Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 79 - First Day Of Training

The next day seras woke up feeling refreshed. She spent the last three days on the open ocean and even if she wasn't that affected, a vampire is still weak with large bodies of water.

'Of course my master is the exception.' She grins as she remembers him drinking wine while flying over the ocean.

Seras soon snapped out of her reverie and cleaned herself up with her shadows. After that, she walked to the doors and opened them to find two different people than the night before.

'Oh no.....' her original happy mood sours as she recognizes one of them.

"Oh? A beauty Indeed. How about you and I get to know each other more?" The young man who was wearing a shell necklace flips his hair.

"That's enough Hahn, you are here as an escort not to flirt." The older man admonishes Hahn before turning to seras.

"I'm sorry about him, my name is Karlok. The chief ordered us to show you around the tribe and then to the Healing tent."

'Karlok? That sounds like Tarrlok, is he his Grandfather?' Seras wonders before nodding back.

"Cmon Karlok, I'm sure she has better things to do than to learn that crap." Once again the creep opens his mouth and only shit comes out.

"That crap, Hahn, has saved more than a few of our tribesmen. Show some respect."

"Fine Fine. Shall we get going, Miss?"

"Yes, let's go." Seras gives a fake smile but both of them don't recognize it as fake.

'The Chief told us she is extremely dangerous and to keep our guard up but she's such a young girl...' Karloque thinks to himself.

'Mmm look at that body. If I wasn't marrying Yue for power I would definitely do her.' Hahn imagines all the scenarios he could which sends a shiver down Seras' spine.

'Oh yeah....he's gonna die.' She thinks of all the torture she would inflict on him which makes him shiver.

Seras and the two escorts leave the palace and walk around the city. She observes as multiple people are giving her weird looks which is exactly what she expected.

'Again, blonde hair, red eyes, and water tribe clothing is not exactly a match.' Her thoughts are interrupted when she feels a threatening gaze.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman." He goes to put it in her hair when a hand grabs his wrist.

"Look buddy, I could take the ŀėwd gazes and the disgusting smirks out of respect for the chief. But if you think for one second I'm going to let you touch me." She grabs the flower and sniffs it before continuing.

"Then you are even more ridiculous than your pick up lines." She burns it much to his shock.

It takes a few seconds before the words finally register as his originally smiling expression turns hostile. Before Karlok could stop him, Hahn drew his sword and started to attack her.

"Fi-" He was about to yell fire bender but seras grabbed his face which silenced him.

Karlok watches this happen and finally knows why the chief gave the orders he did.

'While Hahn isn't our best, he is definitely in the top ten of technique. Yet she is treating him like a toddler, with fire bending on top of this, she could take quite a few of us out.'

"That's better. Silence is a good sound for you. You really should do it more often." She gently tosses him aside before walking forward.

His anger at this point has reached levels he's never even dreamed of so he is mentally gone. He brandished his sword again only for water to appear that stops his movements.

'That grin....it's almost like she knows something.' His stomach drops because in order to stop Hahn with the least amount of fuss he used his family's blood bending technique.

"You're a great water bender, probably on par with Master Pakku, right?" Seras' comment makes him relax.

"I wouldn't say equal but I'm definitely the closest to his level in the tribe. I'm sorry for Hahn's actions, he never thinks before moving."

"It's fine. I'm sure it's just because his father didn't discipline him enough."

"....I can't deny it, but don't tell General Kahn that." He smiles wryly.

"I won't. Now set him free so I can finally learn some Healing arts."

"Very well." He water bends Hahn free who still has a red face from anger.

"Now Hahn, your father gave you this detail so I expect you to respect it. The next time you act out like this, I'm telling the Chief." The threat Made him cool off.

"....Fine, but don't expect me to enjoy it."

"Done?" She asks while leaning.

"Yes, the healing tent is just down this street." Karlok heads down, followed by seras, then Hahn.

'I was taken down so easily....Karlok I expect, he's a master water bender, but this woman....I will have my revenge.' Hahn thinks dark thoughts as they walk.

A few minutes later, they arrive at their destination and seras notices a few of the girls entering are the same one which were glaring at her earlier.

'Oh great, now I have these girls to deal with.'

"We will wait out here for you." Karlok speaks up.

"Ok." Seras nods before walking inside.

"Ah, you must be Seras Victoria. The chief told me you were coming today." An elderly woman walks up to seras with a gentle smile.

"Yes I am. Hello, you must be Yugoda."

"Karlok told me. I should know my teacher's name before I learn from her."

"Pfft, like you could." A cold voice speaks up.

"Thats Enough Kiko, She is here to learn like all of you."

"But she isn't like us. Just an outsider."

"She may not be a part of our tribe, but all water benders are welcome to learn the healing arts." Yugoda gives a look at her.

"Hmph." The young girl turns her head in disdain.

"I'm sorry about her, she's still young."

"I understand. You're a very nice person, aren't you?"

"Thank you. Now, let's start the class." Yugoda sits down at the head of the circle as seras was left outside of it.

"The healing arts allow a water bender to manipulate a person's Chi to heal them. The water acts as a pathway for the bender to easier manipulate the Chi." as she explains this, the water begins to glow bright and the lines of the mannequin begin to glow as well.

