Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 54 - 54 - Sett Arrives
The laughter continues and the atmosphere becomes chilling. If seras were still human, she would be shivering uncontrollably. Inside the seal surrounding the tower, many residents do just this as the temperature also goes down in those areas.
Right after he stops laughing, Incognito's body stands upright like he was pulled on a string. It was very unnatural even by vampire standards. When he lands on his feet, his body becomes taut as he no longer looks dead.
"Magnificent....."he whispers to himself but both hellsing vampires caught It.
'He's much more powerful than before, what happened?' Seras thinks as she can feel the powerful aura she only felt from her master a couple times before.
"Now we're getting somewhere-" Alucard states when incognito disappeared and reappeared next to him.
He back punched him in the face which sends him flying through multiple walls. He stops after 5 seconds and lands outside the entire tower. Seras was surprised at the speed the grey vampire showed as she looks at the hole in the wall her master was flown through.
incognito does nothing but stare at his own arm in wonderment as he takes in his new Powers. Soon he drops his outstretched arm and begins to tremble.
"Hahahaha Hahahaha!!!" He puts his face upward and laughs insanely.
The laughter sends off shockwaves creating a whirlwind that pushes seras' hair upwards.
"This is amazing! I can't believe how much power I gained from that ritual!?" He explains to nobody as seras decides to jump down.
He stares as she walks slowly forward and stops about 5 meters away.
"Ritual?"she asks hoping he can giver her an answer.
"Heh, I guess it doesn't matter. I do wish for someone to know how great I am even if they will be dead in the next 5 minutes." He faces toward her and arrogantly states.
"..." she says nothing as he stops smiling and shows a serious expression.
"In ancient times, gods used to come down to our world and help humans with natural disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis. We worshipped them and gave them lavish gifts in return." He pauses for dramatic effect.
"However, humans are not just dumb animals. They adapted to their environments and became more intelligent. They then developed systems and things that could do what the gods did. This led to a decrease in believers and an even more decrease in the appearance of gods."
'I see.'
"Anyway, thousands of years later, humans started wars with each other and the only way to gain victory was to ask the gods for help. Unfortunately there was no way to contact them, so the sages of the past developed this ritual." He points to the ground where the Sigil is still glowing.
"..." she doesn't interrupt because she is genuinely curious if she could summon Re to her world and have fun.
"This ritual normally requires thousands of sacrifices and many days to perform, but I made it so that only 50 lives and 12 hours are required. Also this ritual takes the life of the person performing it."
"However, Thanks to my genius, I was able to reverse it and all those lives used as sacrifices were given to me which multiplied my abilities many fold." He grins confidently.
"I see, so that's why you as a weakling, were able to punch my master through so many walls." She states with an understanding tone.
"You!....it's ok, you're just a weak pet to me now since I killed your master." He begins to yell but he calms down when he realizes how superior he is to her.
"...Pfft-! Hahahaha! You think that was enough to kill my master!? Hahaha, you're even more delusional than I thought!" Right after laughing she felt a great force hit her in the stomach which sent her back through a couple walls.
As this happened, she looked at incognito who had a furious expression as his foot actually went through her stomach. She gets buried beneath hundreds of kilograms of rubble.
Underneath the pieces of wall, she coughs out loads of blood as she then begins to feel weak.
'Ah....I haven't felt this since I was turned into a vampire.' She thinks as she slowly moves her hand to touch the wounded area.
Her body kicks into overdrive as she feels a tremendous urge to drink blood because the wound is huge. Her eyes glow almost an animalistic red as she takes out two blood packs from her inventory.
[heh, this is why you should drink from living humans Police Girl.] her master's amused voice sounds through her head.
[Why's that master?]
[Because, when we drink from living humans, the blood is more powerful. This allows you to access more strength from your body.]
[I see. Wait....are you just hiding beneath that rubble?] she realizes something when her master explained the many things blood can offer her.
[I'm waiting for dramatic effect. It's always more fun to fight in front of an audience.] this sentence allows seras to realize that Integra and Walter should be arriving soon.
[I see, I hope you enjoy yourself Master. He should be as strong as you are when you release your seals, right?]
[....he's weaker, but after he completes the second ritual, he should be.] he cuts off their connection after saying this.
That sentence conjured an image in Seras' head as she remembers what happens next. She mutters curse words to herself as she begins sipping from one of her blood packs.
Right before Alucard killed Incognito, Integra and Walter we're still being chased by multiple attack helicopters. They just bȧrėly dodged another two missile which then hit some buildings beneath them.
