Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 50 - 50 - Tower Of London

The whole of Hellsing manor was bustling with activity due to the attack. In a matter of minutes, Lieutenant Foxx and his whole unit were dispatched to head to the Tower. Seras kept sitting on the couch waiting for her chance to enter.

She is humming gently to herself as she cleans her custom guns. This stops when Alucard comes out of the ground.

"Ready to go Police Girl?"

"Of course my master." Her eyes go red in delight as she got done ȧssembling her guns.

"Good, Integra is calling for us. Let's go." He phases away followed by seras soon after.

The two vampires appear in Integra's office with her giving a confident look.

'She looks like she is in control, I would feel bad if it wasn't a little funny.' Seras smirks which is caught by the ice beauty.

"Are you smirking seras?"

"Hmm? I guess. I haven't had a mission in a while." She replies with a smile.

"That's true, I'm just glad you're not laughing like a madman." She points to Alucard who gives a smile as a reply.

"Give it time. I'm sure it will happen at some point."

"I guess...anyway. I wish for you two to be on standby if something were to go wrong at the tower."

"And what about the queen?" Alucard asks.

"She will be arriving shortly."

"H-here?" Walter asks clearly shocked.

"Yes Walter. The event was a trap, she will be arriving here with the rest of the knights soon."

"I see. Then the whole point of this charade is to drag out this Millennium organization out of the shadows?" Alucard asks.

"Yes, her majesty is very intelligent to think up such a thing on short notice."

'Yet the real planner is in the room not saying a thing. I'm so humble.'

"She has always been intelligent." Alucard sighs happily making his master show some surprise.

Before she can asks anything something happens making all of their attention goto the tv.

-oh? A convoy of military vehicles have arrived and a group of What seems to be soldiers are going inside the tower. They don't seem to be from any branch of the government, but they're going inside anyway.-

"Ah, it seems lieutenant Foxx and his men have arrived."

"So it seems Sir, are you sure we shouldn't send Alucard and seras there?"

"Why? They should be able to handle it on their own." Integra smugly states.

'Never knew she could be this arrogant.....well, this will temper that right away.'

"This is an organization that can artificially create vampires Integra." Walter reminds the silver haired beauty with his teacher tone.

"I know that Walter, but they can't make that many, right? I'm sure Foxx and his men can handle it." She exhales some smoke with a light smile.

As Integra was enjoying a premature victory smoke, Alucard and seras noticed a figure appearing on top of one of the towers. Seras recognized him as Incognito while Alucard saw the aura the figure was releasing.

"Hehe, it seems that those men you have such confidence in, will die." Alucard states after laughing.


"Look." He points to the figure which is now looking up at the helicopter from the news station.

Integra does as he says just in time to see the figure hold out its arm and a grenade launcher is tossed into its hand. Almost instantly the tv shows snow proving that the camera was destroyed.

"What was that!?" Integra yells as she gets up.

"That, my master, was a true vampire."

"A true vampire!? This organization has one of those!?" She yells crushing her expensive bad habit.

"Apparently. Should the Police Girl and I get going?" Alucard replies like it's no big deal making her frown.

"....fine. But I expect you to kill them all!" She yells as she sits back down into her chair.

Alucard shows a grin much like many she has seen before when he faces an enemy he will have fun with. He then makes a bow at his master. Seras does the same action but with a smaller smile.

"It shall be down as you have ordered, my master." He phases away soon, along with seras.

Integra sighs like she is tired before looking out of the window in the direction of the tower. She takes out another cigar and Walter lights it for her.

"Have I made a mistake Walter?"

"How do you mean?"

"In my head I knew this should have gone smoothly. Foxx's unit has killed many low level vampires and chipped ones, but facing a true vampire....that's way out of their league...our human league."

"If its a mistake to send troops into a battle without knowing the enemies true capabilities, then every single commander in history has made hundreds of mistakes. You didn't know and it's not your fault."

