Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 78 - Getting Answers
After they entered and sat down on the cushions above, seras took note that they didn't seem surprised about her appearance. Southern water tribe garb but pale skin and blonde hair with red eyes usually confused people.
"I heard you have information about an invasion by the fire nation?" Arnook asks with a cold tone.
'Straight to the point as well? This isn't like I thought in any situation, something must have changed...'
"Well? Speak!" He uses a commanding tone now when seras was in her own world thinking of all the possibilities.
"Incredibly rude for someone who wants to know what I know."
"How dare you! We allow you to enter our tribe out of courtesy!" The unknown man yells in anger.
"Oh? While you did bring me here, it wasn't because you let me. It's because it's what I wanted." Seras speaks with as much disdain as she can muster.
"I will not allow you to to speak in such a way anymo-" before he can finish he watches as seras breaks the cuffs with bȧrėly any movement which shocks them.
'How strong is she? Nobody should be able to break free from those, let alone with such ease.' The Chief thinks to himself.
"Enough. I'm sorry for my rudeness. Please tell me what you know."
""Chief!"" Pakku and the other man yell in surprise.
Arnook stops them with a hand gesture.
'The only way to figure it out is to talk and hope he gives clues.' She mentally sighs in defeat before speaking.
"Then, I shall speak."
"What is this information?"
"And what do I get in return for telling you?" This was a leading question because she wishes to see what he would do.
"I wish to learn water bending." This causes Pakku and the man she didn't recognize to glare.
"....unfortunately I don't think I can grant that."
"Why is that?"
"Because our laws state that woman aren't allowed to learn water bending." Pakku speaks up.
"I see, then what can I learn?"
"You can learn the healing arts."
"....that's fine." Seras thinks about it and decides to go with the flow because she doesn't want to change how Pakku learns of Kanna.
"Good, I agree. Will you tell me what you know now?"
"The Fire nation is amassing a giant fleet which is lead by a man called Zhao. There will be at least a hundred ships and over 10,000 men in this invasion. There is a possibility that the Dragon of the west will also participate."
"Impossible! Even if there was such an invasion happening, why should we believe anything you say!?" The man yells while pointing at her angrily.
"The General is correct. You could be a spy from the fire nation planted to relay misinformation." Pakku speaks up now.
"Really? Not to belittle you guys, but they have the technological, tactical, and number superiority. They have more soldiers than you have citizens. Why on earth would they risk the chance of a surprise attack by sending in a spy? Especially when they have such a great advantage?" Seras asks back sarcastically making the two angrier.
"Why you!" The General was about to water bend and kill seras when Arnook stops him with a hand.
"That's enough. I believe she speaks the truth." He states as he remembers what Yue says about her visions.
'That's it? There is no way he just took me at my word, he had to know about me or the invasion before hand but that's not-' her thoughts stop when she remembers the relationship between the Moon Spirit and Yue.
'Oh....so that's how..' she smirks as the two men were protesting his decision which distracted him from reading her expression.
"Enough! I've made my decision!" He yells which quiets them.
"I'm sorry bout this, my name is Arnook. May I ask what your name is?"
"Well then Seras Victoria, I thank you for this information. Do you have anything else to give?"
"Yes. The attack should happen the earliest in two weeks or the latest in a month a half."
"So we only have two weeks to prepare in the worse case scenario. That's very good to know." He puts his hand on his chin as he begins thinking of defensive measures.
He spends a minute mumbling before he stops and looks back at the chained woman.
"This information is invaluable, for a reward you will stay in the palace with a couple escorts, I hope you understand."
"What is it now, General?"
"You'll allow this random person to stay in the palace!? It's completely ridiculous!"
This makes his subordinates silent.
"I'm sorry for this unsightly display. I'll tell my men to show you to your quarters."
"Thank you." Seras smiles.
After they brought her away, the chief and his two subordinates are left in the room.
"Chief, why are you being so nice to this girl?" Pakku asks after a few seconds in silence.
"I have to confess something to you two."
After saying that, Arnook takes a deep breath and begins to explain about Yue's visions. When he mentioned the woman's description in the dreams men were obviously shocked because it described seras exactly.
"So that means she can firebend? Then what was that about learning water bending?" The general asks the obvious.
"I don't know, but it's only the healing arts. It is better for us to keep her close than to let her in the city."