"What the hell are those imbeciles doing!?" Integra yells as Walter destabilizes their helicopter.
At this point the original 3 enemies chasing them, has increased to 10. The only reason that they've survived this long is mainly to Walter's impeccable dodging skills and the fact that all of them can't attack at once for fear of hitting the others. However the situation is still horrible.
"I can think of three reasons as to why we're in this situation." Walter states.
"And What are they?" Integra asks in frustration.
"The first is the worse case scenario. We have fallen perfectly into the enemies trap while the entire round table and the queen are under Their control. Alucard and seras get defeated and the Hellsing family will forever be known as traitors who have tried to ȧssassinate her majesty." Walter explains as he dodges two more missiles.
"The second is better but the situation will still be less than ideal. Only half of the round table are under the control of the enemy and the queen is unharmed. Then we should be able to clear things up after Alucard kills that vampire from the dark continent." This leads Integra to take a sigh of relief.
"And the third?"
"That's the most ideal case. This is all part of the queens plan and none of the round table members are under control. All of our men survived and we go home to have supper after Alucard wins." They both smirk a little at the ending Walter gave.
"I see. It's sad that that last one is the least likely to occur, isn't it?" She sighs as Walter once again dodge a missile.
Right after that, Integra can see their destination and she feels elated when a purple light begins to spread around it. Integra is confused at the sight when she then notices the sky beginning to clump together into humongous storm clouds.
Soon after, lightning begins to fall on the city in rapid succession at many locations as the purple light forms into one giant circle. Integra is shocked when she hears Walter gasp in fear. She is surprised because she has never heard Walter do that before.
"Walter?" She asks in worry as she saw his face turn a little pale.
"T-that's...." he whispers but even then he was stuttering a little.
"What!? What is it Walter?" Her yell snaps him out of it as he calms down.
"I'm sorry sir, it's just the situation has become very grim."
"Even worse than before?" She asks with some sarcasm.
"Yes, Alucard might die if that glowing purple light is what I think it is." He points to the city below which now has a complete ritualistic image glowing on top.
His answer makes his master go silent as she feels that the worse case scenario is coming true. She stares at the image for a couple long seconds before speaking.
"Alucard will not die. Not by the hands of whatever he is fighting him right now." She exudes so much confidence, almost like she is stating an undisputed fact.
"....heh, of course sir." Walter smirks back with an equally confident tone.
"Now that that's over, explain to me what this light is and what it's forming." She orders her butler like the ten helicopters are not shooting missiles anymore.
"That, Sir, seems to be a ritual to summon a god."
"A god? Not a demonic being, but an actual god?"
"I believe so, I saw one that looks almost exactly like it in the family library. However some changes have been made."
"Changes? So it might not work?" She asks in hope.
"No, I believe What was changed was the requirement for summoning."
"Yes, to summon a god would cost a thousand human lives and many days in preparation, but whoever has designed this one has made it so it looks like only 50 people are sacrificed."
"The most likely are taking into account that they're no longer human and have more life force."
"The chipped vampires?"
"Then can you tell which god is being summoned?"
"No, but it's definitely not a good one." As soon as Walter spoke, they heard a loud explosion from behind.
"What was that!?" Integra asks with a yell when another two explosions sound out.
"Hold on!!" Walter yells as he senses something attacking them from behind and he twists the helicopter a full 360 degrees.
Integra does as she was told and she sees a large white light flying past them at an incredible speed. She can faintly see a figure inside the light but it passed by too quickly to get a better look.
Before they can even stabilize themselves, Walter and Integra hear 5 more explosions come from behind which makes her a little afraid. However that fear was stomped out by her pride as the head of hellsing returning her to a calm state of mind.
At this point 8 of the 10 helicopters chasing them were destroyed, so the pilots of the other two change course to flee from the supernatural thing that is taking them down. Of course, a couple of seconds later their actions prove unsuccessful as they get destroyed as well.
Meanwhile in Brazil, the Major and his subordinates are still watching the proceedings on 3 giant screens. One is showing incognitos view, another is showing an overhead view of the tower, and the last is showing a far away view that shows the whole ritual image and the thick clouds above it.
The whole area is silent except the occasional laughter from the white clad fiend. He just got done with one of his dark chuckles when he looks to the Dok.
"Did you need something, Major?"
"I was just wondering if you noticed any abnormalities on Schrodinger's brain waves." His statement is more of a question.
"Ah Yes! When he saw the new fledgling Of Alucard's, his waves spiked and then evened out at a greater frequency. It seems she is very important to him." He gives his own opinion after explaining the results.
