Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 63 - 63 - Kyoshi Island (Part 2)
The next day seras wakes up feeling very refreshed and stretches her body like a cat. Katara walks in while she is doing this and yells a little.
Seras looks at her in confusion before looking down.
'Oh, I forgot to where a shirt to bed.' Seras covers her ċhėst before looking at katara again.
"Hi.....breakfast is ready. Everyone is waiting." Katara hurriedly leaves with a pink face after quickly speaking.
'Why is she so embarrassed? Shouldn't I be the one going red in embarrassment?' Seras thinks as she morphs her clothes. She combs her hair and brushes her Teeth before putting the brushes back in her inventory.
She walks outside and gets surprised because the entire village is there watching the kids play with Aang. He is being crowded so much that Katara can't reach him.
She gets annoyed before stomping to the building where breakfast is being served.
"Why is he like this? He told me that he wouldn't get carried away." Katara complains to herself.
"Well, I imagine it's because he is twelve and a boy." Seras states making Katara squeal in surprise.
"When- How- ugh. Yes, I'm complaining. Aang is being such a- a...." She can't find the right word.
"An idiot?"
"Yeah, that! I'm stuck here helping cook the food, do the laundry and the farming. Meanwhile he is out playing."
"You know, you don't have to help. I'm sure they're glad to wait on you and give you whatever you need." Seras says with a sultry tone making katara blush again.
"No, they're feeding us and making our stay hospitable. It's only right to help them in return."
"That's why you and I are such great friends." Seras puts her arm around Katara's shoulder.
"Because we're the same?" She asks hopefully.
"Nope, because we're opposites." Seras takes a plate full of food and leaves katara alone while munching on some bread.
Katara gets surprised and before she knows it, seras is already gone.
"Seras!" Katara yells.
Seras is laughing and meets up with sokka who is walking with Suki. Seras almost didn't recognize him if he wasn't trying to hide behind a fan.
"Sokka, you know you only draw attention to yourself more if you act like that." Sera says with a smile.
"Uh....heh....it's not what it looks like." He waves his hands in front of him defending himself.
"Really? Because it looks like you're wearing the traditional warrior uniform of Kyoshi and Suki is about to train you."
"Oh....then it's exactly what it looks like." Sokka gets surprised before saying so.
"Pfft." Suki And seras laugh together which makes him uncomfortable.
"I'll see you after breakfast Suki. Make sure to tell the others. I want to see you me- I mean train sokka." Seras states before waving bye.
"You were about to say mess with, weren't you!?" Sokka yells in indignation.
"Haha, that was funnier in person than on tv." Seras eats her meal and stores the plate in the inventory while walking around the island.
She does this for a while until she gets bored and goes back to the training building. She can hear grunting and yelling as she gets closer.
Seras gets to the door, but before she can open it a body flies and almost hits her face.
'If I didn't have super reflexes, my body would be over there.' She thinks as she sees sokka groaning while on his face with his buŧŧ pointing in the air.
"How many times have I told you!? You have to feel the movements and then counteract them!" Suki yells and a fit of girlish laughter follows.
"I know, I know. But I don't want to hurt you." Sokka states trying to save his image.
"More like you can't and are trying to act cool." Seras says which makes sokka angry.
"What! Who said that?" Sokka turns to his right to see seras and he shuts up.
"Me. What'cha gonna do about it?" Seras puts her face in his and smiles.
"Guh....Nothing." He says after showing a difficult face.
"Ok, now how about I show you girls how we British officers do it?" Seras cracks her knuckles and starts stretching.
"Brit-British? What does that mean?" Suki asks in confusion as the others get up.
"It's just an adjective. It describes where I come from." Seras finishes her stretches and the rest of the Kyoshi warriors stand up.
"Which is?" Sokka asks.
"Enough questions. Let's do this." Seras shows a mad smile which scares some of them.
'Oh dear, I let myself go a little too much.' She thinks as she covers her face and reigns in her excitement.
