Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 49 - 49 - The Start of the Attack
At 5:00PM Walter is in the basement heading to Alucard's room to wake them up. He reaches the doors and sighs tiredly as he opens it.
"Walter, my good man. What brings you to my room so early?" Alucard asks while sitting on his throne.
"I've come to wake you two up. It seems that the Queen has a plan for luring the organization out. Sir Integra wants you two ready to go as soon as possible."
"Oh? I see, that does sound like something her highness would do." He states with a childish tone.
"It's her majesty Alucard. It's been that way for 50 years."
"Oh please walter, you know that we share a special bond after that war."
"That's true, but my manners as an English gentlemen prevent me from doing so." He smiles before walking over to Seras' bed.
He notices the distinct lack of a mess he normally cleans up and sighs worriedly.
"Don't be like that Walter, normally one would be happy to find he doesn't have to clean."
"I'm normal cases, true. In her case however, it worries me that she is already acting like you."
"I can see why you, as a 600 year old vampire would be so bored, but she is still only a child."
"A teenager, but I do see your point." He puts his head into his fist while resting on the throne.
"Maybe I can teach her to play some instruments. I'm probably rusty, but it should be enough to teach." Alucard states after a few seconds in silence.
"that's a great idea. Let's not tell her though until I get some instruments for her." Walter smiles and goes to nudge seras awake.
It takes only a few seconds or seras to open her eyes which is unusual. She sits up quickly and makes a sort of growl noise only animals would make.
"Oh, I'm sorry Walter. Someone...nevermind." She begins to explain her dream, but she gives up.
"Oh. Well get ready. The queen sent Sir Integra a letter about a plan to lure this organization out."
"Ok Walter." Seras Just yawns and changes her clothes.
"Truly acting like you every day Alucard." Walter just sighs at her actions before turning to the ancient vampire.
"Isn't it great?" Alucard laughs.
"Not really." Walter leaves with those words.
"What's with him?" Seras asks finally noticing the abnormal state of the Butler.
"He's just worried that you're too...how do humans say...mature for your age."
"....ah. He's worried I'm not acting like a 19 year old girl? I guess it would be a bit concerning." She realizes after a few seconds.
"How silly for the God of Death to worry over such a minor thing."
"Even gods of death have smilies they love. And Walter loves his."
"Whatever. Anyway Police Girl?" He gives her a look like he knows something.
"Yes, Master?"
"What have you told Ellie? This isn't usually like her."
"Pfft, Ellie?" Seras laughs a little.
"Yes, the queen. We have some...history."
"If I told you, it would ruin the surprise. However I will give you a hint."
"You should watch the news, it will be....historic." She phases away after the last word.
"The news? Man, how do I work this again?" He complains as he picks up a remote control.
Seras phases out of the ground of the formal living room on the first floor. She jumps onto the couch and turns the tv on. She then takes out a blood pack before changing the channel to the news.
- This is a Special Bulletin. The queen will be making an announcement during the....at the Tower of London. The Prime Minister has said it will be a matter of great importance for the country. All citizens are encourage to watch it.-
"What are you doing here Ma Cherie?" The captain jumps over the back of the couch and sits down next to her.
"watching the news. Just because I'm a vampire now doesn't mean the outside world is irrelevant. At least not yet."
"I see."
"Oh yeah, you wanted to know what I spoke to the queen about right?"
"Of course. I bȧrėly got any sleep last night thanks to my overwhelming curiosity."
"Is that what you call it?"
"Quoi?....No! That's not what I was talking about!....but if you must know I call it-"
"On second thought that was an ill-timed joke. Anyway, part of what I told her is happening right now. See?" She points to the screen as he anchor once again talks about the announcement.
"An announcement? We invaded the palace for something this stupid?"
"You think so? Then that's a relief." She chuckles.
"What do you mean?"
"If you, Who was with me thought that, then anyone not so involved will be able to figure out the real reason so easily.
"Anyone not directly involved? Who do you mean Ma Cherie?"
"You'll see, captain. But I should warn you to be prepared to be called out tonight." Seras smiles mysteriously making the captain shiver a little.
"C-C'mon, you can't be serious." He tries to laugh it off as a joke, but stops when seras gives him a dull look.
His laughs go silent and his back sweats when seras laughs. Her laughter calms him down.
"You're right, pip. What I said can't be taken seriously."
They both chuckle to each other when the captain leaves. After he left, a voice makes her smile more genuinely.
"Did you have to lie to the boy, Police Girl?"
"Lie? When did I do that? I told him the honest truth." She tilts her head.
"You said not take it seriously, when he could die?"
