Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 59 - 59 - The Plot Begins
The next two weeks fly by in a flash as seras has helped out the village tremendously by catching a load of fish and bringing them back.
She is on her way back with another full basket in deep thought.
'So many questions. Why can I eat here? Should I follow along with Aang? It will be pretty amazing if I can fire bend when London is up in flames. The Major will probably have a heart attack.' She smiles at the end of her thought when she gets back to the village.
"Seras is back!" A child yells happily.
"The spirit lady!" Another child comes out while holding her teddy bear.
Seras gets surrounded by the children for the thousandth time since her arrival. She is not annoyed at all as she always liked kids even in her past life Michael.
Sokka comes from another area with an annoyed look as his basket is only half full. He gives seras an angry Glare before storming off to find Katara.
Seras speaks to the children as she sees both Sokka and Katara come out of the hut and go to the canoe area. When they leave, Kana comes out from another hut and walks to seras.
"Now children, leave seras alone and do your chores."
"""Ok.""" They all say before leaving.
Kana gives a warm-hearted smile before turning to seras.
"I see that you're fishing skill has increased. I can't believe how much you've taken to it."
"Yes, I never knew I could fish so well."
"Thank you again for helping out with the village."
"It's no trouble at all. Anyway, is Sokka still angry at me?"
"Oh please. That boy is just competitive. He's been the leader of this village for the past couple years and he's not used to someone else hunting."
"I see."
"I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you the first day you woke up. I wasn't right to treat you so suspiciously."
"No. It's fine. If someone just appeared out of thin air covered in so much blood, I would be surprised if anyone even helped."
Just as she is doing this, a gigantic blue beam of light shoots up into the sky. In the cartoon, you couldn't feel the energy emitted. But seras felt a pressure on her that reminded a little of her master.
The blue beam of light goes on for a few seconds before slowly disappearing.
Just a few minutes before the beam of light, a few miles away, a ship that is spewing out smoke is moving along the water at a slow pace.
Two people are on the deck, one is shooting fire out of his limbs in a sort of dance like movement while the other is sitting placing tiles on top of a table in a special order.
"Uncle, it's been over two years now and I've still yet to find any clues on the avatar."
"Calm down Nephew. It's been a hundred years and your grandfather has spent his life searching for the avatar."
"Yes, but I'm feeling restless. I've been doing this same movement for a year and I don't feel anywhere near powerful enough to face him."
"You're not ready for the advanced set. You still haven't mastered the basics."
"It's not enough! The avatar has spent a century mastering the 4 elements. I need more than basic firebending to face him. You will teach me the advanced set!" Zuko demands.
"Very well." Iroh acquiesces after a few seconds.
Just as he does, a giant beam of light rises into the sky distracting Zuko from his anger.
"This power....it must be the avatar!"
"It's just the celestial lights. We've been down this path before nephew."
"That light must have come from an unbelievably strong energy source. Who else but the avatar could release such energy?" He asks his uncle before turning to the top of the ship.
"Helmsman! Set a course for the light."
Just as the light appeared, Kana comes out with the rest of the villagers and looks at it.
Seras walks away to the coast of the village and waits for Sokka and Katara to arrive with their new bald friend. She doesn't wait long as she begins to see the outline of the giant bison.
A few minutes after that, the bison arrives at the coast and climbs onto the land before shaking his body dry.
Seras stares at it as it looks similar to the show but it gives a more beastly look. Appa looks at seras and much to the surprise of the monk, he walks to seras and gives her face a lick.
"Wow, I've never seen Appa taken to someone so quickly." Aang jumps down from his body and gets close to seras.
"Yes, I have that affect on animals. Hello there, my name is seras." Seras smiles before introducing herself.
"Hello, I'm Aang." He gives a smile before looking around the village.
Katara and Sokka slide down Appa' aside and walk to seras.
"So, How was your fishing Sokka? It looks like you caught quite the haul."
"Pfft." Katara laughs.
"Be quiet! If Katara wasn't playing with her magic water, I would have caught more."
"Magic water?"
"Oh yeah, I haven't told you. I'm a water bender."
"Water bender? That's great."
"Yeah whatever. She can play with a little bit of water."
"It's an ancient art. It's not something someone like you will understand." Katara gets angry before going after Aang.
Seras and Sokka are left alone in awkward silence.
"So where did you find the bald kid with the giant bison?"
"In an iceberg."
"A What now?"
"Yeah, even I can't believe it despite me being there."