"So how are going to do this? A series of one-on-ones? Or?"
"Nope, for now let's have everyone go at once." Seras shows a relaxed expression while saying so.
"All of you against me."
"How dare you!" One of the warriors get angry and before she can do anything Suki extends her arm to the side.
"But Suki."
"She is strong, we might need all of us to even touch her." Suki states much to the surprise of 9 of them.
Suki and two others are giving serious faces. Seras can only ȧssume those girls are the one she faced yesterday. All twelve of them surround seras in a circle. Suki is at the 12 O'Clock position and sokka is outside looking in trying to hide himself from view.
"That's more like it. Let's begin." Seras says while standing in a relaxed pose with her arms at her side.
As soon as her voice ends, the warrior at the 4 O'Clock position runs forward with a yell. She reaches seras' position in a couple seconds and goes to punch her face. Seras leans her head sideways making the blow miss causing the warrior to awkwardly lean on her body.
Seras takes the arm that is by her head and throws her over her head on to her back. The ground shakes from the force and the warrior coughs painfully.
"You're too slow and your reach is short. Go for closer targets like my stomach or leg." Seras states while the warrior stands up.
She shows an angry look as she then looks at another two warrior behind her. They both nod and take out their fans. The 10 and 11 O'Clock warriors surround seras in a triangle with the original one. At this point the other 9 warriors are staying still.
"Good, you know to team up when your opponent is much more powerful." She smirks in acknowledgment causing everyone to get frustrated.
The 10 O'Clock warrior swipes at Seras' side with her right fan. Seras catches the girl's wrist with such ease it shocks her. She then pulls the girl toward her causing her to stumble. Seras smirks before dodging sideways and the girl falls to the ground.
"You need to have stability while attacking." She speaks as the 11 O'Clock warrior jumps up and starts to spin midair with her fans out.
"Also, don't do an aerial ȧssault when fighting benders." She raises her hand and a small fireball is released.
The warrior is frightened because she can't move while spinning and closes her eyes in freight. However the heat doesn't come.
Before she can breathe easy, a punch to her stomach hits her. She coughs out some blood and saliva as she hangs on Seras' fist.
Seras drops the girl to the ground without any care as she stares at the original warrior who attacked her. The girl shows some fear before she turns around. Seras thinks the girl might be doing something when she gets pissed.
"And most of all, do not run away from your enemy!" Seras instantly appears in front of the girl who was running away.
"Ahhhhh!" She screams before falling on her buŧŧ.
The atmosphere around Seras becomes dark which makes the room also darken. Suki notices the abnormality along with the other warriors.
"To turn your back on the enemy is to give them a chance to attack you! it is also a cowardly thing to do while fighting!" Seras' eyes go red causing the girl to scream again.
Eventually the girl's eyes go white and she falls backward. Seras was shocked that this happened causing her to awkwardly look around at the other girls. She notices that all of them are shivering except Suki who is just frowning.
".....Sorry about that." She smiles a little but that causes them to flinch.
'I went a little too far I guess.' She scratches her cheek before deciding to leave.
Seras looks at Sokka who is also showing a scared look but it's not as bad as the Warriors. He tries to act strong but seras could see through it. She walks past him and goes to the forest to calm down.
'What happened back there? I don't usually lose control like that.....' she wonders while walking.
Eventually she walked around the forest and reached the village again so she decided to see how the rest are doing. She notices that Katara is talking with an older woman while they clean clothes, Aang is surrounded by many children, and Sokka.....is getting his ȧss beat.
"I really am just an extra...." she mutters.
"What do you mean?" A voice asks from behind.
Seras almost jumped up from shock because she didn't hear anyone behind her. She turns around to find Suki in normal clothes staring at her. They both stare at each other for a few seconds when she speaks up again.
"....you're not human, are you?" She sits down next to seras while asking this.