"I did say something like that, but different. I said 'what I said con't be taken seriously', But I was. it's not my fault if he doesn't believe me." Seras shrugs her shoulders.
"And here I thought you had a soft spot for him." Alucard scoffs lightly as he sits next to his Childe.
"I do admit there was a certain connection, but we've only known each other for a little over two days. If he can't trust me, then I'll have some fun with his mistrust."
"You're truly a funny girl." He pats her head while they both laugh a little evilly.
While seras and Alucard were watching the news, The palace was having an active day preparing for the night's activities. The queen was dressed and prepped for the event while many of the guards were briefed about evacuation routes and backup plans if anything goes wrong.
After she was dressed, the queen was left alone in her chamber to rest before they leave. She just sighs as she remembers what that young vampire girl told her the night before.
"I'm bait? She uses the queen as bait? How fun, she reminds me of you Ally." The queen mumbles to herself as she goes to her desk and takes out an aged photo.
In the photo is a very young version of the queen looking to be about 15-16 years old and a raven haired girl giving a beguiling smile. The queen refreshingly smiles as she remembers the day the photo was taken.
'I remember you used me as bait that day as well, however you never told me so beforehand. I guess that takes a feminine touch, even if you were masquerading as a female back then.' She kisses the photo before putting it back into its spot covered by other items.
The queen then takes a seat in a very nice sofa and waits for the time to leave.
At 5:30PM, in a luxurious hotel, a very tall man and short elderly gentleman are sitting on a couch watching the tv. They have serious looks while the tv plays the news and they await for some action.
"I know you're itching to fight Alex, but must you keep shaking the couch with your infernal tapping?" Renaldo speaks up as he is shaking a little.
"Oh? Sorry about that old friend. Just really bored." Alex looks down at the dent in the floor from tapping his foot and apologizes.
"It's fine, I know how much you wish to be involved. I feel the same."
"I know you do, however I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary so far."
"You haven't? My, I think you're slipping." The old man smiles mysteriously as he takes a sip from a tea cup.
"What do you mean?"
"Normally during this annual event, the prime minister makes announcements, however the queen is doing so this time. She even encouraged the citizens to watch."
"So? You don't find that odd?"
"Why should I? She's probably just bored as well."
"....that's not the case. I bet there is another reason for this abrupt change." Renaldo shakes his head before explaining.
"Another reason?"
"Yes, It could be a number of things. But most likely it's so the people will realize the threats against this country."
"What does that mean?"
"Let's put it this way. If you were a normal citizen and someone successfully attacks your leader, what would be your first thought?"
"Exactly! If they can attack the queen during such a time where she is most guarded, who can be safe? I believe someone is trying to show that the country isn't safe. At least subtlety enough that it doesn't draw too much suspicion."
"So this someone is using their monarch as bait? How cold blooded." Anderson chuckles like he doesn't care.
"That's not so, if anything, they're too nice."
"Oh?" Anderson asks intrigued.
"Yes, whoever is behind this change knows that there will be attack in this country soon. This is their way of trying to lessen casualties. Of course, all of this is just my opinion and there is no evidence to support it." This makes Anderson cough.
"Then why mention it at all? You had me thinking there was some kind of shadow ruler in this god-forsaken place."
"Did I? However, my intuition is telling me that this is the truth."
"Your intuition?"
"Yes, It has saved my life more times than I can count. I trust it implicitly." Renaldo drink the remaking liquid in his cup and smiles.
"Very well, then should we go view the festivities?" Anderson stands up making his face get covered by shadows.
"Ok then, But remember. We shall not get involved unless we have to."
"Of course old friend, let's get going." Anderson gestures with his hand to the door.
Both men leave their room and walk to the tower.
At 5:45PM, in an underground chamber. A tall man with light grey skin wearing a trench coat is drawing glyphs into the ground. He is constantly mumbling sounds, but they would sound like nonsense to non-practitioners of his religion.
As he was doing this, a figure appears behind him disrupting his work.
"What do you want?"
"It's almost time Master." The figure states with a monotonous voice.
"Don't call me Master! I Had no wish to make you and I have no dėsɨrė to teach you! You're nothing to me!" Incognito yells angrily to the hooded figure.
"..." the figure says nothing as Incognito calms down.
"Whatever, What do you have to report? Any changes in the plan?"
"Nothing major, except there has been a slight change with our target."
"The queen has decided to announce something making the viewership of tonight's event skyrocket."
"You think thats important enough to disturb me! A human ruler leading human subjects! Nothing of interest!" Incognito slaps his servant making the figure fly back into the wall.
"Now leave me until it's time. You're ruining my concentration by just being here." The tall man turns back around and writes more symbols into the ground.