Just as they're having a nice conversation, Aang comes running over and speaks to seras.
"The kids were just telling me that you're a spirit. Are you really?"
"Sure. I'm a spirit like you're the avatar."
Aang gives a startled look before trying to talk about something else.
"Can you give me one of those teddy bears?"
"Really? They're for little kids though."
"I see." Aang gives a depressed look.
"Not that I don't have anything else to give you."
"Yes, you just have to do something for me."
"Like what?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Hmm." He hums in thought before agreeing.
'Now What should I give a monk who's been frozen for a hundred years?' She searches her inventory before stopping at the perfect object.
"Here you go." Seras says as she puts something on Aang's wrist.
"What is it?"
"It's a watch. It can tell you the time."
"Really? How mysterious." He looks at the watch as seras explains how to read it.
Katara comes over and takes Aang away to Play with the penguins. Sokka and seras start to descale the fish to get them ready for dinner.
When they're about done, a giant fireball gets released into the sky before it blows up like fireworks.
"What is it this time!?" He yells before running outside.
"Fire nation." He growls out before yelling to the other villagers.
Seras is left alone while Sokka is yelling out orders. She goes outside to find the others are putting everything away in a hurry.
About a half hour later, Katara and Aang come back with their heads lowered as the villagers surround them.
"I told you he was bad news Katara. He just sent a signal for the Fire nation."
"It wasn't Aang's fault."
"No it is. I went inside the ship and I set off a booby trap."
"I See....You're banished from this village."
"Get over here Katara."
"Fine then. If Aang is banished then I am too." She looks at the rest of the villagers before yelling and storming off.
"You would choose him over your family?"
Katara stops and looks down when Aang speaks up.
"It's ok Katara. I can't expect you to leave your family."
"Aang." She mutters as Aang jumps onto appa's back.
"I had a lot of fun. I hope we can meet up another time."
"Me too." Katara says as Aang begins to leave.
Seras saw all of this as an observer and didn't do anything to change the story. an hour later, seras is on a big hill looking out to the ocean and sees a black dot in the distance.
"So it begins." She mumbles as she phases to a closer spot into the village.
She gets back into the village just in time to see the ship land and the front of it lower and break through the snow wall in a comical way.
5 men in armor come down on rhino looking animals. There is a boy in front with a huge red scar over his left eye and the others behind him have masks.
The boy in front looks around before speaking.
"Bring me the avatar and nobody will get hurt."
Just as his voice lands, Sokka barges out of a pile of snow and swings his spear at the head of Zuko.
Zuko easily dodges the spear before kicking Sokka in the gut sending him away.
"If that's how it is going to be." Zuko gets off Of the rhino.
"Get out of here!" Sokka yells.
"Make us." Zuko indifferently replies.
"Ah!" Sokka yells while making a run with his spear.
Before he can do anything, Zuko punches out and a fire spreads out stopping Sokka in his tracks.
"Are you still going to fight me, peasant?"
"I will do so until you leave my home."
"Then come."
Zuko fights Sokka with ease until he gets annoyed and is about to end it. Zuko is about to release his pent up aggression into Sokka's gut when he feels a presence behind him.
He sends a back kick along with some fire, but before he can release it, a hand stops his leg from going further.
Zuko feels a weightlessness as he is thrown back to the edge of the ship by the leg that was caught. He stands up to find surprised villagers and a blonde girl giving him a glare.
"Who are you?"
"I'm seras. Now, will you leave or will I have to make you?" She asks coldly.
"I will not leave without the avatar."
"Very well." She turns to the villagers.
"Can everyone please go inside? I don't want you to see what's about to happen."
They all murmur before all of them go inside except Sokka.
"This is my home and I have to protect it." He struggles to get up when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
He turns to see seras giving him a happy smile.
"Now that's what a warrior would say. Just sit back and watch me pay you back for treating my wounds."
Seras walks forward when Zuko gestures to the men behind him. The 4 men surround seras in a circle and start to slowly enclose on her.
The man to her right starts off with a punch to her face. The punch releases a column of fire and seras dodges with ease before reaching the man. She grabs his neck and easily crushes it before sending his body to her inventory.
The three others are surprised before they yell and attack together. One is in front while the others are to her right and left. The man to her left is going to give her a low kick. The man to her right is kicking to where her head will be when the first kick lands. The man to her front is getting ready to release a massive fire to her position after the two kicks land.
