When Seras looked up she saw someone that she shouldn't have met yet. Princess Azula, one of the few characters she considered truly insane. She spent a solid ten seconds thinking of various reasons as to why Azula was in front of her but only one made sense.

'Is this what the mother of faces meant? Just me being here has caused a change in the timeline? Then what about my own universe?' Her thoughts are interrupted.

Azula ordered one of the guards to open the cell and walks inside soon after . Seras notices that these guards are of an exceptional caliber as they still have traces of blood she can smell on them. This reminds her of the captain and the wild geese.

"Hello? Don't tell me that you're just an idiot?" She sighs in annoyance at that prospect.

"No, I'm not."

"Oh. Good. So you can speak." She waves at the two guards and they bow before walking away.

The only ones left are seras and Azula looking at one another. The princess has a constant arrogant smirk while seras has an expressionless face. The first one to break the stalemate is seras.

"So, why is the princess of the fire nation here?"

"So you do know who I am. I thought that your state was from confusion. That makes things much easier."

"Does it?" Seras finally smirks a little as she mumbles.

"Since you seem to be someone of a reasonable level of intelligence, I'll cut right to the chase.....Serve me."

"Did I say something funny?"

"Heheh, Yes it was hilarious. Have you thought about becoming a comedian? I mean, you have talent." She keeps chuckling through the words.

Unfortunately Azula doesn't have as much patience when it comes to somebody laughing at her as most others do. She slaps seras in the face and thanks to her long nails which are sharpened daily, her cheek is left with deep gouge marks.

Azula smiles in triumph as the wound begins to bleed. After this happened, seras had an idea to have some fun. It's been a few weeks since she woke up from her coma in the South Pole and she hasn't been able to let loose in a while. She prevents the wound from closing and allows the blood to drip to the floor.

"Was that funny?"

"....no, it wasn't. I think I'll take back my recommendation."

Azula slaps her again, this time it was on the other cheek. Three new gouges appear. At this point her face was practically disfigured but she doesn't care at all.

"You know, just a little advice. If you wish for somebody to serve you, disfiguring them isn't a practical way to go about it. I mean it doesn't matter to me much, but for future reference."

"Are you insane!? Do you think after laughing at me like that I'll still let you serve me?"

Azula is clenching her teeth and hands because she has never been treated this way before. If her father didn't order for her to bring the prisoner to the throne room alive, she would have killed her right then and there. She takes a few deep breaths before resuming her normal tone.

"My father, the Fire Lord, has ordered me to escort you to the throne room. I bet you're happy that the last thing you'll see is the inside of the Fire Nation's Palace." She knocks on the bars and three soldiers come down.

Seras didn't struggle as they unlocked the chains. She was then put into hand cuffs and ankle cuffs. Her hands are still covered so she couldn't move her fingers and the chain between her ankles was bȧrėly half a meter long. The soldiers move to her left, right, and back as they begin escorting her with Azula in front.

Seras took great care to not accidentally break her restraints as they moved which made her walk awkwardly. The soldiers took it as either her being in pain, scared, or both. This causes all three to scoff in derision while pushing her along. As they walked seras decide to get some answers form her system.

'Why did I faint?' She mentally inputs into the simulator and soon a memory gets implanted.

She watches as she was transported into the spirit world and she met the mother of faces. She continued to watch the full 24 hours of her in the spirit realm. In reality she paused for two seconds as her mind was watching this which made the soldiers push her once more.

She almost fell but caught herself just in time. She glares at the back soldier and her eyes glow red making him flinch. None of the others noticed the abnormality making them confused as to why he did that. The man blinked and seras' eyes were back to normal making him think it was just an illusion.

They walk again as seras reads the prompt which is invisible to everyone but her.

-The reason Host fainted was because the energy from the spirit world ran amok inside your body. If this happened to a normal person, their body would have exploded form the inside. Although host is many times stronger than normal humans, you're still vulnerable.-

-Host will not be able to bend for a week. However after that week, your body will be more acclimated to the bending allowing host to increase your bending abilities. A likely 50% increase detected.-

Seras' jaw almost dropped from the info.

'My bending will get stronger? Who needs that much firepower?'

She is interrupted as they stop at a large double doors. Seras vaguely recognized it as the doors to the throne room. Azula nods to the guards and they begin opening the large doors.

"Princess Azula here to meet the Fire Lord." She announces herself and walks inside.

"Ah, Daughter. Have you brought the prisoner?" A voice asks from the inside and seras recognized it as the Fire Lord.

"Of course Father." She smiles almost kindly as she gestures to the soldiers surrounding seras.

They drag her inside and it was Thanks to her amazing physical prowess that she didn't trip as Many old men look to them. After about 15 seconds, seras was brought into the middle of the world map and the soldiers placed their hands on her shoulders to make her kneel.

Almost instantly, everyone knew something was wrong. They noticed that the soldiers were putting great force on her but it looked like she didn't feel a thing.

"Enough. Leave us." Fire lord Ozai stops he embarrassing display and commands them.

All the men get up, now, and then leave. This leaves seras, Azula, and the Fire lord alone in the throne room. Azula walks up the stairs and sits beside her father looking down at the chained seras.

"I heard from my brother that you're an incredibly powerful fire bender." Ozai begins to speak.

"That I am." She smiles while replying.

"I see. Then what do you say about serving me?" Seras notices a change in Azula's expression which confuses her.

