Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 56 - 56 - Fusion And Unsealing

{Master?} Seras tries to ask through her telepathic link.


{Aren't you going to help her?} she watches through the wall of where Integra is handcuffed.

She can sense her master alongside her, but she doesn't take her eyes off of the room for fear of Integra getting killed.

{Haha, And Why should I do that?} his reply slightly shocks her.

{why? I thought-}

{You thought I cared for her?} he interrupts.


{In a way I do, but it's more of an appreciation. She is worthy to be my master for as long as she acts like I want her to. If she were to snivel like a weak human then she doesn't deserve to be my master.}

{...then what if she calls for you?}

{Then I'll be bound by my seals, but she will lose my respect.} he says with a light hearted tone but she can tell he would be seriously pissed if that were to happen.

{I see....} she mumbles as they look back at the situation.

Incognito normally would be able to sense them, but there was something he didn't take into account when he performed the summoning ritual. That is when he absorbed the life force of the chipped vampires, his senses became dull to other energies. He can still use his normal senses, in fact they're even better, but his vampiric senses are useless at the moment.

'I can't wait, a True vampire that fuses with a god? How perfect...I will enjoy this.' He smiles creepily as his aura becomes erratic.

Incognito is busy mixing different plants into a paste while mumbling a language that Integra can't understand. She gave up trying to force her way out as she now is looking for anything to pick the lock.

'Damn it...I should have listened to Walter about putting pins in my hair, at least then I would have an escape plan.'

Incognito sees her frown as he seems to be done mixing his concoction. He then takes off his robe and is now nȧkėd before the Hellsing head. Integra first was shocked that he would do this in front of a woman when she notices a distinct lack of something in the vampire.

"Heh....hahahahaha!" She laughs a little uncontrollably.

"What are you laughing at!?"

"You don't have a dɨċk! Oh my lord! Hahahaha, What happened, did you cut it off for some other ritual? Hahaha!" She continues to laugh making the vampire furious.

Alucard And seras also lost it, but they held in their laughter so that they could observe more.

"You bitch!" He goes to punch her when he stops midway.

"Hehe, can't kill me before your precious ritual?" She stops laughing as she looks up with a victorious smile.

He clenches his teeth at that look before turning away. He then begins to draw something on the floor. As he was drawing the new ritual, in the city of London, many explosions and bullets were being heard by the citizens.

"What the fuċk are they doing!?" A man with a French accent yells as he shoots his own gun.

"They're fuċkɨnġ idiots! Shooting in their own city!!" A man replies.

One of The Frenchman's bullets hit the gas tank of of the car following them and it blows up. The remains of the car spins out of control and then crashes into a building.

"Yes!" He yells as he sits back in his seat and closes the window.

"Was that all of them Jaffey?" Another asks.

"Yep, we had it easy though. The captain had half follow him while we only had 2."

"Yeah But He can deal with it."

"What now?" A third interjects.

"We head to the tower. It's our rendezvous point." The driver replies.

"The tower? Where that vampire and the Police Girl are?" Jaffey becomes pale.


"Where the most intense fight is happening between vampires?" Jaffey asks now trembling.

"Yes!" He replies once again with a more annoyed tone.

"We're going to fuċkɨnġ die."

"Shut the fuċk up Jaffey!"

After Jaffey destroyed the second vehicle, the captain and his team were having a shot show of a time. None of their bullets were hitting the vehicles because they were in a park.

"What the fuċk is happening Cunningham!? Can't you drive straight!?" The captain yells.

"We're inside a fuċkɨnġ park captain!! What the fuċk do you think I'm doing!?" He replies with equal frustration.

"Shit! Ok see that building?" He stops shooting and looks out of the windshield.

"Yeah?" His vice-captain replies.

"Remember Turkey?" H smirks a little insanely.

"....NO! Fuck no! Are you shitting me!" He remembers the country where they almost died and pales when he realizes what the captain wants.

"Just do it! Or we die here." He reloads his gun and and then takes something off of his vest.