Seras lifts her left leg up dodging the first kick and before the man can get away, she stomps her leg down onto the mans ankle breaking it. She then grabs the right mans leg right before it reaches its intended target and throws him on top of the left mans body.
After that, She runs up to the third man and grabs the back of his head before bringing it to her knee crushing his face. The man falls backwards groaning in agony.
She stomps onto his stomach and pierces it, planting her foot in the red snow beneath. The two others were knocked out from the collision of their bodies.
Seras stores the mans corpse before turning to zuko, who is stunned at how fast she just took out those soldiers. Before he can speak, another voice sounds out.
"That's enough."
"Uncle." Zuko turns back to find his uncle giving a serious look he hasn't seen on him in Years.
"Step back zuko. She is not an opponent to take lightly."
"But uncle."
"I said step back!" He yells silencing his nephew.
"I don't wish to fight you." Seras says.
"Neither do I."
When they're having a stare down, Aang comes gliding down and lands between them.
"You're the air bender? You're the avatar?" Zuko asks noticing the use of air bending.
"Yes I am."
Zuko whistles out which results in more soldiers coming off of the ship. There are about 20 of them when they are all done filing out of the ship.
They encircle the entire village and Aang looks around finding multiple villagers peeking out from their homes in fear.
He gives a worried look before showing a determined face and staring at zuko.
"If I come with you, will you leave this place?"
Zuko gestures for two of the soldiers to surround Aang and just as he is handcuffed Katara comes running out.
"No, Aang!" She yells as the soldiers start going back on the ship.
"It's fine Katara, I don't want anyone to get hurt. I'll be fine, I promise." Aang says as the ships front raises up covering them.
Silence soon follows as the ship raises anchor. It recedes slowly and goes away.
"Why didn't you help him?" Katara looks at seras.
"Katara, he's the avatar. Plus he's been frozen for a hundred years, he needs to see what he is up against." Seras hugs Katara and says this in a whisper.
"Of course. We're going after them." She goes to Appa and pets his nose.
Appa grunts happily before ŀɨċkɨnġ seras again.
"I'll get ready!" Katara leaves after saying so.
"And What will you do?"seras asks turning to Sokka.
"What do you think? Aang left to protect us and now my sister is going after him. I have to go as well." Sokka leaves after saying this.
Seras is left alone with Appa. She continues to pat the bridge of his nose.
"It's going to be a fun few months buddy." Appa grunts back.
She is on her way back with another full basket in deep thought.
'So many questions. Why can I eat here? Should I follow along with Aang? It will be pretty amazing if I can fire bend when London is up in flames. The Major will probably have a heart attack.' She smiles at the end of her thought when she gets back to the village.
"Seras is back!" A child yells happily.
"The spirit lady!" Another child comes out while holding her teddy bear.
Seras gets surrounded by the children for the thousandth time since her arrival. She is not annoyed at all as she always liked kids even in her past life Michael.
Sokka comes from another area with an annoyed look as his basket is only half full. He gives seras an angry Glare before storming off to find Katara.
Seras speaks to the children as she sees both Sokka and Katara come out of the hut and go to the canoe area. When they leave, Kana comes out from another hut and walks to seras.
"Now children, leave seras alone and do your chores."
"""Ok.""" They all say before leaving.
Kana gives a warm-hearted smile before turning to seras.
"I see that you're fishing skill has increased. I can't believe how much you've taken to it."
"Yes, I never knew I could fish so well."
"Thank you again for helping out with the village."
"It's no trouble at all. Anyway, is Sokka still angry at me?"
"Oh please. That boy is just competitive. He's been the leader of this village for the past couple years and he's not used to someone else hunting."
"I see."
"I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you the first day you woke up. I wasn't right to treat you so suspiciously."
"No. It's fine. If someone just appeared out of thin air covered in so much blood, I would be surprised if anyone even helped."
Just as she is doing this, a gigantic blue beam of light shoots up into the sky. In the cartoon, you couldn't feel the energy emitted. But seras felt a pressure on her that reminded a little of her master.
The blue beam of light goes on for a few seconds before slowly disappearing.
Just a few minutes before the beam of light, a few miles away, a ship that is spewing out smoke is moving along the water at a slow pace.
Two people are on the deck, one is shooting fire out of his limbs in a sort of dance like movement while the other is sitting placing tiles on top of a table in a special order.
"Uncle, it's been over two years now and I've still yet to find any clues on the avatar."
"Calm down Nephew. It's been a hundred years and your grandfather has spent his life searching for the avatar."
