Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 48 - 48 - The Beginning

The morning of the eighth is not a good one for Integra. She woke up late, her tie was ripped, also her shoelaces broke. If those weren't enough, her mirror cracked as well.

'I've never been superstitious but some weird shit is happening.' She thinks as she arrives at her office.

When Integra sits down, she hears a knock on the door.

"Come in Walter."

He walks in with some envelopes.

"Walter?" She asks.


"Do you believe in omens?"

"Like the black cat crossing your path and cracking mirrors?"


"....well I know it's ridiculous, but I do believe in it. In a world filled with vampires and other mythical creatures, such things shouldn't be overlooked. Why?" He states after a minute in thought.

"I've been seeing numerous such things this morning."She explains what she has seen and Walter makes a serious face.

"I think you should be careful about today sir. Seeing so many bad omens can't be good."

"I'll try Walter, but let's not be too hasty in worrying." She chuckles to calm him down.

"I didn't know we were expecting guests today?" He mumbles.

"We weren't." Integra states as she walks next to him.

A few seconds later she notices the flag on the cars.

"It seems that her majesty has an order for us." She smirks.

"Oh, I see. Should I bring them here?"

"Yes Walter, And make sure they don't meet the mercenaries. These old men can't handle such rough people."

Walter leaves Integra alone in her office as she says that.

'Just handle it like any other day Integra. Worrying over unknowns is never good for you.' She mumbles what her father told her when he was the head of hellsing.

A few minutes later, Walter comes in with two elderly gentleman wearing bowler hats and suits. Integra frowns as she notices their smirks of superiority.

"What can I do for you two today?" She stands up.

"Yes, it's like this Integra-"

"Sir." She coldly states.

"E-Excuse me?" He stutters.

"It's Sir Integra Hellsing, Sir Kensington."

"Not for long with that attitude!" The man yells.

"How dare you address me like this in my own home!" Integra slams her hand on the desk.

"Now now, he didn't mean anything by it Sir Integra." The other man finally intervenes.

He gives the angry gentleman a look and he calms down.

"I believe we should be civil in our meeting." He continues to talk to Integra after the other calms.

"....very well Sir Johnathon. What are you here for exactly?" She sits back down.

"We have come to deliver a message from the Queen." He puts his hand inside his jacket.

"She has been watching the events unfold as of late and she believes she has found a solution." He continues when he pulls out an envelope.

Integra recieved it and used an engraved letter opener to do the job it was created for. After spending a few minutes reading it, she gives the two men a semi-shocked look.

"Is she serious?" She finally asks them.

"We don't know. All she told us was that we should deliver this to you." Sir Johnathon smiles as the other one exhales arrogantly.

"Oh? I see. Then you may leave." She waves them off while smiling.

"How dare-!" The perpetually angry Sir Kensington begins when his partner stops him with his arm.

"Since you have received the letter, we shall be going." The smiling man takes off his hat and bows a little before leaving.

Sir Kensington just turns away and angrily shuts the door. They're walking down the hall in silence when he can't take it anymore.

"What was that about George?" He asks in frustration.

"Not here, old boy."

"What do you mean not here!?" He grabs the other man's shoulder and drags him back.

"Get off of me you old fool!" George smacks the greasy hand away and whispers loudly.

"Then answer me!"

"Fine, the information we received was incorrect. The hellsing Girl was supposed to be in a horrendous mess she can't save herself from."


"So? Think you idiot! She was calm as can be and had no sense of urgency!" He starts poking the fat one's forehead.

"I-oh. Then the reason we didn't-"

"Yes, lets just stick to what we were sent here to do by her majesty and not ruin ourselves." George interrupts.

"I see. It's too bad." The fat man slumps in disappointment.

"What is?"

"I really wanted that second summer home. I heard Sweden is such a nice spot."

"It's not good enough to ruin us and our families for. Let's just go away and forget any of this ever happened."

The two men finally leave the building when Integra is standing by the office window overlooking her estate. She stares at them until they're completely gone and gives a tired sigh.

