Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 51 - 51 - Seras Victoria VS Paul Wilson

While seras started her fight with Paul, Integra was still at HQ smoking a cigar watching the television. After the helicopter was shot down, another replaced it showing an aerial view of the tower and the area surrounding it.

"Although I don't mind watching my soldiers do their jobs, shouldn't the round table have gotten these reporters off of our backs?"

"They should have Sir, shall I call them?"

"Yes Walter, those fossils need a kick in their ȧsses to get them moving."

"Of course, Sir." He bows and goes to the phone.

Integra then goes back to the television as she sees more military vehicles surrounding the tower and her own.

'What are the SAS doing there? Unless they're part of that new task force?' She thinks as a cold feeling shivers up her spine.

'Something....is wrong. But what is it?' She frowns in displeasure.

Back at the tower, seras shot a few more bullets but Paul dodged them and he begins to run forward as well. He swings his blessed sword at her shoulder but seras uses her gun to block it. She then points her other gun at his forehead.

"You're fast." Paul smirks.

"Yes...I am." She smirks before pulling the trigger.

Paul quickly dodges, but the bullet hits his cheek. Seras noticed that he let go of his sword as he dodged and stabbed her left thɨġh with a knife. She groans and takes out the knife but the wound hurts like hell.

"Bastard...." She grunts out painfully.

"You're too cute to say such nasty words." The man smiles playfully but his smile winces when his cheek throbs.

The two notice the recent arrivals of the new British task force but neither treat them seriously. They then stare at one another in a deadlock.

"It seems that she isn't going full power. Why is that?" Renaldo asks his friend.

"I believe it's because that bastard of a blood sucker prevents her to do so unless her life is in danger." Anderson replies.

"...ah. I guess you're right. It would explain how she acted when Bishop Maxwell pointed his gun at her."

"It would, but I'm confused as to why he would order that. It doesn't make sense to limit your combat ability."

"That's true....but it only helps us, correct?"

"I guess, but even if they're vampires, killing them when why're not at full strength leaves a bad after taste."

While the two Iscariots were conversing, so to were the Captain And Schrodinger.

"Wow! She is really fast!" The cat boy claps happily.

"....." the captain growls in reply.

"The major told me that the boy she is fighting is supposedly as strong as a low level true vampire, yet they seem even."


"Yeah, he hasn't transformed yet, so I guess he will win." Schrodinger sighs but it doesn't carry any emotion.

"..." the captain doesn't answer as he looks at Seras fighting the blonde man once more.

This time, she takes out a bayonet from her inventory and puts her Angel back into it. She then nimbly twirls the blessed weapon around her fingers and smirks at her opponent.

"Oh? Is that one of the blessed bayonets from Iscariot? How did you acquire such a thing?"

"I picked it up." Seras replies as she once again runs forward.

This time she doesn't shoot but throws the bayonet at the man's head. She then shoots at where he would dodge. The man frowns as he jumps into the air as it was the only place he could go.

"Bad choice." Seras smirks as she throws another four bayonets at his position.

"You Bitch!" He yells and lands on the ground still in his transformed state.

Seras only chuckles as she watches the Man-Bat take out the bayonets and throw them to the side. They once again return to a staring contest.

Back at hellsing, Integra smirks as she notices seras taking care of herself. Unfortunately that small smile turns into a frown as more parts of the historic building get destroyed.

"What is Alucard doing? I would think at this point he should have killed the enemies." She mutters.

Her murmurs were interrupted when she hears Walter yelling.

"What!!? What do you mean!?" He yells clearly flustered.

before she can ask what's wrong, she hears something like someone breaking down a wall and turns to the entrance of her manor. She is shocked to see many military vehicles swarming her compound with what seems like hundreds of soldiers following after.

"What the hell is going on!?" She yells to no one and slams her desk.

"The Hellsing....organization is a terrorist group...." Walter mutters But Integra heard him.

"What!? How the bloody hell did that happen!?"

"The round table has formally declared us as terrorists and the queen gave them her approval." He replies with a whisper like he just got kicked in the gut.

"What!?..." She once again yells but her anger becomes shock and frustration.

"So they've come to apprehend me as the leader of terrorists? Hehehe, after all my family has done for this country?" She laughs a little but her tone carries pure disappointment.

Walter pulls himself together rather quickly and turns to his master.

"Sir, we must escape."

"Where would we go Walter? This is my home! Our home!" She yells back.

"Where your presence is required..."

"You mean....the tower?"

"Yes, when Alucard kills the enemy, then we can deal with this whole mess. But until then, we must keep out of their hands."

"I got it Walter. Let's go." She replies with newfound confidence and walks or the door.

Walter follows her as they goto the helicopter on the roof.

While Seras was fighting and Integra was escaping, the queen was in her modified vehicle showing a frown. Like she just made a decision that could affect the whole country.

'She has thought this far? How could a teenage girl wade through such murky waters and think up such a plan?' The queen thinks as she remembers her conversation with seras at the palace.

Seras just got up to the queen and began whispering.

'Your majesty, tomorrow, there will be an attack during the Event which you'll attend. tHis attack will involved a true vampire being ordered by the organization making the chipped vampires.' This makes the queen wide eyed but before she can voice the surprise, seras continues.

'Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to prevent it, but there is something we can do to prevent the worse case scenario.'

'What's that?'

'As you might have already guessed, there are some rather....stupid people on the round table. During this attack, I'm sure some of them I'll contact you to arrest Sir Integra on suspicion of being behind this plot. I wish for you to accept it.'


'I don't know how many of those are just ignorant or actually allied with the enemy organization, so I wish to use this chance to weed them out. Please do as I say.'

'Very well....but does Sir Integra know of this?'

'No, if she did she would try to do something and ruin this chance to ferret out the traitors.'

