Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 80 - Water Bending Training

Seras' shadow form went behind the palace and up the waterfall to find a secluded area to begin her water bending training. She practically flies past the scenery as she is going as fast as she can.

'Haven't let loose in a long time.' She enjoys the speed of traveling when she arrives at a large body of water, practically a lake.

"This must be the source of the river and waterfall." She speaks to herself while phasing out of the ground.

Even with the fur clothing, seras feels a chill on her body. Since she is dead, the cold doesn't affect her as much as the living but the sheer temperatures makes no difference.

'Hmm, I'm gonna need some kindling...' she goes through her inventory and finds some hay she kept for appa in case he got hungry.

"That'll do." She takes some out and fire bends a small flame on top.

The hay begins to catch fire and finally some heat is released. Thankfully there was bȧrėly any wind so the fire won't go out until the hay does.

'I wanted to make a larger flame, but all that came out was candle size thing. I never thought the story of temperature affecting fire bending was true. Usually the change in temperature of the atmosphere has very little bearing on fire.' Seras kneels down and states at the flame.

"This should last a couple hours."

She walks to the edge of the lake and closes her eyes. Seras breathes in and out for a couple seconds before taking a stance and starts to move both of her hands forward and backward in a fluid movement.

'I should just try to move the water for now. A simple back and forward is a good start.' She thinks while doing this.

After a couple minutes seras notices that the water has a small movement which seems to be against the natural flow. She is glad that results are showing and that it isn't a ridiculous one.

'Fire was hard because vampires don't need to breathe and earth was difficult because we're much stronger than normal humans. However flexibility doesn't change much between the species so water bending isn't as exaggerated.' She thinks as she slowly tries to add more Chi to the movement.

When she does So, the small wave becomes much bigger showing that she still doesn't have such good control over her chi. She thought it was only a small amount but it amplified the movement about ten times.

To compare, her waves are now about five times bigger than when Aang was learning with Katara. She stops doing the movement after another five minutes and decides to do the next exercise she thought of.

She spends the next two hours doing different things with the water while trying to be as careful as possible. She succeeded in drawing different sizes of water from the lake but the smallest she could get was a ball about two meters in diameter.

"I still can't turn the water into ice. Water normally turns into ice because the molecules slow down, but how does that translate to chi and bending?" She sits by the fire while thinking this.

'Not even Hama's memories could tell me because turning water into ice is instinctual for water benders. It's not like lightning which involves more training for fire benders or Metal for earth benders.'

Her thoughts end there because the fire went out which means the end of her training for the day. Seras decided two to three hours is the max amount of time she should be gone because any longer and people might come and be suspicious.

She phases into the ground leaving the hay behind because nobody will see it anyway.

Back at the palace, Yue was on her way to Seras' room followed by Her two maids. She is still nervous about her father's idea but she still decided to do it anyway. She turns the last corner only to find the last person she ever wanted to see.

"Oh, if it isn't my fiancée! How are you?" Hahn walks forward and goes to hug her when one of the maids gets in front to stop him.

"I'm sorry sir Hahn, but the princess is currently sick and shouldn't allow anyone to touch her." It's obviously a lie but to say so would be stupid.

Hahn merely grinds his teeth in anger before stepping back to the door.

"What are you doing here, Princess?" Karlok asks.

"I wish to meet our guest. She is close to my age and I wanted to speak with her."

"Miss Victoria?" He asks but still no reply.

Hahn uses this chance to discredit her.

"She must have escaped!" He yells and then bursts through the door.

When he does so, Karlok was shocked and runs in to stop him. When he enters he hears humming coming from the bathroom and sees Hahn running to the door. Before he can stop him, Hahn runs through that door as well only to find the bathroom steamy.

"Show yourself!" The young man yells while brandishing his sword.

At this point Yue and the maids run in as well to see Hahn yelling in the bathroom as Karlok was running in to stop him. He gets to the door frame only to hear the so called warrior screaming like a girl.

"You dare burst in while I'm bathing!?" Seras yells as she morphs her dry clothes into a one of the bathrobes.

The steam clears up a bit as the rest of them see Seras holding Hahn up by his neck against a wall which now has multiple cracks in it. He seems to be struggling to get free but it's useless.

"Y-you...Let..go!" He grunts out.

"He should die for this action. What gave him the right to burst in here!?" She asks as her eyes glow red unnerving the man.

"We knocked and called for you but we didn't receive an answer. He said you were trying to escape and barged in..." he explains but toward the end his voice becomes quieter because it is ridiculous.

"Oh? He ȧssumed I escaped? Why would I? I'm not a prisoner. Also I was in the bath! How could I have heard knocking and my name while doing so?" She begins to put more force into her hold making his face turn pale.

"Please let him go first, if he dies it will become a major problem." He is practically begging at this point.

'I guess the charade has gone on far enough...' she thinks as she lets go and Hahn begins taking deep breaths.

"Very well, but I don't want him near me again. Such a disgusting person barging in a woman's room." She would spit on him if he was worth it, but he isn't even close to an ounce of her saliva.

"I'll speak to the chief." He picks up Hahn before leading him outside.

Yue walks in to find Seras in the robe and she apologizes profusely. After she saw the men leave, she gives a grin like she just accomplished a great trick.

"Oh don't worry about it, I don't blame you, Princess Yue." Yue notes the use of her title as she looks back at the maids behind her.

