Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 58 - 58 - The Avatar Universe?
Seras feels a painful pulling sensation after her master yelled. She feels like she is being pulled through a 1 inch thick pipe for miles on end. Her body crunching painfully before a cold sensation snaps her out of the semi conscious state she was put in.
{Master....?}she mentally reaches out for Alucard.
A few minutes? Days? Seconds? She can't tell how much later, but she felt empty when there want a reply. She begins to feel the pain come to her again as her consciousness returns.
She opens her eyes with much difficulty and sees a young dark-skinned girl with sky blue eyes. The girl who is clothed in thick blue material is staring at her with 80% worry and 20% fear. The girl is saying something but seras is too tired to understand it. She closes her eyes for a restful sleep soon after.
The next seras awakes, she can hear a muffling sound as she feels groggy. Almost like she has a very bad hangover. She opens her eyes and looks around to find herself in some type of shelter made of snow. She then looks down to her body and notices that she has been bandaged and a woman is sleeping on top of her arm.
She goes to move and winces as the wounds haven't healed despite the amount of time since she has been wounded.
'Incognito's nails are really nothing to sneeze at. I drank so much blood and I'm still this wounded. I hope master is ok.' Her thoughts are interrupted as the girl wakes and jumps up when she notices seras is also awake.
"I'm so glad you're awake! I was worried that you would die. Wait here and I'll go get Gran-Gran." The girls rapidly states before running out of the snow structure.
"Gran-Gran? Wait a minute, snowy area, blue clothes, dark skin.....I'm in the avatar universe!?" She semi yells when a noise interrupts her.
Seras turns to the other side of the igloo and notices a boy with similar features as the girl earlier. He is giving her a suspicious glare.
'So that must mean I'm in the South Pole and he is Sokka while the girl earlier was Katara. But how did I end up here?'
When she asks herself that, her teleportation ability prompt pops up and shows an error message.
*Due to the unauthorized actions by a minor god, the system has been temporarily disabled. You are in the Avatar Universe 2 weeks before the plot begins, the system will resume function when the plot ends.*
'What? I can't teleport? What about the simulator?' She tried to open the omniscient simulator and it worked
"That's good..." She sighs in relief when Katara comes back with Kana.
"Please Gran-Gran. Tell me she will be fine."
"Let me see." The old woman goes to Seras' side and lifts up the fur blanket and puts pressure on the bandages wounds.
"She will be fine with more rest Katara. You can stop worrying."
"Thank goodness." Katara sighs before going to seras side.
"So, What brings a young lady like yourself to the South Pole with such heavy injuries?" The old woman asks.
"I was fighting a powerful enemy and just as he was about to die, I found myself here. Thank you for helping me."
"You mean the firenation!?" Sokka asks with a yell.
The two women show worried looks before looking at seras waiting for an answer.
"Haha, no. It wasn't them, it was someone far scarier." Seras laughs weakly before explaining.
"Scarier than the firenation? Who?"
"You wouldn't know them. In fact, can you tell me where I am?"
"You're in the South Pole. We found you covered in massive amounts of blood inside our town square." Katara explains.
"I see. So you were the one who found me, no wonder I recognized you at first. You must have a kind heart to help a stranger like me." Seras sits up while saying this.
"Katara is very kind. Now will you tell us your name?" Kana says before asking.
"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Seras Victoria. You can call me seras if you'd like."
"That's a strange name, where are you from?"
"You wouldn't have heard of it. I live really far away."
"You've been giving us some vague answers for a while now. Who's to say you aren't a firenation spy?"
"What's this firenation you keep speaking of? I never heard of them?" She asks trying to act dumb.
"Now I know you're lying. The firenation has been trying to take over the world for a century now, who hasn't heard of them?" Sokka raises his spear and points it at seras.
"That's Enough!" Katara yells before jumping in the middle between seras and the spear point.
"Katara. Get out of my way, she is dangerous!"
"She has been injured and we can't just treat her like this without getting to know her." She gives a glare at her brother.
Sokka looks at her determined face before grunting and walking out of the room.
"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be such a jerk sometimes." Katara turns around and gives a smile.
"Don't be. He may have been overly suspicious, but I can tell he was doing so out of love for you."
"I see." She stutters out after hearing the statement.
"Now Enough about that. The girl needs to eat some food and get healthy." Gran-Gran claps her hands and drives Katara out of the hut.
Seras and the old woman are left alone and she gives a glare to seras actually surprising her.