"Would you like something to eat sir?"

"Yes Walter. I can't believe I just woke up and I'm already tired. Stupid old fools can't even be simple messengers correctly."

"To be a hellsing is to age quickly and die young." Walter says out of nowhere.


"It's what your father said to me. Apparently Your grandfather was the one who said it to him."

"I see. Truer words have never been spoken." She chuckles after a couple seconds.

At the Vatican, Maxwell is doing his usual paperwork when someone comes in, in a hurry.

"What have I said about rushing things Deacon Baxter?" He doesn't look up while asking.

"I-I'm sorry sir. It's just you-you told me to inform you w-when something happens at hellsing that's out of the normal." The deacon begins while panting and eventually completes the sentence normally.


"According to our spies in the Queen's guards, two of her oldest backers were sent with a message to Integra Hellsing."

"Do we know any information about the message?" He asks finally looking up from his paperwork.

"None Sir."

"...." Maxwell puts his head on his hands and thinks for a couple minutes.

"Sir?" Deacon Baxter asks in worry.

"Get me Anderson. Also call Father Renaldo."

"Yes!" Jamie leaves the office in a hurry to call them leaving Maxwell alone.

'A message from the Queen to her loyal ŀȧpdog. It can only be for some big movement to draw out the organization involved in their increasing Vampire attacks.' He looks at the report in front of him.

If any of the higher ups who are involved in the new task force were here, they would be shocked at the information he is holding. He has the names, background information, and supplies used. They even have everything involving the units and their movements over the past month.

'Hellsing is But a baby in front of the church and you expect to be treated like ȧduŀts when even hellsing treats you like idiotic children. I can only ȧssume that this mystery organization is behind this.' He scoffs at their inexperience and arrogance while throwing the report into the garbage.

While the Deacon was informing Maxwell of the situation, Anderson was at the orphanage playing with the children. They were outside, playing on the swings, in the sandbox, and Anderson was at a table having a tea party with a small girl.

He is distracted by a new child that arrived yesterday, it's a girl who is by herself sitting in a corner.

"Hey, Who is the new girl?" He asks an older boy who walked by.

"I don't know, but when she came yesterday, she was still shaking. I heard the ȧduŀts say that her parents were killed in front of her."


"It's awful, and we don't know what to do. She is intense."

"I see. Thank you max."

After the boy leaves, Anderson gets up and tells the girl he has to do something. The girl smiles and asks for him to come back when he is done.

"Of course my child." He smiles and pats her head while walking by.

Anderson trudges over to the loner girl who flinches as he gets closer. She puts her head into her legs and tries not to notice him coming.

"So.....what's your name little one?" Anderson sits next to her and asks as gently as he can.


"My name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex if you'd like."

"Y- a pr- ght?" The girl mumbles so low he can't hear.

"I'm sorry, can you say it again?"

"You're a priest, right?" She asks again with a low voice.

"Yes, I am." He states proudly.

"Why did my parents die then?"

"I-...." he doesn't answer.

"They were catholic, prayed every night, and loved me no matter what. Why did god let them die?" She asks now in frustration and anger.

"God has a plan-"

"Don't tell me god has a plan. That's even worse." She says indifferently.

".....why do you say that?"

"If god has a plan and my parents died, then that means he killed my parents for that plan. Nothing and nobody will allow me to forgive him for that."

Anderson sighs because he doesn't have an answer for her. He goes to pat her head when she dodges it and walks away.

'Poor girl, only 11 and had to witness such a-' his thoughts stop when he remembers the vampire he fought.

'She was only 9, plus she had it worse...why am I sympathetic to an evil creature.' He shakes his head to throw away the thought.

Anderson walks back to the tea party table when he stop again.

'But, She was a child. She wasn't an evil creature when it happened.' Before he can think further he hears a deacon calling his name.

A couple minutes later, Maxwell feels the heavy footsteps of Anderson coming this way and he smirks. The doors fling open revealing the hulking priest along with the short elderly man.

