Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 60 - 60 - Plans
Seras waits for a little while before Sokka and Katara come back with their luggage.
"All ready to go?"
Before they can climb Appa, Kana comes out of a hut and goes to Katara.
"Gran-Gran, don't try and stop us. It's my fault Aang was captured."
"I'm not trying to stop you. Aang is the avatar and I believe fate has sent you two to him. You need to help him fulfill his duties."
"Don't forget to eat well and make sure to keep yourselves warm." Kana hugs Katara while saying so."
"I will. Don't worry Gran-Gran."
Katara Gets up on Appa and seras jumps up on top of his head. She grabs the reigns and looks behind her.
"You ready?"
"Yes""Of course"
"Good. Appa, Yip Yip." As soon as her voice fades, Appa grunts before running forward and waves his tail making them rise into the sky.
"Oh my god! He's flying! Katara, he's really flying!" He yells before looking at katara's smug face.
"Big deal. he's flying, so what." He crosses his arms before looking away.
"Pfft." Seras laughs at the antics shown.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing." Seras chuckles.
"How did you know Appa could fly and that he required a code word? Also how did you know that word?"
"That's a good question. Would you like the truth or the lie?"
"The truth, of course."
"Are you sure? The truth is not always the best."
"I'm sure."
"I'm glad I don't have to start lying to you, but please don't be scared of me." She says as she takes out the more complete corpse of the men she killed.
"Why would I-" before she can finish, Katara sees seras open her mouth and chomp in the mans neck.
Since the man is no longer wearing a helmet, katara can see the man's fearful expression from when he died. She then hears a loud gulping sound and sees seras looking like she is drinking something.
"What are-" Sokka begins before he notices that the man is starting to decay into ash rapidly.
A few seconds later, the suit of armor falls to the ground with a dull sound and seras raises her head showing the blood over her mouth. She gives a vacant expression as it's been a couple weeks since she last drank blood.
When she is in this state, seras feels a dull ache spreading throughout her body. Almost like her veins are being ripped apart and new ones are created in their place.
'I'm glad it's not painful.' She thinks to herself as she feels the memories of the man flowing into her.
"This is what I am. A vampire."
"I..." katara begins to say.
"Get away from her katara. She's a monster." Sokka runs up and gets between them.
"That's not very nice Sokka. I'm still the same person who was with you for the past two weeks."
Katara remembers how seras was with the children and swallows. She steps in front of Sokka and gives seras a hug.
"I'm not scared." She states while giving seras a tighter hug.
"It's ok to be scared katara. I'm just happy knowing you still like me." Seras hugs back while giving a gentle smile.
"You're still you, you're still the same person those kids had fun with. You're still the same person that helped me with chores and hunted together with Sokka."
"Yeah, she is still the annoying girl who took my spot as number 1 hunter in the village."
"I'm sorry I had to shock you two, but I believe in this case, seeing is believing."
"Yeah, I wouldn't have believed it."
"As to answer your question earlier. The reason why I knew Appa could fly and the word to do it is because I was told."
"Told? But aang was with me the whole time, I never saw him tell you."
"That's because he told me indirectly."
"Indirectly?" Sokka asks back.
"This is going to be difficult to explain. I got it!" Seras puts her hand in her chin before yelling and phasing into appa.
"What the!"
"What's this for?" Sokka asks incredulously.
"Just a visual aid. Now tell me what you know about the planet."
"What's a planet?" Katara asks.
"You don't know?" Seras asks back confused as she remembers that they had cars and electricity in the legend of Korra.
'How can people go from not knowing what a planet is to developing modern technology in less than 70 years? That makes no sense.' She rubs her forehead and gives a sigh.
"So we have to start at the beginning. What do you collectively call this place?"
"The four nations?"
"Ok. Then do you know that this place you live is actually the shape of a sphere?"
"What? That makes no sense."
"Really? Then how come if you fly east of the earth nation you'll reach the fire nation? That's because it's a sphere."
"Yes. Now I want this snowball to represent the sphere that is the 4 nations. Where I come from we call these spheres, planets. You with me so far?"
"Now, these other snowballs represent other planets surrounding this one. They are millions of miles away so you can't see them without some special equipment." Seras ignores sokka because she didn't expect him to understand anyway.
"What do you mean surrounding?" Sokka asks.
"Katara, can you lift these snow balls?"
"Oh? Sure." She does so.
"This is what I mean. They're floating in space all around this planet."
"They're floating!?"
"Now I want you to imagine a lot of smaller balls that are in between these planets. Those are the stars."