"That's true, but we know next to nothing other than the visions. Who should we send to monitor her?"
"If She is a fire bender, then we need at least one of them to be a water bender in case she attacks. Also at least one of them need to be able to physically restrain her."
"As for the physical aspect, wouldn't your son Hahn be a candidate?" Pakku asks.
"Yes, your son is a great fighter. Possibly our best." The chief agrees.
"I'm sure my son would be happy to agree. However what about the water bender?" Kahn asks.
"I'll send Karloque. He's the best bender aside from master Pakku. Also he is physically able as well." Arnook decides and the other two nod in agreement.
"now that that's settled, let's talk about our plans for the invasion."
After seras left the room she walked for five minutes guided by the soldiers to a set of double doors. They said that this will be her room for now and that they will be outside.
"Wow." Seras exclaims as she walks in to find a very luxurious room.
'The last time they opened up their borders was a century ago, so how could wooden furniture last this long especially in such a cold climate?' She places her hand on the desk and gently rubs it.
After seras goes around the room, she decides to finally see if what she thought earlier was true. She smiles before phasing into the floor, effectively escaping without a sound.
Seras, as a mass of darkness travels through the palace for a few minutes before finding who she was looking for. She stops and watches as Yue was having some dancing lessons.
'I guess a princess will always have to learn usless things.' She sighs before phasing closer.
"Perfect, Princess! Simply perfect!" An older woman claps after Yue stopped dancing.
"you really think so?" Yue asks back.
"Yes! You have become a wonderful dancer!" The female teacher explains happily.
'But I don't just want to learn dancing and instruments...' She looks down sadly for a second before putting on a fake smile.
"Oh, would you look at the time. I believe we're done for the day. Have a nice day princess." The teacher bows before leaving.
"You too." Yue bows back before sighing and sitting in a chair.
"Rough day, Princess?" A voice asks from behind which shocks her.
Yue shot up from her chair and turned around to find the woman she has been dreaming about for the past two weeks. Seras didn't miss the look of recognition on her face which confirmed her theory.
'So the Moon Spirit has told her about me somehow. This changes things....' she smirks before getting closer to Yue.
"St-Stay back!" Yue retreats while trembling.
'How did she get in!? What about the guards?' She goes to run and get help when seras appears behind her and covers her mouth.
She then turns her around and pushes her against the wall. In any other case, seras would joke around but now is not the time for that.
"Look, I don't know what the Moon Spirit told you or showed you, but I'm here to help." As seras mentions the moon spirit and it telling her things, Yue's eyes go wide.
"I understand if you can't trust me, especially at the moment, but I hope you can give me a chance to explain some things to you." After a few seconds the princess nods.
Seras smiles before slowly removing her hand. The two girls walks to a couple chairs and sit down facing each other. Yue observes the woman and notices that she isn't that much older than herself.
"To begin with, let's do some introductions. My name is Seras Victoria and I come form the Southern Water Tribe."
"Impossible! I saw you fire bending!" Yue stands up and immediately yells.
"So it was visions then. Yes, I can fire bend, but does a fire bender need to live in the fire nation? Does an earth bender need to live in the earth kingdom? No, I consider myself from the South Pole and I hope you can respect that."
"....I see. I'm sorry about yelling, it's just I never heard about anything like that." Yue sits back down after calming herself.
"Well, how much can one really learn when they're trapped in one location for their whole life?" Seras' comment made her tremble.
"You're right. My father says we're safe, but we're just birds in a cage. Our last contact with the outside world was when the fire nation invaded 85 years ago." She sighs sadly.
"He's The Chief, So I'm sure he has to say that to make people happy."
"Yeah....oh I'm sorry, I'm Yue. Princess of the northern water tribe."
"Good, may I call you Yue?"
"Yes you may." Yue finally shows a small smile.
"Great, then you can call me Seras."
"Ok, seras."
"Now that that's fine, let's start our conversation with the two main goals of the fire nation." Seras put up her pointer finger.
"One, is world domination. It first started with the air nomads a century ago, then it was the earth kingdom. Unfortunately for them, the Earth Kingdom was too powerful so they've been at a stalemate for the past hundred years.
"That's common knowledge at this point." Yue nods in agreement.
"That's true, however it's not exactly the whole truth."
"What do you mean?"