'She'll hate me for this.'

'I'm sure she won't. She respects you and this country far too much to do so. However she will understand after it's all over. I'm sure of it.' Seras' eyes go crimson at the last sentence making the queen remember her time with Alucard all those years ago.

'Very well, is that it?'

'No, I have loads more to inform you of...' her remembrance stops there when she gets word that Integra escaped the encirclement.

"Good...." She mutters to no one.

Meanwhile back at the tower, seras is still staring at the creature in front of her.

"You know, this side of you is pretty disgusting."

"Shut up!" The bat yells and lunges forward.

In an instant he punched her in the face and she flies back through the trees. Her body creates a small crater from the impact and she coughs up a little blood.

'well now...that's not good.' She thinks as she wipes away some of the blood on her chin.

Seras stands up and walks back to the area and faces the creature who she somehow notices is carrying a smug grin. She gives a small smile of her own making him confused.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I find this situation enjoyable."

"What's so enjoyable about dying? Very, very, painfully." His voice ends in a bestial growl.

"Nothing, but the fact you think you can deliver, is." She makes a laugh as the creature punches her in the stomach this time.

Seras coughs out more blood and topples to the ground holding her stomach. The man snorts put a puff of air in arrogance when seras starts to laugh.

"Hahahaha! Oh this is hilarious!" She turns over on her back and states.

"What! Is! So! Funny!?" At Every word he delivers a kick.

At the last kick, seras phases away and reappears standing about 5 meters away. She doesn't look good as she is holding her side and blood is dripping from her chin. The man was surprised that she can do what his master could which he couldn't.

"You know, in all the excitement, I forgot to have my breakfast." Seras explains as she takes out a blood pack from her inventory.

She then opens it skillfully before drinking from the built-in straw. The man is obviously angered, but he doesn't move from his spot. She finishes the first and then a second before the man witnesses something odd.

'Oh yeah.....this is the feeling.' She lifts her head and closes her eyes while soaking in complete comfort

As seras was drinking the second bag, Schrodinger stopped laughing and his face had a rare expression. The captain observed this but paid no mind to the unusual occurrence.

'What is this feeling? Like I've felt it before.' he clutches his head with both hands.

His face shows like he is in pain but he is also trying to remember something. Something that was important to him.

While Schrodinger was in pain, the Iscariots finally shown some movement. Anderson and Renaldo Both has serious expressions as they saw how seras was healing even from the blessed weapons.

"She's healing? Almost exactly like that blood suċkɨnġ master of hers." Anderson grunts angrily.

"Isn't that a given Alex? She is his servant after all."

"That be true. But she couldn't do this a month ago. Her wounds didn't heal at this rate when I skewered her."

".....is that so?" Renaldo asks with a thoughtful look as he casts his gaze back at the fight.

Seras slowly opens her eyes and everyone can see that they're crimson. The man trembles at the sight because it reminds him so much of his master. She then mends her clothes before looking back at her opponent who was trembling.

"Now I'm all fed and ready to go. How about you?" She asks with a playful tone as she retrieved two more bayonets.

The creatures gets into his own stance when he notices that seras was gone. He is shocked for an instant when he looks to his left. That was a bad move because a bayonet was thrown from his right and is almost at the back of his head.

"Ah!" He yells as he throws his head downward to dodge the blade.

His action proved useful in preventing his death, but the blade did slice through the back of his skull causing him to hiss in pain. right after he expresses that, he sees a black shadow forming beneath him and he dodges backward with a leap.

This was a good move because seras came out of the shadow following the blessed bayonet with a smile that is extremely similar to a child having fun.

"Boo." She states as they're both in the air, one moving backwards and the other forward.

The man is calm because he knows that she doesn't have another bayonet, but his relaxation was interrupted when seras brought out her Devil. He is wide eyed as seras grins maliciously when she pulls the trigger.

This time she fires fast enough so that all of the bullets hit him in his torso as they were still in the air. He screams as they penetrate his flesh, making blood fly out of his mouth.

The blood goes to land on her face, but she dodged the droplets so that they don't dirty her. The fight is over as he lands on is back and she on her feet.

"So....got any other surprises?" She bends over putting her eyes in line with his.

His breathing is labored, but he is still able to speak.

"...h-how...were you able....to heal?" He coughs out more blood in the beginning.

"That's simple, my poor puppet.....it's because I'm stronger than you." She is staring into his eyes, but her gaze is not on him.

"Heh, I see....." he smiles genuinely.

"You thought you could take on my master and win? How foolish." She chuckles evilly while still gazing at the invisible person behind his eyes.

"Did you have fun? Because I sure as hell did. Make sure to get a good look at how my master kills Incognito. It will be very.....enlightening for some of you." She puts her hand in the air and a grenade is pulled from the empty space.

She then takes out the pin and punches it through the beasts teeth making him scream in agony once more. Seras shows him a slight smirk before walking away.

'This goes out to you, former me.' As soon as she finishes that thought, the grenade explodes making the body blow away in a mass of blood and guts. Some of the humans in the distance retch out their expensive dinners from the previous few hours.

She scoffs at their frailty before going inside the tower to follow her master.

In Brazil the soldiers of millennium didn't show any outward signs of fear, but inside they were quaking. Their thoughts were disrupted by the Major who begins to cackle.

"Hahahaha! She really knows how to put on a good show. That climactic finish was truly amazing." He claps which is followed by the other foot soldiers.

"Major, I do have a slight problem with how she seems to know about our methods...." the doctor states voicing out the soldiers inner thoughts.

"It's fine doktor, everything is going according to plan. She is having too much fun to end it so.....prematurely." He waves making some of them sigh in relief.

"Now....look at this. It seems Alucard and Incognito have finally met face-to-face.

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