"Now that you have a basic understanding, the whole thing, planets, stars and the space between them is what is collectively known as the universe."
"I see." Katara says with an understanding tone.
"I don't get it."
"Now, I come from a different universe. It's a place that is different than yours as we can't do any bending. In fact that is just stuff that is from a fictional story."
"Story? So we're fake?"
"No no. There are infinite universes and you're just in one that resembles that story. In that story it tells of how you two met aang and fought against the firenation."
"I don't know, but that is how I knew about appa and how to get him to fly."
"Then How did you get here?"
"I was sent here by a deranged god who I was fighting with my master."
Before katara can ask anymore questions seras continues.
"Look, were here. The next lesson will have to wait." She points to the fire nation ship which has aang fighting zuko on its deck.
They all look down before Appa descends and katara jumps off with Sokka. Seras decides to stay on appa.
Seras looks around and sees that Iroh is standing on the top level staring at her. She jumps to him and lands in front of him.
"Hello." She smiles.
"Hello." He smiles back.
"Would you like to play a game?"
"Sure, what kind of game?"
"A card game."
"Yes. It's called go fish." She brings out a deck of cards from her inventory.
When seras was explaining the rules to Iroh, Aang was fighting with zuko while katara and Sokka were fighting the soldiers.
About ten minutes later, Aang falls into the ocean and katara yells for him.
"Aang! AANG!" She yells until aang comes out fo the ocean with his eyes and tattoos glowing.
He is riding on top of a water tornado and lands on top of the ship. He then takes the water and whips out from his position knocking everybody off the ship.
His eyes go back to normal and he tumbles to the ground. Katara reaches him and puts his head on her ŀȧp.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, but my staff." He says while looking at it.
"I got it." Sokka says as he runs over to it.
He grabs the end of it and when he is about to pick it up, he feels a weight bringing him down. He grabs the edge of the ship and looks down to find zuko hanging on the other end.
Sokka uses the staff and hits zuko in the head before running back to aang.
"I guess that's my cue." Seras says as she puts her cards back inside her inventory.
"I must say that was a very nice game." Iroh combs his beard while saying so.
"Yes it was. Until we meet again." Seras smiles before phasing to the back of appa.
Iroh gets surprised at her powers before commanding the rest to fish up zuko and the soldiers.
Seras grabs the reigns and gets appa to land on top of the deck of the ship.
"All aboard."
"You could have helped us." Sokka complains as he holds aang with him.
"You need the practice."
"Yeah right."
"Let's get going already." Katara says with worry.
"Alright, Yip Yip." Seras says and appa takes flight.
"How do you know Appa's flight word?" Aang asks tiredly.
"I'll tell you after you get some sleep. You look exhausted."
"Hehe alright." Aang chuckles before closing his eyes.
"Will he be alright?" Katara asks.
"Don't worry, he is just tired from being in the avatar state."
"Avatar state?" Sokka asks.
"Yes, it's a state where the avatar uses his previous lives power and is when he is at his most powerful."
"But don't rely on it."
"How come?"
"It May be his most powerful but it comes with one glaring weakness."
"What is that?"
"If the avatar dies while in this state, the cycle will be broken."
"What does that mean?"
"It means there will be no more avatar. The reincarnations will stop at him."
They both gasp before looking at aang.
"I told you that so you won't heavily rely on him. He is still only 12 years old. Even if he was frozen for an extra hundred."
"So where to now?" Sokka asks.
"That's a good question. I don't think we should just keep flying until he wakes up. Do you have a map?"
"Of course. I never leave home without one." Sokka punches his ċhėst before rummaging through his luggage.
He comes out with a rolled up animal skin.
"Here It is."
Seras opens it and finds a very vague map of the world.
"Seras I do have a question." Katara says.
"Yeah?" She asks back while looking at the map.
"If this planet is a sphere, why are all maps flat?"
"That's because others don't know it's a sphere. But I'm very impressed that you could make a world map without discovering the shape of the planet."
"I see. Ooh, let's stop over there the snow will give us some cover while aang wakes up." Katara points out an area surrounded by high snow hills.
"Good." Seras moves the reigns so appa heads in that direction.
They land and sees continues to stare at the map while katara and Sokka setup camp. A few hours later aang comes to and wakes up.
He gets up to find the three of them talking and laughing. He gives a smile before walking to them.
"Ah, the hero of the day wakes up. How are you feeling?" Seras states before asking.
"I'm feeling a little groggy." He says before his stomach growls loudly.
"And a little hungry as well I see." Sokka makes fun of him.