"....I guess it was pretty obvious. No I'm not human." Seras chuckles a little before replying in affirmation.
"So are you a spirit?" She continues.
"In a way."
"Hmmm....so the fact that you're so fast and strong is not because of training?"
"....Pfft- Hahahaha!! I say I'm not a human and that's what you ask about?" She laughs loudly before asking.
"Well....Yeah. When I first saw you I thought you were just a lazy girl, but then we fought and your movements were so elegant. It seemed like you fought for lifetimes.....I wish to have that type of skill and strength." She answers while putting her head between her legs.
"Thank you?"
"Hehe, so I guess we won't be training anymore."
"I guess I did scare you guys too much. I never meant to, it's just something kind of snapped inside me and I couldn't reign it in."
"It's ok. We showed you something disgraceful. In a way I should thank you."
"Yep. Thanks to you, nobody will ever run from an enemy."
After Suki states this they both laughed together like they have been friends for years. Eventually Suki leaves making Seras alone once more. A few minutes later, Seras slaps her cheeks causing a few birds to fly away in freight.
"This is no time for sulking, I need to train my firebending more. After all, I'm probably going to be getting some earthbending in Omashu."
'I need to at least become an expert in firebending before then.' She stands up and begins her training.
A few hours later, Seras heads to their lodging to find Katara and Aang talking to each other.
"I think we should leave tomorrow Aang."
"We're on the run from the firenation. They could come at any point."
"I'm sure it will be fine, they haven't caught up to us a single time since the South Pole."
"It's fine Katara." Aang states louder before going to his bed.
Seras walks in as katara was about to yell at the nomad, making her stop. Seras wiggles her finger for them to leave and katara does. After they get out of reach, katara speaks up.
"Seras, Be honest. Does the firenation come and attack us?"
"However aang does prevent the damage from spreading too far."
"I don't want there to be any damage, can't you talk to him?"
"Me? Why would he listen to me?"
"I told him about where you're from and what you know, but it seemed like he didn't believe me."
"Oh? And what about you?"
"I believe you, but if you know things why won't you try to prevent the bad stuff from happening?" Her eyes are watery with worry.
"Katara, if I prevented everything bad from happening, it would do more harm than good." Seras sighs while looking up at the moon.
"What do you mean?"
"For example, let's say i talked to aang and we left Kyoshi tomorrow morning. The village will be safe, but Aang won't learn about how the fire nation is. He won't see what they're doing to the rest of the world and constantly will be in his own ignorance."
"You have to remember katara, before Aang was frozen in that ice, he had friends in the fire nation. They weren't at war with the world and they weren't killing innocent people."
".....I see." She droops her head.
"However I won't let anything go wrong when it doesn't affect the future. If you tell him anything, the future will change and the ending might not be the same. And nobody wants that." Seras walks back to the building while katara stands still thinking about the words seras said.
'What's the point of knowing the future of you can't Change it?' She thinks in defiance before walking back as well.
The next two days fly by with seras being extremely bored. The Kyoshi Warriors all avoid her like the plague except Suki. Sokka is busy training with them, Katara is busy with chores, and Aang.....He's busy playing.
The only thing she has been doing is training in the forest with her fire bending. More than once or twice has the forest almost been incinerated with her experiments.
'But it was so worth it.' She smirks as she holds out her hand and a ball of flame appears.
However this ball of flame is different than the others she has released, it's constantly forming into different shapes. She makes a Cube, then a Pyramid, And other simple 3-dimensional shapes.
"I always wondered why Zuko could create those flame daggers, and now I figured it out. You can form the flame with your chi." She mutters as she forms a dagger almost exactly like Zuko's except hers is more refined.
When forming a shape, the more specific shapes like corners or curves require more chi then the rest as they'll contract like a muscle. As they get lesser chi the form becomes the non-refined shape fire normally has.
She makes the dagger disappear before standing up and looking out to the ocean. She is on top of one of the mountains and observes a black ship approaching the island about 25 miles away. Seras smiles brightly as she phases into the forest floor.
