Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 55 - 55 - An Even Fight
The helicopter gets close enough to land at the towers courtyard where Incognito is waiting. Close enough for both occupants to see the true vampire uninjured and no Alucard or seras in sight.
"Where the hell is alucard!?" Integra asks with a yell.
"I don't know Sir, but it does seem like there was a fight. Look at the destroyed areas. Should we land somewhere else?"
"....No. land next to that monster."
"But sir!"
"I'm the head of the Hellsing Family! It is my job to protect queen and country from ALL supernatural threats. I'll be damned if I turn tail when the enemy is waiting for us."
"Very well, but please be careful." He begrudgingly accepts the order and controls the helicopter to land inside the tower.
As they land, the wind generated by the helicopter causes the courtyard garden to move like a hurricane has arrived. Incognito frowns because the sound of the heavy vehicle is too loud.
They land and Walter comes out of the vehicle with a grave that no elderly gentleman should have. He walks to the passenger door and opens it for Integra. She walks out with a confident gait as she gets closer to this millennia old monster.
'Those eyes.....' Incognito thinks as he sees the human master of Alucard for the first time.
Integra walks forward without any trembling and eventually gets with 5 meters of incognito. she stares for a few seconds when she puts her left hand in her pocket. Incognito sees what looks like a brown tube but he doesn't know what it's for.
"Walter." She states with a commanding tone as she puts the tube in her mouth
Walter immediately takes out a lighter and flicks the switch. He puts the flame on top of the cigarette and smoke starts to float upwards in no discernible way.
Incognito and Integra stare at each other for a minute when something abnormal happens.
"Hahahahaha! You're either very brave or very dumb to stand in front of I without a hint of fear or dread." Incognito laughs insanely before stating.
"Heh, why should I fear you?" She asks with as much disdain as she could muster.
"..." his face goes from the original playfulness to furious as his arm flashes forward.
Instantly 5 sparks show up in front of Integra's body. Immediately following that, a loud explosion sounds from
Behind her. If she were to turn she would notice 5 sections of the wall were destroyed, showing 5 1 meter wide holes.
She has no idea what happened but when she looks at the monster again, she notices that he is staring at Walter with an unbelievable look. In a few seconds his eyes goes back to Integra.
'Those eyes, this presence, and that subordinate. Why does she remind me so much of her?' He continues to superimpose the image of his master over Integra as he notices more similarities between the two.
"Why have you come here, monster?" Integra asks.
"Why?....because that fat human ordered me too! Do you have any idea how humiliating it was to wake up only to find you were enslaved by someone so much weaker!?" He yells out surprising the hellsing head.
'So the organization enslaved him while he was sleeping? In a way that's better for me.'
"So-." She gets cut off by incognito.
"However, that wont be the case soon." He looks up to the sky.
Integra does the same but Walter is keeping his eyes on the vampire in front of them.
"What do you mean?"
"I guess I should tell you since you're going to be a part of this."
Incognito disappears from view and before Integra can yell, she hears a scraping noise coming from behind. She turns around to find the grey vampire with his palm being cut by wires. He is growling angrily while looking at her butler.
"Just because you're dead doesn't mean manners should die along with you." He states calmly as he smirks a little.
"Would you show manners to a pig?" He sarcastically asks back before jumping backwards.
He frowns as he notices that his hand is healing very slowly. He then hisses before looking back at Integra and Walter.
"Explain what you meant by my involvement." She once again commands.
Incognito was angered once again but he calmed himself before deciding to explain.
"As you know, I was enslaved by a human while I was sleeping. That fat bastard commanded me to come here and mess with a person called Integra Hellsing. He already set everything up, he just wanted to, How did he say, liven things up a bit." This makes Integra clench her teeth.
"In order for me to get out of this slave-like status, I need incredible power. Rituals, when performed with a sacrifice, are powerful. And the more unique the sacrifice, the more strength one can draw from it."
"....what does any of that have to do with me?" She asks in frustration.
"Do you have any idea how unique you are? You're the only human on this planet with such characteristics that make you perfect for my ritual."
And what ritual is that?"
".....To fuse with a god!" He grandiosely spreads his arms out and cackles madly.
"....." the incredulous statement makes the two speechless as he puts his arms down and his expression goes back to normal.
"So....you did all of this.....just to lure me out for your stupid ritual?" She gestures to the destroyed buildings and the constant sounds of explosions from what she can only guess is the summoned god.
"Hmm? Of course I did. Is that supposed to be what you call a rhetorical question?"
"How dare you take the lives of my men for something so-!" Before she can finish incognito ran forward But Walter blocked him again.