"Yeah, that too." He agrees as katara hands him a bowl filled with soup.
After he gets done eating seras gives a serious look and begins to speak.
"So What will we do now?"
"What do you mean?" Sokka asks.
"Well, the firenation now knows you're alive, plus there is a war happening. The avatar needs to step up."
"We can think about this later. Aang needs to sleep." Katara tried to steer the conversation to an end.
"No, seras is right. We need a plan." Sokka states with a serious face as well.
"Well, my air bending teacher said I need to master the 4 elements before I can act as avatar. So I guess I need to find teachers for the other elements."
"That shouldn't be too hard, katara can water bend." Sokka says.
"Barely, I can't teach the avatar. I've had no formal training."
"Then we just need to goto where there are people who have formal training." Seras states making the others turn to her.
"Genius! We just have to goto the North Pole." Sokka punches his hand with a fist.
"Yes and I can finally get taught as well." Katara smiles.
"Then it's settled, we'll be heading out to the North Pole." Aang agrees.
"Ok, then we'll leave tomorrow."
They all goto bed with some idea of what the future will bring. Everyone sleeps except seras, she sneaks off to a secluded area.
'Let's see if I can firebend.' She thinks as she tries to feel the energy inside her body.
'Firebending is about breathing. You move in sync with your breathe before pushing it out .' She gets into a stance for a basic punch and releases one.
She punches forward and a split second later, a humongous fire tornado flies out and melts one of the giant snow hills. Seras stops the fire and looks down at her fist.
'What the hell was that!? I know I'm a vampire but what the fuċk!? I hope nobody woke up.' She looks around and sighs in relief that nobody saw it.
Just as her sigh gets done, she hears a coughing sound. She tenses up before looking in that direction.
"You have some explaining to do." Katara crosses her arms and gives a deadly glare.
"Well.....you see....."
".....I learned firebending?" She replies in a questioning tone.
"And I want to know how you just learned it!"
"Shh! Please don't wake them up."
"I just want to know."
"Fine, remember how I said I was a vampire?"
"Well, whoever I drink from, I get their powers."
"So thanks to that guy earlier, I can firebend now."
"That makes no sense."
"It's just how I am. I had no idea it would be so powerful though." She shrugs before staring at her fist.
Katara was too tired to try to make sense of it so she gives up. They both go back to camp in silence.
"All ready to go?"
Before they can climb Appa, Kana comes out of a hut and goes to Katara.
"Gran-Gran, don't try and stop us. It's my fault Aang was captured."
"I'm not trying to stop you. Aang is the avatar and I believe fate has sent you two to him. You need to help him fulfill his duties."
"Don't forget to eat well and make sure to keep yourselves warm." Kana hugs Katara while saying so."
"I will. Don't worry Gran-Gran."
Katara Gets up on Appa and seras jumps up on top of his head. She grabs the reigns and looks behind her.
"You ready?"
"Yes""Of course"
"Good. Appa, Yip Yip." As soon as her voice fades, Appa grunts before running forward and waves his tail making them rise into the sky.
"Oh my god! He's flying! Katara, he's really flying!" He yells before looking at katara's smug face.
"Big deal. he's flying, so what." He crosses his arms before looking away.
"Pfft." Seras laughs at the antics shown.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing." Seras chuckles.
"How did you know Appa could fly and that he required a code word? Also how did you know that word?"
"That's a good question. Would you like the truth or the lie?"
"The truth, of course."
"Are you sure? The truth is not always the best."
"I'm sure."
"I'm glad I don't have to start lying to you, but please don't be scared of me." She says as she takes out the more complete corpse of the men she killed.
"Why would I-" before she can finish, Katara sees seras open her mouth and chomp in the mans neck.
Since the man is no longer wearing a helmet, katara can see the man's fearful expression from when he died. She then hears a loud gulping sound and sees seras looking like she is drinking something.
"What are-" Sokka begins before he notices that the man is starting to decay into ash rapidly.
A few seconds later, the suit of armor falls to the ground with a dull sound and seras raises her head showing the blood over her mouth. She gives a vacant expression as it's been a couple weeks since she last drank blood.
When she is in this state, seras feels a dull ache spreading throughout her body. Almost like her veins are being ripped apart and new ones are created in their place.
'I'm glad it's not painful.' She thinks to herself as she feels the memories of the man flowing into her.
"This is what I am. A vampire."
"I..." katara begins to say.
"Get away from her katara. She's a monster." Sokka runs up and gets between them.
"That's not very nice Sokka. I'm still the same person who was with you for the past two weeks."
