Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 64 - 64 - Kyoshi Island (Part 3)
Seras reappears at their lodging just in time to watch Aang and Katara arguing with each other.
"Aang, we need to leave." Katara practically yells.
"Why? We're having fun and it's relaxing." He replies with an equally annoyed tone.
"We've been here for four days! The fire nation could come at any time. Do you really want them to come and attack the village?"
"they won't do that.....right?" He replies confidently before asking with the opposite tone.
"Of course they will! The firenation is trying to rule the world. Do you really think they won't attack this village?" Katara is tearing up at this point making aang awkward.
"....I'm sorry Katara. We'll leave as soon as I ride the Unagi." He sighs before stating.
"Really!?" She asks excitedly.
"Yep!" He grins before running to the beach.
After he leaves, seras appears behind katara and blows against her ear.
"Aaah! Seras!" She screams while jumping forward.
"Hahaha, It's always fun to scare you." Seras grins.
"Don't do that." She pouts while putting herself together.
"Fine, I won't. So is Aang finally set on leaving?"
"Yep. As soon as he rides the Unagi."
"Great! Then he'll probably ride it before the fire nation arrives." Seras eats a grape that was in a bowl on the table.
"Yes-Wait...they're here?" She asks catching on to the unsaid statement.
"Yep. About 10-15 minutes." She eats another nonchalantly.
"Then why are you so relaxed! We have to warn everybody!" Katara starts to run to the village when seras stands in front of her.
"Are you sure about this? If you do it the future might change."
"Yes. I don't know what happens, but doing something is better than doing nothing because you're afraid it won't turn out the same." Katara confidently states while shoving seras' shoulder.
Seras watches her leave while ruminating over the words.
'She's right....why don't I want to change anything? I'm strong enough so that we could win the war even if it's not the same....plus it's more fun than just waiting on the sidelines while a story I know already plays out.' She thinks about her own universe and decides to change some things there as well.
Seras walks to the village leisurely while watching the coast. She then sees a giant serpent come out of the water with aang riding on its whisker. He seems to be screaming while holding on for dear life.
'Katara seems to have warned them.' She smirks while walking toward them.
Some of the warriors shiver in fright as she gets closer.
"Katara says you saw a fire nation ship?" Suki walks forward and asks.
"Yeah, it's about 20 miles away." She points to the ocean.
"20 miles? You can see that far?"
"Of course."
"I'm not even surprised anymore....with what you've been training in the forest..."
"You watched?"
"Yes. I still can't believe fire can be controlled like that. I'm very impressed."
'When was the last time someone praised my abilities?' Seras thinks.
About 10 minutes later, the ship arrives at the coast. Zuko and 5 other soldiers come out on Rhino's and head toward the village.
"We need to find the avatar. I don't care what you have to do to reach that goal." Zuko states maliciously as the soldiers nod in understanding.
Seras was sitting on a branch watching them leave as she notices Iroh on the ship looking at her. He can't see her body because the tree trunk is in the way but he is still staring at her position.
"Are you going to sit there or come in for some tea?" He smiles gently while asking.
"Thank you for the invitation." Seras phases onto the deck of the ship and smiles back.
Iroh walks to a table which was already set up with two cups and a tea pot. He sits down and gestures for her to sit as well. She does this and he starts to prepare the tea.
"Are you the one who released that large fire 6 days ago?" He asks.
"Haha, you're rather honest. My name is Iroh." He pours her a cup of tea And hands it to her.
"I'm Seras." She takes the cup.
"Well Seras, do you mind if I ask another question?"
"Of course not, But I would like to ask one of you afterwards."
"That's only fair." He sips his own before sighing in content.
Seras sips hers as well and she can feel it sliding into her stomach giving her warmth. She sighs in the same way before placing the cup on the table.
"You're not human, Are you?" The question makes seras twitch.
"....No, I'm not. What gave me away?"
"It's just a feeling I had."
"A feeling?"
"Yes. Although I'm old, I can still sense a thing or two about people." He smiles while combing his beard with his hand.
"I see. Then to my question."
"Of course."
"It's about my fire bending."
"I've become stuck in a way. I don't have any teachers, so I'm kind of teaching myself."
"That's not good, Fire can be very dangerous." He admonishes her like she is his grandchild.
"Hehe, I know. I've almost burned down a Couple of forests while practicing." She takes another sip.
"I'm glad you understand. What do you wish to know."
"I think it would be easier to show you." Seras stands up and steps a few meters away.