"So~? Why should I care about the insignificant lives of your men? They are less than nothing to me and if they can be useful then that's something they should be thankful for."
"You're insane!"
"Am I? Am I really?" He asks back sarcastically.
"I've had quite enough of this." Walter states as he walks forward while tugging on his gloves.
"And you are?"
"I am Walter C. Dolnez, vampire hunter and butler to the Hellsing Family." He introduces himself.
"You're very strong, even by vampire standards. How would you like to join the undead?" His offer shocks the two of them.
"Join the undead? Ha! Ridiculous. I would rather have to live with Arthur in his drunken fit for a decade before I even consider something like that." The statement makes Integra surprised as she has never heard Walter speak like this before.
"I offer you immortality and you spit it in my face. So be it, I'll kill you like I did that Alucard." He gets ready to fight.
"You killed Alucard?" Walter asks.
"Yes, he put up a good fight in the beginning, but he was too weak and I destroyed his head." He explains thoughtfully.
"You destroyed his head? That's it?"
"Oh man, did he even release his seals?" Walter continues to ask while smiling as his tone becomes increasingly different.
"Seals? What seals!?" The questions are making incognito angrier.
"Then Alucard hasn't even treated you seriously. I'll be damned if he even fought you with 10% of his full power." He stretches his fingers making a sound like wires are being scratched.
"I won't take this from some weak human serving a bitc-!" Before he can finish, wires were woven into a net and it covered his face.
The net burned incognitos face and he screamed from the pain. He grabs it and yanks it off but the pain only increased as his hand is now in contact.
"What...is this!?" He yells to the elderly man.
"That, vampire.....is blessed silver melted down and combined with other metals to form ultra thin wires. A single meter of this wire costs 10,000 pounds and trust me....I have much to go around." He extends all ten fingers allowing incognito to see the hundreds of wires surrounding him.
"You bast-!" His arm was wrapped with the wire and before he can feel the burning sensation again, Walter's gloves glow and the wire cuts his arm from the bicep down.
"Are you ready to get serious now...bloodsucker?" Walter puts his hands behind his back and stands straight.
"Haah....hah...hehehe...hahaha...amazing! Are you sure you're human!?" The labored breathing turns into a fit of laughter as his arm begins to regenerate.
A see through image of his arm was created and it gets more opaque as time goes on. The way it healed gave Walter an insight into Incognitos source of strength
'That wasn't a physical regeneration, it has to do something with the ritual image still being here. Did he take in more than the physical aspects of his sacrifices?' His thoughts stop as the arm was fully formed.
"How can you control such thin wires like that? I'm truly curious." Incognito takes out his two grenade launchers while asking
"Find our for yourself, at least try before your body become dust." Walter gets into a battle stance.
"Walter-" Integra tries to soak but the sound from the two fighting frowns out her voice.
Incognito disappeared and Walter moved his fingers in an unnatural way. Each flick of a finger is in conjunction with a loud bang as he blocks all of his attacks. Punches and kicks soon turned into shots from his weapons but Walter keeps blocking them.
"All yo do is block! Fight me!" Incognito yells as he once again shoots his weapon.
"...as you wish." Walter's gloved glow again and the wires soon come together.
They begin to form into a large spear and it looks like a normal one. Everyone was shocked at the realistic way the wires came together. Walter spins the spear around with a skill that no layman should have.
"Be prepared...." he speaks as he brandished the spear.
As soon as his voice ended he runs forward and pierced with his newly created weapon. Incognito dodged easily, but just as he landed, he felt a cut on his hip. He looks down to find blood flowing quickly out of his side.
'How?' He thinks but Walter keeps attacking.
He slashed this time and it happens again as he thought he dodged, but his leg was cut. He growls because he can't figure out how it's happening. Incognito jumps backward by about 10 meters and when he landed the wound on his hip was gone and the one on his leg is healing.
"How is this possible!? This is beyond mere control, it's almost like they're alive."
"You're right, they are alive. However only I can breathe life into them." Walter's gloves glow once more and incognito immediately puts his arms up.
He watches as the back of he spear disappears and then he feels his legs, arms, and neck were wrapped with those wires. This time, the burning sensation was lessened. Just as he tried to break free he notices a large object flying toward him.
He looks down to find the spear that Walter had and it was spinning rapidly. Before he can even think about what's going to happen, it pierced his ċhėst and blows up a large section of the wall.
"Haah..hah..."Walters face shows signs of exhaustion but h still stands straight.
'God I'm old....that technique wouldn't trouble me back in my prime...' he sadly thinks to himself as he looks at his opponent.
The head and body were separated as a large chunk was missing. He allows the body to drop as Integra gets closer.