"Yes, but I should have sent Alucard and seras with them. Who knows how many of my soldiers have died because of my hubris? I have failed them once again." She clenches her teeth.

"I can't deny that." He replies but this makes Integra sigh in content.

"Thank you for answering truthfully Walter, I'm always needing that from you."

"Of course, Integra." He gives a small gentle smile while bowing.

The moon glows with a slight redness making it look like blood.

'Bad omen...' She thinks.

On a rooftop a mile outside of the tower, stands two figures clad in darkness with crosses glowing on their ċhėsts. The wind is making them move in one direction but the figures don't care to notice.

"It seems something fun is going on." The taller one laughs and goes to being out a weapon when the shorter one stops him.

"The bishop told us to not get involved, Alexander."

"I know Renaldo, but....it's so hard to not cut down that vampire when we can see each other." Anderson answers as they both see the figure look at them and make a line across his neck.

Both Anderson and Renaldo clench their fists as the figure laughs at them for not getting involved.

"It's hard Alex, But we must follow our orders. Unless they attack, we don't interfere."

"Hmm?" Father Anderson feels something and turns to his left.

Renaldo notices this and does the same, when they both notice a child like figure standing on another roof top far away. The figure is too far for them to see clearly but Anderson thought he saw cat ears and a tail sticking out of it.

"Must be going crazy.." he mutters to no one.

As Alexander Anderson was questioning his Sanity; the figure which made him do so is laughing giddily like a child on Christmas. It is sitting and looking at the explosions and gunshots like it's a show.

"Hahahahaha, so fun! I know the Major told me to not come, but I can't miss something like this." Schrodinger claps to himself ignoring the two priests he already noticed earlier.

What the two priests didn't notice was that in the shadow of a chimney was another person staring in the same direction as them. The figure is as tall as Anderson and he only grunts at the cat-boy's comment.

"Aww~ you're no fun captain. I know you can talk, so tell me. Who do you think will win?"

"....Hellsing..." The captain says with a grunt.

"Really? Is Alucard that strong?" Schrodinger asks in doubt as he places his head into his hands.

The captain nods but Schrodinger somehow knows it despite not looking at him.

"I see, I guess he would have to be if the Major is doing all of this. Let's see how they take on a true vampire like Incognito." He gestures to the tower while speaking childishly.

While the audience was watching the continuous weapons firing and the bodies falling, Seras and Alucard phase out from the ground in front of the main entrance. Alucard has both of his guns at the ready while seras is walking slightly behind him.

She looks around to see that there is a crowd forming around them but some Police officers are holding them back about three hundred meters away. She then feels stares coming from two separate rooftops but doesn't took directly.

"Master?" She asks in a whisper.

"It seems we have an audience Police Girl. Let's give them a great big show." He confidently smirks while holding out his Jackal.

"Yes sir." She smiles back.

At her answer, Alucard shoots his gun and the door was blown away. This makes the crowd gasp in both fear and awe at the strength of the weapon.

As the dust clears away, seras notices the hooded figure in the opening and gives a small glare.

"My master welcomes you to his....once in a lifetime event. We have been expecting you, Mister Alucard and Miss Seras." The figure bows and states.

"Oh? But which master do you speak for?" Alucard asks back knowingly.

"That.....is not for me to answer." The figure takes off his hood and shows off his distinct features making seras growl.

"I'm so glad you remember me, Seras." The teenager smiles like he has met an old friend.

"You escaped last time thanks to Walter; but this is the real world and you won't be able to get away so easily." Seras replies as she takes out her own guns from her inventory.

"It seems that something has happened....after you win, do tell me all about it, Police Girl." Alucard walks forward ignoring the frown on the figures face.

"Of course, Master. I'll be glad to tell you of his.....last moments." She grins like she has just found an interesting toy.

"Hehe, good luck boy. When she gets like this, not even I would get in her way." Alucard runs forward to meet his opponent.