Cunningham clenches his teeth before turning the wheel 360 degrees. The other passengers were too busy shooting back to hear they're conversation so they were caught off guard. Turning at the angle going 100 kph on rough terrain, they were glad that they didn't flip.

"What the fuċk!?" One of them yelled.

"We're going Turkey boys!" Cunningham yells.

"NOOOO!!!!" They all pale before they shout in unison except Arthur.

Arthur has to shut his ears at they're yell.

"Hahahahaha!!" The captain laughs before tossing a grenade out of the window.

He then tosses a few more out as they move behind the building and then he lights up his cigarette once more.

"3...2...1.....boom." As soon as he says the last word the first grenade goes off as 2 vehicles explode.

Then the other three go off in succession blowing up both the building and the rest of the military vehicles following them. The grenades were very powerful as the area affected made a crater a few meters deep.

Cunningham stops the car as he skids and turns around to view his captain's handiwork.

"Did we get'em?" Arthur asks and then a tire rolls out of the flames while on fire.

"Haha! We got'em!" The captain yells uproariously.

"What the hell captain!?" One of the men yell in the back.

"Ah Shut it. Did you have a better idea?" He calmly replies while smoking.

"....how about next time....we don't drive through a fuċkɨnġ park!?" Cunningham yells.

"Fine....let's get going to the rendezvous point. We can't keep Ma Cherie waiting for her knight in cloth armor."

"There's no chance in hell she's waiting for you captain." One of the other men reply.

"Who was right about the kid?" He asks making them silent.

"Then who says I'm wrong about this?" He smiles while asking this one.

They don't reply as Cunningham brings them to the tower. While they were heading back, Father Renaldo and Father Anderson were talking to Maxwell on a cellphone.

"What!?" The pompous man yells making Anderson wince.

"It's as I said Maxwell...there is some kind of demonic being flying through the sky attacking whatever it comes across." He looks to the sky.


"Also almost the entire city is covered by this giant purple image." he looks down at the streets.

"...What!!?" He yelled a third time because of the ridiculous things he is hearing.

After that, Renaldo takes the phone and brings it to his ear.

"That's quite enough yelling Maxwell. We need to be calm about this, in order to figure it out."

"Why? It's a hellsing problem, why should we care?"

"Take your anger out of the equation. What happens if whoever is behind this uses, this ritual again? this time, against the Vatican."

"....shit...." Maxwell's eyes go dark as he realizes the implications.

"we need to understand how this works so we can go against it. I suggest-" He is interrupted as Anderson runs behind him with his bayonets out and blocks something from hitting his back.

Anderson flies backward with his broken weapons hitting a wall as Renaldo sees a silhouette behind him glowing in a white light. He gulps some saliva as he drops the phone and unsheathes his sword.

Before the phone hit the ground, the figure appeared close enough to punch his sword sending him flying like the hulking priest before. The silhouette is surprised that two humans successfully blocked his blows.

"Hehe, he's definitely strong...whatever he is." Anderson laughs a little while climbing out of the rubble.

"Don't be arrogant Alex, we still have no idea what we're facing."

"Aye, we don't. But to Iscariot, that doesn't matter, does it?" He smirks as he brings out another two bayonets from his sleeve.

they both step forward ready to die to take down whatever it is that their opponent is when it turns to the left. Anderson notices that that is the direction of the tower when the figure says something in a language he doesn't know, before flying away.

"What? Where's it going?" Renaldo asks clearly confused.

"I don't know, but he clearly looked pissed." Anderson puts away his bayonets while replying.

Back at the tower, incognito got done painting the floor in the purple liquid and it begins to glow. Some purple images appear on his body soon after before starting to glow as well. He smirks knowing that everything is working when he sees his sacrifice.

"Rejoice! For you're about to be the catalyst that allows a perfect being to be born!"

"Will it allow you to grow a dɨċk?" Her question doesn't anger him this time as he is too enthralled with him merging with a god.

"Don't worry about it hurting, I only need some of your blood and then you can bear witness to my rebirth." He brings out an ancient looking knife.