"I see..." the silence after the mumble is deafening because the Major is not a quiet man.
A few minutes later, his glazed over eyes become bright as his face also turns from thinking to a smile. His grin goes wider as his eyes start to glow in understanding. He then gets up from his leather chair making the others turn to him.
"I see. I see. So, you can not only teleport anywhere in this world, but you can teleport to other realms as well. You are truly becoming a thorn in my side, my dear fräulein." He speaks out to no one despite the hundreds of people occupying the same space.
None of them understood the statement, but they have long been since used to their leaders monologues. He hums to himself and sits back in his seat. Eventually the Dok walks forward to ask the question most have on their minds.
"Did you figure something out?"
"Yes....I figured something that we thought to be impossible." His statement makes the dok gape for a second before understanding.
"You mean inter dimensional travel!?" He yells.
"Yes. However it is not I who you should question." He shakes his head.
"Not you....?" He slowly questions when he looks at the screen.
"You don't mean-!" He turns back to his boss with a yell.
"Yes~~. She is so very interesting. Her backstory, her strength, her Intelligence, her will, and now finding out things about her powers that we thought we knew. She is just like a gift that keeps on giving." He gestures around himself like he is placing precious objects on a shelf.
He then takes the illusory shelf and rips it apart while stating the last few words.
"Why are you complimenting the stupid girl, Major?" A gruff female voice asks with some anger.
"Hmm~?" He hums back.
"She is just a weak bug who will die soon. Why are you always praising her?" Lieutenant Zoro Blitz comes from behind and spits out her cigarette.
"Why do I praise her? Because she is worthy!" His answer shocks everyone.
"B-But-!" Another female voice tries to speak but the Major interrupts.
"She is very intelligent, has no qualms about killing, and seems to know everything about us. If it wasn't for certain reasons, I would treat her as my nemesis!"
"You give her too much credit, Major." The Lieutenant turns and begins to walk away.
"Oh~." This makes the buff women clench her teeth in anger.
Back at the tower, it's only been about 2 minutes since incognito has revived. He is still standing on the ground floor and looking to the sky like he is waiting for something.
He smirks as he notices the humongous lightning bolt flying through the sky. It gets closer to the area he is in and he looks to another object in the sky. His smirk becomes a full blown smile as he sees Integra in the passenger seat of the helicopter.
"Everything is coming together. I performed the ritual perfectly, revived, and now my other sacrifice is coming." He talks to himself which he seems used to.
Right after he stops laughing, Incognito's body stands upright like he was pulled on a string. It was very unnatural even by vampire standards. When he lands on his feet, his body becomes taut as he no longer looks dead.
"Magnificent....."he whispers to himself but both hellsing vampires caught It.
'He's much more powerful than before, what happened?' Seras thinks as she can feel the powerful aura she only felt from her master a couple times before.
"Now we're getting somewhere-" Alucard states when incognito disappeared and reappeared next to him.
He back punched him in the face which sends him flying through multiple walls. He stops after 5 seconds and lands outside the entire tower. Seras was surprised at the speed the grey vampire showed as she looks at the hole in the wall her master was flown through.
incognito does nothing but stare at his own arm in wonderment as he takes in his new Powers. Soon he drops his outstretched arm and begins to tremble.
"Hahahaha Hahahaha!!!" He puts his face upward and laughs insanely.
The laughter sends off shockwaves creating a whirlwind that pushes seras' hair upwards.
"This is amazing! I can't believe how much power I gained from that ritual!?" He explains to nobody as seras decides to jump down.
He stares as she walks slowly forward and stops about 5 meters away.
"Ritual?"she asks hoping he can giver her an answer.
"Heh, I guess it doesn't matter. I do wish for someone to know how great I am even if they will be dead in the next 5 minutes." He faces toward her and arrogantly states.
"..." she says nothing as he stops smiling and shows a serious expression.
"In ancient times, gods used to come down to our world and help humans with natural disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis. We worshipped them and gave them lavish gifts in return." He pauses for dramatic effect.
"However, humans are not just dumb animals. They adapted to their environments and became more intelligent. They then developed systems and things that could do what the gods did. This led to a decrease in believers and an even more decrease in the appearance of gods."
'I see.'
"Anyway, thousands of years later, humans started wars with each other and the only way to gain victory was to ask the gods for help. Unfortunately there was no way to contact them, so the sages of the past developed this ritual." He points to the ground where the Sigil is still glowing.
"..." she doesn't interrupt because she is genuinely curious if she could summon Re to her world and have fun.
"This ritual normally requires thousands of sacrifices and many days to perform, but I made it so that only 50 lives and 12 hours are required. Also this ritual takes the life of the person performing it."