"That was amazing Walter!" She states happily.
"I've told you Integra, before I was a butler I was a vampire hunter. It's too bad that I'm this old or I would help you more." His face gets better as he speaks.
"I wish I could have seen you in your prime, it would have been a sight." She continues to compliment him when alter sees a shadow out of the corner of his eye.
He jumps forward and blocks whatever it was that was about to hit integra. Before she know what happened; Walter coughed up some blood and is showing a face in pain.
"Walter!" She yells in worry.
"Heh, sorry sir. It seems like I won't be able to fight anymore." He weakly laughs before slumping forward.
She catches him but noticed his eyes are closed.
"I knew it. A technique like that would take its toll, especially on an elderly man like him." The voice speaks up.
Integra sees the regenerated incognito standing and stretching his neck in many different ways. She is disgusted because she knows that you don't need to stretch the neck like that after regenerating. She gently lays Walter to the ground and stands up facing toward incognito.
"If you think I'll willingly let you use me as a sacrifice, The you have another Hong coming." She takes out a gun and points it at the vampire.
"You think a small toy like that will hurt me?" He smirks.
"No, but how about this?" She smirks back and points the gun at her temple.
"What?" Incognito is shocked at the decisiveness of the woman before him.
"I die and you'll be a slave forever." Her hand is steady.
"....ha! Interesting. I doubt you'll truly take your own life, especially since it's against your so-called God's wishes." He steps forward.
"Oh really?" She ċȯċks the hammer on her gun making he vampire stop.
He frowns before he growls angrily. To Integra it was from frustration, but it was really because this made her even more similar to his sire.
'They May act similar, but there is one defining difference that she'll never be able to imitate.' He thinks as his eyes glow red and Integra begins to tremble.
"No matter how strong your will is, you're still only human. It only takes a small effort and your body will do as I wish." He puts out his hand and Integra's body begins to shake like she is having a seizure.
'D-Damn it all!' She mentally yells as she can feel her hand moving against her wishes.
It drops the gun and her body floats toward the grey vampire. She tries to struggle but the telekinesis is too powerful. He jumps to the room he was previously in and Integra floats up behind him.
He places her on a cold metal slab and handcuffs her to it. He then let's go control of her body allowing her to struggle physically. Of course, she can't get out.
"Now, everything is ready. I summoned Sett, I drew the circle for the next ritual and now I have the sacrifice. Nothing will get in my way this time." He speaks to himself.
"Where the hell is alucard!?" Integra asks with a yell.
"I don't know Sir, but it does seem like there was a fight. Look at the destroyed areas. Should we land somewhere else?"
"....No. land next to that monster."
"But sir!"
"I'm the head of the Hellsing Family! It is my job to protect queen and country from ALL supernatural threats. I'll be damned if I turn tail when the enemy is waiting for us."
"Very well, but please be careful." He begrudgingly accepts the order and controls the helicopter to land inside the tower.
As they land, the wind generated by the helicopter causes the courtyard garden to move like a hurricane has arrived. Incognito frowns because the sound of the heavy vehicle is too loud.
They land and Walter comes out of the vehicle with a grave that no elderly gentleman should have. He walks to the passenger door and opens it for Integra. She walks out with a confident gait as she gets closer to this millennia old monster.
'Those eyes.....' Incognito thinks as he sees the human master of Alucard for the first time.
Integra walks forward without any trembling and eventually gets with 5 meters of incognito. she stares for a few seconds when she puts her left hand in her pocket. Incognito sees what looks like a brown tube but he doesn't know what it's for.
"Walter." She states with a commanding tone as she puts the tube in her mouth
Walter immediately takes out a lighter and flicks the switch. He puts the flame on top of the cigarette and smoke starts to float upwards in no discernible way.
Incognito and Integra stare at each other for a minute when something abnormal happens.
"Hahahahaha! You're either very brave or very dumb to stand in front of I without a hint of fear or dread." Incognito laughs insanely before stating.
"Heh, why should I fear you?" She asks with as much disdain as she could muster.
"..." his face goes from the original playfulness to furious as his arm flashes forward.
Instantly 5 sparks show up in front of Integra's body. Immediately following that, a loud explosion sounds from
Behind her. If she were to turn she would notice 5 sections of the wall were destroyed, showing 5 1 meter wide holes.
She has no idea what happened but when she looks at the monster again, she notices that he is staring at Walter with an unbelievable look. In a few seconds his eyes goes back to Integra.
'Those eyes, this presence, and that subordinate. Why does she remind me so much of her?' He continues to superimpose the image of his master over Integra as he notices more similarities between the two.
"Why have you come here, monster?" Integra asks.