"When the Fire Nation first began its conquest, they decimated the air nomads in hope of cutting off the avatar cycle. When they got done with that, they turned their sights to the only other two powers in their way. The Water tribe and the earth kingdom."
"They focused their attention more on the North Pole until you guys decided to close yourselves off from the rest of the world. That was a stupid decision."
"For one you left your sister tribe in the lurch. As of right now the southern water tribe is practically gone."
"What did you say!?" Yue yells in shock.
"After you guys abandoned them, they had to defend for themselves. After 80 years, they finally wiped every last water bender from the south and stopped going. Without any water benders the art would disappear."
"Why would that happen? Even if they died, more would be born."
"Oh yeah, I guess it's so easy to learn An ancient art without any guides." Seras' words are laced with sarcasm.
"....you're right. That was incredibly naive of me to say."
"As long as you understand. Now, back to the history lesson. without a two front war, the fire nation has been able to slowly chip away at the earth kingdom. At this point they have taken about 20% of their land." Yue covers her mouth in shock.
"The more they get, the faster they takes it's only a matter of time until they start taking major cities."
"....what is their second goal?" She asks after a minute of digesting the information she received.
"Their second goal is actually the same as for why Sozen invaded the Air Nomads. To kill the avatar."
"But the avatar disappeared a hundred years ago?"
"Yes, but that doesn't mean he died. The avatar is back and I was actually traveling with him a week ago."
"That's Correct. I was captured by the fire nation and taken to the palace afterwards. I escaped and found my way here after learning some things about their invasion."
"How did you escape from the palace?" As seras was about to make a witty comment, she heard foot steps from the hall heading to Yue's room.
"I'll explain that later. There is someone coming. Please don't tell them anything about what I said. Also if you meet me again with others around, act like we don't know each other." As she me spoke, she started walking to the wall.
"O...k? But how do you kn-" Yue's question was interrupted by knocking so she turned p the door.
As soon as she did that seras phased through the wall. Yue gets flustered and turns around to tell seras to hide when all she sees is an empty room. She is confused but another knocking snaps her out of it.
"Uh, come in." When she speaks the door opens revealing her father and mother.
After seras left Yue, she went back to her room and it soon became nighttime. She lays on a luxurious couch looking out the window in longing.
"I heard you have information about an invasion by the fire nation?" Arnook asks with a cold tone.
'Straight to the point as well? This isn't like I thought in any situation, something must have changed...'
"Well? Speak!" He uses a commanding tone now when seras was in her own world thinking of all the possibilities.
"Incredibly rude for someone who wants to know what I know."
"How dare you! We allow you to enter our tribe out of courtesy!" The unknown man yells in anger.
"Oh? While you did bring me here, it wasn't because you let me. It's because it's what I wanted." Seras speaks with as much disdain as she can muster.
"I will not allow you to to speak in such a way anymo-" before he can finish he watches as seras breaks the cuffs with bȧrėly any movement which shocks them.
'How strong is she? Nobody should be able to break free from those, let alone with such ease.' The Chief thinks to himself.
"Enough. I'm sorry for my rudeness. Please tell me what you know."
""Chief!"" Pakku and the other man yell in surprise.
Arnook stops them with a hand gesture.
'The only way to figure it out is to talk and hope he gives clues.' She mentally sighs in defeat before speaking.
"Then, I shall speak."
"What is this information?"
"And what do I get in return for telling you?" This was a leading question because she wishes to see what he would do.
"I wish to learn water bending." This causes Pakku and the man she didn't recognize to glare.
"....unfortunately I don't think I can grant that."
"Why is that?"
"Because our laws state that woman aren't allowed to learn water bending." Pakku speaks up.
"I see, then what can I learn?"
"You can learn the healing arts."
"....that's fine." Seras thinks about it and decides to go with the flow because she doesn't want to change how Pakku learns of Kanna.
"Good, I agree. Will you tell me what you know now?"
"The Fire nation is amassing a giant fleet which is lead by a man called Zhao. There will be at least a hundred ships and over 10,000 men in this invasion. There is a possibility that the Dragon of the west will also participate."
"Impossible! Even if there was such an invasion happening, why should we believe anything you say!?" The man yells while pointing at her angrily.
"The General is correct. You could be a spy from the fire nation planted to relay misinformation." Pakku speaks up now.