"Shall we?" The enemy takes off his cloak and shows that he has many weapons which seras glares at because of the blessed silver.

"A vampire wielding blessed weapons?" She asks with sarcasm.

"Like you're one to talk." He replies smugly.

"True." She laughs and runs forward.

'He really came prepared unlike in the anime. I must have scared him a little.' She thinks as she remembers her dream from yesterday.

During the day, Seras and Alucard were sleeping in his chamber. Seras usually dreams about happy things like torturing her parent's killers, or killing all those people from her past life. Sometimes she even imagines messing with Bathory.

However in this dream something was....different. She looks around and thinks that it's a dream but that's what makes it weird for her.

'How can I know this is a dream? Am I Lucid dreaming? But it's a brick chamber....Wait.' As soon as she thinks of what this could be, a person's face appears in front of her with a creepy grin.


The person continues to grin as the light shining on his face goes downward to his body and a woman is laying in his arms. The woman smirks as she looks at seras who is still kneeling.

"Drink my blood..." the woman whispers seductively.

"Is that what you really want?" The man asks back.

"I want you to do it." She looks up at the man and leans her neck closer to his face.

The man happily obliged and bites into the woman's neck. The amount of blood that pours out of the wound makes the floor disappear. Seras sighs in both tiredness and mock disappointment as she stands up in the liquid.

'Is that it? They invade my mind to show me this?' She yawns making the man confused.

At this point the woman in his embrace was convulsing like she was having a seizure, but the two vampires don't care about her. The man frowns before unceremoniously dropping the woman to the ground.

"Why are you showing me this?" She asks.

"I'm showing you your true dėsɨrės. The ones you keep burying inside you." He gestures grandly as blood starts to seep in from the cracks in the walls.

The blood rises above her ankles making her nose twitch in delight. She then gives the man a confident smirk he wasn't expecting.

"so lets get this straight. You, a stranger, invaded my mind. Then you have the audacity to come nȧkėd and bring a woman here. Then, after all of that, you have the gall to tell me what I want?"

"Yes. After all, we're both the same. You and I." He gives a confident smirk which pushes her over the edge.

"You think we're the same? Hehe." She giggles uncontrollably and snaps her fingers.

The scenery changes into a house and the man is tied to a chair. He gasps at the change and tries to break free.

"I don't know what you were thinking. Invading your enemy's mind. However it doesn't matter, I will show you how different we are." She picks up some shears.

"What is this!? You shouldn't be this strong!" The man keeps floundering, trying to break out of his restraints.

"I'm not that strong, you're just weak. In both body and mind." She snips at one do his fingers making him groan painfully.

"Also, in this place, your wounds won't heal. Isn't that just fantastic!" She playfully snips another finger off.

"This wasn't in your file....how can you be so different?" The man asks once more.

"Oh? So you read a piece of paper and expected to know me? How silly." She chuckles and gouged our a part of his forearm.

"....." the man no longer says a thing but gives her a glare.

"Aww~ are you done already? But I haven't even brought out the big guns." She complains while reaching for an axe.

The man flinches when he sees the axe being chopped in the air as seras continues to laugh. All he can think about is leaving this makes place.

"You're no fun, but that doesn't mean you can't entertain me!" She chops his hand off making him scream in agony.

This goes on for what feels like hours and when he is practically limbless, seras drops the chainsaw which she has bȧrėly used. She gives him a childlike grin making him shiver.

"Now, maybe you'll think twice about going into other people's heads. Especially nȧkėd." She grabs his head and begins to twist it when the whole area begins to collapse. She frowns as she thinks about how she didn't get to finish and turns to the man.

"I guess this is it, I'll see you in the real world. Mr. Paul Wilson." She playfully winks as the man's jaw drops at how she knew his name.

Back at the tower seras seras was still running to Paul's position and begins firing her gun rapidly. He dodged some of the bullets and uses his sword to cut the ones that would hit him.

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