Seras kicks, punches, and breathes out flames in a magnitude Iroh has never seen before. She then creates a large ball and he watches as she transforms it into many different shapes. She does this for a couple minutes before stopping and looking to the elderly man.
"....You call this untrained?" He asks after a few seconds.
"I believe so....fire bending has such potential and this, I believe, is only the surface.
"Hmm....in reference to your skill at controlling the fire you're better than me, however I did notice a basic mistake."
"What's that?"
"You weren't breathing with your movements. I can't believe you can release such a strong fire without that."
"I know, but if I do, the fire becomes too powerful."
"Hahaha, breathing is not only to increase the strength of the fire....let me guess, you've been feeling stifled and strained every time you fire bend?"
"Yes! How'd you know?" She excitedly gets closer while asking.
"To create fire without breath is like forcing a waterfall to flow through earth. It can be done, but it will take tremendous effort and all you'll get is a small stream." He explains while a small flame appears on his palm.
"This...is a flame I can generate without breathing. It's small because I'm forcing my chi through my body without the aid of breath. However if I were to breathe out...." he does so and the flame becomes 5 times bigger.
"The levels of chi needed to make this are 3 times less than before. I believe you're stuck because you have denied an essential part of firebending out of fear of it going out of control." He stops the flame and looks gently at seras.
"I see....but how can I breathe and control the level of flame created?"
"In normal cases, it's a progression of weak to strong so they don't have any issues in controlling how strong it is. However in your case it's the exact opposite, all I can tell you is to practice. Find an open area and feel the movements in sync with your breathing and it will come naturally." He punches out while breathing in sync with the movement and a small stream is released.
".....thank you, Iroh. I've learned a lot. In return, I won't hurt your nephew too badly." She bows in respect before phasing into the ship.
"....anyone who can disappear into a ship like that and you don't think I'll call you out on it?" He chuckles a little at how bad she is at hiding her inhumane status.
Seras reappears on top of a roof just in time for the fire nation soldiers to arrive. She sits on the edge and swings her feet like a little kid. The sight is so comical, Suki almost laughed out loud giving away her position.
"You! So the avatar is here." Zuko points to seras and states loudly.
"Of course he is. I don't know where he is right now, but he is on the island." Seras jumps down and faces the opponents.
Zuko grits his teeth as he thinks about the words his uncle said.
'If you face that woman Zuko, be careful. If my guess is right, she is possibly the greatest fire bender in history.' Remembering these words make him even angrier as he jumps off his rhino.
"Why are you with the avatar? Shouldn't a firebender be allied with the firenation?" He asks.
"Not every firebender works for the Fire nation. Also even if I did, I would quit because of how stupid you are all being." The comment makes the soldiers pissed.
"Think about it. You're trying to kill the rest of the nations and wipe out their bending. That's mass genecide on a global scale. You've already killed every air bender in existence. Why did you do that?"
"Becuase.....they were enemies."
"Ha! Enemies!? And who made them so? Was it not you're precious Fire Lord Sozen Who was so scared about the next avatar appearing that he killed hundreds of thousands?" Seras laughs in ridicule at the comment.
"Shut up!!" Zuko runs forward and punches where seras' face is.
A column of fire is released but before he can celebrate victory, he notice that the direction of the flame was upward. He then feels a pain in his wrist and looks down to find a finger hitting his wrist from beneath.
"Such a temper....you should really chill out." Seras comments as she pushes the fist sideways making him falter backwards.
"Men! Spread out and find the avatar. I'll take care of blondie." He takes off his helmet and gets into a stance after ordering them.
"Blondie? That's the best insult you got?" Seras crosses her arms and chuckles.
Zuko grunts before performing a high kick to her head. Seras easily dodges within an inch as a large flame goes to where her head was. She then bends down a little to get closer to Zuko's face and smiles to him.
Zuko is stunned at how she dodged but he backs up and punches to her General position. Seras, Who is still crossing her arms, kicks upward and the flame zuko released does the same. However the flame became magnitudes bigger. This happened because seras used her own flame to redirect his.
The sky becomes orange for a few seconds as the flame disappears.
"W-What are you!?" Zuko yells as he release more attacks.
Seras still dodges with ease making sure the attacks he released doesn't hit any buildings. As she does this she notices that the soldiers are getting ready to attack the houses that have people inside. She just dodged another blow when the soldier is attacking.
'No!' She mentally yells as she swipes downward with her left arm on instinct.
This action causes the fire from the soldier to disappear making him shocked. Zuko was too busy attacking to notice this action, but seras was also stunned. She looks at her hand when zuko uses this chance to get close and punch her gut.