Katara remembers how seras was with the children and swallows. She steps in front of Sokka and gives seras a hug.
"I'm not scared." She states while giving seras a tighter hug.
"It's ok to be scared katara. I'm just happy knowing you still like me." Seras hugs back while giving a gentle smile.
"You're still you, you're still the same person those kids had fun with. You're still the same person that helped me with chores and hunted together with Sokka."
"Yeah, she is still the annoying girl who took my spot as number 1 hunter in the village."
"I'm sorry I had to shock you two, but I believe in this case, seeing is believing."
"Yeah, I wouldn't have believed it."
"As to answer your question earlier. The reason why I knew Appa could fly and the word to do it is because I was told."
"Told? But aang was with me the whole time, I never saw him tell you."
"That's because he told me indirectly."
"Indirectly?" Sokka asks back.
"This is going to be difficult to explain. I got it!" Seras puts her hand in her chin before yelling and phasing into appa.
"What the!"
"What's this for?" Sokka asks incredulously.
"Just a visual aid. Now tell me what you know about the planet."
"What's a planet?" Katara asks.
"You don't know?" Seras asks back confused as she remembers that they had cars and electricity in the legend of Korra.
'How can people go from not knowing what a planet is to developing modern technology in less than 70 years? That makes no sense.' She rubs her forehead and gives a sigh.
"So we have to start at the beginning. What do you collectively call this place?"
"The four nations?"
"Ok. Then do you know that this place you live is actually the shape of a sphere?"
"What? That makes no sense."
"Really? Then how come if you fly east of the earth nation you'll reach the fire nation? That's because it's a sphere."
"Yes. Now I want this snowball to represent the sphere that is the 4 nations. Where I come from we call these spheres, planets. You with me so far?"
"Now, these other snowballs represent other planets surrounding this one. They are millions of miles away so you can't see them without some special equipment." Seras ignores sokka because she didn't expect him to understand anyway.
"What do you mean surrounding?" Sokka asks.
"Katara, can you lift these snow balls?"
"Oh? Sure." She does so.
"This is what I mean. They're floating in space all around this planet."
"They're floating!?"
"Now I want you to imagine a lot of smaller balls that are in between these planets. Those are the stars."
"Now that you have a basic understanding, the whole thing, planets, stars and the space between them is what is collectively known as the universe."
"I see." Katara says with an understanding tone.
"I don't get it."
"Now, I come from a different universe. It's a place that is different than yours as we can't do any bending. In fact that is just stuff that is from a fictional story."
"Story? So we're fake?"
"No no. There are infinite universes and you're just in one that resembles that story. In that story it tells of how you two met aang and fought against the firenation."
"I don't know, but that is how I knew about appa and how to get him to fly."
"Then How did you get here?"
"I was sent here by a deranged god who I was fighting with my master."
Before katara can ask anymore questions seras continues.
"Look, were here. The next lesson will have to wait." She points to the fire nation ship which has aang fighting zuko on its deck.
They all look down before Appa descends and katara jumps off with Sokka. Seras decides to stay on appa.
Seras looks around and sees that Iroh is standing on the top level staring at her. She jumps to him and lands in front of him.
"Hello." She smiles.
"Hello." He smiles back.
"Would you like to play a game?"
"Sure, what kind of game?"
"A card game."
"Yes. It's called go fish." She brings out a deck of cards from her inventory.
When seras was explaining the rules to Iroh, Aang was fighting with zuko while katara and Sokka were fighting the soldiers.
About ten minutes later, Aang falls into the ocean and katara yells for him.
"Aang! AANG!" She yells until aang comes out fo the ocean with his eyes and tattoos glowing.
He is riding on top of a water tornado and lands on top of the ship. He then takes the water and whips out from his position knocking everybody off the ship.
His eyes go back to normal and he tumbles to the ground. Katara reaches him and puts his head on her ŀȧp.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, but my staff." He says while looking at it.
"I got it." Sokka says as he runs over to it.
He grabs the end of it and when he is about to pick it up, he feels a weight bringing him down. He grabs the edge of the ship and looks down to find zuko hanging on the other end.
Sokka uses the staff and hits zuko in the head before running back to aang.
"I guess that's my cue." Seras says as she puts her cards back inside her inventory.
"I must say that was a very nice game." Iroh combs his beard while saying so.
"Yes it was. Until we meet again." Seras smiles before phasing to the back of appa.
Iroh gets surprised at her powers before commanding the rest to fish up zuko and the soldiers.
Seras grabs the reigns and gets appa to land on top of the deck of the ship.