Seras looks at her in confusion before looking down.
'Oh, I forgot to where a shirt to bed.' Seras covers her ċhėst before looking at katara again.
"Hi.....breakfast is ready. Everyone is waiting." Katara hurriedly leaves with a pink face after quickly speaking.
'Why is she so embarrassed? Shouldn't I be the one going red in embarrassment?' Seras thinks as she morphs her clothes. She combs her hair and brushes her Teeth before putting the brushes back in her inventory.
She walks outside and gets surprised because the entire village is there watching the kids play with Aang. He is being crowded so much that Katara can't reach him.
She gets annoyed before stomping to the building where breakfast is being served.
"Why is he like this? He told me that he wouldn't get carried away." Katara complains to herself.
"Well, I imagine it's because he is twelve and a boy." Seras states making Katara squeal in surprise.
"When- How- ugh. Yes, I'm complaining. Aang is being such a- a...." She can't find the right word.
"An idiot?"
"Yeah, that! I'm stuck here helping cook the food, do the laundry and the farming. Meanwhile he is out playing."
"You know, you don't have to help. I'm sure they're glad to wait on you and give you whatever you need." Seras says with a sultry tone making katara blush again.
"No, they're feeding us and making our stay hospitable. It's only right to help them in return."
"That's why you and I are such great friends." Seras puts her arm around Katara's shoulder.
"Because we're the same?" She asks hopefully.
"Nope, because we're opposites." Seras takes a plate full of food and leaves katara alone while munching on some bread.
Katara gets surprised and before she knows it, seras is already gone.
"Seras!" Katara yells.
Seras is laughing and meets up with sokka who is walking with Suki. Seras almost didn't recognize him if he wasn't trying to hide behind a fan.
"Sokka, you know you only draw attention to yourself more if you act like that." Sera says with a smile.
"Uh....heh....it's not what it looks like." He waves his hands in front of him defending himself.
"Really? Because it looks like you're wearing the traditional warrior uniform of Kyoshi and Suki is about to train you."
"Oh....then it's exactly what it looks like." Sokka gets surprised before saying so.
"Pfft." Suki And seras laugh together which makes him uncomfortable.
"I'll see you after breakfast Suki. Make sure to tell the others. I want to see you me- I mean train sokka." Seras states before waving bye.
"You were about to say mess with, weren't you!?" Sokka yells in indignation.
"Haha, that was funnier in person than on tv." Seras eats her meal and stores the plate in the inventory while walking around the island.
She does this for a while until she gets bored and goes back to the training building. She can hear grunting and yelling as she gets closer.
Seras gets to the door, but before she can open it a body flies and almost hits her face.
'If I didn't have super reflexes, my body would be over there.' She thinks as she sees sokka groaning while on his face with his buŧŧ pointing in the air.
"How many times have I told you!? You have to feel the movements and then counteract them!" Suki yells and a fit of girlish laughter follows.
"I know, I know. But I don't want to hurt you." Sokka states trying to save his image.
"More like you can't and are trying to act cool." Seras says which makes sokka angry.
"What! Who said that?" Sokka turns to his right to see seras and he shuts up.
"Me. What'cha gonna do about it?" Seras puts her face in his and smiles.
"Guh....Nothing." He says after showing a difficult face.
"Ok, now how about I show you girls how we British officers do it?" Seras cracks her knuckles and starts stretching.
"Brit-British? What does that mean?" Suki asks in confusion as the others get up.
"It's just an adjective. It describes where I come from." Seras finishes her stretches and the rest of the Kyoshi warriors stand up.
"Which is?" Sokka asks.
"Enough questions. Let's do this." Seras shows a mad smile which scares some of them.
'Oh dear, I let myself go a little too much.' She thinks as she covers her face and reigns in her excitement.
"So how are going to do this? A series of one-on-ones? Or?"