"Why?....because that fat human ordered me too! Do you have any idea how humiliating it was to wake up only to find you were enslaved by someone so much weaker!?" He yells out surprising the hellsing head.
'So the organization enslaved him while he was sleeping? In a way that's better for me.'
"So-." She gets cut off by incognito.
"However, that wont be the case soon." He looks up to the sky.
Integra does the same but Walter is keeping his eyes on the vampire in front of them.
"What do you mean?"
"I guess I should tell you since you're going to be a part of this."
Incognito disappears from view and before Integra can yell, she hears a scraping noise coming from behind. She turns around to find the grey vampire with his palm being cut by wires. He is growling angrily while looking at her butler.
"Just because you're dead doesn't mean manners should die along with you." He states calmly as he smirks a little.
"Would you show manners to a pig?" He sarcastically asks back before jumping backwards.
He frowns as he notices that his hand is healing very slowly. He then hisses before looking back at Integra and Walter.
"Explain what you meant by my involvement." She once again commands.
Incognito was angered once again but he calmed himself before deciding to explain.
"As you know, I was enslaved by a human while I was sleeping. That fat bastard commanded me to come here and mess with a person called Integra Hellsing. He already set everything up, he just wanted to, How did he say, liven things up a bit." This makes Integra clench her teeth.
"In order for me to get out of this slave-like status, I need incredible power. Rituals, when performed with a sacrifice, are powerful. And the more unique the sacrifice, the more strength one can draw from it."
"....what does any of that have to do with me?" She asks in frustration.
"Do you have any idea how unique you are? You're the only human on this planet with such characteristics that make you perfect for my ritual."
And what ritual is that?"
".....To fuse with a god!" He grandiosely spreads his arms out and cackles madly.
"....." the incredulous statement makes the two speechless as he puts his arms down and his expression goes back to normal.
"So....you did all of this.....just to lure me out for your stupid ritual?" She gestures to the destroyed buildings and the constant sounds of explosions from what she can only guess is the summoned god.
"Hmm? Of course I did. Is that supposed to be what you call a rhetorical question?"
"How dare you take the lives of my men for something so-!" Before she can finish incognito ran forward But Walter blocked him again.
"So~? Why should I care about the insignificant lives of your men? They are less than nothing to me and if they can be useful then that's something they should be thankful for."
"You're insane!"
"Am I? Am I really?" He asks back sarcastically.
"I've had quite enough of this." Walter states as he walks forward while tugging on his gloves.
"And you are?"
"I am Walter C. Dolnez, vampire hunter and butler to the Hellsing Family." He introduces himself.
"You're very strong, even by vampire standards. How would you like to join the undead?" His offer shocks the two of them.
"Join the undead? Ha! Ridiculous. I would rather have to live with Arthur in his drunken fit for a decade before I even consider something like that." The statement makes Integra surprised as she has never heard Walter speak like this before.
"I offer you immortality and you spit it in my face. So be it, I'll kill you like I did that Alucard." He gets ready to fight.
"You killed Alucard?" Walter asks.
"Yes, he put up a good fight in the beginning, but he was too weak and I destroyed his head." He explains thoughtfully.
"You destroyed his head? That's it?"
"Oh man, did he even release his seals?" Walter continues to ask while smiling as his tone becomes increasingly different.
"Seals? What seals!?" The questions are making incognito angrier.
"Then Alucard hasn't even treated you seriously. I'll be damned if he even fought you with 10% of his full power." He stretches his fingers making a sound like wires are being scratched.
"I won't take this from some weak human serving a bitc-!" Before he can finish, wires were woven into a net and it covered his face.
The net burned incognitos face and he screamed from the pain. He grabs it and yanks it off but the pain only increased as his hand is now in contact.
"What...is this!?" He yells to the elderly man.
"That, vampire.....is blessed silver melted down and combined with other metals to form ultra thin wires. A single meter of this wire costs 10,000 pounds and trust me....I have much to go around." He extends all ten fingers allowing incognito to see the hundreds of wires surrounding him.
"You bast-!" His arm was wrapped with the wire and before he can feel the burning sensation again, Walter's gloves glow and the wire cuts his arm from the bicep down.
"Are you ready to get serious now...bloodsucker?" Walter puts his hands behind his back and stands straight.
"Haah....hah...hehehe...hahaha...amazing! Are you sure you're human!?" The labored breathing turns into a fit of laughter as his arm begins to regenerate.
A see through image of his arm was created and it gets more opaque as time goes on. The way it healed gave Walter an insight into Incognitos source of strength
'That wasn't a physical regeneration, it has to do something with the ritual image still being here. Did he take in more than the physical aspects of his sacrifices?' His thoughts stop as the arm was fully formed.
