Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 53 - 53 - The Summoning

After the phone call was ended, Pip turned around in the vehicle to look at a passenger. He sees that young man showing concern while looking out all of the windows for pursuers.

"Is this your first escape, boy?" He asks with some sarcasm.


"I see.....how are you feeling?" His second question makes his subordinates shocked.

"I feel useless. Why was I the only one taken off duty before the attack?" Arthur's expression is one of complaining.

"You don't know?"


"Ha! It's because Ma Cherie asked the boss lady to do it."

"Ma Cherie?" He asks back while butchering the French language.

"Yeah, it seems she has a soft spot for you and didn't want you to get hurt. You guys fuċkɨnġ?" He does a hand gesture making the younger male blush.

"What!? No!" He vehemently denies.

"Is that so? Then it seems like I still have a chance, right men?" He asks through a walkie talkie.

He received many emphatic yells which makes him smirk even more.

"You owe me 20 Cunningham." He tells the driver who just clicks his teeth.

"How'd you know captain? I could have sworn she was fuċkɨnġ the kid." He hands him a twenty dollar bill from America.

"Because she told me she wasn't, loser." He whistled a jaunty tune while pocketing the bill when he notices something in the rear view mirror.

He positions it differently before clicking his own teeth.

"Oh man, I know that face. Hey everyone! Get ready!" Cunningham yells into the comms as he puts his other hand on the wheel with a serious expression.

"What? What's happening?" Arthur asks in worry when he hears shooting from behind.

He turns around and sees many vehicles coming up quickly from behind. He also saw many sparks which is obviously from the shooting of weapons.

"I can't believe they're shooting in the middle of the city!? What kind of peaceful country is this?" His second question was asked sarcastically to his captain.

"You should have expected this Cunningham, after all they invaded our boss' headquarters with hundreds of soldiers." Pip explains while loading a machine gun.

"I did cap, but that doesn't mean I like it any more. Stupid brits." Cunningham frowns in displeasure.

"Ok men! We're splitting up. I want you all to take different routes to the tower and make sure to find a deserted area to take out our tail." He yells into the comms while opening the window.

"You got it cap!"

"Of course!"


"I miss the cities where we could just shoot back without a care."

"Heh, none of them even complained. Good men." The captain smirks as he lights up another cigarette.

While pip was ordering his men, Arthur was still in the back showing shock.

"Boy! What are you doing? Well kick you out if you're just going to sit there looking like an idiot. Grab a weapon and get ready." Pip's voice knocks him out of his state and he does as he was told.

".....is this really happening?"

"Huh? Of course it is!" Cunningham replies to the stupid question with some annoyance.

"Calm down, he's just a kid. Yes, Arthur it's happening. Now relax and do as you were trained. If you do, you'll live to fight another day. Got it?" He received a nod which makes his smirk wider.

"Get going men!" As soon as he yells that the four other military vehicles turn down different roads.

Unfortunately due to how rapid the turns were, many of the pursuers didn't have time to turn making their vehicle have the most followers.

"3,4,5 seems we got a little less than half. Not bad." Pip whistles in a relaxed way.

"Sometimes I hate you captain, you know that?" Cunningham complains.

"But that's what makes you guys like me, right?" He asks but his second-in-command knows better than to answer truthfully.

"There's a park coming up on our left, turn into it and I think we can get rid of them all." He points to a part on the digital map.

"....you're insane!" Arthur yells but the others don't pay much attention.

"Hahaha, We're insane? I'm sorry to say this boy, but when I found out that vampires are roaming this earth, I knew for a fact I was sane. At this point, war is the only thing keeping me from the breaking point." The last comment was whispered by Cunningham heard it.

"....fine! Shit! Whatever, not like I have a choice." Arthur yells which actually calms him down as he opens his own window.

The rest of the passengers smirk at him while they get their own weapons ready. They're 15 minutes from the tower, pip observes the time.

At this point, Alucard is staring at his opponent from across the tower, Seras is walking on the lower floors heading to the roof, while Integra and Walter are about 3

minutes away from their destination.