However his fist was stopped by her hand as the flame he was about to release was stopped before it could even form. He starts to breathe in difficulty while standing still. He tries to take his fist out but notices that he can't.
"Why are you doing this, Zuko?" Seras asks.
"How dare you call me so familiarly!?" He yells back as he kicks with his left leg to her right.
Seras catches his shin and the flame was stopped once more. Zuko is now in an awkward position with his right arm and left leg caught in mid-air. He looks funny but neither seras nor him laugh.
"Why must you try to capture Aang?"
"Is Aang the name of the avatar? he asks while struggling.
"Do you even know what your father will do to him if you do? Would you really kill a 12 year old boy just because he is the avatar?" The question makes him stop struggling as another soldier attacks her.
Seras didn't expect this so her back was hit and a flame burns her. Zuko grunts as he takes his hand and leg back before backing up.
"Not So ċȯċky now, are you?" He states angrily as he rubs his wrist.
"Seras no!" A yell comes from above as aang glides down to the middle of the two. He crouched down to seras who fell face forward. He sees the giant burn on her back and glares at zuko.
Seras hasn't felt pain like this since her master shot her lung in the village of Cheddar. Her back was completely obliterated as he spine and muscles are showing.
She coughs painfully as she feels her back healing at a slow pace.
'Damn.....and I wanted to look cool too....' She chuckles painfully.
After three minutes, aang fought zuko like in the show making him fly into a building with his air bending. He then turns to finds Seras sitting up, with no visible wounds making him shocked.
He sees her frown as she looks at the burning buildings. she puts out her hands and faces the palms face downs. Seras then starts to push them slowly downward and the flames seem to mimic this. As she pushed her hand down about 5 inches, the buildings were no longer on fire.
"Seras! How-"
"I'll tell you later, we have to go. Call Appa." She walks to Suki who was directing the other warriors.
"Seras! Are you ok? I saw you get hit in the back." She Checks her body while asking.
"I'm ok, me and the rest are leaving. I just wanted to say goodbye and sorry that I couldn't prevent the houses from being on fire." She hugs Suki before letting go.
Suki shows a disgruntled look as appa flies to them. Seras smirks before whispering in her ear and jumping onto appa with the ability of a vampire.
"....haha, Yes. We will meet again." Suki chuckles as She watches the flying bison leave through the air.
"Aang, we need to leave." Katara practically yells.
"Why? We're having fun and it's relaxing." He replies with an equally annoyed tone.
"We've been here for four days! The fire nation could come at any time. Do you really want them to come and attack the village?"
"they won't do that.....right?" He replies confidently before asking with the opposite tone.
"Of course they will! The firenation is trying to rule the world. Do you really think they won't attack this village?" Katara is tearing up at this point making aang awkward.
"....I'm sorry Katara. We'll leave as soon as I ride the Unagi." He sighs before stating.
"Really!?" She asks excitedly.
"Yep!" He grins before running to the beach.
After he leaves, seras appears behind katara and blows against her ear.
"Aaah! Seras!" She screams while jumping forward.
"Hahaha, It's always fun to scare you." Seras grins.
"Don't do that." She pouts while putting herself together.
"Fine, I won't. So is Aang finally set on leaving?"
"Yep. As soon as he rides the Unagi."
"Great! Then he'll probably ride it before the fire nation arrives." Seras eats a grape that was in a bowl on the table.
"Yes-Wait...they're here?" She asks catching on to the unsaid statement.
"Yep. About 10-15 minutes." She eats another nonchalantly.
"Then why are you so relaxed! We have to warn everybody!" Katara starts to run to the village when seras stands in front of her.
"Are you sure about this? If you do it the future might change."
"Yes. I don't know what happens, but doing something is better than doing nothing because you're afraid it won't turn out the same." Katara confidently states while shoving seras' shoulder.
Seras watches her leave while ruminating over the words.
'She's right....why don't I want to change anything? I'm strong enough so that we could win the war even if it's not the same....plus it's more fun than just waiting on the sidelines while a story I know already plays out.' She thinks about her own universe and decides to change some things there as well.
Seras walks to the village leisurely while watching the coast. She then sees a giant serpent come out of the water with aang riding on its whisker. He seems to be screaming while holding on for dear life.
'Katara seems to have warned them.' She smirks while walking toward them.
Some of the warriors shiver in fright as she gets closer.
"Katara says you saw a fire nation ship?" Suki walks forward and asks.
"Yeah, it's about 20 miles away." She points to the ocean.
"20 miles? You can see that far?"