"How can you control such thin wires like that? I'm truly curious." Incognito takes out his two grenade launchers while asking
"Find our for yourself, at least try before your body become dust." Walter gets into a battle stance.
"Walter-" Integra tries to soak but the sound from the two fighting frowns out her voice.
Incognito disappeared and Walter moved his fingers in an unnatural way. Each flick of a finger is in conjunction with a loud bang as he blocks all of his attacks. Punches and kicks soon turned into shots from his weapons but Walter keeps blocking them.
"All yo do is block! Fight me!" Incognito yells as he once again shoots his weapon.
"...as you wish." Walter's gloved glow again and the wires soon come together.
They begin to form into a large spear and it looks like a normal one. Everyone was shocked at the realistic way the wires came together. Walter spins the spear around with a skill that no layman should have.
"Be prepared...." he speaks as he brandished the spear.
As soon as his voice ended he runs forward and pierced with his newly created weapon. Incognito dodged easily, but just as he landed, he felt a cut on his hip. He looks down to find blood flowing quickly out of his side.
'How?' He thinks but Walter keeps attacking.
He slashed this time and it happens again as he thought he dodged, but his leg was cut. He growls because he can't figure out how it's happening. Incognito jumps backward by about 10 meters and when he landed the wound on his hip was gone and the one on his leg is healing.
"How is this possible!? This is beyond mere control, it's almost like they're alive."
"You're right, they are alive. However only I can breathe life into them." Walter's gloves glow once more and incognito immediately puts his arms up.
He watches as the back of he spear disappears and then he feels his legs, arms, and neck were wrapped with those wires. This time, the burning sensation was lessened. Just as he tried to break free he notices a large object flying toward him.
He looks down to find the spear that Walter had and it was spinning rapidly. Before he can even think about what's going to happen, it pierced his ċhėst and blows up a large section of the wall.
"Haah..hah..."Walters face shows signs of exhaustion but h still stands straight.
'God I'm old....that technique wouldn't trouble me back in my prime...' he sadly thinks to himself as he looks at his opponent.
The head and body were separated as a large chunk was missing. He allows the body to drop as Integra gets closer.
"That was amazing Walter!" She states happily.
"I've told you Integra, before I was a butler I was a vampire hunter. It's too bad that I'm this old or I would help you more." His face gets better as he speaks.
"I wish I could have seen you in your prime, it would have been a sight." She continues to compliment him when alter sees a shadow out of the corner of his eye.
He jumps forward and blocks whatever it was that was about to hit integra. Before she know what happened; Walter coughed up some blood and is showing a face in pain.
"Walter!" She yells in worry.
"Heh, sorry sir. It seems like I won't be able to fight anymore." He weakly laughs before slumping forward.
She catches him but noticed his eyes are closed.
"I knew it. A technique like that would take its toll, especially on an elderly man like him." The voice speaks up.
Integra sees the regenerated incognito standing and stretching his neck in many different ways. She is disgusted because she knows that you don't need to stretch the neck like that after regenerating. She gently lays Walter to the ground and stands up facing toward incognito.
"If you think I'll willingly let you use me as a sacrifice, The you have another Hong coming." She takes out a gun and points it at the vampire.
"You think a small toy like that will hurt me?" He smirks.
"No, but how about this?" She smirks back and points the gun at her temple.
"What?" Incognito is shocked at the decisiveness of the woman before him.
"I die and you'll be a slave forever." Her hand is steady.
"....ha! Interesting. I doubt you'll truly take your own life, especially since it's against your so-called God's wishes." He steps forward.
"Oh really?" She ċȯċks the hammer on her gun making he vampire stop.
He frowns before he growls angrily. To Integra it was from frustration, but it was really because this made her even more similar to his sire.
'They May act similar, but there is one defining difference that she'll never be able to imitate.' He thinks as his eyes glow red and Integra begins to tremble.
"No matter how strong your will is, you're still only human. It only takes a small effort and your body will do as I wish." He puts out his hand and Integra's body begins to shake like she is having a seizure.
'D-Damn it all!' She mentally yells as she can feel her hand moving against her wishes.
It drops the gun and her body floats toward the grey vampire. She tries to struggle but the telekinesis is too powerful. He jumps to the room he was previously in and Integra floats up behind him.
He places her on a cold metal slab and handcuffs her to it. He then let's go control of her body allowing her to struggle physically. Of course, she can't get out.
"Now, everything is ready. I summoned Sett, I drew the circle for the next ritual and now I have the sacrifice. Nothing will get in my way this time." He speaks to himself.
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