"Nope, for now let's have everyone go at once." Seras shows a relaxed expression while saying so.
"All of you against me."
"How dare you!" One of the warriors get angry and before she can do anything Suki extends her arm to the side.
"But Suki."
"She is strong, we might need all of us to even touch her." Suki states much to the surprise of 9 of them.
Suki and two others are giving serious faces. Seras can only ȧssume those girls are the one she faced yesterday. All twelve of them surround seras in a circle. Suki is at the 12 O'Clock position and sokka is outside looking in trying to hide himself from view.
"That's more like it. Let's begin." Seras says while standing in a relaxed pose with her arms at her side.
As soon as her voice ends, the warrior at the 4 O'Clock position runs forward with a yell. She reaches seras' position in a couple seconds and goes to punch her face. Seras leans her head sideways making the blow miss causing the warrior to awkwardly lean on her body.
Seras takes the arm that is by her head and throws her over her head on to her back. The ground shakes from the force and the warrior coughs painfully.
"You're too slow and your reach is short. Go for closer targets like my stomach or leg." Seras states while the warrior stands up.
She shows an angry look as she then looks at another two warrior behind her. They both nod and take out their fans. The 10 and 11 O'Clock warriors surround seras in a triangle with the original one. At this point the other 9 warriors are staying still.
"Good, you know to team up when your opponent is much more powerful." She smirks in acknowledgment causing everyone to get frustrated.
The 10 O'Clock warrior swipes at Seras' side with her right fan. Seras catches the girl's wrist with such ease it shocks her. She then pulls the girl toward her causing her to stumble. Seras smirks before dodging sideways and the girl falls to the ground.
"You need to have stability while attacking." She speaks as the 11 O'Clock warrior jumps up and starts to spin midair with her fans out.
"Also, don't do an aerial ȧssault when fighting benders." She raises her hand and a small fireball is released.
The warrior is frightened because she can't move while spinning and closes her eyes in freight. However the heat doesn't come.
Before she can breathe easy, a punch to her stomach hits her. She coughs out some blood and saliva as she hangs on Seras' fist.
Seras drops the girl to the ground without any care as she stares at the original warrior who attacked her. The girl shows some fear before she turns around. Seras thinks the girl might be doing something when she gets pissed.
"And most of all, do not run away from your enemy!" Seras instantly appears in front of the girl who was running away.
"Ahhhhh!" She screams before falling on her buŧŧ.
The atmosphere around Seras becomes dark which makes the room also darken. Suki notices the abnormality along with the other warriors.
"To turn your back on the enemy is to give them a chance to attack you! it is also a cowardly thing to do while fighting!" Seras' eyes go red causing the girl to scream again.
Eventually the girl's eyes go white and she falls backward. Seras was shocked that this happened causing her to awkwardly look around at the other girls. She notices that all of them are shivering except Suki who is just frowning.
".....Sorry about that." She smiles a little but that causes them to flinch.
'I went a little too far I guess.' She scratches her cheek before deciding to leave.
Seras looks at Sokka who is also showing a scared look but it's not as bad as the Warriors. He tries to act strong but seras could see through it. She walks past him and goes to the forest to calm down.
'What happened back there? I don't usually lose control like that.....' she wonders while walking.
Eventually she walked around the forest and reached the village again so she decided to see how the rest are doing. She notices that Katara is talking with an older woman while they clean clothes, Aang is surrounded by many children, and Sokka.....is getting his ȧss beat.
"I really am just an extra...." she mutters.
"What do you mean?" A voice asks from behind.
Seras almost jumped up from shock because she didn't hear anyone behind her. She turns around to find Suki in normal clothes staring at her. They both stare at each other for a few seconds when she speaks up again.
"....you're not human, are you?" She sits down next to seras while asking this.
"....I guess it was pretty obvious. No I'm not human." Seras chuckles a little before replying in affirmation.
"So are you a spirit?" She continues.
