After aang entered the room, seras leaned back on the column feeling wrong. She starts to frown when her body begins hurting like hell and vomits blood all over her hands that covered her mouth..

"Seras!" Katara yells while running to her.

Shayu and sokka are wide eyed and run to them as well.

'What is this?' Seras thinks as she lifts her right hand.

She looks around and her vision begins to go black at the edges. She can see katara yelling but her hearing is gone.

'What is happening to me? Is it because I bended two different elements? No, I did that for days and nothing happened.' Seras' body continues to shut down as she thinks.

'Then is it because I bended both elements at the same time with alot of energy? Then Why did it take so long to affect me?' She continues to think to herself as she takes out a blood packet with her last remaining strength.

She lays on the ground remembering how she died as Michael and how she died as seras. She thinks on about how she was happy all the time when she reincarnated merging with seras. She smiles as she goes unconscious.

"You should pay attention more, sis." He states before kneeling down and lifting seras' head so katara can feed her.

"Sh-Shut up!" She yells before putting the straw end into seras' mouth.

Her mouth doesn't drink it and katara starts trembling in worry.

"What do I do? She's not drinking it!"

"Calm down katara. Shayu, can you hand me my boomerang?"

"Sure, but what are you going to be doing with it?"

"Just get it. I'll tell you while I do it."

Shayu hands sokka his boomerang and sokka takes the bloodpack from katara. He then uses his boomerang edge to cut the bloodpack so it creates hole. He then hands it back to katara before stating.

"Now force feed it. She is already dead so you don't have to worry about her not breathing."

"I-ok." Katara opens seras' mouth again and pours the liquid inside.

This time her body reacts to the substance and she jumps up. Her eyes are a deep crimson as she looks around.

"Seras, you're ok!" Before katara can run to her sokka holds her back.

"Wait, she doesn't look right."

"She's fine, let me go."

As they're struggling seras starts to clutch her head in pain and she growls like an animal. She takes a look at Shayu and the rest before Roaring like a beast.

"I told you there was something wrong!" Sokka yells out and drags katara with him while they run away.

"Shayu run! I don't know what's going on with her but she doesn't look normal." He yells to Shayu.

When seras roared, the rest of the sages heard it and start to converge to the sanctuary. Seras looks around and hears the rapid heartbeats of her prey and walks slowly to them. She has a playful smile while doing this and just as she is about to attack a loud noise stops her.

The four other sages made it to the room and they see the situation. They don't care to ask as they all firebend at seras.

The other three start to back off and are scared at what they just witnessed. Seras licks her lips before gazing at the rest. Sokka and katara are trembling in fear at how she looks.

The evil looking sage from earlier swallows before yelling and releasing a wave of fire at seras. Seras just smiles at the man and takes the hit. Her clothes get burned up as the smell of cooked flesh wafts through the room.

The man smiles in relief that he killed her then he hears the sound of something charred dripping to the floor. He looks in seras' direction and freezes.

The charred body parts are falling to the ground as new flesh is being grown in its place. About ten seconds later seras' body is as good as new with her clothes burned up in the places it hit her.

The man screams but before he can command the other two seras runs up and grabs his jaw by putting her right hand inside his mouth. The man stares into the cold crimson eyes and pees himself in fear.

Seras shows disgust despite being in such a state and rips his jaw off. Before he can scream from the pain, she uses her other hand to punch the remaining part of his face. This cause his head to fly off his body and embed itself into the wall.

The last two sages fall backward onto their buŧŧs while shaking. Seras then groans painfully before shaking her head. Her eyes clear themselves up slightly as her mind almost starts returning to normal.

She looks at the last two remaining sages and quickly kills them with a neck break before storing them inside her inventory. She does the same to the other two bodies and falls over unconscious.

A couple minutes later, katara walks up to her body and shows a look of fear before sighing in relief as nothing happened.

"I think she's ok now."

"Ok!? You think any of this is ok? We have been traveling with a monster for weeks and we didn't know it!" Sokka yells.

"Don't say that! There was obviously something wrong with her. I think that was just a self defense mechanism that activated when her life was in danger."

"I don't care! She just killed those guys without a second thought. We can't keep traveling together."

"Sokka, What did I say when we left the South Pole?"


"She is the same girl that had fun with those kids and helped us take care of the village. She is the same person that has had fun with us and helped us on our journey."

"But katara...."

"But nothing, seras is still the same. Although it was a little scary seeing her like that. I still want her to be with us."

"Fine, but it won't be the same with me." Sokka scoffs Before waiting far away from seras unconscious body.

When seras lost control Roku told aang about Sozin's Comet and that he must master all the elements by next summers end. Before he can continue he senses the disturbance outside and shows a conflicted expression.

"Avatar Roku, what's wrong?"

"It's about your friends."

"Are they ok!? What happened?"

"They're fine, but the blonde one is different."

"What happened to seras?"

"It seems like her chi made her go berserk and she attacked the remaining fire sages. It also looked like she drank their blood before passing out."

"She drank blood?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Aang, she's not human." The sentence makes aang shocked as his mouth games open.

"Not human? Then is she a spirit?"

"No, she isn't a spirit either." Roku shakes his head.

"Then What is she?"

"I don't know, but it seems there is an even bigger problem."


"Some fire nation soldiers have arrived and they have captured your friends. They seem to be setting up a trap to capture you."

"I need to help them!" He grabs his staff and I sabout to leave when Roku stops him.

"Wait aang! I want to remind you of something before you go."

"What is it?"

"You're young and wish to help people. However I hope you don't place your trust in the wrong people." His eyes show sadness which Aang doesn't understand.