"So who are you really? Nobody loses that much blood and survives. So that must mean it wasn't all yours."
"Wow, talk about judging a book by its cover. Yes you're right, it wasn't all mine. Some of it was from the people I was fighting. Some was probably from my master as well."
"Your master?" She asks back with the term she hasn't heard before.
"He's somewhat like a father figure to me. He saved my life and I've been with him since."
"And your parents?"
"I see."
"Can you tell me how long I've been out?"
"Ah Yes, you've been unconscious for 2 weeks now. I'm surprised you survived that long."
"That's a very long time. Thank you again for treating my injuries. When I heal I'll try to repay the favor."
"You don't have too. When you're healed you can leave the village and go back where you came from." Kana leaves after saying this.
"I guess I can't fool a woman who has seen so much."
'I'm glad Sir Integra never found out.' She thinks as she counts out just a little over 200 blood packs.
She takes out 5 and drinks from them until she is full. There is a little left in the fifth one so she puts it back into her inventory.
"I'm glad that still works." She says as she starts to feel her wounds closing at a faster rate.
'At this rate, I should be fully healed in 2 days.'
Seras gets up after drinking the blood and stretches her limbs. She hears cracking sounds coming from the bones she hasn't moved in 2 weeks.
Just as she gets done stretching, Katara comes in with a bowl full of what looks like soup. She gets surprised at seras standing and puts the bowl down before pinching at seras' wounds.
"Owowowow! That hurts."
"I'm so sorry! I didn't think you'd be able to stand so soon after waking."
"It's fine. I can't be mad at my savior."
"Now will you eat?" Katara pushes the bowl to seras while asking.
'How can I eat when I'm a vampire? But they'll be suspicious if I don't. Plus if I'm going to go with them I'll need to eat somehow.' Seras trembles a little at the thought of how the food is going to turn to dust in her mouth while receiving the bowl.
She spends close to 2 minutes inching the spoon into her mouth and closes her eyes before just jamming it in.
She waits for the horrid feeling of the food turning to ash when she starts to chew on the meat and gets surprised that she can taste it.
"What is this!?" She stutters out in confusion before taking another spoonful.
The food doesn't turn into ash again and seras stops eating before placing the spoon back into the bowl. Memories come to her of eating with her family as seras and Michael.
"Is it not to your liking?" Katara asks worriedly.
Katara looks at seras face and gets even more confused. Seras has blood tears going down her cheeks as she is sniffling.
"Oh my! I'm going to get Gran-Gran!" Katara gets worried before stating.
"No, it's fine. This is how I cry." Seras wipes away the blood before eating the whole bowl of soup.
"Why were you crying?" She asks as she gets another bowl of soup.
"I just haven't eaten anything warm in so long and it brought back some memories."
"I see." She says in an understanding tone.
They spend the time talking a little until seras ate enough soup for ten grown men. Katara is shocked until seras gets up and looks at Katara.
"Will you give me a tour of the place? I told your grandmother that I would help out when I'm healed and I would like to know what I can do."
"Sure. But you don't have to do anything for us."
"It's fine Katara, you saved my life. The least I could do is help out with some stuff."
Seras spent the rest of the day walking with Katara and being introduced to the villagers. Most of them were children or old women, too young or old to do much. But they all help out with hunting, laundry, water retrieval.
Seras goes back to the igloo she was in and sleeps for the night. The next morning she is woken up by very high pitched yelling as the children barge in and start to mess with her.
Seras smiles at their antics as she gets dressed in clothes Katara prepared for her and comes out with them pulling her arms. Katara sees this and gives a refreshing smile as Sokka just grunts in annoyance.
"Tell me tell me. Are you a spirit?" One of the boys ask her.
"And What makes you think I am?"she asks back with a playful tone.
"Because you're so pretty and tall and pretty."
"Hehe, you said pretty twice."
"That's because you're really pretty."
"So so. Are you a spirit?" a girl asks this time.
"Let me tell you a secret." Seras brings the children closer and as they're all tight into a group she whispers.
"I am."
"Spirit lady! Spirit lady!"
"Bring me to the spirit world!"
"Now now. You see, I'm too injured to go back to the spirit world. But I can show you some magic tricks if you'd like."
"Show us! Show us!"
"Quiet down." She says while putting her pointer finger over her mouth.
The kids quiet down as seras notices the rest of the villagers also paying attention.
"Where I come from, children you're age should have teddy bears."
"What are teddy bears?" One of the kids asks to which the rest nod.