"You're much stronger than I thought. You should be proud to have pushed me this far." Incognito says while jumping back to the wall which is holding Alucard.

"Oh please....please tell me you can get stronger. You have no idea how tired I am from fighting.....weaklings." The last word made the grey vampire snap.

".....I understand. I was in the same boat before I put myself to sleep." He shrugs it off but Alucard noticed how angry he got.

"You do? It seems that you have slumbered for a long time. At least 500 years or so, am I right?"

"Yes, I believe it was 900 years ago when I slept."

"For someone so ancient, you sure have a great grasp of the English language."

"It's child's play compared to my native tongue. It seems much has improved, but much more has stagnated and weakened."


"Humans have weakened greatly from when I slept. I couldn't believe my eyes when these bugs became even weaker."

"Tough talk for one who was enslaved by said weak human." Alucard chuckles.

".....my point, is that I'm now going to treat you like an equal. You should thank me." He ignores the insult and explains his point further.

"You're really getting on my nerves with this whole bloodline thing....history has proven many times that blood doesn't determine your strength." He takes out his guns again.

"Yes.....But that's when You're talking about humans. To vampires, blood is everything." Incognito states as he takes out two grande launchers from his sleeves.

After he finishes his sentence, Incognito fired both of his weapons and Alucard shot his own. Each shot of incognitos weapon releases six needles, while Alucard's shoots one bullet.

In a split second, all of the needles were shot and the area explodes like a c4 explosion went off. The ground beneath them begins to crumble but neither look away. Before Incognito can pull a trigger, Alucard shoots out twice from each gun which makes him dodge.

He jumps sideways from the rubble and lands in the center of the entire structure. Almost instantly another area of the tower exploded while Alucard followed his opponent.

"You're really starting to bore me." Alucard speaks out.

"Heh, am i? Then let's take it to the next level." Incognito replies as his third eye begins to glow red.

As soon as his eye began to glow, Alucard felt sluggish and his vision begins to fluctuate.

'What's happening?' He thinks as his vision starts to get even worse.

At this point he can see three different incognitos which isn't that bad, but he is getting annoyed that he was taken in so easily by such a weak trick.

"Hypnosis?" He asks.

"You know of it? Well it's something like that, but it's much more powerful. So much so that it even affects vampires, although it seems to only make you dizzy."

"Heh, at least it's starting to become a challenge. Let's continue." He points out his guns once more and shoots 6 bullets.

The grey vampire frowns as he dodges most of them, but one does graze his thɨġh.

"Aaaaah!" He yells in pain as his thɨġh begins to sizzle like it's burning.

"Hahahahaha, how pathetic! You drag me into your trick and you get hit?" He comments making his opponent angrier.

Incognito doesn't answer as he shoots his own weapons. Alucard dodges the needles easily and runs forward to confront his opponent physically. His vision doesn't matter as he instantly arrived in front of Incognito and points his jackal at the forehead.

Alucard doesn't say anything and shoots at the head but Incognito dodges just in time while impaling three needles into Alucard's left thɨġh. He grunts painfully before taking them out and throwing them to the ground. He then stomps on them which destroyed them.

"You call yourself a vampire but you keep using these tricks, where's your pride? Or did that shrivel up with the rest of you when you hibernated like a defeated animal?"

"You know nothing about me! So shut up!" Incognito runs forward and makes a punching motion to Alucard's face.

He connects which sends the red clad man flying through the wall and rubble falls on top of him. Incognito smirks in victory when Alucard phases through the rubble showing no signs of injury.

"There we god I actually felt that one." He ċȧrėsses his own cheek and states.

He then looks in two directions before facing incognito once more.

"We don't want to disappoint our audience do we?" His question goes unanswered as he runs forward with no weapons in his hands.

He punches out which is blocked by incognito's own. The continue to punch each other for a few seconds when Alucard succeeds in delivering a blow that sends him flying.