The figure stands up from the rubble after a few minutes and walks away without complaint. Light shines into his hood showing crimson eyes and blonde hair. Also his skin has taken a grayish hue similar to Incognitos.
Back at hellsing, Integra is at her desk smoking a cigar with Walter standing next to her to receive any orders. She sets down her pen and sighs while looking outside to see the full moon.
"Anything wrong sir?"
"Nothing right now, but it will start in an hour, correct?"
"Yes, we have lieutenant fox and his unit on standby. Ready to move out."
"I see, what about the wild geese?"
"I chose not to tell them because they've only just got done with Captain Ferguson's classes. They've also hadn't done any missions to acquaint themselves with experience."
"That's true, but I have a feeling that won't be the case for long." Integra exhales a small cloud of smoke while looking into the distance.
"It's Nothing Walter, just a feeling I have." She chuckles lightly.
"I see."
Time moves so much slower when you're waiting for it. Seras is still sitting on the couch but her foot keeps tapping the floor in boredom as she observes the time.
'6:50, only 5 more minutes' She thinks as the anchorman for the event speaks up.
-it seems that the queen has just left the palace with her escort. Many people including myself are awaiting the announcement she wants everyone to listen too. In fact I just got word that viewership has reached an astronomical 88% rate. That means 88% of the country is watching right now.-
-And it seems to be rising every minute. This will be the best night of my life.- The anchor is excited which makes him lose himself for a second.
Seras' foot taps faster with every minute hat passes and when the clock hits 6:55PM her eyes go red in excitement as a huge explosion hits the Tower of London.
-What's happening!? Has this time honored event been targeted by terrorists!?-
"Yes. yes! It's happening!" Seras yells in excitement.
Meanwhile upstairs, Integra saw the same thing and smirks confidently.
"It seems the vermin have been lured to the cheese we have graciously provided. Let's send some exterminators, shall we Walter?" She looks at her butler.
"Of course sir." Walter smiles and bows before going to the phone.
In Brazil, a man is laughing gleefully while sitting in his large leather chair. He is surrounded by many others, but they're all silent as the madman cackles.
"It's started! oh it's begun! I can't wait until all of the dancers appear to give me a great show!" The Major once again laughs as many screens show the inside of the tower.
"Oh Alucard, I hope you're as thrilled as I am about this. This is just the beginning of my revenge." The major mumbles to himself as he rubs an old chain gently around his wrist
"Walter, my good man. What brings you to my room so early?" Alucard asks while sitting on his throne.
"I've come to wake you two up. It seems that the Queen has a plan for luring the organization out. Sir Integra wants you two ready to go as soon as possible."
"Oh? I see, that does sound like something her highness would do." He states with a childish tone.
"It's her majesty Alucard. It's been that way for 50 years."
"Oh please walter, you know that we share a special bond after that war."
"That's true, but my manners as an English gentlemen prevent me from doing so." He smiles before walking over to Seras' bed.
He notices the distinct lack of a mess he normally cleans up and sighs worriedly.
"Don't be like that Walter, normally one would be happy to find he doesn't have to clean."
"I'm normal cases, true. In her case however, it worries me that she is already acting like you."
"I can see why you, as a 600 year old vampire would be so bored, but she is still only a child."
"A teenager, but I do see your point." He puts his head into his fist while resting on the throne.
"Maybe I can teach her to play some instruments. I'm probably rusty, but it should be enough to teach." Alucard states after a few seconds in silence.
"that's a great idea. Let's not tell her though until I get some instruments for her." Walter smiles and goes to nudge seras awake.
It takes only a few seconds or seras to open her eyes which is unusual. She sits up quickly and makes a sort of growl noise only animals would make.
"Oh, I'm sorry Walter. Someone...nevermind." She begins to explain her dream, but she gives up.
"Oh. Well get ready. The queen sent Sir Integra a letter about a plan to lure this organization out."
"Ok Walter." Seras Just yawns and changes her clothes.
"Truly acting like you every day Alucard." Walter just sighs at her actions before turning to the ancient vampire.
"Isn't it great?" Alucard laughs.
"Not really." Walter leaves with those words.
"What's with him?" Seras asks finally noticing the abnormal state of the Butler.
"He's just worried that you're too...how do humans say...mature for your age."
"....ah. He's worried I'm not acting like a 19 year old girl? I guess it would be a bit concerning." She realizes after a few seconds.
"How silly for the God of Death to worry over such a minor thing."
"Even gods of death have smilies they love. And Walter loves his."
"Whatever. Anyway Police Girl?" He gives her a look like he knows something.
"Yes, Master?"
"What have you told Ellie? This isn't usually like her."