"Really? Not to belittle you guys, but they have the technological, tactical, and number superiority. They have more soldiers than you have citizens. Why on earth would they risk the chance of a surprise attack by sending in a spy? Especially when they have such a great advantage?" Seras asks back sarcastically making the two angrier.
"Why you!" The General was about to water bend and kill seras when Arnook stops him with a hand.
"That's enough. I believe she speaks the truth." He states as he remembers what Yue says about her visions.
'That's it? There is no way he just took me at my word, he had to know about me or the invasion before hand but that's not-' her thoughts stop when she remembers the relationship between the Moon Spirit and Yue.
'Oh....so that's how..' she smirks as the two men were protesting his decision which distracted him from reading her expression.
"Enough! I've made my decision!" He yells which quiets them.
"I'm sorry bout this, my name is Arnook. May I ask what your name is?"
"Well then Seras Victoria, I thank you for this information. Do you have anything else to give?"
"Yes. The attack should happen the earliest in two weeks or the latest in a month a half."
"So we only have two weeks to prepare in the worse case scenario. That's very good to know." He puts his hand on his chin as he begins thinking of defensive measures.
He spends a minute mumbling before he stops and looks back at the chained woman.
"This information is invaluable, for a reward you will stay in the palace with a couple escorts, I hope you understand."
"What is it now, General?"
"You'll allow this random person to stay in the palace!? It's completely ridiculous!"
This makes his subordinates silent.
"I'm sorry for this unsightly display. I'll tell my men to show you to your quarters."
"Thank you." Seras smiles.
After they brought her away, the chief and his two subordinates are left in the room.
"Chief, why are you being so nice to this girl?" Pakku asks after a few seconds in silence.
"I have to confess something to you two."
After saying that, Arnook takes a deep breath and begins to explain about Yue's visions. When he mentioned the woman's description in the dreams men were obviously shocked because it described seras exactly.
"So that means she can firebend? Then what was that about learning water bending?" The general asks the obvious.
"I don't know, but it's only the healing arts. It is better for us to keep her close than to let her in the city."
"That's true, but we know next to nothing other than the visions. Who should we send to monitor her?"
"If She is a fire bender, then we need at least one of them to be a water bender in case she attacks. Also at least one of them need to be able to physically restrain her."
"As for the physical aspect, wouldn't your son Hahn be a candidate?" Pakku asks.
"Yes, your son is a great fighter. Possibly our best." The chief agrees.
"I'm sure my son would be happy to agree. However what about the water bender?" Kahn asks.
"I'll send Karloque. He's the best bender aside from master Pakku. Also he is physically able as well." Arnook decides and the other two nod in agreement.
"now that that's settled, let's talk about our plans for the invasion."
After seras left the room she walked for five minutes guided by the soldiers to a set of double doors. They said that this will be her room for now and that they will be outside.
"Wow." Seras exclaims as she walks in to find a very luxurious room.
'The last time they opened up their borders was a century ago, so how could wooden furniture last this long especially in such a cold climate?' She places her hand on the desk and gently rubs it.
After seras goes around the room, she decides to finally see if what she thought earlier was true. She smiles before phasing into the floor, effectively escaping without a sound.
Seras, as a mass of darkness travels through the palace for a few minutes before finding who she was looking for. She stops and watches as Yue was having some dancing lessons.
'I guess a princess will always have to learn usless things.' She sighs before phasing closer.
"Perfect, Princess! Simply perfect!" An older woman claps after Yue stopped dancing.
"you really think so?" Yue asks back.
"Yes! You have become a wonderful dancer!" The female teacher explains happily.
'But I don't just want to learn dancing and instruments...' She looks down sadly for a second before putting on a fake smile.
"Oh, would you look at the time. I believe we're done for the day. Have a nice day princess." The teacher bows before leaving.
"You too." Yue bows back before sighing and sitting in a chair.
"Rough day, Princess?" A voice asks from behind which shocks her.
Yue shot up from her chair and turned around to find the woman she has been dreaming about for the past two weeks. Seras didn't miss the look of recognition on her face which confirmed her theory.
'So the Moon Spirit has told her about me somehow. This changes things....' she smirks before getting closer to Yue.
"St-Stay back!" Yue retreats while trembling.