"Teddy bears are little animals that you carry with you and they protect you from bad things. You can play with them and they also protect you while you sleep."
"I want one!"
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
The kids start speaking rapidly when seras puts her pointer finger on her mouth again which makes them go silent.
"Now I want you guys to raise your hand if you wish to have a teddy bear."they all raise their hands.
"I see. A very demanding crowd. Then I want you all to close your eyes and count to five. When I say start I want you to do this. Ready?"
"Start." As soon as her voice lands the kids close their eyes and start counting out loud.
Seras goes into her inventory and finds the mounds of teddy bears that she won when she was with Bernadotte at The carnival.
'Those massive amounts of bears are coming in handy pip. You should be proud.' She smiles as she brings out 14 teddy bears and puts them in front of the children.
Just when she is done with the last one, the kids get done counting and open their eyes. They all scream as they hug their bears before running to show the rest of the village.
Seras looks up to find both Sokka and Katara with their mouths agape in surprise. Katara runs up but before she can ask anything seras puts her pointer finger on Katara's mouth. A spirit lady never reveals her secrets.
"That was amazing. How did you do that!?" Sokka comes up and rapidly asks before realizing how childish he is acting.
He coughs awkwardly before marching away. The two girls share a laugh at Sokka's expense making them feel a little closer.
"He's definitely funny, I'll give him that."
"Sokka won't like hearing that, he wants to be a strong warrior for the village."
"How come?" She asks despite already knowing.
"You see my mom died and soon after my dad left with the other warriors from the South Pole. He put Sokka in charge and we haven't heard from him or the others since." Her eyes become watery while explaining.
"I see.....I'm very sorry to hear that." Seras puts her hand on Katara's shoulder.
Katara puts on a smile before explaining that it's ok. She then leaves to do more chores for the village, letting seras be alone.
'....when has a reincarnator been forced to other worlds without wanting to? I'm a disgrace to all of them.' She sits on an ice boulder while thinking.
'However it's not all bad, if I play my cards right I can learn how to use all 4 elements. When the plot ends and I return, I can burn that ȧsshole to ashes...I can't wait.' She continues to think about inflicting pain on Incognito making her face look sadistic.
Eventually she plans to drink from one of the soldiers that come in two weeks to learn fire bending. With that in mind she goes back to the igloo she came from And lays down in the bed. soon after she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.
{Master....?}she mentally reaches out for Alucard.
A few minutes? Days? Seconds? She can't tell how much later, but she felt empty when there want a reply. She begins to feel the pain come to her again as her consciousness returns.
She opens her eyes with much difficulty and sees a young dark-skinned girl with sky blue eyes. The girl who is clothed in thick blue material is staring at her with 80% worry and 20% fear. The girl is saying something but seras is too tired to understand it. She closes her eyes for a restful sleep soon after.
The next seras awakes, she can hear a muffling sound as she feels groggy. Almost like she has a very bad hangover. She opens her eyes and looks around to find herself in some type of shelter made of snow. She then looks down to her body and notices that she has been bandaged and a woman is sleeping on top of her arm.
She goes to move and winces as the wounds haven't healed despite the amount of time since she has been wounded.
'Incognito's nails are really nothing to sneeze at. I drank so much blood and I'm still this wounded. I hope master is ok.' Her thoughts are interrupted as the girl wakes and jumps up when she notices seras is also awake.
"I'm so glad you're awake! I was worried that you would die. Wait here and I'll go get Gran-Gran." The girls rapidly states before running out of the snow structure.
"Gran-Gran? Wait a minute, snowy area, blue clothes, dark skin.....I'm in the avatar universe!?" She semi yells when a noise interrupts her.
Seras turns to the other side of the igloo and notices a boy with similar features as the girl earlier. He is giving her a suspicious glare.
'So that must mean I'm in the South Pole and he is Sokka while the girl earlier was Katara. But how did I end up here?'
When she asks herself that, her teleportation ability prompt pops up and shows an error message.
*Due to the unauthorized actions by a minor god, the system has been temporarily disabled. You are in the Avatar Universe 2 weeks before the plot begins, the system will resume function when the plot ends.*
'What? I can't teleport? What about the simulator?' She tried to open the omniscient simulator and it worked
"That's good..." She sighs in relief when Katara comes back with Kana.
"Please Gran-Gran. Tell me she will be fine."
"Let me see." The old woman goes to Seras' side and lifts up the fur blanket and puts pressure on the bandages wounds.