'Shit....no more stalling I guess.' she thinks as he brings his knife down on her palm.

He then slices it open, allowing her pure vɨrġɨn blood to fall on the image he just created. The glow begins to turn reddish as incognito does the same to her other hand and the soles of her feet. He then begins to speak in what she ȧssumes is his native tongue.

She winces as a bright light enters the room from the hole. She sees the silhouette of the God but isn't that impressed by it. The figure floats over to where Integra is and ċȧrėsses her face as incognito was still speaking.

The figure then replies in what seems to be the same language making incognito grin excitedly. He then steps back to allow the god to do what it wishes.

The silhouettes glow disappears as what looks like a man appears in its place. He has glowing red hair and eyes while his body looks like it was sculpted out of marble. Integra actually blushes at how beautiful the man looks but still looks masculine.

{No master! You can't go yet!} seras stops Alucard from running forward and killing the puny thing.

{....you're right seras....almost ruined my fight.} he stops at the telepathic yell and calms down.

The god noticed the abnormality in the wall but doesn't care. He takes his first steps on the ground and walks next to Integra. As soon as he enters the circle beneath the table electric snakes surround the red haired man and he groans in pain.

He turns around to look at incognito who is now grinning evilly that his plan is working. He then takes his own hand and impales his stomach allowing a massive amount of blood to flood the floor.

Incognito begins to rapidly chant in that language he used before and the blood begins to move in an unnatural way. His blood and Integra's begins to intertwine around the being as it makes more symbols all over its body. It screams in agony while flailing around the room destroying everything in its path.

Soon the chanting stops and then incognito slams his hands onto the ground making the room shake. The being screams for the final Time as the blood then starts being pulled along with it into incognitos stomach.

In a few seconds the screaming god disappears and the wounds begin to heal. The vampire slumps over as runes start appearing on his body.

"Damn it...." She mumbles as she begins to feel weak from blood loss.

Just as she is about to lose consciousness she sees a tall red figure appear at her side. He breaks the handcuffs with ease before using his tongue to lick her wounds.

'Damn you Alucard....' She thinks as he telepathically laughs back.

[Did you have fun, my master?] he asks as he licks the last wound.

"How dare....you lick my body...." She weakly states while trying to get up.

She doesn't succeed as she tumbled. Thankfully Alucard caught her before she hit her head on the floor.

"You're weak from the blood loss." He says while carrying her like a princess.

"....."she doesn't reply as she blushes from the method of carrying.

[Hehe, does this remind you of something?]

[Oh stuff it, you bloodsucker!] Integra blushes harder as a memory surfaces.

"Heheh...Hahahahaha. Of course, master." He places her down on a chair and she finally notices seras is next to her.

"What happened?" She asks now with her usual cold tone.

"He....uh...it..." seras can't find the right words which makes Integra turn to Alucard.

"You were watching, weren't you?" The question was more of a statement as Alucard didn't reply.

Alucard kneels before her as they all notice incognito starting to tremble.

"Give me my orders master, He is now something that is both divine and heretic. I must hear my orders." His hair whips around them as he pleads for his orders.

"Listen well, vampire." Integra says after regaining some strength.

"Yes, my master." His eyes begin to glow red.

"Your orders are the same as before! Search and destroy! You found our enemy and now you must finish it off! Do as you're told!" She stands up and yells causing his grin to widen as incognito stands up.

"Yessssss.....I will do as you order...." he stands up slowly and turns around to face his opponent.

Alucard's body is now wrapped in a red-black aura whiles Incognito's is wrapped in a an alternating white-black aura. Alucard brings out his hands as he starts to whisper.

"Situation A recognized...The Cromwell invocation is activated....Releasing Control Art Restrictions Level 3...2...and 1..." his voice becomes demonic as his aura becomes tangible.

He brings his now glowing hands forward before combining his fingers into a rectangle over his right eye.

As he was releasing his seals, incognito's aura settles down in a stable of black and white as he opens his eyes. They're a dark shade of red with some gold flecks.

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