Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 62 - 62 - Kyoshi Island

They land at the temple and get off. Aang katara and Sokka start walking toward the buildings when they notice seras isn't with them.

"Don't you want a tour as well?" Aang asks.

"No thank you, I'll stay with appa while training my firebending."


"Yep. I need to test some other theories out."

"Suit yourself, I need to find some meat." Sokka says before walking off.

The other two follow him leaving seras with appa.

"Now then." She says before sitting down.

'I can control the temperature of the flame but it requires more chi. Thanks to me being a vampire, that's not a problem. But to what extent can I increase its temperature.' She thinks as she releases a small flame at the tip of her finger.

She releases a deep red flame like earlier and draws a big circle with it. She then infused more energy into the flame which makes it turn into a brighter red leaning toward orange. She makes a smaller circle inside the red one.

Seras then puts a lot more energy into it straining herself and the flame rapidly goes from orange to yellow, then to green before stopping at a deep blue. Appa feels his fur burning up and grunts in pain.

"I'm sorry buddy." Seras apologizes before cutting off the supply of chi.

Appa relaxes again while seras pets him. He grunts happily while closing his eyes in enjoyment. She smiles at the flying bison while thinking over the results of her experiments.

"That reminded me of the scene where zuko and aang discovered the dragons from the sun warriors."

'I put more effort into that flame and since I wasn't breathing, the flame kept its small size. But since the chi increased the flame got hotter.'

'Azula could release blue flames like it was nothing, but white is the hottest flame I know of. However, I don't want to blow this place up by experimenting. More training.'

The day goes on like it did in the story, aang got sad by seeing his teacher's bones surrounded by the bones of fire nation soldiers and entered the avatar state in anguish.

This made the statues of the previous avatars light up all over the world signaling his revival. The gang go back to appa to find a surprising sight.

The balls soon transform into cylinders of different widths before she inserts them into each other. The inner tube is green then it goes yellow, orange, and red.

She then claps and the flames extinguish like they were never there.

"Yay! I did it! Aren't you proud of me appa?" She excitedly yells before turning to appa and asking him.

Appa grunts and shows what could be a smile.

"What the hell was that!?" Sokka asks with a yell while storming up to seras.

"It was beautiful!" Katara comments on it shoving Sokka out of the way.

"Yes it was." Aang agrees with her.

"How did you do it?" Katara continues to ask.

"That is a secret. Did you have fun touring your old home?"

"I did, but it quickly became depressing."

"I see."

"You're not going to ask?"

"I already know what happened."


"Enough about the depressing matters. Let's get going to the North Pole." Seras doesn't answer.

"I agree, but we should stop somewhere first."

"Where?" Katara asks.

"It's a surprise. I went there with my teacher a hundred years ago."

"Then let's get going, I'm still starving from no food." Sokka, Who is on Appa's back states.

Hours go by and seras yawns from boredom.

'The show never showed them on appa between episodes. It's goddamn boring. I have to find a way to entertain myself or I might go crazy.'

'If everything goes like normal, then we should be heading to Kyoshi island. I should probably take a break from training my firebending and help katara out when aang is being stupid.'

She thinks of the plot and starts to sleep. She wakes up later when somebody is pushing her body. She gets angered and is about to punch back before remembering where she is.

'That was close, katara was almost killed.' She thinks as she opens her eyes to find katara waking her up.

"Wake up seras. You slept for over a day."

"A whole day!?"

"Yes, we were worried until I remembered you said you were a vampire and I didn't want to disturb you."

"That's obviously not normal, when was the last time I drank blood?" She mumbles to herself.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Where are we?" She smiles putting katara worries to rest.

"Well, I really don't know. Aang just rode on a giant koi fish." Katara sighs.


"Yeah, it looked like he was having fun. I'm glad." She states before a bag goes over her head.

Seras already knew the kiyoshi warriors were surrounding them but still left them to do their actions. Her head is also covered by a bag before she feels a rope being tied around her body.

She is then pulled and put on somebody's shoulder before being brought somewhere else. She hears Sokka yelling while aang gets surprised as well.

Seras yawns and starts to get tired again. A few minutes later, She is pushed out of her sleepy state when she is put against a giant wooden pole and tied around it with the others. The bag is then pulled off.

"Can you put that back on? I was just about to sleep." She says with no worry in her tone.

"Again? You were just sleeping for a whole day." Katara complains.

"Yeah, I don't know why I'm so tired." She yawns.

"Enough! Who are you and what are you doing on our island?" An aged voice asks.

Seras can't see him as she is tied opposite to the voice's direction. She doesn't listen and just looks ahead with a dazed look.

'What is happening to me? This is clearly abnormal. Maybe I need to drink some blood.' She thinks and decides on an action.

The man is explaining about how kiyoshi island was named after avatar kiyoshi when seras phases through her restraints and walks to the side. The man stops mid statement and stares surprised at what just happened.

The girls look in that direction, and see seras leaning against a tree and drinking from a red colored bag.

"How did you get out of the restraints?" The leading warrior asks while brandishing her fans.

"I'm having a little problem, so could you just give me a few minutes before asking that?" She says while drinking the blood.

"Ridiculous. If you don't want to get hurt, then you should let them tie you up." She gestures to the two warriors surrounding her.

"You think you could hurt me?" Seras asks with a dangerous tone.

"Seras? How did you get untied?" Sokka asks finally noticing the situation.

"It wasn't hard. Shouldn't the greatest warrior in the South Pole find this easy?" She asks back tauntingly.

"What did you say?" Sokka replies angrily before moving erratically in anger.

"It seems you're treating me lightly." The leading warrior says and begins to run to seras' position.