"Of course."
"I'm not even surprised anymore....with what you've been training in the forest..."
"You watched?"
"Yes. I still can't believe fire can be controlled like that. I'm very impressed."
'When was the last time someone praised my abilities?' Seras thinks.
About 10 minutes later, the ship arrives at the coast. Zuko and 5 other soldiers come out on Rhino's and head toward the village.
"We need to find the avatar. I don't care what you have to do to reach that goal." Zuko states maliciously as the soldiers nod in understanding.
Seras was sitting on a branch watching them leave as she notices Iroh on the ship looking at her. He can't see her body because the tree trunk is in the way but he is still staring at her position.
"Are you going to sit there or come in for some tea?" He smiles gently while asking.
"Thank you for the invitation." Seras phases onto the deck of the ship and smiles back.
Iroh walks to a table which was already set up with two cups and a tea pot. He sits down and gestures for her to sit as well. She does this and he starts to prepare the tea.
"Are you the one who released that large fire 6 days ago?" He asks.
"Haha, you're rather honest. My name is Iroh." He pours her a cup of tea And hands it to her.
"I'm Seras." She takes the cup.
"Well Seras, do you mind if I ask another question?"
"Of course not, But I would like to ask one of you afterwards."
"That's only fair." He sips his own before sighing in content.
Seras sips hers as well and she can feel it sliding into her stomach giving her warmth. She sighs in the same way before placing the cup on the table.
"You're not human, Are you?" The question makes seras twitch.
"....No, I'm not. What gave me away?"
"It's just a feeling I had."
"A feeling?"
"Yes. Although I'm old, I can still sense a thing or two about people." He smiles while combing his beard with his hand.
"I see. Then to my question."
"Of course."
"It's about my fire bending."
"I've become stuck in a way. I don't have any teachers, so I'm kind of teaching myself."
"That's not good, Fire can be very dangerous." He admonishes her like she is his grandchild.
"Hehe, I know. I've almost burned down a Couple of forests while practicing." She takes another sip.
"I'm glad you understand. What do you wish to know."
"I think it would be easier to show you." Seras stands up and steps a few meters away.
Seras kicks, punches, and breathes out flames in a magnitude Iroh has never seen before. She then creates a large ball and he watches as she transforms it into many different shapes. She does this for a couple minutes before stopping and looking to the elderly man.
"....You call this untrained?" He asks after a few seconds.
"I believe so....fire bending has such potential and this, I believe, is only the surface.
"Hmm....in reference to your skill at controlling the fire you're better than me, however I did notice a basic mistake."
"What's that?"
"You weren't breathing with your movements. I can't believe you can release such a strong fire without that."
"I know, but if I do, the fire becomes too powerful."
"Hahaha, breathing is not only to increase the strength of the fire....let me guess, you've been feeling stifled and strained every time you fire bend?"
"Yes! How'd you know?" She excitedly gets closer while asking.
"To create fire without breath is like forcing a waterfall to flow through earth. It can be done, but it will take tremendous effort and all you'll get is a small stream." He explains while a small flame appears on his palm.
"This...is a flame I can generate without breathing. It's small because I'm forcing my chi through my body without the aid of breath. However if I were to breathe out...." he does so and the flame becomes 5 times bigger.
"The levels of chi needed to make this are 3 times less than before. I believe you're stuck because you have denied an essential part of firebending out of fear of it going out of control." He stops the flame and looks gently at seras.
"I see....but how can I breathe and control the level of flame created?"
"In normal cases, it's a progression of weak to strong so they don't have any issues in controlling how strong it is. However in your case it's the exact opposite, all I can tell you is to practice. Find an open area and feel the movements in sync with your breathing and it will come naturally." He punches out while breathing in sync with the movement and a small stream is released.
".....thank you, Iroh. I've learned a lot. In return, I won't hurt your nephew too badly." She bows in respect before phasing into the ship.
"....anyone who can disappear into a ship like that and you don't think I'll call you out on it?" He chuckles a little at how bad she is at hiding her inhumane status.
Seras reappears on top of a roof just in time for the fire nation soldiers to arrive. She sits on the edge and swings her feet like a little kid. The sight is so comical, Suki almost laughed out loud giving away her position.
"You! So the avatar is here." Zuko points to seras and states loudly.
"Of course he is. I don't know where he is right now, but he is on the island." Seras jumps down and faces the opponents.
Zuko grits his teeth as he thinks about the words his uncle said.
'If you face that woman Zuko, be careful. If my guess is right, she is possibly the greatest fire bender in history.' Remembering these words make him even angrier as he jumps off his rhino.