"Pfft, Ellie?" Seras laughs a little.
"Yes, the queen. We have some...history."
"If I told you, it would ruin the surprise. However I will give you a hint."
"You should watch the news, it will be....historic." She phases away after the last word.
"The news? Man, how do I work this again?" He complains as he picks up a remote control.
Seras phases out of the ground of the formal living room on the first floor. She jumps onto the couch and turns the tv on. She then takes out a blood pack before changing the channel to the news.
- This is a Special Bulletin. The queen will be making an announcement during the....at the Tower of London. The Prime Minister has said it will be a matter of great importance for the country. All citizens are encourage to watch it.-
"What are you doing here Ma Cherie?" The captain jumps over the back of the couch and sits down next to her.
"watching the news. Just because I'm a vampire now doesn't mean the outside world is irrelevant. At least not yet."
"I see."
"Oh yeah, you wanted to know what I spoke to the queen about right?"
"Of course. I bȧrėly got any sleep last night thanks to my overwhelming curiosity."
"Is that what you call it?"
"Quoi?....No! That's not what I was talking about!....but if you must know I call it-"
"On second thought that was an ill-timed joke. Anyway, part of what I told her is happening right now. See?" She points to the screen as he anchor once again talks about the announcement.
"An announcement? We invaded the palace for something this stupid?"
"You think so? Then that's a relief." She chuckles.
"What do you mean?"
"If you, Who was with me thought that, then anyone not so involved will be able to figure out the real reason so easily.
"Anyone not directly involved? Who do you mean Ma Cherie?"
"You'll see, captain. But I should warn you to be prepared to be called out tonight." Seras smiles mysteriously making the captain shiver a little.
"C-C'mon, you can't be serious." He tries to laugh it off as a joke, but stops when seras gives him a dull look.
His laughs go silent and his back sweats when seras laughs. Her laughter calms him down.
"You're right, pip. What I said can't be taken seriously."
They both chuckle to each other when the captain leaves. After he left, a voice makes her smile more genuinely.
"Did you have to lie to the boy, Police Girl?"
"Lie? When did I do that? I told him the honest truth." She tilts her head.
"You said not take it seriously, when he could die?"
"I did say something like that, but different. I said 'what I said con't be taken seriously', But I was. it's not my fault if he doesn't believe me." Seras shrugs her shoulders.
"And here I thought you had a soft spot for him." Alucard scoffs lightly as he sits next to his Childe.
"I do admit there was a certain connection, but we've only known each other for a little over two days. If he can't trust me, then I'll have some fun with his mistrust."
"You're truly a funny girl." He pats her head while they both laugh a little evilly.
While seras and Alucard were watching the news, The palace was having an active day preparing for the night's activities. The queen was dressed and prepped for the event while many of the guards were briefed about evacuation routes and backup plans if anything goes wrong.
After she was dressed, the queen was left alone in her chamber to rest before they leave. She just sighs as she remembers what that young vampire girl told her the night before.
"I'm bait? She uses the queen as bait? How fun, she reminds me of you Ally." The queen mumbles to herself as she goes to her desk and takes out an aged photo.
In the photo is a very young version of the queen looking to be about 15-16 years old and a raven haired girl giving a beguiling smile. The queen refreshingly smiles as she remembers the day the photo was taken.
'I remember you used me as bait that day as well, however you never told me so beforehand. I guess that takes a feminine touch, even if you were masquerading as a female back then.' She kisses the photo before putting it back into its spot covered by other items.
The queen then takes a seat in a very nice sofa and waits for the time to leave.
At 5:30PM, in a luxurious hotel, a very tall man and short elderly gentleman are sitting on a couch watching the tv. They have serious looks while the tv plays the news and they await for some action.
"I know you're itching to fight Alex, but must you keep shaking the couch with your infernal tapping?" Renaldo speaks up as he is shaking a little.
"Oh? Sorry about that old friend. Just really bored." Alex looks down at the dent in the floor from tapping his foot and apologizes.
"It's fine, I know how much you wish to be involved. I feel the same."
"I know you do, however I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary so far."
"You haven't? My, I think you're slipping." The old man smiles mysteriously as he takes a sip from a tea cup.
"What do you mean?"
"Normally during this annual event, the prime minister makes announcements, however the queen is doing so this time. She even encouraged the citizens to watch."
"So? You don't find that odd?"
"Why should I? She's probably just bored as well."
"....that's not the case. I bet there is another reason for this abrupt change." Renaldo shakes his head before explaining.
"Another reason?"
"Yes, It could be a number of things. But most likely it's so the people will realize the threats against this country."
"What does that mean?"