'How did she get in!? What about the guards?' She goes to run and get help when seras appears behind her and covers her mouth.
She then turns her around and pushes her against the wall. In any other case, seras would joke around but now is not the time for that.
"Look, I don't know what the Moon Spirit told you or showed you, but I'm here to help." As seras mentions the moon spirit and it telling her things, Yue's eyes go wide.
"I understand if you can't trust me, especially at the moment, but I hope you can give me a chance to explain some things to you." After a few seconds the princess nods.
Seras smiles before slowly removing her hand. The two girls walks to a couple chairs and sit down facing each other. Yue observes the woman and notices that she isn't that much older than herself.
"To begin with, let's do some introductions. My name is Seras Victoria and I come form the Southern Water Tribe."
"Impossible! I saw you fire bending!" Yue stands up and immediately yells.
"So it was visions then. Yes, I can fire bend, but does a fire bender need to live in the fire nation? Does an earth bender need to live in the earth kingdom? No, I consider myself from the South Pole and I hope you can respect that."
"....I see. I'm sorry about yelling, it's just I never heard about anything like that." Yue sits back down after calming herself.
"Well, how much can one really learn when they're trapped in one location for their whole life?" Seras' comment made her tremble.
"You're right. My father says we're safe, but we're just birds in a cage. Our last contact with the outside world was when the fire nation invaded 85 years ago." She sighs sadly.
"He's The Chief, So I'm sure he has to say that to make people happy."
"Yeah....oh I'm sorry, I'm Yue. Princess of the northern water tribe."
"Good, may I call you Yue?"
"Yes you may." Yue finally shows a small smile.
"Great, then you can call me Seras."
"Ok, seras."
"Now that that's fine, let's start our conversation with the two main goals of the fire nation." Seras put up her pointer finger.
"One, is world domination. It first started with the air nomads a century ago, then it was the earth kingdom. Unfortunately for them, the Earth Kingdom was too powerful so they've been at a stalemate for the past hundred years.
"That's common knowledge at this point." Yue nods in agreement.
"That's true, however it's not exactly the whole truth."
"What do you mean?"
"When the Fire Nation first began its conquest, they decimated the air nomads in hope of cutting off the avatar cycle. When they got done with that, they turned their sights to the only other two powers in their way. The Water tribe and the earth kingdom."
"They focused their attention more on the North Pole until you guys decided to close yourselves off from the rest of the world. That was a stupid decision."
"For one you left your sister tribe in the lurch. As of right now the southern water tribe is practically gone."
"What did you say!?" Yue yells in shock.
"After you guys abandoned them, they had to defend for themselves. After 80 years, they finally wiped every last water bender from the south and stopped going. Without any water benders the art would disappear."
"Why would that happen? Even if they died, more would be born."
"Oh yeah, I guess it's so easy to learn An ancient art without any guides." Seras' words are laced with sarcasm.
"....you're right. That was incredibly naive of me to say."
"As long as you understand. Now, back to the history lesson. without a two front war, the fire nation has been able to slowly chip away at the earth kingdom. At this point they have taken about 20% of their land." Yue covers her mouth in shock.
"The more they get, the faster they takes it's only a matter of time until they start taking major cities."
"....what is their second goal?" She asks after a minute of digesting the information she received.
"Their second goal is actually the same as for why Sozen invaded the Air Nomads. To kill the avatar."
"But the avatar disappeared a hundred years ago?"
"Yes, but that doesn't mean he died. The avatar is back and I was actually traveling with him a week ago."
"That's Correct. I was captured by the fire nation and taken to the palace afterwards. I escaped and found my way here after learning some things about their invasion."
"How did you escape from the palace?" As seras was about to make a witty comment, she heard foot steps from the hall heading to Yue's room.
"I'll explain that later. There is someone coming. Please don't tell them anything about what I said. Also if you meet me again with others around, act like we don't know each other." As she me spoke, she started walking to the wall.
"O...k? But how do you kn-" Yue's question was interrupted by knocking so she turned p the door.
As soon as she did that seras phased through the wall. Yue gets flustered and turns around to tell seras to hide when all she sees is an empty room. She is confused but another knocking snaps her out of it.
"Uh, come in." When she speaks the door opens revealing her father and mother.
After seras left Yue, she went back to her room and it soon became nighttime. She lays on a luxurious couch looking out the window in longing.
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