"Yes, but I'm feeling restless. I've been doing this same movement for a year and I don't feel anywhere near powerful enough to face him."
"You're not ready for the advanced set. You still haven't mastered the basics."
"It's not enough! The avatar has spent a century mastering the 4 elements. I need more than basic firebending to face him. You will teach me the advanced set!" Zuko demands.
"Very well." Iroh acquiesces after a few seconds.
Just as he does, a giant beam of light rises into the sky distracting Zuko from his anger.
"This power....it must be the avatar!"
"It's just the celestial lights. We've been down this path before nephew."
"That light must have come from an unbelievably strong energy source. Who else but the avatar could release such energy?" He asks his uncle before turning to the top of the ship.
"Helmsman! Set a course for the light."
Just as the light appeared, Kana comes out with the rest of the villagers and looks at it.
Seras walks away to the coast of the village and waits for Sokka and Katara to arrive with their new bald friend. She doesn't wait long as she begins to see the outline of the giant bison.
A few minutes after that, the bison arrives at the coast and climbs onto the land before shaking his body dry.
Seras stares at it as it looks similar to the show but it gives a more beastly look. Appa looks at seras and much to the surprise of the monk, he walks to seras and gives her face a lick.
"Wow, I've never seen Appa taken to someone so quickly." Aang jumps down from his body and gets close to seras.
"Yes, I have that affect on animals. Hello there, my name is seras." Seras smiles before introducing herself.
"Hello, I'm Aang." He gives a smile before looking around the village.
Katara and Sokka slide down Appa' aside and walk to seras.
"So, How was your fishing Sokka? It looks like you caught quite the haul."
"Pfft." Katara laughs.
"Be quiet! If Katara wasn't playing with her magic water, I would have caught more."
"Magic water?"
"Oh yeah, I haven't told you. I'm a water bender."
"Water bender? That's great."
"Yeah whatever. She can play with a little bit of water."
"It's an ancient art. It's not something someone like you will understand." Katara gets angry before going after Aang.
Seras and Sokka are left alone in awkward silence.
"So where did you find the bald kid with the giant bison?"
"In an iceberg."
"A What now?"
"Yeah, even I can't believe it despite me being there."
Just as they're having a nice conversation, Aang comes running over and speaks to seras.
"The kids were just telling me that you're a spirit. Are you really?"
"Sure. I'm a spirit like you're the avatar."
Aang gives a startled look before trying to talk about something else.
"Can you give me one of those teddy bears?"
"Really? They're for little kids though."
"I see." Aang gives a depressed look.
"Not that I don't have anything else to give you."
"Yes, you just have to do something for me."
"Like what?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Hmm." He hums in thought before agreeing.
'Now What should I give a monk who's been frozen for a hundred years?' She searches her inventory before stopping at the perfect object.
"Here you go." Seras says as she puts something on Aang's wrist.
"What is it?"
"It's a watch. It can tell you the time."
"Really? How mysterious." He looks at the watch as seras explains how to read it.
Katara comes over and takes Aang away to Play with the penguins. Sokka and seras start to descale the fish to get them ready for dinner.
When they're about done, a giant fireball gets released into the sky before it blows up like fireworks.
"What is it this time!?" He yells before running outside.
"Fire nation." He growls out before yelling to the other villagers.
Seras is left alone while Sokka is yelling out orders. She goes outside to find the others are putting everything away in a hurry.
About a half hour later, Katara and Aang come back with their heads lowered as the villagers surround them.
"I told you he was bad news Katara. He just sent a signal for the Fire nation."
"It wasn't Aang's fault."
"No it is. I went inside the ship and I set off a booby trap."
"I See....You're banished from this village."
"Get over here Katara."
"Fine then. If Aang is banished then I am too." She looks at the rest of the villagers before yelling and storming off.
"You would choose him over your family?"
Katara stops and looks down when Aang speaks up.
"It's ok Katara. I can't expect you to leave your family."
"Aang." She mutters as Aang jumps onto appa's back.
"I had a lot of fun. I hope we can meet up another time."
"Me too." Katara says as Aang begins to leave.
Seras saw all of this as an observer and didn't do anything to change the story. an hour later, seras is on a big hill looking out to the ocean and sees a black dot in the distance.
"So it begins." She mumbles as she phases to a closer spot into the village.
She gets back into the village just in time to see the ship land and the front of it lower and break through the snow wall in a comical way.
5 men in armor come down on rhino looking animals. There is a boy in front with a huge red scar over his left eye and the others behind him have masks.