"She will be fine with more rest Katara. You can stop worrying."
"Thank goodness." Katara sighs before going to seras side.
"So, What brings a young lady like yourself to the South Pole with such heavy injuries?" The old woman asks.
"I was fighting a powerful enemy and just as he was about to die, I found myself here. Thank you for helping me."
"You mean the firenation!?" Sokka asks with a yell.
The two women show worried looks before looking at seras waiting for an answer.
"Haha, no. It wasn't them, it was someone far scarier." Seras laughs weakly before explaining.
"Scarier than the firenation? Who?"
"You wouldn't know them. In fact, can you tell me where I am?"
"You're in the South Pole. We found you covered in massive amounts of blood inside our town square." Katara explains.
"I see. So you were the one who found me, no wonder I recognized you at first. You must have a kind heart to help a stranger like me." Seras sits up while saying this.
"Katara is very kind. Now will you tell us your name?" Kana says before asking.
"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Seras Victoria. You can call me seras if you'd like."
"That's a strange name, where are you from?"
"You wouldn't have heard of it. I live really far away."
"You've been giving us some vague answers for a while now. Who's to say you aren't a firenation spy?"
"What's this firenation you keep speaking of? I never heard of them?" She asks trying to act dumb.
"Now I know you're lying. The firenation has been trying to take over the world for a century now, who hasn't heard of them?" Sokka raises his spear and points it at seras.
"That's Enough!" Katara yells before jumping in the middle between seras and the spear point.
"Katara. Get out of my way, she is dangerous!"
"She has been injured and we can't just treat her like this without getting to know her." She gives a glare at her brother.
Sokka looks at her determined face before grunting and walking out of the room.
"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be such a jerk sometimes." Katara turns around and gives a smile.
"Don't be. He may have been overly suspicious, but I can tell he was doing so out of love for you."
"I see." She stutters out after hearing the statement.
"Now Enough about that. The girl needs to eat some food and get healthy." Gran-Gran claps her hands and drives Katara out of the hut.
Seras and the old woman are left alone and she gives a glare to seras actually surprising her.
"So who are you really? Nobody loses that much blood and survives. So that must mean it wasn't all yours."
"Wow, talk about judging a book by its cover. Yes you're right, it wasn't all mine. Some of it was from the people I was fighting. Some was probably from my master as well."
"Your master?" She asks back with the term she hasn't heard before.
"He's somewhat like a father figure to me. He saved my life and I've been with him since."
"And your parents?"
"I see."
"Can you tell me how long I've been out?"
"Ah Yes, you've been unconscious for 2 weeks now. I'm surprised you survived that long."
"That's a very long time. Thank you again for treating my injuries. When I heal I'll try to repay the favor."
"You don't have too. When you're healed you can leave the village and go back where you came from." Kana leaves after saying this.
"I guess I can't fool a woman who has seen so much."
'I'm glad Sir Integra never found out.' She thinks as she counts out just a little over 200 blood packs.
She takes out 5 and drinks from them until she is full. There is a little left in the fifth one so she puts it back into her inventory.
"I'm glad that still works." She says as she starts to feel her wounds closing at a faster rate.
'At this rate, I should be fully healed in 2 days.'
Seras gets up after drinking the blood and stretches her limbs. She hears cracking sounds coming from the bones she hasn't moved in 2 weeks.
Just as she gets done stretching, Katara comes in with a bowl full of what looks like soup. She gets surprised at seras standing and puts the bowl down before pinching at seras' wounds.
"Owowowow! That hurts."
"I'm so sorry! I didn't think you'd be able to stand so soon after waking."
"It's fine. I can't be mad at my savior."
"Now will you eat?" Katara pushes the bowl to seras while asking.
'How can I eat when I'm a vampire? But they'll be suspicious if I don't. Plus if I'm going to go with them I'll need to eat somehow.' Seras trembles a little at the thought of how the food is going to turn to dust in her mouth while receiving the bowl.
She spends close to 2 minutes inching the spoon into her mouth and closes her eyes before just jamming it in.
She waits for the horrid feeling of the food turning to ash when she starts to chew on the meat and gets surprised that she can taste it.
"What is this!?" She stutters out in confusion before taking another spoonful.
The food doesn't turn into ash again and seras stops eating before placing the spoon back into the bowl. Memories come to her of eating with her family as seras and Michael.
"Is it not to your liking?" Katara asks worriedly.