"Why are you with the avatar? Shouldn't a firebender be allied with the firenation?" He asks.
"Not every firebender works for the Fire nation. Also even if I did, I would quit because of how stupid you are all being." The comment makes the soldiers pissed.
"Think about it. You're trying to kill the rest of the nations and wipe out their bending. That's mass genecide on a global scale. You've already killed every air bender in existence. Why did you do that?"
"Becuase.....they were enemies."
"Ha! Enemies!? And who made them so? Was it not you're precious Fire Lord Sozen Who was so scared about the next avatar appearing that he killed hundreds of thousands?" Seras laughs in ridicule at the comment.
"Shut up!!" Zuko runs forward and punches where seras' face is.
A column of fire is released but before he can celebrate victory, he notice that the direction of the flame was upward. He then feels a pain in his wrist and looks down to find a finger hitting his wrist from beneath.
"Such a temper....you should really chill out." Seras comments as she pushes the fist sideways making him falter backwards.
"Men! Spread out and find the avatar. I'll take care of blondie." He takes off his helmet and gets into a stance after ordering them.
"Blondie? That's the best insult you got?" Seras crosses her arms and chuckles.
Zuko grunts before performing a high kick to her head. Seras easily dodges within an inch as a large flame goes to where her head was. She then bends down a little to get closer to Zuko's face and smiles to him.
Zuko is stunned at how she dodged but he backs up and punches to her General position. Seras, Who is still crossing her arms, kicks upward and the flame zuko released does the same. However the flame became magnitudes bigger. This happened because seras used her own flame to redirect his.
The sky becomes orange for a few seconds as the flame disappears.
"W-What are you!?" Zuko yells as he release more attacks.
Seras still dodges with ease making sure the attacks he released doesn't hit any buildings. As she does this she notices that the soldiers are getting ready to attack the houses that have people inside. She just dodged another blow when the soldier is attacking.
'No!' She mentally yells as she swipes downward with her left arm on instinct.
This action causes the fire from the soldier to disappear making him shocked. Zuko was too busy attacking to notice this action, but seras was also stunned. She looks at her hand when zuko uses this chance to get close and punch her gut.
However his fist was stopped by her hand as the flame he was about to release was stopped before it could even form. He starts to breathe in difficulty while standing still. He tries to take his fist out but notices that he can't.
"Why are you doing this, Zuko?" Seras asks.
"How dare you call me so familiarly!?" He yells back as he kicks with his left leg to her right.
Seras catches his shin and the flame was stopped once more. Zuko is now in an awkward position with his right arm and left leg caught in mid-air. He looks funny but neither seras nor him laugh.
"Why must you try to capture Aang?"
"Is Aang the name of the avatar? he asks while struggling.
"Do you even know what your father will do to him if you do? Would you really kill a 12 year old boy just because he is the avatar?" The question makes him stop struggling as another soldier attacks her.
Seras didn't expect this so her back was hit and a flame burns her. Zuko grunts as he takes his hand and leg back before backing up.
"Not So ċȯċky now, are you?" He states angrily as he rubs his wrist.
"Seras no!" A yell comes from above as aang glides down to the middle of the two. He crouched down to seras who fell face forward. He sees the giant burn on her back and glares at zuko.
Seras hasn't felt pain like this since her master shot her lung in the village of Cheddar. Her back was completely obliterated as he spine and muscles are showing.
She coughs painfully as she feels her back healing at a slow pace.
'Damn.....and I wanted to look cool too....' She chuckles painfully.
After three minutes, aang fought zuko like in the show making him fly into a building with his air bending. He then turns to finds Seras sitting up, with no visible wounds making him shocked.
He sees her frown as she looks at the burning buildings. she puts out her hands and faces the palms face downs. Seras then starts to push them slowly downward and the flames seem to mimic this. As she pushed her hand down about 5 inches, the buildings were no longer on fire.
"Seras! How-"
"I'll tell you later, we have to go. Call Appa." She walks to Suki who was directing the other warriors.
"Seras! Are you ok? I saw you get hit in the back." She Checks her body while asking.
"I'm ok, me and the rest are leaving. I just wanted to say goodbye and sorry that I couldn't prevent the houses from being on fire." She hugs Suki before letting go.
Suki shows a disgruntled look as appa flies to them. Seras smirks before whispering in her ear and jumping onto appa with the ability of a vampire.
"....haha, Yes. We will meet again." Suki chuckles as She watches the flying bison leave through the air.
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