"Let's put it this way. If you were a normal citizen and someone successfully attacks your leader, what would be your first thought?"
"Exactly! If they can attack the queen during such a time where she is most guarded, who can be safe? I believe someone is trying to show that the country isn't safe. At least subtlety enough that it doesn't draw too much suspicion."
"So this someone is using their monarch as bait? How cold blooded." Anderson chuckles like he doesn't care.
"That's not so, if anything, they're too nice."
"Oh?" Anderson asks intrigued.
"Yes, whoever is behind this change knows that there will be attack in this country soon. This is their way of trying to lessen casualties. Of course, all of this is just my opinion and there is no evidence to support it." This makes Anderson cough.
"Then why mention it at all? You had me thinking there was some kind of shadow ruler in this god-forsaken place."
"Did I? However, my intuition is telling me that this is the truth."
"Your intuition?"
"Yes, It has saved my life more times than I can count. I trust it implicitly." Renaldo drink the remaking liquid in his cup and smiles.
"Very well, then should we go view the festivities?" Anderson stands up making his face get covered by shadows.
"Ok then, But remember. We shall not get involved unless we have to."
"Of course old friend, let's get going." Anderson gestures with his hand to the door.
Both men leave their room and walk to the tower.
At 5:45PM, in an underground chamber. A tall man with light grey skin wearing a trench coat is drawing glyphs into the ground. He is constantly mumbling sounds, but they would sound like nonsense to non-practitioners of his religion.
As he was doing this, a figure appears behind him disrupting his work.
"What do you want?"
"It's almost time Master." The figure states with a monotonous voice.
"Don't call me Master! I Had no wish to make you and I have no dėsɨrė to teach you! You're nothing to me!" Incognito yells angrily to the hooded figure.
"..." the figure says nothing as Incognito calms down.
"Whatever, What do you have to report? Any changes in the plan?"
"Nothing major, except there has been a slight change with our target."
"The queen has decided to announce something making the viewership of tonight's event skyrocket."
"You think thats important enough to disturb me! A human ruler leading human subjects! Nothing of interest!" Incognito slaps his servant making the figure fly back into the wall.
"Now leave me until it's time. You're ruining my concentration by just being here." The tall man turns back around and writes more symbols into the ground.
The figure stands up from the rubble after a few minutes and walks away without complaint. Light shines into his hood showing crimson eyes and blonde hair. Also his skin has taken a grayish hue similar to Incognitos.
Back at hellsing, Integra is at her desk smoking a cigar with Walter standing next to her to receive any orders. She sets down her pen and sighs while looking outside to see the full moon.
"Anything wrong sir?"
"Nothing right now, but it will start in an hour, correct?"
"Yes, we have lieutenant fox and his unit on standby. Ready to move out."
"I see, what about the wild geese?"
"I chose not to tell them because they've only just got done with Captain Ferguson's classes. They've also hadn't done any missions to acquaint themselves with experience."
"That's true, but I have a feeling that won't be the case for long." Integra exhales a small cloud of smoke while looking into the distance.
"It's Nothing Walter, just a feeling I have." She chuckles lightly.
"I see."
Time moves so much slower when you're waiting for it. Seras is still sitting on the couch but her foot keeps tapping the floor in boredom as she observes the time.
'6:50, only 5 more minutes' She thinks as the anchorman for the event speaks up.
-it seems that the queen has just left the palace with her escort. Many people including myself are awaiting the announcement she wants everyone to listen too. In fact I just got word that viewership has reached an astronomical 88% rate. That means 88% of the country is watching right now.-
-And it seems to be rising every minute. This will be the best night of my life.- The anchor is excited which makes him lose himself for a second.
Seras' foot taps faster with every minute hat passes and when the clock hits 6:55PM her eyes go red in excitement as a huge explosion hits the Tower of London.
-What's happening!? Has this time honored event been targeted by terrorists!?-
"Yes. yes! It's happening!" Seras yells in excitement.
Meanwhile upstairs, Integra saw the same thing and smirks confidently.
"It seems the vermin have been lured to the cheese we have graciously provided. Let's send some exterminators, shall we Walter?" She looks at her butler.
"Of course sir." Walter smiles and bows before going to the phone.
In Brazil, a man is laughing gleefully while sitting in his large leather chair. He is surrounded by many others, but they're all silent as the madman cackles.
"It's started! oh it's begun! I can't wait until all of the dancers appear to give me a great show!" The Major once again laughs as many screens show the inside of the tower.
"Oh Alucard, I hope you're as thrilled as I am about this. This is just the beginning of my revenge." The major mumbles to himself as he rubs an old chain gently around his wrist
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