"All aboard."
"You could have helped us." Sokka complains as he holds aang with him.
"You need the practice."
"Yeah right."
"Let's get going already." Katara says with worry.
"Alright, Yip Yip." Seras says and appa takes flight.
"How do you know Appa's flight word?" Aang asks tiredly.
"I'll tell you after you get some sleep. You look exhausted."
"Hehe alright." Aang chuckles before closing his eyes.
"Will he be alright?" Katara asks.
"Don't worry, he is just tired from being in the avatar state."
"Avatar state?" Sokka asks.
"Yes, it's a state where the avatar uses his previous lives power and is when he is at his most powerful."
"But don't rely on it."
"How come?"
"It May be his most powerful but it comes with one glaring weakness."
"What is that?"
"If the avatar dies while in this state, the cycle will be broken."
"What does that mean?"
"It means there will be no more avatar. The reincarnations will stop at him."
They both gasp before looking at aang.
"I told you that so you won't heavily rely on him. He is still only 12 years old. Even if he was frozen for an extra hundred."
"So where to now?" Sokka asks.
"That's a good question. I don't think we should just keep flying until he wakes up. Do you have a map?"
"Of course. I never leave home without one." Sokka punches his ċhėst before rummaging through his luggage.
He comes out with a rolled up animal skin.
"Here It is."
Seras opens it and finds a very vague map of the world.
"Seras I do have a question." Katara says.
"Yeah?" She asks back while looking at the map.
"If this planet is a sphere, why are all maps flat?"
"That's because others don't know it's a sphere. But I'm very impressed that you could make a world map without discovering the shape of the planet."
"I see. Ooh, let's stop over there the snow will give us some cover while aang wakes up." Katara points out an area surrounded by high snow hills.
"Good." Seras moves the reigns so appa heads in that direction.
They land and sees continues to stare at the map while katara and Sokka setup camp. A few hours later aang comes to and wakes up.
He gets up to find the three of them talking and laughing. He gives a smile before walking to them.
"Ah, the hero of the day wakes up. How are you feeling?" Seras states before asking.
"I'm feeling a little groggy." He says before his stomach growls loudly.
"And a little hungry as well I see." Sokka makes fun of him.
"Yeah, that too." He agrees as katara hands him a bowl filled with soup.
After he gets done eating seras gives a serious look and begins to speak.
"So What will we do now?"
"What do you mean?" Sokka asks.
"Well, the firenation now knows you're alive, plus there is a war happening. The avatar needs to step up."
"We can think about this later. Aang needs to sleep." Katara tried to steer the conversation to an end.
"No, seras is right. We need a plan." Sokka states with a serious face as well.
"Well, my air bending teacher said I need to master the 4 elements before I can act as avatar. So I guess I need to find teachers for the other elements."
"That shouldn't be too hard, katara can water bend." Sokka says.
"Barely, I can't teach the avatar. I've had no formal training."
"Then we just need to goto where there are people who have formal training." Seras states making the others turn to her.
"Genius! We just have to goto the North Pole." Sokka punches his hand with a fist.
"Yes and I can finally get taught as well." Katara smiles.
"Then it's settled, we'll be heading out to the North Pole." Aang agrees.
"Ok, then we'll leave tomorrow."
They all goto bed with some idea of what the future will bring. Everyone sleeps except seras, she sneaks off to a secluded area.
'Let's see if I can firebend.' She thinks as she tries to feel the energy inside her body.
'Firebending is about breathing. You move in sync with your breathe before pushing it out .' She gets into a stance for a basic punch and releases one.
She punches forward and a split second later, a humongous fire tornado flies out and melts one of the giant snow hills. Seras stops the fire and looks down at her fist.
'What the hell was that!? I know I'm a vampire but what the fuċk!? I hope nobody woke up.' She looks around and sighs in relief that nobody saw it.
Just as her sigh gets done, she hears a coughing sound. She tenses up before looking in that direction.
"You have some explaining to do." Katara crosses her arms and gives a deadly glare.
"Well.....you see....."
".....I learned firebending?" She replies in a questioning tone.
"And I want to know how you just learned it!"
"Shh! Please don't wake them up."
"I just want to know."
"Fine, remember how I said I was a vampire?"
"Well, whoever I drink from, I get their powers."
"So thanks to that guy earlier, I can firebend now."
"That makes no sense."
"It's just how I am. I had no idea it would be so powerful though." She shrugs before staring at her fist.
Katara was too tired to try to make sense of it so she gives up. They both go back to camp in silence.
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