Seras gives her a smile while still suċkɨnġ on the straw end of her blood pack. Suki takes her right handed fan and brings it to seras head wanting to knock her out.

Seras dodges easily when Suki's blow misses, she gets surprised and backs up.

"It seems that you're stronger than you look." She looks at the two other warriors and they then surround seras as well.

"Stronger than you think." She shrugs her shoulders.

The one to her left lunges at seras and goes to kick her at her ankles trying to topple her over. The one to her right also runs to her and uses her fans to slice where she is standing. Suki Who is in front, Throws both of her fans to where seras could dodge effectively eliminating the areas where seras could escape.

This all happens in a split second and they think they got her. Soon though their faces show shock.

Seras lifts up her left leg just in time for the girl's own leg to swipe past and then seras uses her right hand to flick the girl's forehead making the girl stumble back. she tosses the blood pack which was in her left hand into the air before Using it to grab both of the fans that are about 3 feet apart.

After grabbing the fans, seras twirls around kicking the left girl's back which lifts her upward toward suki's position. She then throws the fans back to Suki which arrives faster than the girl. the blood pack falls back into her left hand after this motion and she goes back to suċkɨnġ on it.

Suki catches the girl which makes her stumble backward and fall onto the ground while carrying her. She then notices that both of the fans were embedded in the ground to her sides.

'What the hell just happened? Nobody could move like that!? No human should be able too.' She gives a scared look while staring at seras who just finished the blood.

"Oh, it's finished?" She asks to nobody before storing the empty bag.

"Stay away!" Suki yells out while trembling.

"Hmm? Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Seras gives her best calming smile.

"Hiiiii." It obviously didn't work as Suki screams in fear again.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you this badly." Seras sighs before apologizing.

Before anything else happens, aang speaks up.

"It's true, she is very nice. She won't hurt you."

"And why should we believe you?" The village elder asks.

"Because I'm the avatar."

"Impossible! The avatar is an air bender that disappeared a hundred years ago."

"Aang, I think you should show some proof." Sokka states while still trying to get out of his restraints.

Aang jumps up multiple meters in the air and uses an air blade to slice off the ropes. The people gasp in awe and finally yell in joy.

"It is true. He is the avatar." The old man states.

"Release them." He commands soon after.

Sokka and katara Get untied as the rest of the villagers start to set up a feast for aang. An hour later, they are brought into the biggest building and there are a bunch of different foods gathered on top of a table.

It's mostly seafood, but seras doesn't mind. They are left alone to enjoy the food.

"Seras, are you doing ok? You didn't seem like yourself earlier?" Katara asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened, but I think it's because I was hungry."


"Yeah, that Firebending show I put on at the air temple took a lot of my energy and I didn't know it. So I guess my body started to shut down."

"Shut down? You're ok now, right?"

"Yes, even though I can eat food here, blood still gives me a lot more energy." She chuckles.

"I see. Aang still doesn't know about your situation. Should I tell him?"

"No, not until it's relevant. He has enough to worry about."

"That's true. Anyway, even though I saw you take out those firenation troops, I still can't believe you're so powerful."

"You can't?"

"No, you seem like a normal girl to me."

"That's nice of you to say. You're practically the only human who thinks so."

"What about where you're from?"

"Oh, well the humans I know are ones that know I'm a vampire. Plus I work for an organization that kills other vampires. So they treat me like crap."

"Then why do you work there?"

"Well it's complicated, but it's mainly because my master is there."

"You've said this word many times before. But what does master mean?"

"Hmm. It can mean many things, but in my case he is like a father figure."

"Father figure? Not your real father?"

"No. My real father and mother both were killed."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, it happened so long ago." She smiles sadly at the horrible memory.

Katara sees the sad smile and starts to cry.

"Why are you crying?"

"You just seemed so sad." Katara wipes away the tears.

"Really? It used to be worse. My master has made me happier than before." Seras gives a happy smile this time.

"That's good. I'm glad you have someone like that in your life."

"Me too."

They all eat the meal in front of them and just when they're about done, Suki, without her make-up comes in.

Sokka has a look like he is attracted to her and stares at her while she walks to seras. She kneels down in front of her.

"Yes?" Seras asks.

"Will you teach us how to fight? You're so much stronger and I would like to learn."

"Hmm." Seras hums in thought before Sokka interrupts.

"Why do you need to learn from her? She's just a girl. You can learn all you'd like from me." He points to himself confidently.

Suki stares at him in contempt.

"What's that look for?"

"Nothing, it's just pretty big talk from a guy who got caught easily."

"What did you say?" He angrily asks before running up to Suki.

She takes the arm that is about to reach her and twists it behind sokka's back making him immobile.

"Ow! Owowow. I get it!" He groans before admitting defeat.

"Will you teach me? Teach us?" Suki turns to seras.

"I don't have anything to teach but I suppose I could fight with all of you and then you'll get stronger that way."

"Then!" She smiles with excitement.

"On one condition." Seras brings her pointer finger up.


"You have to train with Sokka one-on-one."

"Really!" Sokka yells back with excitement while Suki sighs in annoyance.

She ruminates for over a minute before agreeing begrudgingly. Sokka also complains about having to be taught by a girl as Suki drags him out with her.

"Why did you have them train sokka?" Katara asks.

"I don't know if you you noticed, but sokka is not exactly the most knowledgeable guy when it comes to how girls feel. Plus he needs the training as well. It's three birds with one stone."

"Three birds....what?"

"It means it takes care of three things at once with the same action."

"I only counted two." Aang states while food is still in his mouth.

"Plus it lets me have some rest from sokka. I have a major headache." Seras grabs her head and makes a face in a comical way.

The other two laugh and the rest of the day is spent in relaxation.

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