"In a way."
"Hmmm....so the fact that you're so fast and strong is not because of training?"
"....Pfft- Hahahaha!! I say I'm not a human and that's what you ask about?" She laughs loudly before asking.
"Well....Yeah. When I first saw you I thought you were just a lazy girl, but then we fought and your movements were so elegant. It seemed like you fought for lifetimes.....I wish to have that type of skill and strength." She answers while putting her head between her legs.
"Thank you?"
"Hehe, so I guess we won't be training anymore."
"I guess I did scare you guys too much. I never meant to, it's just something kind of snapped inside me and I couldn't reign it in."
"It's ok. We showed you something disgraceful. In a way I should thank you."
"Yep. Thanks to you, nobody will ever run from an enemy."
After Suki states this they both laughed together like they have been friends for years. Eventually Suki leaves making Seras alone once more. A few minutes later, Seras slaps her cheeks causing a few birds to fly away in freight.
"This is no time for sulking, I need to train my firebending more. After all, I'm probably going to be getting some earthbending in Omashu."
'I need to at least become an expert in firebending before then.' She stands up and begins her training.
A few hours later, Seras heads to their lodging to find Katara and Aang talking to each other.
"I think we should leave tomorrow Aang."
"We're on the run from the firenation. They could come at any point."
"I'm sure it will be fine, they haven't caught up to us a single time since the South Pole."
"It's fine Katara." Aang states louder before going to his bed.
Seras walks in as katara was about to yell at the nomad, making her stop. Seras wiggles her finger for them to leave and katara does. After they get out of reach, katara speaks up.
"Seras, Be honest. Does the firenation come and attack us?"
"However aang does prevent the damage from spreading too far."
"I don't want there to be any damage, can't you talk to him?"
"Me? Why would he listen to me?"
"I told him about where you're from and what you know, but it seemed like he didn't believe me."
"Oh? And what about you?"
"I believe you, but if you know things why won't you try to prevent the bad stuff from happening?" Her eyes are watery with worry.
"Katara, if I prevented everything bad from happening, it would do more harm than good." Seras sighs while looking up at the moon.
"What do you mean?"
"For example, let's say i talked to aang and we left Kyoshi tomorrow morning. The village will be safe, but Aang won't learn about how the fire nation is. He won't see what they're doing to the rest of the world and constantly will be in his own ignorance."
"You have to remember katara, before Aang was frozen in that ice, he had friends in the fire nation. They weren't at war with the world and they weren't killing innocent people."
".....I see." She droops her head.
"However I won't let anything go wrong when it doesn't affect the future. If you tell him anything, the future will change and the ending might not be the same. And nobody wants that." Seras walks back to the building while katara stands still thinking about the words seras said.
'What's the point of knowing the future of you can't Change it?' She thinks in defiance before walking back as well.
The next two days fly by with seras being extremely bored. The Kyoshi Warriors all avoid her like the plague except Suki. Sokka is busy training with them, Katara is busy with chores, and Aang.....He's busy playing.
The only thing she has been doing is training in the forest with her fire bending. More than once or twice has the forest almost been incinerated with her experiments.
'But it was so worth it.' She smirks as she holds out her hand and a ball of flame appears.
However this ball of flame is different than the others she has released, it's constantly forming into different shapes. She makes a Cube, then a Pyramid, And other simple 3-dimensional shapes.
"I always wondered why Zuko could create those flame daggers, and now I figured it out. You can form the flame with your chi." She mutters as she forms a dagger almost exactly like Zuko's except hers is more refined.
When forming a shape, the more specific shapes like corners or curves require more chi then the rest as they'll contract like a muscle. As they get lesser chi the form becomes the non-refined shape fire normally has.
She makes the dagger disappear before standing up and looking out to the ocean. She is on top of one of the mountains and observes a black ship approaching the island about 25 miles away. Seras smiles brightly as she phases into the forest floor.
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