"However, Thanks to my genius, I was able to reverse it and all those lives used as sacrifices were given to me which multiplied my abilities many fold." He grins confidently.
"I see, so that's why you as a weakling, were able to punch my master through so many walls." She states with an understanding tone.
"You!....it's ok, you're just a weak pet to me now since I killed your master." He begins to yell but he calms down when he realizes how superior he is to her.
"...Pfft-! Hahahaha! You think that was enough to kill my master!? Hahaha, you're even more delusional than I thought!" Right after laughing she felt a great force hit her in the stomach which sent her back through a couple walls.
As this happened, she looked at incognito who had a furious expression as his foot actually went through her stomach. She gets buried beneath hundreds of kilograms of rubble.
Underneath the pieces of wall, she coughs out loads of blood as she then begins to feel weak.
'Ah....I haven't felt this since I was turned into a vampire.' She thinks as she slowly moves her hand to touch the wounded area.
Her body kicks into overdrive as she feels a tremendous urge to drink blood because the wound is huge. Her eyes glow almost an animalistic red as she takes out two blood packs from her inventory.
[heh, this is why you should drink from living humans Police Girl.] her master's amused voice sounds through her head.
[Why's that master?]
[Because, when we drink from living humans, the blood is more powerful. This allows you to access more strength from your body.]
[I see. Wait....are you just hiding beneath that rubble?] she realizes something when her master explained the many things blood can offer her.
[I'm waiting for dramatic effect. It's always more fun to fight in front of an audience.] this sentence allows seras to realize that Integra and Walter should be arriving soon.
[I see, I hope you enjoy yourself Master. He should be as strong as you are when you release your seals, right?]
[....he's weaker, but after he completes the second ritual, he should be.] he cuts off their connection after saying this.
That sentence conjured an image in Seras' head as she remembers what happens next. She mutters curse words to herself as she begins sipping from one of her blood packs.
Right before Alucard killed Incognito, Integra and Walter we're still being chased by multiple attack helicopters. They just bȧrėly dodged another two missile which then hit some buildings beneath them.
"What the hell are those imbeciles doing!?" Integra yells as Walter destabilizes their helicopter.
At this point the original 3 enemies chasing them, has increased to 10. The only reason that they've survived this long is mainly to Walter's impeccable dodging skills and the fact that all of them can't attack at once for fear of hitting the others. However the situation is still horrible.
"I can think of three reasons as to why we're in this situation." Walter states.
"And What are they?" Integra asks in frustration.
"The first is the worse case scenario. We have fallen perfectly into the enemies trap while the entire round table and the queen are under Their control. Alucard and seras get defeated and the Hellsing family will forever be known as traitors who have tried to ȧssassinate her majesty." Walter explains as he dodges two more missiles.
"The second is better but the situation will still be less than ideal. Only half of the round table are under the control of the enemy and the queen is unharmed. Then we should be able to clear things up after Alucard kills that vampire from the dark continent." This leads Integra to take a sigh of relief.
"And the third?"
"That's the most ideal case. This is all part of the queens plan and none of the round table members are under control. All of our men survived and we go home to have supper after Alucard wins." They both smirk a little at the ending Walter gave.
"I see. It's sad that that last one is the least likely to occur, isn't it?" She sighs as Walter once again dodge a missile.
Right after that, Integra can see their destination and she feels elated when a purple light begins to spread around it. Integra is confused at the sight when she then notices the sky beginning to clump together into humongous storm clouds.
Soon after, lightning begins to fall on the city in rapid succession at many locations as the purple light forms into one giant circle. Integra is shocked when she hears Walter gasp in fear. She is surprised because she has never heard Walter do that before.
"Walter?" She asks in worry as she saw his face turn a little pale.
"T-that's...." he whispers but even then he was stuttering a little.
"What!? What is it Walter?" Her yell snaps him out of it as he calms down.
"I'm sorry sir, it's just the situation has become very grim."
"Even worse than before?" She asks with some sarcasm.
"Yes, Alucard might die if that glowing purple light is what I think it is." He points to the city below which now has a complete ritualistic image glowing on top.
His answer makes his master go silent as she feels that the worse case scenario is coming true. She stares at the image for a couple long seconds before speaking.
"Alucard will not die. Not by the hands of whatever he is fighting him right now." She exudes so much confidence, almost like she is stating an undisputed fact.
"....heh, of course sir." Walter smirks back with an equally confident tone.
"Now that that's over, explain to me what this light is and what it's forming." She orders her butler like the ten helicopters are not shooting missiles anymore.