Katara looks at seras face and gets even more confused. Seras has blood tears going down her cheeks as she is sniffling.
"Oh my! I'm going to get Gran-Gran!" Katara gets worried before stating.
"No, it's fine. This is how I cry." Seras wipes away the blood before eating the whole bowl of soup.
"Why were you crying?" She asks as she gets another bowl of soup.
"I just haven't eaten anything warm in so long and it brought back some memories."
"I see." She says in an understanding tone.
They spend the time talking a little until seras ate enough soup for ten grown men. Katara is shocked until seras gets up and looks at Katara.
"Will you give me a tour of the place? I told your grandmother that I would help out when I'm healed and I would like to know what I can do."
"Sure. But you don't have to do anything for us."
"It's fine Katara, you saved my life. The least I could do is help out with some stuff."
Seras spent the rest of the day walking with Katara and being introduced to the villagers. Most of them were children or old women, too young or old to do much. But they all help out with hunting, laundry, water retrieval.
Seras goes back to the igloo she was in and sleeps for the night. The next morning she is woken up by very high pitched yelling as the children barge in and start to mess with her.
Seras smiles at their antics as she gets dressed in clothes Katara prepared for her and comes out with them pulling her arms. Katara sees this and gives a refreshing smile as Sokka just grunts in annoyance.
"Tell me tell me. Are you a spirit?" One of the boys ask her.
"And What makes you think I am?"she asks back with a playful tone.
"Because you're so pretty and tall and pretty."
"Hehe, you said pretty twice."
"That's because you're really pretty."
"So so. Are you a spirit?" a girl asks this time.
"Let me tell you a secret." Seras brings the children closer and as they're all tight into a group she whispers.
"I am."
"Spirit lady! Spirit lady!"
"Bring me to the spirit world!"
"Now now. You see, I'm too injured to go back to the spirit world. But I can show you some magic tricks if you'd like."
"Show us! Show us!"
"Quiet down." She says while putting her pointer finger over her mouth.
The kids quiet down as seras notices the rest of the villagers also paying attention.
"Where I come from, children you're age should have teddy bears."
"What are teddy bears?" One of the kids asks to which the rest nod.
"Teddy bears are little animals that you carry with you and they protect you from bad things. You can play with them and they also protect you while you sleep."
"I want one!"
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
The kids start speaking rapidly when seras puts her pointer finger on her mouth again which makes them go silent.
"Now I want you guys to raise your hand if you wish to have a teddy bear."they all raise their hands.
"I see. A very demanding crowd. Then I want you all to close your eyes and count to five. When I say start I want you to do this. Ready?"
"Start." As soon as her voice lands the kids close their eyes and start counting out loud.
Seras goes into her inventory and finds the mounds of teddy bears that she won when she was with Bernadotte at The carnival.
'Those massive amounts of bears are coming in handy pip. You should be proud.' She smiles as she brings out 14 teddy bears and puts them in front of the children.
Just when she is done with the last one, the kids get done counting and open their eyes. They all scream as they hug their bears before running to show the rest of the village.
Seras looks up to find both Sokka and Katara with their mouths agape in surprise. Katara runs up but before she can ask anything seras puts her pointer finger on Katara's mouth. A spirit lady never reveals her secrets.
"That was amazing. How did you do that!?" Sokka comes up and rapidly asks before realizing how childish he is acting.
He coughs awkwardly before marching away. The two girls share a laugh at Sokka's expense making them feel a little closer.
"He's definitely funny, I'll give him that."
"Sokka won't like hearing that, he wants to be a strong warrior for the village."
"How come?" She asks despite already knowing.
"You see my mom died and soon after my dad left with the other warriors from the South Pole. He put Sokka in charge and we haven't heard from him or the others since." Her eyes become watery while explaining.
"I see.....I'm very sorry to hear that." Seras puts her hand on Katara's shoulder.
Katara puts on a smile before explaining that it's ok. She then leaves to do more chores for the village, letting seras be alone.
'....when has a reincarnator been forced to other worlds without wanting to? I'm a disgrace to all of them.' She sits on an ice boulder while thinking.
'However it's not all bad, if I play my cards right I can learn how to use all 4 elements. When the plot ends and I return, I can burn that ȧsshole to ashes...I can't wait.' She continues to think about inflicting pain on Incognito making her face look sadistic.
Eventually she plans to drink from one of the soldiers that come in two weeks to learn fire bending. With that in mind she goes back to the igloo she came from And lays down in the bed. soon after she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.
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