The glow extends from the center and eventually fills all the lines of the mannequin before disappearing. Yugoda takes the water away before turning to a small female next to her.

"You can go first today."

"Okay!" The girl replies happily before sitting next to the mannequin.

'Hmm, So the bender doesn't use their own Chi to heal the victim but the victims own Chi. Chi in other literature is the energy of life so all people have it. In the future Katara uses the water from the spirit oasis to heal aang's serious injury so the water quality matters.'

"Are you learning anything?" Yugoda sits down next to seras outside of the circle.

"Loads. But I do have a few questions."

"Of course, you can ask anything."

"You say that the water bender uses the chi of the person they're healing to heal them, but can you use your own as well?"


"Yes. It's for more serious injuries but I have done it a few times."

"I see. Then is the quality of the water also a factor?"

"It is. The water we are using is one from the melting of the ice. So it is relatively pure. The water from the ocean is worse, but the worst water to use is swamp water."

'I see, so the water quality is a factor. I wonder if you can purify water with bending?'

"Any other questions?"

"Just one. Can you heal me?" Seras takes a small blade and scratches her arm with it much to the shock of Yugoda.

"....why would you do this?"

"I need to learn this as quickly as possible, and physical application has always been my go to method." She explains while the elderly woman gets a small amount of water.

As Yugoda begins to heal seras, the blonde closes her eyes and feels the effect. She feels a foreign power go through her veins and blood. She lets it take control and feels the white blood cells begin multiplying at an accelerated rate.

'So that's how, she uses Chi to control the blood cells and accelerates the speed at which they heal. It really is the energy of life, cells can do things quicker if they have more energy. Very interesting...' she grins as the cut fades away and Yugoda takes the water away.

"If you do that again, I will not teach you." She gives seras a kind glare.

"I won't. Thank you for caring."

"As long as you understand." She gets up and heads back to the circle of students.

After Yugoda left, seras pondered about this new information for the rest of the class.

'Now that I know this, another question pops up. Where does this energy come from? My body changed in order to be able to use Chi, but that doesn't mean the energy originated from within. But if it's external, What is it?' Seras thinks for a half hour without success when she smells something.

She turns her head to see one of the girls is eating what looks like a prepared lunch when a lightbulb goes off in her head.

'That's it! Food. The plants and animals now are descended from the ones when the spirit world and human world were connected. The sentient spirits went back to the spirit word: but the non-sentient ones stayed.'

She grins and chuckles to herself as the mystery of why she's been able to eat in this world is solved.

'The second law of thermodynamics. Energy can't be created nor destroyed. The lion turtles must have gave a portion of their energy to the inhabitants in order to open up their pathways to be able to fire bend. After the inhabitants stopped living on their backs, they sustained themselves with the food from

The forests which were filled with energy.'

'If that's the case, then if I learn this energy bending I'll be able to give and take away bending at will. The healing arts is a great step in that direction. I wonder if when you take the bending away do you absorb the energy and that's why Aang was almost swallowed up by the Fire Lord?'

The class continues on for another hour and a half as seras ponders the training she has to do to master water bending. She observes the movements of both Yugoda and the students trying to find the common points between them.

'I don't need to know any water bending techniques, just how to control it. Although I hate to say it, power beats technique. A stream can't beat a waterfall.' She begins leaving the tent as everybody ignored her except the teacher.

"If you have any questions, please ask. You have a massive amount of chi and I can try to help you with control over it." She whispers into Seras' ear surprising her.

"....Thank you. That's exactly why I'm here, to learn control." She answers back before leaving.

When seras got out, she saw both Karlok and Hahn standing straight with no expression. The younger sees her coming out and sighs in relief that he no longer has to stand still.

"Would you like to continue the tour?" The elder asks.

"No thank you, I wish to go back to my room."

"Very well."

After getting back, seras was left alone in her room which is exactly what she wanted.

'Finally, I can put my thoughts into actions.' She phases into the floor.

When seras left the palace, Yue just got done with her lessons of instruments and sighs in her room. She remembers the conversation she had with her parents he might before.

"Mother, Father? Is everything alright?" She asks because they only come to her room at such a late time is if something is wrong.

"Everything's Fine, Yue. However, I do have something I need you to do." Her father speaks with a serious tone which he only does when it involves the tribe.

"Whatever it is father, I will do it." Arnook sighs sadly because he knows how she hates the arranged marriage with Kahn's son, Hahn.

"As you know, I met the woman from your visions yesterday and the feeling I got....was like I was staring into the night sky with no moonlight."

"What your father means is that while she was physically talking to her it was like he was speaking to air. His metaphors are always confusing." Her comment livens up the atmosphere a little.

"In all seriousness, though what I need you to do is to befriend her."

"Why me?"

"You're the only person around her age that I can trust with something like this. I believe about 60% of her information, and am starting preparations. However, I need you to tell me if what she said was the compete truth."

"I see.....Then I shall do it." She decides after a few seconds in thought.

"Are you sure, honey?" Her mother asks worriedly.

"Yes mother, I'm sure." She nods with a confident look.

"Thank you, Yue. I'm glad you agreed. This is much too important to leave to anyone else." her father hugs her.

"We have decided to have you two meet tomorrow in her room with dinner so you two can talk while eating." They leave after saying this.

'How can I befriend someone that seems to know everything about me already?' She looks up in frustration.

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