"Ok? I need to save them!" He replies back in uncertainty before yelling.

"Don't worry aang. Remember, you're never alone." Roku smiles a little when aang understands what he means.

"Are you ready?" His eyes glow.

"I am." Aang's begins to glow as well and his voice becomes an echo.

Outside of the room, Zhao and his soldiers chained up Katara, Sokka, And Shayu against one of the columns. He is silently observing the door which is housing Aang as the other soldiers have finally finished chaining seras. It wasn't hard because she was still unconscious when it happened.

"We're finished chaining the prisoner, Commander Zhao."

"Good. Then I want three of you to carry the blonde one to her destination and the rest to follow my lead in attacking the avatar."

"Sir." The man bows before pointing to three random soldiers and they pick up seras before walking away.

"Where are you taking her!?" Katara yells as she sees seras being carried away.

"Where else do prisoners of war go after they've been captured?" Zhao asks back making her gasp in fear.

Sokka clenches his hands into fists as he watches his sister cry.

"You bastard!" He yells but nothing comes of it making Zhao smirk.

"And what can a 'Boy' like you do? Can you earthbend? Fire bend? Can you even bend at all?" His questions are full of derision.

"No, I can't bend. But I can still kick your ȧss any day of the week!" Sokka stomps his foot on Zhao's making the man grunt in pain.

"You little bastard!" Zhao grabs Sokka by the collar and is about to burn his face when a soldier interrupts.

"Sir! The door is opening." The soldier points to the door which is slowly opening.

"Good. Get into position." He commands coldly while walking forward.

The doors continue to open and the men notice a large silhouette in the steam. They were confused because they heard they were trying to capture a small child. She doesn't care as he yells the command.

"Fire!" All soldiers release flames directly to the silhouettes position.

as the events in the temple play out like the shows seras was brought to Princess Azula's ship. The soldiers got stopped by other soldiers who look to be of higher rank as hey take Seras from them. The ship begins to leave as the island alps starts shaking.

"What's happening?" Azula comes out to the deck and asks.

Her eyesight lands in the island as lava startstk come from the volcano. She is confused because that volcano has always been inactive. She swiftly orders the men to disembark faster so the lava doesn't hit them.

A few minutes after the volcano started erupting, the princess noticed a large white bison flying into the sky in the opposite direction as her. She smirks knowing that either the avatar is stupid or he gave up on a powerful fire-bender.

"Ok men! Let's head home." She orders and the soldiers on deck get to work.

A high ranking one comes forward and bows before speaking.

"What about the avatar princess? He is getting away."

"It's fine Captain. I caught one of his group who just so happens to be his strongest ally. She will tell us where the avatar is going so we can plan more thoroughly next time." The captain accepts this and begins to do as he was ordered.

Azula looks to the island and sees a small vessel going in a third direction. She smirks in thought.

'This is your last chance ZuZu. If you don't capture the avatar soon, then you'll never be able to come back home.' She walks down stairs to her quarters.

While seras was captured, the gang was flying away so they can escape from the island and the fire nation. However the normally tight group is having an argument.

"We have to go save her!" Katara yells.

"How!? She was captured by soldiers and brought on to a giant ship! That wasn't a normal fire nation vessel. It looked to be like royalty was riding on it." Sokka's reply makes her choke and start sobbing once more.

"Plus.....I don't even think we should travel with her anymore."

"What do you mean?" Aang asks.

"I've never seen anything like it aang. Seras started going crazy and killed the sages-"

"She was just protecting herself!" Katara interrupts.

"Yeah She was! But she was like an animal katara! A bloodthirsty, insane, animal!"

"yeah.....Roku said she wasn't human." When aang says that, both sokka and Katara flinch making him confused.

"Yeah...About that~~" Sokka scratches his arms in a defensive way while katara looks away in guilt.

"Wait. You guys knew!?"

After they calmed him down, both of them explained what they remembered and understood about seras' origins. Of course since sokka wasn't even close to understanding it, Katara did most of the explaining.

It took a couple hours, but eventually aang understood a little and knew why Roku couldn't identify what she was. He never heard of the terms katara was speaking of like Solar Systems, Planets, or Vampires, but he knew that all of it was probably true.

"Then she isn't from this universe? So why did she come along with us?"

"From what I understood, it is to return to her own universe. Her home." Her tone becomes quieter as she speaks.

"Katara?" Aang asks.

"You two don't know but every night she wakes up and finds a place to look into the sky. Her eyes always look so lonely when she does that...." she starts tearing up again which causes Sokka to console her.

".....Fine, we will get her back."


"However! We can't just go gallivanting throughout the Fire nation to find her. We need to stay on point and help aang master the elements."


"When we come across Zuko, well ask him about her."

"Why zuko?" Aang asks.

"Didn't I say it already? That ship was obviously meant for royalty! And who keeps chasing us? Oh! A banished prince! he probably knows who took seras."

"Great idea sokka!!" Katara hugs her brother in delight.

"Of course. It is moi who thought of it." He smugly replies.

"Then it's decided right?" Aang asks.

"Yep, well keep going to the North Pole to Master water bending. But if we come across any information about seras we will drop everything and head to her." The gang fly away on appa to continue heading north.

About a day after the solstice, seras opens her eyes and groggily takesin the dark surroundings. Thanks to her inherent abilities the room is clearer in the darkness than in the day.

She is hanging from her arms as both of her hands are encased in metal. Her legs and torso are also cuffed making her look like some kind of dangerous person. She also notices that she is in a cell which is very confusing to her.

"Well, good morning sleepy head."

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