" He stands up and reoriented his hat back to normal.

"That, Captain is a surprise." She smiles mysteriously and opens the front door.

They leave the premises and when the gates close, Pip is surprised that a cab is waiting for them. He looks to Seras who is waving at the cabby.

"Do you have an in with the company? I never heard of a cab coming all the way out here." He asks in confusion.

"Ah. Well, let's just say I've been given free cab rides for life while I was on a case as an officer."

"Hello miss Victoria. Mr. Smith sends his regards once again." The driver states with some decorum.

"Thank you John. Please tell Henry that I'm thankful he always helps me out."

"I will." He nods as they go inside.

They get in and close the door before the driver starts the engine. When they're on their way, Pip looks over at seras who is staring out of the window. He can see so many emotions behind her eyes, The he gets put into a daze.

"So....How is it being a vampire?"


"I mean like is it any fun? Do you feel any different?" He asks hurriedly.

"I think for most it would be hell. But for me, it's like I was always meant to be one, you know?"

"Yes I do. It's like the time I found out my family were mercenaries going back nine generations. I was both frightened and disgusted at the time, but as I grew it felt like something was missing. I can't imagine being anything other than what I am."

"Exactly. I had a feeling you would understand." Seras smiles at the captain.

They once again ride in silence until the cab reaches the destination. Both seras and the captain get out and he is stunned by What is in front of him.



"Why are we in front of Buckingham Palace?"

"Oh that. I figured you and I could run in and meet the queen real quick. Just for a few minutes." She walks forward while saying this.

"...what? But-that....." he mutters before sighing and following her.

"Will you at least tell me why?" He asks after seras stopped right at the iron bars.

"I need to speak with her about some information I possess. I can't say what because it will change some things. Are you ready?"

"How vague. Wait, ready!? I'm coming?" He asks quickly when seras covers his loud mouth with his hand.

"Yeah. I said you and I." She whispers as the captain notices a guard walking past them inside the palace grounds.

"Why me?"

"Because you lost the bet. Did you really think we were just going to walk around London?"


Seras just lightly flicks his forehead which causes him to take a few steps back.

"What the hell!?" He yells making a guard come forward.

"Who's there!?" A flashlight gets put into pips face and the light blinds him.

"Quoi?" Pip asks back in French.

"French? Disgusting people...." the guard spits before walking away.

When he is gone, seras comes out of the shadow and gives the captain a smile.

"That was cruel Ma Cherie." Pip rubs his forehead and speaks quietly.

"That's what you get for yelling on an infiltration mission. Now let's go." She grabs his arm and jumps over the gate before landing in a big bush area.

Pip almost screamed but he stopped himself and landed roughly on the ground.

"Ms. Victoria. Please tell me when you do something like that!" He whispers loudly.

"Ms. Victoria? Who are you and what have you done with the captain?" She gives him a weird look.

".....just please inform me when you jump 20 feet into the air while grabbing me." He says with a serious face.

"I will. Just wanted to have some fun with you." Seras runs forward and passes by a few guards who didn't notice her.

The captain follows after her on her signal so the guards don't notice him either. they keep avoiding the many moving guards before reaching two huge double doors.

"This.....was way too easy." The captain just sighs in defeat.

"Perks of being a vampire. I can hear really far away." She emphasizes the word really.

"I guess." He states as seras knocks on the doors.

Before the captain can yell at her, seras covers his mouth.

"Just stay silent." She received a nod.

When they get done communicating, the doors open slightly revealing a middle aged man with a huge scar over his eye. He is giving an annoyed look when he looks at the couple In front of him.

"Wha-!" He is interrupted when seras points into his face.

The scarred man's eyes go orange as his face slackens. Seras doesn't say a thing as the man backs up and opens the door wider.

"John Who is it?" Another man asks as seras does the same thing.

When she got done with that, 8 other people surround and point guns at them.

"Seras? You didn't say anything about this...."

"Who lost the bet?" She gives him a look which shuts the captain up.

"Enough. Bring them closer, William." An aged woman's voice states with authority.

"But your majesty!"

"It's fine, I believe she is a messenger from an old friend. He like to keep his anonymity, so please step back."

"....." William Just glares at seras and the captain before backing up.

Seras steps forward and looks at the woman who rules the entire country. She sees that the woman has seen almost everything, so seras respects her for that.

"Speak your mind." The queen says

"Thank you, your majesty." Seras stands up from her bow and looks at the queen.

"You insolent-!"

"Shut it!" Seras glares at the man while yelling.


She takes out her gun and points it at the insolent man. This makes him do as she said, but still glaring at her.

"Stand down. I'm sorry for his rude behavior, but William is one of my best bodyguard, so I would appreciate if you don't kill him."

"As you wish." Seras puts her gun away.

"Leave us gentleman." The queen commands and all of the guards do as they're told.

"May I, your majesty?" Seras gestures to walk forward.

When she received a nod, seras walks forward and whispers into the queens ears for a solid ten minutes. The expressions she went through, surprised the captain.

"That's all, please think about it. I expect good news." Seras gives a knowing look before walking away.

".....I will. Thank you for binging this to my attention. As for the latter, it will be done. Don't worry."

"Thank you, I'll be leaving." Seras gives a smile before walking to the captain.

After they left the Queen is still lost in thought for at least an hour when the guards come back to tell her it's getting late.

Seras and the captain leave the grounds of the palace with ease and seras phases through the gates along with the Frenchman.

"That was it? All that work getting past the guards to just whisper for 10 minutes?"

"The length of the conversation doesn't equate its value. Those ten minutes have probably saved thousands of lives."


"You'll know when the time comes, now let's go have some fun."

"I can get behind that!" He gives a ŀėwd smile.

"Stop that, are you hungry?"

"Yes I am. Do you have any place in mind?"

"Of course."

The night goes on like a couple of old friends hanging out, both of them are very comfortable with one another and no question was left unanswered. Seras even answered in ways so she didn't lie, but the captain realized she did so.

At around 2 AM, they're on their way back to hellsing taking the same can as earlier that evening. The captain keeps taking glances at seras as she look out the window.

"Why did you use your bet to have me come with you this evening?"


"You obviously aren't interested in me romantically, so I was curious."

"When I first saw you, I felt a kind of connection. It wasn't anything stupid but like were similar people."

"I felt that too."

"Yeah? I've been living here for two months and I've just gotten tired of repressing myself."


"Yeah, between the ice cold Integra and my master who's has lived for 600 years, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells all the time. It's fun on missions, but when I'm in that big mansion, I feel empty."

"I see. It does seem hard to live in that place." The captain nods in understanding.

"Then I'm just a tool?"

"Aw, are you angry?" She asks with a playful tone.

"Not at all, ma Cherie. I had a great time." he winks at her.

"Good, then I don't feel bad."

They share a laugh after that and they both feel like friends now.

"From now on, call me Pip."

"Our name is pip? I thought it was captain." She tilts her head in confusion.

"....ok then, Police Girl." He says her nickname jokingly.

"That was low Pip."

"You're just too cute to not tease, ma Cherie."

The cab arrived at the gates and puts it into park.

"It looks like we're here pip. Make sure to get a good nights sleep, you'll be needing it tomorrow." She gives a knowing smile.

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