"Ah, Father Anderson, Father Renaldo. Please, take a seat." He gestures to the chairs.

"Stop with the frivolous manners, tell me where I can cut up some vampires! I'm itching to get back to work!" Anderson semi-yells in frustration.

"All in good time Anderson. I've actually gotten a report about hellsing." Both of their expressions darken at the name.

"And?" Renaldo asks.

"I'm ordering you two to goto London to observe the events that will happen in the next 24 hours."

"Just observe?" Anderson asks in anger.

"Unless otherwise necessary. Something is definitely going to happen and I want you two to be there when it does."

"Ok Father Maxwell. When do we leave."

"Right now." Maxwell smiles as he pushes a buŧŧon.

Sounds roll out as the wall beside them open up to a secret area with a plane already running. Anderson smiles as he boards the plane with Renaldo.

"I only hope he doesn't cause too big of a mess. Although, another part of me wishes he does." Maxwell mumbles as his leg starts twitching in pain.

"Stupid whore!" He yells out loud.

In Brazil, the Major is sat in his favorite seat staring at the screen in front of him. He is sipping on some tea, relaxing despite the days events he has planned out.

"Are the preparations ready, Doctor?" He asks out.

"Yes Major. All of the requirements you have specified have been fulfilled. They are on their way right now."

"Very good. And what about our front row seat?"

"Also done. When it begins you'll have the best seat in the house."


"Hahaha! It seems like something is going on." A childish voice sounds out.

"Ah Schrodinger. How is my favorite cat-boy today?"

"Good Major. I still have a sleight headache though."

"That will go away soon Schrodinger. You were in such pain, It hurt me to see you in such a state." The doctor explains in worry.

"Hehe, anyway. Can you tell me what you're planning, it sounds like fun." He laughs before crawling to the majors ŀȧp and begs playfully.

"All in good time." The major states as he pets the boy's head.

Schrodinger sticks his tongue out and leaves afterwards. The Major laughs a little and when he is gone, his expression becomes that same indifferent smile.

"What did you tell him, dok?"

"Nothing too specific. Just that something happened and he was found injured in his room. It took a week to heal him before he woke up."

"I see. It's a good idea to be vague, so that nothing can trigger the true memories. What about the knife?"

"Ah, unfortunately I need a few more days to complete that."

"You must hurry Doctor. Without it my plans will fail." The major stands up and walks forward.

He stops at the window which shows a forest and mountains below.

"It will be done major. I will put my complete attention into it."

"Very good. Tonight will be nothing but a prologue. A prelude for what's to come, but that doesn't mean we can't have any fun." He extends his arms out dramatically.

"Yes, this is the bullet that will start our war with hellsing, with Alucard. It is the same as the one that shot Archduke Ferdinand all those years ago which led to that amazing war. That war we have fought Gloriously in and lost." He clenches his fist and opens them while speaking.

"You would know Major. After all, you shot the gun." The dok smiles creepily.

"Yes....wars were so boring in my time, Lining up and shooting. It was just people moving robotically when they could have done so much more, been so much more. I envisioned a world of blood and gore which I succeeded in making." He smiles madly while reminiscing.

"That is why I let the major powers think we lost. Such idiots, believing that they won and fought each other over their winnings."

"Yes, the unlimited submarine warfare was a masterful stroke. Getting the Americans to join and believe they were strong."

"It was, even when I got that failing art student and turned him into a man of such magnitude, that the world shook to its very core!"

"Nobody knew he was but a puppet."

"No, and everything would have been perfect if those stupid Japs didn't bring in America so quickly. I only needed another year and we could have had the greatest war in history. A never ending war."

"But as they say, the past is in the past." He sighs and continues with a wide smile while waving the Doctor away.

"Yes Major." The dok leaves him alone.

"Ah, every night I dream of recreating that moment. That moment when everything and everyone was dancing to my tune. Such a feeling only comes to a person once in a lifetime." The major starts dancing with himself in the silent room.

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