The boy in front looks around before speaking.
"Bring me the avatar and nobody will get hurt."
Just as his voice lands, Sokka barges out of a pile of snow and swings his spear at the head of Zuko.
Zuko easily dodges the spear before kicking Sokka in the gut sending him away.
"If that's how it is going to be." Zuko gets off Of the rhino.
"Get out of here!" Sokka yells.
"Make us." Zuko indifferently replies.
"Ah!" Sokka yells while making a run with his spear.
Before he can do anything, Zuko punches out and a fire spreads out stopping Sokka in his tracks.
"Are you still going to fight me, peasant?"
"I will do so until you leave my home."
"Then come."
Zuko fights Sokka with ease until he gets annoyed and is about to end it. Zuko is about to release his pent up aggression into Sokka's gut when he feels a presence behind him.
He sends a back kick along with some fire, but before he can release it, a hand stops his leg from going further.
Zuko feels a weightlessness as he is thrown back to the edge of the ship by the leg that was caught. He stands up to find surprised villagers and a blonde girl giving him a glare.
"Who are you?"
"I'm seras. Now, will you leave or will I have to make you?" She asks coldly.
"I will not leave without the avatar."
"Very well." She turns to the villagers.
"Can everyone please go inside? I don't want you to see what's about to happen."
They all murmur before all of them go inside except Sokka.
"This is my home and I have to protect it." He struggles to get up when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
He turns to see seras giving him a happy smile.
"Now that's what a warrior would say. Just sit back and watch me pay you back for treating my wounds."
Seras walks forward when Zuko gestures to the men behind him. The 4 men surround seras in a circle and start to slowly enclose on her.
The man to her right starts off with a punch to her face. The punch releases a column of fire and seras dodges with ease before reaching the man. She grabs his neck and easily crushes it before sending his body to her inventory.
The three others are surprised before they yell and attack together. One is in front while the others are to her right and left. The man to her left is going to give her a low kick. The man to her right is kicking to where her head will be when the first kick lands. The man to her front is getting ready to release a massive fire to her position after the two kicks land.
Seras lifts her left leg up dodging the first kick and before the man can get away, she stomps her leg down onto the mans ankle breaking it. She then grabs the right mans leg right before it reaches its intended target and throws him on top of the left mans body.
After that, She runs up to the third man and grabs the back of his head before bringing it to her knee crushing his face. The man falls backwards groaning in agony.
She stomps onto his stomach and pierces it, planting her foot in the red snow beneath. The two others were knocked out from the collision of their bodies.
Seras stores the mans corpse before turning to zuko, who is stunned at how fast she just took out those soldiers. Before he can speak, another voice sounds out.
"That's enough."
"Uncle." Zuko turns back to find his uncle giving a serious look he hasn't seen on him in Years.
"Step back zuko. She is not an opponent to take lightly."
"But uncle."
"I said step back!" He yells silencing his nephew.
"I don't wish to fight you." Seras says.
"Neither do I."
When they're having a stare down, Aang comes gliding down and lands between them.
"You're the air bender? You're the avatar?" Zuko asks noticing the use of air bending.
"Yes I am."
Zuko whistles out which results in more soldiers coming off of the ship. There are about 20 of them when they are all done filing out of the ship.
They encircle the entire village and Aang looks around finding multiple villagers peeking out from their homes in fear.
He gives a worried look before showing a determined face and staring at zuko.
"If I come with you, will you leave this place?"
Zuko gestures for two of the soldiers to surround Aang and just as he is handcuffed Katara comes running out.
"No, Aang!" She yells as the soldiers start going back on the ship.
"It's fine Katara, I don't want anyone to get hurt. I'll be fine, I promise." Aang says as the ships front raises up covering them.
Silence soon follows as the ship raises anchor. It recedes slowly and goes away.
"Why didn't you help him?" Katara looks at seras.
"Katara, he's the avatar. Plus he's been frozen for a hundred years, he needs to see what he is up against." Seras hugs Katara and says this in a whisper.
"Of course. We're going after them." She goes to Appa and pets his nose.
Appa grunts happily before ŀɨċkɨnġ seras again.
"I'll get ready!" Katara leaves after saying so.
"And What will you do?"seras asks turning to Sokka.
"What do you think? Aang left to protect us and now my sister is going after him. I have to go as well." Sokka leaves after saying this.
Seras is left alone with Appa. She continues to pat the bridge of his nose.
"It's going to be a fun few months buddy." Appa grunts back.
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