"That, Sir, seems to be a ritual to summon a god."
"A god? Not a demonic being, but an actual god?"
"I believe so, I saw one that looks almost exactly like it in the family library. However some changes have been made."
"Changes? So it might not work?" She asks in hope.
"No, I believe What was changed was the requirement for summoning."
"Yes, to summon a god would cost a thousand human lives and many days in preparation, but whoever has designed this one has made it so it looks like only 50 people are sacrificed."
"The most likely are taking into account that they're no longer human and have more life force."
"The chipped vampires?"
"Then can you tell which god is being summoned?"
"No, but it's definitely not a good one." As soon as Walter spoke, they heard a loud explosion from behind.
"What was that!?" Integra asks with a yell when another two explosions sound out.
"Hold on!!" Walter yells as he senses something attacking them from behind and he twists the helicopter a full 360 degrees.
Integra does as she was told and she sees a large white light flying past them at an incredible speed. She can faintly see a figure inside the light but it passed by too quickly to get a better look.
Before they can even stabilize themselves, Walter and Integra hear 5 more explosions come from behind which makes her a little afraid. However that fear was stomped out by her pride as the head of hellsing returning her to a calm state of mind.
At this point 8 of the 10 helicopters chasing them were destroyed, so the pilots of the other two change course to flee from the supernatural thing that is taking them down. Of course, a couple of seconds later their actions prove unsuccessful as they get destroyed as well.
Meanwhile in Brazil, the Major and his subordinates are still watching the proceedings on 3 giant screens. One is showing incognitos view, another is showing an overhead view of the tower, and the last is showing a far away view that shows the whole ritual image and the thick clouds above it.
The whole area is silent except the occasional laughter from the white clad fiend. He just got done with one of his dark chuckles when he looks to the Dok.
"Did you need something, Major?"
"I was just wondering if you noticed any abnormalities on Schrodinger's brain waves." His statement is more of a question.
"Ah Yes! When he saw the new fledgling Of Alucard's, his waves spiked and then evened out at a greater frequency. It seems she is very important to him." He gives his own opinion after explaining the results.
"I see..." the silence after the mumble is deafening because the Major is not a quiet man.
A few minutes later, his glazed over eyes become bright as his face also turns from thinking to a smile. His grin goes wider as his eyes start to glow in understanding. He then gets up from his leather chair making the others turn to him.
"I see. I see. So, you can not only teleport anywhere in this world, but you can teleport to other realms as well. You are truly becoming a thorn in my side, my dear fräulein." He speaks out to no one despite the hundreds of people occupying the same space.
None of them understood the statement, but they have long been since used to their leaders monologues. He hums to himself and sits back in his seat. Eventually the Dok walks forward to ask the question most have on their minds.
"Did you figure something out?"
"Yes....I figured something that we thought to be impossible." His statement makes the dok gape for a second before understanding.
"You mean inter dimensional travel!?" He yells.
"Yes. However it is not I who you should question." He shakes his head.
"Not you....?" He slowly questions when he looks at the screen.
"You don't mean-!" He turns back to his boss with a yell.
"Yes~~. She is so very interesting. Her backstory, her strength, her Intelligence, her will, and now finding out things about her powers that we thought we knew. She is just like a gift that keeps on giving." He gestures around himself like he is placing precious objects on a shelf.
He then takes the illusory shelf and rips it apart while stating the last few words.
"Why are you complimenting the stupid girl, Major?" A gruff female voice asks with some anger.
"Hmm~?" He hums back.
"She is just a weak bug who will die soon. Why are you always praising her?" Lieutenant Zoro Blitz comes from behind and spits out her cigarette.
"Why do I praise her? Because she is worthy!" His answer shocks everyone.
"B-But-!" Another female voice tries to speak but the Major interrupts.
"She is very intelligent, has no qualms about killing, and seems to know everything about us. If it wasn't for certain reasons, I would treat her as my nemesis!"
"You give her too much credit, Major." The Lieutenant turns and begins to walk away.
"Oh~." This makes the buff women clench her teeth in anger.
Back at the tower, it's only been about 2 minutes since incognito has revived. He is still standing on the ground floor and looking to the sky like he is waiting for something.
He smirks as he notices the humongous lightning bolt flying through the sky. It gets closer to the area he is in and he looks to another object in the sky. His smirk becomes a full blown smile as he sees Integra in the passenger seat of the helicopter.
"Everything is coming together. I performed the ritual perfectly, revived, and now my other sacrifice is coming." He talks to himself which he seems used to.
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