"....very well princess." They bow before leaving.

Thankfully the doors are sturdy so they were able to be closed again, but the locks need to fixed. Seras and Yue sit across one another in the bedroom once again. Before Yue can ask anything Seras starts laughing.

"Did you see their faces? Oh, that was priceless." She chuckles a little more and observes Yue's confusion.

"Don't worry, I wasn't really bathing. Just didn't want to spend another minute with that buffoon and decided to make use of his idiotic actions."

"...I see. So it was all fabricated?"

"Just the bathroom part. Took a little bit of water and heated it up with my fire bending which caused steam to appear. Then I changed into the bathrobe right before he entered. I really didn't expect him to do this so soon though."

"But you did expect it?"

"Of course! He's a narrow minded idiot who only thinks of himself. It's easy to predict his thoughts when you go against him, especially if you're a woman." Seras scoffs while explaining it.

"Yeah, I thought so. However I have to marry him." She sighs sadly.

"Look, if your father doesn't rescind the engagement, he would be an idiot. That or he doesn't love you as much as the tribe."

"My father loves me!" She yells in defense.

"I'm sure he does, but more than the so called future of the tribe?"

"....I'm sure."

"Fine. Let's get off that topic and talk about why you're here."

"...I wish to get to know you more." She says this but there is a slight tremble in her voice.

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Seras smirks knowingly.

"W-What do you mean!?" She reacts defensively.

"I know I'm an outsider, but come on. It's painfully obvious your father asked you here to ascertain whether what I said was the complete truth."

"....." Yue puts her head down in defeat.

"And he was right, I didn't tell you all the complete truth."


"But, What I said was 100% true. There is a massive fleet coming, the man leading it is Zhao, and it will be here within two weeks to a month and a half."

"What did you leave out?"

"How I came by that information., which you don't need to know. However, I did escape from the fire nation and I was traveling with the avatar until a little over a week ago. I will also say he will be here in about 6 days."

"How do you know?"

"The same way I know when, Who, And why the fleet is coming. The same way the moon spirit knew I was coming."

"How!? It doesn't make any sense!"

"It won't, but I can show you how much of what I say is true."

"How will you do that?"

"With a demonstration."


"Just come to my room in the morning and I'll show you. Trust me Yue, you'll have the time of your life tomorrow." Seras grins mysteriously but Yue believes her.

"Very well. I'll tell my father that I believe you. Also please take it easy on Karlok, he's a good man."

"I know, but too bad that doesn't extend to his son." She mumbles but Yue heard it and is confused.

'Karlok's son is only two years old, how can she say that?' She is confused but eventually leaves Seras' room.

Seras sighs in relief before morphing her clothes to the southern water tribe clothing she was wearing earlier. she grins as she remembers the event from ten minutes ago.

Seras phases into the room only to hear Karlok saying her name at the door. When she was about to open it, she heard Hahn yell and immediately forms the bathroom idea.

'Thankfully the steam also acted as a smokescreen so they couldn't see that the bathrobes were still there and what I wore wasn't one of them. Also my hair wasn't wet but they couldn't tell.' She rubs her hair which was dry.

"Now I sit back and wait for another so called escort. They're just over glorified baby sitters."

Seras was left alone for the rest of the day which suited her just fine. She morphs her clothes into pajamas before laying in bed.

As she was waiting for some kind of response, The Chief just got word of what happened with Hahn and Seras. He frowns before meeting with Karlok and the trouble maker.

""Chief."" Karlok and Hahn day at the same time while bowing.

"Enough. What is this about Hahn storming into our guest's chambers?"

"Chief, I had suspicions on whether she was still inside or not so I investigated." Hahn's voice was still hoarse from the chokehold he was put in.

"You had suspicions she wasn't inside the room?" He asks back incredulously.

"Yes. Karlok knocked and asked for her but there was no answer."

"So you took that as her not there? She could have been sleeping. In the bathroom. Or just simply didn't want to answer. Did you at least state you were going in?" His questions shock Hahn because it means he didn't take his word for it.

"....No, I did not."

"I see....it's obvious you're no longer going to be ȧssigned as her escort anymore. However since were in preparation for a war, you'll be punished in a different way than usual."

"Punished?" Hahn asks in shock.

"Of course. You were not only incredibly rude to her but you also drew your weapon without cause. Hahn, you are liable for your own actions." He says the last sentence with a harsh tone.

"But Chief!"

"Enough! If you expect to marry my daughter then own up to your mistake!" The Chief smacks his leg while yelling.

"....Yes, Chief." He bows his head to not show his angry face.

"Good. You are excused, Karlok you stay."


After Hahn left, the Chief visibly relaxed as he looks down at Karlok. The water bender waits for him to speak when Arnook smirks.

"Tell me old friend, is it as bad as I'm thinking?"

"....probably worse." Karlok smirks back after a few seconds and replies informally.

"I thought so.....Am I doing the right thing?" Arnook's tone becomes almost pained while asking this.

"In what regard?"

"You know what I mean. Yue's marriage." He gives a glare but it wasn't from anger.

"....the idea is good, unfortunately it's the partner which is the problem."

"I know. Hahn is not only arrogant, but a complete fool. He doesn't have the qualities a Chief should have."

"Then, why go through with it?"

"When we were young, Kahn and I pledged our children to be married. I can't take it back just because his son is a disappointment."

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