'It almost seemed like she showed hatred for a moment? Was it directed at me, or....?' Seras thinks of something which made her body still.

"Well? I'm waiting." Ozai was silent for about 5 seconds and states when she didn't show any sign of answering.

"Oh, pardon me. You see, growing up I was taught not to dignify stupid questions with a response."

"You dare mock me!?" He punches the arm rest and the flames of the room rise about 2 meters.

The fire lord has never let any derogatory comments against him stand without a reply. Usually it is a swift death like he is giving seras. The tornado hits seras and extends to the doors.

Fortunately the room has been built so that it could withstand any flames because of the previous fire lords tempers. The flame recedes and Seras' body was 90% burned. Some parts were black like an over cooked chicken.

"Call the guards and have them clean up this mess." Ozai orders as she crumbles to the ground.

"Father, was that necessary? She could have told us where the avatar is going."

"That's not needed. It's obvious where the boy will go next."

"That is?"

"The North Pole. In order for the avatar to actually be the avatar, he needs to master the elements. Traditionally the avatar masters them in a specific order. It goes air, water, earth, then fire. Since he is an air bender he will master water next." As he speaks the three guards come in and go to Seras' position.

"I see. Then will you send me again?"

"No, I'll send someone else." He states when two loud bangs interrupt him.

The other two soldiers were embedded into the walls on the left and right. The man who kept struggling stops when seras bites his neck. As she drains his blood, her body begins to heal.

"What....is this?" Ozai asks nobody.

In a few seconds seras drops the corpse to the ground and it crumbles on impact. Her body was almost healed when another flame gets directed at her.

'Not having any bending is annoying.' Seras thinks as she phases into the ground to dodge the attack.

She reappears after it passes making the attacker grunt in anger.

"What the hell are you!?" He yells while releasing more flames.

Seras dodges each one and gets closer with each attack. She gets within a few meters when Azula attacks with her lightning. Seras bȧrėly dodged the bolt with an actual movement instead of phasing so Ozai tried to take advantage and use his own lightning.

"I'm getting tired of this." Seras mumbles as she jumps up and lands within centimeters of the Fire Lord.

"Wha-" He can't finish because seras grabbed his face with her hand.

Azula is about to attack again when seras brought out her Angel gun. She points it at Azula who doesn't know what it is, but still stopped.

"Now, let's get down to business." Seras grins as she forces Ozai to sit on his throne.

The force used in clenching his face made him groan in pain but she doesn't care.

"You said that Iroh informed you that I am a powerful fire bender is that right?" Her question goes unanswered so she shoots at one of the guards who were still embedded in the walls.

Her bullet hits into the head and it pops likes a balloon. Azula is wide eyed and finally a little fearful of the weapon.

"Isn't. That. Right?" Azula nods this time.

"Good. Now, question 2." This time her eyes glow red and it takes a few seconds for Ozai's to turn orange.

When that happens Seras lets go of his face which becomes slack.

"You're the reason why Iroh's son died, aren't you?"

"...yes...I sent multiple ȧssassins after him. When he was alone, on the battlefield, they killed him and made it look like the enemy did it." Ozai slowly answers making Azula surprised.


"He can't answer you. I hypnotized him, watch I can make him do a bunch of funny things.

"Quack like a chicken." She orders but Ozai doesn't do anything.

"Oh yeah, you guys don't have chickens....uh act like a platypus bear." She remembers an animal from this universe and states.

After doing that, Ozai begins roaring and swiping at things like a bear. His actions make him look like a retard making seras giggle.

"See? Now he can finally act like what he is. A stupid animal." Seras grins wider as he gets on all fours and crawls around the room.

"While he's doing that, why don't you and I have a real conversation?"

"....fine." Azula replies as she sits down on the throne.

"Why do you listen to him?" Seras points at Ozai.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why do you follow everything he says? You're an intelligent and strong person, yet you constantly seek his approval, why?"

"he's my father...Wait...no....why do I?" She answers immediately but something happens like she got a headache.

Seras watches as it looks like the headache gets worse. She stands there thinking to herself.

'I knew something was up with her backstory. Sure, she wasn't totally normal, but she wasn't totally a psychopath until later. Then she got progressively worse until it became her default state....I wonder...'

Seras bring sup her system and inputs if Azula is being affected by any drugs or external forces.'

Soon a memory appears in her brain. It's Azula who is demonstrating her firebending for the first time to her grandfather. She bends like a master making both her father and grandfather ecstatic.

After the demonstration, Azula was brought to a dark room. Her father appeared with some creepy looking men and he is whispering to them. Azula was young but she understood that something was about to happen to her.

Soon she was forced into a chair and strapped down. Then a needle was inserted into her arm making her drowsy. After she was in a state between sleep and awake, they started to whisper things to her. This happens over the course of months and after each session she became slightly different. She craved both power and her father's affection.

When the memory ends seras had a furious expression on her face.

"You motherfucker! How dare you do that to a small child!? Your own daughter!!" Seras runs forward and grabs Ozai by the neck and raises him into the air.

Azula was shocked by the yell and actions because it appeared out of nowhere. Seras undos the hypnosis and Ozai comes back only to be choked.

"Ugh!...let go!" He commands and goes to firebend when seras throws him into the floor.

His body is embedded in it and it felt like a few of his ribs broke. She didn't care as her glare becomes more menacing.

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