His smile returns because he is having a great time fighting incognito despite the rough beginning.

'His strength, speed, and reactions are way above from when the fight started. Did that glowing eye do something other than hypnotize me?' He thinks as he waits for the other to come back.

His wait is short as the rubble gets flown in different areas and Incognito jumps back to the previous position. Blood is dripping from his chin as his face is getting healed at a visible rate.

"What happened to your guns? Ran out of ammunition?"

"You wish." He replies while taking out his guns once more.

'He thinks I don't know that he only has 8 bullets left?' Incognito smirks back when his face was fully healed.

They start fighting once more with bullets and kicks. both seem to be equally matched to the rooftop observers. But to those that know more about the fighters themselves, they know that Alucard is easily going to win the fight.

Seras is one of these people in the know as she is at the previous location of their brawl. She is leaning against a part of the roof looking done at the two combatants.

'Why is Master not releasing his seals yet? I know he wishes to fight more but he should feel Integra coming to this area, so why doesn't he?' She puts her hand on her chin and thinks.

'Or is he waiting for something? Does he know what these symbols and diagrams do?" She turns to the room which has many archaic symbols.

Her thoughts are interrupted when Alucard finally pins incognito to the ground with his pistols at the heart and head. He smirks in victory over the grey vampire as the other frowns.

"Any last words?" Alucard asks.

"None for your filthy ears." His reply makes Alucard angry as he shoots his gun.

The bullets penetrate through their targets with ease making the ground soaked in blood. Incognito's body convulsed for a couple seconds before falling to the ground unmoving. Alucard watches the body fall and stares into the remaining part of the head.

'Was that really it? He wrote those seals and symbols, but he did nothing with it?' His thoughts continue as he begins to walk away from the body.

In an instant though he stops and looks back to find the blood moving in an unnatural way. Almost like they're filling empty spaces in the ground. His frown turns into a mad grin once more as he takes a few steps back to observe.

Seras jumps from the roof and lands next to her master who ignores her but she can feel his mental acquiescence to her presence. She observes the same thing as she tried to remember the anime adaptation.

'I thought it was just supposed to glow purple, but his blood is forming complex shapes as it spreads.'

In a matter of a few seconds, they both notice the subtle movement of Incognito's body. It begins to twitch uncontrollably as his fatal wounds begin to glow with an unnatural light.

'There it is....' she pulls out two magazines from her inventory and hands them to her master.

"You've stocked up on my ammunition as well, Police Girl?" He accepts the replacements while asking.

"Of course master, I have three more magazines for each gun." She smirks back.

Alucard notices the amount of blood on her clothes and the distinct lack of growls from the chipped abominations. His smile grows wider that his fledgling has become this powerful in such a short amount of time.

"You've done well Police Girl. I might reward you when we get home." He finishes loading his weapons with the new magazines and pats her head.

As he pats her head, Incognito's body is fully healed and the glowing spreads beneath him to the now finished diagram. The blood begins to glow in that same color as it spreads quickly across the national monument.

The entire Tower of London gets covered in glowing purple lines and geometric shapes. These shapes spread even further to the surrounding area making both the human and non-human observers confused. The civilians who were observing the attack start panicking as they run away from the unknown glow.

On the buildings outside the tower, Schrodinger and the Captain were gone while the Iscariots frown angrily at the feeling this Sigil is giving them. From the air, a giant purple circle is surrounding the tower as it's center going on for miles.

It follows no path as it paints itself over buildings of varying levels and holes dug for construction. It's shape remains uninhibited by physical objects.

Back at the epicenter, Alucard is in the same spot looking at the still body of his enemy while seras jumped back up to her previous view point. She noticed the disappearance of the cat-boy and his partner as well as the two Iscariot members running across the rooftops, away from the tower.

Seras looks back down and holds her breath figuratively as she no longer needs to breathe. As soon as she does so Incognito's eyes snap open fiercely.

"HAHAHAhahaHaHahAhAHaHHAHA!!!!!"his laughter became extremely demonic.

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